Bang! & Dodge City Cards - Player Aid

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& Dodge City Cards - Player Aid

Appaloosa – The player with this card in play on the table sees all other players at a distance decreased by
1. However, other players still see him at the normal distance.
Bang! – Bang! cards are the main method to reduce other players’ life points. You can only play one Bang!
card per turn, but you can play any number of Bang! effects. If you want to play a Bang! Card to hit one of
the players, determine: a) what the distance to that player is, and b) if your weapon is capable of reaching
that distance. A player hit with a Bang! card may immediately play a Missed! card – even though it is not his
turn – to cancel the shot. If he does not, he loses a life point. If he has no more bullets left (i.e. he loses his
last life point), he is out of the game, unless he immediately plays a Beer card. The Bang! card is discarded,
even when cancelled.
Barrel – If a player has this card in play on the table, he may “draw!” when targeted by a Bang! effect or
Bang! card (see Bang! and Missed!). If he draws a Heart card then the result is a Missed! effect, and play
continues as normal. Otherwise, he may still try and cancel the shot with a Missed! card.
Beer – Regain one life point. Only the player playing this card benefits from this effect. A player cannot gain
more life points than his starting amount. Beer can be played as usual, during your turn; or out of turn, if you
have received a lethal hit that takes away your last life point.
Bible - You can not use this card on the same turn it was played. Discard this card from play to get a
Missed! effect (see Bang! and Missed!) and draw the top card of the deck. The card drawn is added to your
Brawl - You must discard this card along with any other card of your choice from your hand to force all
other players (i.e. not the player who played the card) to discard a card, regardless of distance. You can
force a targeted player to discard a random card from his hand, or you can choose and discard one card
“in play” in front of him.
Buffalo Rifle - You can not use this card on the same turn it was played. Discard this card from play to get
a Bang! effect (see Bang! and Missed!) applied to any chosen player, regardless of the distance.
Can Can - You can not use this card on the same turn it was played. Discard this card from play to force any
player to discard a card. You can force a targeted player to discard a random card from his hand, or you
can choose and discard one card “in play” in front of him.
Canteen - You can not use this card on the same turn it was played. Discard this card from play to regain
one life point. Only the player playing this card benefits from this effect. A player cannot gain more life
points than his starting amount. Canteen can not be played out of turn like Beer.
Cat Balou – Force any player to discard a card. You can force a targeted player to discard a random card
from his hand, or you can choose and discard one card “in play” in front of him.
Conestoga - You can not use this card on the same turn it was played. Discard this card from play to draw
a card from any one player regardless if distance. You can draw a random card from his hand, or you can
choose one “in play” in front of him. In both cases, the card drawn is added to your hand.
Derringer - You can not use this card on the same turn it was played. Discard this card from play to get a
Bang! effect (see Bang! and Missed!) applied to any one player at a distance of 1. Draw a card from the top
of the deck. The card drawn is added to your hand.
Dodge – A Missed! effect (see Bang! and Missed!) and draw the top card of the deck. The card drawn is
added to your hand.
Duel – The player playing this card challenges any other player (at any distance). The challenged player
may discard a Bang! Card (even though it is not his turn). If he does, the player who played the Duel card
may discard a Bang! and so on: the first player failing to play a Bang! card loses one life point, and the duel
is over. Note: You can not play Barrel or Missed! cards during a duel. The Duel card is not considered a
Bang! Card.
Dynamite – The player who plays this card puts Dynamite in front of him, face up (the Dynamite will stay
there for a whole turn). When the player starts his next turn, before the first phase (“Draw two cards”) he
must “draw!”. If he draws a card showing Spades and a number between 2 and 9, the Dynamite explodes
(discard it). The player immediately loses 3 life points. Otherwise, the Dynamite is passed to the first player
on his left who does not already have a Dynamite in front of him, who will “draw” on his turn. Players keep
passing the Dynamite around until it explodes (with the effect explained above) or it is removed from play by
a Panic! or Cat Balou card. If a player has both Dynamite and a Jail card, check the Dynamite first. If a
character is eliminated by a Dynamite card, his elimination is not considered to be caused by any player.
Gatling - A Bang! effect (see Bang! and Missed!) applied to all other players (i.e. not the player who played
the card) regardless of the distance.
General Store – When you play this card, turn as many cards from the deck face up equal to the number of
