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An information sheet. Page 41.

Alba Margarita Reyes Leyva

You work at a college where there are many international students. You have been asked to
produce an information sheet giving them advice on the following areas:
-sport facilitates.
-local hospitals.
(220-260 words)

Time for a healthy life

Welcome to our college. We hope you’ll have an incredible time here, so these are some
useful hints that can be of help in your stay.

Getting fit

Our college is a supporter of the idea of being physically active to help your health and
academic performance. For this reason, we’ve developed facilities that enable students to
participate in numerous sports activities. Here are some important things to consider:

- All indoor facilitates provide discount rates for students.

- There are plenty of outdoor multi-use courts to use as you wish.
- The aquatic centre is only available to our students during the weekends.

Medical services

We know that being ill and away from home can be a nightmare. That being said, we have
a deal with local hospitals so in this way they can provide you all the medical attention that
you require. Don’t miss any time and look for help when you need it!

Dental care

Private dentists are expensive. However, in our medical services is included a dental care
for free. This dental care is limited, and it consist of:
- Diagnostic and preventive treatments.
- Dental cleanings.

Be sure to visit our information centre to get and fill in all the forms to obtain it.


The pharmacy is one of the newest facilities in our campus. It allows us to have access to
a wide variety of medications to suit your needs.

Take our advice to get the healthier and safer visit and have the time of your life while
studying with us.

266 words

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