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Review Article


Tony Thomas
Junior Consultant, Dept. of Psychiatry, General Hospital, Pala.
Correspondence: Junior Consultant, Dept. of Psychiatry, General Hospital, Pala. E-mail:

Inpatient Suicide (IPS) is the second most common sentinel event reported to the Joint Commission.
Psychiatric inpatient suicide rates in the USA, China, New Zealand, Australia, and the UK range from
0.1% to 0.4% for all psychiatric admissions. Population-based mortality studies in psychiatric care
show a 16-fold risk for suicide among psychiatric inpatients and a 2-3-fold greater risk for outpatients
compared to the risk for outpatients treated in primary care. The risk factors for suicides in inpatient
setting and general population differ. Moreover, the identified risk factors for IPS have relatively low
degree of association. Nevertheless, psychiatric inpatients are at a higher risk for suicide. This article
discusses the spectrum Model of interventions for mental health protection proposed by Mrazek &
Haggarty, B-SAFE strategy, and SAFE-T strategy. The above models portray a stepwise approach
for inpatients who are “at risk” for suicide. Prevention strategies are to be specifically tailored for
each individual, after carefully assessing the risk of suicide. Early diagnosis and proper treatment of
psychiatric illness and modification of hospital environmental factors are the cornerstones in
preventing inpatient suicides. The role of nursing and paramedical staff is also discussed.

Keywords: inpatient suicides, prevention strategies, hospital-environment factors

