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Project Management

Tinu Samuel John

Student ID: 104235

PHP Website Development

Table of Contents

Letter to the sponsor..........................................................................................................................4

Business Case....................................................................................................................................6
Project Objectives...............................................................................................................................8
Importance of the project...................................................................................................................9
Project deliverables..........................................................................................................................10
WBS (Work Breakdown Structure).................................................................................................11
Task sheet.....................................................................................................................................11
Gantt Chart....................................................................................................................................12
Milestone Report...............................................................................................................................13
Risks in the project...........................................................................................................................14
Cost Summary...................................................................................................................................14

Letter to the sponsor


Digitization is the current trend followed by many businesses all over the world.

One of the methods by which we can digitize the business is by having a website

for the company. The benefits of having a website are the main reason why many

organisation spends money in creation, and maintenance of the website. In a big

organisation, there will be a dedicated staff for the updating and maintenance of

their website. Even small organisation or startups are creating their company

websites as a part of digital marketing. Nowadays, people will first try to go

through the organisation's websites before physically approaching the firm. The

reason for this is that the consumers will get all information about the organisation

from the website itself. The details on the website include the services or product

offered by the firm, location of the firm, contact number for a query, artificial

intelligence-based customer support, and benefits of search engine

optimization[ CITATION She19 \l 5129 ]. With these benefits in mind, this project

proposal is about creating a website for an organisation “Multi Electronics” which

is focused on providing repair services for all electronic devices. As a part of

digital marketing, the company has decided to create a new website. The details

of the proposal are included in the coming section. The current website of the firm

is outdated and not properly structured. Moreover, the firm is not getting any

benefit like SEO from the current website. The proposal includes a Gantt chart

that shows the schedule of the project, costs included in the project, and risks

associated with the project.


The background of the organisation is mentioned in this section. Multi Electronics

is a third-party repairing center located at the heart of Otahuhu town in Auckland.

Customer satisfaction is the prime motto of the firm. This company is owned by

Abdul Azeem. Ten years of experience make this shop a reliable and genuine one

for the customers. Services offered by the firm include repairing of desktop and

laptops of all brands, Installation of operating systems like Windows, Linux, and

Mac OS, repairing of Playstation and Xbox, Unlocking and repairing of mobiles.

The business is not only focused on the town but also the entire New Zealand.

Customers of the firm are from all over New Zealand. Since repairing shop does

not rely on regular customers the shop wants to attract new customers. The

conventional method of word of mouth is the only method in practice to get new

consumers. This method was working because of the faith of the customer in the

shop. Sub work from other repairing centers is also a source of income for the

firm. As more repairing centers came into the town competition increased and the

firm need to try new innovative ideas for marketing their services.

Business Case

The current problems faced by the firm are discussed below:-

 No new method of growing business:- Even though the competition got

increased in the repairing field Multi Electronics is still using word of mouth as

their marketing strategy. No new method of digital marketing is used by the firm.

The company was struggling to find customers because of the recent lockdown

due to the pandemic. Thus the management decided to expand its business from

repairing to selling electronics devices including mobiles and computers. For this

expansion they want digital marketing to find new customers.

 Current issues with the website:- The current website of the company is

having issues like not structured in a standard, not enough information, lacking the

feature of search option to filter the required information, and benefits of search

engine optimization. Another major issue is that the website is not secured.

Awareness about the scams and not secured websites may cause the customer

to not check the firm's website.

 Enquiry from the customer:- Many customers are coming physically or

communicate through the phone just to check whether the shop is open and to

know what services are offered by the shop. Customers from other parts of New

Zealand are facing difficulty to know the operating time of the shop.

 Fails to market any deals for the customer: As a part of business, there will be

many offers or deals for a service or a product. People will not be aware of these

deals as the shop does not have any method or way to inform the customers. The

only way in practice is to get to know from other customers who visited the shop.

 Increased Competition:- Competition is always in business. With the

launching of other repairing centers in the locality, it became difficult for Multi

Electronics to attract new customers. Repairing shops want new customers to run

their business.

Project Objectives

Project objectives describe what the project is about to do for the firm and how it

solves the current issues. The main objective of this project is to build a website

with all the needed information and features. The programming language used for

creating the website is PHP (Hypertext Pre-processor). A search option in the

website, integrating Google maps, review system in the website for customers are

the other features in the website. Another important objective of the project

includes adding features like search options in the website and doing SEO for the


Reasons for choosing the language PHP are:

 PHP is flexible: - There may be situations when the stakeholder changes

his/her plans or they might need some extra features. Using PHP in these

situations is helpful as it is extremely flexible as it can add extra features without

wasting much time. This can be done even after the project starts.

