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Training Document: 120 113 304 f Gilbarco GmbH + Co.

Error Codes - Sandpiper II
Code Priority Description Comment Tip 1 Tip 2 Tip 3
Error Codes, blinking in the money display
E1 SU W&M RAM Database Corrupted Warmstart (F1, F2)
E4 SU One or more tasks not started Warmstart (F1, F2) Check hardware and configuration
E5 SU Software Coldstart Command Code 59.1 executed. Warmstart (F1, F2)
Data memory is not the same (CPU
E6 SU Coniguration Error Warmstart (F1, F2) F1, 0, 1, 2, 8, Enter then F2 Recover the configuration
and ECAL Board)
software or hardware error at the ECAL Open the Security Switch + Warmstart
E7 SU ECAL board memory error change the ECAL board change the CPU board
board (F1, F2)
Database not compatible with
E8 SU Ram Database Warmstart (F1, F2) Recover the configuration
previous version
Power down, remove jumper and
E9 SU Hardware Coldstart Jumper 5 was set
power up

Security Switch on the CPU was not Recover the configuration if

E 10 SU New Software Version detected
open configuration was lost

Totalizers will become zero with a

E 60 SU Totalizer Corrupted Warmstart (F1, F2)
warmstart or power down
Error Codes, blinking in the unit price display

After nozzle out, the CPU checks the

read out the eventlog and test/change Check pulser connection on the IS-
20 ME Pulser Disconnected pulser current. Current below 5 mA Change the IS-HUB
the pulser HUB
generates the error.

Normal Calibration Factors:

Error can happen, e.g. after an ECAL- Set the factor to value 1 and calibrate
26 ME Invalid Calibration Factor Ecometer --> 054XXX Read out the eventlog
Board exchange with CC76
C+Meter --> 153XXX
33 ME Stop-Button activated Option Scandinavia Information only
Error happens after a restart of the Check the function of the nozzle Check the eventlog for the position of
44 ME Nozzle out during power up Nozzle out = contact closed
dispenser switches the nozzle switch
46 ME Mininmum Preset Limit Threshold value = 1 litre Enter an increased preset value
POS communicaton lost Check the shielding of the cable
50 ME Check the wiring to the POS system Contact POS producer
(disconnected) connection
58 ME Battery Backup status low Option England Check Battery Backup voltage (>11V) Check connections
change the board with another valve
4322 ME Prop.-Valve Board not connected exchange the valve board exchange the CPU board
board for a test
Command Code 59.1 executed. Similar
5034 SU Software Coldstart Warmstart (F1, F2)
to E5

5035 SU Hardware Coldstart Jumper 5 was set. Similar to E9 Warmstart (F1, F2)

5036 SU Database Corrupted Similar as E1, E4 to E6. Warmstart (F1, F2)

Totalizers will become zero with a
5037 SU Totalizer Corrupted warmstart or power down. Similar to Warmstart (F1, F2)

05.11.2012 Training / Support Page 1 from 5

Training Document: 120 113 304 f Gilbarco GmbH + Co. KG
Error Codes - Sandpiper II
Code Priority Description Comment Tip 1 Tip 2 Tip 3
Check the eventlog for the position of Check the check valve infront of the
5047 ME Reverse flow detected Check the hydraulic for leakages (air)
the pulser meter
petrol flow on a meter which is not in
disconnect the valve coil and start a
use for the active hose; could happen
5049 ME unauthorized flow detected fuelling, if it is possible to fuel one change the prop. valve
if one prop. Valve from a 40/140
prop. valve is defect
product stays open
in combination with error 5047 this
pulser channel 1 and 2 are not 90
5050 ME invalid pulser pattern read out and analyse the eventlog error could come up caused by air or change the pulser
degree dephased
dirt in the system
5055 ME Calibration switch is open ECAL-Board Check the switches
5056 ME Security Switch is open CPU-Board Check the switch

Name of the board's: STP Connector

Motor switching board (AC1 Check connection (AC1 plug at the
5065 ME (3 Phasen) or Single Phase AC Change the board
Connector) not connected CPU)
Connector PCA (1 Phase)
Air sensor not connected but option Sensor is only in use in Blackmer Check the eventlog for the position of
5081 ME Check Command Code 98
enabled Pumps the sensor

IFSF/LON-Interface Board not

5088 SU Check connection Check Command Code 24 Check/change board
connected but option enabled

5089 ME IFSF/LON-Interface Board error Check connection Check/change board

ATC Hub Board not connected but ATC = Automatic Temperatur

5091 SU Check connection Check/change board Check Command Code 91.6
option enabled Compensation
ATC Hub Board connected but option ATC = Automatic Temperatur
5092 MA Check Command Code 91.6
disabled Compensation
Number of ATC-Probes exceeds ATC = Automatic Temperatur
5099 MI Check Command Code 75 and 90 Check probe connections and wiring
number ATC-Grades Compensation
Number of ATC-Grades exceeds ATC = Automatic Temperatur
5100 ME Check Command Code 75 and 90 Check probe connections and wiring
number ATC-Probes Compensation

