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Development of Car Rental

Management System for sks Ltd

A Practicum Report Submitted By

Shakil Ahmed
ID: 15203123

A practicum report submitted to fulfillment of the requirements for the

award of Bachelor of Computer Science and Engineering

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

College of Engineering and Technology

IUBAT–International University of Business Agriculture and Technology

Spring 2020

Car Rental management System for Sks Ltd
Shakil Ahmed

A practicum report submitted to fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of

Bachelor of Computer Science and Engineering (BCSE)

The practicum has been examined and approved,

Prof Dr. Md Abdul Haque

Chair and Professor

Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering

IUBAT –International University of Business Agriculture and Technology

Prof Dr. Utpal Kanti Das

Coordinator and Professor

Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering

IUBAT –International University of Business Agriculture and Technology

Mousumi Ahmed Mimi


Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering

IUBAT –International University of Business Agriculture and Technology

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

College of Engineering and Technology

IUBAT –International University of Business Agriculture and Technology

Spring 2020


Car Rental Management System is aimed to automate the property trading sector
which is manually maintained. In the Manual system, people have to visit sites for a
clean idea for new event planning and go ahead after processes. After the automation
this will mean better services and good keeping of records, data integrity, data
security, quick search and also paperless environment. The project has mainly tackled
management of plan for clients and in decision making. Every user of the system will
have to log in to the system using email and password so that security and
authentication will be ensured. Once logged in, a client can make a contact, check
upcoming status or even give feedback. The Service Provider will manage service and
order. The staff is able to follow their records. The purpose of these development
included in this project is to make a clear budge planning for any type of events after
that fulfill clients orders(if share with us). This system is developed by Laravel 6.x
framework where Hypertext Markup Language (HTML5). Cascading Style Sheet
(CSS), bootstrap 4, Structure Query Language (SQL), PHP7.x, and JavaScript is

Letter of Transmittal
May 5, 2020
Practicum and Placement Committee College of Engineering and Technology
IUBAT-International University of Business Agriculture and Technology 4,
Embankment Drive Road, Sector 10
Uttara Model Town, Dhaka -1230, Bangladesh

Subject: Letter of Transmittal

Dear Sir,

With due respect, this is my pleasure to present my project report entitled― Car
Rental Management System, I have prepared this report as partial fulfillment of the
practicum. I have tried my level best to prepare this project to the required standard.

It was certainly a great opportunity to work on this paper to actualize my theoretical

knowledge in the practical arena. Now, I am looking forward or your kind appraisal
regarding this practicum report.

I shall remain deeply grateful to you if you kindly go through this report and evaluate
my performance. I hope that you would find the report comprehensive and competent

Sincerely yours,


Shakil Ahmed

ID: 15203123
Program: BCSE

Student’s Declaration

I am Shakil Ahmed, student of IUBAT–International University of Business

Agriculture and Technology, declaring that this project paper on the stated topic has
only been prepared for the fulfillment of CSC490 (Practicum), as the partial
fulfillment of―Bachelor of Computer Science and Engineering degree.

It has not been prepared for any other purposes, rewards, or presentation.


Shakil Ahmed

ID: 15203123

Program: BCSE


In the name of Allah who is the most merciful and the most graceful, it‟s my pleasure
to take this occasion to thank a few people, who have, assisted, encouraged, directed
and supported me throughout my practicum program.

Firstly, I want to thank my family, who has endowed their immeasurable-innumerable

support and encouragement to attain this exquisite event of my life.

I am very appreciative to Prof. Dr. Utpal Kanti Das, Coordinator of Department of

computer Science and Engineering, IUBAT- International University of Business
Agriculture and Technology for his unrelenting direction and sustain throughout the

I would like to pay my gratitude to my practicum supervisor Mousumi Ahmed Mimi,

Lecturer of Computer Science and Engineering Department, who has given me the
opportunity to make such a report for not only in this semester but also throughout my
education life at IUBAT by giving her valuable suggestions and advices at any time,
at any situation. I would able to make this report effectively and properly only for her
right direction.



Shakil Ahmed

ID: 15203123

Program: BCSE

Supervisor’s Declaration

This is to certify that Practicum report on “Car Rental Management System” has
been carried out by Shakil Ahmed, ID: 15203123 of IUBAT-International University
of Business Agriculture and Technology as a partial fulfillment of the requirement of
practicum defense course. The report has been prepared under my guidance and is a
record of the bona fide work carried out successfully. To the best of my knowledge
and as per his declaration, no part soft his report has been submitted anywhere for any
degree, diploma or certificate.

Now he is permitted to submit the report. I wish his all success in his future

Practicum Supervisor


Mousumi Ahmed Mimi

Lecturer, Department of Computer Science and Engineering

IUBAT- International University of Business Agriculture and Technology

Department Certification

On behalf of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering of International

University of Business Agriculture and Technology, we the undersigned certify that
this Practicum Report “Car Rental Management System” for the award for the
bachelor of Computer Science and Engineering (BCSE) degree was duly presented by
Shakil Ahmed, ID: 15203123 and accepted by the department.


Prof. Dr. Utpal Kanti Das

Co-Supervisor, Co-ordinator and Professor


Mousumi Ahmed Mimi


Organization Certification

Table of Content
Practicum Report Title ----------------------------------------------------------------- i
Abstract ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ii
Letter of Transmittal -------------------------------------------------------------------- iii
Student’s Declaration ------------------------------------------------------------------- iv
Acknowledgement ----------------------------------------------------------------------- v
Supervisor’s Certification -------------------------------------------------------------- vi
Department Certification --------------------------------------------------------------- vii
Organization Certification ------------------------------------------------------------- viii
Table of Contents ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ix
List of Figures ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- xii
List of Tables ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- xiii
Chapter 1 Organization----------------------------------------------------------------- 1-5
1.1. Organization Overview -------------------------------------------------------- 2
1.2. Our Philosophy ----------------------------------------------------------------- 2
1.3.Our Services---------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
1.4.Web-Design----------------------------------------------------------------------- 3
1.5.Graphics Design------------------------------------------------------------------ 3
1.6.Location -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3
1.7.Vision------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4
1.8.Mission---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4
1.9.Organizational Structure-------------------------------------------------------- 5
Chapter 2 Introduction----------------------------------------------------------------- 6-13
2 Project Overview ---------------------------------------------------------------- 7
2.1.Objectives------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8
2.2.Broad Objectives----------------------------------------------------------------- 8
2.3.Specific Objectives-------------------------------------------------------------- 8
2.4.System Benefits------------------------------------------------------------------ 9
2.5. Software Process Model ------------------------------------------------------- 10
2.6.Reason for Choosing------------------------------------------------------------ 11
2.7.Advantage of Proposed Model ------------------------------------------------ 11
2.8.System Feasibility Study ------------------------------------------------------- 12

