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What did I learn about patterns in my students’ understanding through this assessment?

Overall most of the students were able to contribute good responses to the question of “How has
the Industrial Revolution impacted the world socially, economically, and environmentally?”
There were a few students who gave similar examples for a social example and an economic
example. Or they did not give a social example at all and only gave an environmental example
and an economic example. So I decided to break the students into two groups. One group fully
understood the content and the other group is still developing an understanding of the content.

Examples of the two groups:

Full Understanding Example:
“It made a lot of pollutions and changed much of jobs worked out, we now have better working
conditions, and 2 day breaks and we are able to mass produce items efficiently.”

I put this student in the fully understanding category because they gave a response that had three
examples all directly answering the three that are required by the question. Around a third of the
class falls in this category.

Developing Understanding Example:

“pollution changed the way we get our goods it made goods cheaper because they can be produced
more efficiently”

The majority of the class gave examples like this one. They were able to grasp the environmental
and economic impacts of the Industrial Revolution.

What did I learn about the practice of assessing student thinking?

This was the first formative assessment that I gave after a lecture of mine. I usually gave
formative assessments while explaining an assignment or at the end of the unit so I enjoyed
seeing how my explaining and modeling from that day worked on the students. It makes me want
to try and see if I can give a formative assessment during a lecture to see real time how my
teaching is landing with the students.
What new questions did HIT4 raise for me? AND plan of action going forward.
One question I have for giving formative assessments is when is the best time during a class to
give one? With the exception of one time I have really only given them at the end of class as an
exit ticket. I noticed that the data I received with this formative assessment that the area the
students had the hardest time understanding was the social impacts of the Industrial Revolution.
That area of content was in the middle of my lecture so it would be a good idea to plan more
formative assessments that take place during a class instead of at the end so I can see where I
need to go into more detail as class is happening instead of just figuring out at the end of class.

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