Biological Mediators For Periodontal Regeneration

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Periodontology 2000, Voi.

19, 1999, 40-58 C o p y r i g h t 0 M u n k s g a a r d 1999

Pririted ill Dennzark All rights reserved
ISSN 0906-6713

Biological mediators for

periodontal regeneration

Successful periodontal reconstruction comprises re- a different cell type. These factors may control the
generation of multiple tissues including cementum, growth of cells and hence the number of cells avail-
periodontal ligament, bone and gingiva. The pro- able to produce a tissue. In addition, they may con-
duction or regeneration of any tissue type is a com- trol the metabolism of a particular cell type: for ex-
plex biological process in itself, requiring intricately ample, the rate of production of an extracellular ma-
regulated interactions between cells, locally acting trix component such as collagen. Differentiation
growth factors, systemic hormones and growth fac- factors control the phenotypic state of cells, causing
tors, and the extracellular matrix components in precursor cells to become fully functional mature
which these entities interact (31-34, 106).In fact, the cells of a particular type, such as undifferentiated
identity of a particular tissue is defined by the bio- mesenchymal cells to become osteoblasts.
chemical nature of the extracellular matrix it con- Several growth factors, as single agents or in com-
tains as well as the phenotype of the cells within it binations, have been examined for their periodontal
positioned in a particular spatial relationship to one regenerative potential in animal models and in the
another and to neighboring tissue types. Regenera- clinic. Platelet-derived growth factor is a dimeric
tive therapies have generally been directed at pro- molecule; several subtypes exist consisting of homo-
duction of one tissue type of the periodontium. For dimers or heterodimers of the platelet-derived
example, as bone is required for successful regenera- growth factor-A and platelet-derived growth factor-B
tion, a variety of therapies (both biological and gene products (37, 102). While it was originally iden-
membrane types) have been directed at its regenera- tified in platelets, many cell types have subsequently
tion with the assumption that the appropriate pro- been determined to synthesize platelet-derived
duction of other required tissues will subsequently growth factor. Reciprocally, many different cell types,
occur. The key to tissue regeneration is stimulating particularly those of mesenchymal origin, respond to
a series of events and cascades at a point, which can platelet-derived growth factor. The primary effect of
result in the coordination, and completion of inte- platelet-derived growth factor is that of a mitogen,
grated tissue formation. Various biological ap- initiating cell division. In studies using fibroblastic
proaches to the promotion of periodontal regenera- cell types, platelet-derived growth factor has been
tion have been used. These can be divided into the characterized as a competence factor. A competence
use of growth and differentiation factors, application factor classically is a growth factor that makes a cell
of extracellular matrix proteins and attachment fac- competent for cell division; a progression factor such
tors and use of mediators of bone metabolism. as insulin-like growth factor-I or dexamethasone is
then necessary to induce mitosis. Thus, in some sys-
tems, there is synergy between growth factors of the
Growth and differentiation factors two groups. However, some cell types respond to
platelet-derived growth factor by division without
Growth factors are proteins that may act locally or the exogenous addition of other growth factors, per-
systemically to affect the growth and function of haps due to autocrine production and stimulation
cells in several ways (Table 1). They may act in an by progression factors. For example, osteoblasts pro-
autocrine fashion, where the cells that produce them liferate in response to platelet-derived growth factor
are also affected by them; or more commonly, in a without the addition of other growth factors (16, 20,
paracrine fashion, such that the production of a 35). Similar results have been found with isolated
growth factor by one cell type affects the function of periodontal ligament cells (70).

Biological mediators for periodontal regeneration

Table 1. Activities of growth factors

Fibroblast osteoblast Extracellular Mesenchymal cell
uroliferation uroliferation matrix svnthesis differentiation Vascularization
Platelet-derived growth factor +f ++ - - +a

Insulin growth factor + ++ ++ - -

Bone morphogenetic protein - +
- 2 ++ ++a

Transforming growth factor-B + or - + or - ++ ~


Fibroblast growth factor ++ ++ - - ++

++=greatly increased, +=increased, no effect or negative effect.
a=indirect effect

