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Cascara, Jenemar P.


February 12, 2021

I. Title: RA 1425- RIZAL LAW

II. Topic:

1. RA 1425 Mandates

VI. Pre-test: Write your answer on the provided box.

1. Explain why Rizal Works & Writings is a mandated

subject to be taught to all schools in the country?

Rizal works and writings is a mandated subject to

be thought to all schools in the country because we
must learn about his thoughts behind his acts, his
reasons, experience and his works that relevant in out
time, place, generations to appreciate him. It is of great
importance that students understand the rationale
behind having to take up a Rizal course in college. And
it is mandated by law.

2. Define Nationalism.

Nationalism is an ideology that emphasizes loyalty,

devotion, or allegiance to a nation or nation-state.
The difference between patriotism and nationalism is
that the nationalism is proud of his country no matter
Differentiate nationalism
it does and from
patriot is patriotism.
proud of his country for what
it does.

Activity 1

(Provide your answer on the box provided)

1. Why is RA 1425 important?

It is important because it is mandates by law RA 1425

Study of Rizal's Life and Works in order to respect our
nationality and national hero. Also we need to learn
about experience of rizal, works, thoughts behind his

VIII. Self-evaluation: True or False. Write T if the

statement is true and F if the statement is false

_F_1. Rizal Law does not necessarily apply in private school.

_F_2. Rizal Law is also known as 1435.

_F_3. Rizal law was published on 1935.

_T_4. August 16, 1956 was the date effectively promulgate

Rizal law.

_F_5. Author of Rizal law was Juan Ponce Enrile.

X. Post-test: Write your answers on the given diagram.

1. Describe briefly the content of RA 1425.


RA 1425 is known as "Rizal Law" it is a requirement for

graduation in all non-degree and degree courses in the

tertiary education. It requires the curricula of private and

public schools, colleges, and universities to include courses

on the life, works and writings of Jose Rizal, particularly his

novels Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo.

2. Explain this statement "The Pen is Mightier than the


It means Education is the best way for the good future

than the Violence way that can create war/troubles.

Writings is better than war or direct violence.

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