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The First Voyage of Sinbad

MANY YEARS AGO, there lived in time, but Sinbad was not so lucky. He
had time enough to catch a piece of
a young man named Sinbad. Sinbad was driftwood, but the captain wouldn’t wait for
born into money, and as such, spent his him. He hoisted the sails and drifted away,
youth frittering it away; dropping huge while Sinbad crashed about on the waves.
sums on the finest food, clothing, and other He stayed adrift for the rest of the
luxuries. He had had a good life, but as he day and the entire night. Miraculously, at
got older, he felt something was missing. He dawn, a great wave picked him up and
had everything a man could want, sure, but threw him ashore. He had been tossed
he had never had any experience. He around so much, he had no idea where he
craved excitement and adventure. was, but he found a dry cave and slept for
The very next day, he sold all his many hours to regain his strength.
things. Not knowing quite what else to do, The next morning, he searched the
he walked down to the harbor at Baghdad. island for food and drink. After hours of
“Say, could you all use another merchant?” searching and coming up with nothing, he
he asked a group of men surrounding spotted a little spring in the distance. As he
a boat. pushed further into the jungle, a stern voice
“Sure, we’ll take you on,” they shouted behind him: “Who are you?”
replied, and in a matter of minutes, he had “I am Sinbad the Sailor,” he
signed a contract and joined the crew of answered, his voice trembling.”I was cast
their ship. Off to sea they went. ashore here; I know not where I am.”
They steered toward the East Indies, Suddenly, the man materialized in
and on the way they passed many little front of him. “Come with me,” he said
islands, where they got out to sell or and took the ragged sailor by the hand.
exchange goods. One day, they stopped He led him into a cave where merry men
off at a little island. It was low; almost even and women sat around a table, eating
with the edge of the water, and they went and drinking.
about their business as they usually would Sinbad was ravenous, and he imme-
on islands—eating, drinking, and resting for diately set about feasting. After he had
the next leg of the journey. filled his stomach, he asked them all how
Suddenly, the whole island began to they had found their way to the land. “We
tremble! “Quick! Back to the boat!” the are the staff of King Mirage,” they
sailors shouted, and they scrambled back to answered. “You’re a lucky man,” said one.
the ship. Turning to look behind him, “We are scheduled to leave tomor-
Sinbad saw that what they thought was a row. Had you been caught in that storm
restful island was actually a giant whale, for another day, you might have never
angered by the fire they had set to cook been saved.”
their dinner. The next morning, the band of merry-
The others made it back to the ship makers went to the capital, and took

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Sinbad with them. They presented him to joined you at Baghdad.”
King Mirage. “Who are you?” he bellowed “Pssh—that’s not true,” the captain
at him, “And what has brought you to guffawed. “I saw him drown with my own
my land?” eyes. Everyone on board did.”
Sinbad recounted his adventure; of “It’s me!” Sinbad persuaded. “I
being tossed upon the shore by an unforgiv- survived on the sea for an entire day and
ing sea. night, and the next morning washed up on
“My, my. What a time you’ve had!” the shore here. I’ve been living among the
he said. “You must be exhausted. I’ll see to king’s men in the palace ever since.”
it that your health is taken care of here.” Just then, one of the other sailors
For weeks, Sinbad remained in the came ashore, and the moment he saw him,
land and got to know the people in it. He he ran over to give him a hug. “Sinbad!
mostly stayed near the port, where he made You’re alive!” he cried as he threw his arms
fast friends the merchants and sailors. All around him. More and more of his
the while, though, he made sure to keep colleagues came down onto shore, and
close ties with the king and his men. After when they saw his face, they all whooped
so many weeks without much more for him and shouted and surrounded Sinbad in joy.
to do than chat, they became quite close. Sinbad brought them back to the palace for
One day, he was at the port when a a celebration.
familiar ship cast anchor there. He watched The next morning, Sinbad brought
the names on the crates and boxes they his belongings from the ship to King
were unloading, when suddenly he saw his Mirage. “These are fine things,” said the
own on some of them. He then approached king as he slowly looked them over,
the captain and asked whom the cargo running his hand gently over a golden
belonged to. “Oh, a man named Sinbad,” chalice. “I know you are eager to get back
he answered. “He joined us at Baghdad. to your home, and I know the hardships
We had an accident at a little island a you have suffered.” The King looked up at
ways out, and he got caught in a storm and Sinbad. “I will buy all of these riches off of
drowned. He won’t be needing these, so you…and I will pay handsomely for them.”
I’ve decided to trade them and give the Sinbad sailed home richer than he
money to his family.” ever had been, for not only did he have
“Actually, he might,” Sinbad replied. wealth, he had friends.
“For I am Sinbad, the same Sinbad that


Now that you’ve read the story, pretend you’re the captain of Sinbad’s ship. On the
following page, fill out the ship’s log entries from the day after the storm and the day you
reunited with Sinbad.

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