Insulin growth factor-I and insulin growth factor-I1 been used in several studies. The other two bone
are peptide growth factors with biochemical and morphogenetic proteins tested are both manufac-
functional similarities to insulin (25).As noted above, tured using recombinant DNA methods, yielding
they are mitogens, and in fibroblastic systems appear pure individual proteins. Recombinant human bone
to be progression factors. In bone cell systems, insulin morphogenetic protein-2 and recombinant human
growth factors stimulate both proliferation of pre-os- bone morphogenetic protein-7 (also called osteo-
teoblasts as well as the differentiation of osteoblasts, genic protein-1) are both synthesized using mam-
including type I collagen synthesis (3, 17).Thus, insu- malian cell expression systems. The cellular activities
lin growth factor increases both the number of cells of the recombinant proteins have been determined
synthesizing bone and the amount of extracellular in a number of cell systems, and the effects of re-
matrix deposited by each cell. The function of insulin combinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2
growth factors is regulated at one level by the pres- and recombinant human bone morphogenetic pro-
ence of a family of insulin growth factor-binding pro- tein-7 appear to be similar. While they are mitogenic
teins, which may either increase or inhibit insulin on some cell types such as rat calvarially derived
growth factor activity (84). Combinations of platelet- cells, their primary activity appears to be one of dif-
derived growth factor and insulin growth factor have ferentiation (79, 105). That is, they change the
been tested in periodontal systems (see below). This phenotype of mesenchymal precursor cells into
combination could potentiate the growth of the those of mature osteoblasts and/or chondroblasts. In
multiple tissue types including the periodontal liga- addition to these activities, bone morphogenetic
ment and gingival tissue by combining a competence proteins are chemotactic for some cell types of the
and progression factor; and, bone through its mito- osteoblastic lineage (47, 58). In terms of their activity
genic effects on bone precursor cells. in vivo, extensive preclinical testing has documented
Bone morphogenetic proteins constitute a large the ability of these bone morphogenetic proteins to
family of regulatory factors. Originally discovered induce bone in a wide range of anatomic locations
based on their presence in bone-inductive extracts (57, 106). The bone morphogenetic proteins are the
of bone, they are now known to have pivotal roles in only known factors which are capable of inducing
patterning of the embryo as well as functions in the bone formation at extraskeletal sites, apparently
adult animal (44). While the bone-inductive activity causing differentiation of cells derived from the soft
of bone matrix has been widely recognized (96), it tissue into bone-producing cells (74). This activity
was not until extensive purification from bovine makes bone morphogenetic proteins an obvious
bone (92) and subsequent molecular cloning (18, 71, candidate for regeneration of alveolar bone. In ad-
107), that it became clear what the proteins respon- dition, the bone morphogenetic proteins are re-
sible for this activity were (98). Several bone mor- quired for the embryonic development of the skel-
phogenetic protein molecules and preparations have eton and teeth as well as many other organ and
been tested as outlined below in preclinical models tissue types. Thus they may also have direct effects
of periodontal regeneration. Preparations derived in the adult on regeneration of other aspects of peri-
from bovine or human bone, which contains a com- odontal tissue formation. In fact, bone morphogen-
plex mixture of bone morphogenetic protein mol- etic proteins have been shown to affect the pheno-
ecules and possibly other factors and proteins, have typic expression of periodontal ligament cells.

