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I Summary Revision

A Find the points

1. Rephrase the topic “some of the interesting things they did and saw there” into a question.
2. Read each sentence and ask yourself: “Does this sentence answer the question?”
3. Examples are, most of the time, not answers.
4. Underline/highlight your points.

B Planning: Paraphrasing
1. Replace one word with another word with similar meaning.
• For example, you can change “important” to “essential”.
• Or you can replace “effects” with “consequences”.
2. It is okay to change the sentence structure to shorten the points.
• Let us say the question ask, “how open burning affects us”. One of the points is
“Meanwhile, the ash that is a by-product of open burning is usually the main cause
of haze.”. You can paraphrase it into:
i. Break down the sentences into two parts:
1. Ash is a by-product of open burning.
2. It is generally the main cause of haze.
ii. Take the important words and form a sentence:
1. Ash, a by-product of open burning, causes haze.
Note: changing nouns to their verb form usually saves words

i. “Ash is usually the main cause of haze” can be changed to “Ash usually
causes haze”. You save about 4 words!
3. Remember to use at least 3 sequence connectors. Some of the common ones are:
• Firstly
• Moreover
• Furthermore
• In conclusion…

C While writing…
1. Begin your summary with an introduction. You might want to start with “There are
2. Write in one paragraph.
3. Begin your points with sequence connectors (see point B3)
4. Do not combine points. IF you must do so, use only and to combine the points.

D A sample Question
Read the following diary entry and complete the task:

Nisha and her family enjoyed themselves at Layang-Layang Atoll.

Write a summary on some of the interesting things they did and saw there. Your summary
• Not be more than 60 words
• Be written in one paragraph
Use your own words as far as possible without changing its original meaning.

(Write your summary in your test pad)

II Summary: Practice (Interesting things to do and see at Layang-Layang Atoll)

E Paraphrase these points

1. We checked into the holiday resort late that evening. Then, we immediately rushed out to
witness the breath-taking sunset. (After dinner, we went early to bed), looking forward to
the activities we were going to do the next morning.

2. Rising early, we went snorkelling in the cool, clear waters off the island. The live corals
floated along with the movements of the current and we saw a wonderful variety of fish.
Among them were puffer fish, clown fish and angel fish.

3. (a) The next day, we had another wonderful experience. (b) We went scuba-diving under
the supervision of an expert. (c) I was glad to be close to nature. (d) I thanked God for
giving me this wonderful opportunity.

4. On our last night, (we stayed awake till the wee hours of the morning). It was because
we were enjoying a fine barbecue by the seaside with fish that we had freshly caught from

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