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Addiction‑like behavior associated with social media usage in undergraduate

students of a government medical college in Delhi, India
Saurav Basu, Ragini Sharma, Pragya Sharma, Nandini Sharma
Department of Community Medicine, Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi, India


Background: Excessive use of social media is increasingly being recognized as a source of technological addiction in
young people globally.
Objective: The aim of this study is to assess social media addiction in medical students using a self‑designed questionnaire.
Materials and Methods: We collected data from undergraduate medical students (MBBS) in Delhi, India using a
self‑administered 20‑item social media addiction questionnaire (SMAQ) to measure addiction‑like behavior, and the
Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) to assess sleep quality.
Results: We enrolled 264 (62.3%) male and 160 (37.7%) female participants of mean (standard deviation) age 19.83 (1.6)
years. The Cronbach’s alpha of the SMAQ was 0.879. A principal component analysis revealed a 4‑component SMAQ
structure based on eigenvalue cutoff (>1), loading score >0.3, and inspection of the Scree‑plot that explained 54.7% of
the total variance. We observed strong loadings of impaired control items on Component 1, decreased alternate pleasure
items on Component 2, intense desire items on Component 3, and harmful use items on Component 4. The mean SMAQ
score was significantly higher in the students reporting poor sleep quality and older students.
Conclusion: The SMAQ has acceptable psychometric properties, with higher scores associated with sleep deprivation.
A majority of students were unable to reduce their time spent on social media despite wanting to do so, signifying the
presence of tolerance and impaired control.

Key words: India, sleep deprivation, social media addiction, validation

INTRODUCTION exponentially increased in the previous decade due to

the dissemination of affordable Internet and smartphone
Social media constitutes a variety of internet applications technology in developing countries, especially among
that have provided >3 billion people with a platform to their younger populations.[1] However, there is growing
connect in real‑time and share texts, messages, photos, recognition that excessive use of social media is a form of
and videos. The popularity of social media networks has behavioral addiction associated with high levels of anxiety
and depressive symptomatology.[2,3] Some researchers have
Address for correspondence: Dr. Saurav Basu,
even compared extreme cases of addiction to social media
Department of Community Medicine, Maulana Azad Medical comparable to substance‑related addictions involving
College, New Delhi, India. tobacco smoking or alcohol.[4]
Submitted: 25‑Feb‑2020, Revised: 08‑Jul‑2020 This is an open access journal, and articles are distributed under the terms of
Accepted: 12‑Aug‑2020, Published: 15-Feb-2021 the Creative Commons Attribution‑NonCommercial‑ShareAlike 4.0 License,
which allows others to remix, tweak, and build upon the work non‑commercially,
Access this article online as long as appropriate credit is given and the new creations are licensed under
the identical terms.
Quick Response Code
Website: For reprints contact:

How to cite this article: Basu S, Sharma R, Sharma P, Sharma N.

Addiction-like behavior associated with social media usage in
undergraduate students of a government medical college in
Delhi, India. Indian J Psychiatry 2021;63:35-40.

© 2021 Indian Journal of Psychiatry | Published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow 35

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Basu, et al.: Addiction to social media in medical students