Chapter 3 Requirement Engineering ---------------------------------------------- 14-20
3 Requirement Engineering ------------------------------------------------------ 15
3.1.Functional Requirement ----------------------------------------------------- 18
3.2.Non Functional Requirement ----------------------------------------------- 18
3.3.Specification of Each Requirement---------------------------------------- 19
3.3.1. Admin Specification------------------------------------------------ 19
3.3.2. User Specification--------------------------------------------------- 19
3.3.3. Data Specification--------------------------------------------------- 19
3.4.Use case Diagram ------------------------------------------------------------ 20
Chapter 4 System Planning ------------------------------------------------------------ 21-32
4. Function of Proposed System--------------------------------------------------- 22
4.1.Function Description--------------------------------------------------------- 22
4.2.Project Planning -------------------------------------------------------------- 24
4.2.1. Project Estimation -------------------------------------------------- 24
4.2.2. Function Oriented Metrics------------------------------------------ 25
4.2.3. Task Scheduling----------------------------------------------------- 29
4.2.4. Scheduling Chart ---------------------------------------------------- 30
4.2.5. Project Cost Estimation ------------------------------------------- 30
Chapter 5 Analysis and Designing---------------------------------------------------- 33-43
5.1.Activity Diagram------------------------------------------------------------- 34
5.2.Swim lame Diagram---------------------------------------------------------- 36
5.3.Sequence Diagram------------------------------------------------------------ 37
5.4.ER Diagram------------------------------------------------------------------- 39
5.5.Context Level DFD----------------------------------------------------------- 40
Chapter 6 Risk Analysis----------------------------------------------------------------- 44-51
6.1.Risk Management------------------------------------------------------------ 45
6.2.The RMMM Plan------------------------------------------------------------- 47
Chapter 7 Software Quality Assurance and Testing ------------------------------ 52-62
7.1.System Testing---------------------------------------------------------------- 53
7.2.Software Quality Management--------------------------------------------- 54
Chapter 8 Interface Design ------------------------------------------------------------ 63-68
8 Interface Design --------------------------------------------------------- 64
Chapter 9 Conclusion-------------------------------------------------------------------- 69-72

9.1.Preface------------------------------------------------------------------------ 70
9.1.1. Practicum and its Values-------------------------------------------- 70
9.1.2. Future Work--------------------------------------------------------- 71
9.2.Reference--------------------------------------------------------------------- 72
9.2.1. Book and Handouts-------------------------------------------------- 72
9.2.2. Websites--------------------------------------------------------------- 72

List of Figures
Figure 1.1: Organizational Structure of Xubisoft Ltd----------------------------- 5
Figure2.1: Evolutionary Process------------------------------------------------------ 10
Figure 2.1: Use case diagram for Car Rental management system-------------- 20
Figure 3.1: Effort Base Estimation--------------------------------------------------- 29
Figure 4.2: Project Schedule Chart--------------------------------------------------- 30
Figure 4.1: Activity Diagram for Admin-------------------------------------------- 35
Figure 5.2: Activity Diagram for User----------------------------------------------- 36
Figure 5.3: Swim Lane Diagram for Admin---------------------------------------- 37
Figure 5.4: Swim Lane Diagram for User------------------------------------------- 37
Figure 5.5: Sequence Diagram for Admin------------------------------------------- 38
Figure 5.6: Sequence Diagram for User--------------------------------------------- 39
Figure 5.7: ERD for Car rental management System------------------------------ 40
Figure 5.8: Context Level Data Flow Diagram------------------------------------- 41
Figure 5.9: Level-1 DFD--------------------------------------------------------------- 41
Figure 5.10: Level -2 DFD for Login System--------------------------------------- 42
Figure 5.11: Level-2 DFD for category management------------------------------ 42
Figure 5.12: Level-2 DFD for vehicle management------------------------------- 43
Figure 5.13: Level-2 DFD for stock-------------------------------------------------- 43
Figure 5.14: Level-2 DFD for request----------------------------------------------- 44
Figure 8.1: Insert User Information-------------------------------------------------- 65
Figure 8.2: Modify user info---------------------------------------------------------- 65
Figure 8.3: Insert Category Information 1------------------------------------------- 66
Figure 8.4: Insert Category Information 2------------------------------------------- 66
Figure 8.5: Insert Vehicle Information----------------------------------------------- 67
Figure 8.6: Vehicle Update------------------------------------------------------------ 67
Figure 8.7: Vehicle Booklist---------------------------------------------------------- 68
Figure 8.8: Vehicle Payment form begin-------------------------------------------- 68
Figure 8.9: Vehicle Payment Form--------------------------------------------------- 69
Figure 8.10: Vehicle Payment Form------------------------------------------------- 69

List of Tables
Table 4.1: Identifying Complexity (Transaction function)----------------------- 25
Table 4.2: Identify Complexity (Data Functions)--------------------------------- 26
Table 4.3: UFP (Unadjusted Function point)-------------------------------------- 27
Table 4.4: UFP (Unadjusted function point)--------------------------------------- 27
Table 4.5: Complexity Adjustment Value------------------------------------------ 27
Table 4.6: Deprecation Calculation------------------------------------------------- 31
Table 6.1: Project Risk (P01)-------------------------------------------------------- 48
Table 6.2: Project Risk (P02)-------------------------------------------------------- 49
Table 6.3: Business Risk (B01)------------------------------------------------------ 49
Table 6.4: Business Risk (B02)------------------------------------------------------ 50
Table 6.5: Technical Risk (T01)----------------------------------------------------- 50
Table 6.6: Technical Risk (T02)----------------------------------------------------- 51
Table 6.7: Technical Risk (T03)----------------------------------------------------- 51
Test Case 01---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 58
Test Case 02---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 58
Test Case 03---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 59
Test Case 04---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 59
Test Case 05---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 60
Test Case 06---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 60
Table 7.1: System Testing Scenario 1----------------------------------------------- 61
Table 7.2: System Testing Scenario 2----------------------------------------------- 61
Table 7.3: System Testing Scenario 3----------------------------------------------- 62
Table 7.4: System Testing Scenario 4----------------------------------------------- 62
Table 7.5: System Testing Scenario 5----------------------------------------------- 63
Table 7.6: System Testing Scenario 6----------------------------------------------- 63
Table 7.7: System Testing Scenario 7----------------------------------------------- 63

Chapter 1
The Organization

Chapter 1 is representing an organizational overview, mission, and company‟s vision
and about company‟s services. In this chapter the detail organizational overview is
discussed along with the organization‟s mission and vision followed by numerous

1.1 Organizational Overview:

Xubisoft Ltd. is a multi-layered Bangladesh based Software Company that focuses
highly qualitative, timely delivered and cost – effective Software development and
training. Xubisoft Ltd. Is register as private limited company assigned in Bangladesh
with the express purpose of developing a skilled manpower in ICT sector of
Bangladesh. We are providing high quality professional training through various IT
courses. It has industrial level experience and competence in rendering training and
allied services to numerous students over the years. By doing this, Xubisoft has
succeeded in carving a niche training where our prior commitment is to develop a
sustainable relationship with the students all over Bangladesh. Xubisoft has been
providing industrial attachment of polytechnic students for a long time.

1.2 Our Philosophy:

We firmly believe in the philosophy of „Our skill Our identity‟. We take pride in a
team for very highly qualified, skilled and motivated Professionals who are
encouraged to lead, innovate and excel. Our team consists of top professionals who
share a common vision and passion, providing our clients with critical insights and
advise to succeed in today's competitive environment. We believe in delivering
Expertise, Excellence Services through our past Experience and providing the highest
and best end use of services to our client. The company, formerly known as Online
Media Solutions Ltd is based in Hyderabad, India.

1.3 Our Services :

 Web Design
 Graphics Design
 Apps Development
 Career Development
 Clipping Path Service
 Domain and Hosting
 Custom Software Development

1.4 Web-Design:
At Sks Rental Ltd, we focus on creating search engine friendly, aesthetically
appealing and interactive website designs as our client can view our system and
product easily and they can easily contact with us not only inside Bangladesh also
outside the country.

1.5 Graphics Design:

At Sks Rental Ltd we offers fully integrated graphics design and technical support
Xubisoft Ltd is well-experienced multinational Company and business industry. We
have great expertise in the development of graphics design applications due to our
professional team efforts in performing the work according to the need of our offshore
clients. We strive to focus on the customer and deliver solutions designed around their
requirements rather than focusing on a specific technology and expecting the
customer to adapt to the technology and platform of our choice. We use to fulfill
specific needs of our clients as per their convenience for their business.

