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ScrapEx Abstract

Here we are to solve a major problem of our garbage and the wastes we generate. We must zoom
out every step and initialize smarter solutions to make it effective.

Dumping and Segregation at Source

The waste generated from the household is mainly classified into three types-

1) Bio-degradable: This includes organic matter such as vegetable peels, fruit remains, leftover
food etc. which can be broken down and converted to other useful products.
2) Non-biodegradable: These wastes cannot be broken down. They are generally recycled
example metal cans, plastic bags etc.
3) Domestic Hazardous: This includes wastes which pose potential health threats. These can be
bio medical wastes and sanitary napkins, mercury from thermometers, CFL tubes, e-wastes,
Lead batteries etc. They even have the potential to contaminate huge water bodies.

Now that we know what exactly our waste, we can go forward to collect it. Segregating this waste at
the source level when it is less harmful is better than collecting all the waste and then segregating it
where it can become a threat. Segregating at the source means we the creators of this waste have to
make an effort to keep three different bins and even dump them differently. Any person is
encouraged to make an effort if he/she gets an immediate outcome. Incentives should be provided
to people for the successful a segregation. Which means any person who dumps accordingly to the
above-mentioned category should be rewarded for it.

Q. From where should this incentive be brought up?

We all know that the biodegradable waste can be converted to numerous different products
and can be used to generate money. Biodegradable waste can be found in municipal solid waste
(sometimes called biodegradable municipal waste, or as green waste, food waste, paper waste and
biodegradable plastics). Much of this waste will decay to methane by anaerobic digestion, this takes
place in a closed container, excluding oxygen. It is clean and relatively odour-free. It produces a
nutrient-rich solid material called digestate and biogas containing methane and CO2.

 The biogas may need further processing before it can be burnt to produce electricity.
Electricity that you produce can be used to power the plant or exported to the grid.
Alternatively, it can be used as a transport fuel.
 Biodegradable waste such as food, garden waste, paper and cardboard, you can send these
for recycling into compost. This nutrient rich compost can be sold to farmers as cheap
fertilizers and manures thus generating income.
 All the non-biodegradable wastes can be taken to the recycling plants, all it contains is
plastic, metal, less harmful electronic devices, rubber, etc which can generate significant
income if set to recycle.

All this money can be used to provide the needed reward or incentive to all those people for doing
the required segregation.

Q. How can a common man know what should be recycled what should not?
An important aspect for this strategy to work is a good response from the public. All we need to do is
create awareness among the generals. Through advertisements, announcements, etc. A list of all
biodegradable and recyclable non-biodegradable wastes should be circulated and all other wastes
which do not fall in any of those lists should come under domestic hazardous wastes which have to
be taken to landfills.
Q. How can this be implemented?
There can be two ways to implement these:

1) people can keep three kinds of bins at their homes according to the classification and be
collected house to house
2) three big bins can be kept in every locality where people can dump their garbage and
collected on a daily basis. The bin should give out money as per the weight of the garbage

Now that we have solved the problem of segregation and dumping, we can now go forward to
storage and design of collection vehicle. It should be put to notice that no incentive is provided for
hazardous domestic waste.

Collection Vehicle
As per our classification of waste, accordingly should be the design of the garbage collection vehicle,
which should be efficient and solve our purpose. It should have the following features:

1) the vehicle must contain three compartments to store the wastes.

2) it should even contain a robotic arm so that it can pick up the garbage bins and empty it into
the containers accordingly thus saving manpower.
3) it should contain a system which measures the weight of the garbage and pops out money
accordingly to the rate in case of door-to-door collection.
4) Must contain a lid over the three containers, which should be used when the collection
process is over. This protects the wastes from rains, spillage and even bad odour.
5) The sizes of the containers or the community bins should be accordingly to the ratios of
garbage of the 3 categories generated in the households. Every household generates wastes
which contain 55% biodegradable, 40% non-biodegradable, 10% hazardous.
6) Hydraulic unloader which can be used to get rid of the wastes contained in the vehicle.

Emptying out the Collection Vehicles.

After collecting the wastes, the vehicles need to be emptied. All we can do is to the composting
plant, recycling plant, and finally the landfills where it can be unloaded.

Bulk Generators Collection

All we have to do is look down the lists and identify the type in which this bulk generated waste falls
and then treat it accordingly.

This is just an abstract, detailed design, numbers and successful examples would be effectively
presented in round 2

I can guarantee that this is the most effective way where apart from only solving the problem of
waste, the producer is also benefitted from it. THIS MAKES WASTE VALUABLE.

Thank You


Member: Vedant Hemant Gawande (+918857989207)

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