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Question Statement Ans. Dept.

A good fuel should contain the quality of__________.
1 a-Good volatility and free from gum b- high antiknock value d FMP
c- chemical purity d- all above
Science of the occurrence, distribution and movement of water below
the surface of earth is called________.
2 c ID
a- Hydro-geology b- hydraulics
c- groundwater hydrology d- none of these
Total amount of water on earth is__________.
3 a- 1.5*10^9 km^3 b- 2.3*10^8km^3 c- 2.2*10^8km^3 a SEE
d- None of these
Tillage is the practice of _______.
4 a-Modifying the soil state b-Controlling weed a FMP
c- Controlling soil loss d-Applying soil nutrients
Ratio of rainfall in a particular year to average annual rainfall is
5 b ID
a- rainfall ratio b- index of wetness
c- percentage rainfall d- specific rainfall
Which one is not synthetic material__________.
6 c SEE
a- PVC b- rubber c- wood d- asphalt
Renewable energy as source(comes from resources which are continually
7 replenished )of farm power includes____________. d FMP
a-Bio gas b-Solar Energy c-Wind Energy d-All of the Above
In pumps, cavitation will occur when pressure is___________.
a- Lower than atmosphere b- Negative
``8 c ID
c- Lower than vapor pressure of the liquid
d- All of above
Which one of the following is the facultative bacterium__________.
9* b SEE
a-Pencillinion b-Pseudomonas c-Yeasts d-Phormedium
Measuring knock characteristics of fuel, the standard yardstick,
10 A FMP
a-Octane number b-cetane number c- calorific value d- boiling
A sluice gate in a small pond discharges a flow having 10.0 m2 flow area
and a velocity of 4.0 m/s. If the pond has a surface area of 1.0 hectare,
11* the rate at which the water surface falls in a pond is__________. C ID
a- 0.25 m/s b- 4 cm/s c- 4 mm/s d- 4.0
The operation of leveling to determine the elevation between two points
is knownas_________
12 C SEE
a-Simple leveling b- fly leveling c- differential leveling
d- none
To destroy the insect, pests and their breeding place is the________.
13 a-Objective of tillage b-Practice of tillage A FMP
c-Requirement of tillage d-Measures of tillage
14 Universal Soil Loss Equation is named, because_____________ c ID
a- its validity is more b- it accounts all parameters affecting
the soil loss
c- it is universally adopted d- all above
Which one is not affecting the strength of concrete___________.
15 D SEE
a- Composition b- curing time c- water d- stress
A device which is used to convert solar energy directly into electrical
energy is called as________
16 D FMP
a- Solar heater b-Solar cell c-Solar furnace d-Solar power
The dimensions of pressure in MLT system is__________.
17* C ID
a- MLT-2 b- ML2T2 c- ML-1T-2 d- ML-1T-3
The residential and commercial portion makes up about percent of total
MSW generated in a community __________.
18* A SEE
a- 50-70% b- 80-85% c- 40-50% d- none
of these
The expected annual working hours of the centrifugal pump, is_______
19 a-10,000 b-15,000 c-20,000 A FMP
d- 12,000
The most important shape parameter in sediment analysis is_________.
20* a-sphericity b- shape factor c- roundness A ID
d- form factor
The range of chlorine in National Standard Water Quality is_________.
21* a-<250mg-litre b->250mg/litre c-=250mg/litre d- None of A SEE
Primary tillage is normally designed to________.
22 a-Reduce soil strength b-Cover plant materials D FMP
c-Rearrange aggregates d-All above
Barrages constructed across alluvial rivers help in:
23* a- controlling floods b- restoring river regime B ID
c- ensuring monsoon storage d- all of them
Photographs which change or enhance the true color of an object are
24* called_________. a-True color b-False color c- C SEE
Panchromatic d-None
If we know the engine speed, bore, stroke, number of cylinders and mean
25 effective pressure in the cylinders, we can calculate____________. D FMP
a- FHP b-IHP c-BHP d-All of the Above
In a new channel, the outlet generally provided is____________.
26 a- AOSM b- open flume c- pipe outlet d- all of C ID
Normal standard level for city traffic is___________.
27 c SEE
a- 60-70 dB b- 100-110dB c- 70-80 dB d- 50-60 dB
Strength of any material is indicated by it__________.
28 a-Stress b- strain c- compressiveness d- a FMP
A gravity dam derives its stability from______________.
29* a- reinforcement provided in the dam body c ID
b- weight of water resting against sloping u/s face of damage
c- weight of dam itself d- batter provided on d/s face of
If s = 4t2- m, calculate the particle's acceleration at t = 2s, a
30* =___________? a SEE
a-2 m/s2 b-4 m/s2 c-8 m/s2 d-16 m/s2
Subsoiler is the______.
31 a-Primary tillage plough b-Secondary tillage implement a FMP
c-Conservation tillage tool d-Zero tillage machine
An example of artificial discharge of groundwater is___________.
32 a- groundwater flow into streams b- springs c ID
c-pumpage from wells d- none of these
Drying of wood is done to avoid___________.
33 a SEE
a- Shrinkage b- strength c- hardness d- change in mass
Knowing the speed at which an engine is running and the torque it is
34* developing, we can calculate__________. a FMP
a-FHP b-IHP c-BHP d-All of the Above
An index of wetness of 60% shows that in a particular year, there
35 c ID
a- 40% more rainfall b- 60% more rainfall
c- 40% less rainfall d- 60% less rainfall
When there is high ground water then which method of land fill is
36* suitable_________. b SEE
a- Trench b- area c- canyon d-none of these
In a material, the tensile stress is due to________
37 a FMP
a-Tension b- compactness c- sliding on another surface d- none
When water table deep, a bore hole is drilled and pump is placed into
that to void___.
38* b ID
a- priming b-cavitation
c- pump damage d- all of above
Wastes that will decompose rapidly especially in warm weather are
39 c SEE
a-residential waste b- MSW c- putrescible waste d- none
of these
Secondary tillage is performed_____________.
40* a-After primary tillage b-Ploughing the soil a FMP
c-After crop planting d-All above
The total energy head for an open channel flow is written with usual
notation as H = z+y +V2/2g. In this each of the term represent
41 ____________. b ID
a- energy in kg m/kg mass of fluid b- energy in N m/N of fluid*
c- power in kW/kg mass of fluid d- energy in N m/kg mass of fluid
The space used for storage of grains____________.
42 a- Dweller b- farm house c- farm stead d- farm c SEE
service building
Two stoke engine is preferred for small vehicles
43 because_______________. c FMP
a- Fuel consumption is low b-Shock and vibrations are less
c- Its size is small d- It is easy to control
Universal Soil Loss Equation is not used, when slopes are steeper
44 than__________. a ID
a- 20% b- 10%c- 25% d- 5%
The closing error in a closed traverse is adjusted by___________.
45* a- Lehman's rule b- Bowditch's rule c- slide rule d- none b SEE
of above
Bearing is a support, in which____________-.
46 a-Journal rotates b. Shaft rotates c. Piston rotates d. Both a d FMP
The dimension of power in FLT system is_____________.
47 a- FL2T b- FLT-1 c- FL-2T-2 b ID
-1 -2
d- FL T
The first optical laser was developed in__________.
48 b SEE
a-1947 b-1960 (Ruby Laser) c-1990 d-None
To pulverize the soil of seed bed’ is the_________.
49 a-Objective of primary tillage b-Objective of secondary tillage b FMP
c-Practice of zero tillage c-Practice of conservation tillage
The cross-section of natural silt transporting channels tends to have the
shape of ___.
50 b ID
a- trapezium b- semi-ellipse c- semi-circle d- none
of them
Spatial Resolution of IKONOS satellite___________.
51* d SEE
a-1x1m b-2x2m c-3x3m d-4x4m
A negative loop in the P.V diagram of an I.C engine is due to__________.
a-Pre ignition in the engine b-Suction of air for engine
52 b FMP
c-Pre-opening of the exhaust valve d-High pressure in the
Which one among the following is a correct choice un relation to a
a- it is helpful in diverting excess water to a river from canal
53* d ID
b- It does not cause any heading up of water on the upstream side
c- it store water by raised counter-balanced gate
d- it increases the chances of floods in the upstream areas
_________is the combination of the cook's reversible level.
54 c SEE
a-Dumpy level b- Y-level c- Both (A &B) d- None
Piston pin bearing is made of__________.
55 a FMP
a-Bronze b-Copper c-Zinc d-Steel
The outlet type provided at the end in immediate vicinity of fall is:
56* b ID
a- AOSM b- Open flume c- pipe d- all of them
To get improved strength of wood it should be properly_________.
57 d SEE
a- Seasoned b- preservation c- drying d- all of above
Bullock drawn secondary tillage implement may be________.
58 d FMP
a-Harrow b-Cultivator c-Hoe d-All above
In a gravity dam, slightly curved in plan, the external forces are resisted
59 by________. b ID
a- reinforcement provided in the dam body b- weight of dam
c- arch action d- none of them
Ozone lies in a group___________.
60 a- chemical agents b- radiation c- physical agents d- a SEE
mechanical means
The size of intake valve is_______________.
a- Smaller than that of the exhaust valve b-Equal to that of the exhaust
61 valve c FMP
c- Larger than that of the exhaust valve d- Not depending upon the
size of exhaust valve
Aquifer is also known as_____________.
62 a- water bearing formation b-aquiclude c- both a&b d- none a ID
of these
Rods used for measuring vertical distances are_________.
63 a- Staff rod b- ranging rod c- both (a &b) d- none a SEE
of above
Strength of farm implements depend on____________.
64 a -Quality of material b- Kind of material d FMP
c- Weight/area of material d- Both (a& b)
Which of the following methods is used for adjustment of rainfall records
at a station?
65 c ID
a- station-year method b-isohyetal method
c- double mass analysis d- arithmetic average method
A form of energy which is convertible at any time_________.
66 a- Heat b- temperature c- none d- both a SEE
(a & b)
An individual working element such as disc or shovel. Is called_________.
67 b FMP
a-Part of plough b-Tool c-Component of plough d-Implement
Pumps are required for_____________.
68 a- surface irrigation b- sub-surface irrigation d ID
c- furrow irrigation d- sprinkler irrigation
The walking step of a man is considered equal to__________.
69 a SEE
a- 80 cm b- 90 cm c- 100 cm d- 120 cm
During combustion the pressure in the cylinder may increase to as much
70 as________. a FMP
a-50 Kg/cm2 b-400 Kg/cm2 c-10 Kg/cm2d- 1 kg/cm2
Piezometric head is the sum of____________.
a- pressure head, elevation head and velocity head
71 b- elevation head and velocity head d ID
c- pressure head and velocity head d- pressure and
elevation head
For the motion of satellite around the earth a non-rotating co-ordinates
system is chosen with its________ own axis of rotation of earth
72 a SEE
a-origin b-center of curvature c-abscissa d- all of
Durability of farm implementsdepends on_________________.
73 a-Density of material b- Kind of material c- Quality of material d- Both d FMP
(b& c)
Biological erosion control measure, refers to
a- kinds of crops with their, rotation b- measures used for
74* a ID
flow control
c- both a & b d- none of above
The magnetic bearing of line is measured clockwise from__________up
75 to line in whole circle bearing system c SEE
a- East b- west c- north d- south
Harrow or plough is_____________.
76 a FMP
a-An implement b-A tool c-A machine d-An equipment
Two equations are called dimensionally homogeneous, if the
fundamental dimensions have identical powers of__________.
77 d ID
a- mass b- length c- time d- all of
Structural frames used in multistory poultry houses are____________.
78 a SEE
a- Beam and post b- trusses c- arch d- braces
The power used in overcoming friction in the engine is
79 called_____________. a FMP
a- FHP b-BHP c-IHP d-None of the Above
For all homogeneous fluids, the value of Von-Karman Universal Constant
80 is _______. c ID
a- 0 b- 1 c- 0.4 d- 0.8
When the measured length is less than actual length, error is_________.
81 a- Negative error b- positive error c- both (a & b) d- none a SEE
of above
Lubrication of ball and roller bearings is to________________.
a-Act as cooling agent b- Preserve the surface from
82 d FMP
c- Protect the rubbing surfaces between rollers d- All above
If two canals are taken off from both the flanks of a river at the site of a
diversion head works, then the number of under sluices and divide wall
83* d ID
will respectively, be____.
a- 1 and 1 b- 1 and 2c- 2 and 1 d- 2 and 2
162-The phase 1 in generation of the principle landfill gases
84 b SEE
a- transition phase b- initial adjustment phase c- acid phase
A normal ploughing is done for the depth of about_______________.
85 a FMP
a-15 cm b-50 cm c-100 cm d-2 cm
The outlet type provided at the tail in an old channel is________.
86** a- AOSM b- open flume c- pipe d- all of b ID
Mixture of wastes is called______________.
87 a- residential b- commercial c- institutional d SEE
d- commingled solid waste-
Piston displacement is calculated from the___________________.
88 a- Cylinder diameter and length b- Piston length and diameter c FMP
c-Bore and stroke d-None of the Above
Gravity dams transfer load to foundation by____________.
89 a- arch action b- cantilever action b- arch and cantilever action b ID
d- none of them
Biological transformation of solid waste involves_____________.
90 a-Aerobic composting b- Anaerobic Digestion c- Both A &B d- b SEE
A bushing is the_______________.
91 a- Replaceable lining for a bearing b- Worm for worm gear a FMP
c-Pitch for pulley d-Sleeve in cylinder
A relatively impermeable formation neither containing nor transmitting
water, is called_______.
92 b ID
a-aquitard b-aquifuge c- leaky aquifer d-
confined aquifer
__________is the sixth functional elements of waste management
93 d SEE
a- Waste Generation b- Waste Handling c-Waste Collectiond-
Waste Disposal
Most common primary tillage implementis___________________.
94 a-Desi plough b-M.B. plough c-Disc plough d-Turn rest b FMP
In which method of determining mean aerial depth of precipitation, the
addition or removal of a rain gauge will change the whole scenario?
95* a- arithmetic average method b-Thiessen polygon b ID
c-isohyetal method d- both (a-& (b
Source of ultraviolet radiation used for disinfection is_________.
96 a- mercury arc lamp b- Ag conical lamp c-upgrade radiation lamp a SEE
d- both (a&b)
A petrol engine consists of______________.
97 a-Carburetor b-Ignition coil c-Spark plug d-All d FMP
Priming of pumps is done with_________.
98 a- water b- air c- the liquid which is to be pumped or heavier c ID
than the pumped liquid d- all of above
The ratio of actual vapor pressure to saturation vapor pressure is
99 d SEE
a- Saturation pressure b- superheated vapor c- water vapor d-
relative humidity
Washers are used___________.
100 a- Beneath the bolt head b- beneath the nut d FMP
c- To hold two metal pieces d- Both (a& b)
The difference between total head and piezometric head line
101 a ID
a- the velocity head b- the pressure head
c- the elevation of the bed of the channel d- the depth of flow
102* c SEE
a-6.673*^-9 b- 6.673*10^-10 c-6.673*10^-11 d-
Which is not the part of m.b plough_______________.
103 a-Tail piece b-Shovel c-Frog d-Land side b FMP

In USLE, the input parameter is___________.

a- soil erodibility b- rainfall erosivity index
104 b ID
c- topographic factors d- slope steepness factors

The forces which have same line of action are called_________.

105* a- collinear forces b- concurrent forces c- coplanar forces a SEE
d- parallel forces
In the torque converter, oil leaving the turbine is changed into a helping
direction by curved____________________.
106 b FMP
a- Pump vanes b-Stator vanes c- Angle vanes d-All of the
A model is called distorted if ___________ does not exist
107 a- kinematic similarity b- geometric similarity b ID
c- dynamic similarity d- all of above
Ground resolution of the Landsat 1 & 2 is___________.
108* c SEE
a-16m b-30m c-80m d-60m
Gear, axles, shafts and special bolts are made of__________________.
109 a- Medium carbon steel b- Mild steel c- Grey cast iron d- Malleable a FMP
cast iron
When a channel is protected on the bed and sides with some protected
material, and there is no possibility of change in its cross section and
110 longitudinal slope, then the channel is said to be in : c ID
a- initial regime b- final regime
c- Permanent regime d- true of above
The solids collected from waste water treatment process which need no
further treatment are__________
111 a SEE
a-Sewage sludge b- Solid Waste c-Solid Sewage d-
Which are the part of m.b. plough______________.
112* d FMP
a-Shovel b-Share c-Land side d-Both (b& c)
In a barrage project, a divide wall is provided to:
a- separate the lower crest undersluice side from the higher crest weir
113* b- separate the higher crest undersluice side from the higher crest weir a ID
c- keep the cross-currents away from the barrage body
d- serve none of the above purposes
The chain man who drags the chain is called_________.
114 b SEE
a- Captain b- Leader c- Follower d- Chain man
The range of gear ratios in a vehicle depends on______________.
a-The ratio of engineh.p to laden weight of vehicle b- Max. engine
115 b FMP
torque / wt. of vehicle
c-Only on the laden weight of vehicle d-The power to
weight ratio of engine
The tail cluster is essentially a combination or singly of the type_______.
116 a- AOSM b- open flume b ID
c- pipe d- all of them
Moleculer weight of NHCL2 is____________. 14+1+2*35.5 = 86
117 c SEE
a- 50.5g/mol b- 80 g/mol c-86 g/mol d-85 g/mol
External combustion engine is_______________.
118 a- Steam engine b- Petrol engine c- Diesel engine d- a FMP
Both (a& c)
Gravity dams essentially require____________.
119 a- strong and watertight abutments b- strong foundation c ID
c- both (a and b) d- none of above
When there is relative movement between cross hairs and staff reading is
known as______ .
120 a SEE
a-Parallax b-collimation error c- refraction error d- none
of above
Function of m. board is to_______________.
121 d FMP
a-Cut the soil b-Lift the soil c-Turn the soil d-Both (b& c)
The combination of soil-water zone, intermediate vadose zone and
capillary zone is called_____________.
122 a ID
a- zone of aeration b- zone of saturation
c- root zone d- none of these
In which phase the microbial activity is accelerated with the production
of organic acids and lesser amount of hydrogen
123 a SEE
a-Acid phase b- maturation phase c-transition phase d-none
of these
The function of a torque converter or fluid converter is similar to that of
124* a_________. a FMP
a-Gear box b-Clutch c-Differential box d-Torsion box
If coefficient of variation calculated from rainfall data of different
raingauge stations in an area is 40% and permissible error in estimating
average depth of rainfall is 10%, what would be the optimum number of b ID
rain gauge stations to be established in the area?
a- 4 b- 16 c- 30 d- 3
_____ is the unit operation in which as collected waste material are
mechanically reduced in size.
126 a SEE
a- size reduction b- volume reduction c- densification d-none
of above
Internal combustion engine is_________________.
127 a- Steam engine b- Petrol engine c- Diesel engine d- d FMP
Both (b& c)
An advantage of deep well turbine pump over centrifugal pump is that
128 b ID
a- is easy to install b- requires no priming
c- is difficult to repair d- none of above
__________is the second functional elements of waste management
129 b SEE
a- Waste Generation b- Waste Handling c- Waste Collection
d-Waste Transfer and Transport
In m.b. plough, the shape of frog is__________________.
130 a FMP
a-Irregular b-Square c-Rectangular d-Circular
The two alternate depths in a 4.0 m wide rectangular channel are 3.86 m
131 and 1.0 m respectively. The discharge in the in the channel in m3/s
d ID
@ is______________
a- 15 b- 1.5 c- 7.76 d- 31.0
Automobiles and use of fuels in factories produce pollution of total
132 pollution is____________ c SEE
a- 10% b- 30% c-5% d- 20%
Comparing a Four wheel drive with Two wheel drive system either at
front or rear and assuming an equal division of weight between the two
a-From the point of view of traction front wheel drive is better than rear
wheel drive
b- Front wheel and rear wheel drive are equal
133 c FMP
c- Four wheel drive can always give more traction than either rear or
front wheel drive
d-Four wheel drive can utilize all the weight of the vehicle only at a
particular road

Detaching capacity is greater of________________.

134 a- falling raindrop b- flowing water a ID
c- snow melt d- both (b and c)
It is process in which volume of material is reduce so that density
become move is called_______.
135* c SEE
a-Floatation b-Inciretion c- Densification d- Above
In constant volume combustion, the air fuel mixture is
136 a FMP
a- Within the cylinder b- By spark c- Outside the cylinder d- None
of the above
The ratio of viscous force to inertia force is called_____________.
137* a- Froude’s number b- Reynolds’s number d ID
c- Weber’s Number d- none of above
The most dangerous factor for storage of grains is________
138 a- High temperature b- humidity c- rodents d- c SEE
In m.b. plough the function of share is to_____________.
139 d FMP
a-Cut the soil b-Turn the silo c-Penetrate into soil d-Both (a& c)
The critical velocity Vo = 0.55.m.y0.64, as suggested by Kennedy for
design of trapezoidal channel, is___________.
140* a- The maximum permissible velocity b- The minimum permissible c ID
c- Both a and b d- none of above
The area is divided into____________in chain survey.
141 b SEE
a- Rectangles b- triangles c- squares d- circles
Water cooled tractors are more suitable for the areas of____________.
142 d FMP
a-Hot climate b-Desert land c-Cold climate d-Both (a& b)
In a diversion headworks project, the canal head regulator is usually
143* a- parallel to the barrage axis b- perpendicular to the divide c ID
c- parallel to the divide wall d- None of them
Cardiovascular disease is due to___________.
144 a- Water pollution b- Air pollution c- Soil pollution d- d SEE
Noise pollution
In constant pressure combustion (CPC), the fuel is
145 b FMP
a- In the cylinder b- Due high compression c- By spark d-
Both (a& b)
For more or less equitable distribution of supply, the outlet types
preferred, from head reach to tail are_________.
a- AOSM, open flume, pipe b- AOSM, pipe, open
146* a ID
c- pipe, open flume, AOSM d- open flume, AOSM,
The U fork and plumb bob are required for__________.
147 a SEE
a- Centering b- leveling c- orientation d- none of above
In M.B plough, the cutting edge of share did____________.
148 a-Horizontal cut of soil b-Vertical cut of soil c-Not cut the soil d- a FMP
All above
In a gravity dam, the quantity of concrete is determined by_________.
149 a- strength of concrete b- dead weight of dam b ID
c- both strength and weight of concrete d- none of them
The process of heat transfer in which no medium is required__________.
150 c SEE
a- Conduction b- convection c- radiation d- all of above
In engine the piston rod is connected to________________.
a- Crank case b-Crank shaft c-Engine cylinder d-wheel
151 b FMP

According to Darcy’s Law, the flow rate through a porous media is

inversely proportional to_________.
152 c ID
a- head loss b- cross-sectional area
c- length of the flow path d- none of these
In WCB system, a line is said to be free from local attraction if the
153 difference between FB and BB is__________. a SEE
a- 180o b- 0o c- 90o d- 120o
Diesel engine is the_____________.
154 a- External combustion engine b- Internal combustion engine b FMP
c-Semi internal combustion engine d- None of the above
155 The graph between rainfall intensity and time is called_______________. a ID
a- hyetograph b- hydrograph
c- mass curve of rainfall d- both (a-& (b-
294- In National Standard for Drinking Water Quality Turbidity should
156* be__________. c SEE
a-< 9 NTU b- =5 NTU c-<5 NTU d- 5.5 NTU
In M.B. plough, the function of gunnel is to____________.
157 a-Take side thrust of soil b-Lift soil c-Turn soil d-Pulverize the a FMP
Pumps in ascending order of head are_________.
158 a- axial, mixed, radial b- mixed, axial, radial a ID
c- radial, mixed, axial d- mixed, radial, axial
First step in solving numerical problems of Dynamic________
159* a-identification of forces b-selection of formula d SEE
c-both (a & b) d-Free body diagram
If compression ratio is increased______________.
a- Thermal efficiency will be increased
160 b- Volumetric efficiency will be increased d FMP
c-Air standard efficiency will be decreased
d- Air standard efficiency will be increased
In a rectangular channel, the alternate depths are 1.0 m and 2.0 m
161@ respectively. The specific energy head in m is________. c ID
a- 3.38 b- 1.33 c- 2.33 d- 3.0
160-The function of secondary liner in double leach ate is__________.
162 a-Drain the leachate b- To collect the leachate c SEE
c- Leak detection d- None of these
The engine, which follows diesel cycle, is the_____________.
163 a- Petrol engine b- Diesel engine c- Adiabatic engine b FMP
d-All above
Gully erosion usually control in__________.
164* a- check dams b- diversions d ID
c- spurs d- both (a & b)
If the waste components are not separated when discarded then mixture
of these waste is also knows__________.
165 a SEE
a- Commingled residential b- Putrescible waste c- None
d- (a & b)
In M.B. plough, the share is made of___________.
166 a-Chilled cast iron b-High carbon steel c-Mild steel d-Both (a& a FMP
If pipes are connected in parallel_______.
167 a- their discharge is added up b- their head is added up a ID
c- their velocity is added up d- their diameter is added up
161-HDPE is strong resistnt to most chemicals and is
168* considered__________. a SEE
a- permeable to water b- impermeable to water c- none of these.
The turbulence in diesel engines ensures to___________.
169* a- Increase the volumetric efficiency b- Increase the c FMP
compression ratio
c- Bring the fuel quickly in contact with the air d- Increase the specific
fuel consumption
Critical Velocity Ratio for use in Kennedy’s theory, is________.
170* d ID
a-<1 b->1 c- =1 d- all of above
Percentage contribution of methane to the greenhouse effect on earth is
171* _______ c SEE
a- 36-70% b- 60-70% c- 4-9% d- None of these
Diesel engine follows the principle of______________.
172 a- Diesel cycle b- Otto cycle c-Petrol cycle d- Auto a FMP
Head sluices are the gate controlled openings, in__________.
a- the entire length of the barrage b- the undersluices length of the
173 c ID
c- the regulator the main off taking canal d- none of these
If s = (3t2- m, where t is in secs, calculate the particle velocities when t =
174@ 1s. v =______ d SEE
a-0 m/s b-2 m/s c-4 m/s d-6 m/s
A slip share is_______________.
175 a-One piece share b-Of two metal pieces share a FMP
c-Attached with landside d-None of the above
For proportionality, weir type outlets should be set at__________ depth:
176** a- 0.9 b- 0.8 a ID
c- 0.6 d- 0.3
The curvature of earth is not take into consideration is
called__________------ surveying
177 a SEE
a- Plane surveying b- geodetic surveying c- both (a &b) d- none
of above
Clutch noises are usually most noticeable when the engine
178 is___________. d FMP
a. Being started b. Deceleratingc. Stopped d. Accelerating
In an arch dam loads are resisted by__________.
179 a- weight of dam b- arch action c ID
c- both (a- and (b- d- none of them
Resistance to indentation is called_________.
180 a SEE
a- Hardness b- resilience c- strength d- ductility
In 2-stroke cycle engine, one cycle is completed in_________________.
181 a. 2 revolutions of crank shaft b. One revolution of crank shaft c. b FMP
c. 4 revolutions of crank shaft d. 3 evolutions of crank shaft
Aquifer having same hydraulic conductivity in all directions at a point is
182- b ID
a- homogeneous b- isotropic
c- anisotropic d- both (a-& (b-
Which are of the following source of polluting the air_______?
183 a- Using an air conditioner b- Using a hair dryer d SEE
c- Watching TV d- All of above
In m.b. plough, the mould board serves the purpose of______________.
184 d FMP
a-Receiving the furrow slice b-Lifting and turning the soil
c-Pulverizing the soil d-All above
Time from the centeroid of net rainfall to the peak of hydrograph is
185 d ID
a- time of concentration b- lag time
c- basin lag d- both (b-& (c-
To eliminate collimation error the leveling instrument must be
186 c SEE
a- Near BS b- near FS c- exactly mid-way d- between BS
and FS
As compression ratio in an engine goes up, the octane requirements of
the fuel______.
187 b FMP
a. Goes down b. Goes up c. Stay about the same d.
not concerned
Pumps in ascending order of discharge are_______.
188 a- axial, mixed, radial b- mixed, axial, radial c ID
c- radial, mixed, axial d- mixed, radial, axial
The mixture of lime stone and clay is called_________.
189 a SEE
a- Cement b- sand c- concrete d- mortar
In a four stroke diesel engine, the ignition takes place due to_______.
190 d FMP
a. Spark b. High pressure c. High temperature d. Both (b-& (c-
A rectangular channel carries a certain flow for which the alternate
depths are found to be 3.0 m and 1.0 m. The critical depth in m for this
191 b ID
flow is________.
a- 2.65 b- 1.65 c- 0.65 d- 1.33
What are the errors associated with maps___________?
192 c SEE
a-Distance b-Area c-"DADS" d-None
In grassy lands, the best mould board for use, is______________.
193 a-Sod or breaker type b-Stubble type c-General purpose type d- a FMP
Slot type
Typical width of strip-cropping ranges from_______.
194 a- 20 to 50 m b- 30 to 100 m b ID
c- 50 to 100 m d- none of above
Which one of the micro nutrient is found in Bio solids____________.
195 d SEE
a-Sulphur b- Calcium c- Molybdenum d- Both b & c
Cam shaft is driven by__________.
196 a FMP
a-Crank shaft b-Drive wheel c-Piston d-Piston rod
A line joining the tops of liquid in piezometers is called__________.
197 a- energy line b- imaginary line c ID
c- hydraulic grade line d- datum line
Desiccation of clay during construction results in cracks that__________.
198 a- reduce the efficiency b-increase the efficiency a SEE
c- have no effect on liner efficiency d- none of these
In diesel engine, the cylinder is fitted with________________.
199 a- Movable piston b-Piston rod c-Crank shaft a FMP
d- Crank case
200 The Garret’s diagrams are based on________. d ID
a-Lacey’s theory b-Khosla’s theory
c- Bligh’s theory d- Kennedy’s theory
At a junction of tree trunk and limbs_________.
201 a- Growth defect b- seasoning defect c- knots d- c SEE
lumber grades
The rear bottom of land side is called_____________.
202 a FMP
a-Heel b-Wing c-Bearing d-Shin
The tunnel openings provided infront of a canal head regulator at a
diversion headworks_________.
a- Discharge sedimented water into the canal
203 b ID
b- discharge sediment load into the undersluices, from where I ejects
out to the downstream river
c- discharge clear water into the canal d- none of these
Factor which is not affecting deteriorating rocks____________.
204 a- Rain b- temperature c- wind d- moisture d SEE
Which type of valve arrangements requires the use of rocker arms?
205 a- H – head b- T – head c- I – head d- L – c FMP
For proportionality, pipe outlets should be set at__________ depth:
206 a- 0.9 b- 0.8 d ID
c- 0.6 d- 0.3
277-The variation of shear force due to a triangular load on simply
207 supported beam is_________ c SEE
a- uniform b- linear c- parabolic d- cubic
In diesel engine the component placed at the place of spark plug,
208 a FMP
a-Nozzle b- Intake valve c- Exhaust valve d- Piston rod