In single sided dispenser this fault is

5111 MA Display Board communication failure generated in the eventlog during Check all boards and connections Check Command Code 92
booting session (not a real error)
5113 MA Door Node not present wrong or double display adressing check display and adress jumper
Additional release signal from printer
5120 ME Fiscal Printer release lost Check transaction records Check printer
(option Poland). Transaction fault!
5130 MA Display Board Errors Warmstart (F1, F2) check the eventlog change the display
Preset Keypad not connected but
5131 ME Check connection Check Command Code 22.1 Check/change keypad
5139 MA STOP-Button stuck Option Skandinavia Check button and wiring
Totalizer present but no verification
5183 ME Check connection Check Totalizer Check Display Board
pulse detected
Satellite (Slave) Display slave display from satellite or 397G not
5211 MA Check Command Code 92 and 91.4 Check connections
communication failure connected

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Training Document: 120 113 304 f Gilbarco GmbH + Co. KG
Error Codes - Sandpiper II
Code Priority Description Comment Tip 1 Tip 2 Tip 3
Open the Security Switch + Warmstart
5230 ME Totalizer CRC per nozzle corrupted CRC-Checksumm Test
(F1, F2)
5413 ME Zero price on PPU Check POS configuration Check Command Code 20 Check Command Code 94
Fuel Density not set but Vapour
5600 SU Check Command Code 75
Recovery and/or ATC is set
ATC = Automatic Temperatur Range: -50°C bis +70°C. Typical
Compensation. PT100 (0°C = measuring values: 5°C = 101,95 Ohm,
5601 ME ATC Temperatur reading out of range Check connections Change ATC Hub and/or probe
100Ohm). Resitant values don't 10°C = 103,9 Ohm, 15°C = 105,85
change proportional! Ohm, 20°C = 107,79 Ohm
Display Board software version error / Open the Security Switch + Warmstart
5603 MA comes up after display change F1, 0, 1, 2, 8, Enter then F2 Check Display Board and CPU
version changed (F1, F2)
ATC = Automatic Temperatur
Compensation. PT100 (0°C =
5604 ME ATC Probe short cut Check connections Change probe among each other Change probe
100Ohm). Resitant values don't
change proportional!
Multi-Wire Board (Pulse Outlet
5700 MA Check board and connections Check Command Code 24
Interface) communication failure
Multi-Wire-Board (Pulse Outlet
5701 MA Check Command Code 24 Check Command Code 40.6-40.13
Interface) unconfigured
Multi-Wire Board (Pulse Outlet Check connections to OPT (Outdoor
5702 MA Check board and connections
Interface) device error Payment Terminal)
Multi-Wire Board (Pulse Outlet Check calibration factor by Command
5703 ME Frequency to high Check board and connections
Interface) cash pulses overrun Code 76.2 or 99
Multi-Wire Board (Pulse Outlet Check calibration factor by Command
5704 ME Frequency to high Check board and connections
Interface) volume pulses overrun Code 76.2 or 99
Signal is transmitted by Limit Pressure
Check the adjustment of the Limit
5801 MA CNG: Over pressure signal detected Gauge. Setting: 267 bar in the future Check boards and connections Check Command Code 89.49
Pressure Gauge
maybe 277 bar
CNG: Knock Over Protection (Shock
5802 SU Switch opens if active Check Knock Over Protection Check boards and connections Check Command Code 89.50
Sensor) active
Start button and nozzle signal detected
5804 ME CNG*: No flow detected Last Bank and less than 1,5 Kg filled
but nozzle not connected
Default max tank pressure setting: 195
5805 ME CNG*: Max tank pressure to high Car tank is full Check Command Code 89.4 and 89.5
Check Command Code 89.26 and
5806 ME CNG: Maximum flow rate detected Hose breakaway or pipe burst
Calculation failure: Second pressure
Pressure-, temperature- and mass
5807 ME CNG*: Maximum mass exceeded value lower than the first pressure
values illogical
CNG*: Calculated delta pressure is Measuring failure, pressure values
5808 ME Check Pressure Transmitter
negative value illogical
CNG*: Maximum pressure limit
5809 ME Default setting: 250 bar Check Pressure Transmitter Check Command Code 89.32
CNG*: Temperatur sensor short Temperature sensor (PT100) is located
5811 ME Check board and connections
circuit on the CNG/COMBI HUB
CNG*: Temperature sensor Temperature sensor (PT100) is located
5812 ME Check board and connections
disconnected on the CNG/COMBI HUB

