Swasthya Kalyan Institute of Naturopathy and Yogic Sciences Sitapura, Jaipur

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BATCH: 2015-2016

Certified that this is the bonafide record of practical work
SHARMA in the subject of JAL-CHIKITSA which are
recommended by Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan Rajasthan
Ayurved University for BNYS Course during the year 2020-

Date- Signature of
HOD/ Faculty incharge
Enrollment/Regd no.-
Centre of examination-
Date of examination-
Signature of examination-EXAMINER 1 EXAMINER 2
I would like to express my special thanks of gratitude to my
professor Dr. RICHA SONI as well as our principal Dr. ANKESH
SINGH who gave me the golden opportunity to do this
wonderful project on the TOPIC: HYPERACIDITY which also
helped me in doing a lot of research and I came to know
about so many new things I am really thankful to them.

Secondly, I would also like to thank you my parents and

friends who helped me a lot in finalizing this project within
the limited time frame.
Serial Contents Page number
1. Introduction of hyperacidity

2. Symptoms of hyperacidity

3. Causes of hyperacidity

4. Risk factors of hyperacidity

5. Diagnosis of hyperacidity

6 Complication of hyperacidity

7 Preventions for hyperacidity

8 Naturopathic management

9 Research papers

10 Bibliography

The name itself derives its meaning “Hyperacidity”. Hyper which means extra
or more and acidity means the increase amount of acid. Hyperacidity is
nothing but an increased level of acidity in our stomach. 
This condition is most commonly among younger adults, especially men.
• During digestion, the stomach naturally produces hydrochloric acid to
break down ingested food in order to absorb the nutrients easily. When
the stomach is started secreting too many hydrochloric acid results in
hyperacidity. This increase in HCl acid triggers other acids and enzymes
to secret and makes the condition worst.
• Hyperacidity is a common condition; a person experiences stomach
discomfort after eating, which is due to the excessive acid secretion
during the digestion process. Hyperacidity, also known as acid dyspepsia,
can cause appetite loss, vomiting, and constipation.

How common is hyperacidity?

• It is a less common condition than what you might think; approximately,
20 to 25% of the people annually have high acidity.  Many people who
have treated for hyperacidity, actually does have hypoacidity and
mistakenly diagnosed treated as hyperacidity. After age 35, most people
have lower secretion of stomach acid.
• People with heartburn, acid reflux, abdominal bloating, GERD, and
cramping are also due to a lack of stomach acid (hypoacidity), and
should not be due to an excess of stomach acid (hyperacidity) alone.
However, these people may take over-the-counter antacids or their
doctor’s prescription proton pump inhibitors (acid blockers) to reduce
their stomach acid. This will likely have a devastating consequence to
their digestive system and health as a whole .
Why do we all need gastric acid?
• The stomach requires an acid environment for various reasons:
• It sterilizes your stomach and kills harmful microbes that ingested with
• Certain level of stomach acid is necessary for proper closing of the lower
esophageal sphincter and opening of pyloric sphincter. Otherwise, it may
results in acid reflux or improper emptying of stomach acid respectively.
• It helps to digest protein – by stimulating the secretion of the enzyme
pepsin, which is requiring for protein digestion.
• It helps reduce ingested bulky food into chyme of smaller particles; this
helps easy movement in your entire intestine until excreted.
• It initiates peristalsis movement (the rhythmic contraction of the
intestine) to carries food through the entire gastrointestinal tract.
• It triggers the pancreas and liver to release digestive juice and enzymes’
lipase, amylase and protease. Lipase helps digest fat, amylase digest
carbohydrates and protease further digest already partially digested
• It is essential for various nutrients (such as vitamins and minerals)
absorption, which is a key for normal body functioning.

