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Configuring a 1734-AENT Ethernet Adapter Module and 1734-232ASC ASCII

Interface Module with a Bar Code Scanner

This document details how to set up a hand-held bar code scanner using the 1734-AENT Ethernet Adapter
Module and the 1734-232ASC ASCII Interface module with a ControlLogix processor. The 1734-AENT
is a Point I/OTM product for RS232C Serial-to-Ethernet/IP communications applications.

What you will need:

RSLogix5000 version 11 or 12
RSLinx version 2.30 or later
1756-ENBT/A or 1756-ENET/B
1734-232ASC Ser. A F/W Rev.1.10 or later (with a 1734-RTB Terminal Connector)
1734-AENT/A F/W Rev. 1.030 or later (with a 1734-RTB Terminal Connector)
24 VDC Power Supply
RS232 serial Bar Code Scanner (User Guide also desired).
Adapter Cable (From RS232 scanner to 1734-RTB)

* You have a PC with necessary software, interface cards etc. to configure a ControlLogix and Point
I/O system.
* You can configure comms drivers and Ethernet IP Addresses in RSLinx.
* You have an active Ethernet port and cable.
* You can create an RSLogix5000 project.
* You can configure a 1756 Ethernet Communications module with RSLogix5000.
* Your bar code scanner (or other RS232 device) is physically connected (and powered) to your 1734-
232ASC module. I have used a Symbol TechnologiesTM LS-3603-1200A laser bar code scanner and
reference the LS 3603 Product Reference Guide (70-13584-01).

Additional Helpful Related Documentation:

* 1734-232ASC User Manual – Pub.# 1734-UM009A-EN-P – June 2002
* 1734-232ASC Installation Instructions – Pub.# 1734-IN588A-EN-P – June 2002
* 1734-232ASC Configuration Assembly For RSLogix5000 Version 11 – Available within Application
Knowbase Doc # A33031049 - Configuring the 1734-232ASC module with the 1734ACNR for RSLogix 5000
Knowbase Doc # A85628929 - How to Set the Chassis Size for 1734-AENT and 1734-ACNR Adapter Modules
using CIP Generic Messaging
Knowbase Doc # A57333029 - How to Configure the IP Address of the 1734-AENT

There are four main steps required;

A. Configure the bar code scanner.
B. Configure the 1734-AENT on Ethernet with RSLogix5000.
C. Configure the 1734-232ASC with RSLogix5000.
D. Configure the 1734-232ASC Communications Parameters.
A. Configure the Bar Code Scanner

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The easier way to configure any serial bar code scanner is by first connecting to the serial port of your PC
and using HyperTerminal, or some similar RS232 communications tool. I will use the Symbol
TechnologiesTM LS-3603-1200A laser bar code scanner as an example.
A1.) Connect the scanner to COM1 or COM2 serial port of your PC.
A2.) From your PC, go to Start → Programs → Accessories → Communications → HyperTerminal
A3.) Enter a relevent name, such as BarCodeScanner. The following display will appear. Click on the
down arrow to the right of the Connect using: field and highlight COM1. Click OK.

A4.) The following display will appear. You must set the port settings of COM1 to match the Bar Code
Scanner settings. If you don’t know what your Bar Code Scanner settings are, refer to the manufacturers
User Guide to see how to set up the default settings, and record what the default settings are.
The LS-3603 defaults to 9600 baud, 7 Data Bits, 2 Stop Bits, Even Parity. Using the selections, match
your COM1 port with the scanner defaults, if necessary.

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A5.) Select OK. If the PC is communicating with the scanner, the following display will show a
connection, indicated by the text message where the arrow is pointing to.
A6.) Scan a bar code with the scanner. The bar code scanned should now appear in the box, as indicated

If successful, you now know the baud rate, data bits, stop bits, and parity parameters needed to
communicate with the 1734-232ASC module.

A7.) Disconnect the scanner cable from your PC COM1 port and attach the Adapter cable from the
scanner RS232 connector to the 1734-RTB Terminal Connector of the 1734-232ASC Module. The cable
adapter can be easily made with 3-conductor wire. Connect as diagrammed below, depending on what
type of DB connector the scanner has;

DB-9 Pin 1734-RTB Terminal DB-25 Pin 1734-RTB Terminal

2 ------------ 0 2 ---------------- 1
3 ------------ 1 3 ---------------- 0
5 ------------ 7 7 ---------------- 7

1734-RTB Module Terminations

0 1
2 3
4 5
6 7

0 = Tx is transmit from the 232ASC module.