1.6 Company Location at Bangladesh:

Corporate Office:
House# 19, Road # 10, Avenue # 2,
Karoan Bazar, Dhaka
Phone +88 0966667

Head Office:
House # 19, Road #04, Sector # 4, Uttara
Dhaka-1230, Bangladesh
Phone: +880 2 8410674 , 8411905, 8412856
Web: www.

1.7 Vision
 To generate sustainable growth in our existing businesses
 To develop new businesses
 To maintain as the leading player in which we compete
 To maximize returns to shareholders
 To contribute to the socio-economic development
 To combine our knowledge, experience, assets, and human resources for
value creation

1.8 Mission
Produce excellent service in the field of IT Service, Delivery product, SEO (Search
Engine Optimization), SMM (Social Media Marketing), Online Advertisement, e-
database systems and E-commerce and Consultancy with maximum effort driven
toward customer satisfaction.

Our Mission at a glance:

 To achieve maximum customer satisfaction over the entire life cycle of our
customer solution via our excellence of products and solutions.
 To consistently enhance our competitiveness and deliver profitable growth.
 To practice highest standards of corporate governance and be a financially sound
 To be a partner in nation building and contribute towards Bangladesh economic
 To encourage ideas, talent and value systems and become the customers of choice.
 To earn the trust and confidence of all customers, exceeding their expectations.
 To uphold the guiding principles of trust, integrity and transparency in all aspects
of interactions and dealings.

1.9 Organizational Structure

Figure 1.1: Organizational Structure of Xubisoft Ltd

Chapter 2


An internship is an official program offered by an employer to potential employees.
Interns work either part time or full time at a company for a certain period of time.
Internships are most popular with undergraduates or graduate students who work
between one to four months and have a goal to gain practical work or research related

2 Project Overview:
Car rental management system for Sks Rental Ltd is a system which is related with
practical work, and this organization does not have this software. So, I believe my
developing project “Car rental management system” can be give a new challenge
for the organization and that organization can happily use this software. In this project
there are two users- admin and employee. Admin will confirm user information,
handle booking and deliver invoice to user; the user will be able to view available
booking from the booking list and can send request for the book. In this project each
and every documents will be handled by proper technical assurance. Basically this
project is developed to make as the organization can work easily and they can handle
their user information easily. It is a well-designed project and it is made for Sks
Rental Ltd.
Car rental management system for Sks Rental Ltd: I have developed this system
or software. That software can be accessed through online. There are two types of
users- admin and user. Here for access this system the admin first login through the
system. After login he can see the dashboard, where he can see the summery of his
booking list as total number of book, total number of available car, total user and
guest user. Also can view total number of each booking as total and available number
of user. From dash board he views details for each user information. In the dash board
there is top bar which hold organization name and from there he can go to mail,
facebook page and also can log out. There is a side menu bar from where admin can
go through each page as car list, user, available cars, book request, booking list. He
can insert new vehicle, new branded car and deliver to user. Also he can return the
booked from user. In this system by only submit data into booking page and user
information page he no need to go for another submit for any thing. This system will
work automatically as it automatically recognize as the book is available in the
booklist or not. For user he must login before access the system. After login he can

view the available book and if he need any car he can send request to admin. After
viewing request admin will confirm the booking.

2.1 Objectives:
The main objective of this project “Car Rental Management System” is to give a
systematic way to online. This system will give the Car rental management system for
Sks Rental Ltd.

 System should check whether the user is user or admin when login.
 System should find out which booking are available.
 System should find out which user has been assigned for which booking.
 System should find out whether the booked send according to request or not.
 System should print the report of booking.
 System should find out how many booking are available according to category
 System should find out total available booking and total number of Cars.
 System should find out which booked come from which user.

2.2 Broad Objective:

My aim is to develop an updated and user friendly system for work place. “Car
Rental Management System” is developed to give well-organized software for Sks
Rental Ltd.

2.3 Specific Objectives:

 Online available Car booking view.
 From Online user can send request to admin for available Car.
 Find out the categories in the Car list.
 Find out total number of car for each booking.
 Find out which user take which Car.
 Whether there is available Car or not.
 View the request which is send by user.
 Insert new Vehicle if needed.
 Update new entry for upcoming Vehicle.
 Dynamically update whether the Car is available or not .

 Dynamically update total number of Car.
 Dynamically update total number of available Car.
 Dynamically update whether the Car is send according to the request or not.
 Update, insert new user information.

2.4 System Benefits:

This system is designed very simply. But execution is more updated and exceptional
comparing with the common usable software.
 Effectiveness: This system is multi-functional application. It helps to create
and enlist all the documents. “Car Rental Management System” is able to
generate automatic availability for each Car. It will save time and money.
 Configurable for company requirements: “Car Rental Management
System” is fully configurable. Its in-built tools allow users to modify the
aspect and sense of data entry for each category, brand, user and generate
report to match their requirements.
 Reliable & Highly Secured: “Car Rental Management System” provides
powerful, reliable, inclusive application; uniquely identify the researcher all
over the world.
 Cost Effective: Users will be benefited from lower total IT cost and maintain
capital investment with fewer internal IT resources required for implementing
and ongoing support.
 Efficient: “Car Rental Management System” provide every work place a
 Accessibility: Data accessibility of “Car Rental Management System” is up
to 24 X 7 hours.

Data Sources: The sources of data for the purpose of this project are:
 Primary
 Secondary

Primary Data: The primary data have collected through Virgo Global, practical
experience, observation, and face-to-face interview. Everyday‟s practical work

needed to collect the primary data. A primary source can be a person with direct
knowledge of a situation, or a document created by such a person. When someone
refers to "primary data" they are referring to data collected by the researcher. This is
data that has never been gathered before, whether in a particular way, or at a certain
period of time. Researchers tend to gather this type of data when what they want
cannot be find from outside sources.

Secondary Data: Secondary sources are various book studied the browsing of
different web site in Internet. A secondary source interprets and analyzes primary
sources. These sources are one or more steps removed from the event. Secondary
sources may have pictures, quotes or graphics of primary sources in them. A
secondary source is a document or recording that relates or discusses information
originally presented elsewhere. A secondary source contrasts with a primary source,
which is an original source of the information being discussed.

2.5 Software Process Model:

For my project which is “Car Rental Management System” I have chosen
“Evolutionary Process Model”. Diagram with explanation are given below:

Figure2.5: Evolutionary Process

2.6 Reason for choosing Evolutionary Process Models:
The evolutionary model consists of a few necessary phases: early & frequent iteration,
breaking work into small release portions, planning short cycle times and getting
ongoing user feedback, other components can be modified to accommodate the needs
of specific projects, products or environments. These steps are needed to complete my
project. The project I am working on is a developing project. And the evolutionary
model takes the concept of “evolution”. These models are built in a manner that
enables software engineers to develop increasingly more complex versions of the
software. Also my plan is to upgrade the software increasingly. The main
characteristic of this model is “feedback from the users is used through the entire
process” also I can say that it is kind of testing that from users feedback I get to know
that which parts we need to deduct or which features I should add according to the
users requirements as after every version I will taking feedback from our sample
clients or users.
Another counting point of this model is that the software product is refined through
many versions and in every version the product is cycling. Versions help to guide
prioritizing and decision making and will make it easier for users and developers to
understand why some changes are approved and others are not. As we are identifying
and solving problems in every version which will help us to complete most perfect
product before launching the software in market.
Successful use of evolutionary model can benefit not only business results but
marketing and internal operations as well. As we are going to test our software in
every version through users which is a part of publicity before launched our software.

2.7 Advantages of Evolutionary Process Model:

So the advantages are:
 Risk analysis is better.
 It supports changing requirements.
 Initial Operating time is less.
 Better suited for large and mission-critical projects.
 During life cycle software is produced early which facilitates customer
evaluation and feedback.

For this reason I choose Evolutionary Process Model for my project. It is easy to use
and maintain all the activities.