The arch action in an arch dam section material_________.

a- massive dam section
209 b ID
b- economy in quantity of dam section material
c- wider base of dam d- none of them
First rank in Hierarchy of Integrated Solid Waste Management is
210 a SEE
In mould board plough, the function of tail piece is to____________.
211 a-Turn the furrow slice b-Lift the soil a FMP
c-Pulverize the soil d- Cut and loft the soil
The lines perpendicular to groundwater flow lines are called________.
212 a- isohyets b- equipotential lines b ID
c- isobars d- contours
Optimum C/N ratio for composting is________.
213 a SEE
a- 30 b- 40 c- 50 d- none of these
The combustion process in a diesel engine is_____________.
214 a. Constant pressure process b. Isothermal process a FMP
c. Constant volume process d. Adiabatic process
215 The point on hydrograph, up to which all the surface water has drained c ID
out, is called:
a- rising point b- peak
c- inflexion point d- both (b-& (c-
There are __________types of Gasifier.
216 b SEE
a-4 b- 3 c- 8 d- 2
Diesel engine______________.
217 a. May be 4-stroke engine b. Are 2-stroke engines only a FMP
c. Are 4-stroke engines only d. May not be 4-stroke engine
Cavitation in pumps causes______.
218 a- reduced discharge b- reduced pump efficiency d ID
c- damage to impeller d- all of above
The ratio between the volumetric stress to the volumetric strain is called
219 c SEE
a- young's modulus b- modulus of elasticity
c- rigidity modulus d- bulk modulus
In m.b. plough, the land wheel is considered as_______________.
220 a-Plough accessory b-Plough part c-The part of land side d- a FMP
Component of frog
In defining a Froude number applicable to the open channels of any
shape, the length parameter used is the___________.
221 a- ratio of area to top width b- ratio of area to wetted a ID
c- depth of flow d- square root of the area
214-Ground resolution of the Landsat 7 ETM+__________.
222 c SEE
a-30m b-15m c-Both (a & b) d-None
The compression pressure in diesel engine is around______________.
223 a FMP
a. 30 Kg/cm2 b. 10 Kg/cm2 c. 20 Kg/cm2 d. 40 Kg/cm2
Drainage type terraces are not suitable for ___________.
224 a- humid zones b- semi-arid zones b ID
c- tropical zones d- all above
204-LANDSAT would provide valuable early warning information to which
225 global organization__________ a SEE
In 4-stroke diesel engines, the sequence of strokes is______________.
a-Intake, compression, expansion and exhaust stroke
226 b- Intake, expansion, compression and exhaust stroke a FMP
c-Expansion, intake, exhaust and compression stroke
d-Compression, expansion, intake and exhaust stroke
The distance between pipe center line and hydraulic grade line is equal
227 b ID
a- elevation head b- pressure head
c- velocity head d- head
When a series of connected lines form a closed circuit__________
228 a- Closed traverse b- open traverse a SEE
c- both (a &b) d- none of above
In m.b. plough, the gauge wheel is used as________________.
229 a FMP
a-Accessory b-Part of plough bottom c-Draft controller d-Share
The critical Velocity ratio was introduced in kennedy’s equation of critical
velocity to take into account the effect of __________________.
230 c ID
a- channel cross section b- climatic conditions
c- silt grade d- roughness of bed
217-SPOT Satellite was Launched by__________
231 a SEE
a-France b-Spain c-Japan d-None
The temperature of the compressed air should be ______________ of
the fuel.
232 c FMP
a. Below the flash point b. Above the flash point
c. Above the fire point d. Between the fire and flash point
Canal headworks in the upper rocky reaches of the rivers, are
uncommon, because____
a- more drop are required on the resulting canal system
233 d ID
b- costly head regulator is required
c- more cross-drainage works are required on the resulting canal network
d- all of the above
Water logging is a source of_________.
234 a- Air pollution b- Water pollution c- Soil pollution c SEE
d- All of above
In the intake stroke of diesel engine_____________.
235 a-Only air enters into the cylinder b-Piston is idle a FMP
c-Piston is at the top or cylinder d-Wheel does not turn
Sensitivity index for a wide trapezoidal channel is __________- F:
236 a- 5/3 c- 1 a ID
c- ¾ d- ½
Inaccessible points may be located by the__________
237 a- Resection method b- intersection method b SEE
c- radiation method d- none of above
Adjustments in m.b. plough is done, through_____________.
238 a FMP
a-Suctions b-Mould board c-Share d-Land side
An arch dam mostly transfers the dam load______________________.
a- vertically on foundation b- horizontally on
239 abutments b ID
c- horizontally on foundation d- vertically on
Speed of the Earth at 45 N is_____________.
240 a SEE
a-1180.7 km/h b-1600 km/h c-1200 km/h d-None
Immediately after ignition, combustion chamber temperatures may reach
a value of__.
241 a FMP
a. 15000C b. 55000C c. 25000C d.
The annual groundwater storage in an area is equal
a- land area x drop in water table
242 c ID
b- land area x rise in water table x porosity of formation
c- land area x maximum seasonal fluctuation in water table x specific
yield of aquifer
d- all of the above
Which of the following is not a GIS package__________?
243 d SEE
a-ArcGIS b-MapInfo c-Idrisi32 d-Netscape
During intake stroke of diesel engine, the piston rod__________.
244 a-Moves in forward direction b-Moves backward direction a FMP
c-Does not move d-Moves upto center of the cylinder
In double ring infiltrometer, water is filled in the outer ring in order
a- take reading
245 b ID
b- discourage underground lateral movement of water from inner ring
c- encourage underground lateral movement of water from outer ring
d- cool the soil
Which type of the following is related to algae__________?
246 d SEE
a-Cholera b-Phormidium c-Vorticila d-Both (a& B)
In m.b. plough, the vertical section is meant for_______________.
247* a-Increasing ploughing depth b-Reducing furrow width a FMP
c-Reducing draft d-Widening of furrow
Upper limit of moisture availability is called____________.
a- Gravitational water b- Saturation point
248 c ID
c- Field capacity d- Maximum available
The material which is considered as useless or unwanted is__________
249 a-Waste b- Valuable Product c- Both (a & b) d- None a SEE
of above
The compression ratio in a diesel engine is as high
250 b FMP
a. 25:1 b. 20:1 c. 10:1 d.
At critical depth,_____________________________
a- the discharge is minimum for the given specific energy
251 b- the discharge is maximum for the given specific force c ID
c- the discharge is maximum for the given specific energy
d- the discharge is minimum for the given specific force
Desiccation of clay during construction results in cracks that__________
252 a- reduce the efficiency b-increase the efficiency a SEE
c- have no effect on liner efficiency d- none of these
In compression stroke of 4-stroke diesel engine, the_____________.
253 a-Intake valve gets open b- Intake valve gets closed b FMP
c-Exhaust valve gets open d- None of the above
Water harvesting is most essential for the regions of
254 d ID
a- humid zones b- arid zones
c- semi-arid zones d- both (b- and (c-
Combustion is an example of __________.
255 a-Waste Generation b- Waste Handling d SEE
c- Waste Collection d-Chemical Transformation

In m.b. plough, side clearance is the_______________.