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Training Document: 120 113 304 f Gilbarco GmbH + Co. KG
Error Codes - Sandpiper II
Code Priority Description Comment Tip 1 Tip 2 Tip 3
CNG*: Pressure Transmitter short Check Pressure Transmitter
circuit connection
CNG*: Pressure Transmitter Check Pressure Transmitter
disconnected connection
5816 ME Check board and connections Check IS-Interface
5820 ME CNG*: Failure during leak test
5823 ME CNG*: Pressure Transmitter fault
Temperature sensor (PT100) is located
5825 ME CNG*: Temperature sensor fault Check CNG/COMBI HUB
Check jumper setting (short cut pin 1 check the 230V Power on the IS-
6001 ME IS-HUB 1 disconnected Check board and connections
and 2) Interface
6002 SU IS-Interface disconnected Check board and connections
Check jumper setting (short cut pin 3 check the 230V Power on the IS-
6003 ME IS-HUB 2 disconnected Check board and connections
and 4) Interface
AAB / PIB not connected but option
6006 MA Option Italy Check connections Check Command Code 82 and 83
ECAL-Board not connected but option
6014 MA Check connections Check Command Code 91.18

Motor switching board (AC2 Name of the board's: STP Connector

Check connection (AC2 plug at the
6027 ME Connector) for product 5/6 not (3 Phasen) or Single Phase AC Change the board
connected Connector PCA (1 Phase)
6030 MA Hose leak test failed Option Italy Check hydraulics Check Command Code 83.1
6031 MA Hose leak test failed Option France Check hydraulics Check Command Code 83.1
6032 MA Hose leak test interrupted Option France Check hydraulics Check Command Code 83.1
6035 MA Tank low level error Option Italy Check connections Check tank sensor
AAB / PIB not detected but tank low
6036 MA Option Italy Check connections to AAB / PIB Check Command Code 91.21
level sensor enabled
Nozzle out during power up and hose Replace nozzle and power up or
6037 SU Option France
leak test not possible Warmstart (F1, F2)
Kiosk Switch not connected but option
6039 MA Option Italy Check connections Check Command Code 91.22
VRC Board not connected but option
6040 ME Check connections Check VRC Board Check Command Code 91.14
Reset with Service Terminal FB1
Prevent leakages and check power of Ceck/repair the vapour recovery with
6042 ME VR Monitoring STOP (Gilbarco VMC) or Vaporix-Service-
the gas pumping unit Service Terminal and gas meter
for Vapor Recovery Simulation use Disconnect Service Terminal from CPU
6048 ME Service Terminal FB1 connected
Command Code 76.1 Board
AAB / PIB not connected but Satellite Satellit is an option for ultra high flow
6058 ME Check connections Check Command Code 91.17
option enabled dispensers
Check Command Code 80 and 76.2 or
6081 ME Maximum flow rate exceeded Maximum flow = 85 l/min Check flow rate Check hydraulic
one of the twin meters pulsers is not
6082 ME High speed pulser out of range Check meters and pulsers Check solenoid valves
counting or too slow
6084 ME Hose leak test failed Option Italy Check hydraulic Check Command Code 83.1

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Training Document: 120 113 304 f Gilbarco GmbH + Co. KG
Error Codes - Sandpiper II
Code Priority Description Comment Tip 1 Tip 2 Tip 3
Security Switch on the CPU was not Open the Security Switch + Warmstart Recover the configuration if
6086 SU New software version detected (E10)
open (F1, F2) configuration was lost
check the connection between pulser
6088 ME Pulser communicaton lost
and IS-hub
Pulsers become activated with nozzle
6089 ME Pulser enable state error Check IS-Hub and CPU-Board
Pulsers become activated with nozzle
6090 ME Too many pulsers activated Check IS-Hub and CPU-Board

INFO 1: The errors have different priorities which are: INFO (IN), MINOR (MI), MEDIUM (ME), MAJOR (MA) and SUPERMAJOR (SU) (second column in the error table). INFO and MINOR events are not real errors
and will not blink in the PPU display, but will be saved in the eventlog. MEDIUM and MAJOR events are real errors and will flash in the PPU display, if they appear. SUPERMAJOR events are real errors as well, but
they will flash in the money display and will be indicated with an E.. (Example: E10).

MEDIUM events will get a reset by nozzle out and will not appear again, if the causer was eliminated. MAJOR and SUPERMAJOR events will get a reset by power reset or warmstart (press F1+F2, one after another)
and will not appear again, if the causer was eliminated.

INFO 2: Errors which are indicated by CNG*: will flash in the PPU display and generate an error signal for the compressor control system, when the error appeared 3 times. This must not be the same 3 times the
same error. Example 1: three times error 5804 = error signal. Example 2: one time error 5804, one time error 5807 and one time error 5808 = error message. Errors which are indicated by CNG: will generate
immediately an error signal for the compressor control system.

For further questions concerning error codes, please contact Gilbarco Techsupport in Salzkotten (Mail: , Phone: 0049 (0) 5258 13 444)

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