2.8 Feasibility Study:

I do feasibility study to determine that the solution I am using is feasible or achievable
for the organization or not. There are three major areas of feasibility study. On
studying the feasibility the system, three major considerations are deal with, to find
whether the automation of the system is feasible or not. These are:
1. Technical feasibility
2. Economic feasibility
3. Operational feasibility
1. Technical feasibility:
Technical feasibility addresses concerns about hardware capability, reliability and
availability and the skills of the development team. This study looks at the hardware
and software available to perform the necessary steps for the proposed system. I have
used PHP LARAVEL framework, CSS, and Bootstrap, java-script with MySQL
database system. And to run this project a simple configurable computer is needed.
All this technology which I have mentioned above is ready to use. So I can consider
this project is technically feasible.

2. Economic feasibility:
Economic feasibility determines to what extent a new system, is cost effective. We
consider whether the Company will be able to pay for redesigning and the project will
be cost effective or not. The proposed system was within our budget for development.
If this system is used by the authority of IT companies will be benefitted. They can
save their time, manpower as well as money. Authority will be able to perform more
functions within less time by fewer workers. This will be beneficial for the
organization. So this project is economically feasible.

3. Operational feasibility:
This system is developed by using higher level programming language. So there is a
Possibility to make this system user friendly by using textboxes, buttons and so on.
Also in this project there is a self-validation. User will feel comfortable to use this

system. There is no complexity that can confuse the user. So this system is
operationally feasible. Operational feasibility addresses concerns about user
acceptance, management support, and the requirements of entities and factors in the
organizations external environment.

Chapter 3

Requirement Engineering

Chapter 3 is representing the requirement engineering, user requirement, system
requirement, functional requirement and non-functional requirement. This chapter
describes the methodology for the generation of software requirements for Car Rental
Management System for Sks ltd. It describes what needs to be done, how to manage
the user of their system, managing their stock, Vehicles and also manage their all

3 Requirement Engineering:
Requirement engineering refers to the process of defining, documenting and
maintaining requirements and to the subfields of systems engineering and software
engineering concerned with this process. Designing and building an elegant computer
program that solves the wrong problem serves no one‟s need. That‟s why it is
important to understand what the customer wants before we begin to design and build
a computer-based system. Requirement engineering encompasses the tasks that lead
to an understanding of what the business impact of the software will be, what the
customer wants, and how end-users will interact with the software.
 User Requirements
 System Requirements
 Functional Requirements
 Non-Functional Requirements
User and System Requirements:
User requirement#1: Admin dashboard contains all options for changing the
application content from admin dashboard.
System requirement#1.1: Admin panel will be accessed by admin.
System requirement#1.2: Admin Must login.
System requirement#1.3: Admin get some options to change the contents
from admin dashboard.
User requirement#2: Admin can confirm new user insert through online.
System requirement#2.1: Admin must login through his/her valid username
and password.
System requirement#2.2: After login admin get an option User. Through this
option admin can see all user information.

System requirement#2.3: From there admin can update any user information.

User requirement #3: Admin can view total Vehicle, available vehicle, company
base vehicle.
System requirement #3.1: Admin must login the system.
System requirement #3.2: After login admin can get an option Category.
System requirement #3.2: After clicking that option he can find two option .
”View Category” and “View Sub Category”.
System requirement #3.4: When he click view category there he can view
what are the categories in there.
System requirement #3.5: There is another option as detail as when he click
detail he fount total number of vehicle from each category, total number of
available vehicle from each category and according to factory wise total
number of vehicle.
User requirement#4 : Admin can confirm new category insert through online.
System requirements # 4.1: Admin Must Login the system.
System requirements # 4.2: After login the system, Admin get an option
named Category. Through this option admin can add, edit new category but he
can‟t delete any category.
User requirement #5: Admin can print vehicle information.
System requirement #5.1: Admin must login the system.
System requirement #5.2: After login the system admin will get an option
named Category. Through this option admin can print individual information
as which user take which Vehicle, which factory delivery which vehicle,
which vehicles are available in the stock.
User requirement #6: Admin can confirm new category(as who many Vehicle
come) insert through online .
System requirement #6.1: Admin must login the system.
System requirement #6.2: Admin will get Category option.
System requirement #6.3: After clicking this category option he found 4
System requirement #6.4: First option is new entry. If any new vehicle is

in a category so he must give the number as how many vehicle deliver in the
System requirement #6.5: Then there is another option come for “insert item
for new entry”. He just go there category wise and insert the new vehicle code
number .
System requirement #6.6: The system will automatically check whether the
vehicle is available or not.
System requirement #6.7: Admin doesn‟t worry about the vehicle status.
System will automatically check it.
User requirement #7: Admin can view stock information.
System requirement #7.1: Admin must login the system.
System requirement #7.2: After login the system, Admin will get an option
named Stock. Through this option admin can find out which user take which
System requirement #7.3: Admin also can view which user have individually
take how many vehicles.

User Requirement #8: Admin can view request as which user asked for which
System requirement #8.1 Admin must login the system.
System requirement #8.2: After login, Admin will get an option called
request. After clicking that option he found two more option as resent request
and view details.
System requirement #8.3: If admin click “Recent Request” so he can found
which user asked for which vehicle that user not even send.
System requirement #8.4: If admin click for “View Details” he can find out
whole request information which he have already send to his user according to
User Requirement #10: Admin can insert user basic information.
System requirement #10.1 For this admin must be login.
System requirement #10.2: After login he will find out an option called
User Requirement #11: Every user can view available vehicle.
System requirement #11.1 For this User must have to login.
System requirement #11.2: After login he can view which vehicles are
User Requirement #12: User can request for available vehicle.
System requirement #12.1 Admin must login the system.
System requirement #12.2: After login, admin can view which vehicles are
System requirement #12.3: Here he find out another option as send request.
By clicking request he can send request for that Vehicle.

3.1 Functional Requirement

A functional requirement that characterizes the usefulness of a system or one of its
subsystems. It also relies on the type of software, expected users and the type of
system where the software is used. The functional requirements of this system are
given below.
 Add, update and delete cancel applications.
 Search Category details.
 Search user details.
 Search specific information about category or vehicle.
 View stock information details and other information.
 View request details.
 View which vehicles are available and which he can send to the user.
 View request details as which request he accept and which he doesn‟t accept.

3.2 Non Functional Requirement:

Non-functional requirements are not straightforward requirement of the system rather
it is related to usability, security, reliability, performance etc.
 Show error message during the wrong pass in admin and user login.
 Give notification for every kind of mismatch information.
 System will need all the username and password stored in database.
 System will need username and password information from the HR
 System will need categories, Vehicle, user information.

3.3 Specification of Each Requirement:
3.3.1 Admin specification:
Function: Log in, add information, Permit/reject leave request
Description: All the access of the system
Input: Admin input his information in his criteria.
Output: Information submits successfully.
Action: Information accepted or rejected.
Side effects: None
3.3.2 User specification:
Function: Log in, add information & send leave request
Description: Easily use the system for his useful purpose.
Input: User input his information in his criteria
Output: Information submits successfully.
Action: Request & information accepted or rejected.
Side effects: None

3.3.3 Data specification:

Function: Store whole information.
Input: assign data
Output: Progress and provide information
Action: Support Data
Side effects: none

3.4 Use Case diagram for Car Rental management System

Figure 6.1: Use case diagram for Car Rental management system

Chapter 4

System Planning

Chapter 4 is representing the project planning about the system I have been
developed. It is also describes about the Project Planning, project estimation, function
point estimation, Task Scheduling, Project Scheduling Chart and cost estimation of
the system.