Social media can promote the feeling of social envy 9, 10, 19), impaired control (Q. 3, 11, 12, 15, 16, 19),
and anxiety, and can potentially interfere with sleep.[5] withdrawal (Q. 13), tolerance (Q. 5, 6, 11, 12, 16, 18),
Responding to late‑night social media ping notifications decreased alternate pleasure (Q. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13),
on smartphones can reduce sleep quality, whereas blue and harmful use (Q. 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20). The SMAQ
light emissions can increase sleep latency by disturbing also corresponded to the four components of the CAGE
the circadian rhythm.[6] Furthermore, an extended number screening questionnaire for potential drinking‑related
of hours spent on social media contributes to sleep problems[18] and Griffith’s six core components of
displacement.[7] In younger age‑group students, poor addictions,[19] (b) Pretesting of the questionnaire was
sleep quality can cause cognitive impairment and reduced conducted in 10 students who were not part of the final
concentration.[8] Studies have also linked excessive social study, (c) Content validity of the items was determined by
media use with diminished academic performance in young two experts on behavioral health who went through each
students.[9] of the items and their pretest responses. Subsequently,
they, by consensus, accepted the appropriateness of all
The prevalence of social media addiction has been estimated the items subject to language modification in certain
to be particularly high among adolescents and young items. The response to the each of the SMAQ items
people in developed countries.[10,11] India, the country with was self‑rated by the students on a 6‑point Likert scale
the largest youth population globally, has become a world with options being 1 (strongly disagree), 2 (disagree),
leader in the adoption of smartphones and mobile data in 3 (weakly disagree), 4 (weakly agree), 5 (agree), and
the past 5 years, which has materialized the growth and 6 (strongly agree). The total SMAQ score was the sum of
popularity of social media use.[12] However, there are very individual scores for all the 20 items of the questionnaire,
few studies that have evaluated social media addiction with higher scores indicating a greater risk of addiction
in India, especially with locally validated questionnaires. 2. Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) ‑ The PSQI is a
A recent study estimated that 36.9% of students in Southern valid instrument used to differentiate “poor” from
India had social media addiction by using a questionnaire “good” sleep by measuring seven domains: subjective
adapted from Young’s internet addiction test.[13] A previous sleep quality, sleep latency, sleep duration, habitual
study among medical students in Delhi had reported sleep efficiency, and sleep disturbances, use of sleep
a high prevalence of mobile phone addiction, which medication, and daytime dysfunction over the last
coupled with academic stress and anxiety, possibly renders month.[20] The cutoff for poor and good sleepers
them susceptible to social media addiction and sleep was considered at a PSQI score >6, which has been
deprivation.[14] previously validated in Indian university students.[21]

We conducted the present study to assess social media Sampling and data collection
addiction in medical students using a self‑designed The college has five batches of undergraduate medical
questionnaire. students for the MBBS course lasting for five and a half years
duration. We selected a total of 95 students from among
MATERIALS AND METHODS the 250 cohorts in each batch, with final year students
and interns considered as one‑batch during participant
Design, setting, and participants selection. A sample size of ≥400 with item‑to‑respondent
We conducted a cross‑sectional study among adult medical ratio of 20:1 is considered excellent for factor analysis.[22]
undergraduate (MBBS) and interns of a government We selected the participants by simple random sampling
medical college in Delhi situated in Northern India during using a computer‑generated set of random numbers for
September–November 2019. All the students could read, selection through student roll numbers. The selected
comprehend, and respond in the English language, and it is participants were administered the questionnaires in groups
the official medium of instruction. in a separate lecture room. An investigator was present at
these sites during this time to resolve any participant query
Study instruments regarding filling of the questionnaires and also prevent any
1. We constructed a 20‑item social media addiction interpersonal interaction among the participants.
questionnaire (SMAQ) in the English language after the
application of the following steps: (a). Identification Statistical analysis
of domains that corresponded to the International We analyzed the data with the IBM SPSS Statistics for
Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision criteria for Windows, Version 25.0 (Armonk, NY: IBM Corp.).
substance dependence syndrome,[15] and the inclusion
of items from the literature search and previously Handling of missing data
validated questionnaires related to behavioral and We assumed that the missing data was at random. We
technological addiction.[14,16,17] The SMAQ assessed excluded questionnaires with more than  ≥4 incomplete
the presence of intense desire (Q.1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, entries in the social media questionnaire. Missing items

36 Indian Journal of Psychiatry Volume 63, Issue 1, January-February 2021

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Basu, et al.: Addiction to social media in medical students

were imputed, taking the item median score as per the Psychometric properties of the social media addiction
gender and age‑group to which the participant belonged. questionnaire
The Cronbach’s alpha of the 20‑item SMAQ was 0.879 and
The quantitative data were expressed in terms of mean, the split‑half reliability coefficient was 0.765, indicating
median, and standard deviations (SDs) and qualitative data in very good reliability. The dataset was assessed to be
terms of frequency and proportions. The significance of the suitable for the application of PCA in terms of sampling
association between categorical variables was determined adequacy. The overall Kaiser‑Meyer‑Olkin (KMO) measure
by Chi‑square/Fisher’s exact test. The independent samples was 0.89 classifications of “Meritorious” according to
t‑test was applied to test for the significance of the mean Kaiser. All the individual KMO measures were >0.8. The
difference between groups. A P < 0.05 was considered correlation matrix showed that all variables had at least one
statistically significant. We also conducted a principal correlation coefficient >0.3. The Bartlett’s test of Sphericity
component analysis (PCA) of the SMAQ. was statistically significant (P < 0.0001).