• High level of stomach acid may generate various symptoms,
most common among them are; dry mouth, flatulent, nausea,
heartburn, and/or chest pain.
• Heartburn or burning pains are in the upper stomach region
(just behind the breastbone or the center point below the
ribcage). It is due to lack of tightness in the lower esophageal
sphincter (LES - a muscular valve). This may be due to too much
food in the stomach or pressure causes the LES to open (should
be close if the food is in the stomach). Additionally, certain
citrus fruits and other food items may make the LES to relax;
thus, acid rich stomach content enters into the esophagus
causing inflammation.

• Dry mouth, throat and thirst – may be due to high acidity

• Flatulence (gas expelled through the anus) - is due to high
stomach acid indigestion, the undigested food reaches the
large intestine. The intestinal bacteria digest these partially
digested foods and release’s carbon-di-oxide gas.

• Sour belching of acid food - is eructation of gas from the

stomach through the mouth.
• Nausea or vomiting – throw away foods from the stomach.
• Severe hunger – occurs within one to two hour immediately
after a meal.
• Improper digestion of food – is due to early stomach-empting
caused by high stomach acid.
• Loose stool - that when expels may produce burning sensation.
• The pain will specifically occur from one and a half to two hours
after food (this time is how fast the digestion has completed in
the stomach) and relieved by the food intake or antacids.
• Ulcer formation is seen in the mouth as well as in the
oesophagus tube. Ulcers in the mouth often make it difficult for
the person to speak properly.
• Mouth tastes bitter.
• Respiratory problems are accompanied by frequent coughing.
• Muscular contractions result in pain.

• The person also experiences pain as well as inflammation in

the chest.
• Gastro-oesophageal acid reflux is another outcome.
• Earaches are minor symptoms.


• The actual cause of high stomach acid is still not clear;

however, it is believed to be due to unhealthy diet, schedule,
and stress.
• Unhealthy diets – is by taking consistently foods, which are rich
in proteins, spicy, oily, fried foods, and junk foods.
The types of food which increase the acidic impact in our food are
mentioned below:
• Spicy food habits like eating samosa, burger, pizza, etc.
• Excessive use of chilly, Cinnamon, clove, mustard, garam
masala powder (spice mixture), garlic etc. in the diet.
• Salty and sour foods like chips
• Eating of stale, fermented foods (dosa, uttapam, idli etc. bakery
food items).
• Excessive intake of fast food
• Excessive intake of Oily foods, pickles
• Intake of food and beverages in its hot condition like soups
• Excessive intake of tea/coffee.
• Lesser drink glass of water, dry food
• Irregular meal times
• Repeated food intake (before the digestion of the previously
taken food)
• Incompatible food like taking non-veg., pizza followed by a
• Skipping meals.
• Eating too late at night
Irregular schedule/ sedentary lifestyle:
• Most of the times it is not possible to manage our sleep and
daily routine due to an excessive amount of workload. This is
another major reason to treat acidity.
• Lack of rest, fast-moving lifestyle.
• Insufficient sleep at night.
• Sleeping immediately after meals.
• Suppression of natural urges.
• Excessive exposure to sun and fire.
The way you eat – that is improper mastication by hurried eating
leads to lack of mechanical digestion and may invite stomach acid
• Medication use such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
(NSAIDs such as ibuprofen), antibiotics, and estrogens for a
prolong time may lead to hyperacidity.
• Alcohol not only damages your liver; it may also cause high
stomach acid.
• Smoking is harmful to you as well as those around you; it may
also cause too much of stomach acid.
• Emotional distresses such as stress, anger, fear can trigger
excess or low stomach acid production.
• Obesity is considering as a risk factor for high stomach acid.

Pathophysiology of hyperacidity/ amlapittah

Conditions that can increase your risk of Acidity include:
• Obesity
• Bulging of top of stomach up into the diaphragm (hiatal hernia)
• Pregnancy
• Smoking
• Dry mouth
• Asthma
• Diabetes
• Delayed stomach emptying
• Connective tissue disorders, such as scleroderma

• Endoscopy - camera imaging
• Biopsy - taking a tissue sample for laboratory analysis
• Barium X-ray - imaging the esophagus, stomach, and upper
duodenum after swallowing a chalky liquid that helps provide
contrast on images
• Esophageal manometry - pressure measurement of the
 Impedance monitoring - measuring rate of fluid movement
along the esophagus
• pH monitoring - acidity testing .