256* a-Horizontal suction b-Vertical suction c-Throat clearance d- a FMP
Vertical clevis
The distance between datum line and energy line is
257 d ID
a- elevation head b- pressure head
c- velocity head d- head
The first photographs of the earth from space were taken in__________.
258 b SEE
a-1858 b-1958 c-1863 d-1963
In general the design of the current regulator is such that its main
actuating winding carries full_____________.
259* b FMP
a. Generator voltage b. Generator output c. Field current d.
Battery voltage
Lacey’s silt factor is proportional to_________.
a- d0.5 b- d
260 2 a ID
c- d d- none of above,
where d is the grain size
There are__________ composting systems.
261* c SEE
a-Agitated b- Static c-both a & b d- none of above
In compression stroke of 4-stroke diesel engine, the
262 a FMP
• Moves upward b- Moves downward
• c- Becomes idle d- Moves upto middle of the cylinder
A canal head headworks has nothing to do with a ________________.
263 a- weir b- guide bank d ID
c- head regulator d- safety ladder
Synthetic organic compounds and metals contained in Bio solids
264 are__________. d SEE
a-Selenium b- Nickel c- Mercury d- All
An implement which is pulled and guided by single hitch point, is
265 a FMP
a-Trailed type implement b-Mounted type implement
c-Semi-mounted type implement d-Sliding type implement
A good irrigation module is one, which_________________
a- draws heavy silt from the canal b- draws clear water
266 c ID
from the canal
c- draws fair share of silt from the canal d- none of above
The Circumference of the Earth at the equator is__________.
267 a SEE
a-40075 km b-79645 km c-33657 d-None
If the connecting rod longer, the side thrust of the piston is___________.
268* a. Increased b. Constant c. Decreased d. none c FMP
of these
Leaching is a process by which_________________.
269 a- water is excessively pumped from a waterlogged area b ID
b- excess salt in the soil is pushed down by standing water above the
c- improving the soil structure and texture by adding the soluble
d- sodium ions are removed from irrigation water
Soil condition also affect the__________.
270 C SEE
a- Fertility b- animal health c- crop yield d- farm house
In 4-stroke engine, there is____________.
271 • Only one power stroke b-Three idle strokes D FMP
• c-Three power stroke d- Both (a-& (b-
The soil uniformity coefficient ‘Cu’ is equal to________.
272 a- D60/D10 b- D10/D60 A ID
c- D40/D10 d- D10/D40
Water present underground surface is greater than water on ground
273 surface is about __________. D SEE
a- 12 times b- 5 times c- 48 times d- 38 times
The true point of hitch of a tractor is the______________.
274* a-Centre of power b-Centre of resistance c-Line of pull d- A FMP
Vertical clevis
Which of the following crops is used as standard for determining
potential ET?
275 D ID
a- fodder b- citrus
c- wheat d- alfalfa
The working principle of optical square is based on__________.
276 C SEE
a- Reflection b- Refraction c- Double reflection d- None of above
In a six cylinder engine there is balance of______________.
277* a. Primary forces only b. Secondary forces only c FMP
c. Both primary and secondary forces d. none
Lower limit of moisture availability is called___________________.
a- Hygroscopic moisture b- Minimum available
278 c ID
c- Permanent wilting point d- None of above
_____________indicates the shifting of the instrument.
279 a-Change point b- Height of instrument c- Both (a & b) a SEE
d- None
In expansion stroke of engine, when fine spray of diesel is injected into
cylinder, the piston reaches at__________.
280 a FMP
• The upper part of cylinder b- The middle of cylinder
c- The bottom of the cylinder d- None of the above
For a given open channel carrying a certain discharge the critical depth
depends upon ______
281 a- the geometry of the channel b- the viscosity of water a ID
c- the roughness of the channel d- the longitudinal slope of the
The range of zinc in drinking water according to WHO is__________.
282 d SEE
a- 2mg/litre b- 4mg/litre c- 5mg/litre d- 3mg/litre
In tractor drawn plough the center of pull is the_________.
283 a FMP
a-True point of hitch d-Centre of resistance c-Line of pull d-
Vertical suction
Underground dams are meant for _________________.
284 a- erosion control b- water harvesting d ID
c- runoff control d- both (b- and (c-
What is the diameter of four tower trickling filter__________.
285 a SEE
a-50m b-60m c-70m d-80m
Vibration damper _____________.
a. controls the torsional vibrations b. drives the pulley
286 a FMP
c. dampens the engine speed d. reduces the speed of the
The distance between datum line and pipe center line is
287 a ID
a- elevation head b- pressure head
c- velocity head d- head
What is the average depth of rock packing__________.
288 c SEE
a-2 ft b-4 ft c-6 ft d-8 ft
The fine spray of the diesel oil is injected into the cylinder,
289 c FMP
• Intake stroke c- Compression stroke c- Power stroke d-Exhaust
The wetted perimeter P of a stable channel is proportional
a- Q b- Q0.5
290 2 b ID
c- Q d- none of
where Q is the discharge
A 20 m chain is divided into__________.
291 b SEE
a- 150 links b- 100 links c- 200 links d- 250 links
The total force required to pull an implement is called____________.
292 b FMP
a-Draft b-Pull c-H.p d-Thrust
A fish ladder is provided in a canal project_____________.
a- to catch the fish for commercial development
293 b- to enable the fish to move freely in the river b ID
c- to serve the same purpose as a canal ladder
d- both b- and c-
270-A redundant truss is defined by the truss satisfying the
294 equation__________. a- m = 2j - 3 b- m < 2j + 3 c- m > 2j b SEE
-3 d- m > 2j + 3
The fit of the piston to the cylinder is measured at the__________.
295 a. Piston skirt b. Piston head c. Point of minimum b FMP
diameter d. none
An irrigation outlet is said to be proportional, when
296 b ID
a- sensitivity is 1 b- flexibility is 1
c- setting is 1 d- all of above
Work is intentionally of good quality if wood is__________.
297 a SEE
a- Well seasoned b- knots c- shake d- decayed
In exhaust stroke, the piston is_____________.
298• Pushed upward b- Pushed downward c- Idle in position d-None of a FMP
the above
A land is said to be waterlogged when__________________________.
a- WT rises to an extent that soil pores in the rootzone of crop becomes
299 b- high WT restrict normal circulation of air d ID
c- there is a decline in the of oxygen and increase in level of carbon
d- all of above
The internal focusing telescope is focused by moving the______ .
300 a-Convex lens b- concave lens c-palano convex lens b SEE
d- none
The draft par unit cross-sectional area of the furrow is called__________.
301 a FMP
a-Unit draft b-Lateral draft c-Metric h.p d-Pull
Volume of water, expressed as percentage of total volume of saturated
aquifer, that can be drained by gravity, is called:
302 b ID
a- specific retention b- specific yield
c- specific storage d-storativity
165-Which one method is used for lanfilling when the terrain is
unsuitable for the excavation of cells__________.
303 c SEE
a- Area method b- canyon method c-trench method
d-none of these
In gear systems, speed reduction means torque_____________.
304 a. Stabilization b. Increases c. Decreases d. None of the b FMP
Ratio of actual ET of a specific crop to potential ET is
305 b ID
a- ET ratio b- crop coefficient
c-pan coefficient d- depletion factor
A double liner consist of________.
306 a-two single liners b- two composite liners d SEE
c- single and composite liner d-all of these
In two stroke engines, the exhaust port is located___________.
307• A- Opposite to the transfer port b- At the top of cylinder a FMP
• c- At the bottom of cylinder d- Beside transfer port
Available moisture is equal to______________
a- Maximum available water - Minimum available moisture
308 b- Field capacity – permanent wilting point b ID
c- Field capacity – hygroscopic moisture
d- Saturation point - permanent wilting point
The types of compass are__________.
309 a- Prismatic compass b- surveyor compass c- both (a & b) c SEE
d- none of above
The actual area covered by the implement during its total consumed time
310 is known as__________. a FMP
a-Effective field capacity b-Field efficiency
c-Theoretical field efficiency d-Theoretical field capacity
The flow in a rectangular channel is subcritical. If the width is expanded
at a certain section, the water surface_____________________.
a- at a downstream section will drop b- at a downstream
311 a ID
section will rise
c- at a upstream section will rise d- at a upstream section will
The process in which heat is transferred by movement of
312 b SEE
a- Conduction b- convection c- radiation d- all of
As the number of cylinders in multi cylinder engines increases the power
to weight ratio_______.
313 b FMP
a. Remains the same b. Increases c. Becomes zero
d. Decreases
Downstream section of straight drop spillway is called
314 c ID
a- apron b- stilling basin
c- both (a- and (b- d- none of above
Solids that are obtained as by product of sewage treatment process
315 are__________.a-Solid sewage b-Bio Solid c- Sewage sludge b SEE
d- None
In two stroke engines, the transfer port is located________________.
316• a - Opposite to the transfer port b - At the bottom of cylinder a FMP
c - At the top of cylinder d - Beside transfer port
The energy line for a real fluid is____________________.
317 a- always declined b- always inclined a ID
c- always horizontal d- always vertical
Which of the following is not a method of energy scattering in the
318 c SEE
a-Non-selective scattering b-Raleigh Scattering
c-Amalgamated Scattering d-Mie Scattering
Effective field capacity (C- of farm implement is given as______________.
319 a-C = SWE/1000 b-SW/1000 = C c-C = SWE/10000 d- a FMP
In Lacey’s regime theory, the flow velocity is proportional to_________.
a- (Qf-0.5 b- Q/f2
320 c ID
c- (Qf-1/6 d- none of above,
where Q is the discharge and f is silt factor
Management data for solid waste includes__________.
321 d SEE
a- Altitude b- Weather condition c- Living habits d- All of above
The maximum pressure of air at the end of compression in diesel engines
is about____.
322 d FMP
a. 10 Kg/cm2 b. 100 Kg/cm2 c. 300 Kg/cm2 d. 30
Silt excluders are constructed ____________________
323 b ID
a- on the river bed downstream of the head regulator
b- on the river bed upstream of the head regulator
c- on the canal bed downstream of the canal head regulator
d- none of these
Wood is classified into two main groups__________.
324 d SEE
a- Deciduous b- coniferous c- broad leaves d- both (a & b)
During 2nd stroke I n 2-stroke engines, the rise in pressure in the
cylinder, forces the piston to move____________.
325 a FMP
a - Down in the cylinder b - Up in the cylinder
c - Very small distance d - None of the above
If the intensity of irrigation for Kharif is 45% and that for Rabi is 60%;
then annual intensity of irrigation is ________________.
326 c ID
a- 60% b- 100%
c- 105% d- none of above
A triangle is said to be well conditioned when its angles should lie
327 between__________. a- 30o& 120o b- 20o& 150o c- 15o&135o a SEE
o o
d- 10 &100
Soil pulverization is evaluated in terms of_____________.
328 a-Soil aggregates and clod size b-Depth of ploughing a FMP
c-Level of soil surface d-Inversion of soil
A land is considered prone to water logging when WT
329 b ID
a- within 1.5m of ground surface b- within 2m of ground surface
c- within 3m of ground surface d- all of above
245-Chlorine residual (free or combine- measured by using
330* c SEE
a- integrated method b- atmospheric method
c-differentiating method d-none
The characteristic of an object which makes it resist any tendency to
change its direction of motion is called_____________.
331 a FMP
a. Inertia b. Power c. Internal energy d.
For unconfined aquifers, the storage coefficient is same as__________.
332 a- specific retention b- porosity d ID
c- void ratio d- specific yield
Which gases have major contribution in producing Global
a- Carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide
333 a SEE
b- Water vapour, carbon monoxide, ethane
c-sulphure dioxide, ammonium nitrate, nitrogen
d- None of above
In 2-stock engine, the crank case is_______________.
334 a - Fully closed b - Not closed c - Partially closed d - Covered with a FMP
The period of direct surface runoff of the unit hydrograph is
335 d ID
a- time base b- base width
c- unit period d- both (a-& (b-
240-Young bacteria culture takes dosage and time to reach low bacterial
336 c SEE
a- 4 mg/l in 1 minute b- 3 mg/l in 30 minute c- 2 mg/l in 1 minute
d- 2 mg/l in 30 minute
Cone penetrometer is used for measuring_______________.
337 a-Depth of ploughing b-Soil pulverization c- Side draft d-Soil D FMP
Soil moisture characteristic curve gives relationship
a- Soil tension and moisture content b- Soil salinity and moisture
338 A ID
c- Soil texture and moisture content d- Soil water and soil
Linear distances is measured by__________.
339 a- by pacing b- by stepping c- by passometer d- all of D SEE
When we lift a 10 kg weight, 3 metre we would be
340 C FMP
a. 300 m kg of work b. 3 m kg of work c. 30 m kg of work d. 10
m kg of work
In a non-prismatic channel,______________
341 a- unsteady flow is not possible b- the flow is always uniform C ID
c- uniform flow is not possible d- the flow is not possible
In QB system, a line is said to be free from local attraction if the
difference between FB and BB is__________.
342 B SEE
a- Numerically equal b- Numerically equal with opposite quadrants
c-Anything d- none of above
In 4-stock engine, the crank case is_____________.
343 C FMP
a - Fully closed b - Air tight c - Not fully close d - None of the above
Rational method is suitable to compute peak runoff rate
344 B ID
a- large watersheds b- small watersheds
c- medium watersheds d- none of above
Which of the following is Active Remote sensor__________.
345 C SEE
a-RADAR b-LIDAR c-Both a & b d-None of the above
The force that holds two particles of different kinds is called__________.
346 B FMP
a-Cohesion b-Adhesion c-Draft d-Pull
The energy line for an ideal fluid is _______________________.
347 a- always declined b- always inclined C ID
c- always horizontal d- always vertical
__________ is a measure of succession of events and is considered as
348 absolute quantity in Newtonian physics. A SEE
a-time b-velocity c-acceleration d-none of these
function of the crank shaft is____________.
349 a-Turn the wheel b. Power the piston c. Rotate piston d. Stop B FMP
the engine
350 Lacey’s regime theory is not applicable to a canal b ID
a- true regime b- initial regime
c- final regime d- none of above
Vegetable waste is a type of __________.
351 a- Biodegradable waste b- Integrated waste A SEE
c- Non biodegradable waste d- None of above
A four-stroke engine is operated at___________.
352 A FMP
a - Any speed b - Low speed c - High speed d - Medium speed
The silt exclusion device, constructed on the bed of the main canal,
taking of from a headwork, is called_______________.
353 B ID
a- silt excluder b- silt ejector
c- both a- and b- d- none of above
Municipal solid wastes as delivered in compaction vehicles have been
354 fond typical value is__________. B SEE
a- 800 lb/yd3 b-500 lb/yd3 c-200 lb/yd3 d-300lb/yd3
In animal drawn m.b. plough the mould board is made of__________-.
355 D FMP
a-Mild steel b-Cast iron c-Chilled iron d-Both (a- and (b-
The area, on which crops are grown in a particular season, is
356 D ID
a- CCA b- GCA
c- Net sown area d- None of the above
__________motion is not specified in a defined path.
357 D SEE
a- Constrained b-rectilinear c-straight-line d-unconstrained
Engine torque is highest at______________.
358 a. Low speed b. Intermediate speed c. High speed d. all of B FMP
the above
Land is said to waterlogged when____________________.
359 a- gravity drainage is ceased b- PWP is reached C ID
c- salinity of soil increases d- all of above
__________is provided when landfill site is filled to its full capacity.
360 D SEE
a-Cell b- Daily Cover c- Lift d- Final Cover
In carburetor type petrol engine, the fuel is ignited by__________.
361 A FMP
• Electric spark b- High compression c- Petrol flame d- All above
Discharge of a well per unit drawdown, is called______________.
362 a- specific capacity of well b- well yield A ID
c- well capacity d. all of these
Surveying can be classified into __________.classes.
363* C SEE
a-1 b- 2 c- 3 d- 4
Depth of furrow cut by an animal drawn light m.b. plough
364 is____________. A FMP
a-100 mm b-150 mm c-50 mm d-20 mm
When volume of direct surface runoff is divided by the area of drainage
basin under study, we get________________________.
365 a- net rainfall b- unit hydrograph A ID
c- base flow d- total runoff
366 If the particle is slowing down the particle is said to__________. d SEE
a-accelerating b-moving c-projectile motion d-decelerating
One of the major causes of h.p in an engine is________________.
367 a- High speed b- High volumetric efficiency c- Piston-ring friction C FMP
d- Low speed
“Water at field / water stored in the root-zone”is
368 D ID
a- Conveyance efficiency b- Water application efficiency
c- Irrigation efficiency d- None of above
158-Combustion process is highly__________.
369 C SEE
a-Endothermic b-Densification c-Exothermic d-a & b
In carburetor type petrol engine, the fuel is mixed with air________.
370 a - In cylinder b-Before entering into cylinder B FMP
c - After entering into cylinder d- None of the above
Uniform flow in an open channel exists when the flow is steady and the
channel is____
a- prismatic
371 C ID
b- non-prismatic and depth of flow is constant along the channel
c- prismatic and the depth of flow is constant along the channel
d- frictionless
Graphical or trigonometric solution is __________than vector algebra
372 solution D SEE
a-longer b-convenient c-easier d-shorter
Width of furrow cut by animal drawn medium m.b. plough
373 A FMP
a-150 to 200 mm b-100 to 150 mm c-10 to 50 mm d-200 to
250 mm
Runoff coefficient is the ratio of____________________.
374 a- annual rainfall t annual runoff b- runoff to rainfall B ID
c- runoff to rainfall intensity d- all of above
A convenient direction is assumed as a meridian for the survey of a small
area known as__________.
375 C SEE
a- True meridian b- magnetic meridian c- arbitrary meridian
d- grid meridian
For diesel engines the nominal compression ratio is
376 A FMP
a-17 to 21:1 b- 7.5 to 8.5:1 c- 30 to 40:1
d- 1 to 5:1
The mercury is heavier than water by_____________________.
377 a- 11.6 times b- 12.6 times C ID
c- 13.6 times d- 14.6 times
The process by which the initial size of waste is reduced by application of
force is called-__________.
378 B SEE
a- mechanical volume reduction b- mechanical size reduction
c- separation d- none of above
In diesel engine, the fuel is ignited by___________.
379 a - Heat of the compressed air b - Spark plug A FMP
c- Electrical spark d- None of the above
Hydraulic depth is the ratio of _______________.
380 a- Wetted area to wetted perimeter b- wetted area to top width B ID
c- wetted area to bottom width d- wetted perimeter to top width
The normal action on a body is zero when body is moving __________.
381 a- Circular path b- straight line c- specific path B SEE
d- rectilinear
In animal drawn m.b. plough the inclination of share blade to the
382 direction of travel is B FMP
a- 10 to 15 b-30 to 45 c-20 to 25 d-5 to 10
If y1and y2 are water depths upstream and downstream of a hydraulic
jump respectively, the loss the loss of energy due to hydraulic jumps
383 is_________________. B ID
a- (y2 –y1-4/4y1y2 b- (y2 –y1)3/4y1y2
c- (y2 –y1-2/4y1y2 d- (y2 –y1-/4y1y2
There are __________types of composting systems
384 d SEE
a-4 b- 6 C- 8 D- 2
For petrol engines the nominal compression ratio will vary
385 d FMP
a- 1 to 2:1 b- 18 to 21:1 c- 1 to 5:1 d- 7.5 to
In plain areas, the irrigation canals are usually aligned
386 a ID
a- Ridge lines b- Contour lines
c- Valley lines d- Across the contours
The temp. at which the ash resulting from burning will form
387 b SEE
a- Ash point b- fusion point c- flash point d- none
0f these
In diesel engines, during compression stroke, the pressure varies
388 b FMP
• a- 10 to 20 kg/cm2 b-30 to 45 kg/cm2 c- 15 to 20 kg/cm2 d-
20 to 30 kg/cm2
Mole drains are useful in equalizing water level between ditches
389 c ID
a- drainage b- sub-irrigation
c- both drainage and sub-irrigation d- none of them
The number of ranging rods required for ranging a line is__________.
390 a- At least two b- At least three c- At least four d- At b SEE
least five
In disc plough the discs move forward by___________.
391 a FMP
a-Rolling b-Sliding c-Reciprocating motion d-Both (a&b)
Theis equation is used for__________________.
a- steady radial flow in an unconfined aquifer
392 b- unsteady radial flow in an unconfined aquifer d ID
c- steady radial flow in a confined aquifer
d- unsteady radial flow in a confined aquifer
393 Area under v-t curve and a-t curve represents the __________ c SEE
a-acceleration, distance b- velocity, distance
c-distance, acceleration d-time, acceleration
Connecting rods are generally of the following from____________.
394 a- Forged round section steel b-Cast steel triangular section d FMP
c- Forged square section steel d- Forged I section steel
Unit hydrograph ordinates are multiplied by Pnet to get direct runoff
ordinates; this process is called____________.
395 c ID
a- UG derivation b- UG alteration
c- UG application d- base flow separation
The physical properties of MSW are__________.
396 a- Specific weight b- moisture content c- particle size d SEE
d- all of above
In diesel engines, fuel is injected into cylinder through____________.
397 a FMP
• a- Auto misers b- Manifold c- Air intake d- Exhaust valve
Application efficiency could be 100% in case of________________
a- Precise irrigation
398 c ID
b- High efficiency irrigation systems water application
c- Under irrigation d- All of above
Feasibility of combustion of solid waste depends on-__________.
399 a-physical properties b- chemical properties b SEE
c - both a & b d- none of above
A disc plough forced into soil and thus to cut the soil due
400 b FMP
a-Vertical suction of plough b-Body weight of plough
c-Horizontal suction of plough d-All above
In a uniform there is a balance between___________________.
401 a- gravity and frictional forces b- gravity and inertial forces a ID
c-inertial and frictional flow d- inertial and viscous flow
The assumed several lines parallel to true meridian for a particular
402 d SEE
a- True meridian b- magnetic meridian c- arbitrary meridian
d- grid meridian
The temperature of the piston will be more at______________.
403 a. The piston walls b. The crown of the piston b FMP
c. The skirt of the piston d. The piston pin
Curve number method estimates the________________________.
404 a- runoff rate b- direct runoff b ID
c- subsurface runoff d- both (a- and (b-
Agricultural residues includes__________.
405 d SEE
a- farmyard manure b- Crop residue c- Slurry d-All of above
In diesel engines, the function of atomizer is to___________.
406 a - Inject the fuel into cylinder b- Lubricate piston a FMP
c - Allow the air into radiator d- Pass out the gas from cylinder
The viscosity of gases increase with the________________.
407 a- increasing temperature b- decreasing a ID
c- remains unchanged d- none of these
There are __________types of composting methods
408 b SEE
a-4 b- 3 c- 8 d- 2
The concavity of 60 cm diameter disc in disc plough is
409 about_______________. a FMP
a-8 cm b-5 cm c-10 cm d-15 cm
The unit of Chezy’s coefficient C in Chezy’s formula is ________.
410 a- (m/s-1/2 b- m/s a ID
c- m d- Nil
Primary subtractive colors are__________.
411 a-Cyan, yellow, magenta b-Red, Blue, Green A SEE
c-Cyan, Green, Magenta d-None
The two-stroke engine has valve ports in the____________.
412 a- Pistons b- Cylinder walls c- Piston rings d- B FMP
Cylinder head
A hydraulic jump ensures change of ____________________.
a- subcritical flow to super critical flow b- super critical flow to
413 subcritical flow B ID
c- subcritical flow to critical flow d- super critical flow to critical
The mostly used material at farm house__________.
414 b SEE
a- Concrete b- wood c- bricks d- terra cotta
Compression ratio of spark ignited engines varies from______________.
415 A FMP
a - 5:1 to 8:1 b- 1:2 to 3:5 c- 10:15 to 15:17 d- 3:2 to 5:2
A ridge canal is also called a_____________.
416 a- Watershed canal b- Contour canal A ID
c- Side slope canal d- None of above
Residential and commercial, including special and hazardous wastes
417 in%age ________. D SEE
a- 3-12 b- 2-5 c- 0.5-1.2 d- 50-75
The angle at which the plane of cutting edge of disc is inclined to
418 the____________. B FMP
a-Tilt angle b-Disc angle c-Plane angle d-Disc inclination
Canals meant for the purpose of draining off water from the waterlogged
area are called__________.
419 C ID
a- seepage canals b- laterals
c- drains d- watercourses
QuickBird was launched in__________.
420 C SEE
a-1988 b-1999 c-2000 d-2001
During compression stroke the air is compressed according
421 C FMP
a- Isothermal process b- Hyperbolic process c- Adiabatic process d-
Constant pressure process
Jacob’s equation is used for_________________.
a- steady radial flow in an unconfined aquifer
422 b ID
b- unsteady radial flow in an unconfined aquifer
c- steady radial flow in a confined aquifer
d- unsteady radial flow in a confined aquifer
Which are composed of chain of amino acid__________.
423 A SEE
a- Protein b- lipids c- fats d- none
Fuel injection pump and injectors are not provided in____________.
424 a - Diesel engines b- Petrol engines c- Water cooled engines d- None B FMP
of the above
While converting a 3-hr UG having time base of 24 hours to 6-hr UG using
S-curve method, what will be required number of successions to be
425 developed? A ID
a- 8 b- 4
c- 10 d- 12
To get full strength of concrete curing time should be__________.
426 D SEE
a- 3 days b- 7 days c- 14 days d- 28 days
The depth measured at the center of disc by placing its concave side on
427 flat soil surface is called____________. A FMP
a-Concavity b-disc diameter c-Clearance d-Suction
Soil Salinity causes_________________________.
a- Reduction in soil nutrients b- Reduction in soil
428 C ID
organic matter
c- Reduction in soil water available to plants c- All of Above
Fusing temperatures for the formation of clinker from solid waste
average are__________.
429 A SEE
a- 2000-2200 F b- 1100-1200 F c-1500-1700F
During suction stroke the pressure inside the cylinder is__________.
a- Equal to atmospheric pressure b- Above atmospheric
430 pressure D FMP
c- Above or below atmospheric pressure d- Below atmospheric
Uniform flow is not possible if________________________.
431 a- friction is large b- fluid is an oil C ID
c- So ≤ 0 d- So > 0
An unit operation in which density of material is increased is
432 called_________. B SEE
a- Densification b- baling c- purification
Engine weight per horse power (H.P.- is more, in case of___________.
433 A FMP
a -Petrol engine b- Diesel engine c- Air-cooled engine d- Motor cycles
Compaction of soil_________________________.
434 a- increases erosion b- decreases erosion a ID
c- no effect on erosion d- none of above
Fermentation is a__________process.
435 a SEE
a- Natural b- Artificial c- Both a & b d- None
Harrow plough is the___________.
436 a-Vertical disc plough b-Turn wrest plough a FMP
c-Reversible disc plough d-Disc harrow
Viscosity of a fluid is due to________________________.
437 d ID
a- molecular motion b- particle momentum
c- surface tension d- both ‘a’ and ‘b’
The surface of still water is considered to be________ .
438 a SEE
a-Level b- Horizontal c- smooth d- none
The type of air cycle used in diesel engine is called______________.
439 a- Otto cycle b-Carnot cycle c- Diesel cycle d- c FMP
Rankine cycle
Canals are lined with the consideration of____________________.
a- reduction in seepage losses
440 d ID
b- improvement in discharging capacity of an existing canal
c- prevention of water logging d- all of above
In which level telescope is removed from the support __________.
441 a-DUMPY level b- Y-level c- Crushing level d-None b SEE
of above
Engine weight per horse power (H.P.- is relatively less in case
442 a FMP
a-Petrol engines b-Diesel engines c- Water cooled engines d- Diesel
A hydraulic jump involves_______________.
443 a- subcritical flow b- super critical flow d ID
c- critical flow d- all of the above
types of bio gas plants are __________
444 d SEE
a-Floating type b- Dome Type c- Bag Type d- all of above
On way disc plough is the______________.
445 a-Vertical disc plough b-Harrow disc plough d FMP
c-Turn wrest plough d-Both (a-& (b-
The canal which is not supposed to do any irrigation is
446 a ID
a- main canal b- watercourse
c- major distributary d- minor distributary
The compass box is made of__________.
447 c SEE
a- Iron b-aluminium c- brass d- cobalt
The radiator tubes are manufactured by using______________.
448 a- Cast iron tubes b- Aluminum tubes c- Brass tubes d- Steel c FMP
Water logging in irrigated areas is due to_____________________.
a- seepage from unlined canals and watercourses
449 d ID
b- shift from protective to intensive irrigation
c- inadequate drainage d- all of above
Normally wood have highest__________.
450 a- Nail holding capacity b- hardness c- strength a SEE
d- stiffness
Combustion space is associated to____________.
451 a FMP
a-Engine cylinder b- Engine piston c- Radiator d- Combustion
In image well theory, distance of the image well from the observation
452 well is found by___________ b ID
a- Law of sines b- Law of times
c- Darcy’ law d- none of these
Lines passing through points of zero declination is__________.
453 b SEE
a- Isogonics lines b- agonic lines c- both a and b d- none of above
In disc plough the width of cut is adjusted by______________.
a-Changing the angle between frame and land wheel
454 a FMP
b-Increasing horizontal suction of plough
c-Vertical suction d-Throat clearance
While converting a 4-hr UG into 6-hr UG using S-curve method, the
ordinates of S-curve difference will be multiplied by______________.
455 b ID
a- 6/4 b- 4/6
c- 2 d- 10
Which one is not used as wood preservative__________.
456 a SEE
a- Creosote b- coal tar c- engine oil d- alcohol
Gudgeon pins or piston pins are made by_____________.
457 a- Piston material itself b- Cork c- Cast iron d- Hardened d FMP
and ground steel
Potential evapotrainspiration is defined for_________________.
458 a- Cotton b- Maize d ID
c- Rice d- Grass
233-What is the height of four tower trickling filter__________.
459 d SEE
a-210m b-230m c-100m d-10m
The liner or sleeve is provided in________________.
460 a FMP
a-Engine cylinder b- Piston c- Crankshaft d- Flywheel
The dimensions of the Chezy coefficient C are_________--.
461 a- L2T-1 b- LT-1/2 d ID
c- M0L0T0 d- L1/2T-1
293-1-In National Standard for Drinking Water Quality color should
462 be__________. a SEE
• >15 TCU b- =15 TCU c-15 TCU d- None of these
Improper hitching of disc plough causes________________.
463 a-Excessive side draft b-Greater depth of cut a FMP
c-Poor working performance d-Less penetration
At greater temperature, the infiltration rate is_____________________.
464 a- more b- less a ID
c- no effect d- none of above
volume of waste deposited in landfill site daily is __________.
465 a SEE
a-Cell b- Daily Cover c- Lift d- Final Cover
The crankcase scavenging the crankcase or underside of the piston acts
466 a FMP
a-An air compressor b- A blower c- A ventilator
d- A breather
Froude’s number is used in____________.
467 a- pipe flow b- pressure flow c ID
c- open channel flow d- steady flow
High quality bio solids can be used for__________.
468 a-Mine site rehabilitation b- Road bases c- Growing crops d- Oil from c SEE
Pistons are made of______________.
469 a-Cast iron b- Aluminum and its alloy c- Stainless steel d- Both d FMP
Requirements of canal lining are________________.
470 a- highly impervious b- hydraulically efficient d ID
c- stable and durable section d- all of above
Transporting is the part of__________.
471 a- Management I b- Management II c- Management III d- Management b SEE
Loose bearings in disc plough cause the problem of____________.
472 a-Excessive side draft b-Uneven cutting of furrows b FMP
c-Poor depth of soil cut d-Poor working efficiency
The phenomenon of hydraulic jump leads to _____________________.
473 a- evolution of energy b- dissipation of energy b ID
c- sometimes a- and sometimes (b- d- none of these
Spatial Resolution of QuickBird satellite__________.
474 d SEE
a-1x1m b-2x2m c-3x3m d-4x4m
In tractors, the draw bar is meant for transmitting the power
475 a FMP
a-Engine to the training implement b-PTO to the pulley
c-Engine to rear axle d-Piston to crankshaft
The canal, which may frequently encounter cross-drainage works, will be
476 c ID
a- watershed canal c- contour canal
c- side slope canal d- none of these
Modes of heat transmissions are__________.
477 d SEE
a- Conduction b- convection c- radiation d- all of above
Top of the piston is called________________.
478 a FMP
a-Crown b- TDC c- BDC d- Sleeve
Water logging reduces crop yield due to_______
a- lack of aeration in rootzone of crop
479 d ID
b- restriction in roots development due to low soil temperature
c- creation of salinization d- all of above
The angle of a line makes with the magnetic meridian is__________.
480 a- Reduced bearing b- magnetic bearing c- whole circle bearing d- all of b SEE
Use of chisel plough is done_______________.
481 a-After regular ploughing b-Before regular ploughing b FMP
c-By bullocks only d-None of the above
Capacity of the well in an aquifer to supply water without causing a
continuous lowering of the water table or piezometricsurface, is called
482 its_____________. a ID
a- safe yield b- ultimate yield
c- normal yield d- specific yield
Incubators are used only in__________.
483 a SEE
a- Poultry house b- dairy house c- hog house d- horse farm
484 The heat is added in the cycle at_______________. c FMP
a- Constant pressure b- Constant
c- Approximately constant pressure and constant volume d- none
Fraction of total incoming radiation, which is reflected back by the earth
to atmosphere, is called______________.
485 a ID
a- albedo b- lapse rate
c- insulation d- both a & b
It is possible for acceleration to have a component that points toward
486 outside of curve a-no b-yes c-both d- a SEE
In cylinder, the side thrust of piston, is absorbed_____________.
487 a FMP
a-Sleeve b- Skirt c- Liner d- Crown
Kc value is_________________.
488 a-<1 b->1 d ID
c- =1 d- All of above
The bearing of line measured in the direction of progress of survey
489 is__________. a SEE
a- Fore bearing b- back bearing c- both a and b d- none of above
Cutting and pulverizing of soil by rotary plough is done by means
490 c FMP
a-Rotary tines b-Knives
c-Wooden planks attached d-High speed of plough
The dimensions of Manning’s n are_______________________.
491 a- L1/6 b- L1/2 c ID
c- L-1/3T d- L-1/3T-1
The property of a material to withstand a sudden impact or shock is
492 called__________. a SEE
a- hardness b- ductility c- toughness d- elasticity of the material
Piston compression rings are manufactured by_________________.
493 b FMP
a- Aluminum b. Cast iron c. Steel d. Bronze
The mass per unit volume of a liquid at standard temperature and
pressure is called________.
494 c ID
a- specific weight b- specific gravity
c- density d- specific volume
The slope is measured by__________.
495 b SEE
a- By pacin b- by clinometers c- by passometer d- all of above
The space, which supports the crankshaft in the cylinder block, is
496 called___________. a FMP
a-Main journal b- Sleeve c- Skirt d- Ring clearance
Irrigation is basically required in ___________________.
497 a- Humid regions b- arid regions d ID
c- semi arid regions d- all of the above
Bacteria present on earth are calculated as__________.
498 c SEE
a- 12*10^7 b- 3*10^8 c- 8*10^4 d- None of these
The soil mass which is cut lifted and threw during ploughing is
499 called___________. a FMP
a-Furrow slice b-Cut volume c-Replaced mass d-Inverted
Concrete lining is__________impervious than tile lining
500 a- more b- equally a ID
c- less d- all of above
The process of partial combustion of solid fuel is __________.
501 c SEE
a-Combustion b-Pyrolysis c- Gasification d- All of above
Aluminum alloy pistons are preferred because___________.
a- They are good absorbers of shock b- They are having less weight
502 b FMP
c- They have good water resistance d- They are very strong in
If a vertical line is drawn on the specific energy curve, corresponding to a
particular value of specific energy, the two depth values are obtained,
503 which are known as_____ b ID
a- initial and sequent depths b- alternate depths
c- conjugate depths d- all of these
The liquid has percolated through solid waste and has extracted
504 dissolved material is called__________. b SEE
a- Landfill b- Leachate c-a & b d- None
A crank shaft is provided with counter weights, throughout________.
505 a FMP
a-Its width b- Its length b- Its thickness d- None of the above
The canal, which can irrigate only one side, is a_________________.
506 a- watershed canal b- contour canal b ID
c- side slope canal d- none of these
Combustion of waste in control environment condition is
507 called__________. c SEE
a- Recycling b- Landfill c-Incinration d- None
The un-ploughed land left at the end of field for turning the tractor is
508 c FMP
a-Crown b-Back furrow space c-Head land d-Dead furrow
The discharge capacity of drain is maximum at__________________.
a- outfall b- at the drain head
509 a ID
c- any point along its length depending on topography
d- all of above
198-A set of longitude and latitude lines is called__________.
510 c SEE
a-Equator b-Polar c-Graticule d-None
When preparing electrolyte, it is important to remember
511 a- Acid and water should be poured together b- Water should be c FMP
poured into acid
c- Acid should be poured into water d- None of the above
Ratio of the specific capacity for the observed drawdown to theoretical
specific capacity is called_________.
512 b ID
a- aquifer recovery b- well efficiency
c- pump efficiency d- none of these
If a body moves in a straight line then its displacement will be
513 a SEE
a-coincide with path of motion b-perpendicular the path of motion
c-at angle of 45 degree d-anti parallel to path of motion
Flywheel of the engine, is made of______________.
514 a FMP
a-Cast iron b- Cast steel c- Aluminum d- Nickel
Precipitation which occurs due to clash of two air masses having
contrasting temperatures and densities, is called___________________.
515 b ID
a- convectional precipitation b- frontal precipitation
c- orographic precipitation d- cyclonic precipitation
Work energy principle use to find__________.
516 a-area b-work done c-a and b b SEE
When a plough works round the strip of ploughed land then it is said to
517 be__________. a FMP
a-Gathering C b-Crowning c-Casting d-Ridging
Field capacity has highest value for ____________________.
518 a- Sandy soils b- Loamy soils c ID
c- Clay soils d- Pulverized soils
182-What does GPS stand for__________.
519 a-Global potential satellite b-Geographic Positioning System d SEE
c-Geodial Position Satellite d-Global Positioning system
The most commonly used material for tyer tubes is____________.
520 a- Butyl b- Natural rubber c- Butane d- All of a FMP
the above
If the bed particle size d50 of a natural stream is 2.0 mm, then by
Strickler formula, the Manning’s n for the channel is
521 about__________________. a ID
a- 0.017 b- 0.023
c- 0.013 d- 0.044
Grading of bio solids can be done according to__________.
522 a-Nutrients contained in bio solids c- Organic compounds c-Treated d SEE
sewage d- All of above
The part of engine, which supports and encloses the crank shaft and
523 camshaft, is called_______. a FMP
a-Crank case b- Crank journal c- Main journal d- Sleeve
The ratio of specific weight of a liquid to the specific weight of pure water
is known as____________.
524 a- density of pure water c- density of liquid d ID
c- specific gravity of water d- specific gravity of
297-Comfortable velocity of sound__________.
525 a SEE
a- 1100 ft/sec b- 1000ft/sec c- 500ft/sec d- 999ft/sec
Back furrow is not from when ploughing is started form____________.
526 a-Outer end of field b-Corner of field c-Centre of field d-One a FMP
side of field
With the increase in supplied water, the yield of crops__________.
527 a- Increase continuously d ID
b- decrease continuously
c- increase up to a certain limit, and then becomes constant
d- increase up to a certain limit, and then decreases
Every object that falls in a vacuum at a given height near the surface of
earth will have same__________regardless of its mass
528 c SEE
a-velocity b-area c-acceleration d-
Conformability of an engine bearing is_____________.
a- Ability of a bearing to withstand the wear and tear
b- Resistivity to corrosion
529 c FMP
c- Ability of the bearing to adjust itself to variations in shaft alignment
and journal shape
d- Ability of a bearing to permit foreign particles to embed in it
The selection of section of lined canal is governed by________________.
530 a- economy b- higher velocity d ID
c- high sediment carrying capacity d- all of above
229-Which of following is the typical example of trickling
531 d SEE
a-Conventional shallow depth b-Seven sided trickling filter c-
Intermediate depth trickling filter d-All of the above
The function of cam shaft is to______________.
532 a-Lower and raise the inlet valve b- Lower and raise the exhaust valve a FMP
c-Close the oil pan d- Both (a&b)
The sequent depth is always________________.
a- less than the alternate subcritical depths
533 a ID
b- more than the alternate subcritical depths
c- equal to the alternate subcritical depths d- none of the above
The bench mark fixed at the end of days' work is__________.
534 c SEE
a-Permanent BM b- arbitrary BM c- temporary BM d- none
One-way ploughing is done by______________.
535 a-Reversible plough b-Disc plough c-m.b. plough d-Turn a FMP
wrest plough
The capacity of an irrigation canal is usually controlled
536 a- average kharif demand b- average rabi demand d ID
c-kor depths of rabi crops d-kor depths of kharif
216-RADARSAT was launched by which Government__________.
537 b SEE
a-French b-Canadia c-American d-German
The bearing having the least friction is the______________.
a- Sleeve bearing b- Antifriction bearing
538 b FMP
c- Friction bearing d- none

Rogosity coefficient, n, usually adopted in trapezoidal surface drains is

539 d ID
a- 0.018 b- 0.020
c- 0.025 d- 0.030
540 Bio solids can be used as a fertilizer__________. d SEE
a-To improve productive soils b- To maintain productive soils
c- Stimulate plant growth d- All of above
Cam shaft is driven by_____________.
541 a FMP
a-Crank shaft b- Drive shaft c- Piston d- Piston rod
The hydraulic conductivity multiplied by the saturated thickness of the
aquifer is called__________.
542 c ID
a-storativity b- permeability
c-transmissivity d- all of these
__________is the fourth functional elements of waste management
543 d SEE
a- Waste Generation b- Waste Handling c-Waste Collection
d-Waste Transformation
A sub-soiler penetrates in the soil up to a depth of_____________.
544 a FMP
a-100 cm or more b- 50 cm c- 75 cm d- 80 cm
Which of the following is non-recording raingauge?
545 a- tipping bucket gauge b- weighing type d ID
c- float type d-Symon’s gauge
The operation of leveling across any river is termed _______
546 a- Profile leveling b- reciprocal leveling c- compound leveling b SEE
d- none
The pump part that rotates and causes water circulation between the
radiator and engine is called________________.
547 a FMP
a- Impeller b- Fan c- Bypass d- None of the
Best climatic method for determination of actual evapotrainspiration is
548 d ID
a- Hargreaves equation b-Blaney-Criddle equation
c- Penman equation d- Penman-Montieth equation
Type of solid waste are__________.
549 a- Municipal waste b- Industrial waste c- Biomedical or hospital waster d SEE
d- All of above
The function of timing gear in the engine is to_______________.
550 a-Open and close the valves b- Control the fuel injection timing c FMP
c-Control the ignition timing d- All above
The Manning’s n for a smooth, clean, unlined, sufficiently weathered
earthen channel is about________________________.
551 c ID
a- 0.012 b- 0.20
c- 0.02 d- 0.002
In plane table survey, the operation which must be carried out
552 is__________. b SEE
a- Resection b- orientation c- intersection d- none of above
The true point of hitch of the implement is also known as_____________.
553 a-Centre of power b-Centre of pull c-Centre of resistance d- b FMP
Centre of draft
A glass tube of smaller diameter is used, while performing as experiment
554 for the capillary rise of water, because_______________. a ID
a- it is easier to see through the glass tube b- glass tube is cheaper
than a metallic tube
c- this experiment is not possible with any other tube d- all of above
__________- is the fifth functional elements of waste management
system __________.
555 d SEE
a- Waste Generation b- Waste Handling
c-Waste Collection d-WasteTransfer and Transport
The ease with which a liquid changes to a vapor is
556 called_______________. d FMP
a-Evaporability b- Boiling point c- Viscosity d- Volatility
The maximum irrigation requirement of rice crop is exhibited by
557 c ID
a- maximum delta value b- maximum duty value
c- minimum duty value c- none of the above
Optimum moisture content of material __________composting rate
558 a SEE
a- Increase b- Decreases c- no effect d- all of above
The engine, the half time gear is______________.
559 a FMP
a-Bevel gear b- Helical gear c- Cam shaft gear d- Timing gear
Lining of canals is required when_______________________.
a- WT is above FSL of canal b- WT is below FSL of
560 canal d ID
c- There is natural impervious stratum below the bed
d- none of above
The capacity of material to resist fracture under impact load
561 is__________. c SEE
a- Hardness b- resilience c- strength d- ductility
The horizontal surface of the furrow bottom is called______________.
562 a-Dead furrow b-Back furrow c-Furrow sole d-None of the c FMP
The hydraulic jump that develops usually in barrages and canal head
regulator, is of the type_________________.
563 c ID
a- strong jump b- steady jump
c- oscillating and weak jump d-undular jump
__________is used for gasification process
564 a SEE
a-Gasifierb- Digester c- Incinerator d- all of above
A liquid that boils at a relatively high temperature is said to
565 a- A low viscosity b- A high viscosity c- A high volatility d- A low d FMP