INTRODUCTION Suicides in the inpatient setting: Inpatient suicide

(IPS) is defined as “the suicide of a patient during
Suicide among the general population: inpatient treatment, both inside and outside the
Worldwide, suicide is among the top three causes hospital setting.E.g., during a leave, outings, or
of death among young adults. According to the trial discharge”.2 IPS often indicate great patient
WHO, every year, almost one million people die distress and have devastating effects on survivors
from suicide and 20 times more people attempt as well as on the staff morale.3 Failure to protect
suicide; a global mortality rate of 16 per 100,000 the admitted patients from harming themselves is
or one death every 40 seconds and one attempt one of the most common reasons for lawsuits in
every three seconds, on average. Globally, the psychiatry.4 Hence, IPS prevention strategies are
burden of suicide in 1998 was estimated to gaining importance and attention.
represent 1.8% of the total global burden of
disease. This figure is projected to be 2.4% by Incidence of IPS: IPS is the second most
2020, especially in countries with socialist common sentinel event reported to the Joint
economies.1 Commission. Studies and statistics related to IPS
Please cite this article as: Thomas T. Prevention of inpatient suicides: an attempt to portray an approach. Kerala Journal of Psychiatry
2017; 30(1) Available at
Kerala Journal of Psychiatry // 30(2) // July – December 2017 //
are limited, as many cases are not appropriately Moreover, the identified risk factors for IPS have
reported, thereby masking the exact figures. a relatively low degree of association between the
Deliberate improper-inadequate reporting and risk factor and suicide.5 Nevertheless, studies
hiding of cases are mostly assumed to be for fear worldwide show that psychiatric patients,
of lawsuits.3 especially inpatients, are at a higher risk
ofsuicide.6,11,12,13 The risk factors shall be
The prevalence of IPS is 0.1% to 0.4% for all discussed in detail in the article, later.
psychiatric admissions.5,6,84 The rate of suicides in
psychiatric inpatients is 13.7 per 10,000 Modes of suicide attempts: In developed
admissions.7 Population-based mortality studies countries, the commonmodes of suicide attempts
in psychiatric care show a 16-fold risk for suicide in general population are firearm injuries, car
among psychiatric inpatients and a 2-3 fold exhaust asphyxiation, and poisoning.1 While in
greater risk for outpatients compared to the risk developing countries, the usual modes are
for outpatients treated in primary care.8 In a poisoning, hanging, self-immolation and
medical inpatient setting (patients admitted to the drowning. Poisoning using pesticides is the most
medical ward), the rate of suicides is less when common mode of suicide attempt in psychiatric
compared to the psychiatric inpatient setting. patients with agricultural background.1,14 The
Even though there is a wide array of studies, no picture is almost the same in most south Indian
accurate and concordant statistics on IPS is studies — i.e., poisoning and hanging, followed
available. The average risk of suicide is 250 per by self-immolation.15
100,000 admissions in psychiatric hospitals and
1.8 per 100,000 admissions in general hospitals, The mode of IPS differs from modes in general
which is four to five times more than the general population. The mode of IPS differs based on the
population.8 The wide range of suicide rates is difference in hospital settings. Mostly, the
possibly due to the difference in the settings accessibility and availability of lethal means
where the studies are conducted.9 Many of the determine the mode of suicide among psychiatric
suicide-related studies in India are conducted in inpatients. Hanging, jumping from a height,
medical and general hospital settings, where the poisoning, and self-injuries are the common
characteristics of risk factors significantly differ modes of IPS. Hence, prevention strategies
from psychiatric inpatient settings. should target accessibility and availability of the
above.7 The infrastructure of psychiatric wards
Indian data on suicide in psychiatric inpatient should be designed in such a way that it limits
settings have been recently studied at access to the above lethal means.
NIMHANS. A retrospective study by Shinde et
al. included 1,03,252 psychiatric inpatient PREVENTION OF IPS: AN APPROACH
admissions over a period of 26 years of which 333 Foreseeing a suicide attempt is the cornerstone of
patients died during the hospital stay. Leading suicide prevention strategies. However,
causes of death among psychiatric inpatients prediction of time and mode of suicide is the most
were found to be cardiovascular system disorders difficult task, and hence the accurate prediction
(43.6%), followed by respiratory system
of risk is difficult.12 The task of foreseeing
disorders (14.9%), nervous system disorders
suicide can be made more predictable if a
(9.9%), and infections (10.1%). In 7%of
thorough and timely assessment of risk factors
psychiatric inpatients who died, the cause of
and protective factors is done. Any person in a
death was reported to be suicide.10
severely stressful situation can harbor a suicidal
The characteristics and risk factors of suicides in idea. However, the resilience and coping
inpatient settings and general population differ. strategies of the individual will help him/her to
Kerala Journal of Psychiatry // 30(2) // July – December 2017 //
bounce back to normal life. Therefore, defense psychiatric inpatient settings. Jacob et al. (2007)
mechanisms and coping strategy commonly used introduced B-SAFE (Basic Suicide Assessment
by the individual also needs to be assessed. Five-step Evaluation)19 and later, Centre for
Unfortunately, risk factors are not adequately Addiction and Mental Health, Canada (2010)
assessed in about 60% of suicides of psychiatric brought SAFE-T (Suicidal Assessment Five Step
patients.16 Evaluation & Triage) strategies with
modifications for interventions. This is a
The risk factors for suicide in general population stepwise approach, with five steps, for patients
are widely studied, and in most studies, the who are ‘at risk’ for suicides, and the approachis
factorsare broadly divided into psychosocial and discussed below.
psychiatric. The psychosocial factors are marital
disruption, abusive relationships, living alone, STEP 1: IDENTIFICATION OF THE RISK
unemployment, lower socioeconomic status, FACTORS
poor physical health and family history of
suicide.1,17 The marital status of a person is a Numerous risk factors for IPS have been
factor with a good degree of association in the identified and discussing all risk factors is beyond
western world — i.e., marriage is a protective the scope of this article. Hence a few important
factor in the western population. However, in risk factors are being discussed below (Box 1).
India, marriage is not found to be strong a
protective factor for suicide, as most people in the a. Epidemiological Factors
country are getting married as a part of the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
cultural setting.15 The important psychiatric studied suicides among general population and
factors are major depressive disorder, substance found that suicides are 3.5 times higher in males.
use disorders, emotionally unstable personality But female attempters tend to show higher rates
disorder, and history of suicide attempt.1,17 of reported nonfatal suicidal behavior and suicide
ideation, and males have much higher rates of
After the thorough risk assessment, the patient completed suicides.15,20 While in India, the
should be stratified into low and high-risk groups Nation Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) shows
based on the risk factors obtained. Further that suicide in males outnumber females (Male:
interventions for suicide prevention need to be Female = 2:1). But recent studies in India reveal