Cocliran & Woznev

Several other growth factors may have potential adhere and how they function. Amelogenins are a
for the regeneration of periodontal tissues. One of family of extracellular matrix proteins that regulate
these is transforming growth factor-p. Transforming the initiation and growth of hydroxyapatite crystals
growth factor-p is a multifunctional growth factor during mineralization of the enamel. The expec-
structurally related to the bone morphogenetic pro- tation is that this material will direct the formation
teins, but functionally quite different (65, 90). It is of cementum, based on the circumstantial evi-
synthesized by many cell types, and effects the func- dence that, during embryonic development, these
tion of almost every tissue cell type examined. Gen- enamel proteins are involved in the formation of
erally, it increases matrix production and leads to an dentin (88). The formation of dentin is dependent
increase in fibrosis. As one of the major growth fac- on a matrix-cell interaction, and in vitro studies
tors present in bone matrix, its effects on bone cells have demonstrated that mesenchymal cells of the
have been studied in detail (9, 19). Transforming dental follicle develop a hard tissue matrix be-
growth factor-p has been shown to be chemotactic lieved to be cementum when exposed to enamel
for bone cells, and may increase or decrease their matrix proteins (38). An acidic extract of enamel
proliferation, depending on the differentiation state (enamel matrix derivative) is being evaluated for
of the cells, culture conditions, and concentration of clinical use (27). The expected primary effect of
transforming growth factor- p applied. In most enamel matrix derivative is generation of ce-
studies, it increases the differentiated function of os- mentum; however, it has also been shown that ex-
teoblasts and osteoblast precursors; for example, in- posure of periodontal ligament cells to enamel ma-
creases in extracellular matrix formation such as trix derivative results in increased cell proliferation,
type I collagen have been observed. In vivo, it pro- total protein synthesis, and numbers of mineral-
duces new cartilage and/or bone if injected in prox- ized nodules formed (28). While amelogenins com-
imity to bone; however, it does not induce new bone prise a majority of the protein in enamel matrix
formation when implanted away from a bony site (4, derivative, it is likely that this extract contains ad-
5, 52, 69, 75). In spite of its effects on augmentation ditional growth regulatory molecules, as other
of soft and hard tissue types, no positive data have growth factors including bone morphogenetic pro-
been reported on in viuo healing in a periodontal teins, have been found within tooth matrix.
setting. Fibronectin is a large glycoprotein present in
Fibroblast growth factors are members of a family serum and produced by a wide variety of cell types
of at least nine related gene products (48). Named (14). Its major function is to aid in the attachment
for its general growth-promoting effects on most of cells to the extracellular matrix, and it thus
fibroblastic cell types, it also stimulates angiogen- plays a pivotal role in tissue regeneration and
esis, wound healing and cell migration. Studies on wound healing. Most tissue cell types require the
the effects of fibroblast growth factor on individual presence of an extracellular matrix for fully differ-
cell types have shown that it can stimulate endo- entiated function, and fibronectin is one molecule
thelial cell and periodontal ligament cell migration that has been shown to assist in this cell-matrix
and proliferation (92, 95). It also stimulates bone cell interaction. In periodontal healing, the application
replication, but under some conditions can inhibit of fibronectin has been coupled with surface de-
matrix synthesis by bone cells. In vivq fibroblast mineralization of the root. The rationale is that de-
growth factor has been shown to increase bone for- mineralization will expose collagen fibers within
mation, and accelerate the rate of fracture repair (2, the root surface, and fibronectin will facilitate in-
51). Some of these effects may be mediated through teraction of the gingival fibroblasts and the tooth.
increases in transforming growth factor-p produc- In this manner, connective tissue attachment may
tion. Again, in spite of the presence of a biologic be increased. In support of this, in vitro studies
rationale for the use of this growth factor in peri- have demonstrated the ability of fibronectin to in-
odontal repair, positive in uivo data are not available. crease the attachment and proliferation of fibro-
blasts to dentin explants, while decreasing epi-
thelial cell attachment (91, 93). Once again, this
Extracellular matrix proteins and therapy is directed at one aspect of periodontal re-
attachment factors generation; the belief here is that augmentation of
connective tissue attachment will also lead to in-
A variety of proteins and other extracellular matrix creases in periodontal ligament and bone forma-
components control where cells migrate, how they tion.

Bioloaical mediators for aeriodontal reaeneration

Mediators of bone metabolism synergistically increases the differentiation of osteo-