4 Function of Proposed System

1. Login into the system [F01]
2. View The Dashboard [F02]
3. Create New Category [F03]
4. Insert new vehicle according to Category [F04]
5. Assign available vehicle to user [F05]
6. Find out vehicle according to user need, category and available wise [F06]
7. View Request as which user need which vehicle [F07]
8. User can view available vehicle [F08]
9. Send vehicle according to request [F09]

4.1 Function Description

Function description descriptive the function in details. It concerns on three factors:
what is the possible input, possible output for a particular function and which table of
the database uses by that function.

View the dashboard:

Input: User email, password
Output: Admin will get information as which category have how many available
vehicles. Total number of user
Use table of the database: category

Login into the System:

Input: user email, password.
Output: Admin will find the dash board . From dashboard he visit any pages
Use table of the database: information

Create New Category:
Input: Category name, category id.
Output: New value will be insert. By this admin can view category, here he can edit
category name, but can‟t delete this
Use table of the database: category, subcategory.

Insert new vehicle according to Category :

Input: insert how many new vehicle of each category is come, then give code number
for each vehicle.
Output: Admin can view each and every vehicle which is available or not available.
Use table of the database: My Vehicle.

Assign available vehicle to user:

Input: insert available vehicle code number, user id, his department .
Output: It assign new vehicle to user.
Use table of the database: stock

Find out product according to user, category and available wise:

Input: Click the search button according to company wise, category wise
Output: Admin can find out how many vehicle is available in each category, how
many vehicle available according to company as how many vehicle is available.
Use table of the database: category.

View Request as which user need which vehicle:

Input: Click request in dashboard. Found two option. Click on immediate request
Output: He can find out which user send request for which vehicle
Use table of the database: request

Send vehicle according to request:

Input: Click on send product
Output: he found a box and he just send the product to that employee.
Use table of the database: product.

User can view available vehicle:
Input: Given User email, password.
Output: User will find out only the available vehicle and if he want any vehicle he can
send request
Use table of the database: request, MyVehicle.

4.2 System Project Planning

Software project planning is the second activity of CPF. Software project
management commences with a set of activities that collectively called software
project planning. Before starting any project, it is compulsory to estimate the work to
be done, the resources that will be required, the time will elapse from start to finish
and to analyze the project to determine whether it is feasible or not.
The following activities of software project planning that have followed in this project
 System Project Estimation
 Function Oriented Metrics
 Process Based Estimation
 Effort Distribution
 Task Scheduling
 Project Schedule Chart
 Cost Estimation

4.2.1 System Project Estimation

The accuracy of a software project estimate predicated based on a number of things:
i. Properly estimated the size of the vehicle to build.
ii. The ability to translate the size estimation into human effort, calendar time and
iii. The degree to which the project plan reflects the abilities of the software team
or engineer.
iv. The stability of the vehicle requirements and the environment that supports the
software engineering effort.
Software size estimation is the most important matter that I have to consider during
the software project. If the software size not calculate properly, then this will cause
various problems such as scheduling problems, budget problem etc. As the project
goes on, before estimating the software size, I have to confirm that software scope is

4.2.2 Function Oriented Metrics

Function point based estimation focuses on information domain values rather that
software values. Function points are computed by comparing five information domain
characteristics. The information domain values are as follows :
Number of external inputs – Each user input that provides distinct application-
oriented data to the software is counted inputs should be distinguished from inquires.
Number of external outputs – Each user output that provides application-oriented
information to the user is counted.
Number of external inquires – An inquiry defined as an on-line input those results
in the generation of some immediate software response in the form of an on-line
output. Each distinct inquiry counted.
Number of files – Each logical master file counted.
Numbers of external interfaces – All machine-readable interfaces that used to
transmit information to another system counted.
The weights of the domains are fixes, which are provided in appropriate table
location. Weights can be divided into three categories according to the functionality
of the system. They are simple, average and complex. The total system is a complex
system but the part of the total system. Once these data has collected, a complexity
value is associated with each count. Function point for Car rental system

Table 4.7: Identifying Complexity for Car rental system (Transaction function)

Transaction Fields/File involvement FTRS DETS

Insert & Fields: category_id, category_name,total 1 3
edit File: category
Insert Fields: category_id, vehicle_code, vehicle_name, 1 4

product(EI) details
File: Vehicle

Insert & Fields: user_id, name, address, company_name, 1 6

edit user(2* department, joindate
EI) File: User

Send Fields: user_id, company_name, vehicle_code, 1 4

Request to category_id,
Admin(EI) File: Request

Table 4.8: Identify Complexity for inventory management (Data Functions)

Data Function Fields/ File involvement RETS DETS

Category(ILF) Fields: category_id, 1 3
category_name, total
File: category, subcategory
Vehicle(ILF) Fields: category_id, 1 4
vehicle_code, vehicle_name,
File: Vehicle
User(ILF) Fields: user_id, name, 1 6
File: User
Stock(ILF) Fields: Category_id, 1 5
Vehicle_code, user_id,
department, company_name
File: Stock
Request(ILF) Fields: user_id, 1 4
File: Request

Table 4.9: UFP (Unadjusted Function point) for car management system
(Transaction Functions)

Transaction FTRS DETS Complexity UFP

Insert & edit 1 3 2* Low 6
Insert 1 4 Low 3
Insert & edit 1 6 2* Low 6
user(2* EI)
Send Request 1 4 Low 3
to Admin(EI)

Table 4.10: UFP (Unadjusted function point) for car rental management system
(Data functions)
Data Functions RETS DETS Complexity UFP
Category(ILF) 1 3 Low 7
Vehicle(ILF) 1 4 Low 7
User(ILF) 1 6 Low 7
Stock(ILF) 1 5 Low 7
Request(ILF) 1 4 Low 7

Table 4.11: Complexity Adjustment Value for Car rental management System

Number Factor Value

1 Data communication 3
2 Distributed data 0
3 Performance 3
4 Heavily used 2

5 Transaction rate 3
6 Online data entry 1
7 End user efficiency 3
8 Online update 1
9 Complex processing 0
10 Reusability 1
11 Installation ease 3
12 Operation ease 3
13 Multiple sites 2
14 Facilitate change 3
Total Degree of Influence (TDI) 28

Value Adjustment Factor (VAF) = (0.65+ (.01* TDI))

= ().65+(.01 * 28))
= 0.93
UFP = UFP (Transaction Function) + UFP (Data Function) = 24 + 42= 66
Adjustment Function Point Count (AFP) = UFP * VAF
= 66 *0 .93
Effort for PHP = AFP * Productivity
= 61.38 * 15.5
= 951.39 person hours / 8
=118.92 person days / 30
= 3.95 person months
Time frame calculation = 3.95 months is needed for one person

Figure 7.1: Effort Base Estimation
 1 (7% - Customer Communication)
 2 (10% - Planning)
 3 (13% - Analyzing)
 4 (10% - Designing)
 5 (20% - Coding)
 6 (20% - Testing).
 7 (20% - Implementation).
For effort base estimation I have used effort allocation rule that is 40-20-40. Where
customer communication, analysis, design, planning for total 40% . Coding is 20 %
and testing and implementation is total 40 %.

4.2.3 Task Scheduling

Project scheduling is an activity of distributing the estimated efforts within the planned
project duration. There are some basic rules for project scheduling. They are as follows –
Compartmentalization – The project must compartmentalize into a number of
manageable activities and tasks.
Interdependency – The interdependency of each compartmentalized activity or task
must be determined. Some tasks must occur in sequence while others can occur in

Time allocation – Each task to be scheduled must allocated some number of work
Effort validation – Every project has a defined number of staff members. It should
ensure that no more than the allocated number of people has scheduled at any given
Defined responsibilities – Every task that is scheduled should assign to a specific
team member.
Defined outcomes – Every task that is scheduled should have a defined outcome. The
outcome is normally a work product or a part of a work product.