• Narrowing of the esophagus (esophageal stricture)
• An open sore in the esophagus (esophageal ulcer)
• Precancerous changes to the esophagus (Barrett's esophagus).

• Eat healthy
• Change your eating pattern
• Eat slowly
• Avoid sleeping with a full stomach
• Stay fit
• Increase water intake
• Avoid tea, coffee
• Limit alcohol intake
• Quit smoking
• Change your sleeping posture
Diet and Lifestyle Advice
• Avoid tea, coffee, and carbonated or alcoholic beverages
• Avoid processed and fermented foods
• Avoid using garlic, ginger, onions, tomatoes, and vinegar in
• Also avoid rich gravies, sour, salty, and spicy foods
• Curd should be strictly avoided at night
• Take meals in a relaxed atmosphere at regular intervals

Diet for Hyperacidity

• Eliminate or drastically reduce your intake of foods that
increase or contribute to acidity. Acidic foods such as citrus
fruit and tomatoes and foods such as garlic, leeks, onions,
mustard, vinegar, pepper, and cabbage should be avoided
• Increase foods such as bananas, papayas, apples, and watermelon
that help reduce.
Acidity by naturally neutralizing acids in the stomach. Fruits such as
peaches, grapes, and berries should be eaten in moderation as too
much can cause heartburn as well.
• Cold Compress ( 20 mins. )
• Revulsive Compress ( Hot-3mins Cold-1 min. )
• Cold Abdomen Pack ( 20 mins. )
• GH pack
Mud therapy:
Direct application of mud over abdomen for 20 mins

• Urinary bladder-23
• U.B. 47
• St36
• P6
• LIV3
• SPL4
St 37,36

• Activities that put too much pressure on the stomach and cause
acid reflux, such as bending;
• lifting heavy objects,
• Straining
• Coughing
• Do not wear tight clothes and lose weight if you are obese
• Stop smoking and limit your intake of alcohol.

• Kunjal kriya
• Shankh prakshalan
• Basti
Practice Yoga
• Digestion of food,
• • Dyspeptics
• Flatulence
• Nerves and muscles of the legs and thighs are strengthened.
• Myalgia in the knees, legs, toes and thighs disappears.
• Sciatica vanishes.

• The people having stiff joints and whose movements have become
difficult, should practice this Asana with a lot of care. Such persons
should practice this Asana after getting the joints free and relaxed.
• Massages the internal organs, especially the digestive organs
• Builds strength in the muscles of the upper back
• Increases flexibility in the lower back
• Removes rounded shoulders
• Helps relieve menstrual problems
• Lower back problems
• Arthritis in spine or wrists
• Carpal tunnel syndrome
• Pregnancy
• Internal organ surgery

• Stretches the chest, shoulders and abdominals
• Strengthens the upper and lower back, arms and legs
• Prepares the body for deeper back bending
• Improves posture
• Back, neck or spinal injuries
• Pregnancy
• Bhastrika Pranayama,
• Shitali Pranayama and
• Shitkari Pranayama

Herbs used
• Ginger
• Alovera
• Nettle leaf tea
• Mango
• Oats
• Fennel seeds
• Buttermilk

• Fenugreek seeds

In ayurveds
• Shatavari – 3 gm twice a day with milk
• Yashtimadhu – 3 gm twice a day with milk
• Amalaki (Indian gooseberry) – 3 gm twice a day with water
• Sunthi (dry ginger) – 1- 3 gm twice a day with water
• basil leaves
• Panchakarma treatment When the patient cannot be well
managed with oral medications ‘Panchakarma procedures’ like
Vamana (emesis) or virechana (purgation) whichever is needed
should be administered. In chronic cases, Asthapanavasti
(medicated enema) is indicated.