blastic cells and hence the formation of bone tissue.
Several other agents which affect the growth of bone Thus experiments on the effect of glucocorticoids on
have been used, either as single agents or in combi- bone in vitro reveal both anabolic and catabolic ef-
nation with one of the growth factors described fects, depending on the concentrations used and the
above, to augment periodontal regeneration. Prosta- differentiation state of the cells. Generally, glucocort-
glandins and other eicosanoids have multiple roles icoids enhance differentiation of osteoblastic precur-
in bone metabolism, and the effects of many growth sor cells. For example, bone nodule formation by cal-
factors and cytokines are dependent on the endo- varial cells and stromal cells is enhanced in the pres-
genous synthesis of prostaglandins (53, 73). For ex- ence of glucocorticoids, and can synergize with the
ample, interleukin-1 and tumor necrosis factor-a differentiative effects of bone morphogenetic pro-
stimulate prostaglandin production by bone cells teins (7, 8). On the other hand, decreases in bone
and are believed to have a role in the bone loss after formation markers are observed in a number of or-
estrogen decrease (54). They are usually thought of gan culture systems (15, 21, 36).
as activators of bone resorption and are important
mediators of bone loss in periodontal disease, as
well as in rheumatoid arthritis. However, they also
have both positive and negative effects on bone for- Studies investigating the use of
mation. At the cellular level, prostaglandins are biological agents for periodontal
mitogenic for osteoblasts and stimulate differen- and alveolar bone regeneration
tiation, but may decrease matrix synthesis by differ-
entiated osteoblasts. Zn v i m studies have demon- As noted above, much excitement has been centered
strated that prostaglandins increase periosteal and on the use of proteins and molecules for regenera-
endosteal bone formation, suggesting the possibility tion of tissues around teeth, in edentulous areas of
of augmentation of the alveolar bone with this agent the alveolus, and in the maxillary sinus. Initial
(63, 64, 66, 67). attempts to regenerate oral tissues centered on re-
Glucocorticoids such as dexamethasone similarly generation of the periodontium and often included
have complex direct and indirect effects on bone membrane exclusion techniques or guided tissue re-
metabolism (59). Chronic glucocorticoid administra- generation. In sequence, similar approaches, termed
tion is known to result in bone loss, through a de- guided bone regeneration, were used for regenera-
pression of osteoblast function and an increase in tion of alveolar bone. This work helped focus thera-
the number of bone remodeling units. However, it peutic approaches to regenerating tissues at the
augments the activity of some growth factors and cellular and molecular levels. In the following, we

Table 2. Studies of biological mediators on periodontal regeneration (reference number)

Preclinical studies Clinical studies
Periodontal Implant Periodontal Implant
Platelet-derived growth factor + insulin growth factor 29, 30, 61, 62, 80 6,60 46
Platelet-derived growth factor + dexamethasone 81
Platelet-derived growth factor 22, 30, 72, 99
Insulin growth factor + fibroblast growth factor + 83
transforming growth factor-p
Transforming growth factor-0 104
Bone morphogenetic proteina 77 50, 82, 100, 101 10

Enamel matrix 39 43,109

aBone-derivedbone morphogenetic protein
bRecombinant bone morphogenetic protein-7 = recombinant OP- 1

