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1=What was Shah Waliullah's importance in restoring Islam in 18th century 7

2=What was Syed Ahmed Barelvi's influence in helping the muslims in 19th century 7
3=What was Haji Shariatullah's influence in restoring Islam in 19th century? 7
4=How sir Syed improved relationship between  the British and muslims? 7
5=Why did Sir Syed Ahmed khan write the causes of the Indian revolt? 7
6=Why was there a need to convince the muslims? 7

ANS 1:Shah waliullah was a muslim scholar born in 1703.He did a lot to restore Islam. He
believed that many of the problems in the muslim community was because of the lack of
knowledge of Islam. He believed that all social ,political and economic behaviour should be
based on Islamic principles and that practicing Islam will create a good society.

Shah waliullah had a deep understanding of the Quran,Hadith,Fiqah and Tasawuf.He wanted
the Qurans teaching to be spread among every muslim, so he translatde the quran into
persian.Later his two sons translated the quran into Urdu.In addition to this ,Shah waliullah
wrote 51 books in Arabic and Persian.Shah waliullah provided the inspiration for all muslims
to lead a pure life

Shah waliullah was one of the first thinkers to state that the decline of the mughal empire was
due to neglect of the principles of Islam.The Madrassa Rahimiya taught islamic customs and
researching islamic thought

ANS 2: Syed Ahmed was born near Lucknow in 1786.He studied the Quran under the sons of
Shah waliullah for 2 years.He went to hajj in 1821 and when he returned he was ready to do
the jihad movement.Syed Ahmed had a great influence in the revival of Islam. He was the First
person to fight against the foreign power and rule and the first example in Indian history to
free Muslims from the tyranny of foreign rule. 

The jihad movement of Syed Ahmed is a uniting force for Muslims This movement was not
aimed to place a particular person on a throne but to achieve religious and spiritual freedom.
The fact that Syed Ahmed and his followers were prepared to die for their cause was an
inspiration to many Muslims.This movement is also regarded as a very important move
towards achieving an independent and separate state for Muslims even though this was very
ahead of that time.

So Syed Ahmed's efforts were an inspiration to all Muslims in defending their religion and
culture. Those Muslims who in the future worked for a separate independent state saw Syed
Ahmed as an example because even he wanted a separate independent state for the Muslims.

ANS 3:Haji Shariatullah believed that the Muslim community had moved away from the true
teachings of Islam. He wanted them to return to what he thought was the proper observation
of islamic duties called faraiz.This is why his movement was named the faraizi movement

The Faraizi movement gave encouragment to Muslims at a time when they were demoralied
by the oppression they suffered from the hindus and the british .It brought a spiritual revival
which led to a revival in the islamic religion in East Bengal.Hindu inflences were removed from
Islamic practices
It also had become an important political and economic impact.The Bengal peasants became
united in their opposition to the harsh treatment they received.They became more aware of
their rights and a political unity began to grow amongst them.This proved important as
Muslim demand for their homeland grew.

ANS 4:Sir syed believed that the position of the muslims in the subcontinent could only be
improved if relations with the British were improved and the muslims gained higher quality
education.The british didn’t trust muslims as they thought that they were the cause of the war
of independence.Muslims didn’t want to recieve Western I=education as they thought it s

Sir Syed wrote the cause of the Indian revolt which had the reasons of the revolt which
involved forcefully changing muslims to Christianity. Another reason was the poor
management of the Indian Army . The pamphlet was distributed for free to the royals. He
pointed out that Muslims called the British Nadararath which was not an insult but a praise
which meant helper

To convince the muslims,he wrote Tabyin ul kalam to tell the Indian muslims about
Christianity which they knew very little about. The muslims thought that the acceptance of
the western education will undermine Islamic teachings.But sir syed ahmed said that the
Quran said that they need to study and that learning modern scientific teachings will help
them to reveal the true majesty of Allah.

ANS 5: Sir syed ahmed wrote the cause of the Indian revolt as the British thought that the
reason that the Indian revolt took place was Muslims. That is why they carried out policies of
repression against the muslims after 1857.Sir Syed wanted to ensure that this false view was

The reasons he wrote in the pamphlet was that there was a lack of representation for Indians
in the country ,that is why they did the revolt.Another reason was that muslims were
forcefully converted to Christianity by British .Another reason is that the management of the
Indian army was really poor. He also listed other measures taken by the British which created
dissatisfaction and led to resentment among the muslims

He distributed the pamphlet among st British official and royals for free. Some british officials
were angered by what Sir Syed Ahmed Khan had written as he was blaming them for the
uprising done by the locals.On the other hand,some read his point of view with sympathy and
accepted the truth in his words

Ans 6:Sir syed tried very hard to improve the relation between the muslims and the
British.The muslims did not want to get proper western education because they believed it
was unislamic.British were seen as foreign invaders and were sometimes being thought to
replace islam with christianity. Sir syed needed to convince the muslims to make the relation
between the British and muslims better

He realised that the muslims know very little about Christianity.He tried to finish this by
writing the book “Tabyin ul Kalam” in which he told the similarities between islam and
christianity.Due to lack of resources the work was not finished but it showed the commitment
to improve the relations

He set up the urdu journal “Tahzib ul akhlaq” which had articles from muslims who agreed to
take western education.The MAO college was set up by him in the pattern of a english publec
school system.This college had both english and indian education.It became a symbol for the
muslim unity.He also set up the Mohammedan Educational Conference.Its aim was to raise
educational standards among muslims

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