 Compatible: - This programming language is compatible not only with

Windows but also with other operating systems like UNIX and Linux. Another

advantage is that it can be easily integrated with other technologies like Java.

 Economical: - Being an open-source language PHP is completely free and

can work with many other databases. Thus, the cost of developing a website with

PHP is minimal.

 Gives more control to developers: - Another biggest advantage of PHP is that

the developer can write code in any order as it allows to use of HTML tags.

Moreover, fewer lines of code for a specific task make PHP popular among

developers[ CITATION Pul20 \l 5129 ].

Importance of the project

As we discussed in the business case, the firm Multi Electronics wants to expand

its business by expanding the services or products and also by attracting new

customers. Following the current market strategy will not help the firm for its

expansion. Providing a fully functional website will help to enhance the marketing

strategy of the firm. Advantages after implementing this project will be:-

 Improved customer experience: - Customers will be able to get all the

information they want regarding the services offered, selling products, and

operation time. With a virtual chat box feature, customers can interact with the


 Google maps:- Integration of website with google maps will help the new

customers to find the shop easily. As Google Maps is used by everyone this

feature will be an added advantage.

 Business growth: - With a fully functional website, customers from other parts

of New Zealand will know about the firm and can become a customer of the firm.

Another option in the website is about having a feature for writing reviews by the

customers. Nowadays people even for small things will go through the reviews

about the firms before going to the shop. So, having a review system as a part of

the website will help to attract new customers.

 SEO Feature: - Search engine optimization will give the benefit of coming first

in the search results on the different search engines. Customers will search in

Google or another search engine to know different firms best in the industry. If the

website of a company comes first in the search result customer will give priority to

that website or firm. More customers or more people will come to know about the

firm by this feature.

 More productive: - After implementing the website people with low internet

knowledge will be able to find the required information from the website. This will

save the employees from answering the basic question like operating time,

services offered, and the location of the shop.

Project deliverables

Following are the deliverable after the successful completion of this project. Any

changes to these deliverables must be approved by the sponsor: -

 A fully functional website for the firm

 Documentation of the codes

 Recommendation list for future add-ons for the future.

WBS (Work Breakdown Structure)

Work breakdown structure can be defined as a method of breaking the entire

project into smaller tasks. This approach will help to make the project both

manageable and approachable[ CITATION Rog20 \l 5129 ]. Microsoft project is used in

this project to create the work breakdown structure. The task sheet contains

different summary tasks and sub-tasks with starting and a finishing date. An

update after finishing each task can be given which helps to organise the task.

Moreover, this can also be helpful for a new member or for a sponsor to know the

progress of the project. Both the task sheet and Gantt chart of this project is

shown below:-

Task sheet

Fig1: Task sheet of the project

Gantt Chart

Fig2: Gantt chart of the tasks

Milestone Report

A milestone can be defined as a key event in a project. It shows a significant stage

or change in the development process. Milestone does not have durati

Fig 3: Milestone report of the tasks

Fig 4: Graphical

representation of

completed and incomplete


Risks in the project

Every project has its risks. Risks associated with this project is mentioned below: -

 Time: - In most of the website project time estimated for coding will be

extended. The success of the code comes after several tries. Giving some extra

time for coding or taking some extra precautions to avoid this will be needed.

 Communication with the sponsor: - A clear and good communication should

be needed with the sponsor to finish the project in time. The discussion should be

made with the sponsor if there is any need for an extra feature on the website.

The impact of this new feature on the project should also be made clear to the

sponsor[ CITATION Ros15 \l 5129 ].

 Skill Level: - Skill level of an individual should be high to develop a website. If

any error occurs the developers should be able to know what is causing the error

while debugging and should remove that error.

Cost Summary

This section includes the cost associated with the project. An upfront cost is

needed for services like buying the domain, hosting the website, and for SEO. The

following table gives an estimated budget for the project.

Features Cost

Domain $50

Hosting $300

Installing SSL certificate $100

SEO $100

Table 1: Table showing cost summary of the project [ CITATION Luc20 \l 5129 ].


To summarize, the proposed project of creating a website for Multi Electronics will

be a remedy for its current issues. As the firm plans to expand its business all

over New Zealand, a fully functional website is essential for the business. The

proposal addresses all its current issues like marketing strategy, better customer

experience, and lack of SEO features. The resource selected for creating this

website is PHP which is an open-source programming language. Other costs

included in the project are for buying a domain, hosting the website, and for doing

search engine optimization. Details of tasks and milestones with dates are

mentioned in the appropriate section. Progress of the project can be visually seen

with the help of created task sheet in Microsoft Project. The scope of the project

will not be changed unless and until approved by the sponsor. Any extra features

will be added to the project with the approval of the sponsor even after the start of

the project. This project will give different ways to get more customers and will

also help to market their services.

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