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FALL 2020

Marketing research
Final Exam

Name: Abdullah Al Ahad

ID: 1611573030

Serial: 20
Marketing Research (MKT470)

Final Exam

Total time: 80 minutes Total marks: 40

Question answer (3*10=30)

1. A behavioral scientist wants to know whether drinking a single glass of beer affects
reaction times. She has 30 participants perform some task before and after a glass of
beer and records their reaction time. She calculates the average reaction times over
tasks both before and after the beer. Can we conclude from these data that a single
beer affects reaction time? Interpret the results from the following table. [5] [Bonus]


Yes, we can conclude from these data that a single beer affects reaction time.
2. Owing to cuts in funding, a local council Is considering closing a number of public amenities such
as libraries, leisure facilities and children’s play areas. However, they are keen to understand
what the likely impact of closure will be on communities using these facilities. Your research
agency has proposed a project which uses quota sampling, based on age, gender, employment
status and residence, and face to face interviews conducted in the street. Although the authority
is impressed by the proposal, they are concerned that the costs are too high. They have asked
your agency to consider making the following changes to the proposed research in order to
reduce costs.
a. Reduce the sample size
b. Reduce the number of quota controls in the sample
c. Shorten the questionnaire

What is the possible impact of each of the above changes on the usefulness of this quantitative
survey? Identify the issues which the client needs to understand before any cost cutting
measures are taken. Illustrate your answer with examples. [10]


The research result will decide many people different category facility they will get or not. So, if
the agency change those point just for reduce cost it will impact badly. Cause this is sensitive
issue, If same size reduce then result come little, which is may not be enough for decision
making. For example, if same size goes 60 where people was 100. Who knows in that 60 people
most of not perfect for the research.

Also, reduce the number of quota controls in the sample will badly impact. If number of sample
come about quota control get not enough that also messed up the research.

For depth research always need enough result and answer, by that anyone can come exact
result or decision. But if question goes short, it can be possible the result come out not be
enough for decision making.

So, the client needs to understand before any cost cutting that will not be good for market
research and it can be harm decision making process on that research.
3. The furniture company BoConcept which offers a range of contemporary and modern furniture,
is tapping into the market where people can’t afford to move house and so need to use the
space they do have more effectively, BoConcept is all about making designs, furniture and colors
come together in the home. It has seen a huge uptake of the free interior design service it
launched to raise it’s brand profile. The design service is available in store where interior
designers are available for consumers to consult and discuss their ideas and complete any
scheme ranging from one piece of furniture, single rooms and small apartments to big houses
and corporate spaces. BoConcept has asked you as a marketing research executive to design a
questionnaire (up to maximum 20 questions) that will be used to assess the level of satisfaction
with this service. The self completion questionnaire will be given/sent to everyone who has used
this free service. [10]

Answer: Customer satisfaction is multi-facet thing and our questionnaire will have all the aspects of
customer service such as Employee and Product Presentation, Problem Understanding, Product
Performance, Ease of Doing Business, Communication and Customer Retention.

1. My discussion with the Boconept Team was

a) Bad b) Okay c) Good d) Excellent

2. Boconcept Team understood my requirement

a) No b) Somewhat c) Yes d) Perfectly

3. The product suggested for my issue was

a) not as per expectation b) Average c) Good d) Perfectly suited for my requirement

4. Timeline shared to make my product was

a) Very Long b) Similar to others c) As per my expectation d) Exceeded my expectation

5. Product shipment to my place was

a) Delayed b) Late c) On time d) Before time

6. Product installation in my place was

a) Bad b) Okay c) Good d) Excellent

7. Post installation cleaning was

a) Not Done b) Partially Done c) Completed d) Excellently Cleaned

8. Product Usage was explained to me

a) No b) Somewhat c) Yes d) Excellently Explained

9. I found the product

a) Buggy b) Fine c) Good d) Life Saving

10. The product satires my need

a) Badly b) Well c) Very well d) Excellent

11. The product I bought is

a) Fine b) Regular c) Good d) Value for money

12. Using the product is

a) Difficult b) Okay c) Feels Good d) Love it

13. Product is making my space look

a) Fine b) Regular c) Good d) Beautiful

15. Bocenpt team registered my number

a) No b) They will do afterwards c) Yes

16. Will I recommend this product

a) No b) May Be c) Yes d) Must Have

17. Will recommend Bocenpt Team

a) No b) May Be c) Yes d) Without Second Thought

18. Is Boconcept team a good listener

a) No b) Fine c) Good d) Excellent

19. Will I visit Boconcept again

a) No b) May Be c) Yes d) Without Second Thought

20. My overall experience with Boconcept is

a) Avg b) Fine c) Good d) Excellent

4. Why and when would you want to use ANOVA in marketing research? Discuss with relevant
examples. [10]

Answer: Market research involves data collection process by distributing the questionnaires
among specie group of respondents. Further, this collected data is put for different analysis
methods to draw various interpretations. Anova. which is also known as analysis of variance
is one of the statistical model to test the signicance difference of means between group of
respondents and then compares the variance of responses within the groups.

The reason for using the statistical model Anova is to test whether averages (means) of
various groups in the data set is same or not. For Instance: Consider the set of 50 sample of
data. All these 50 samples are from different genders. Now. Anova test would tell whether the
average respondents of male and female are same or not. This means whether average
participants of female are equal to average participants of male. So, here variance is considered
thus, it is called analysis of variance. The reason we would try to know the means of different
groups is to build the role of major users and take decisions based on that.

For example:

**Do age, sex, or income have an effect on how much someone spends in your store per

To answer this question, a factorial ANOVA can be used, since i have three independent
variables and one dependent variable. I’ll need to collect data for different age groups (such as
0-20, 21-40, 41-70, 71+), different income brackets, and all relevant sexes. A two-way ANOVA
can then simultaneously assess the effect on these variables on your dependent variable
(spending) and determine whether they make a difference.

**Does marital status (single, married, divorced, widowed) affect mood?

To answer this one, i can use a one-way ANOVA, since I have a single independent variable
(marital status). I’ll have 4 groups of data, one for each of the marital status categories, and for
each one i’ll be looking at mood scores to see whether there’s a difference between the
averages. When i understand how the groups within the independent variable differ (such as
widowed or single, not married or divorced), you can begin to understand which of them has a
connection to your dependent variable (mood). However, i should note that ANOVA will only
tell that the average mood scores across all groups are the same or are not the same. It does
not tell which one has a significantly higher or lower average mood score.

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