1 = Rx is receive into the 232ASC module.
7 = SG (Signal Ground)
NC = No Connection

B. Configure the 1734-AENT on Ethernet with RSLogix5000.

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B1.) Start RSLogix5000 (V11 or V12) and create or open the desired project file. The 1734-AENT
module must be configured under a previously configured 1756-ENBT or 1756-ENET/B Ethernet Bridge

NOTE: You cannot configure a module under the 1756-ENET/A Communications module.
If necessary, add a 1756-ENBT or 1756-ENET/B module to the project I/O Configuration tree. Right
click on the Ethernet Bridge module, select New Module, and highlight the 1734-AENT/A – 1734
Ethernet Adapter, Twisted-Pair Media module. The following screen will be displayed.

B2.) Give the module a name (I named this AENT_Module) and fill in the desired IP Address.
B3.) Change the Chassis Size to match the sum of 1734-AENT and Point I/O modules. (Example: One
1734-AENT and two 1734-232ASC modules requires Chassis Size = 3). Press Next.
B4.) Change the RPI to 50ms. The 1734-AENT may experience intermittent loss of comms for anything
less than 50ms. Press Finish. The 1734-AENT will be created in the I/O Configuration tree.
B5.) Right click on the 1734-AENT and select New Module.

There are different configuration screens depending on whether you are using Version 11.x or
Version 12.x of RSLogix5000.
>>> If you are using V12, continue to the next page.
>>> If you are using V11, skip to Page 10 and continue where it says “ If you are using
RSLogix5000 V11 continue here; ”If you are using RSLogix5000 V12 continue here;

V12-B6.) Highlight 1734-232ASC/A ASCII Interface Module, press OK.

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The following screen will appear.

V12-B7.) Give the module a name. I named this _232ASC_Module.

V12-B8.) Make sure the Slot number matches where the module is physically located next to the 1734-
AENT module, which is always designated as slot 0.
V12-B9.) The Connection Parameters need adjusted depending on the number of ASCII bytes, or
characters, to be read. For this example, the default of Input Size = 24 and Output Size = 20 will allow 20
ASCII characters to be read. Leave these to the following default values. (The 4 extra bytes for the Input
Size are needed for the 1734-AENT).

Input Size = 24
Output Size = 20
Press Next.

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V12-B10.) Set the RPI for 50ms or more. The 1734-232ASC may experience intermittent loss of comms
for anything less than 50ms. Press Finish. The 1734-AENT will be created in the configuration tree, as
illustrated below.

V12-B11.) Double click on the Controller Tags in the configuration tree.

V12-B12.) Once the 1734-AENT has been added to the I/O configuration, tags are automatically created,
as illustrated below;

An Input section, AENT_Module:I and an output section, AENT_Module:O now exist in the Controller-
Scoped tag area. Once the 1734-232ASC has been added to the I/O configuration, additional tags are
created, as part of the 1734-AENT tags, as illustrated below;

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Notice there are three additional tag sections, a Module:1 Configuration section, AENT_Module:1:C, a
Module:1 Input section, AENT_Module:1:I, and a Module:1 Output section, AENT_Module:1:O.
These tags areas are for the 1734-232ASC module set up as Slot 1 under the 1734-AENT parent module.

The 1734-232ASC default communications settings are 9600 baud, 7 bits, no parity, and 2 stop bits. This
is indicated by a 0 in AENT_Module:1:C.SerialCharacterFormat. If this is acceptable, then nothing else
is required, the module can be used as is. If any of the communication parameters need changed, they
must be changed with RSLogix5000 using the following chart to configure tags;


AENT_Module:1:C.SerialCharacterFormat SINT 0 0=7N2
7/8 = number of data bits
N/E/O = None/Even/Odd parity
1/2 = number of stop bits

AENT_Module:1:C.SerialCommSpeed SINT 0 0=9600 baud


As an example, to change the communications to match our LS-3603 bar code scanner, 9600 baud, 7 Data
bits, 2 Stop bits, and Even parity, enter a value of 7 into AENT_Module:1:C.SerialCharacterFormat,
and 0 into AENT_Module:1:C.SerialCommSpeed as displayed below.

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Notice the value of 20 in both the AENT_Module:1:C:MaxReceiveCharacters and
AENT_Module:1:C:MaxTrasmitCharacters. This indicates the default of 20 bytes or characters that was
entered in previous configuration of the module. This indicates we can read up to 20 characters of a bar

V12-B13.) Expand the + next to AENT_Module:1:I.Data. The screen should appear as below.

