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Alba Margarita Reyes Leyva

Writing an essay. Page 15 workbook.

Following a class discussion, your teacher has asked you to write an essay giving your views on
this topic.

Many people believe that eBooks will revolutionise the world of publishing as more and more
individuals self-publish, doing away with the need for an editor, publisher, printer or even a
conventional bookshop. Do you think this will have a detrimental effect on the quality of books being
published? What do you think publishers can do to keep their businesses going?

Write your essay in 220-260 words in an appropriate style.

It is certainly true that technology has revolutionised our leisure activities. Books
have evolved over the time, becoming electronic also known as eBooks, more accessible
to everyone. Nevertheless, have you ever stopped to think about the impact eBooks will
have on the publishing industry?

There is no doubt that the book industry has suffered a change with the recent
explosion of self-published books via the internet. Authors who self-publish their work will
take on all the duties that professionals related to this market should do. Thereby, these
people will have a more affordable way to publish their books. However, in the majority of
cases, they are not fully prepared to manage what is really involved in those processes. As
a result, plenty of self-published books will be released without any quality control every

This lack of quality on eBooks may be avoided with the development of the
publishing industry. Even though there is still room for printed books, publishers and all the
people involved in this industry will find a harder market with the arrival of eBooks.
Consequently, they will need to adapt to circumstances. As an example, publishers will
have to cater for the competitive world by reducing their expensive costs to make their
services acquirable to more authors. Similarly, they will need to aim their work to one of
the profitable markets in the future, young readers.

In years to come, electronic and self-published books will surely gain more
significance. Considering the possibility that this situation will result in lower quality books,
the publishing industry will need to change in order to survive.
266 words

It is certainly true that technology has revolutionised our leisure activities. Books
have evolved over the time, becoming electronic books also known as eBooks, more
accessible to everyone. Nevertheless, have you ever stopped to think about the impact
eBooks will have on the publishing industry?

There is no doubt that the book industry has suffered a change with the recent
explosion of self-published books via the internet. Authors who self-publish their work will
take on all the duties that professionals related to this market should do. Thereby, these
people will have a more affordable way to publish their books. However, in the majority of
cases, they are not fully prepared to manage what is really involved in those processes. As
a result, plenty of self-published books will be released without any quality control every

This lack of quality on eBooks may be avoided with the development of the
publishing industry. Even though there is still room for printed books, publishers and all the
people involved in this industry will find a harder market with the arrival of eBooks.
Consequently, they will need to adapt to circumstances. As an example, publishers will
have to cater for the competitive world by reducing their expensive costs to make their
services acquirable to more authors. Similarly, they will need to aim their work to one of
the most profitable markets, young readers.

In years to come, electronic and self-published books will surely gain more
significance. Considering the possibility that this situation will result in lower quality books,
the publishing industry will need to change in order to survive.

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