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Client Consultation Form – Manicure & Pedicure

College Name: Elite School of Beauty Client name : Lydia kufandimbwa

College Number: 1466 Address: 4 st Lucia drive Malbrough
Student Name: Musi Musingwini Profession: Travel agency consultant
Student Number: Tel. No: Day 0782 467 941
Date: 17/10/17 Eve 0782 467 941

Age group: Under 20 20–30 30–40 40–50 50–60 60+
Lifestyle: Active Sedentary
Last visit to the doctor: doesn’t remember
GP Address: N/A
No. of children (if applicable): None
Date of last period (if applicable): Currently


permission cannot be obtained clients must give their informed consent in writing prior to treatment.
(Select if/where appropriate): No Contraindication
Haemophilia Recent operations of the hands or feet
Any condition already being treated by a GP, Diabetes
dermatologist or another practitioner Inflamed nerve
Medical oedema Undiagnosed pain
Arthritis Acute rheumatism
Nervous/Psychotic conditions

CONTRAINDICTIONS THAT RESTRICT TREATMENT (select if/where appropriate): No Contraindication

Fever Abrasions
Infectious or contagious diseases Scar tissues (2 years for major operation and 6
Under the influence of recreational drugs or months for a small scar)
alcohol Recent fractures (minimum 3 months)
Diarrhoea and vomiting Sunburn
Any known allergies Repetitive Strain Injury
Undiagnosed lumps and bumps Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Inflammation Severely bitten or damaged nails
Cuts Nail separation
Severe bruising Eczema

Moisture content Excellent Good Fair Poor
Cuticle condition Excellent Good Fair Poor
Skin condition Dehydrated Dry Normal
Skins healing ability Excellent Good Fair Poor
Circulation Good Normal Poor

Overall Nail/Cuticle condition;

My client has dry nails.

Treatment to Include (select if/where appropriate):

Manicure Pedicure French polish

Client profile:

My clients name is Lydia Donzwa. She is 20 years old; she was born on the 30th of January in 1998.
She works at a Travel agency as a Travel consultant .She lives an active life style whereby she runs
every morning. She drinks 2 litres of water per day and she incorporates fruits and vegetables in all
her meals.Lydia came today for a full beauty treatment so im going to do her a specialised pedicure
treatment .I did a consultation on her and i found out that she has no contra indications so i proceeded to do
my treatment

Treatment Plan

 I am going to Sanitise Lydia`s feet and my hands using surgical spirit to avoid cross
 After that Im going to apply enamel remover to remove previous ernamel and leave
the nail clean so that i will be able to observe the nail
 I am going to use an emery board to file nails and shape nails giving them a beautiful
 Using cuticle knife ,nipper and cuticle cream and oil I am going to do cuticle work to
remove cuticles and leave the nail smart and clean
 As my scrub im going to use salt scrub because Lydias feet and legs are hyper
pigmented so the Scrub will help to reduce the appearance of hyper pigmentation
 After that Im going to massage her feet concentrating on the muscles of the feet and
legs to reduce muscle stiffness and also to increase circulation within the area i will
be massaging
 I am going to apply base coat to avoid staining the nail and also to make the nail
ernamel last for long
 Im going to apply red nail polish to beautify the nails
 I will also apply top coat to make the nail shine and give it a glow

Treatment details:
I welcomed my client and introduced myself. I then asked her to take a seat and offered
her a glass of water whilst we went through the consultation form. I then asked my client
what treatment she wants whilst I was taking down her personal details. Lydia told me she
really wants a pedicure and a foot massage because she is always standing all day and her
legs feel tired every day when she gets home.

I firstly wiped my client’s leg with a sanitizer whilst checking for contraindications which l
found my client does not have any contraindication which restricts me from giving her
treatment. Which l then found out my client has well maintained and well groomed nails.

Enamel Remover
I then went on removing old enamel Lydia had by applying enamel on cotton pads then l
hold cotton wool on the nail plate for 3 to 5 seconds to allow nail polish to dissolve. I
started with the small finger, then thumb, second, third and fourth finger and l then went to
the other leg and did the same procedure. The main ingredient in enamel remover is
Acetone or ethyl which gently remove nail enamel.

File nails
I firstly asked Lydia which shape of nails she likes between round, square and point. She
said she likes round shaped nails. I started filing using an emery board from the small finger
filing from side to centre then side to centre then l ended up bevelling the edge of the nails.
I did that on each finger and on the other hand.

Cuticle Work
Using an orange wood stick tipped with cotton wool l applied cream to the cuticles with
circular movements.
and did the same procedure on the other leg. I massaged the cuticle cream well into the
cuticles and surrounding skin of the fingers. I then soaked both hands in warm water for 2
to 3 minutes after soaking l removed the first hand from water, gently dried with clean towel
then l pushed back the cuticles in circular movements .I did the same procedure on the
other leg .
I begin my cuticle work to neaten the cuticles, l firstly applied a small amount of cuticle
remover to soften the cuticles using an orange wood stick tipped with cotton wool, gently I
brushed back the cuticles using circular movements working around the cuticle to push it
back off the nail plate. After that I then used cuticle knife to gentle remove any excess free
cuticles from the plate.
I then sanitised my nipper before using it then I cut back cuticle which were hanging nails
starting with the small toe nails, second, third and fourth finger making the hand clean with
no hang nails. I went on repeating the same procedure on the other leg. I then used a foot
rasp the foot rasp removing the hard top layer of the foot sore. I then moved on to

Specialised Treatment
For my specialised treatment i used the salt scrub. This is because Lydia`s skin is hyper
pigmented and dry . The salt scrub treatment replenishes tired and dry skin . It removes
dead skin cells leaving the skin looking lighter and also smoother .Dead skin cells makes
the skin look darker, stiff and crusty. I gently massaged the salt scrub making sure i remove
all the dead skin cells After this i moved on to massage

I started spreading massage cream which l used lavender which have moisture content and
soften the skin as a medium. By doing my foot massage movements stimulation of reflexes
in the feet through massage which brings relaxation and healing .The main benefit of foot
massage it relax the body through foot massage which will prevent harmful effects of stress
from taking a toll on the body which my client really needs as she had told me during
consultation form

Nail Polish
I then applied base coat which helps the nail from not staining from nail polish .l did the
same thing on the other hand . I then moved to the next stage of applying red nail polish on
the toes which l applied and left it to dry for some minutes while applying red nail polish on
the other hand. I then finished off by applying top coat on the nails leaving the nails
beautiful .Finally I sprayed Oh So Heavenly foot spray to make the feet smell nice and also
it contains lavenda extract which nourishes the skin

Client feedback:
Lydia`s was really pleased and happy with the treatment I gave her. She told me that she is
definitely going to come back for another treatment. She said she loved the massage the most
and her feet were not hurting anymore. The tension had gone.

Aftercare/Home care advice:

 I advised my client to change socks or tights daily to avoid any bacterial infections
 I advised my client to moisturise her feet daily especially after bathing
 I also told her to massage cuticles with cuticle oil that she bought from our reception
 I advised her to dry her feet thoroughly after bathing especially between toes
because when feet are not dried properly it causes fungal infections
 I rebooked my client for another pedicure treatment after 2 weeks and I also
recommended her for a full body massage since she is always standing for long
hours at work.

Reflective practice:

I need to improve on my cuticle work. And be a bit fast when rasping.


I enjoyed working on my client. I loved working on Evelyn and it also made me happy seeing her

Before treatment During treatment After treatment

Student/Therapist Signature………………………………….

Client Signature…………………………………………………

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