Ethical considerations We found four components that had eigenvalues >1, which

The study was approved with an exemption from full review explained 30.4%, 10.5%, 7.4%, and 6% of the total variance,
by the Institutional Ethics Committee of the medical college. respectively, thereby cumulatively explaining 54.7% of
We obtained written and informed consent from all the the total variance. Visual inspection of the Scree plot also
study participants, and we maintained data confidentiality, indicated that four components should be retained [Figure 2].
with the data being used for research purposes only. We observed strong loadings of impaired control items
on Component 1, decreased alternate pleasure items on
RESULTS Component 2, intense desire items on Component 3, and
harmful use items on Component 4. Component loadings
Participant characteristics and communalities of the rotated solution are presented
We distributed a total of 475 questionnaires to medical in Table 1.
undergraduate students and interns of the selected
medical college with a response rate of 100%. We excluded Construct validity of the social media addiction
51 questionnaires with incomplete responses, and hence, questionnaire
the effective sample size was 424. We enrolled 264 (62.3%) On dichotomizing responses into “agree” and “disagree”
male and 160 (37.7%) female participants. The mean (SD) categories, higher mean scores were seen for items
age of the participants was 19.83 (1.6) years. 1, 2, 3, 6 (eye‑opener/intense desire), 11 (cut‑down/

Social media usage Table 1: Rotated structure matrix for principal

The total typical weekly mean (SD) time spent on social component analysis with varimax rotation of a
media by the participants was 21.8 (11.2) hours, with 4‑component social media addiction questionnaire
adolescents reporting significantly lower time spent on social showing major loadings
media compared to older participants (P < 0.001), although Item Component Communalities
no association existed with participant gender (P = 0.165). 1 2 3 4
Popular social media platforms such as Facebook and YouTube SAS16 0.832 0.722
were accessed more frequently by older or male students SAS15 0.735 0.629
SAS17 0.694 0.362 0.627
compared to adolescent or female students [Figure 1]. SAS12 0.683 0.326 0.591
SAS11 0.670 0.477
SAS10 0.695 0.319 0.588
SAS7 0.684 0.304 0.585
SAS9 0.630 0.388 0.548
SAS8 0.615 0.588
SAS13 0.478 0.312 0.473
SAS14 0.472 0.413 0.436
SAS6 0.390 0.465 0.412 0.563
SAS3 0.750 0.639
SAS1 0.655 0.496
SAS4 0.641 0.549
SAS2 0.608 0.445
SAS5 0.490 0.569 0.572
SAS19 0.320 0.687 0.592
SAS20 0.664 0.532
SAS18 0.598 0.476
Figure 1: Social media usage in medical students of Delhi Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis
(n = 424). *Mean number of days accessed in a typical week Rotation method: Varimax with Kaiser normalization

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Basu, et al.: Addiction to social media in medical students

tolerance) and 11, 15, 16 (impaired control) [Table 2]. spent on social media also correlated with higher addiction
Older students compared to their junior counterparts scores. The evaluation of item‑responses of the SMAQ
were significantly more likely to agree that “life would revealed that a majority of participants were unable to
be less interesting,” “they could not imagine living” reduce their time spent on social media despite wanting
and “felt unhappy and annoyed when not connected” to do so signifying the presence of tolerance and impaired
to social media. The students with poor quality sleep control.
were also significantly more likely to agree regarding the
harmful consequences of social media use compared to Although it is well‑established that school‑going adolescents
good sleepers [Table 3]. The average time spent on social are at high risk of social media addiction,[10] in the present
media showed a moderate correlation with the SMAQ study, college‑going adolescents reported less likelihood
score (r = 0.4, P < 0.001). of addiction‑like behavior compared to their senior

Association with sleep quality

The mean (SD) global PSQI score was 5.66 (2.6). We classified
276 (65.1%) participants as having a good sleep (PSQI ≤6)
and 148  (34.9) as having a poor sleep  (PSQI  ≥7). The
mean SMAQ score was significantly higher in the students
reporting poor sleep compared to those showing good
sleep quality [Table 4].