players still playing. Starting with the player who played the card, and proceeding clockwise, each player
chooses one of those cards and puts it in his hand.
Hideout - The player with this card in play on the table is seen by all other players at a distance increased
by 1. However, he still sees the other players at the normal distance.
Howitzer - You can not use this card on the same turn it was played. Discard this card from play to get a
Bang! effect (see Bang! and Missed!) applied to all other players regardless of the distance.
Indians! – Each player, excluding the one who played this card, may discard a Bang! card, or lose a life
point. Missed! Or Barrel has no effect in this case.
Iron Plate – You can not use this card on the same turn it was played. Discard this card from play to get a
Missed! effect (see Bang! and Missed!).
Jail – This card is played in front of any player (except the Sheriff), who is now in jail. A player in jail must
“draw!” before the beginning of his turn. If he draws a Heart card then he escapes from jail, discards the Jail
card, and continues his turn as normal. Otherwise, he discards the Jail and skips phase 1 and 2 of his turn,
simply discarding excess cards. However, he remains a possible target for Bang! cards and can still play
Missed! and Beer out of his turn.
Knife - You can not use this card on the same turn it was played. Discard this card from play to get a Bang!
effect (see Bang! and Missed!) applied to any one player at a distance of 1.
Missed! – A player hit with a Bang! card may immediately play a Missed! card – even though it is not his
turn – to cancel the shot. If he does not, he loses a life point. The Bang! card is discarded, even when
cancelled. Note: Players can only cancel shots aimed at them!
Mustang – The player with this card in play on the table is seen by all other players at a distance increased
by 1. However, he still sees other players at the normal distance.
Panic! – Draw a card from any one player at a distance of 1. You can draw a random card from his hand,
or you can choose one “in play” in front of him. In both cases, the card is added to your hand.
Pepperbox – You can not use this card on the same turn it was played. Discard this card from play to get a
Bang! effect (see Bang! and Missed!) applied to any one player, provided he is within a reachable distance.
Pony Express - You can not use this card on the same turn it was played. Discard this card from play to
draw 3 cards from the top of the deck. The cards drawn are added to your hand.
Punch – A Bang! effect (see Bang! and Missed!) applied to any one player at a distance of 1.
Rag Time – You must discard this card along with any other card of your choice from your hand to draw a
card from any one player, regardless of the distance. You can draw a random card from his hand, or you
can choose one “in play” in front of him. In all cases, the card drawn is added to your hand.
Saloon All other players regain one life point. Then the player playing this card regains a life point. A player
cannot gain more life points than his starting amount. Saloon can not be played out of turn like Beer.
Silver - The player with this card in play on the table sees all other players at a distance decreased by 1.
However, other players still see him at the normal distance.
Sombrero - You can not use this card on the same turn it was played. Discard this card from play to get a
Missed! effect (see Bang! and Missed!).
Springfield - You must discard this card along with any other card of your choice from your hand to get a
Bang! effect (see Bang! and Missed!) applied to any chosen player, regardless of distance.
Stagecoach – Draw the top 2 cards from the deck. The cards drawn are added to your hand.
Ten Gallon Hat - You can not use this card on the same turn it was played. Discard this card from play to
get a Missed! effect (see Bang! and Missed!).
Tequila - You must discard this card along with any other card of your choice from your hand to regain one
life point. You can apply this effect to any chosen player, regardless of the distance. A player cannot gain
more life points than his starting amount. Tequila can not be played out of turn like Beer.
Wells Fargo - Draw the top 3 cards from the deck. The cards drawn are added to your hand.
Whisky - You must discard this card along with any other card of your choice from your hand to regain two
life points. Only the player playing this card benefits from this effect. A player cannot gain more life points
than his starting amount. Whisky can not be played out of turn like Beer.
Volcanic - A player having this card in play on the table may play any number of Bang! cards during
his turn. These Bang! cards can be aimed at the same or different targets, but are limited to a distance of 1.
Schofield - A player with this card in play on the table can play Bang! cards a maximum distance of 2.
Remington - A player with this card in play on the table can play Bang! cards a maximum distance of 3.
Rev. Carabine - A player with this card in play on the table can play Bang! cards a maximum distance of 4.
Winchester - A player with this card in play on the table can play Bang! cards a maximum distance of 5.

Note: Throughout this document “he”, “his”, etc. are used to indicate both genders.

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