tailored accordingly for each individual. a narrowing of margin between males and
females (Male: Female = 1.3:1).1 Unlike the
Mrazek & Haggarty18 proposed a model of the general population suicides, the gender
spectrum of interventions for mental health difference is minimal in IPS. Females outnumber
protection. The spectrum begins with prevention males marginally.5,11,21
at three levels: “Universal” for the general
population, “Selective” for ‘at risk population’ When compared to suicides in the general
and “Indicated” for those who have attempted population, age has a lesser degree of association
suicide before. The above model may be used to as a predictor of IPS. An Indian study showed
classify the individual and intervene for suicide that the suicide rate in general population is the
prevention in general population. Even though highest in the 15-29 years age group (38
the risk factors for IPS differ, the general per100,000 population) followed by the 30-44
principles for suicide prevention can be utilized years group (34 per 100,000 population).22
for managing the inpatients. Hospital suicide rates were considerably higher
than the corresponding general population rates
A stepwise approach is to be followed for the for all age groups and were particularly high in
prevention of IPS in general hospital and age categories of 25-29, 30-34, 40-44, and 55-59
Kerala Journal of Psychiatry // 30(2) // July – December 2017 //
are at a higher risk for suicide attempt than the
Box 1: Identified risk factors for inpatient general population. This risk of suicide is further
suicide increased in psychiatric inpatient setting.7,25,26,27
Majority of the inpatients (98%) who attempt
• Homeless suicide in general hospital setting have an Axis I
• Chronic mental illness, affective and diagnosis at the time of suicide attempt. Patients
psychotic disorders, longer duration of suffering from depression and schizophrenia
disorder represent the highest risk group.28,29
• Male gender In schizophrenia patients with active psychotic
• Previous self-harm symptoms, the risk of IPS is higher when
• Previous suicide attempt compared to nonpsychoticperiod.24,30,31 Initial
• Planned suicide attempt studies showed an increased risk of IPS in
patients with Schneider’s First Rank Symptoms
• Suicidal behavior before admission
(FRS). However, later, many studies showed
• Suicide attempt & ideation during that the association between the IPS and FRS is
admission weak. Persistent command auditory
• Recent bereavement hallucinations increase the risk of IPS, especially
• Increased length of stay if associated with persecutory delusions and
• History of suicide in a first-degree derogatory content.32 Negative schizophrenia of
relative longer duration (i.e., more than 185 days of
• Family history of psychiatric illness inpatient stay) is a risk factor for IPS in late stages
of the illness.25,29,33 Hopelessness and depressed
• Major depressive disorder mood in schizophrenic inpatients are found to be
• Multiple previous admissions strongly associated with suicide.25
• AOWL during admit
• Extrapyramidal symptoms, akathisia Major Depressive disorder (MDD) is a very
important risk factor for IPS, especially when
• Greater number of ward transfers untreated.28,34 The risk of IPS in depressive
• Part time employment patients is further increased if hopelessness,
• Single worthlessness and anxiousness are elicited in the
• Lives alone episode.35 The risk of IPS goes further high if
associated with history of previous deliberate
self-harm attempt11,36 and expressing suicidal
years after controlling for sex and calendar intent.37 BPAD NOS (Bipolar Disorder Not
year.23 However, there are contradicting studies Otherwise Specified) and chronic pain
stating age between 20-40 years, living alone syndromes are other risk factors with cumulative
with unemployment, and poor socioeconomic effect for depressive disorder.38-40 In severe
support as risk factors with less degree of depression, the activation phenomenon
association among IPS, though they are following the initiation of antidepressants
significant factors in general population increases the risk of suicide.41 This is due to
suicides.24-26 differential improvement of psychomotor
activity and suicidal thoughts.42 The
b. Mental Disorders
psychomotor activity responds to medications
The psychiatric risk factors have more degree of
and improves faster than the suicidal ideations.
association than the psychosocial risk factors for
Hence, the inability to execute the suicidal ideas
suicides in inpatient setting. Psychiatric patients
Kerala Journal of Psychiatry // 30(2) // July – December 2017 //
due to psychomotor retardation is lost, thereby Hence, mental illness, including personality
resulting in suicide attempt. traits, should be diagnosed at the earliest and
managed appropriately.
Substance use disorders, when comorbid to any
psychiatric illness, increase the risk of IPS by Physical illness increases the risk for suicide.
two-fold.43,44,45 Similar studies have been Patients with physical illness, especially chronic
conducted proving the same for cannabis, illness, have two to three times higher risk of
opioids and cocaine.25,43 In a study of 527 completed suicide than those without.17 Also,
abstinent opiate-dependent clients, Roy et al. many suicide victims with physical illness (52-
found that almost 40% had a history of suicide 88%) have suffered from concurrent mental
attempts and that family history of suicidal disorders.34,48 Chronic neurological illnesses that
behavior, alcohol dependence, cocaine affect the locomotor ability are a risk factor for
dependence and treatment with antidepressant IPS.46,47
medication were significant predictors of these
attempts. Cottler et al. found that alcohol use Jacob et al.,49 in their comparative study on
disorder and depression were significant subjects with a seizure disorder and bronchial
predictors of suicidal ideation for both males and asthma, found that 34% of the epilepsy group and
females. They highlighted “the need to discuss 13.3% of the asthma group had a diagnosis of
suicidal thoughts among depressed drug users for major depressive disorder. Sixteen percent of the
early treatment and prevention”. In the epilepsy group had a history of at least one
Copenhagen City Heart Study in Denmark, suicide attempt in the previous year, and 20% of
Flensborg-Madsen et al. concluded that alcohol the group expressed current suicidal ideation.
use disorders were associated with a “highly A study by Latha and Bhat5 0on the prevalence of
increased risk of completed suicide” among suicidal ideation in terminally ill cancer patients
18,146 subjects.43 reported that 9.2%had severe suicidal ideations.
The psychosocial and psychiatric factors that 3.8% of the patients with suicidal ideation had a
contribute to the IPS are colored by the prismatic history of major depressive disorder. Factors
spectrum of personality traits and disorders. such as the presence of pain and awareness of
Hence, the risk assessment of IPS must be donein diagnosis and prognosis of cancer contributed to
the background of personality traits and the depressive states. The study also concluded
disorders. Many studies have been conducted on that suicidal ideation and desire for death
the background of personality disorders. Patients appeared to be linked exclusively to the presence
with borderline personality disorders and of a psychiatric disorder.
narcissistic personality disorders have been An increased likelihood of suicidal ideation,
found to be at a higher risk for IPS. attempts and completions have been reported in
Borderline personality disorder individuals who patients who have central nervous
systemdysfunction, 51,52 general medical
die by suicide differ from those with the disorder 53-56
typically encountered in acute psychiatric disorders, and specific symptoms such
settings. The lethality of suicide attempts by aspain and physical limitations.59 In addition,