The optimum kor water depth for a kharif crop is 19 cm with an allowed
kor water period of weeks, the outlet discharge factor for this crop will
566 be________________. a ID
a- 955 ha/cumec b- 782 ha/cumec
c- 860 ha/cumec d- none of them
The first staff reading taken in any set up of the instrument is known
567 as__________. a SEE
a-BS b-FS c- both A and B d- none
The part of engine, through which the air or air fuel mixture enters into
568 cylinder, is called___________. a FMP
a-Inlet manifold b- Intake valve c- Inlet valve d- Sleeve
Ideal minimum bed gradient in an open drain is to have sufficient velocity
569 a ID
a- low flows b- mean flow
c- high flow d- all of above
Which senses the changes in body environment __________.
570 b SEE
a- Heart b- Brain c- Skin d- Eyes
A plough which is partly carried by the tractor when in and out of work is
571 b FMP
a-Mounted type plough b-Semi-mounted type plough
c-Trailed type plough d-Sliding plough
For laminar flow in a medium sand aquifer, the RN
572 b ID
a-<2000 b-<1
c- 1 to 10 d-<50
The main principle of surveying is to work from__________.
573 a-The center to boundary b- the whole to part c-The part to whole d- b SEE
none of above
Changing position of an object against an opposing force is
574 called__________. d FMP
a- Power b- Torque c- Energy d- Work
Formation of a layer or film of water before it starts flowing to generate
runoff, is called____________________________.
575 c ID
a- depression storage b- percolation
c- detention storage d- none of these
Management data for solid waste includes__________.
576 d SEE
a- Altitude b- Weather condition c-Living habits d- All of above
The size of cam shaft gear is______________.
577 a-Double of the crank shaft gear b- Half of the crank shaft gear a FMP
c-Equal to the crank shaft gear d- The same as timing gear
Maximum evapotrainspiration is defined for___________________-.
578 a- Alfalfa b- Grass c ID
c- None of a- and b- d- Both of a- and b-
211-Which scattering is responsible bluish color of sky__________.
579 a-Mie Scattering b-Rayleigh scattering c-Non selective b SEE
Scattering d-None
The useful life of seed cum fertilizer drill is_______________.
580 a FMP
a-8 years b-10 years c-12 years d-15 years
The Manning’s n for a straight concrete sewer is
581 b ID
a- 0.025 b- 0.014
c- 0.30 d- 0.14
The relative closing error should not exceed__________.
582 a SEE
a- 1/600 b- 1/400 c- 1/1000 d- 1/500
583 When air is heated, it______________. c FMP
a- Contracts and becomes heavier b- Expands and becomes
c- Expands and becomes light er d- Contracts and becomes
The mercury does not wet the glass. This is due to the property of liquid
584 c ID
a- cohesion b- adhesion
c- surface tension d- viscosity
Rubber is a type of __________.
585 a- Biodegradable waste b- Integrated waste c SEE
c- Non biodegradable waste d- All of above
In I.C. engine, the tappet is also called_____________.
586 c FMP
a-Lifter b- Cam shaft c- Crank case d- Timing valve
The crop among the following, which is expected to have the maximum
587 a ID
a- Wheat b- Rice
c- Sugarcane d- Cotton
__________is produced due to anaerobic digestion of organic waste
588 a-Biogas b- Carbon dioxide c- Carbon monoxide d-all of a SEE
For sowing sorghum, the most suitable seed metering device
589 a FMP
a-Fluted roller type b-Inclined cell plate type
c-Foam pad type d-Horizontal cell plate type
For carrying the same discharge, a lined canal can have a bed canal
590 slope______. a- steeper b- milder b ID
c- same d- none of above
197-What are the things a map tells you__________.
591 d SEE
a-Geographic position b-Attributes c-Spatial relationships d-All of Above
Due to heat of combustion, with increase in temperature the
592 c FMP
a- Move slower b- Vaporize
c- Move faster d- Stop moving
The formation of a hydraulic jump on a sloping glacis, as compared to
that on a horizontal floor, is always:
a- more definite and more efficient b- more definite and less
593 b ID
c- less definite and more efficient d- less definite and less
BF = 0.83 - 0.028LC, LC is__________.
594 b SEE
a-Leat constant b- lignin content c- least carbon d- none
In I.C. engine, the function of tappet, is to____________.
595 a-Close the valves b- Open the valves a FMP
c- Close or open the valves d- Deliver lubricating oil
If the discharge required for different crops grown in a field is 0.4
596 cumecs, and the capacity factor and time factor are 0.8 and 0.5, the c ID
design discharge for the distributary will be__________________.
a- 0.80cumecs b- 0.16 cumecs
c- 1 cumecs d- 1.24 cumecs
At the magnetic pole the dip of needle is__________.
597 c SEE
a-180o b- 0 o c- 90 o d- 120 o
In tillage operation the soil broken and loosen for depth____________.
598 a FMP
a-15.2 to 91.4 cm b-100 cm c-75 cm or less d-20 c
For preventing silt deposition in a surface earthen drain. The minimum
velocity in m/s should be__________________.
599 b ID
a- 0.2 b- 0.3
c- 0.5 d- 0.6
The angles between adjacent sides are fixed by plane table is
600 d SEE
a- Chain traversing b- compass traversing
c- theodolite traversing d- plane table traversing
When petrol burns completely, two of the compounds that are formed
601 a FMP
a-Carbon dioxide and water b- Water and oxygen
c- Hydrocarbon and oxygen d- Nitrogen and oxygen
Aquifer having same hydraulic conductivity at different points as well as
in different directions is called_____________.
602 d ID
a- homogeneous b- isotropic
c- anisotropic d- both (a-& (b-
238-Chlorine in NHCL4 called__________.
603 a- free available chlorine b- combine available chlorine b SEE
c- mono chloramines d- none
In I.C. engine, the tappet is made of________.
604 a FMP
a-Hardened steel b- Cast iron c- Mild steel d- Chromium
When an air mass is cooled at constant vapor pressure, it gets condensed
at a temperature, called__________________________.
605 c ID
a- lapse rate b- saturation point
c- dew point d- none of these
Resistance of material to passage of liquid is called__________.
606 c SEE
a- Ease of cleaning b- resilience c- imperviousness d- scratch
Chisel plough is a_____________.
607 a-Primary tillage implements b-Secondary tillage implement a FMP
c-Lister d-Mulch former
For Agricultural point of view, effective rainfall is that portion that
contributes to_____.
608 c ID
a- Ground water recharge b- Dam storage
c- crop rootzone d- River supply
Paints are used as__________.
609 b SEE
a- Coating material b- preservatives c- water resistant d- none
With an increase in temperature the resistance of carbon is___________.
610 a- Unchanged b- Decreased c FMP
c- Increased d- None of the Above
In a wide rectangular channel if the normal depth is increased by 20%,
611 c ID
the discharge would increase by____________________.
a- 20% b- 15.5%
c- 35.5% d- 41.3%
The material which gives well finish is__________.
612 b SEE
a- Metal sheet b- plaster c- mortar d- concrete
The clearance between rocket arm and valve stem, is
613 called_____________. a FMP
a-Tappet clearance b- Valve clearance c- Sleeve d- Buffer space
The falling drops of water become sphere due to
614 a- surface tension of water b- compressibility of a ID
b- viscosity of water d- capillarity of water
Carbon produce by factories can travel __________.
615 a SEE
a- 25miles b-<20 miles c->30miles d->20 miles
Components of m.b. plough are bolted to_______________.
616 c FMP
a-Plough bottom b-Landside c-Frog d-Shin
Kor-Watering is the irrigation water supplied to a
617 a- at the time of its sowing b- Just before harvesting c ID
c- About three weeks after sowing d- About three weeks
before harvesting
Wavelength of Visible Light__________.
618 a SEE
a-400-700nm b-10-1000nm c-0.4-0.7mm d-None of the Above
Almost all bearing used in automotive engines are_____________.
a- Guide bearings b- Friction bearings
619 b FMP
c- Antifriction bearings d- None of the Above

The side slope of lined section usually adopted is selected from the
consideration of_______.
a- easy construction b- minimum
620 d ID
c- minimum evaporation loss
d- approximately the same as the angle of repose of the existing natural
Spherical co-ordinates are utilized when radial distance and two angles
are utilized to specify the position of particles as in case of __________.
621 c SEE
a-super sonic measurement b-Doppler effect c-Radar measurement
d- radius measurement
In I.C. engine, theoretically, the exhaust valve should be opened
622 a FMP
a-T.D.C. and B.D.C b- B.D.C c- Upward or downward side d- None of
the above
Retrogression is _________________.
a- the backwater effect of weir
b- the rising of the river bed upstream of the weir, during initial years of
623 c ID
its construction
c- the lowering of the river bed upstream of the weir, during initial
years of its construction
d- none of them
If a particle is confined to a specific path its motion is said to__________.
624 c SEE
a-Straight line b-CirculaR c- Constrained d-none of these
Horizontal suction is also called________________.
625 a-Vertical clearance b-Land suction c-Side clearance d-Throat c FMP
‘Duty on capacity’ is also called____________.
626 a- outlet duty b- capacity factor c ID
c- full supply coefficient d- quantity duty
Biogas can be produced by__________.
627 d SEE
a- farmyard manure b- Crop residue c- kitchen waste d- All of above
Petrol and Gasoline is called a hydrocarbon because it consists essentially
628 a- Carbon and Hydrogen b- Oxygen and Hydrogen a FMP
c- Carbon and Oxygen d- None of the Above

For preventing weeds and grass growth, the minimum velocity in an

earthen drain in m/s should be_________.
629 b ID
a- 0.3 b- 0.6
c- 0.8 d- 1.0
When reduced level of some fixed points are assumed they are
termed____ .
630 c SEE
a-GTS bench marks b- Permanent bench marks
c- Arbitrary bench marks d- Temporary bench marks
Generally, in 4-stoke diesel engine, the inlet valve gets opened
631 a FMP
a-5o before T.D.C b- 5o after B.D.C c- 10o after B.D.C d- 5o after
A geologic formation which can only store water but cannot transmit
significant amounts, is called_______-.
632 c ID
a-aquitard b-aquifuge
c-aquiclude d- confined aquifer
171-Under anaerobic conditions sulphate can be reduced to__________.
633 a SEE
a-sulphide b-sulphate c-disulphate d- none of these
Cutting edge of share is 9ocalled_________.
634 a FMP
a-Shin b-Frog c-Gunnel d-Skirt
A constant infiltration rate, which is achieved after the soil is saturated, is
635 b ID
a- maximum infiltration rate b- basic infiltration rate
c- lapse rate d- none of these
Hypothtical body capable of absorbing it receives is called__________.
636 a SEE
a- Black body b- emissivity c- absorptive body d- cylindrical body
The three general types of friction bearings are___________.
a-Journal, ball and roller b- Journal, guide and thrust
637 b FMP
c- Journal, shaft and thrust d- None of the Above

638 Crop water requirement is the function of__________________. d ID

a- Soil factors b- Crop factors
c- Irrigation method d- Both a- and b-
Percentage contribution of carbon to the greenhouse effect on earth
639 is__________. b SEE
a- 5-8% b- 9-26% c- 8-14% d- 2-5%
Generally, in 4-stoke diesel engines, the inlet valve gets closed
640 a FMP
a-30o before B.D.C b- 5o after B.D.C c- 5o after T.D.C d- 30o after
A triangular section is hydraulically efficient when the vertex angle
641 a ID
a- 90o b- 120 o
c- 60o d- 30 o
The curvature of earth is take into consideration is
642 called__________surveying b SEE
a-Plane surveying b- geodetic surveying c- both a and b d- none of above
Transplanting is generally best for___________.
643 d FMP
a-Paddy b-Flower c-Vegetable d-All above
The numerical value of 1 Pa of pressure is equal to ___________.
644 a- 1 N/m2 b- 1kN/m2 a ID
c- 1 MN/m2 d- none of these
The variation of g with altitude is easily determined from__________.
645 a-g= goR2/(R-h-2 b-g=goR2/(R+h-2 b SEE
c- g= goR2/(R-h- d-g=goR2/(R+h-
When different forces act at angles on connecting rod bearing, the
combining of these forces produces a____________.
646 c FMP
a- Remaining force b- Canceling force
c- Resultant force d- Negative Force
The duty of irrigation water for a given crop is maximum_____________.
a- on the field b- at the head of the
647 a ID
main canal
c- at the head of the water course d- none of them
LAT/LONG of (0,0- represents what place__________.
648 a SEE
a-Greenwich b-Narowal c-Newyork d-California
The sequence of power stroke in engine, cylinder, is called__________.
649 b FMP
a-Firing order b- Stroke order c- Missing order d- Ignition order
Drainage behind canal lining is required________________.
a- to cater for the drainage of canal water
650 b ID
b- to cater for excess hydraulic pressure behind the canal lining
c- when subgrade is free draining d- all of above
__________is a point where radius of curvature is infinite.
651 c SEE
a-zero b-1000 m c-inflection d-none
Regular trailing type disc plough is pulled___________.
652 a-Behind tractor b-In front of tractor c-In front of bullock d-All a FMP
The back water effect of a weir is best called________________.
653 b ID
a- retrogression b- afflux
c- back water curve d- none of them
The tangent o the longitudinal surface of the bubble tube is known
654 a SEE
a- Axis of bubble b- Centre of the bubble c- profile of the bubble d-
Two of the three connecting rod bearing loads that increase as engine
speeds increase are___________.
a- Centrifugal and inertia loads b- Torsional and pressure
655 a FMP
c- Pressure and inertia loads d- Pressure and centrifugal
Unlined irrigation canals, when aligned on curvilinear routes in plan, will
have to be pitched on_________________.
656 b ID
a- both sides b- concave side only
c- convex side only d- none of the above
What is the shape of trickling filter__________.
657 c SEE
a-Round, thin b-Square , thin c-Round, square d- none
Firing order denotes the________.
a-Sequence of all strokes in engine b- Sequence of power strokes,
658 only B FMP
b-Ignition of fuel in cylinder d- Order of fuel and air entry into
the cylinder
For lowering WT to greater depths, the effective drainage method
659 C ID
a- open drain b- mole drainage
c- closed drain d- all of them
Open traverses is suitable in survey of__________.
660 B SEE
a- Ponds b- rivers c- estates d- lakes
The frame of seed drill is made of______________.
661 a-Angle iron b-Mild steel c- m.s. pipe d-wood A FMP

Constant head permeability test is used to determine

662 a- Of any type of soil in field b- Of relatively fine- C ID
grained soils in lab
c- Of relatively coarse-grained soils in lab d- None of these
Types of Landfill are__________.
663 D SEE
a-Trench Type b- Area Type c- Slope Landfill d- all of above
In the engine there must be relative motion between the piston and the
connecting rod___________.
a- Atmospheric pressure, inertia and torsional vibration
664 B FMP
• Centrifugal force, inertia and combustion pressure
• Inertia, engine speed and centrifugal force
• None
Pumps are used to___________________.
665 a- Elevate fluid a- move fluid D ID
c- Pressurized fluid d- All of above
Sources of solid waste are__________.
666 D SEE
a- residential b- commercial c-institutionad- all of above
In 4-cylinder engines, the most commonly used firing order, is_________.
667 D FMP
a-1-3-4-2 b- 1-4-2-6-3-5 c- 1-43-1 d- 1-5-3-6-2-4
Crop water requirement may be determined by_____________.
668 a- Soil moisture sampling b- Climatic methods D ID
c- Water balance approach d- All of above
An oblique aerial photograph of the earth is one taken__________.
669 A SEE
a-At an Angle b-At ground level c-By Electronic sensing d-None
The sub-soilers are operated by tractor of_______________.
670 A FMP
a-60 to 80 hp b-35 hp c-50 hp d-25 to 35 hp
The hydraulic jump is a phenomenon__________________________
a- in which the water surface connects the alternate depths
671 D ID
b- which occurs only in frictionless channels
c- which occurs only in rectangular channels d- none of these
Which one is not the constituent of principle landfill gases__________.
672 C SEE
a-carbon dioxide b-methane c-VOCs
The rotating effect of the connecting rod on the connecting rod bearing
673 C FMP
a-Pressure load b- Inertia load
c- Centrifugal load d- All of the Above
The absolute pressure is equal to_______________.
a- gauge pressure – atmosphere pressure b- gauge pressure +
674 vacuum pressure C ID
c- atmosphere pressure + gauge pressure d- atmosphere pressure
– gauge pressure
The space of farm used for living properly is__________.
675 B SEE
a- Dweller b- farm house c- farm yard d- farm service building
In 6-cylinder engines, the most commonly used firing order,
676 is____________. D FMP
a-1-4-2-6-3-5 b- 1-5-3-6-2-4 c- 5-4-2-3-1-1 d- Both (a&b)
The first important watering of crops is usually called________________.
677 a-paley watering b-kor-watering B ID
c- crop-watering d- all of the above
Any plane passing through the vertical line is known as________
678 A SEE
a-Vertical plane b- Horizontal plane c- both A and B d- none
Tillage is done to create a favorable condition for__________.
679 a-Seed placement b-Plant growth c-Intercultural operations d- D FMP
Both (a & b)
Pressure release valves are provided in the canal lining_____________-.
a- to release excess pressure built up in canal section
680 b- to release excess hydrostatic pressure built up in canal section B ID

c- when subgrade is free draining d- all of above

Soil erosion is a type of__________.
681 a- Natural source pollution b- Manmade source pollution A SEE
c- Agricultural pollution d- None of these
Twisting and untwisting of the crankshaft is called________.
682 a- Torsional vibration b- Power impulsion A FMP
c- Torsional balance d- Work
For the head regulator, the most severe condition of uplift pressure on
the floor occurs when____________-.
a- the flow in the river is at flood level and canal is running at full supply
683 B ID
b- the canal runs dry and the river flow is at full flood level
c- the canal runs at full supply depth and the river flow is at the pond
d- the canal runs dry and the river flow is at the pond level
The example of Statically indeterminate structures are__________.
684 a- continuous beam b- cantilever beam A SEE
c-over-hanging beam d- both cantilever and fixed beam.
Two-wheeler scooters have_________.
685 C FMP
a-2 cylinders b- 3 cylinders c- 1 cylinder d- No cylinder
The canal which is not supposed to do any irrigation is
686 A ID
a- main canal b- watercourse
c- major distributary d- minor distributary
Which is NOT a commonly used coding scheme for images__________.
687 C SEE
In minimum tillage the plough is being followed by a_________.
688 A FMP
a-Row crop planter b-Seed drill c-Coulter d-Disc plough
The alignment of surface drain should be____________.
689 a- ridge line b- drainage line B ID
c- shortest route d- all of them
Source of municipal waste are__________.
690 a- Domestic waste b- Commercial waster c- Industrial waste D SEE
d- All of above
The ratio of the cylinder volume at BDC and the clearance volume is
691 C FMP
a- Clearance ratio b- Volumetric ratio
c- Compression ratio d- None of the Above
The equations used for steady radial flow into a well are
692 A ID
a-Thiem’s equations b-Dupuit’s equations
c-Theis equations d- none of these
The sensitiveness o the bubble is directly related to__________.
a- The length of bubble tube b- The radius of curvature of
693 B SEE
bubble tube
c- the cross section of the bubble tube d- none
Maruti-800 car has_______________.
694 A FMP
a-3 cylinders b- 2 cylinders c- 1 cylinder d- 4 cylinders
For irrigation purposes following pumps are used__________________.
695 a- Reciprocating b- Rotary C ID
c- Centrifugal d- diaphragm
Which senses the change in the environmental changes__________.
696 D SEE
a- Skin b- Trees c- Man d- Health
Ridge planting is generally used in the areas of_______________.
697 B FMP
a-Low rainfall b-High rainfall c-Low temperature d-Clay soils
Flood Irrigation suitable for ___________________________.
698 a- Sandy soils b- Clay soils B ID
c- Organic soils d- None of above
We can't survive without air more than__________.
699 D SEE
a- 10min b- 15min c- 20min d- 5min
The power developed inside the engine cylinder is
700 called______________. A FMP
a- IHP b- FHP c- BHP d- None of the Above
A hydraulic jump occurs when there is break in grade from
a- mild slope to steep slope b- steep slope to mild
701 B ID
c- steep slope to steeper slope d- mild slope to milder
Ferrous material are separated from other using their ____ properties
702 B SEE
a- Chemical properties b- magnetic properties c- conduction
In multi cylinder engines, the pistons connected to the same crank shaft,
so that, the___________.
703 D FMP
a-Power strokes can occur more often b- Motion will be uniform
c-Efficiency will be more d- Both (a& b)
The pressure measured with the help of a piezometer tube
704 B ID
a- atmospheric pressure b- gauge pressure
c- absolute pressure d- vacuum pressure
Angle measuring instrument is__________.
705 C SEE
a-Passometer b- Clinometers c- Compass d- All of above
Per unit power requirement is less in case of___________.
706 a-Primary tillage operations b-Secondary tillage operations D FMP
c-Harrowing and hoeing d-Both (b &c)
The relationship between the duty D in ha/cumec, the water depth Δ in
cm, and base period B in days, is given by:Δ___________________
707 A ID
a- D = 864 B/Δ b- D = 8.64 B/Δ
c- D = 864 Δ/B d- D = 8.64 V/B
When a series of connected lines do not form a closed
708 circuit__________. B SEE
a- Closed traverse b- open traverse c- both a and b d- none of above
In normal operation the part of the exhaust valve that gets the hottest
709 a- Face b- Middle of Stem c- Centre of head d- Edge of C FMP

A lined alluvial canal in best designed on the basis of______________.