4.2.4 Project Schedule Chart

Total system development is a combination of set of tasks. These set of tasks should
done sequentially and timely. Project schedule works as the guideline of the system
developer. The following is the schedule chart of this project:

Figure 4.2: Project Schedule Chart

4.2.5 Cost Estimation

 Personnel Cost
 Software Cost
 Hardware Cost

Depreciation Calculation
The first step is to sum the digits or number starting with the life and going back to
one. For example an asset with a life of 5 would have a sum of digits as follows: 5 + 4
+ 3 + 2 + 1 = 15. To find the percentage for each year divide the year‟s digit by the
sum. In the example above the percentage would be calculated as follows:
Table 4.12: Deprecation Calculation

Year 1 5/15= 33.33%

Year 2 4/15 = 26.67%
Year 3 3/15 = 20%
Year 4 2/15 = 13.33%
Year 5 1/15 =6.67%

Hardware Cost
 Cost of Laptop =35000 BDT
 Cost of Printer = 5000 BDT
 Life time of laptop = 5 year
 Life time of printer = 5 year
 The percentage of year is 4/15 = 13.33% = 0.1333( for laptop)
 The depreciation cost of laptop is = 35,000 * 0.1333 = 4665.5
 The percentage of year is 5/15 = 33.33% = 0.3333( for printer)
 The depreciation cost of printer is = 5,000 * 0.3333 = 1666.5
 Hardware cost = 4665.5+ 1666.5= 6332.00 BDT

Software Cost
Name Price
Atom No cost
Xampp No cost

Windows 10 100 BDT
Microsoft Office 80 BDT
Google Chrome No cost
Total 180

Table 4.13: Software Cost

Personnel Cost
Type Number Month Salary Per Month Total
Coder 1 3.95 10,000 39,500 BDT
Total: 39,500BDT

Table 4.14: Personal Cost

Other Cost

Name Price
Transport 8000 BDT
Electric bill 1000 BDT
Internet bill 3000 BDT
Extra 1000 BDT
Total 13000 BDT

Table 4.15: Other Cost

Total System Development Cost

Name Cost
Hardware 2668 BDT
Software 180 BDT
Personnel 39,500 BDT
Other 13000 BDT
Total 55,348 BDT

Table 4.16: Total System Development Cost

Chapter 5

Analysis and Designing

5 Analysis
Analysis modeling uses a combination of text and diagrammatic forms to depict
requirements for data, function, and behavior in a way that is relatively easy to
understand, and more important, straightforward to review for correctness,
completeness and consistency. This section presents resources for conventional and
object-oriented analysis (OOA) methods as well as resources for UML.

5.1 Activity Diagram

Activity diagrams describe the workflow behavior of a system. The diagrams describe
the state of activities by showing the sequence of activities performed. Activity
diagrams for Admin.

Figure 8.1: Activity Diagram for Admin

Figure 5.2: Activity Diagram for User

5.2 Swim Lane Diagram

Figure 5.3: Swim Lane Diagram for Admin

Figure 5.4: Swim Lane Diagram for User

5.3 Sequence Diagram
Sequence diagrams describe interactions among classes in terms of an exchange of
messages over time. They're also called event diagrams. A sequence diagram is a
good way to visualize and validate various runtime scenarios. These can help to
predict how a system will behave and to discover responsibilities a class may need to
have in the process of modeling a new system.

Figure 5.5: Sequence Diagram for Admin

Figure 5.6: Sequence Diagram for User

5.4 E-R Diagram

Figure 5.7: ERD for Car rental management System

5.5 Context Level Data Flow Diagram:

Figure 5.8: Context Level Data Flow Diagram for Car rental management

5.5.1 Level -1 DFD

Figure 5.9: Level-1 DFD

5.5.2 Level -2 DFD Level-2 DFD for Login System

Figure 5.10: Level -2 DFD for Login System Level-2 DFD for Category Management

Figure 5.11: Level-2 DFD for category management

41 Level-2 DFD for Vehicle Management

Figure 5.12: Level-2 DFD for vehicle management Level-2 DFD for Stock

Figure 5.13: Level-2 DFD for stock

42 Level-2 DFD for Request

Figure 5.14: Level-2 DFD for request

Chapter 6
Risk analysis

Chapter 6 is representing the risk management, risk identification, risk classification,
risk assessment, risk analysis, technical risks, business risks, risk mitigation, risk
monitoring, risk management and project risk. In section 5.1 and 5.2, the detail risk
management is discussed along with the RMMM plan.

6.1 Risk Management

A risk is a serious problem that might or might not happen. It is necessary to analyze
the potential risks in a project. If the risks of a software project are not properly
analyzed and estimated, many problems can plague the software project. Risk analysis
and management are a series of steps that help a software team to understand and
manage uncertainty. To establish a risk management model the following phases are
Identification: Risk identification is the process of detecting potential risks or
hazards through data collection. A range of data collection and manipulation tools and
techniques exists. The team is using both automated and manual techniques to collect
data and begin to characterize potential risks to Web resources. Web crawling is one
effective way to collect information about the state of Web pages and sites.
Classification: Risk classification is the process of developing a structured model to
categorize risk and fitting observable risk attributes and events into the model. The
team combines quantitative and qualitative methods to characterize and classify the
risks to Web pages, Web sites, and the hosting servers.
Assessment: Risk assessment is the process of defining relevant risk scenarios or
sequences of events that could result in damage or loss and the probability of these
events. Rosenthal describes the characteristics of a generic standard for risk
assessment as "transparent, coherent, consistent, complete, comprehensive, impartial,
uniform, balanced, defensible, sustainable, flexible, and accompanied by suitable and
sufficient guidance.
Analysis: Risk analysis determines the potential impact of risk patterns or scenarios,
the possible extent of loss, and the direct and indirect costs of recovery. This step
identifies vulnerabilities, considers the willingness of the organization to accept risk
given potential consequences, and develops mitigation responses.

Implementation: Risk management implementation defines policies, procedures, and
mechanism to manage and respond to identifiable risks. The implemented program
should balance the value of assets and the direct and indirect costs of preventing or
recovering from damage or loss.
To take comprehensive care of a web based system we must consider the following
1. Hardware and software environment including any upgrades to the operating
system and Web server, the installation of security patches, the removal of
insecure services, use of firewalls, etc.
2. Administrative procedures such as contracting with reputable service
providers, renewing domain name registration, etc.
3. Network configuration and maintenance including load balancing, traffic
management, and usage monitoring.
4. Backup and archiving policies and procedures including the choice of backup
media, media replacement interval, number of backups made and storage
5. Physical location of the server and its vulnerability to fire, flood, earthquake,
electric power anomalies, power interruption, temperature fluctuations, theft,
and vandalism.
There are different categories of risks that should be considered in any software
project. The following categories of risks have been considered in this software
1. Project risks: These risks threaten the project plan. If these risks become real,
it is likely that the project schedule will slip and that costs will increase.
Project risks identify potential budgetary, schedule, personnel, resource,
customer and requirement problems and their impact on the software project.
2. Technical risks: These risks threaten the quality and timeliness of the
software to be produced. If a technical risk becomes a reality, implementation
may become difficult or impossible. Technical risks identify potential design,
implementation, interface, verification and maintenance problems. Moreover,
specification ambiguity, technical uncertainty, technical obsolescence are also
risk factors.
3. Business risks: These risks threaten the viability of the software to be built.
The business risks can be market risks, building a system that no one really
wants. Strategic risks, building a system that no longer fits into the overall
business strategy for the company. Management risks, losing the support of
senior management due to a change in focus or a change in people. Budget
risks, losing budgetary or personnel commitment.