Cochrari & Wozney

examine animal and human studies using proteins mates. Rutherford et al. (80) evaluated healing fol-
and molecules to regenerate oral tissues to include lowing surgical implantation of recombinant plate-
the rationale, the data, and the direction of the re- let-derived growth factor combined with insulin
search (Table 2). growth factor-I into ligature-induced periodontitis
defects in the cynomolgus monkey. Three animals
were treated with 3% methylcellulose and 5 pg of
Mitogenic polypeptides each growth factor. Plaque control was not per-
formed during the one-month healing interval. The
In 1989, Lynch et al. (62) reported that a combi- histological analysis showed regeneration of ap-
nation of purified platelet-derived growth factor and proximately half of the attachment including bone
recombinant insulin growth factor-I stimulated peri- formation in septa1 areas with horizontal bone loss.
odontal regeneration. One microgram of each factor The results support a concept that exogenously ap-
in a methylcellulose gel carrier was applied to the plied growth factors may stimulate residual tissues
root surfaces after full thickness flaps had been re- to regenerate cementum, periodontal ligament and
flected in three dogs with natural periodontitis de- bone. Because the half-life for release of the growth
fects. After a two-week healing interval, control sites factors from the carrier is rapid (within hours) and
(7 teeth) receiving the carrier alone exhibited a long since these factors are rapidly cleared or bound, the
junctional epithelial attachment without evidence of single dose application suggests that the mechanism
cementum or bone regeneration in the histological for regenerating tissues occurs via stimulation of a
evaluation. In the growth factor-treated sites (5 cascade of events that result in multiple tissue for-
teeth), new cementum and bone formation was ob- mation and integration.
served with the newly formed bone lined by osteo- In a subsequent study, Rutherford et al. (81) evalu-
blasts. The results suggest that growth factors that ated platelet-derived growth factor with dexametha-
had stimulated tissue formation in other models also sone in a collagen matrix carrier for periodontal re-
may stimulate tissue regeneration around teeth. Per- generation. A single application of the growth factors
haps one of the most striking observations was that was evaluated histologically following an one-month
tissue formation, including cementum and bone, oc- healing interval in the nonhuman primate model.
curred within a two-week interval. Two micrograms of recombinant platelet-derived
In a second report, Lynch et al. (61) described growth factor-BB and 2.3 ng of dexamethasone were
periodontal regeneration in 13 beagle dogs exhibit- combined with 1.5 mg of collagen matrix to treat
ing natural periodontitis defects treated with a com- each periodontal defect. Fivefold increases in ce-
bination of 3 pg of recombinant platelet-derived mentum and periodontal ligament were observed
growth factor-BB and insulin growth factor-I in a with seven-fold increases in bone formation.
methylcellulose gel carrier. Radio-labeled growth Giannobile et al. (29) compared regeneration fol-
factor was evaluated in four additional animals to lowing surgical implantation of recombinant plate-
determine clearance rate. The results indicate that let-derived growth factor-BB and insulin growth
both factors were cleared rapidly with 96% removed factor-I into canine natural periodontitis defects
by four days and essentially all removed by 14 days. and into nonhuman primate ligature-induced peri-
The half-life approximated four hours for platelet- odontitis defects. Significant regeneration versus
derived growth factor and three hours for insulin control occurred in both systems. Increased re-
growth factor. Increased bone metabolic labeling generation of the periodontal attachment occurred
was found at two and four weeks post-surgery in in the nonhuman primate compared to the canine
growth factor treated sites compared to control with model. In contrast, increased bone fill occurred in
five- to ten-fold increases in bone and cementum the canine model compared with that in nonhu-
regeneration in growth factor treated sites compared man primates. After one month of healing, 64%
to control at two and five weeks post-surgery. A peri- new attachment versus 34% in the control was
odontal ligament of appropriate dimensions was ob- found in the nonhuman primate, and 51% new
served. Ankylosis was not observed in the growth attachment versus 9% in the control occurring in
factor-treated sites. the canine model. Osseous defect fill amounted to
Following these first demonstrations of peri- 65% in the canine versus 22% in the nonhuman
odontal regeneration induced by growth factors in primate model. Bone maturation appeared similar
the dog, it was important to determine whether in both models. This report confirms earlier
similar results could be obtained in nonhuman pri- studies suggesting that platelet-derived growth fac-

