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Villaran, Gerine R.


The interconnectedness and interdependence of countries in a global sense has

been occuring from the earliest times and has drastically evolved to become a
phenomenon that greatly impacts the world and its societal, economical and political
systems. On the other hand, globalization does not only bring progress, the unseen
outcomes of the never ending drive for improvement is most likely neglected by the
populace. In this sense, we ought to look at both the positive and negative impacts of
globalization in order for us to weigh and decide what shall be greatly considered and

If we try to look back, we can definitely attest how much the world has
dramatically changed in different aspects and all of this has been possible through the
advent of technology. Globalization has fostered technological advancements,
therefore enabling much easier communication, transportation, and production of
goods. It has created job opportunities, which sustain thousands of families. It has also
enabled manufacturing and businesses to prosper which generally generates wealth
and thus elevates the economy. Openness toward other cultures has pushed cultural
diffusion and promotesd acceptance of cultural diversity. Governments across
countries has created policies and regulations favoring international trade and has
decreased tariffs and paved the way for a much organized process in the import and
export of goods. Indeed, globalization has created room for progress and
advancements, hence, to what extent will the world continue to improve? Will
advancements never end? What lies behind such enormous changes?

The spike of opportunities and enhancements have certainly pushed the human
race to reach a level of progress which the earlier generations could have never
imagined to achieve. However, what the world tends to leave unnoticed are the
negative impacts that are emerging due to the never ending desire to achieve more.
Globalization has deeply altered the way we live, changes taking place in the society
are deep rooted in a way that every bit of influence from other countries has affected
our mindsets and the way we see things. On the other hand, the increase in population
requires a much greater demand of goods and thus cause the scarcity of natural
resources. Irresponsible usage of resources causes a threat in sustainability. In a much
wider perspective, globalization impedes future advancements in the sense that raw
materials are already largely utilized for present developments. The huge span of
information that the internet provides harms the mass in a way that it serves as a tool
in the spread of false news and data which may alter perspectives and draw out
unexamined reactions and opinions which may further cause chaos. The influences of
different countries altered and brought new ways of life and hints a threat on the
preservation of culture and traditions. All in all, it is difficult to distinguish whether
globalization brings prosperity or it simply signifies the uncertainty of the future in a
way that the present unfolds the misery of how the humanity has fostered a culture of
cruelty towards raw materials and resources in exchange of wealth and progress. In
the end, what matters the most is that we critically examine our views, decisions, and
stance on issues for us to assert that we contribute something substantial to the society
and not become a contributing factor that pulls it down.

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