710 c ID
a-Lacey’s formula b- Kennedy’s formula
c- Manning’s formula d- Continuity equation
System in which Newton's law are applicable is_______ .
711 a-natural system b-Inertial system c-non inertial B SEE
system d-none
An engine, in which working substance is steam, is
712 called______________. B FMP
a-I.C. engine b- Engine c- Steam engine d- Heat engine
The safety of hydraulic structure founded on pervious foundation can be
ensured by providing ____________________.
a- sufficient length on its concrete floor b- sufficient depth on its
713 D ID
concrete floor
c- a downstream cutoff of some reasonable depth d- all of the
A magnetic needle is suspended freely, unaffected by magnetic
substances, it indicate a direction__________.
714 B SEE
a- True meridian b- magnetic meridian c- arbitrary meridian d- grid
Hand tools operated by men are with a________________.
715 a-Pulling motion b-Pushing motion c-Swinging motion d-All D FMP
The canal regulator, which is constructed at a diversion headworks, is
716 D ID
a- cross regulator b- distributary head regulator
c- canal module d- none of the above
The angles between adjacent sides are fixed by prismatic compass is
717 called__________. a- Chain traversing b- compass traversing c- B SEE
theodolite traversing d- plane table traversing
In an operating engine, the hottest part of the piston is the___________.
718 A FMP
a- Head b- Ring grooves c- Skirt d- Pin bosses
A land is known as waterlogged when__________________________.
a- pH of soil reaches a value of 8.5 b- soil in root zone has
719 high salinity C ID
c- soil pores in root zone are saturated with water
d- there is water flowing on the land surface
The bearing of line measured in the direction of opposite to survey
720 is__________. B SEE
a- Fore bearing b- back bearing c- both a and b d- none of above
The fuel, used in steam engine, is___________.
721 A FMP
a- Coal b- Water c- Steam d- Water & coal
In Theis method, W(u) is called as______________________.
722 a- Water table b- Well function B ID
c- Drawdown d- none of these
The staff reading taken on a point of known elevation is known as_____
723 B SEE
a- FS reading b- BS reading c- IS reading d- none of above
In fluted feed type seed metering device the shaft is rotated
724 through__________. A FMP
a-Feed cups b-Chain c-Gear d-PTO
Minimum energy required by a pump to avoid cavitation
725 a- NPSH b- NPHSA C ID
c- NPSHR d- energy loss in overcoming
EarlyBird launched in__________.
726 B SEE
a-1988 b-1999 c-2000 d-2001
The size of an engine cylinder is referred to in terms of
727 C FMP
a- Diameter and bore b- Bore and length
c- Bore and stroke d- None of the Above
The advantage of drip irrigation system over sprinkler irrigation system
may be used in___________________.
728 C ID
a- Undulating areas b- Saline soils
c- Windy areas d- Cash crops
If time contact decreases disinfection will be__________.
729 A SEE
a- decrease b- increases c- constant d- none of these
In external combustion engines, the condenser is located_________-.
730 a-Between pump and cylinder b- At the top of engine A FMP
b-t the outside of engine d- Anywhere in the body
The sequent-depth ratio in a hydraulic jump formed in horizontal
rectangular channel is 16.48. The Froude number of the supercritical
731 stream is________________. D ID
a- 8.0 b- 4.0
c- 20.0 d- 12.0
Single liners are not consist of__________.
732 C SEE
a- clay b-Geosynthetic clay c- Concrete d- A geomembrane
For sowing potato, the best metering device is_____________.
733 a-Picker wheel type b-Fluted roller type c-Auger feed type d- A FMP
Brush feed type
A manometer is used to measure________________.
734 a- positive pressure c- negative pressure D ID
c- atmospheric pressure d- both ‘a’ and ‘b’
Rods used for ranging are__________.
735 B SEE
a- Staff rod b- ranging rod c- both a and b d- none of above
The amount of air fuel mixture taken in by the engine on the suction
stroke is a measure of the engine's_______________.
736 B FMP
a- Compression ratio b- Volumetric efficiency
c- Clearance volume d- None of the Above
Consumptive use of water for a crop represents________________.
a- The transpiration needs of the crop b- evaporation needs of the
cropped area
737 C ID
c-evapotrainspiration needs of the cropped area plus the minor
quantity required in plant metabolism
d- None of the above
Factor which is not affecting rate of heat conduction__________.
738 c SEE
a- Quantity of heat b- cross sectional area c- length of conductor d- rate
of heat flow
To-and-fro motion of the piston is converted to___________.
739 a-Rotator motion by the crank shaft b- Linear motion A FMP
c-Linear motion in wheel by the crankshaft d- None of the above
Lining of channels increases____________.
740 a- water logging b- channel cross section C ID
c- command area d- chances of breaching
The standard size of brick used in Pakistan is in inches__________.
741 A SEE
a- 9*4*3 b- 10*5*4 c- 22*8*6 d- 20*6*8
In seed drill, the picker wheel mechanism is associated to__________.
742 a-Furrow opener b-Power transmission D FMP
c-Fertilizer drilling system d-Seed metering device
The critical exit gradient suggested by Khosla,s theory of design of weirs
and barrages is____________________.
743 a- less for more porous soils b- more for more porous A ID
c- equal for all kinds of soils d- none of them
The process by which the initial volume of waste is reduced by
application of force is called__________.
744 A SEE
a-hanical volume reduction b- mechanical size reduction
c- separation d- none of above
The device for smoothing out the power impulses from the engine is
745 called the______. A FMP
a- Flywheel b- Camshaft c-Crankshaft d- Clutch
The gated regulator, which is constructed in the parent canal near the
side of an offtaking canal, is called _________________.
746 C ID
a- canal head regulator b-distribuary head regulator
c- cross regulator d- none of the above
Co-efficient of thermal capacity of a material to that of water is called: a-
747 A SEE
Specific heat b- latent heat c- ambient temperature d- sensible heat
Which of the following engine ha highest efficiency_____________.
748 B FMP
a-Diesel engine b- Petrol engine c- Steam engine d- Gas engine
Alkali soils are reclaimed by _______________.
a- leaching only b- addition of gypsum and
749 B ID
c- addition of gypsum only d- provision of drainage
The hydrological cycle is mainly a__________.
750 a- Chemical phenomenon b-Biological phenomenon c- Physical C SEE
phenomenon d- None of above
An implement which is attached to the tractor drawn bar by a pin joint is
751 C FMP
a-Rigid type implement b-Mounted type implement
c-Trailed type implement d-Hinged type implement
Plot of u verses W(u)on standard log paper is called_________-.
752 a- discharge curve b- drawdown curve C ID
c- type curve d- groundwater curve
753 The normal human body temperature is__________. a SEE
a- 37°C b- 38°C c- 36°C d- 98°C
BHP divided by IHP is______________.
754 a- Thermal efficiency b- Mechanical efficiency B FMP
c- Volumetric efficiency d- None of the Above
When impellers are connected in series the
755 B ID
a- add up b- remains same
c- head remains same d- head adds up
In the last 100 years, how much world's glaciers outside the polar regions
756 have melted__________. B SEE
a- 40% b- 50% c- 60% d- 30%
The diameter of engine cylinder is called_________.
757 A FMP
a-Bore b- Sleeve c- Stroke d- Swept
Leveling along a watercourse is_________________.
758 a- Topographic leveling b- Profile leveling B ID
c- Reciprocal leveling d- None of above a machine use to palletize sugar press mud and slurry of
759 bio gas. A SEE
A- Palletizer B- Digester C- Incinerator D-Gasifier
An implement which is attached to the tractor drawn bar by a pin joint is
760 C FMP
a-Rigid type implement b-Mounted type implement
c-Trailed type implement d-Hinged type implement
The Froude number of a subcritical stream at the end of a hydraulic jump
in a horizontal rectangular channel is 0.22. The sequent-depth ratio of
761 this jump is ___________. B ID
a- 11.25 b- 15.25
c- 8.35 d- 6.5
The most essential component of concrete is__________.
762 C SEE
a- Cement b- sand c- water d- mortar
IHP minus FHP equals______________.
763 A FMP
a- BHP b- SAF HP c-m.e.p d- None of the Above
The liquid used in a differential manometer to measure high pressure
difference should have________________.
764 B ID
a- low density b- high density
c- low surface tension d- high surface tension
Breeding of flies complete in__________.
765 B SEE
a-7-10 days b-9-11 days c-12-15 days d-3-4 days
The linear distance, travelled by the piston from T.D.C. to B.D.C, is
766 called_________. C FMP
a-Bore b- Sleeve c- Stroke d- Swept
The ratio of the water stored in the root zone of a crop, to the water
actually delivered to the crop in the field, is known as_______________.
767 B ID
a- Water conveyance efficiency b- Water application efficiency
c- Water use efficiency d- None of the above
Fourth rank in Hierarchy of Integrated Solid Waste Management is
768 d SEE
a-Source Reduction b- Recycling c- Waste Transformation
d-Land filling
Two-way m.b. ploughs are suitable for______________.
769 a-Terraced lands of hilly tracts b-Flat areas A FMP
c-Loamy lands d-Clay soils, only
The freeboard in lines section in measured
770 A ID
a- FSL and top of lining b- FSL and top of canal bank
c- top of lining and top of canal bank d- none of them
The temperature of surrounding medium is called__________.
771 C SEE
a- Heat b- latent heat c- ambient temperature d- sensible heat
The average pressure during the power stroke minus the average
pressure during the intake, compression and exhaust strokes is
772 D FMP
a- IHP b-Compression ratio c- BHP d-m.e.p
Khosla’s safe gradient for the design of weirs will be the lowest for the
soils of type__________.
773 A ID
a- fine sands b- course sand
c- shingle and gravels d- none of them
Roots take nutrients and water from_____________.
774 C SEE
a- Atmosphere b- Biosphere c-Rizosphere d- None of these
The property of fuel, which prevents pre-ignition in the cylinder, is
775 called___________. A FMP
a-Anti-knocking b- Detonation c- Knocking d- Sleeving
A cross regulator helps in_________________.
a- increasing supply in the parent channel downstream
776 b- increasing supply in the offtaking channel D ID
c- increasing water depth I the parent canal, upstream
d- both (a- and (c-
The diagonal scale is use to read__________.
777 C SEE
a- 1 unit b- 2 unit c- 3 consecutive unit d- 4 unit
In walking type m.b. plough the share is fastened to the frog
778 A FMP
a-One plough bolt b-2 Plough bolts
c-Round head nut d-None of the above
The land is said to be waterlogged, if the soil pores
779 a- a depth of 40cm is saturated b- a depth of 60cm is saturated C ID
c- root zone of crop is saturated d- soil upto groundwater
table is saturated
Third rank in Hierarchy of Integrated Solid Waste Management is
780 C SEE
a- Source Reduction b- Recycling c-Waste Transformation
d-Land filling
The power used in overcoming friction in the engine is
781 called_______________. c FMP
a- BHP b- IHP c- FHP
d- None of the Above
If the porosity of a soil is 30% and specific yield is 10%, what would be the
value of specific retention of the soil?
782 A ID
a- 20% b- 40%
c- 3% d- None of these
Co-ordinates are of __________types.
783 B SEE
a-5 b-4 c-3 d-2
Ignition of fuel-air mixture in the intake manifold of the engine is
784 called_______. A FMP
a-Back fire b- Pre ignition c- Ignition d- Knocking
When impellers are connected in series the head___________________.
785 a- add up b- remains same A ID
c- discharge remains same d- discharge adds up
Chemical transformation of solid waste involves__________.
786 D SEE
a- Combustion b- Pyrolysis c- Gasification d- All of above
The metal used for construction of slip nose share is_________.
787 a-Cast iron b-Soft center steel c-High carbon steel d-Mild A FMP
Precision land leveling helps in _____________________.
788 a- Water saving b- Increase in crop yield D ID
c- Reduce in water logging d- All of above
The most commonly used chemical disinfectant in universe__________.
789 C SEE
a- iodine b- phenol c- chlorine d- none of these
The air volume in the cylinder with the piston at B.D.C divided by the
clearance volume is called_______________.
790 A FMP
a- Compression ratio b- Piston displacement
c- Cylinder ratio d- None of the Above
The initial depth of a hydraulic jump in a rectangular channel is 0.2 m and
the sequent-depth ratio is 10. The length of the jump is
791 about________________. C ID
a- 4 m b- 6 m
c- 12 m d- 20 m
The most durable material is__________.
792 B SEE
a- Concrete b- wood c- bricks d- terra cotta
A rod/bar which connects the piston and crankshaft of an engine, of an
793 engine, is the_______. B FMP
a-Cam shaft b- Connecting rod c- Piston d- Sleeve
Force on a vertically immersed surface is given by_________________.
794 a- γ A b-γhc C ID
c-γhcA d- none of above
Pyrolysis Process is highly__________.
795 B SEE
a- Exothermic b- Endothermic c- None d- a & b
The metal used for construction of shin share is______________.
a-High carbon steel b-Soft center steel c-Mild steel d-Cast
796 A FMP

797 Frequency of irrigation is dependent upon the type of____________-. c ID

a- soil and crop b- soil and climate
c- soil, crop and climate d- soil, crop, climate and
Depth of packing filter ranges from__________.
798 B SEE
a-2 to 4 ft b-3 to 8 ft c-4 to 6 ft d-6 to 8 ft
The ratio between the power output of an engine and the energy in the
fuel burned to produce that power is called______________.
799 B FMP
a- Volumetric efficiency b- Thermal efficiency
c- Mechanical efficiency d- Compression ratio
The main advantage offered by bentonite layer lining in an irrigation
canal is that_____.
a- seepage loss is reduced b- cross sectional area is
800 A ID
c- cost of land acquired is reduced d- earth work of
excavation is reduced
A type of structure is used where a high rise and floor of obstruction are
801 desired__________. C SEE
a- Beam and post b- trusses c- arch d- braces
An engine, which is designed to drive its power from the fuel burnt within
the engine, is called_____________.
802 A FMP
a-I.C. engine b- External combustion engine c- Steam engine d- None
of the above
Bligh’s theory, as applied to the design of a weir and barrages on
permeable foundations, account for___________-.
803 a- hydrostatic forces only b- hydrodynamic forces A ID
c- both (a- and (b- d- none of them
How much greenery (plants- are present on earth__________.
804 A SEE
a- 3.3*10^5 b- 5.5*10^6 c- 6*10^9 d- 7*10^8
The metal used for construction of salt type mould board
805 is____________-. A FMP
a- High carbon steel b-Cast iron c-Mild steel d-Babbit
point out the choice among the following, which is not a function of a
distributary head regulator;_____________________
a- it serves as meter for metering discharge in the off taking canal- it
806 serves to control silt entry into the off taking canal C ID
c- it helps in controlling and regulating supplies in the entire
downstream canal network
d- it helps in controlling supplies in the off taking canal
Height of cells is called __________.
807 C SEE
a-Cell b- Daily Cover c- Lift d- Final Cover
Knowing the IHP and FHP of an engine, we can calculate___________.
808 D FMP
a- Compression ratio b- rpm c- SAF d- BHP
Gypsum is added to improve drainage characteristics of______________.
809 a- saline soils b- alkali soils A ID
c- soils not affected by sodium salts d- none of above
810 There are __________functional elements of waste management system a SEE
a-4 B- 6 C- 8 D- 2
A device, which injects the fuel into combustion chamber against the air
811 pressure in the chamber, is called___________. A FMP
a-Injector b- Air-fuel intake c- Intake manifold d- Charge cell
If in an aquifer of 1 km2 surface area, the groundwater level dropped by
1 m and specific yield of formation is 10%, determine the volume of
812 water pumped out_____. A ID
a- 105 m3 b- 106 m3
c- 1 m3 d- 10 m3
The phase in which oxygen is depleted and anaerobic conditions begin to
813 develop is__________. A SEE
a-transition phase b- initial adjustment phase c- acid phase
Frog of mould board is made of_____________.
814 D FMP
a-Mild steel b-Cast iron c-Soft centre steel d-Both (a & b)
When impellers are connected in parallel the head______________.
815 a- add up b- remains same B ID
c- discharge remains same d- discharge adds up
Normal component of acceleration is directed towards the______ .
816 A SEE
a- Center of curvature b-origin c-abscissa d-none
If we know the engine speed, bore, stroke, number of cylinders and
817 m.e.p in the cylinders, we can calculate____________. B FMP
a- FHP b- IHP c- BHP d- None of the Above
For agricultural area the grid size is usually ____________.
818 a- 10X10 m b- 15X15 m C ID
c- 20X20 m d- 25X25 m
The space used for official purpose__________.
819 D SEE
a- Dweller b- farm house c- farm yard d- farm service building
The part of a shaft or axle, which is in contact with the bearing, is
820 called________. B FMP
a-Sleeve b- Journal c- Cam d- Pinion
Ina hydraulic jump taking place in horizontal rectangular channel the
sequent-depth are 0.30 m and 1.50 m respectively. The energy loss in this
821 jump is_____________. B ID
a- 1.92 m b- 1.50 m
c- 0.96 m d- 1.20 m
Weight ratio of chlorine to nitrogen ammonia at the breakpoint in a
range of__________.
822 D SEE
a- 3/2 to 7/2 b-6.2/2 to 8/1 c- 5.3/1 to 10/1
d- 7.6/1 to 10/1
The part of m.b. plough which slides along the furrow wall is________.
823 C FMP
a-Share b-Mould board c-Landside d-Gunnel
The center of pressure acts ……. the centroid of the immersed
824 C ID
a- at b- above
c- below d- can’t say
Combustible residue left after volatile matter is removed is
825 b SEE
a- Total carbon b- fix carbon c- volatile carbon
In a bomb calorimeter the heat released by the fuel is absorbed by
Atmospheric air______________.
826 D FMP
a-Water b- Metal container c- Bomb d-Water and
metal container
The ratio of the water stored in the root zone during irrigation, to the
water needed in the root zone prior to irrigation, is
827 a- efficiency of water use b- efficiency of water B ID
c- efficiency of water application d- efficiency of water
Most ductile and malleable material is__________.
828 A SEE
a- Concrete b- wood c- bricks d- steel
The portion of piston, below pin, which is designed to absorb the side
829 movement of piston, is called____________. B FMP
a-Piston head b- Piston skirt c- Sleeve d- Cam
Under-drainage arrangements in canals are necessarily required
830 a- unlined canals b- lined canals B ID
c- both (a- and (b- d- lined canals
constructed on sandy soils alone
Principle energy product obtained from anaerobic digestion process
831 is__________. B SEE
a- Fermentation b- Biogas c- producer gas d- None
The suction of m.b. plough is reduced very much
832 A FMP
a-Share is worn out b-Share is very sharp
c-Mould board is worn out d-Landside is worn out
The safety against any possible scour, on upstream or downstream side
of the pacca floor of a hydraulic structure, is usually ensured by
833 laying_______. D ID
a- inverted filter b-toewall
b- rock toe d- stone apron
A- Source Reduction B- Recycling C- Waste Transformation D-Land
834 SEE
Time dependent permanent deformation is called______________.
835 a-Plastic deformation b-Elastic deformation C FMP
c-Creep d-An-elastic deformation
Khosla’s theory of independent variables is used in the design of
836 a- weirs and barrages b- cross regulator and D ID
head regulatory
c- modules d- Both (a- and (b-
837 SEE
The temperature, at which oil will just begin to flow under a given
838 a FMP
condition, is called__________.
a-Pour point b-Flow temperature c-Thermostat temperature d- None
of the above
The anti-water logging measure making use of deep rooted plants is
839 B ID
a- agro-drainage b- bio-drainage
c- deep-drainage d- none of them
Heat balance equation is used to calculate__________.
840 A SEE
a- Heat exchanged b- temperature c- humidity d- ventilation
In tractor drawn disc plough the number of discs varies
841 from____________-. A FMP
a-1 to 7 b-5 to 10 c-15 to 20 d-10 to 15
Distance, up to which the draw down due to a pumping well is affected,
is called_____.
842 B ID
a- Well radius b- Radius of Influence
c- Well screen d- Drawdown
When the whole circle bearing of a line is converted into quadrantal
843 bearing, it is called__________. B SEE
a- Magnetic bearing b- reduced bearing c- both a and b d- none of above
Figure-out the odd point in the following____________.
844 a- Proportional limit b- Elastic limit c- Yield point d- D FMP
Fracture point
When impellers are connected in parallel the discharge____________.
845 a- add up b- remains same A ID
c- head remains same d- head adds up
Biosphere range is__________.
846 A SEE
a- 20km b- 25km c- 22km d- 30km
A cam rod, the operates the rocker arm to open the engine valve, is
847 known as___________. A FMP
a-Push rod b- Crank shaft c- Pinion d- Cam shaft
For park area the grid size is usually _________________.
848 a- 10X10 m b- 15X15 m A ID
c- 20X20 m d- 25X25 m
Solid waste burning is a type of __________.
849 a-Manmade pollution b- Natural source pollution c- Thermal pollution B SEE
d-Radiation waste
The useful life of waling type ploughs is about____________.
850 a-10 years 1500 b-Working hours c-20 years d-2000 B FMP
working hours
70% of the initial energy is lost in a hydraulic jump in rectangular channel.
The Froude number of the flow at the toe is____________.
851 D ID
a- 4.0 b- 9.0
c- 20.0 d- 15.0
A 30 m chain is divided into__________.
852 A SEE
a- 150 links b- 100 links c- 200 links d- 250 links
Engineering stress-strain curve and True stress-strain curve are equal up
853 to_________. c FMP
a-Proportional limit b- Elastic limit c- Yield point d- Tensile
strength point
The relationship of depth of center of pressure for a vertically immersed
surface is given_________.
854 a-Ic/A + yc b-Ic/yc + yc C ID
c-Ic/ycA + yc d-Ic/ycA - yc

CH4gas produce by__________.

855 D SEE
a- Aerobic composting b- Anaerobic c-Gasification d- b & c
A shaft containing lobe, which operates the valves of the engine, is
856 known as________. B FMP
a-Crank shaft b- Cam shaft c- Piston rod d- None of the above
If the irrigation water applied to a field penetrates uniformly throughout,
then the water distribution efficiency is_____________.
857 A ID
a- 1 b- 0
c- 0.5 d- none of them
Leveling is done for __________.
858 a- To prepare contours b- To determine altitude c- To prepare layout D SEE
map d- All of above
A harrow can perform the function of______________.
859 a-Cutting of soil for shallow depth b-Soil pulverization D FMP
c-Mixing of manures d-All above
Steel reinforcement in concrete lining is justified, mainly
a- it arguments the structural strength of uncracked lining
860 C ID
b- it enables the lining to take tensile load
c- it reduces the width of shrinkage cracks
d- none of above
The function of secondary liner in double leachate is__________.
861 C SEE
a-drain the leachate b- to collect the leachate c-leak detection
Fuel injection pump is essential in____________.
862 a-Petrol engines b- Diesel engines c- Water cooled engines B FMP
d- All above
Control structures in a canal system are required_________________.
a- to feed offtakes during low supplies b- localize malfunctioning of
863 D ID
the head regulator
c- to help attain designed conditions in the channel d- all of them
The coefficients of friction depends upon__________.
864 a- nature of the surface b- shape of the surface c- area of the contact C SEE
surface d- weight of the body
A device, used to remove the dirt from oil, air or water, is
865 called__________. B FMP
a-Filter b- Oil filter c- Air filter d- Water filter
The channel constructed to bypass the excess water entering a canal, is
called a_______.
866 C ID
a- canal module b- canal siphon
c- canal escape d- canal regulator
867 SPOT and NOVA are examples of__________. c SEE
a-Radar Bands b-Thermal scanner c-Satellite d-None
In double action disc harrow the placing of discs in front gang
868 A FMP
a-Opposite to each other b-In same direction
c-Just behind to each other d-In the direction facing outside
The most effective measure for areas of high salt content throughout the
profile or saline underground water is _________ drainage
869 B ID
a- surface b- sub-surface
c- vertical d- none of them
At a result of destructive activity of certain types of fungi wood
870 is__________. B SEE
a- Pitch pockets b- decay c- shake d- mineral steaks
Hydrostatic stress results in the following___________.
871 a- Linear strain b- Shear strain c- Both linear and shear strains D FMP
d- None
In well loss equation sw = BQ + CQ2, B is called coefficient of_________.
a- well losses due to turbulent flow b- losses due to well
872 C ID
c- formation losses d- none of these
Total range and time of a projectile fired above a horizontal plane would
873 be__________the respective of distance and time. B SEE
a-thrice b-twice c-single d-none
Which of the following is not found in diesel engine?
874 D FMP
a-Carburetor b- Electrical ignition system c- Radiator d- Both (a& b)
As compared to reciprocating pumps, the centrifugal pumps
875 D ID
a- low head pumps b- high discharge pumps
c- costly pumps d- both a- and b-
Wastes that will decompose rapidly especially inwarm weather are also
known as__________.
876 C SEE
a- Commercial MSW b- Special waste c- Putrescible waste
The shaft on which disc are mounted is called_________.
877 D FMP
a-Gang axle b-Arbor axle c-Main axis d-Both a & b
With increasing grid size leveling accuracy_______________.
878 a- Increase b- Decrease B ID
c- Unchanged d- None of above
What type of gas found in Earth's atmosphere absorbs UV radiation from
879 the Sun__________. A SEE
a-ozone b-water vapor c-carbon dioxide d-None of the above
High elastic modulus in materials arises from_______________.
880 a-High strength of bonds b- Weak bonds c- Combination of bonds A FMP
d- None
In a hydraulic jump in horizontal rectangular channel with an initial
Froude number of 12, the sequent-depth ratio is found to be 13.65. The
881 a ID
energy dissipation as a percentage of the initial specific energy is
a- 62 % b- 50 %
c- 87 % d- 73 %
__________is geometric region occupied by body
882 a-area b-perimeter c-space d- C SEE
The firing order of 6-cylinder I.C. engine is____________.
883 A FMP
a-1-5-3-6-2-4 b- 1-3-6-2-4-5 c- 1-4-5-6-2-3 d- 1-2-3-4-5-6
The distance between the centroid and center of pressure of a vertically
immersed surface is equal to___________________.
884 C ID
a-Ic/yc b-Ic/A
c-Ic/ycA d-ycA/Ic
In design ofgodown there should be proper__________.
885 D SEE
a- Heat b- temperature c- humidity d- ventilation
In disc harrow the lever which operates angling mechanism of the system
is called______.
886 B FMP
a-Gang controller b-Gang control lever c-Steering d-Draft
The efficiency of water application does not depend
887 a- climatic conditions b- type of soil D ID
c- method of application d- geometry of the
conveyance system
Wood is superior in ____________ than concrete
888 A SEE
a- Compression b- strength c- toughness d- resilience
Shape of true stress-strain curve for a material depends on________.
889 a-Strain b- Strain rate c- Temperature D- All of the D FMP
Which among the following is not true asphalt concrete lining,
a- it is fairly cheap
890 D ID
b- it is flexible and readily confirms to subgrade
c- it permits certain type of weed growth
d- it decreases the rugosity coefficient to increase channel efficiency
The vapor produced during steam generation are called__________.
891 a- Saturation pressure b- superheated vapor c- water vapor d- relative B SEE
Swept volume of an I.C. engine, is equal to______________.
892 a-Piston area x piston stroke b-Piston area x length of piston D FMP
c-Cylinder volume / piston area d-Both (a& b)
Silt control measures are adopted__________.
893 a- at headworks b- in head reach of canal D ID
c- at offtake points d- all of them
Roof which is used normally if poultry farm__________.
894 A SEE
a- Gable b- shed c- hip d- flat
In disc harrow the penetration depth can be increased by__________.
895 a-Increasing disc angle b-Increasing speed A FMP
c-Removing weight box d-All above
The crest level of a distributary head regulator is usually
a- the same as the upstream bed level of the parent canal
896 C ID
b- the same as the crest level of the cross regulator at the site
c- 0.3 to 1.0 higher than the upstream bed level of the parent canal
d- none of the above
Lower quality of bio solid is used for__________.
897 a-Road bases b- Landscaping and top soil c-Landfilling c- A SEE
Toughness of a material is equal to area under __ part of the stress-strain
898 C FMP
a-Elastic b- Plastic c- Both d-
Drainage is __________required when irrigation is extended to delta area
899 a- not b- essentially C ID
c- sometimes d- optionally
189-How does the satellite Topex/Poseidon map ocean
900 features__________. D SEE
a-Ultraviolet rays b-radar c-X rays d-none of the above
Piston speed of high speed tractor engine is from______________.
901 a-300 to 500 rpm b- 1000 to 1500 rpm c- 250 to 400 rpm d- 50 to 750 A FMP
A perched water table_____________________.
a- may lie below the groundwater table b- may lie above the
902 B ID
groundwater table
c- both (a-& (b- d- none of these
What is the emissivity of a black body__________.
903 A SEE
a-E = 1 b-E <1 c-E >1 d-None
In disc harrow/plough the cross-section of hole in discs
904 is______________. D FMP
a-Circular b-Rectangular c-Triangular d-Square
Donkey pumps use _______________.
a- centrifugal action for pumping b- Rotary action for
905 pumping C ID
c- to and fro motion for pumping d-venturi action for
Smog is a kind of__________.
906 A SEE
a- Air pollution b- Water pollution c- Noise pollution d- Direct pollution
Plastic deformation results from the following_________.
907 C FMP
a-Slip b- Twinning c- Both d- None
With the increase in organic matter,_______________________
908 a- Moisture holding capacity increases b- Soil texture improves D ID
b- Soil porosity increases d- Both a- and c-
Which one is the method for land filling is most suitable for site where
909 adequate cover material is Available__________. B SEE
a- Area method b- trench method c- canyon method
910 Which of the following, is un-measurable parameter of I.C. engine a FMP
Brake mean effective pressure_____________________
a-BHP b- IHP c- H.P. d- none
In splash erosion the raindrop energy acts in the form
911 A ID
a- kinetic energy b- potential energy
c- chemical energy d- none of these
Problems that is associated with the earth's atmospheres in Remote
912 sensing__________. C SEE
a-Scattering b-Absorption c-Both a & b d-None
In spike tooth harrow the teeth are arranged_______________.
913 a-Zig-zag b-Just behind each other c-Alternatively d-Very B FMP
Force on an immersed surface inclined at an angle θ with the liquid
surface is ______.
914 A ID
a-γhcA b-γAhc/sin θ
c-γAhc/cos θ d-γAhc/tan θ
In mature landfills, the BODs/CoD ratio is often in the range
915 of__________. A SEE
a-0.05-0.2 b- 0.03-0.4 c- 0.04-0.1 d-0.01-0.07
Time dependent recoverable deformation under load is called
916 deformation_________. B FMP
a-Elastic b- An-elastic c- Elastic after-effect d -Visco-elastic
The efficiency of the water conveyance does not depend
a- climate conditions b- geometry of the
917 D ID
conveyance system
c- nature of the boundary of the conveyance system d- method of
application of water
The function of secondary liner in double leachate is__________.
918 C SEE
a-drain the leachate b- to collect the leachate c-leak detection
Engine weight per hp is greater, in__________________.
919 B FMP
a-Diesel engines b- Steam engines c- Petrol engines d- Both (a& b)
For the most economical trapezoidal channel section ________________.
a- Hydraulic mean radius equals the depth of flow
920 b- Hydraulic mean radius equals half the depth of flow B ID
c- Bottom with is twice the depth of flow d- Bottom with is half
the depth of flow
The main survey stations are located on ground by__________.
921 a- Index sketches b- Reference sketches c- Line sketches d- None of B SEE
In spring tooth harrow a light harrowing can be made by____________.
922 a-Keeping the teeth in slant position b-Reducing speed A FMP
c-Putting some additional weight d-Increasing tilt angle
Canal escape provided to___________.
a- to escape surplus or excess water from canal
923 d ID
b- to escape canal water for emptying it in the event of breach
c- periodical flushing of silt prone head reach of a canal head
d- all of above
Nitrogen contribution in atmospheric gases is about__________.
924 D SEE
a- 85% b- 80% c- 55% d- 79%
Which of the following could not be used to indicate a temperature
change? A change in__________________.
• Color of a metal rod.
925 D FMP
• length of a liquid column
• pressure of a gas at constant volume
• d - mass of one mole of gas at constant pressure
The regulator constructed on a major distributary near its junction with
minor distributary, will be called ________.
926 B ID
a- distributary head regulator b- cross regulator
c- regulating head d- none of the above
RADAR stands for__________.
a-Radio Angle Direction And range b-Radio Detection And Ranging
927 B SEE
c-Both a & b, d-None
Cylinder head of I.C. engine is made of______________.
928 D FMP
a-Cast iron b- Cast aluminum c- Bronze d- Both (a& b)
Rice cultivation with abundant of water standing in the fields
929 B ID
a- adds to waterlogging b- is a land reclamation measure
c- results in salinity d- none of above
The study of relationship between motion and corresponding forces
930 which cause or accompany the motion__________. B SEE
a-static b-kinetics c-dynamics d-mechanic
Blade harrow is the_____________.
931 a-Bukhar b-Triangular harrow c-Spring tooth harrow d-Acme A FMP
A spring may be formed when a sloping permeable bed is interrupted
932 a- a dyke b- an impermeable bed due to the presence of a C ID
c- both (a-& (b- d- none of these
The space used for housing of implements__________.
933 A SEE
a- Dweller b- farm house c- farm stead d- farm service building
In tractor, the differential lock, locks the________________.
934 a-Fuel supply system b- Driven wheel c- Differential unit d- D FMP
Ignition system
In jet pump,_______________.
a- rotary and centrifugal action are combined
935 b- rotary and reciprocating action are combined C ID
c- centrifugal and venture actions are combined
d- centrifugal and rotary action are combined
168-In double liner the function of primary liner is to__________.
936 B SEE
a-drain the leachate b- to collect the leachate c-leak detection
937 Main bearings of I.C. engine, are made of___________________. d FMP
a-White metal b- Steel backed Babbitt base c- Aluminum d- Both
(a& b)
During watercourse design,___________.
a- Highest field to be irrigated in considered
938 b- Lowest field to be irrigated in considered A ID
c- Average command area elevation is considered
d- Length of the watercourse is considered
Survey which depict the natural features of country are known
939 B SEE
a- Cadastral surveys b- topographic surveys c- Engineering surveys d-
none of above
Primary function of cultivator is to________________.
940 a-Destroy the weeds b-Level the field c-Crush the clods d- A FMP
Compact the land
Kinetic energy of raindrop depends on_______________________.
941 a- terminal velocity of raindrop b- drop diameter D ID
c- rainfall intensity d- none of these
The Engineer chain is long__________.
942 D SEE
a- 33 ft b- 34 ft c- 40 ft d- 100 ft
What temperature change on the Kelvin scale is equivalent to a 10
943 degree change on the Celsius scale? FMP
a-283 k b- 273 k c- 18 k d- 10 k
The center of gravity of the volume of liquid displaced by a floating body
is called____.
944 B ID
a- center of pressure b- center of buoyancy
c- metacenter d- all of above
A jointed frame that is used to support load over a relatively long
945 span__________. B SEE
a- Beam and post b- trusses c- arch d- braces
Cam shaft of engine, is made of_____________.
946 D FMP
a-Forged steel b- Cast steel c- Babbitt d- Both a & b
The object if irrigation is to____________________.
a- Raise crops b- provide water to fields
947 c- make water available to cultivators with respect to location, time and C ID
quantity as per the crop requirements
d- none of above
What is the range depth of trickling filter__________.
948 D SEE
a-4 to 10m b-4 to 8m c-4 to 6m d-4 to 12m
Cultivator with spring loaded tines, are_________________.
949 a-Mounted type b-Fixed type c-Trailed type d-None of the A FMP
The channels, whose boundaries are made of easily erodible loose soils,
are called___.
950 a- mobile boundary channels b- rigid boundary A ID
c- non-alluvial channels d- none of above
951 __________is the first functional elements of waste management a SEE
a- Waste Generation b- Waste Handling c-Waste Collection
d-Waste Transfer and Transport
Indicated horse power (IHP- indicates, the______________.
a-Power generated in the engine cylinder b- Power received by the
952 D FMP
c-Power lost through engine cylinder d- Both (a& b)
Cross regulator in main canals are provided to_______________.
a- regulate water supply in the offtaking channel
953 b- regulate water supply in the main canal c- regulate excessive D ID
flood water
d- head up water for adequate supply into off taking channel
The proportion reflected from the snow covered surface is
954 called__________. D SEE
a-Brook b-Caldera c-Sinusoid d-None
Valve springs, are made of_______________________.
955 A FMP
a-Carbon spring steel b- Forged steel c- Cast iron d- Steel alloy
The arrangement made in canal headwork, which acts as its safety valve,
956 C ID
a- canal ladder b- canal crossing
c- cattle crossing d- all of above
In which level telescope is fixed to its support__________.
957 A SEE
a-Dumpy level b- Y-level c- Both A and B d- none
Number of sweeps in duck foot cultivator is____________________.
958 A FMP
a-7 b-2 c-5 d-3
A land is said to be water-logged, when____________________.
a- the land is necessarily submerged under standing water
b- there is a flowing water over the land
959 D ID
c- the pH value of the soil becomes as high as 8.5
d- the soil pores in the root zone get saturated with water either by the
actual water table or by its capillary fringe
The Revenue chain is long__________.
960 A SEE
a- 33 ft b- 34 ft c- 40 ft d- 100 ft
When an ideal gas is isothermally compressed__________________.
a-Thermal energy flows from the gas to the atmosphere
961 b-the temperature of the gas decreases C FMP
c- no thermal energy enters or leaves the gas
d- the temperature of the gas increases
Which of the following factors contribute towards high porosity of soil?
a- uniform particle sized soil b- non-uniform soil with wider
962 A ID
range in size
c- rhombic packing or arrangement of grains d- all of these
What layer of the atmosphere contains most of the water
963 vapor__________. D SEE
a-Thermosphere b-troposphere c-stratosphere d-None of the above
Fly wheel of I.C. engine, is made of___________________.
964 A FMP
a-Cast iron b- Bronze c- Alloy d- Babbitt
For a centrifugal pumps when discharge increase,__________________.
965 a- head also increase b- head decrease B ID
c- head remains same d- efficiency increase
At the equator the dip of needle is__________.
966 B SEE
a- 180o b- 0 dgre e c- 90 o d- 120 o
A puddler is the device used for______________________.
967 a-Churning the soil in standing water b-Leveling the soil A FMP
c-Crushing the clods d-Killing the weeds during ploughing
Watercourse forms_____________________.
a- Primary component of irrigation system
968 b- Secondary component of irrigation system C ID
c- Tertiary component of irrigation system
d- None of above
The forces which meet at a point are called__________.
969 a- collinear forces b- concurrent forces c- coplanar forces d- B SEE
parallel forces
Which of the following is always true for an isothermal process of an
ideal gas?
970 a-the internal energy does not change b- no heat flows into or out of A FMP
the system
c-the pressure does not change d-the volume does not change
An intense storm involves_________________.
971 a- greater intensity b- greater kinetic energy D ID
c- greater potential energy d- both (a- and (b-
Radiation when penetrates the cell wall of microorganisms with a
972 wavelength__________. C SEE
a- 150nm b- 50nm c- 254nm d- 25nm
Studs and bolts, are made of____________________.
973 A FMP
a-Carbon steel b- Cast iron c- Mild steel d- Bronze
When a body floating in a liquid is given a small angular displacement, it
starts oscillating about a point. This point is known
974 as_____________________. D ID
a- center of pressure b- center of gravity
c- center of buoyancy d- metacenter
A metabolic process in which an organism converts a carbohydrate into
975 alcohol or acid is called__________. A SEE
a- Fermentation b-anaerobic digestion c- Both a & b d- None
Ridger is not_________________.
a-Primary tillage implement b-Secondary tillage
976 D FMP
c-Used for constructing ridges in the field d-Both (a& b)
a- is eco-friendly with proper drainage in command area
977 A ID
b- is eco-friendly even without adequate drainage
c- Has no relation with drainage d- none of above
TDS in drinking water according to WHO should be__________.
978 B SEE
a->1000 mg/liter b-<1000 mg/liter c- 1500 mg/liter d- 400 mg/liter
Which of the following temperatures would be most appropriate to keep
979 milk at inside a refrigerator? D FMP
a-20 c b- 5 k c- 40 c d- 278 k
In an irrigation canal, berms are provided at__________________.
980 a- NSL b- FSLN A ID
c- Bank level d- none of above
Combustion of toxic waste is called__________
981 C SEE
a-Combustion b- Pyrolysis c- Incineration d- All of above
Aluminum-alloy pistons are used in_______________.
982 a-High speed engine b- Low speed engine A FMP
c- 2-stroke engine, only d- Steam engine, only
Cross regulator in main canals are provided to______.
a- to minimize the amount of silt entering the main canal
983 b- to let maximum silt carried into the branch canal A ID
c- for no specific purpose d- to carry canal across
Nauseas is__________.
984 B SEE
a- Greek word b- Latin word c- Arabian word d- English word
Ridge plough is the_____________________.
985 D FMP
a-Ridge b-M.B plough c-Double M.B plough d-Both (a& b)
When an irrigation canal is taken over a drainage channel, the crossing is
986 A ID
a- an aqueduct b- a super passage
c- a level crossing d- none of them
To reduce the volume and weight of solid waste is called __________
987 A- Waste Generation B- Waste Handling C-Waste Collection D-Waste D SEE
Tachometer measures____________________.
988 A FMP
a-Engine speed b- Engine power c- BHP d- IHP
Water-logging of cropped land leads to reduced crop yields, due
a- ill-aeration of root zone, causing lack of oxygen to plants
989 b- growth of water-loving plants interfering with the sown crops D ID
c- surrounding of the root zone by the resulting saline water, which
extracts the good water from plant roots by osmosis
d- all of the above
In a Cantilever beam, the maximum bending moment is induced
990 at__________. a-at the free end b- at the fixed end c- at the mid A SEE
span of the beam d- none of the above
In engines the aluminum alloy pistons are electroplated
991 with_____________. D FMP
a-Cadmium b- Tin c- Nickel d- Both (a& b)
The values of specific yield for alluvial aquifers are in the range
992 A ID
a- 10-20% b- 30-40%
c- less than 5% d- more than 40%
993 Methods commonly used to assess solid waste quantities D SEE
a- Load count analysis b- Materials balance analysis c- Weight volume
analysis d- All these
Hand hoes are used for________________.
994 a-Primary tillage works b-Inter culture works c-Mulch formation d- B FMP
NPSHR is a function of ___________________.
995 a- pump b- system A ID
c- both pump and system d- fluid handled
Lines passing through points of equal declination is__________.
996 A SEE
a- Isogonics lines b- agonic lines c- both a and b d- none of above
A gas is enclosed in a cylindrical piston. When the gas is heated from 0C
to 100C, the piston is allowed to move to maintain a constant pressure.
According to the Kinetic-Molecular Theory of Matter______________.
997 a-the mass of the gas will increase D FMP
b-the number of molecules of gas must increase
c- the size of the individual molecules has increase
d-the average speed of the molecules has increased
Watercourses should be improved to __________-.
a- Save water b- Increase command
998 D ID
c- Increase watercourse capacity d- All of above
The length of Gunter chain is__________.
999 C SEE
a- 100 ft b- 50 ft c- 66 ft d- 150 ft
The most common type of piston of piston ring used in engine,
1000 D FMP
a-Oil control ring b- Compression control ring
c-Gaskets ring d- Both (a& b)
For attaining a raindrop to terminal velocity, the fall height should
1001 B ID
a-at least 5 m b-at least 7 m
c- less than 7 m d- 15 m
In a prismatic compass, the zero is marked on__________.
1002 B SEE
a- North end b- south end c- west end d- east end
A ditcher is used for making the_____________.
1003 C FMP
a-Furrow b-Bund/ridge c-Ditch/drain d-All above
The met centric height of a floating body is the distance between
a- center of gravity and center of buoyancy b- center of gravity and
1004 B ID
c- center of buoyancy and metacenter d- none of these
A linear distance is measured __________.
1005 C SEE
a- By pacing b- by stepping c- both a and b d- none of above
According to the kinetic theory of gases, when the absolute temperature
of an ideal gas doubles, the average kinetic energy of the molecules of
1006 B FMP
the gas will____________.
a- Quadruples b- doubles c- stays the same d- cut in half
1007 The surface method of irrigation suitable for wheat, bersem and fodder A ID
a- basin method b- furrow irrigation
c- border strip method d- none of above