The exponential increase in social media users globally

intensifies the need for its measurement, which is particularly
challenging in the absence of validated instruments.[23] We
found the 20‑item SMAQ displayed acceptable psychometric
properties for the assessment of self‑reported social media
addiction in young medical undergraduates. Social media
addiction scores were significantly higher in poor sleepers Figure 2: Scree plot of a 4-component social media addiction
compared to good sleepers. Furthermore, increased time questionnaire

Table 2: Distribution of responses to the social media addiction questionnaire in medical students (n=424)
Item Question Corrected item‑total Cronbach’s alpha Mean
correlation if items deleted (SD)
1 Check my social media notifications as soon as I receive them 0.493 0.873 3.7 (1.6)
2 Check my social media notifications right after waking up from sleep 0.438 0.875 3.8 (1.8)
3 Check my phone for social media notifications even during classes 0.456 0.874 3.2 (1.7)
4 Constantly check my phone so as not to miss out on social media updates from groups/those I 0.554 0.871 2.8 (1.6)
5 Cannot imagine living without social media 0.510 0.872 2.7 (1.6)
6 Prefer spending time on social media when alone 0.526 0.872 3.8 (1.6
7 Feel life will be very less interesting without social media 0.457 0.874 3.1 (1.5)
8 Prefer communication with friends and family through social media 0.306 0.879 3.0 (1.6)
9 Feel my online friends on social media are more interesting and captivating than those offline 0.406 0.876 1.9 (1.2)
10 Feel my online personality in the world of social media to be more popular compared to that 0.432 0.875 2.2 (1.4)
11 Often think that I should shorten my time spent on social media 0.414 0.876 4.2 (1.5)
12 Feel that I am increasingly spending more and more time on social media 0.563 0.871 3.6 (1.6)
13 Feel unhappy and annoyed when not connected to social media 0.589 0.870 2.6 (1.4)
14 Feel anxious and stressed on getting less than expected likes for a social media post like a 0.495 0.873 2.1 (1.4)
picture or video
15 Feel that my academic performance and productively suffers due to excessive social media usage 0.548 0.871 3.3 (1.7)
16 Feel that I am wasting my time on social media 0.519 0.872 3.9 (1.6)
17 Feel tired and lack adequate sleep from excessive social media use 0.535 0.871 3.0 (1.7)
18 See social media as an escape from the real world 0.483 0.873 3.0 (1.7)
19 Compulsively check for social media notifications even in places where it is dangerous to do so 0.488 0.873 2.0 (1.4)
like driving or crossing the street
20 Reading other people’s posts on social media makes me envious and feel that I am missing out 0.466 0.874 2.6 (1.6)
on things

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Basu, et al.: Addiction to social media in medical students

