Primary Objective: A Study of The Shopping Behavior of Mobile Phone Users in

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Problem Statement: study of consumer behaviour in Selecting mobile phones in valsad

district. ”

Research Objectives:

Primary Objective: A study of the shopping behavior of mobile phone users in

Valsad District.

Secondary Objectives:

• Study the consumer motivation for buying a smartphone.

• Analysis of consumer preferences of smart phone brands.

• Identify the most effective advertising channels on smartphones.
• Analyze Valsad area consumer purchasing behavior of buying a smartphone.

• Examine consumers' perceptions of different smartphone brands.

• Learn the whole chain of consumer decision-making.

3.3. Research Hypothesis: (Chi Square test of independence)

Null hypothesis:

H1: The relationship regarding price is important in different types of age.

H2: The relationship regarding price is not important in different types of age

H3: The relationship regarding price is nutral in different types of age

Research Design: Descriptive research method is been used.

Sampling Design
 Sample population – All types of age.
 Sample Frame – Consumer of vapi, valsad, udwada city using internet.
 Sample Unit – consist of 170 consumer.
 Sampling Method – Convenience sampling method

Data Collection tool:

Primary data research was done with the help of questionnaire used as a tool to collect the
data from the respondents.
Use of excel and SPSS was used to interpret and analyse the data generated.
Limitations of the Study:

1: The sample size is smaller because it reflects the entire local population.

2: Some didn't answer.

3: Financial instruments are not available.

4: Respondents' behavior can be simple.

5:The research period was short.

Is there a relationship between age of a person and method of buying will you use for future

age/price <18 19-30 31-45 46<

important 2 91 25 6 124 0.72941
nutral 0 23 5 6 34 0.2
not important 0 7 3 2 12 0.07058
  total 2 121 33 14 170 1

1. H0: They are important

H1: They are not important

2. Formulae for Applying Chi Square test

= ∑(Oi – Ej)2 / Ei
3. α = 0.05

4. df=(c-1)(r-1)

= (4-1)(3-1)





2 1.458824 0.292872 0.200759
0 0.4 0.16 0.4
0 0.141176 0.019931 0.141176
91 88.25882 7.514048 0.085137
23 24.2 1.44 0.059504
7 8.541176 2.375225 0.278091
25 24.07059 0.863806 0.035886
5 6.6 2.56 0.387879
3 2.329412 0.449689 0.193048
6 10.21176 17.73896 1.73711
6 2.8 10.24 3.657143
2 0.988235 1.023668 1.035854

6. X 2 CAL =8.211588

X 2 TAB=12.592

7. Tabulated value of Z= 12.592 (tabulated value > calculated value so hypothesis is


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