The property associated with high density of surface and hardness is

1008 called__________. A SEE
a- Ease of cleaning b- resilience c- imperviousness d- scratch
The function of oil rings in engine, is to______________.
1009 a-Scrap excess oil from cylinder wall b- Control lubrication A FMP
c- Control per ignition d- All above
Safety ladders are provided in large irrigation canals,
a- enable fish to pass from one place to another
1010 D ID
b- enable cattle to cross the canal
c- enable the swimmers to get out of canal
d- provide the safe exit to avoid accidental drowning
What is the 3rd phase in the land fill gas generation__________.
1011 A SEE
a- acid phase b-maturation phase c-transition phase
In seed drill, the furrow opener is generally__________________.
1012 D FMP
a-Shovel type b-Shoe type c-Disc type d-All above
Silt ejector is provided on_________________.
a- river just u/s of under sluices b- canal just d/s of canal head
1013 regulator D ID
c- river, some distance d/s of under sluices
d- canal, some distance d/s of canal head regulator
Composting is an example of __________
1014 a- Waste Generation b- Waste Handling c- Waste Collection D SEE
d-Biological Transformation
When gas escapes from a pressurized cylinder, the stream of gas feels
cool. This is becausework is being done at the expense of thermal
a- of the convection inside the cylinder
1015 A FMP
b- pressurized cylinders are good thermal insulators
c- the gas inside the cylinder is actually frozen

An irrigation canal freely flowing under a drainage channel is specifically

1016 D ID
a- canal junction b- canal crossing
c- canal siphon d- super passage
Acceptable level near hospital is__________.
1017 A SEE
a- 60dB b- 50 dB c- 70dB d- 80 db
In engines, the gap between rings on piston is fixed at the rate
1018 a-1 mm per 200 mm diameter of piston b- 1 mm per 100 mm diameter a FMP
of piston
c- 0.5 mm per 200 mm diameter of piston d- 0.5 mm per 150 mm
diameter of piston
Pick up the incorrect statement from the
a- intensive irrigation should be avoided in areas susceptible to the
1019 D ID
b- extensive irrigation should be adopted in areas susceptible to the
c- lift irrigation can help alleviate water-logging susceptibilities
d- none of above
A double liner consist of__________.
1020 a- Two single liners b- Two composite liners c- Single and Composite liner D SEE
d- All of these
Spike tooth harrow is used after__________________.
1021 a-Ploughing b-Inter culturing c-Seeding d-Spreading of A FMP
The values of specific yield for uniform sands are
1022 C ID
a- 15% b- 20%
c- 30% d- more than 50%
Macro nutrients found in Bio solids include__________.
1023 D SEE
a-Zinc b- Boron c- Manganese d-sulphur
Primary tillage is normally designed to
1024 (a- reduce soil strength (b- cover plant material D FMP
(c- rearrange aggregate (d- all above
The part of well used to extract water from aquifer is
1025 C ID
a- blind pipe b- casing pipe
c- screen d- check valve
The Stefan-Boltzmann relation is only valid for__________.
1026 A SEE
a-Black Body b-White Body c-Both a & b d-None of the Above
In I.C. engines, the misfiring of one more cylinders can cause the problem
1027 D FMP
a-Overheating of engine b- Failure to develop full power
c-Less thermal efficiency d- Both (a& b)
Drip irrigation system designed on the basis of__________________.
1028 a- Crop water requirements b- Soil infiltration rate D ID
c- Crop growth stage d- All of above
The best and cheap source of protein is__________.
1029 A SEE
a- Poultry b- beef c- milk d- mutton
Rotary hoe performs well at the speed of____________.
1030 A FMP
a-8 km ph or little more b-5 km ph c-2 to 3 km ph d-20 km ph
A greater detachment of soil particle is caused by a _________________.
a- high intensity rainfall for a shorter duration
1031 A ID
b- low intensity rainfall for a longer duration
c- all of above d- none of above
What is the depth of the bio film__________.
1032 d SEE
a-2mm to 10mm b-3mm to 4mm c- 0.1mm to 0.2mm
d-Both a & c
Which is not a part of M.B plough____________?
1033 a- shovel b- tail piece A FMP
c- frog d- land side
The metacentric height of two floating bodies A and B are 1 m and 1.5 m
respectively. Select the correct statement__________________.
a- both A and B have equal stability b- both A and B are
1034 D ID
b- body A is more stable than B d- body B is more stable than A

The frequency limit of audibility is from__________.

1035 a- 30Hz to 3000Hz b- 25Hz to 2000Hz c- 30Hz-30,000Hz d- 20Hz to D SEE
Loose of radiator belt, can cause the problem of_________________.
1036 a-Less thermal efficiency b- Overheating of engine B FMP
c-Failure to develop full power d- All above
Crop period is the time crop takes_____________.
a- From first watering to last watering
1037 b- From sowing to its harvesting B ID
c- From sowing to last watering
d- from first watering at the time of sowing to its harvesting
The angles between adjacent sides are fixed by chain angles is
1038 A SEE
a- Chain traversing b- compass traversing
c- theodolite traversing d- plane table traversing
In tandem disc harrow the two fronts throw the soil_______________.
1039 A FMP
a-Outward b-Inward c-Left side the gang d-Inside the gang
Indicate the maximum permissible velocity for concrete
1040 A ID
a- 2 m/s b- 1.75 m/s
c- 1.5 m/s d- 1 m/s
__________is the third functional elements of waste management
1041 C SEE
a- Waste Generation b- Waste Handling c- Waste Collection
d-Waste Transfer and Transport
In M.B plough the gunnel is the part of___________________.
1042 a-mould board b- share A FMP
c- frog d- land side
Silt excluder is provided__________________.
a- in canal on d/s side of head regulator
1043 b- in river on d/s side of the barrage D ID
c- in river far away from the weir on the d/s side
d- in river adjacent to the head regulator
The brown and black discoloration caused by oxidation is
1044 D SEE
a- Pitch pockets b- decay c- shake d- mineral
In engines, the improper adjustment of diesel injection system, can cause
the problem, of______________.
1045 C FMP
a-Failure to start the engine b- Failure to develop full power
c-Overheating of the engine d- All above
Rivers are classified on the basis of____________.
1046 a- discharging capacity b- length D ID
c- waterway d- location
The operation of leveling from BM to the starting of any project is known
1047 as __________. B SEE
a-Longitudinal leveling b- fly leveling c- continuous leveling d- none
In tandem disc harrow the two rear gangs throw the soil____________.
1048 A FMP
a-Inward b-Outward c-Inside the gang d-Outside the gang
which one the following does not contribute to water-logging,_______
a- inadequate drainage b- seepage from unlined canals
1049 D ID
c- frequent flooding d- excessive tapping of ground
The operation of leveling from the finishing point to the starting point at
the end of day's work is known as______
1050 A SEE
a- Check leveling b- longitudinal leveling
c- cross sectional leveling d- none
The perpendicular distance from wing of share to the line of joining the
point of share and heel of the landside is called_________________.
1051 C FMP
a- horizontal suction b- throat clearance
c- plough size d- vertical clearance
Coefficient of storage ‘S’ is a function of_________________
a- elasticity of water b- elasticity of aquifer
1052 C ID
c- both (a-& (b- d- none of these
Swath width of OrbView-3 satellite__________.
1053 A SEE
a-8 km b-10 km c-12 km d-14 km
Entry of rich mixture in the cylinder can cause the problem
1054 B FMP
a-Over heating b- Engine smoke c- Failure to start the engine d- All
The process of getting maximum and sand free water from a well is
1055 C ID
a- well drilling b- screening
c- well development d- well testing
Any line lying on the horizontal plane is said to be__________.
1056 A SEE
a-Horizontal line b- Vertical line c- both A and B d- none
In hand operated cultivators the type of cutting tool is____________.
1057 D FMP
a-Teeth b-Rake teeth c-Tyne and shovel d-Both (a& b)
Surface irrigation is also called___________________.
1058 a- Gravity irrigation b- Flood irrigation C ID
c- Both a- and b- d- None of above
High value of temperature__________composting rate
1059 B SEE
a-Increases b- Decreases c- no effect d-all of above
The angle at which the plane of cutting edge of disc is inclined to the
direction of travel is called_____________.
1060 C FMP
a- disc inclination b- tilt angle
c- disc angle d- plane angle
Removal of transportable fragments of material from the soil mass by an
eroding agent falling raindropis called as_______________.
1061 A ID
a- detachment b- erosion
c- transportation d- all of above
Bacteria perform fermentation and converts carbohydrates in
1062 to__________. B SEE
a- alcohol b- lactic acid c- yeast d- None
Excess carbon deposits in the cylinder, can cause the problem
1063 A FMP
a-Engine knocking b- Overheating c- Blue smoke d- Failure to start
the engine
If a body floating in a liquid return to its original position, when given a
small angular displacement, body is said to be in________________.
1064 B ID
a- neutral equilibrium b- stable equilibrium
c- unstable equilibrium d- either ‘a’ or ‘c’
Composting in the absence of oxygen is called____.
1065 A SEE
a-anaerobic b- aerobic c- oxidation
The expected useful annual working hours of cultivator is____________.
1066 A FMP
a-3000 b-1000 c-1500 d-2500
Base period of a crop is_____________.
1067 a- the same as crop period b- less than crop period B ID
c- more than crop period d- none of above
Use of the waste material by some process is called__________.
1068 B SEE
a- Reuse b- Recycling c- Compositing d- None
Disc angle of a good quality disc plough varies from_______________.
1069 a- 15-300 b- 50-600 D FMP
c- 20-300 d- 43-450
Indicate the maximum permissible velocity for boulder lining_______.
1070 a- 2 m/s b- 1.75 m/s C ID
c- 1.5 m/s d- 1 m/s
Combustible part of biogas is__________.
1071 a-Methane b- Carbon dioxide c- Carbon monoxide d-all of A SEE
Too high level of oil in the engine, can cause the problem of_________.
1072 a-Excessive fuel consumption b- Blue smoke A FMP
c-Failure to start the engine d- None of the above
Canal drops are required to__________________.
a- dissipate excess energy b- dissipate inadequate land
1073 C ID
c- dissipate excess land slope d- none of the above
Heat load is also known as__________.
1074 A SEE
a- Power b- work c- energy d- enthalpy
1075 The expected useful annual working hours of puddler a FMP
a-2500 b-1500 c-2000 d-250
Increased river is a type of river________
a- formed by the process of degradation
1076 b- formed in the boulder stage of river A ID
c- formed by the process of aggradations
d- none of the above
The principle of plane tabling is__________.
1077 A SEE
a- Parallelism b- triangulation c- traversing d- none of above
Spraying rate is affected by__________________.
a- forward speed of sprayer b- no. of nozzles & their
1078 D FMP
c- field condition and crop type d- both a & b
Which one of the following, is not a remedial measure for water-logging
a- good drainage for irrigated land b- conjunctive use of
1079 D ID
water in basin
c- lining of canal and watercourses d- contour building
Integrated waste is a type of__________.
1080 B SEE
a- Liquid waste b- Solid waste c- Urban waste d- School waste
Quality of the fuel is judged by, its_________________.
1081 a-Calorific value b- Power conversion c- Loss to cool the engine d- A FMP
Which of the following has same units as that of infiltration rate?
1082 a- runoff b-evapotrainspiration D ID
c- rainfall intensity d- both (b-& (c-
The working edge of alidade is known as the__________.
1083 A SEE
a-Fiducial edge b-beveled edge c- parallel edge d- none of above
The useful life of disc harrow is___________________.
1084 A FMP
a-10 years b-15 years c-20 years d-8 years
In Pakistan in general___________.
a- confined aquifer is found b- unconfined aquifer is
1085 B ID
c- perched aquifer is found d-aquitard is found
Primary Additive colors are__________.
1086 a-Cyan, yellow, magenta b-Red, Blue, Green B SEE
c-Cyan, Green, Magenta d-None
A reaper harvests the crop at a height of_____________________.
1087 a- 15 cm b- 5 to 8 cm B FMP
c- 1 to 3cm d- 10 cm
A hydraulic structure that diverts water from watercourse to field is
1088 C ID
a- Check structure b-Mogha
c-Nakka d- All of above
Biomedical and hospital waste is a type of__________.
1089 D SEE
a- Liquid waste b- Soil waste c- Air waste d- Solid waste
Quality of the fuel is judged by, its_________.
1090 D FMP
a-Volatility b- Ignition quality c- Consumption rate d- Both (a& b)
A soil having greater entrapped air, involves_______________.
1091 a- less soil erosion b- more soil detachment B ID
c- no effect d- none of above
The opening between annual rings which contains free
1092 A SEE
a- Pitch pockets b- decay c- shake d- mineral
The useful life of rotavator is________________.
1093 A FMP
a-8 years b-10 years c-12 years d-15 years
The principle of continuity is based on_____________.
1094 a- law of conservation of energy b- law of conservation of mass B ID
c- law of conservation of momentum d- all of these
Smaller particles of material__________ composting rate
1095 A SEE
a-Increase b- Decreases c- no effect d- all of above
Size of engine used for operating self propelled type combine is
1096 A FMP
a- 60-150 hp b- 35-40 hp
c- 25-35 hp d- 50-75 hp
Height of capillary fringe is_____________.
a- more in fine grained soils b- more in coarse
1097 grained soils A ID
c- does not depends on soil characteristics d- depends on quantity
of water in the soil
The real image of object is formed __________.
1098 a- In the plane of cross hair b- At the Centre of eye piece c- at the A SEE
Centre of telescope leveling d- none
‘‘Vapor lock” is associated to the_________________.
1099 a-Fuel supply system of engine b- Cooling system of engine A FMP
c-Ignition system of engine d- All above
Indicate the maximum permissible velocity for tile lining_____________.
1100 a- 2 m/s b- 1.75 m/s B ID
c- 1.5 m/s d- 1 m/s
The direction indicated by plumb line is said to be________
1101 A SEE
a-Vertical line b- Horizontal line c- both a and b d- none
The useful life of ridger is_________________.
1102 A FMP
a-12 years b-10 years c-15 years d-20 years
Canal outlet is a device to______________________.
a- pass out excess water to waste b- deliver water to
1103 B ID
c- escape canal supply to a drainage d- all of them
The site of farm house should be__________.
1104 a- Cheap b- near the road c- good drainage d- all of D SEE
The auger type conveyer is used in_________________.
1105 a- roller type cotton stripper b- bar type cotton stripper A FMP
c- finger type cotton stripper d- spindle type stripper
1106 Himalayan rivers flow through_______________. b ID
a- non-alluvial soils b- alluvial soils
c- rocky soils d- all of above
The diaphragm is fixed __________.
1107 a-At the Centre of telescope b- In front of eye piece B SEE
c- in front of object glass d- none
An acceleration characteristic of an engine is effected
1108 A FMP
a-Volatility of fuel b- Consumption rate of fuel
c-Calorific value of fuel d- Ignition quality of fuel
Pick up the incorrect statement____________________-.
a- moderately saline lands are represented by visible whiteishdeposits of
salts on the top and upper of the soil layers
1109 D ID
b- Na2Co3 is the most harmful salt for causing salinity
c-NaCl is the least harmful salt for casing salinity\
d- none of above
The process in which heat is transferred by free electrons__________.
1110 A SEE
a- Conduction b- convection c- radiation d- all of above
The useful life of puddler is________________.
1111 A FMP
a-10 years b-8 years c-15 years d-20 years
In hydrograph theory, groundwater contribution to the stream is
1112 A ID
a- base flow b- sub-surface flow
c- surface flow d- both b& c
The exchange of gases in animals is called__________.
1113 B SEE
a- Condensation b- respiration c- pollution d- ventilation
The useful life of (combine self propelled type) is_________.
1114 a- 6 years b- 10 years A FMP
c- 16 years d- 20 years
If NPSHA> NPSHR the pump will________________.
1115 a- work safely b-cavitate A ID
c-cavitate after some time d- no effect
The curvature of earth is taken into account when the extent of area is
1116 more than__________. C SEE
a-50 km2 b- 100 km2 c- 250 km2 d- 200 km2
Vaporizing temperature of high speed diesel is______.
1117 a-Higher than the petrol b- Lesser than the petrol A FMP
c-Equal to the petrol d- None of the above
Basin Irrigation is well suited to________.
1118 a- Wheat b- Cotton C ID
c- Rice d- All of above
_____ is the nature`s way of recycling organic material
1119 C SEE
a- decomposition b- decay c- composting d-none
In shoe type furrow opener, the minimum thickness of shoe
1120 is____________. C FMP
a-10 cm b-4 mm c-4 cm d-10 mm or less
Clayey soils are more easily detached, at___________________.
1121 a ID
a- low moisture potential b- high moisture
c- none of above d- both (a- and b-
Which method uses sound waves for remote sensing__________.
1122 A SEE
a-Sonar b-LandSat Satellite c-GPS d-DGPS
Which of the following cylinders is used in power driven stationary
1123 C FMP
a- Notch type b- rasp bar type c- peg tooth type d-
flywheel type
A flow in which the velocities of liquid particle at all sections of the pipe
are equal is called__________________.
1124 A ID
a- uniform flow b- streamline flow
c- steady flow d- compressible flow
Geo-membranes are constructed from__________.
1125 C SEE
a-clay b- sand c-plastic d-concrete
A fuel with greater volatility, involves________________.
1126 a-More ignition chance b- Less efficiency to engine A FMP
c-Less ignition chance d- None of the above
Crop water requirements depends upon_________________.
1127 a- soil b- crop D ID
c- climate d- all above
Projectile motion has two characteristics__________.
1128 B SEE
a-az=0,az=-g b-ax=0,ay=-g c-ax=0,az=-g d-az=0,ay=-g
In seed drill, the shovel is made of__________________.
1129 B FMP
a-Mild steel b-Carbon steel c-Iron d-Aluminum
The structurally more stable lined section is ______________.
1130 a- trapezoidal b- inverted arch section B ID
c- rectangular d- horse shoe
In double liner the function of primary liner is to__________.
1131 a- Drain the leachate b- To collect the leachate c- Leak B SEE
detection d-none
In seed drill the kind of drive used to transmit the power from ground
wheel to the seed metering device is__________________.
1132 C FMP
a- gears b- belt and pulley
c- chain and sprocket d- all above
Canal outlets are generally not provided on_________.
1133 a- main canals and branches b- major distributary A ID
c- minor distributary d- none of above
Total precipitation is about__________.
1134 a- 8*10^3km^3/year b- 10*10^8km^5/year C SEE
c- 5.2*10^5km^3/year d- None of above
Ignition quality of fuel is indicated by_________________.
1135 D FMP
a-Cetane number b- Octane number c- Calorific value d - Both (a& b)
Non-himalayan river are;
a- snow-fed b- perennial
1136 C ID
c- carry low sediment load d- pass through non-
friable rocks
1137 Last staff reading in any setup of the instrument________ b SEE
a-BS b- FS c- both A and B d- none
Minimum diameter of seed tube in seed cum fertilizer drill may
1138 be____________. C FMP
a-4 cm b-5 mm c-25 mm d-10 mm
Point out the incorrect statement, out of the
a- salinity is caused by water-logging
1139 C ID
b- water-logging is not caused by salinity
c- salinity subsides, when once the water-logging is removed
d- none of above
To achieve an optimum aerobic decomposition, PH should remain at
1140 range is__________. A SEE
a- 7-7.5 b-8-8.5 c-6.5-7 d-9.5-10
In animal drawn sugarcane planter the row spacing can be____________.
1141 a- 50-60 cm b- 60-80 cm D FMP
c- 20-50 cm d- 90 cm
Which of the following is part of direct runoff?
1142 a- base flow b- sub-surface flow D ID
c- surface flow d- both (b-& (c-
Aerobic composting is type of__________.
1143 a- Biological transformation b- Chemical transformation B SEE
c- both A & B d-All of above
Diesel fuels are rated by______________.
1144 a-Octane number b- Cetane number c- Calorific value d- Engine B FMP
If efficiency is plotted against discharge, the efficiency
1145 D ID
a- increase b- decrease
c- remain same d-non of above
Taste is the parameter to check water quality __________.
1146 A SEE
a- Physical b- Chemical c- Biological d- All of above
Single row cotton seed drill is________________.
1147 a-Trailed type b-Mounted type c-Animal drawn d-All C FMP
Infiltration capacity of a soil__________with time:
1148 a- same b- increases C ID
c- decreases d- all of above
The surface tangent to level surface is said to be________ .
1149 B SEE
a-Vertical surface b- Horizontal surface c- ground surface d- none
In tractor the PTO was introduced during______________.
1150 a- 1915-1924 b- 1935-1944 A FMP
c- 1890-1910 d- 1945-1954
Pore water pressure influences detachability by changing
1151 A ID
a- soil strength b- soil texture
c- soil structure d- all of above
1152 The angles between adjacent sides are fixed by theodolite is c SEE
a- Chain traversing b- compass traversing
c- theodolite traversing d- plane table traversing
Overheating of engine, may be due to___________.
1153 a-Poor fuel supply b- Detonation c- Higher calorific value of fuel d- B FMP
Poor ignition
A flow in which each liquid particle has a definite path and the paths of
individual particles do not across each other
1154 D ID
a- streamline flow b-turbulent flow
c- laminar flow d- both ‘a’ and ‘c’
The line of collimation and axis of telescope should be_______ ___
1155 A SEE
a-Coincide b- parallel c- be perpendicular d- no relation
In planter, the hopper is made of________________.
1156 D FMP
a-Tin b-Aluminum c-Wood d-Mild steel
For the designing of irrigation system, the most important factor
1157 C ID
a- field slope b- field area
c- soil infiltration rate d- all above
1158 SEE
A defective hitching of disc plough causes the
1159 B FMP
a- poor depth of soil cut b- uneven cutting of furrows
c- excessive draft d- soil sticking on disc
Head-works is a hydraulic structure_________________.
a-appurtement to a dam b- to effect storage
1160 against raised crest C ID
c- to effect pondage with low set crest
d- to serve as a safety valve to the canal head regulator
When the measured length is more than actual length, error
1161 is__________. B SEE
a- Negative error b- positive error c- both a and b d- none of above
Excessive spark in advance, can cause_______.
1162 a-Poor thermal efficiency b- Late ignition C FMP
c-Pre-ignition d- High consumption rate
A direct outlet is that which____________________.
a- provides direct water supply to a watercourse
1163 b- directly feeds a minor or sub minor C ID
c- is rarely provided on main canal and branches
d- all of above
In optical square, the mirrors are fixed at an angle of__________.
1164 C SEE
a- 30o b- 60o c- 45o d- 90 o
The suction of m.b. plough is reduced very much when_____________.
1165 a-Share is worn out b-Share is very sharp A FMP
c-Mould board is worn out d-Landside is worn out
On a meandering river the current is strongest a_________________.
1166 a- concave bend b- convex bend A ID
c- both banks d- middle of the stream
Biogas composed of_________________.
1167 a- Methane b- Carbon dioxide c- Carbon monoxide d-all of A SEE
In continuous ploughing method the operator starts
1168 A FMP
a- between first ridge and side land b- from center of the field
c- one corner of the field d- from one side of the field
Alkaline soils are best reclaimed by________________.
a- Leaching b- addition of gypsum to soils
1169 D ID
c- providing good drainage d- addition of gypsum to soils
and leaching
A man use oxygen in one minute is__________.
1170 A SEE
a- 8 liter b- 4 liter c- 12 liter d- 15 liter
The instrument for measuring specific gravity of oil, is_______________.
1171 a-Hydrometer b- Hygrometer c- gravity meter d- none A FMP
of these
In hydrologic cycle filling of undulations on the earth surface by water
before it starts flowing, is called_____________.
1172 C ID
a- infiltration b- percolation
c- depression storage d- seepage
Due to overstressing of standing timber, separation produced by wind
1173 is__________. C SEE
a- Pitch pockets b- decay c- shake d- mineral steaks
In developing countries, the crops are usually sown by_______________.
1174 a-Broad casting method b-Manually dropping the seeds A FMP
c-Seed drill method d-Both (a& b)
For drilling following equipment is used_____________________.
1175 a- percussion rigs b- rotary rigs D ID
c- none of above d- both a- and b-
Brans are used in__________.
1176 D SEE
a- Poultry house b- dairy house c- hog house d- all of above
One way ploughing is done by
1177 a- reversible plough b- disc plough A FMP
c- M.B plough d- turn west plough
Permanent wilting point is________________.
a- a characteristic of a plant
1178 b- a soil characteristic B ID
c- a soil characteristic modified by crop
d- dependent on the soil water plant fertilizer interaction
Mixture of clay and powered glass is called__________.
1179 D SEE
a- Pre stressed Cement b- silica c- concrete d- mortar
Distillation test measures, the_____________.
1180 a-Calorific value of fuel b- Volatility of fuel c- Fuel sp. gravity d- Fuel B FMP
Soil loss is net amount of ______________.
1181 a- sediment yield b- soil moved off a point B ID
c- soil detached d- all above
High moisture content of grain can affect the__________.
1182 B SEE
a- Price b- quality c- weight d- none
Man-hours per hectare required for dibbling, varies from_____________-
1183 . B FMP
a-200 to 250 b-150 to 200 c-250 to 300 d-300 to 450
A flow whose streamline may be represented by a straight-line flow is
known as ____.
1184 B ID
a- Stream function b- one dimensional flow
b- incompressible flow d- unsteady flow
Hierarchy of Integrated Solid Waste Management have __________steps
1185 A SEE
a- 4 B- 6 C- 8 D- 2
The turn point of hitch of the implement is also known
1186 B FMP
a- center of power b- center of pull
c- center of resistance d- center of draft
A well is best located in the command area_______________________.
a- at lowest point to have minimum digging
1187 b- in the heart of the area at the highest point B ID
c- in the heart of the area at the lowest point
d- at any convenient location from accessibility
Waste that cannot be processed with residues need to be dispose of
1188 A SEE
a-Landfill b- Gasification c-Biogas production d- all of
Sulpher test of fuel, determines the_________.
a-Sulpher compounds in fuel b- Quantity of free and combined sulpher
1189 D FMP
in the fuel
c-Vapor pressure in fuel d- Both (a& b)
Head-works on a river causes___________________.
1190 a- aggradation on upstream b- degradation in downstream D ID
c- feed offtaking canals d- all of above
Agent such as phenolic compound & detergents alter the permeability
1191 B SEE
a- cell wall b- cytoplasmic membrane c- mitochondrion
d- nuclease
Seeding rate of machine is expressed as__________________.
1192 a-Weight/unit time b-Weight per unit area B FMP
c-Volume/time d-None of the above
An outlet should essentially________________.
1193 a- pass a known discharge b- constant discharge D ID
c- be a measure of discharge d- all of them
Second rank in Hierarchy of Integrated Solid Waste Management is
1194 B SEE
a- Source Reduction b- Recycling c- Waste Transformation
d-Land filling
Perpendicular distance between point of share and lower portion of
1195 a FMP
beam is called__________.
a- Throat clearance b- share-beam clearance
c- Edge clearance d- cut clearance
Meandering of river is due to________________.
a- sediment load of stream
1196 b- discharge and hydraulic properties of stream C ID
c-erodiability of the bed and banks of streams
d- all of above
Methods of seasoning of wood are__________.
1197 D SEE
a- Artificial b- natural c- none d- both a &b
High speed diesel oil, is used in_________________.
1198 a-High speed diesel engines b- 2-stroke engines c- 4-stroke engines d- A FMP
All above
A recently reclaimed alkaline soil should preferably be sown with a salt
resistant crop, like__________________.
1199 C ID
a- wheat b- cotton
c-barseem any of the above
Swath width of IKONOS satellite__________.
1200 B SEE
a-12km b-11km c-15km d-None
The method of sowing the seeds in rows, in two directions perpendicular
to each other, is called_____________.
1201 D FMP
a-Check row sowing b-Square and sowing c-Across sowing
d-Both (a& b)
Difference between saturated vapor pressure and actual vapor pressure
is called_____.
1202 a- relative humidity b- absolute humidity D ID