those with borderline personality disorder results other factors associated with suicide are also
from an interaction between impulsivity and the found in patients hospitalized for medical illness,
violent-aggressive features associated with such as substance abuse,60 advanced age,61,62
cluster B comorbidity. Further, the anxious trait unemployment and other financial stressors,
of harm avoidance appears to be protective feelings of hopelessness, and socialisolation.63
against suicidal behavior resulting in death.82,83
Kerala Journal of Psychiatry // 30(2) // July – December 2017 //
Absconding and going absent without leave are Positive psychosocial and family support along
common within psychiatric wards, with rates with positive therapeutic relationship can
between 34% and 39%.64,65 Some of the adverse prevent IPS to some extent. Fear of the act of
consequences of absconding include loss of suicide and fear of social disapproval are certain
treatment, violence to others, self-neglect, self- social factors that protect a person from
harm, and suicide.65-67 Controlled studies have committing suicide.39
found absconding to be a significant risk factor
for suicide amongst psychiatric inpatients.5,31,68 In No-harm or No-suicide contracts: No-harm
the UK, Powell and colleagues11 reported that contracts are based on a statement from the
63% of inpatients who died by suicide outside of person that they will not harm themselves or will
the hospital site were absent without authorized contact the clinician or another specified person
leave at the time of death. Other studies have if they feel unable to maintain their safety. There
reported lower (36% to 40%), but still substantial, is no empirical evidence on the effectiveness of
rates of absconding when the suicide such contracts.72 Therefore, clinicians are to
occurred.5,30,69 Absence without leave increases avoid the use of ‘no suicide’ or ‘no harm’
the risk of IPS.30,39,70,71 contracts as they are ineffective in the
management of suicidal clients, are not supported
STEP 2: IDENTIFICATION OF by evidence, and are no substitute for a thorough
PROTECTIVE FACTORS clinicalevaluation.73

