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Marielle Alyssa Francisco


Nov 01,2020

1. What are the essential qualities and skills of an effective medical and psychiatric sw?

1. Empathy

Empathy is the ability to identify with or vicariously experience another person’s situation. Empathizing
is both an intellectual and emotional process that makes it far easier to understand and help others
solve their problems. Most social workers are empathetic by nature; in fact, empathy is a major reason
people enter the profession.

2. Boundary Setting

In addition to being empathetic, a social worker must also maintain the capacity to set boundaries and
accept the limits of what can be accomplished during a specified period of time. The nature of this
challenging profession can be all consuming, especially for those who sense their work is never truly
complete. Establishing boundaries and setting milestones can help set expectations that are more easily

3. Active Listening

The ability to listen carefully, ask pertinent questions and retain verbally transmitted information is vital
to the counseling aspect of social work. It’s how we establish trust, open doors and discover valuable
details about the individuals who seek our help in understanding their unique circumstances.

4. Social Perceptiveness

In addition to receiving and processing verbal information, a social worker must be sensitive to body
language, social cues, implications and cultural patterns of behavior. While some clients may clearly
state their needs and work toward solutions in a focused manner, many others will find it more
challenging to express themselves verbally, requiring a perceptive social worker to “read between the
lines” in order to interpret the thoughts and feelings being held within.

5. Self-Awareness

Social workers routinely receive feedback on their performance from clients, supervisors and other
sources, but there is no substitute for self-awareness. Being able to evaluate one’s own performance
and work toward improving it (while also taking valid criticism and praise into account) is an invaluable

6. Organization

Social workers are often required to deal with busy schedules, heavy caseloads and gratuitous
paperwork. Successfully managing and prioritizing the logistical aspects of the job can help you
maximize the amount of time you’ll have on your schedule to provide meaningful services to your

7. Coordination

The ability to coordinate communication and action among multiple parties is a vital part of a social
worker’s role in connecting clients with services.

8. Persuasion

Whether it’s to help a client change behavior, motivate a healthcare worker to provide service or justify
coverage of expenses to an insurance provider, the ability to influence, coax or invite others to take
action is invaluable to any social worker.

9. Cooperation

Just as often as gentle persuasion might solve a problem, active cooperation can provide an alternative
(and sometimes more efficient) route to a mutually satisfying solution. Being able to negotiate,
compromise and work well with others is essential to the coordination of efforts required in social work.

10. Relaxation and De-compression

Social work is a deeply rewarding profession, but it can also be an incredibly stressful one. In order to
remain engaged and effective at work, it’s imperative to take advantage of your personal time by
focusing on and tending to your own needs. Leaving your work at the office and enjoying yourself is as
important for your own well-being as it is for that of your clients.

2. explain the personal qualification of MPSW?

 empathy and compassion and the ability to treat others with understanding and respect
 emotional resilience and initiative to work in challenging situations
 the capacity to monitor developing situations and anticipate issues
 the ability to work flexibly as part of a large multidisciplinary team
 good problem-solving skills, using logical/lateral thinking
 an analytical and scientific approach
 good leadership skills, with the ability to organise and motivate other team members

3. State the basic shulmans basic helping skills

TUNING IN. An exercise in which the coordinator develops a tentative, preliminary empathy
with the family member's feelings and concerns.
RESPONDING DIRECTLY TO INDIRECT COMMUNICATIONS. The skill of articulating a family member's
thoughts and feelings in response to indirect communications.
CLARIFYING PURPOSE. The skill of making a brief, opening statement, without jargon,
which helps to clarify the purpose of the conference or group meeting.
CLARIFYING ROLE. The skill of describing in a brief, non-jargonized manner, the kind of
help the coordinator can provide.
REACHING FOR FEEDBACK. The skill of encouraging family members to explain their
perception of the program and the areas in which they may wish to receive help for themselves
or their children.
CLARIFYING MUTUAL EXPECTATIONS. Developing an agreement on what the family
members may expect of the coordinator as well as defining the family member's obligations.
DISCUSSING AUTHORITY ISSUES. Dealing with any issues, raised directly or indirectly,
which concern the authority of the coordinator.
SESSIONAL TUNING IN. The skill of developing a tentative, preliminary empathy for issues
which may emerge at the start of a specific session (e.g., the impact of a traumatic event in a
family member's life; issues left over from the previous session; the family member's potential
reactions to difficult information the coordinator must share).
SESSIONAL CONTRACTING. A collection of skills designed to determine the issues or
concerns facing family members in a particular individual or group session. These may include:
remaining tentative at the start of the session while listening for indirect cues.
ELABORATING SKILLS. The skills required for helping family members to tell their story
(e.g., listening, containment, questioning, reaching inside of silences).
EMPATHIC SKILLS. The skills which address the emotional content of the family member's
experiences (e.g., reaching for feelings; acknowledging feelings; articulating the family member
member's feelings).
SHARING COORDINATOR’S FEELINGS. The skill of sharing appropriate coordinator affect. Boundaries
need to be respected so that the sharing of affect is professional and responsive
to the needs of the family members.
DEMAND FOR WORK. A facilitative confrontation in which the coordinator asks family
members to engage in the work agreed upon in the contracting stage. Specific skills can include
confronting denial, reaching inside of a silence, directly raising a taboo issue, challenging the
"illusion of work", etc.
PROVIDING DATA. The skill of providing relevant, unavailable information which family
members need to deal with the task at hand. Data can include facts, values, beliefs, etc. Data
should be provided in a manner which leaves it open to challenge.
SESSIONAL ENDINGS AND TRANSITIONS. The skills involved in bringing a session to a
close. These skills may include summarizing, evaluating progress and discussion of transition
issues (e.g., the family member's next step; how to deal with "door knob" communications).
IDENTIFYING NEXT STEPS. The skills involved in helping family members to identify the
next steps they need to follow (e.g., where a family member can get ongoing support)

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