c- specific humidity d- saturation deficit

The line passing through geographical north pole, south pole and any
point on surface of earth__________.
1203 A SEE
a- true meridian b- magnetic meridian c- arbitrary meridian d- Grid
Volumetric strain occurs when body subjected to uniform___________.
1204 a- fluid pressure b- force A FMP
c- stress d- gas pressure
For the selection of a pump, following are the design
1205 D ID
a- efficiency and horse power b- head and efficiency
c- discharge and horse power d- head and discharge
The datum adopted for India is the______
1206 C SEE
a-MSL at madras b- MSL at Bombay c- MSL at Karachi
Cylinder head of I.C. engine is made of______________.
1207 A FMP
a-Cast iron b- Cast aluminum c- Bronze d- Both a&b
Consumptive use is the sum of________________.
a- evapotranspiration and infiltration loss
1208 b- evapotranspiration plus application losses b ID
c- evapotranspiration plus amount of water used up in plant metabolism
d- evapotranspiration plus amount of water used up in plant metabolism
plus percolation losses
Slug/ft3 is the unit of__________.
1209 A SEE
a- Specific weight b-density c- specific volume
In seed drill/planter, the seed tube is made of___________________.
1210 A FMP
a-Polythene tube b-Rubber c-m.s. sheet d-tine sheet
The erosion caused by concentration flow in small channels or rills is
called as______.
1211 B ID
a- gully erosion b-rill erosion
c- torrent erosion d- all above
Irritation disorder is due to the effect of__________.
1212 D SEE
a- Improper living habit b- Noise waste c- Solid waste d- Soil waste
The amount of force which breaks the object is________________.
1213 a-working force b- ultimate force B FMP
c- breaking load d- ultimate load
According to Bernoulli’s equation___________________
1214 a- Z + p + v = C b- Z + p/γ + v/g = C D ID
c- Z + p/γ + v2/g = C d- Z + p/γ + v2/2g = C
To get good health of animal in dairy house there should be
1215 proper__________. D SEE
a- Temperature b- relative humidity c- light d- all of above
In I.C. engines, the misfiring of one more cylinders can cause the problem
1216 D FMP
a-Overheating of engine b- Failure to develop full power
c-Less thermal efficiency d- Both (a& b)
The beds of an alluvial channel along the flow will always
1217 a- flat b- Wavy D ID
c- Dunned and rippled d- all of above are
The average size of the individual components found in residential MSW
1218 is between__________. B SEE
a-5 and 6 in b-7 and 8 in c- 4 and 5 in d- 9 and 8 in
In seed drill/planter, the frame is made of_______________.
1219 A FMP
a-m.s. flat b-cast iron c-carbon steel d-wood
A weir essentially comprises_______________.
1220 a- high set crest b- series of gates A ID
c- roadway across the river d- all of them
The range of thermal infrared region is__________.
1221 B SEE
a-0.7-3 micro meter b-3-14 micro meter c-0.4-0.7 micro meter d-None
Modulus of rigidity is the ratio of______________.
1222 a- normal stress to volumetric strain b- shear stress to shear strain A FMP
c- normal stress to longitudinal strain d- elastic limit to shear strain
The size of outlet area is determined by___________.
1223 a- natural drainage lines b- village boundaries D ID
c- upper a lower limits of permissible outlet discharge d- all of above
Blending and Seeding __________-composting rate
1224 A SEE
a-Increase b- Decreases c- no effect d-all of above
Loose of radiator belt, can cause the problem of_________________.
1225 a- Less thermal efficiency b- Overheating of engine B FMP
c-Failure to develop full power d- All above
High river training implies river training for___________________.
1226 a- high flood discharge b- high sediment transport A ID
c- high changes of river bed conditions d- all of above
Bio solids are used for__________.
1227 D SEE
a-Energy recovery b- Composting c-Incineration d- All of above
The useful life of planter is___________.
1228 a-2000 working hours b-10 years c-10000 working hours d- D FMP
Both (a& b)
A soil has an ESP of 16%, and its EC is 32 m-mohos/cm. If the pH of this
soil is 9.5, then the soil is classified as_________________.
1229 A ID
a- alkaline soil b- saline soil
c- saline alkali soil d- none of the above
Ability of body to give up or receive heat__________.
1230 B SEE
a- Heat b- temperature c- none d- both a and b
White cast iron is white due to_____________.
1231 a- absence of graphite flakes b- presence of silicon A FMP
c- presence of graphite d- carbon contents
Ratio of actual vapor pressure to saturation vapor pressure is
1232 A ID
a- relative humidity b- absolute humidity
c- specific humidity d- saturation deficit
Single liners are not consist of__________.
1233 C SEE
a- clay b- geo-synthetic clay c-concrete d- geo-membrane
In engines, the improper adjustment of diesel injection system can cause
the problem of______________.
1234 C FMP
a-Failure to start the engine b- Failure to develop full power
c-Overheating of the engine d- All above
Priming a process of ______________.
a- installing a screen b- installing casing pipe
1235 C ID
c- filling suction line and pump up to delivery point with pumping fluid
d- all of above
When forces on a system remain constant then it's__________will also
1236 B SEE
a-velocity b-acceleration c-displacement d-
In vertical roller with cells type seed metering device the cells are located
1237 C FMP
a-Centre of plate b-Diagonals of plate
c-Periphery of plate d-Throughout the plate area
Blaney-Criddle method is used to estimate_______________.
a- open water evaporation b- potential evaporation
1238 D ID
c- actual evapotranspiration d- potential
1239 Chain survey is recommended when the area is__________. c SEE
a- Crowded b- undulating c- simple and fairly level d- none of above
In hardening, process of heat treatment, the heated metal is quenched
1240 B FMP
a- water or alcohol b- oil or water
c- alcohol or ethanol d- methane
The erosion from the area between the rill is termed
1241 D ID
a- sheet erosion b- splash erosion
c- inter-rill erosion d- both (a- and (b-
The permissible colour for domestic water supply in ppm is___________.
1242 D SEE
a- 5 b- 10 c-15 d-20
Entry of rich mixture in the cylinder, can cause the problem of_________.
1243 a-Over heating b- Engine smoke c- Failure to start the engine d- B FMP
All above
Bernoulli’s equation is applied for _______________.
1244 a- venturimeter b- orifice meter D ID
c- pitot tube d- all of these
The résistance of water to the passage of light through it is measure of
1245 B SEE
a-Color b-Turbidity c-Hardness d-Dissolved gases

For sowing sorghum, the most suitable seed metering device

1246 A FMP
a-Fluted roller type b-Inclined cell plate type
c-Foam pad type d-Horizontal cell plate type
The bed of alluvial channel carrying silted water at high velocity is
expected to be_______.
1247 B ID
a- Rippled b- duned
c- flat d- Wavy
The total solids in water are due to the presence of___________.
1248 a-Suspended and dissolved solids b- suspended and floating solids A SEE
c- colloidal and settle able solids d- Colloidal and bacterial solids
Tempering of metal is done to reduce_____________-.
1249 a- brittleness b- toughness A FMP
c- ductility d- all above
A barrage differs from a weir on account of______________.
a- low set crest b- effective control over river
1250 D ID
c- series of gates to effect pondage d- all of them
Temporary hardness in water is due to the presence of___________.
1251 a-Chloride hardness b- carbonate hardness C SEE
c-calcium hardness d-Manganese hardness
Too high level of oil in the engine can cause the problem
1252 A FMP
a-Excessive fuel consumption b- Blue smoke
c-Failure to start the engine d- None of the above
1253 An outlet should be proportional in discharge distribution that b ID
a- drains same discharge irrespective of varying supply in the channel
b- drains more or less discharge corresponding to the varying discharge
in the channel
c- drain less discharge
d- drain excess discharge
In distilled water the concentration of hydrogen ion is___________.
1254 a-107 b-10-7 c-2*107 d- 2*10-7 A SEE

The shaft on which disc are mounted is called_______________.

1255 D FMP
a-Gang axle b-Arbor axle c-Main axis d-Both (a & b)
Low river training implies river training for_________________.
1256 a- high floods b- medium floods C ID
c- low floods d- project flood
The weight of hydroxyl ion in a sample of water is found to be 10-9. The
1257 pH value of the water is___________. B SEE
a-10 b- 9 c-( -9) d-1
The process of detaching the grains from ear head or the plants is
1258 D FMP
a- Mowing b- Cutting
c- Winnowing d- Threshing
The soil becomes practically infertile when its pH value is
1259 C ID
a- 0 b- 7
c- 11 d- none of them
Water having a pH value 3 is___________.
1260 A SEE
a-Acidic b-Alkaline c-Hard d-Soft
Quality of the fuel is judged by its___________.
1261 a-Calorific value b- Power conversion c- Loss to cool the engine d- A FMP
Rate of decrease in atmospheric temperature per unit rise in vertical
direction through troposphere is called________________.
1262 B ID
a- albedo b- lapse rate
c- insulation d- both (a- & (b-
pH value is expressed in ___________.
1263 a-mg b- gm/l c- Degrees d- None of these D SEE