6.2 The RMMM Plan

1. Risk Mitigation: Proactive planning for risk avoidance.
2. Risk Monitoring: Assessing whether predicted risks occur or not, ensuring
preventive steps are being properly applied, collect information for future risk
analysis, attempt to determine which risks caused which problem.
3. Risk Management: Actions to be taken in the event that mitigation steps have
failed and the risk has become a live problem.
Type of Impact:
1. Catastrophic,
2. Marginal,
3. Tolerable,
4. Critical.
Type of Probability:
 Very low (<10%),
 Low (10–25%),
 Moderate (25–50%),
 High (50–75%),
 Very high (>75%).

Table 6.1: Project Risk (P01)

Project Risk (P01) Date: 18-08-2018

Name Changes the requirements

Probability Low (18%)

Impact Marginal (2)

Description Company may change their requirements

Mitigation & Monitoring Requirements are redefined by the company due to time
or business needs. Meeting will be held with the
company regularly. This insures that the product we are
producing solves a problem.
Management Emergency meeting between both parties to identify
new project requirements and goals.
Status Not occur

Table 6.2: Project Risk (P02)

Project Risk (P02) Date: 15-09-2018

Name Poor Quality Documentation

Probability Low (23%)

Impact Marginal (2)

Description Poor quality documentation of the members

Mitigation & Monitoring Meeting will be held routinely to offer documentation

suggestions and topics. The progress on documentation
will also have a monitor in each meeting.
Management The addition of new topics or removal of unnecessary
topics into the documentation will assigned to
responsible person.
Status Not occur

Table 6.3: Business Risk (B01)

Business Risk (B01) Date: 24-09-2018

Name Insufficient Budget

Probability Moderate (35%)

Impact Marginal (2)
Description If the budget is low project may not complete.
Mitigation & Monitoring The project needs server that is costly to set-up.
We find several alternative streaming services to reduce
the budget risk.

Management Refinement in project goal. A new plan for regulate the

Status Problem resolved.

Table 6.4: Business Risk (B02)

Business Risk (B02) Date: 08-10-2018

Name End Users Accept System

Probability Low (15%)

Impact Critical (4)

Description The system fails to gain user‟s faith

Mitigation & Monitoring In order to prevent this from happening, the software
will develop with the end user in mind. The user-
interface will design in a way to make use of the
program convenient and pleasurable.
Management Training the users to familiarize them with the new
system. Releasing patches/bug fixes for greater user
Status The risk has not been arisen yet.

Table 6.5: Technical Risk (T01)

Technical Risk (T01) Date: 24-10-2018

Name Lack of Experience

Probability Low (20%)

Impact Tolerable (3)

Description Lack of members experience

Mitigation & Monitoring The development cost of the software may increase by
20%. Consult with the System Analyst during the
system analysis, design and testing phase of the

software project.

Management Though the development cost is increased by 20%, the

project is still feasible. Set appointment for formal
meeting with the System Analyst to solve different
problems of each of the phases.
Status The risk has not been arisen yet.

Table 6.6: Technical Risk (T02)

Technical Risk (T02) Date: 15-11-2018

Name Poor Comments in Code

Probability Low (20%)

Impact Catastrophic (1)

Description Poor comment in the coding part.

Mitigation & Monitoring Proper coding grammar is followed to make sure that
the codes are easily understandable and reusable.
Management In emergency a refinement in code commenting should
be done. This may slow down the development process
but it will help the developers in long run.

Status The risk has not been arisen yet.

Table 6.7: Technical Risk (T03)

Technical Risk (T03) Date: 25-11-2018

Name Computer Crash

Probability High (60%)

Impact Tolerable (3)

Description Computer can be crash.

Mitigation & Monitoring We should take proper follow up of computers. We also take
regular data backup every day, We can use IPS to stop
unexpected shutdown.
Management If our computer has been crashed then we will restore backup.

Status The risk has not been faced yet.

Chapter 7
System Quality and Testing

7.1 System Testing
According to the common process framework (CPF), the software testing is the final
activity that has to initiate after developing. Software testing is a critical element of
software quality assurance and represents the ultimate review of specification, design
and code generation. A quality management software system that is automated and
connects all departments is essential for a regulated or ISQ-compliant company. A
QMS or a TQM (total quality management) system can connect each phase in a
products development lifecycle with every department in a company. This gives
everyone an opportunity to provide feedback. Automated, routing, with escalation,
ensure the rapid responses to inputs needed from the department. By building quality
into products as opposed to forcing QA to bear the burden of the responsibility,
everyone wins, engineering, regulatory, QA, manufacturing, sales and marketing.

The quality of software is assessed by a number of variables. These variables can be

divided into external and internal quality criteria. External quality is what a user
experiences when running the software in its operational mode. Internal quality refers
to aspects that are code-dependent, and that are not visible to the end-user. External
quality is critical to the user, while internal quality is meaningful to the developer
Some quality criteria are objective, and can be measured accordingly. Some quality
criteria are subjective, and are therefore captured with more arbitrary measurement.
There are mainly two types of quality
 Internal Quality
 External Quality
 Internal quality:
 Test coverage
 Testability
 Portability
 Thread-safeness
 Conciseness
 Maintainability
 Documentation

 Legibility
 Scalability
 External quality
 Features
 Speed
 Space
 Network usage
 Stability
 Robustness
 Ease-of-use
 Determinism
 Back-compatibility
 Security
 Power consumption

7.2 Software Quality Management Process

 The aim of Software Quality Management (SQM) is to manage the quality of
software and development and of its development process
 A quality product is one which meets its requirements and satisfies the user
 A quality culture is an organization environment where quality is viewed as
everyone‟s responsibility
Some of the specific SQM processes defined in standard:
 Quality assurance process: Quality Assurance makes sure the project will be
completed based on the previously agreed specifications, standards and
functionality required without defects and possible problems. Itsmonitors and tries
to improve the development process from the beginning of the project to ensure is oriented to „‟prevention‟‟
 Verification & validation process: In software project management, software
testing, and software engineering, verification and validation (V&V) is the process
of checking that a software system meets specifications and that it full fill its
intended purpose. It is normally the responsibility of software testers as part of the
software development lifecycle.

In the verification, a client will either view the software, or see it implemented in a
test situation. At this point it is imperative that the client who is needed of the
software is able to ascertain that this software is hitting all the parameters initially
requested or desired .only when this assurance is made should the next part of the
verification and validation process be started. While this is not the last chance to
“tweak” the software into doing the tasks required it is part of the last steps before a
project is completed, and in being too quick to approve the software as this could
cause problems later, and could also result in more money required for the software‟s
later changes.

The next step of verifications &validation of software is simple. Client the company
will approve the software and validate it as being what is required. This stage usually
means a systematic checking off various requirements. While this might sound
tedious, it is necessary part of the procedure to insure that again, the result is exactly
to the specifications of all concerned. The entire verification and validation process is
part of a normal sequence of quality control for software.
Review& Audit Process: A software audit review, or software audit, is a type of
software review in which one or more auditors who are not members of the software
development organization conduct “An independent examination of a software
product, softwareprocess, or set of software processes to assess compliance with
specifications,standards,contractual agreements, or other criteria”
Five types of reviews or audits presented in the standard:
Management reviews: The purpose of a management review is to monitor progress,
determine the status of plans and schedules, confirm requirements and their system
allocation, or evaluate the effectiveness of management approaches used to achieve
fitness for purpose. This support decisions about changes and corrective actions that
are required during a software project.