In the mid 90’s, the suicide rates in the US were STEP 3: CONDUCT OF SUICIDAL
increasing alarmingly among the general ENQUIRY (DO NOT HESITATE TO
population and in inpatient settings. This forced ENQUIRE IDEATIONS)
the government to encourage studies on factors
related to suicide to cease the exponential Whenever a suicidal intent or ideation is
progress of suicides rates. The Risk Management explored from an inpatient, the suicidal intent
Foundation of the Harvard Medical Institutions should be assessed under the following headings
(RMFHMI) in 1996 extensively studied various and needs to be documented: Severity of intent,
suicide factors and brought forward a few lethality, degree of ambivalence (Die or not to),
protective factors for suicide. A similar study was intensity and frequency of suicidal thoughts,
conducted by Centre for Applied Research in availability of methods, rehearsals, and suicide
Mental Health and Addiction in 2007 note. The same need to be assessed and
(CARMHA, 2007) and found certain protective documented if a history of a previous attempt is
factors that were significantly correlated with present. Expressing suicidal intent and history of
IPS. The study by CARMHA supported the previous suicidal attempt are the most predictive
protective factors identified by RMFHMI. factors.11,25 Forty percent of the IPS attempters
Among the various factors, responsibility to have never expressed suicidal ideas, and 78%
others, especially towards children, is found to be have denied ideas in the previous week of the
the major factor that prevents a person from attempt. This shows that the patient may not
attempting suicide. The other factors included even expressa suicidalidea before an attempt at
life satisfaction, self-efficacy, hope for future, suicide and if a patient expresses suicidal ideas,
reality testing ability and positive coping skills. then it needs to be closely observed and
Certain deterrent religious beliefs consider intervened adequately.
suicide as immoral, thereby preventing suicides.
The Indian statistics show that the suicides rates
are comparatively less in Muslim community.86
Kerala Journal of Psychiatry // 30(2) // July – December 2017 //
STEPS 4 AND 5 The mode of IPSis usually determined by the
accessibility and availability of lethal means.
The level of risk of IPS is assessed based on the Also, each hospital setting will have a particular
above three steps and patients are categorized infrastructural flaw (unit design vulnerability)
into high risk and lowrisk groups. Stratification that provides access to a particular mode of
into high and low-risk groups is mainly based on suicide which should be taken care of. The usual
the clinical experience of the physician and the mode of IPS may be understood if a detailed
number of risk factors identified. Documentation probe is done into the history of that particular
at each step is inevitable, as this may be the only unit design and its vulnerability. Hence,
legal evidence to evade lawsuits and other legal precautionary measures should be targeted to
allegations. Once the stratification is done, the prevent the common mode related to that
patient needs to be adequately monitored and particular hospital setting. Hanging, jumping
intervened. An attempt may be done to reduce from a height, poisoning and self-injuries are the
the IPS risk by managing the modifiable risk common modes of IPS in India. Hence,
factors. As mentioned above, early diagnosis and prevention strategies should target accessibility
adequate pharmacological and and availability for the above, which includes
nonpharmacological interventions for mental infrastructural modifications of hospital settings.
disorders are the first and foremost strategies for
IPS prevention. Patients who are at a risk of suicide should be
kept in a continuous observation unit. While
The next major factor is the hospital- constructing a continuous observation
environmental factors, which is a modifiable risk psychiatric unit, care should be taken to facilitate
factor. Most suicides occur in the premises of the maximum observation of patients with minimal
ward rather than in areas where direct staff effort and minimum staff. The nursing station is
monitoring is possible. The most vulnerable to be built in the critical area from where
period is when the patient is removed from the observation of all the patients is maximally
continuous observation unit.30,39,70,71 Hence, possible. Infrastructural modifications include
accessibility and availability of lethal means need toughened safety glasses on all windows,
to be restricted in and around the hospital replacement of ceiling fans, restricting the access
premises and follow-up monitoring of the to staircases/roof, avoiding door and doorknobs
patients is mandatory, especially for those wherever possible, and adequate maintenance to
recently removed from continuous observation avoid exposed pipelines and telephones cables.78-
unit. The putative ideal design for an inpatient 80
unit is one encompassing the greatest chance of
keeping patients under direct vision at all times, In bathrooms and bedrooms, acoustic ceiling tiles
together with the absence of physical hazards. could be removed by patients and exposed
Infrastructural constructions and modifications plumbing, piping or ductwork could be used as
of a psychiatric hospital should be so designed anchors for hanging. The Lieberman et al. study
that the access to means are minimized maximally lists numerous points about the physical
and observation of the patient is maximum environment that may require attention,
possible. Adequate staff pattern (both physician including training cleaning staff to ensure their
and nursing staff) is mandatory, thereby cleaning fluids are kept secure, and their carts
maintaining adequate staff to patient ratio. Low always attended, and informing visitors not to
staff to patient ratio will aggravate the risk of IPS bring in potentially lethal items such as plastic
during this period.74,75,76,77 bags. Mills et al. systematically undertook root
cause analysis of 185 IPS and suicide attempts in

Kerala Journal of Psychiatry // 30(2) // July – December 2017 //

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Source of support: None

Conflict of interest: None declared
First submitted: 24th October 2015
Published online: 7th January 2018

Kerala Journal of Psychiatry // 30(2) // July – December 2017 //


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