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Name: Abdullah Al Ahad

ID: 1611573030

Serial: 20
Marketing research (MKT470)


Time: 90 minutes Marks: 35

Section A: Multiple choice questions (Circle the correct answer)

1. Which type of research is usually preferred to estimate the percentage of units in a specified
population exhibiting a certain behavior?
a. Causal research
b. Conclusive research
c. Exploratory research
d. Descriptive research
2. _____ provide information on individual, organization and services.
a. Numeric database
b. Bibliographic database
c. Directory database
d. Full text database
3. In case of_______ there is only one sample of respondents and information is obtained from
this sample only once.
a. Single cross sectional design
b. Multiple cross sectional design
c. Cohort analysis
d. Longitudinal design
4. Which of the following is NOT a criterion of evaluating secondary data?
a. Currency
b. Specification
c. Objective
d. Independent
5. The inability to answer a particular question would be considered as;
a. Respondent error
b. Interviewer error
c. Researcher error
d. Non response error


1. D
2. C
3. A
4. D
5. A
Section B: Short questions (Answer any 3) [3*10=30]

1. What type of exploratory research design (observation, projective technique, in-depth

interview, focus group, case study, ethnography, netnography, ZMET) would you suggest for
each of the following situations and why? [10]
a. Zales jewelry retailer wants to better understand why men buy jewelry for women and
how they select what they buy.
b. The owner of the local Burger king located by your university is planning to build a play
land and wants to know which play equipment is most interesting to children.
c. Victoria’s secret wants to better understand women’s body images.
d. The director of on campus housing proposes some significant changes to the physical
configuration of the current on-campus dorm rooms for freshman and new transferred
e. The corporate VP of merchandising for Whole Foods supermarkets would like to know
the popularity of a new brand of cereal that is produced by General Mills.


a. In this scenario I would suggest in-depth interview. Cause when highly skilled interviewer
asked him personal question he or she will understand that men belief, motive behind
the buy
b. Focus group will be perfect for this research. Cause will ask different age and category people
who live around there.
c. For this I suggest observation method. Cause more you see women Victoria’s secret will
understand more about woman
d. projective technique will be help to find out director propose good or bad for student
e. case study I would suggest. Just collect previous data and find out the answer.
2. The regional sales manager of proctor and gamble interviews sales representatives in the
Midwest and asks them questions about the percentage of their time they spend making
presentations to potential new customers, talking on the telephone with current customers,
working on the computer and engaging in on-the-job activities. What potential sources of error
might be associated with the manager’s line of questioning? [10]
3. Chanel was considering advertising its perfumes in magazines it formerly considered too ‘down-
market’ for its prestigious brand. The Chanel brand had a 3% share of department store sales
(the leader was Estée Lauder with a 21% share). By expanding its advertising beyond high-
fashion magazines, Chanel hoped to improve its share of department store. Write the research
problem for the above scenario and 3 related hypotheses.


Research should be :

 Firms should carefully analyze market expectations of the attributes of thecore brand and check
out similar attributes for the extension because brand-specificassociations are very relevant for
 To discourage the dilution of brand identity and negative brand value, businesses should refrain
from expanding the brand name to too many product segments.
 Companies should consider distancing the brand extension from the core brand, particularly if it
wishes to use those associations but not all of the current brand associations

After market research they should work in improve that .

4. You are the owner of a fusion restaurant in Chittagong. You want to know the consumer
experience and develop your restaurant in terms of food variety, price and customer
satisfaction. For this purpose you want to conduct a focus group interview to gather
consumer insight. Discuss what advantages and disadvantages you might face
throughout the entire process. [10]


A restaurant that serves customers in relaxing environment with priced food. The food variety
of a casual restaurant is massive, beginning with starters, main course, desserts, drinks and so
on. If I want to know the consumer experience and develop your restaurant in terms of food
variety, price and customer satisfaction I will arrange a focus group interview. My advantages
will be for that:
 I will get actual information from my consumers
 I will know what they prefer
 I will get what type or category food they like
 What was their previous experience and what more they want
 Is food price in their budget
 Get group of people information rather than get one
 Secure and authentic information
 Situational information
 Get lots of information at a time

Also, I will face some disadvantages:

 If I misuse any information
 If I not properly judge them or their information
 If I end up the session right time
 It will be mess, if I properly moderate

So, I have advantage and some disadvantage. But important thing is I will get actual and
authentic information from that group interview.

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