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V12-B15.) Scan a bar code with the bar code scanner. The ASCII characters will be stored in
AENT_Module:1:I.Data[0] through AENT_Module:1:I.Data[19] or as many characters read.
In the example below, the barcode “SD2NL1ZQ” was read into Data[0] through Data[7] with “$r”
(carriage return) stored in Data[8], a total of 9 tags used.

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If you are using RSLogix5000 V11 continue here;

V11-B6.) Highlight 1734-MODULE Generic 1734 Module, press OK.

The following screen will appear.

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V11-B7.) Give the module a name. I named this _232ASC_Module.
V11-B8.) Make sure the Slot number matches where the module is physically located next to the 1734-
AENT module, which is always designated as slot 0.
V11-B9.) The Connection Parameters need adjusted depending on the number of ASCII bytes, or
characters, to be read. For this example, the values of Input Size = 28, Output Size = 24 and
Configuration = 22 will allow 20 ASCII characters to be read. Set the following Assembly Instance and
Size parameters.

Assembly Instance Size

Input = 101 28
Output = 102 24
Config.= 103 22

Press Next.
V11-B10.) Set the RPI for 50ms or more. The 1734-232ASC may experience intermittent loss of comms
for anything less than 50ms. Press Finish. The 1734-232ASC will be created in the configuration tree, as
illustrated below.

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V11-B11.) Double click on the Controller Tags in the configuration tree.
V11-B12.) Once the 1734-AENT has been added to the I/O configuration, tags are automatically created,
as illustrated below;

An Input section, AENT_Module:I and an output section, AENT_Module:O now exist in the Controller-
Scoped tag area. Once the 1734-232ASC has been added to the I/O configuration, additional tags are
created, as part of the 1734-AENT tags, as illustrated below;

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Notice there are three additional tag sections, a Module:1 Configuration section, AENT_Module:1:C, a
Module:1 Input section, AENT_Module:1:I, and a Module:1 Output section, AENT_Module:1:O.
These tags areas represent the 1734-232ASC module set up as Slot 1 under the 1734-AENT parent
module. If any of the communication parameters need changed, they must be changed with RSLogix5000
using the chart below to configure tags;

V11-B13.) Expand the + next to the AENT_Module:1:C, then the + next to AENT_Module:1:C.Data.
V11-B14.) The 1734-232ASC default communications settings are 9600 baud, 7 bits, no parity, and 2
stop bits. This is indicated by a 0000 hex in AENT_Module:1:C.Data[0]. If this is acceptable, then
nothing else is required, the module can be used as is. If any of the communication parameters need
changed, they must be changed through RSLogix5000 using the following chart to configure tags;


AENT_Module:1:C.Data[0] INT 0 0=7N2
7/8 = number of data bits
N/E/O = None/Even/Odd parity
1/2 = number of stop bits

AENT_Module:1:C.Data[1] INT 0 0=9600 baud


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V11-B15.) Refer to the following chart and enter the values highlighted in this column;

Byte Parameter Parameter SINT Byte Word INT Word

(See Table 2.3) Instance (DeviceNet) (RSLogix
0 ASCII Serial Character Format 1 00
1 ASCII Serial Comm Speed 2 00 0 00 07
2 ASCII Max Number of Receive 3 20d = 14h
3 ASCII Receive Record Start Mode 4 00 1 00 14
4 ASCII Receive Start Delimiter 5 3Ah
5 ASCII Receive Record End Mode 6 02 2 02 3a
6 ASCII Receive End Delimiter 7 13d = 0Dh
7 ASCII Receive String Data Type 8 01 3 01 0d
8 ASCII Pad Mode 9 01
9 ASCII Pad Character 10 00 4 00 01
10 ASCII Receive Swap Mode 11 00
11 DeviceNet Handshake Mode 12 01 5 01 00
12 ASCII Max Number of Transmit 17 20d = 14h
13 ASCII Transmit End Delimiter 18 02 6 02 14
14 ASCII Transmit End Delimiter 19 13d = 0Dh
15 ASCII Consume String Data Type 20 01 7 01 0d
16 ASCII Transmit Swap Mode 21 00
17 DeviceNet Record Header Mode 22 00 8 00 00

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Your screen should look like the one below.

V11-B16.) Expand the + next to AENT_Module:1:I.Data. The screen should appear as below.

V11-B17.) Scan a bar code. The ASCII characters will be stored in AENT_Module:1:I.Data[7] through
Data[27], or as many characters read. In the example below, the barcode “SL0AA0VA” was read into
Data[8]-Data[15] with “$r” (carriage return) stored in Data[16], a total of 9 chars.

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