For sowing sorghum, the most suitable seed metering device

1264 A FMP
a-Fluted roller type b-Inclined cell plate type
c-Foam pad type d-Horizontal cell plate type
NPSHA is a function of ____________________.
1265 a- pump b- system B ID
c- both pump and system d- fluid handled
pH value of portable water is___________.
1266 C SEE
a-3 & 5 b-10.5 & 12.6 c-6.5 &8 d- 1.5 & 2
1267 A high speed of thresher mainly causes_______________. a FMP
a- Grain damage b- poor threshing
c- Greater Threshing d- all above
For a given soil,________________________.
a- texture and structure represent same property
1268 b- texture implies presence of particles of different sizes D ID
c- farmer can change the texture using cultivation method
d- texture implies the proportion of sand silt and clay
Nitrate more than 50ppm in water leads to diseases called___________.
1269 a-Typhoid b- Mathenoglobenemia c- Gaestroenteritis B SEE
d-mottled teeth
Quality of the fuel is judged by its______________.
1270 D FMP
a-Volatility b- Ignition quality c- Consumption rate d- Both (a & b)
Mass movement of soil occurs at_____________________.
1271 a- critical slope b- mild slope C ID
c- steep slope d- none o above
A minimum amount of fluorides is desirable in portable water to
1272 a-Scale formation b- corrosion C SEE
c-dental cavities d-water borne disease
Per unit power requirement is less in case of________________.
1273 a-Primary tillage operations b-Secondary tillage operations D FMP
c-Harrowing and hoeing d-Both (b & c)
A venturimeter is used to measured,______________.
1274 a- velocity of a flowing liquid b- pressure of a flowing fluid C ID
c- discharge of a flowing liquid d- all of these
The alkalinity or acidity of a sample of water is determined
1275 by___________. C SEE
a-MPN index b-E coli index c-pH value d-Electomatric method
Seed Processing is associated to the______________.
1276 • Farm Processing b- post harvesting processing only A FMP
c-Process industries, only d- all above
The bed form, which is not expected in an alluvial channel with sediment
motion, is__________.
1277 D ID
a- rippled b- meandered
c- duned d- anti duned
The presence of manganese in water causes growth of___________.
1278 B SEE
a-Mosquitoes b- Microorganism c-Flies d- Algae
“Vapor lock” is associated to the___________.
1279 a-Fuel supply system of engine b- Cooling system of engine A FMP
c-Ignition system of engine d- All above
A weir essentially has___________________.
1280 a- no control over high floods b- more afflux D ID
c- shutters in part length only d- all of them
The red brownish color of water is due to the presence of dissolved
1281 impurities of____. D SEE
a-Bi carbonate b-sulphate c- Arsenic d-Iron and manganese
The common cross section of hopper in potato planter is___________.
1282 B FMP
a-Triangular b-Trapezoidal c- Rectangular d-Circular
Modular outlet is that the discharge of which is______________.
a- independent of water level in the distributary
1283 b- independent of water level in the watercourse C ID
c- independent of water levels both in the distributary or watercourse
d- all of the above
Disinfection of water removes___________.
1284 C SEE
a-Hardness b- Turbidity c-Arsenic d- Iron and manganese
The loss of value of machine with laps of time is called_____________.
1285 a- Depreciation b- Salvage value A FMP
c- Lost Value d- all above
Guide banks are provided_________________.
1286 a- in the direction of flow b- at right angle of flow A ID
c- at an angle to the flow d- all of them
The process of killing organism in water is called___________.
1287 a-Sedimentation b-Coagulation c- Aeration d- D SEE
Acceleration characteristics of an engine is effected by______________.
1288 a-Volatility of fuel b- Consumption rate of fuel A FMP
c-Calorific value of fuel d- Ignition quality of fuel
Which of the following crops can withstand the high WT, which normally
should be 0.7 to 2.5 m below the level of the cropped land
1289 ________________? D ID
a- wheat b- lucerine
c- cotton d- rice
The process of killing infective bacteria in water is called___________.
1290 a-Sterilization b- Disinfection A SEE
c- Sedimentation d-Coagulation
Distribution of seeds in row by seed drill is affected by___________.
1291 a-Shape of seed tube b-Inclination of seed tube A FMP
c-Height of seed released from tube d-All above
Lines of equal atmospheric pressure are known as_______________.
1292 a- isohyets b- isobars B ID
c- isotherms d- contours
Diseases such as typhoid are caused by bacteria called___________.
1293 a-Non pathogenic bacteria b- Anaerobic bacteria C SEE
c-pathogenic bacteria d-Aerobic bacteria
Drawbar pull from tractor, is taken by means of______________.
1294 a- Drawbar assembly b- P.T.O A FMP
c- Standard d- Pulley
Affinity law-I deals with _____________.
1295 a- pumps head b- impeller speed B ID
c- impeller diameter d- pump design
A sample of water is added to a medium of agar and incubated at 370 for
1296 a SEE
24 hrs. Colonies of bacteria are formed. This test is called___________.
a-Total count test b- presumptive test
c- Confirmative test d-Completed test
In I.C. engine, the tappet is made of ______________.
1297 A FMP
a-Hardened steel b- Cast iron c- Mild steel d- Chromium
Energy will be required to irrigate land_______________.
1298 a- under gravity b- much above the river bed level B ID
c- in delta region d- all of above
Aeration of water is done to remove___________.
1299 a-Suspended impurities b- Floating Impurities D SEE
c- Dissolved salts d-Dissolved gaese
Time of fail of seed through seed tube is affected by______________.
1300 a-Size of seed b-Size of tube D FMP
c-Type of tube d-Both (b & c)
Detachability of soil particle increases with___________________.
1301 a- decreasing median grain size b- increasing median grain size A ID
c- both (a- and (b- d- none of above
Iron and Manganese are removed___________.
1302 a-Aeration b-chlorination c-filtration d-lime soda A SEE
Smallest Hand Sprayer is_______________.
1303 a- Hand Atomizer b- Compression Sprayer A FMP
c-Knapsack sprayer d- Bucket Sprayer
The Bernoulli’s theorem is applied for _________________.
1304 a- ideal fluid b- incompressible fluid D ID
c- steady flow d- all of these
The process of retaining water in a basin so that the suspended particles
1305 may settle as a result of the action of gravity is termed as___________. D SEE
a-Sterilization b-filtration c-chlorination d-sedimentation
The clearance between rocket arm and valve stem, is
1306 called_____________. A FMP
a-Tappet clearance b- Valve clearance c- Sleeve d- Buffer space
The anti-dunes develop on beds of alluvial streams, when Froude number
1307 D ID
a- 0 b- 0.5
c- 1 d- 1.2
The detention period for water in a sedimentation tank is ___________.
1308 D SEE
a-1-2 hours b-2-4 hours c- 4-8 hours d-8-10 hours
Which of the following furrow openers is used in seed
1309 A FMP
a-Single disc type b-Double disc type c-Runner type d-
Hoe, type only
A barrage is a hydraulic structure provided on__________________.
a- deep narrow valleys b- wide, shallow valleys
1310 D ID
c- rock foundation d- silt and clay and
1311 The chemical name of alum is ___________. c SEE
a-Aluminum chloride b-Silver nitrate
c- aluminum Sulphate d- CoperSulphate
Knapsack sprayers are suitable for____________.
1312 a- Small Trees b- Shrubs D FMP
c- Row crops d- All Above
Semi-modular outlet is that the discharge of which__________.
a- independent of water level in the distributary
1313 b- independent of water level in the watercourse B ID
c- independent of water levels both in the distributary or watercourse
d- all of the above
Very fine suspended and colloidal impurities are removed by a process
1314 called______. C SEE
a-Softening b- Disinfection c- coagulation d- plain sedimentation
In I.C. engine, theoretically, the exhaust valve should be opened
1315 A FMP
a-T.D.C. and B.D.C b- B.D.C c- Upward or downward side d- None of
the above
Guide banks are provided to___________________.
a- decrease depth of river flow b- confine river width
1316 B ID
c- reduce flood peak d- maintain minimum depth in
the river
Alum is used for the process of ___________.
1317 B SEE
a-Filtration b-Co agulation c- Softening d- Disinfection
Hoe type furrow opener works well in____________.
1318 a-Sandy and loamy soils b-Clayey soils c-Soil covered with D FMP
trashes d-All above
While growing crop in high WT areas, open jointed drains, discharging
into drains, are sometimes laid below the cropped land to lower down
the WT and to rainfall effectively. These drains are
1319 A ID
a- tile drains b- French drains
c- gravity outlets d- surface drains
For thorough mixing up coagulant with the water, Violent agitation is
done in ______.
1320 a-Sedimentation tank b- Clari-flocculator c-Flash mixer d- C SEE
Pressure filter
Major component of bronze casting_________________.
1321 A FMP
a- Copper b-Zinc c-Manganese d-Lead
Which of the following instruments is used for measuring relative
1322 a- barograph b- bimetallic C ID
c- hair hygrograph d- pyranometer
The rate of infiltration in a slow sand filter varies in
1323 liters/m2/hour___________. C SEE
a-3000 to 6000 b-60 to 95 c-100 to 200 d-1000 to 2000
Generally, in 4-stoke diesel engine, the inlet valve gets opened
1324 at_____________. A FMP
a-5o before T.D.C b- 5o after B.D.C c- 10o after B.D.C d- 5o after T.D.C
Affinity law-II deals with ______________.
1325 a- pumps head b- impeller speed C ID
c- impeller diameter d- pump design
The slow sand filter is more efficient in removing bacteria
1326 a-Effective size of sand grain is small b-Uniformity coefficient of sand is A SEE
c-water is pretreated d-size of filter is large
Chisel type furrow opener is seed drill is good for _______________.
1327 a-Deep seeding b-Shallow seeding c-Medium seeding d- A FMP
All above
Steady flow in an open channel exists when the
a- flow is uniform b- depth does not change with
1328 B ID
c- channel is frictionless d- channel bed is not curved
The difference between the water level in the filter chamber and the
outlet chamber is known as___________.
1329 a-Negative head b- pressure head B SEE
c- Working head d-Static head
What law of thermodynamics introduced the concept of
1330 C FMP
a - Zeroth Law b- 1st law (c-2nd Law d-None of the
A network of gully is called as_________________.
1331 a- gullied area b- ravine area B ID
c- hilly area d- all above
The removal of bacteria is accomplished in slow sand filter by means of a
1332 jelly-like substance___________. A SEE
a-Zoogleal b-Metabolism c-Schmutdecke d-Pskytobolism
Generally, in 4-stoke diesel engines, the inlet valve gets closed
1333 at___________. A FMP
a-30o before B.D.C b- 5o after B.D.C c- 5o after T.D.C d- 30o after T.D.C
Theoretical velocity of the jet at vena contracta is___________________.
1334 a- (2gh-0.5 b- 2(gh-0.5 A ID
c- 2g(h-0.5 d- 2gh
The rate of infiltration in a rapid sand filter in litres/m2/hours is
1335 a-6000 to 15000 b-15000 to 18000 C SEE
c-3000 to 6000 d- 200 to 3000
Rotary type covering devices are used in____________-.
1336 a-Planters b-Seed cum fertilizer drills c-Seed drills d-Both (a D FMP
& c)
1337 The critical shear stress τ, at which incident motion of sediment takes b ID
place, is proportional to______________________.
a- d1/2 b- d
c-d2 d- none of above
where d is grain size
Water is pre treated and post treated in the case of ___________.
1338 a-Slow sand filter b-rapid sand filter B SEE
c-intermittent filter d-double filter
The value of n, in the equation PVn=C when the process is
1339 isothermal____________ B FMP
a-Zero b-1 c-2 d-Infinity
The main function of diversion head-works provided at the off take of a
canal from a river is____________________.
1340 a- to raise water level in the river b- to control floods A ID
c- store water d- control silt entry into
The influent for rapid sand filter should be treated earlier by
1341 a-Sedimentation with coagulation b- violent agitation A SEE
c- Aeration d- Chlorination
Washers are used____________.
1342 a-Beneath bolt head b- beneath nut c-To hold two metal pieces d- D FMP
Both (a & b)
An APM outlet is__________________.
1343 a- orifice b- weir A ID
c- meter d- none of them
The type of under drainage system provided in a rapid sand filter is
1344 a-Perforated pipe b- stoneware pipe A SEE
c- Loose jointed pipe d- None of the three
Cutting edge of share is called_____________.
1345 A FMP
a-Shin b-Frog c-Gunnel d-Skirt
Guide banks are provided____________________.
1346 a- in pairs b- asymmetrical in plan D ID
c- extending u/s and d/s of work d- all of them
Insufficient washing of sand grains in a rapid sand filter causes
1347 a-Air binding b- Mud Balls c- Shrinkage of media d- Expansion of D SEE
An apparatus used to obtain the volumetric chemical composition of the
gaseous By-products of combustion____________.
1348 B FMP
a-Bomb calorimeter b- Or sat analyzer
c-Chemical separator d-None of the above
A tile drain is laid below a cropped land to remove excess irrigation
water. The Drainage Coefficient of this drain is usually expressed
1349 a ID
a- cm of water removed from the drainage area per day
b- cm of water removed per day
c- percentage of applied water, which is intercepted by this drainage
d- none of above
Pressure filter is used mostly in ___________.
1350 a-Urban water supply scheme b-Rural water supply scheme D SEE
c- swimming pools d- industrial scheme
The ability of a heat engine to convert the supplied heat to work is
referred to as
1351 A FMP
a-Thermal Efficiency b-Volumetric Efficiency c-Engine Efficiency
d- none
Which of the following instruments is used for measuring radiation heat?
1352 a- barograph b- thermograph D ID
c- hair hygrograph d- pyranometer
The type of filter which is preferred for treating small quantities of water
in railway stations and individual industries is ___________.
1353 a-Slow sand filters b- pressure filters B SEE
c- rapid sand filter d- gravity filters
During combustion the pressure in the cylinder may increase to as much
1354 A FMP
a- 50 Kg/cm2 b- 400 Kg/cm2 c- 10 Kg/cm2
d- 1 kg/cm
For drainage works following type of pumps is used________________.
1355 a- radial flow b- axial flow B ID
c- mixed flow d- None of these
In double filtration, the name of the first filter is ___________.
1356 a-Roughing filters b- pressure filters A SEE
c-rapid sand filters d- gravity filters
The power used in overcoming friction in the engine is called_________.
1357 A FMP
a- FHP b- BHP c- IHP d- None of the Above
In a steady spatially-varied flow in a prismatic open channel,
a- depth does not change along the channel length
1358 C ID
b- discharge is constant along the channel length
c- discharge varies along the channel length
d- discharge is constant with respect to time
The object of treatment of water is to supply to consumers___________.
1359 a-Water free from all bacteria b-Water free from impurities D SEE
c-Water free from odor and color d-Potable water for daily need
The process extensively used for making nuts and bolts is__________.
1360 C FMP
a-Hot piercing b- hot spinning c- hot drawing d- Non
Cohesive force is minimum in___________________.
1361 a- sandy soils b- clayey soils A ID
c- clay-loam soils d- all above
Circle command can be selected from________________ toolbar
1362 B SEE
a-Modify b- Draw c- Dimension d- none
1363 Hook’s Law holds up to______. b FMP
a-Yield point b- elastic limit
c- plastic limit d- breaking point

The relation among coefficients of discharge (Cd-, coefficient of velocity

(Cv- and coefficient of contraction (Cc- is_____________________.
1364 D ID
a- Cd = Cv + Cc b- Cd = Cv – Cc
c- Cd = Cv/Cc d- Cd = Cv. Cc
__________________ tool is used to create multiple copies in circular
1365 form A SEE
a-Polar array b- Rectangular array c- Copy d- Mirror
The ratio of linier stress to linier strain is called as_________.
1366 a-Modulus of elasticity b- bulk modulus c- Poisson’s Ratio d- A FMP
Manning’s rugosity coefficient is proportional
1367 a- d1/2 b- d C ID
c- d1/6 d- d2/3
where d is representative grain dia of bed surface
__________________ short key is used to select whole object
1368 A SEE
a-Ctrl + A b- Ctrl + Z c- F7 d- none
The modulus of elasticity for mild steel is approximately____________
1369 kN/mm2. D FMP
a-80 b- 100 c- 110 d- 210
Fish ladder is provided on the side of___________.
1370 a- divide wall b- diaphragm wall A ID
c- corewall d- wingwall
Lines will draw perpendicular to each other when __________________
1371 mode is ON B SEE
a-Osnap b- Ortho c- Polar d- none
The factor of safety for mild steel is ____________.
1372 B FMP
a-2 b- 4 c- 6 d- 8
An open flume outlet is________________.
1373 a- orifice b- weir B ID
c- meter d- none of them
____________________ tool is used to remove one portion of
1374 intersected lines A SEE
a-Trim b- Erase c- Fillet d- Cut
The ratio of the ultimate stress to the design stress is known
1375 C FMP
• Elastic limit b- strain c- factor of safety d- bulk
Length of guide banks u/s and d/s of the work are____________.
a- the same b- more on u/s than in
1376 B ID
c- less on u/s than in d/s d- as per site conditions
1377 By layer option lies in _______________ toolbar d SEE
a-Draw b- Modify c- Dimension d- Properties
The factor of safe for steel and for steady load is__________.
1378 B FMP
a-2 b- 4 c- 6 d- 8
The method, which uses furrows on cropped farms for drainage of excess
irrigation or rain water, is called_______________.
1379 C ID
a- surface inlet b- tile drainage
c- bedding d- French drain
Copy command can be selected from ___________________ toolbar
1380 C SEE
a-Copy b- Draw c- Modify d- Dimension
An aluminum member is designed based on____________.
1381 • yield stress b- elastic limit stress c- proof stress d- A FMP
ultimate stress
Which of the following rain gauges cannot be used for recording snow?
1382 a- weighing type b- float type C ID
c- tipping bucket type d- both a & b
To draw a line of 4 inch at 120o angle, the command prompt sequence
1383 will be written as follow_________. A SEE
a-@4<120 b- 4@<120 c- <120@4 d- 120<4@
In a body a thermal stress is one which arises because of the existence of
1384 FMP
a-latent heat b- temperature gradient c- total heat d- B
specific heat
For drainage works following type of impeller is
1385 A ID
a- open impeller b- closed impeller
c- semi-open impeller d- all of these
_______________ tool is used to create similar copy of an object to its
1386 opposite side C SEE
a-Copy b- Array c- Mirror d- Pan
A localized compressive stress at the area of contact between two
members is known ______________.
1387 C FMP
a-tensile stress b- bending stress c- bearing stress d- shear
In a uniform flow in a channel of small bed slope, the hydraulic grade line
a-coincides with the bed
1388 b- is considerably below the free surface D ID
c-is considerably above the free surface
d- essentially coincides with the free surface
Shortcut key to ON/OFF ORTHO mode is __________.
1389 D SEE
a-F1 b- F2 c- F3 d- F8
The Poisson’s ratio for steel varies from____________.
1390 a-0.21 to 0.25 b- 0.25 to 0.33 c- 0.33 to 0.38 d- B FMP
0.38 to0.45
1391 A soil becomes more resistance to wind erosion at the moisture potential a ID
of ________.
a- -1.5 MPa b- 1.5 MPa
c- 1.0 MPa d- none of above
Scale command lies in _________________ toolbar
1392 B SEE
a-view b- Modify c- Draw d- Visual Style
The stress in the bar when load is applied suddenly is ________as
1393 compared to the stress induce due to gradually applied load. B FMP
a-Same b- double c- three times d- four times
The discharge over a rectangular notch is_________________.
a- directly proportional to H3/2 b- inversely proportional to H3/2
1394 A ID
c- directly proportional to H5/2 d- inversely
proportional to H5/2
_____________________ short key is used to undo previous operation
1395 D SEE
a-Ctrl Z b- Ctrl U c- U d- All
The energy stored in a body when strained within elastic limit is known
1396 as_________. C FMP
• resilience b- proof resilience c- strain energy d- impact energy
The finer sediment which does not originate from the stream bed, but
originate from the catchment area, is best called as the
1397 __________________. C ID
a- bed load b- suspended load
c- wash load d- none of these
Except for 3 point, the Start- End- Direction and the Continuous options,
1398 arcs are always drawn by default in a __________ direction A SEE
a-Counter-clockwise b- clockwise c-both (a & b) d- left to right
The maximum energy that can be stored in a body due to external
loading up to the elastic limit is called__________.
1399 B FMP
a- resilience b- proof resilience c- strain energy d- modulus of
For a barrage, the exit gradient is independent of _________________.
1400 a- applied water head b- horizontal floor length C ID
c- u/s cutoff depth d- d/s cutoff depth
Shortcut key to ON/OFF OSNAP is __________.
1401 C SEE
a-F1 b- F2 c- F3 d- F8
Spur gears are also called_____ gears.
1402 A FMP
a-Slow Speed b- roller c- straight d- none
A semi-modular outlet can distribute supply more or less_____________.
a- equitably in variation in levels in watercourse
1403 B ID
b- equitably in variation in levels in distributary/minor
c- all of above d- none of above
To draw a rectangle by using rectangle tool we need ___________
1404 point/s. B SEE
a-1 b- 2 c- 4 d- 8
A rivet is specified by __________.
1405 a- Shank diameter b- length of rivet c- type of head d- length A FMP
of tail
Scour depth along guide banks is severer along________________.
1406 a- shank b- nose B ID
c- transition from nose to shank d- all of them
After selecting Circle command, Cursor turns into___________.
1407 A SEE
a-Plus sign b- circle sign c- square d-Pix box
The diameter of the rivet hole is usually_________ the nominal diameter
of the rivet.
1408 A FMP
a-More than b- less than c- none of the above d-equal
The material placed around the drains to avoid silt entry from drain
1409 C ID
a- gravel pack b- concrete pack
c- pipe envelop material d- all of above
Shortcut key for PAN is _____________.
1410 B SEE
a-CTRL + P b- P c- PA d- none of these
The rivet head used for boiler plate riveting is usually__________.
1411 a-Snap head b- pan head A FMP
c- counter shank head d- conical head
The capacity of one bucket in tipping bucket rain gauge
1412 A ID
a- 0.25 mm b- 0.5 mm
c- 1.5 mm d- 1.25 mm
_________ command is used to apply a material symbol to the drawing
1413 B SEE
a-Color b- Hatch c- Pattern d- Symbol
A line joining the center of the rivet and parallel to the edge of the plate
1414 is known as__________. B FMP
a-Back pitch b- marginal pitch c-gauge line d- pitch line
For drainage works following type of pump is used_____________.
a- high head low discharge b- low head high
1415 B ID
c- all of above d- none of above
Shortcut to save a file in JPG is _____________.
1416 A SEE
a-JPG OUT b- Ctrl + JPG c- .JPG d- NONE
The centre to centre distance between two consecutive rivets in a row is
1417 B FMP
a- margin b- pitch
c- back pitch d- diagonal pitch
A uniform flow takes place in a steep channel of large slope. The
hydraulic grade line is_______
1418 a- coincides with the bed b- essentially coincides with the D ID
free surface
c- is above the free surface d- is below the free surface
The environment where the users create images is ________________.
1419 a-Paper b- Model c- Drawing Sheet d- None of B SEE
1420 The objective of caulking in a riveted joint is to make the joint d FMP
a- free from corrosion b- stronger in tension
c- free from stresses d- leak proof
Gravity force opposes the _________________.
a- soil lift b- initiation of
1421 C ID
c- soil entrainment d- both (a- and (b-
The extension to Save an AutoCAD file is__________.
1422 C SEE
a-*.JPG b- *.DIF c- *.DWG d- None of these
A lap joint is always in _________ shear.
1423 a- single b-double A FMP
c- both a&b d-none of these
The loss of head due to friction according to Darcy’s formula
1424 A ID
a- f.L/D.v2/2g b- 4f.L/D.v2/2g
c- f.L/D.v2/2 d- f.L/D.v/2g
The tool used to round off corners is _____________.
1425 A SEE
a-Fillet b- Chamfer c- Radius d- None
A double strap butt joint (with equal straps- is _________.
1426 a- always in single shape b-always in double shape B FMP
c- both a&b d- all of above
The force exerted by the flowing water on the sediment particles to
cause their motion, is called______________________.
1427 B ID
a- buoyant force b- tractive force
c- kinematic force d- eddy force
To find the Area/Perimeter/Distance/Region of drawing _________tool is
1428 used. A SEE
a-Inquiry b- Dimension c- Both d- None
Which of the following riveted butt joints with double straps should have
the highest efficiency as per Indian boiler regulation ___________.
1429 C FMP
a- single riveted b-double riveted
c- quadruple riveted d- both a & c
The characteristic feature of barrage is_________________.
a- provision of raised crest b- creation of storage reservoir
1430 on u/s C ID
c- provision of a series of gates across the river for flow regulation
d- that is built in delta areas only
Wood is superior in ____________ than concrete
1431 A SEE
a-Compression b- strength c- toughness d- resilience
If the tearing efficiency of a riveted joint is 50% then ratio of diameter of
to the pitch of rivet is __________.
1432 C FMP
a- 0.20 b- 0.45
c- 0.50 d- 0.60
A non-modular outlet supplies water depending on:
a- water level in the distributary/minor b- water level in the
1433 C ID
c- water level in the canal/watercourse d- All of above
To get full strength of concrete curing time should be_________.
1434 D SEE
a-3 days b- 7 days c-14 days d-28 days
The longitudinal joint in boiler is used to get the required _________.
1435 a- length of boiler b- diameter of boiler B FMP
c-both a & b d-efficiency of boiler
Spurs are aligned on the river bank in a direction________________.
a- normal to dominant flow discharge b- at right angle pointing
1436 D ID
c- at right angle pointing downstream d- all of them
Drying of wood is done to avoid_________.
1437 A SEE
a-Shrinkage b-strength c-hardness d-change in mass
For longitudinal joint in boilers, the type of joint used is __________.
a- butt joint with double cover plates
1438 b- butt joint with single cover plate A FMP
c- lap joint with one ring overlapping
d-any one of the above
The most important soil property for constructing mole drain
1439 C ID
a- texture b- elasticity
c- plasticity d- none of above
Resistance of material to passage of liquid is called_________.
1440 C SEE
a-Ease of cleaning b- resilience c-imperviousness d- scratch
According to Indian standards, the diameter of rivet hole for a 24 mm
diameter of rivet, should be_____________.
1441 C FMP
a- 23 mm b- 24 mm
c- 25 mm d- 26 mm
For saturated condition, when humidity is 100%, the difference between
dry bulb and wet bulb temperatures is______________.
1442 D ID
a- maximum b- relatively high
c- negative d- zero
The property associated with high density of surface and hardness is
1443 a-Ease of cleaning b- resilience c-imperviousness d- A SEE
The largest diameter of an external or internal screw thread is known
1444 B FMP
a- minor diameter b- major diameter
c- pitch diameter d- none of these
Cavitation is the process of ___________________.
a- filling the suction line and pump casing with the working fluid
1445 D ID
b- pumps selection c- pump maintenance
d- bubble formation
Wood is classified into two main groups_________.
1446 D SEE
a-Deciduous b-coniferous c-broad leaves d-both a and b
The pitch diameter is the ________ diameter of external or internal
1447 a FMP
a- effective b- smallest
c- largest d- none of these
One dimensional of flow analysis means______________________.
a- uniform flow b- steady uniform flow
1448 C ID
c- neglecting the variation in the transverse direction
d- neglecting the variation in the longitudinal direction
At a junction of tree trunk and limbs _________.
1449 C SEE
a-Growth defect b-seasoning defect c-knots d-lumber grades
A screw is specified by its _______________.
1450 a- major diameter b- minor diameter A FMP
c- pitch diameter d- pitch
An erosion, in which rate of soil loss exceeds the rate of soil formation is
referred as___
1451 A ID
a- accelerated erosion b- normal erosion
c- glacial erosion d- chemical erosion
Work is intentionally of good quality if wood is _________.
1452 A SEE
a-Well-seasoned b- knots c- shake d-decayed
The railway carriage coupling has __________.
1453 a- square thread b- acme thread D FMP
c- knuckle thread d- buttress thread
The hydraulic radius for a circular pipe of diameter D is______________.
1454 a- D/2 b- D/3 C ID
c- D/4 d- D/6
At a result of destructive activity of certain types of fungi wood is
1455 _________. B SEE
a-Pitch pockets b- decay c- shake d-mineral steaks
The square threads are usually found on ________.
1456 a- spindle of bench vices b- railway carriage coupling C FMP
c- feed mechanism of machine tool d- none of these
The tractive force method of designing stable channels in non-cohesive
soils, is application only when the channels________.
a- Carry sedimented water b- carry clear water
1457 B ID
c- carry sedimented water, but sediment concentration does not exceed 500
ppm or so
d- carry any type of water
The opening between annual rings which contains free
1458 resins_________. A SEE
a-Pitch pockets b- decay c- shake d- mineral steaks
A locking device in which the bottom cylindrical portion is recessed to
receive the tip of the locking set screw is called__________.
1459 C FMP
a- castle nut b- jam nut
c- ring nut d- screw nut
Khosla theory is applicable to structures founded on____________.
1460 a- rock b- any type of material C ID
c- permeable material only d- none of above
Due to overstressing of standing timber, separation produced by wind
1461 c SEE
a- Pitch pockets b-decay c-shake d- mineral steaks
Which one is not a positive locking device ________.
1462 a- spring washer b-cotter pin A FMP
c- tongued washer d- spring wire lock
Adjustability of semi-modular outlet is most convenient and economical
1463 A ID
a- AOSM b- open flume
c- both of them d- none of them
The brown and black discoloration caused by oxidation is
1464 a-Pitch pockets b- decay c- shake d- mineral D SEE
The washer is generally specified by its ____________.
1465 a- outer diameter b- hole diameter B FMP
c- thickness d- mean diameter
Spurs serve to train the river in order to_______________.
a- Reduce concentration of flow at the point of attack
1466 D ID
b- guiding and deflecting axis of flow
c- protecting on eroding bank tropping bank load d- all of them
The mixture of lime stone and clay is called_________.
1467 A SEE
a-Cement b- sand c- concrete d-mortar
A locking device extensively used in automobiles industry is a________.
1468 a- jam nut b- castle nut B FMP
c- screw nut d- ring nut
The fastest method of drainage to lower WT to greater depths
1469 C ID
a- Surface drainage b- subsurface drainage
c- vertical drainage d- none of above
The most essential component of concrete is_________.
1470 C SEE
a-Cement b- sand c- water d- mortar
A bolt of M 24*2 means that _________.
a- the pitch of the threads is 24 mm and depth is 2 mm
1471 b- the cross sectional area of threads is 24 mm square C FMP
c- the nominal diameter of bolt is 24 mm and the pitch is 2 mm
d- none of these
Precipitation that occurs due to lifting of moist air after striking with
mountain barriers is called___________________.
1472 C ID
a- convectional precipitation b- frontal precipitation
c- orographic precipitation d- cyclonic precipitation
Which one is not affecting the strength of concrete_________.
1473 D SEE
a-Composition b- curing time c- water d- stress
When a nut is tightened by placing a washer below it the bolt will be
subjected to __________.
1474 A FMP
a- tensile stress b- compressive stress
c- shear stress d- none of these
1475 Output of pump is called_________________. c ID
a- Output horse power b- Input horse power
c- Water horse power d- Brake horse power
Mixture of clay and powered glass is called_________.
1476 D SEE
a-Pre stressed Cement b- silica c- concrete d-mortar
Eye bolts are used for ____________.
1477 a- transmission of power b- locking device C FMP
c- lifting and transporting heavy machine d- none of these
The velocity and depth of flow in 3.0 m wide rectangular a channel are
2.0 m/s and 2.5 m, respectively. If the channel has its width enlarged to
1478 3.5 m at a section. The discharge past that section is_______________. C ID
a- 10.0 m3/s b- 20.0 m3/s
c- 15.0 m3/s d- 17.5 m3/s
The material which gives well finish is_________.
1479 B SEE
a-Metal sheet b- plaster c-mortar d- concrete
The shock absorbing capacity of a bolt may be increased by __________.
1480 a- increasing its shank diameter b- decreasing its shank diameter B FMP
c- tightening the bolt properly d- none of these
Gully erosion is the advance stage of______________.
1481 a- splash erosion b- sheet erosion B ID
c- rill erosion d- tunnel erosion
Structural frames used in multistory poultry houses are_________.
1482 A SEE
a-Beam and post b-trusses c-arch d-braces
The resilience of the bolt may be increased by ___________.
1483 a- increasing its shank diameter b- increasing its length B FMP
c- both a & b d- none of these
The energy line lies over the hydraulic gradient line by an amount equal
1484 A ID
a- v2/2g b- v2/g
c- v/2g d- v/g
A jointed frame that is used to support load over a relatively long
1485 span_________. B SEE
a-Beam and post b- trusses c- arch d-braces
In _______ gear, teeth are made parallel to axes of shaft or wheel
1486 B FMP
a-Helical b- Spur c- Worm d- None
The Lacey’s and kennedy’s empirical silt theories for designing irrigation
channels in non-cohesive soils, are meant to ensure_________.
a- no scouring in the channel
1487 C ID
b- no silting from out of the sedimented water entering the channel from
the headworks
c- both a and b d- neither a nor b
A type of structure is used where a high rise and floor of obstruction are
1488 desired____. C SEE
a-Beam and post b- trusses c-arch d- braces
Bevel gear is used to________
1489 a-Transmit power at 900 b-Change speed A FMP
c-Rotate the fly wheel in engine d- Reduce speed
Khosla theory of independent variables is applicable to structure
1490 B ID
a- rock b- clay
c- sand d- concrete
A form of energy which is convertible at any time_________.
1491 A SEE
a-Heat b- temperature c- none d- both a and b
_______ gear system is used in steering mechanism.
1492 C FMP
a-Spur b- Face c- rack and pinion d- none
In the ascending order of consumption of head, the outlets
a- AOSM, open flume, pipe b- AOSM, pipe, open
1493 D ID
c- open flume, ASOM, pipe d- pipe, open flume,
Ability of body to give up or receive heat _________.
1494 B SEE
a-Heat b- temperature c- none d- both a and b
Ratio of load to the force applied is called______
1495 A FMP
a-Mechanical advantage b- Force ratio c- velocity ratio d- None
Spurs serve to_______________.
1496 a- repel flow b- attract flow D ID
c- deflect flow d- all of them
The temperature of surrounding medium is called _________.
1497 C SEE
a-Heat b- latent heat c- ambient temperature d- sensible heat
______ Type of gears are used in conveyor systems.
1498 C FMP
a-Straight gears b- Chain gears c- Sprockets d- None
The type of drainage that may dispose-off excess runoff and -lower WT
1499 A ID
a- Surface drainage b- subsurface drainage
c- vertical drainage d- none of above
Co efficient of thermal capacity of a material to that of water is
1500 a-Specific heat b- latent heat A SEE
c- ambient temperature d- sensible heat

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