Technical reviews: The purpose of technical review is to evaluate a software product

to determine its suitability for its intended use. The objective is to identify
discrepancies from approved specifications and standards. The result should provide
management with evidence confirming (ornot) that the product meets the
specifications and adheres to standards and that changes are controlled”. A technical
review requires that mandatory inputs be in place in order to proceed:

 Statements of objectives
 A specific software product
 The specific project management plan
 The issues list associated with this product

Inspections: The purpose of an inspection is to detect and identify software product

anomalies. Two important differentiators of inspections as opposed to reviews are as
 An individual holding a management position over any member of the
inspection team shall not participate in the inspection
 An inspection is too led by an impartial facilitator who is trained in inspection
The inspection exit must correspond to one of the following three criteria:
 Accept with no or at minor reworking
 Accept with rework verification
 Re inspect
Inspection meetings typically last a few hours, whereas technical reviews and audits
are usually broader in scope and take longer.

Walk-through: The purpose of a walk-through is to evaluate a software product. A

walk-through may conduct for educating an audience regarding a software product.
The major objectives are to:
 Find anomalies
 Improve the software product
 Consider alternative implementations
 Evaluate conformance to standards and specifications
The purpose of a software audit is to provide an independent evaluation of the
conformance of software products and processes to applicable regulations, standards,
guidelines, plans, and procedures. The audit is a formally organized activity, with
participants having specific roles, such as lead auditor, another auditor, a recorder, or
an initiator, and includes a representative of the audited organization. The audit will
identify instances of nonconformance and produce a report requiring the team to take
corrective action.

For my project I have used white box and black box testing.
Test Case 01

Test Case 02

Test Case 03

Test Case 04

Test Case 05

Test Case 06

7.3 Testing:

Table 7.1: System Testing Scenario 1

Testing scenario No: 1

Scenario Customer Registration

Input’s Name, email, phone, gender, password

Desired Output’s When enter all basic info correctly, new customers will
be registered in the system.

Actual Output’s For new customers registration my system work


Verdict Getting result from Desired Output’s and Actual

Output’s decided this system is successful for new
customers’ registration.

Table 7.2: System Testing Scenario 2

Testing scenario No: 2

Scenario User Login testing scenario of my system

Input’s E-mail, password of User for Login

Desired Output’s When enter E-mail, password then get access level

Actual Output’s For login my system work correctly

Verdict Getting result from Desired Output’s and Actual

Output’s decided this system is successful for login.

Table 7.3: System Testing Scenario 3
Testing scenario No: 3

Scenario Admin can view and monitor customers details.

Input’s Request to view customers basic information

Desired Output’s Show the basic information to the admin

Actual Output’s For showing all users basic information my system

work correctly.

Verdict The process is worked correctly and successfully.

Table 7.4: System Testing Scenario 4

Testing scenario No: 4

Scenario Customers can take services

Input’s Request to view and choose services

Desired Output’s Show the list of list of services

Actual Output’s For showing all available services my system work


Verdict The process is worked correctly and successfully.

Table 7.5: System Testing Scenario 5

Testing scenario No: 5

Scenario Customers can select bookings

Input’s Request to view bus list

Desired Output’s Show the list of transports

Actual Output’s For showing all type of list of transports my system

work correctly.

Verdict The process is worked correctly and successfully.

Table 7.6: System Testing Scenario 6

Testing scenario No: 6

Scenario Seat view process by the customers

Input’s Customers have to choose their desired seat and

boarding point

Desired Output’s Calculate and show the net billing amount.

Actual Output’s For calculating transaction amount, inputting data

and showing details my system work correctly.

Verdict The process is worked correctly and successfully.

Table 7.7: System Testing Scenario 7

Testing scenario No: 7
Scenario Admin can view customer‟s bookings
Input‟s Customers will click on view bookings
Desired Output‟s Customers can cancel or delete bookings
Actual Output‟s For reviewing orders my system work correctly.
Verdict The process is worked correctly and

Chapter 8
Interface Design

8 Software Interfaces

Figure 8.1: Insert User Information

Figure 8.2: Modify user info

Figure 8.3: Insert Category Information 1

Figure 8.4: Insert Category Information 2

Figure 8.5: Insert Vehicle Information

Figure 8.6: Vehicle Update

Figure 8.7: Vehicle Booklist

Figure 8.8: Vehicle Payment form begin

Figure 8.9: Vehicle Payment Form

Figure 8.10: Vehicle Payment Form

Chapter 9

9.1 Preface
Today is the age of modern science and information and online communication,
which is critical for development of more effective operational and management
process. To provide better and uninterrupted services to the employee of Virgo
Global a group of employee work together to keep the service all time. I was
fortunate and blessed to get this lucky break to work in this friendly environment.
My earnest thanks, gratitude and salutations to these wonderful people from the deep
down inside my heart.

9.1.1 Practicum and its Value

To me, practicum can be as a transition from engineering college study life to a real-
world workplace through hands on experience of engineering practices. In my career
development– as with most life issues – there is direct relationship between effort
and reward. To me, practicum can be as a transition from engineering college study
life to a real-world workplace through hands on experience of engineering practices.
There are several major advantages for students completing a guided Practicum:
 Demonstration of practical application of studies
 Development of deeper skills in the selected research area
 Increases employability
Practicum does not offer hands-on experience only, but also the trait of “coping up” in
the society. Meeting with different types of people and encountering situations gives
practical orientation to life. There are many more upright issues of practicum, which
only the person experiencing it can sense and believe.
It is the gateway to the professional life, bridge between theoretical and practical
knowledge. Now these days, engineering job recruiters no longer consider high
grades, rather they value the practical working experience, for which practicum
proves to be an advantage for the fresh entry level engineers in the job market.
Student of College of Engineering and Technology (CEAT) at IUBAT go for this
practicum program carrying 9 credit hours‟ weight, which goes for a semester long
and usually after the completion of the course work. A report submitted after the
completion of the practicum followed by a presentation and a comprehensive
examination on the overall four years‟ education.

9.1.2 Future Work
My software is web application, that application can able to manage user, category
information, vehicle information, user information and find out details information.
Now I am doing very initial version of the big software. As mine limited time of
internship I develop the core features of my system but in future it can be possible to
add more features.

9.1.3 Conclusion
The biggest experience of working at Sks ltd is indeed being a part of designing and
implementing software. My most experience was around the designing, testing and
documenting issue. I have learnt a lot of new things which was so much unknown to
me. I have also learnt some technical issues which help to do better in future life.
The following indicator will indicate some of my technical issue which I have learnt
and implemented from this project.
 The designing strategy of a web based project.
 The analyzing strategy of a web based project.
 Developing a new project analyzing the proper user requirements.
 Developing this project I have used Laravel framework CSS, HTML, SQL,
PHP, Bootstrap and so on.

I faced with some limitation of this area in Bangladesh. Maximum Bangladeshi

customer do not know the way of software development process and it‟s values. It
is a big problem of our next generation. Therefore, I think awareness is necessary
about software. On the other hand, our competitor companies are going to client
very low quality software. Client are not able to understand quality they buy
software through very low price. This tendency is spread over the country. I am so
afraid of observing this terrible situation. We have to develop quality software
rather than low price software.

9.2 References

9.2.1 Books and Handouts

1. Kendall, E. Kendall. System Analysis and Design. 4 thed. New Delhi: Prentice
Hall. 1999.
2. Miller, Dave. Data Communication and Networks. 1st ed.2006.
3. O‟Brien, James and M. Markas, George. Management Information System. 8th
International ed.2008.
4. Pressman, Roger S. Software Engineering: A Practitioner‟s Approach. 5thed.
Boston: McGraw Hill,2004.
5. S. Pressman, Roger, Software Engineering A Practitioner‟s Approach, 6th
edition, 2008

9.2.2 Web Sites

 “Depreciation Calculations”, 05May,2018
 “Project risk management: Lessons learned from software engineering
environment”, Kwak, Y.H. and Stoddard, Jared.
 “Introduction To Function Point Analysis” 18 June, 2018
 “Estimation Techniques: Function Point Analysis” 28 July, 2018


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