Table 3: Item agreement on the social media addiction questionnaire and association with age, gender, and sleep
quality among medical students (n=424)
Item Agree Gender Age (years) Sleep quality
number Male (n=264) Female (n=160) 18‑19 (n=187) ≥20 (n=237) Good (n=276) Poor (n=148)
1 249 (58.7) 157 (59.5) 91 (56.9) 106 (56.7) 143 (60.4) 157 (56.9) 92 (62.1)
2 262 (61.8) 166 (62.9) 95 (59.4) 108 (57.8) 154 (65) 170 (61.6) 92 (62.1)
3 197 (46.5) 120 (45.5) 77 (48.1) 83 (44.4) 114 (48.1) 125 (45.3) 72 (48.5)
4 152 (35.8) 100 (37.9) 52 (32.5) 60 (32.1) 92 (38.8) 101 (36.6) 51 (34.5)
5 133 (31.4) 85 (32.2) 48 (30) 49 (26.2) 84* (35.5) 76 (27.5) 57 (38.5)
6 254 (60) 155 (58.7) 98 (61.2) 112 (59.9) 142 (59.9) 159 (57.6) 85 (57.4)
7 184 (43.4) 118 (44.7) 66 (41.2) 68 (36.4) 116* (48.9) 104 (37.7) 80* (54)
8 162 (38.2) 106 (40.1) 56 (35) 71 (38) 91 (38.4) 102 (37) 60 (40.5)
9 48 (11.3) 31 (11.7) 17 (10.6) 18 (9.6) 30 (12.6) 26 (9.4) 22 (14.9)
10 83 (19.6) 54 (20.4) 29 (18.1) 36 (19.2) 47 (19.8) 45 (16.3) 38* (25.7)
11 304 (71.7) 181 (68.6) 122 (76.2) 127 (68) 177 (74.7) 190 (68.8) 114 (77)
12 230 (54.2) 144 (54.5) 85 (53.1) 96 (51.3) 134 (56.5) 143 (51.8) 87 (58.8)
13 110 (25.9) 73 (27.6) 37 (23.1) 37 (19.8) 73* (30.8) 68 (24.6) 42 (28.4)
14 88 (20.7) 57 (21.6) 31 (19.4) 33 (17.6) 55 (23.2) 54 (19.5) 34 (23)
15 197 (46.5) 120 (45.4) 77 (48.1) 84 (45) 113 (47.7) 113 (40.9) 84* (56.7)
16 260 (61.3) 162 (61.4) 98 (23.1) 115 (61.5) 145 (61.2) 152 (55) 108* (73)
17 172 (40.5) 102 (38.6) 70 (16.5) 78 (41.7) 94 (39.7) 98 (35.5) 74* (50)
18 164 (38.7) 102 (38.6) 62 (38.7) 72 (38.5) 92 (38.8) 91 (32.3) 73* (49.3)
19 73 (17.2) 49 (18.6) 24 (15) 28 (15) 45 (19) 40 (14.5) 33* (22.3)
20 133 (31.3) 81 (30.7) 52 (32.5) 53 (28.3) 80 (33.7) 78 (28.3) 55 (37.2)
*Statistically significant

Table 4: Construct validity of the social media addiction previously linked to diminished academic performance.[7,24]
questionnaire in medical students (n=424) In this study, nearly half (46.5%) of the students were in
Variable Total SMAQ score Mean Difference between P agreement with the view that excessive social media use
(n=424) (SD) 60.9 (17.5) means, 95% CI was negatively affecting their academic performance.
Age (years) However, another study in Eastern India reported a majority
18-19 187 (44.1) 58.8 (16.1) 3.7 (0.35-7.05) 0.028 of medical students having a positive perception of social
≥20 237 (55.9) 62.5 (18.4)
media impact on their academic performance.[25]
Male 264 (62.3) 60.9 (17.5) 0.07 (−3.4-3.5) 0.968
Female 160 (37.7) 60.9 (17.6) Finally, most participants did not agree that social media
Sleep quality diminished their interpersonal relationships, promoted
Good 276 (65.1) 59 (17.7) 5.3 (1.8-8.8) 0.003 narcissism, or impacted their self‑esteem, in contradiction
Poor 148 (34.9) 64.3 (16.7)
to a study in Norway,[11] suggesting significant cross‑cultural
CI – Confidence interval; SMAQ – Social media addiction questionnaire;
SD – Standard deviation differences in the long‑term influence of social media on an
individual’s personality.
counterparts reiterating the persistent addiction potential
of the technology among youth. In conclusion, self‑reported social media overuse leading
to addiction‑like symptoms was reported by a large
In this study, gender was not associated with the potential proportion of medical undergraduates when assessed
for social media addiction in contradiction to a previous with a self‑designed SMAQ. Despite the lack of compelling
study conducted in India that found male gender to be evidence for recognizing social media addiction as a
a risk factor.[13] However, another large‑scale study in disorder,[23] we found it was significantly associated with
Norway found women to be predisposed to a higher risk objective parameters like poor sleep quality.
of addiction to activities on social media[11] indicating
nonavailability of any definite evidence in studies limited by There are certain limitations to the study. In the absence
the cross‑sectional design. of an objective or gold standard for the measurement of
social media addiction,[26] we could not determine a cutoff
The study revealed that one in three medical undergraduates point for distinguishing addiction and lack of addiction.
experienced poor sleep, with bad sleepers more likely Moreover, as the collected data were self‑reported, it is
to report excessive social media use compared to good likely to be influenced by the social desirability bias. The
sleepers. This corroborates the evidence from previous test–retest reliability analysis was also not performed. The
studies, which also found worsening sleep with increasing cross‑sectional study design precluded the identification
duration of social media use.[7] Poor sleep has been of any potential causality between addiction and adverse

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