Other remedies
• Avoid unhealthy foods - eating fried, oily, spicy, junk and too much of
protein foods.
• Avoid overeating; never cross over your limit.
• Add fiber-rich foods – this helps extend the time of gastric emptying,
thus helps to prevent the undesirable symptoms of hyperacidity.
• Sit straight when eating and sometimes after eating. Do not lie down
immediately after your meals; this will aggravate your symptoms.
• Take frequent smaller meals – by breaking up three into four or five;
this helps to limit acid production as well as relieves from the symptoms.
• Limit caffeinated beverages - such as coffee, tea and sodas; this may
trigger increased acid production in your stomach.
• Avoid acidic sour food items such as hot sauce, vinegar, pickles, etc.
• Drink milk in small quantities can give immediate relief from acidity.
• Take bananas rich in potassium can help reduce acidity symptoms.
• Coconut Water in the morning soothing your stomach, provides relief
from heartburn, and in due course heals hyperacidity.
• Drink enough water - eight to ten glasses of water a day helps dilute the
stomach acid. However, does not drink water during or immediately
after a meal if unavoidable have a little.
• Keep-up time – otherwise it can affect your normal digestion cycle.
• Masticate properly – if not due to hurry eating leads to lack of
mechanical digestion and may invite stomach acid raise.
• Avoid certain medication use such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory
drugs (NSAIDs such as ibuprofen), antibiotics, and estrogens, which may
trigger hyperacidity and even ulcer formation.
• Avoid alcohol - it not only damages your liver; it may also cause high
stomach acid.
• Stop smoking - it may harmfully stimulate too much of the stomach acid
• Sleep sufficiently – otherwise it can aggravate your acidity problem.
• Manage emotional - such as stress, anger, fear may trigger excess
stomach acid production.
“Efficacy and safety of Aloe vera syrup for the
treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease: a pilot
randomized positive-controlled trial”
Researcher,s name:Yunes Panahi, Hossein Khedmat, Ghasem
Valizadegan, Reza Mohtashami, Amirhossein Sahebkar

 PMID: 26742306
 DOI: 10.1016/s0254-6272(15)30151-5

Objective: To investigate the use of Aloe vera (A. vera) for the treatment of
gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) symptoms and compare its effects
with those of omeprazole and ranitidine.

Methods: In this pilot, randomized controlled trial, 79 subjects were

allocated to A. vera syrup (standardized to 5.0 mg polysaccharide per mL of
syrup) at a dose of 10 mL/d, omeprazole capsule (20 g/d) or ranitidine
tablet (150 mg in a fasted state in the morning and 150 mg 30 min before
sleep at night) for a period of 4 weeks. The frequencies of eight main
symptoms of GERD (heartburn, food regurgitation, flatulence, belching,
dysphagia, nausea, vomiting and acid regurgitation) were assessed at
weeks 2 and 4 of the trial.

Results: A. vera was safe and well tolerated and reduced the frequencies of
all the assessed GERD symptoms, with no adverse events requiring

Conclusion: A. vera may provide a safe and effective treatment for

reducing the symptoms of GERD

1. Pathophysiology of disease from: D.Hammer, Stephen, J Mcphee

2. Clinical, signs and symptoms from: DL Ramchandra
3. Nutritional supplement from : MICHAELT MURRAY, N.D.
4. Management of hyperacidity and heart burn from: Pooja singhania,
kastyri senray
5. Research paper from pubmed.com
Researcher,s name:Yunes Panahi, Hossein Khedmat, Ghasem
Valizadegan, Reza Mohtashami, Amirhossein Sahebkar
PMID: 26742306
DOI: 10.1016/s0254-6272(15)30151-5

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