Biological mediators for periodontal regeneration

tor-BB and insulin growth factor-I may stimulate killed at 5, 8 and 11 weeks post-surgery. Minima1
periodontal regeneration. amounts of regeneration were observed at five weeks
In a subsequent study, Giannobile et al. (30) post-surgery. At eight weeks, increased amounts of
examined the effect of surgical implantation of 10 bone and periodontal ligament were found in the
pg of recombinant platelet-derived growth factor- defects receiving platelet-derived growth factor-BB.
BB and insulin growth factor-I alone, and in com- Eighty percent of the furcation defect was filled with
bination, on periodontal regeneration in the non- new bone compared to 14% in the control. After 11
human primate model. The healing intervals were weeks, there was 87% fill in the growth factor-treated
one and three months. Control defects (carrier defects compared with 60% in the control.
alone) exhibited a 15% osseous defect fill and 27% A two-center clinical trial (FDA phase 1/11) was
new attachment at both healing intervals. Healing performed to evaluate the safety and efficacy of the
in insulin growth factor-I-treated defects was simi- recombinant platelet-derived growth factor-BB/re-
lar to that in the control. Defects treated with combinant insulin growth factor-I combination for
platelet-derived growth factor-BB exhibited 70% periodontal regeneration (46). In a split-mouth de-
new attachment at the three-month healing inter- sign, 38 patients with bilateral intrabony defects
val. The combination of platelet-derived growth were treated with 50 pg/ml of each factor or with 150
factor-BB/insulin growth factor-I resulted in 43% pg/ml of each factor. Controls included sham
osseous fill and 75% new attachment at three surgery or surgery with the carrier alone. Re-entry
months. It appears that insulin growth factor-I has surgery for treatment evaluation was performed at
no stimulatory effect on periodontal regeneration six to nine months post-surgery. Statistically signifi-
while platelet-derived growth factor-BB significant- cant increases in bone formation were observed with
ly stimulates regeneration similar to the combi- the high dose of growth factors but not with the low
nation of platelet-derived growth factor-BB and in- dose. Vertical bone height increased 2.1 mm versus
sulin growth factor-I. 0.8 for control with 42% defect fill compared to 19%
Wang et al. (99) used autoradiography to evaluate fill in control sites. In furcation defects, although
the cellular response to topical platelet-derived limited in numbers, 2.8 mm of horizontal defect fill
growth factor. Bilateral periodontal fenestration de- was observed. No safety issues were observed, in-
fects were surgically created in the posterior man- cluding immunological reactions. In conclusion, sur-
dible in six dogs. The 4 x 4 mm defects received gical implantation of recombinant platelet-derived
either a 10 pg/ml solution of platelet-derived growth growth factor-BB and recombinant insulin growth
factor-BB or saline (control) with or without pro- factor-I may support significant periodontal re-
visions for guided tissue regeneration using ex- generation in humans in a dose-dependent fashion.
panded polytetrafluoroethylene membranes. Two In other studies, Lynch et al. (60) evaluated bone
animals each were euthanised after receiving triti- formation at endosseous dental implants receiving
ated thymidine at one, three, and seven days post- the combination of platelet-derived growth factor
surgery. The results suggest that fibroblast prolifer- and insulin growth factor-I combination. Forty im-
ation was significantly enhanced in the presence of plants with apical holes containing either platelet-
exogenous platelet-derived growth factor-BB. This derived growth factor-BB and insulin growth factor-
enhancement also occurred in the presence or ab- I or carrier alone (control) were evaluated following
sence of guided tissue regeneration. No differences a 7- and 21-day healing interval in eight beagle dogs.
were found in proliferation rates in controls with or Significantly enhanced bone fill and bone-to-im-
without guided tissue regeneration. plant contact was observed in presence of growth
Cho et al. (22, 72) also evaluated the effect of im- factors compared with control at seven days. At 21
plantation of platelet-derived growth factor-BB with days, significantly increased amounts of new bone
guided tissue regeneration. Induced, chronic, were found around dental implants treated with
through-and-through, horizontal, mandibular pre- growth factors. No differences in bone fill or bone-
molar furcation defects in six beagle dogs were sub- to-implant contact between growth factor and con-
jected to reconstructive surgery including citric acid trol sites could be established at this observation in-
root conditioning, application of recombinant plate- terval, suggesting that the control sites had time to
let-derived growth factor-BB (5 pg) and guided tissue form bone in sufficient amounts. Thus, it appears
regeneration using expanded polytetrafluoroethy- that the combination of platelet-derived growth fac-
lene membranes. Control defects received the same tor and insulin growth factor-I accelerated bone for-
protocol without growth factor. Two dogs each were mation around endosseous dental implants.

Cocliran & Wozney -

A subsequent study evaluated platelet-derived histological observations of healing at 3, 7, 10 and

growth factor and insulin growth factor with guided 14 days post-surgery. The results demonstrated no
bone regeneration in fresh extraction sockets with differences in fibroblast and collagen density in de-
buccal dehiscences and endosseous dental implants fects treated with the growth factor combination
in four dogs (6).Histological analysis was performed compared with control. Bone regeneration was sig-
following a healing interval of 4.5 months. A two-fold nificantly greater and occurred more frequently in
increase in bone-to-implant contact, area of bone the control compared with growth factor-treated de-
adjacent to the implant, and in bone-to-implant fects, indicating that this growth factor combination
contact in the defect area compared to sites treated did not stimulate periodontal regeneration and, in
with guided bone regeneration alone was observed. fact, inhibited bone formation.
Bone density was enhanced in sites treated with the More recently, Wikesjo et al. (104) reported on the
growth factor combination compared to sites with- effect of transforming growth factor-pl combined
out growth factors. These results confirm the obser- with guided tissue regeneration in five beagle dogs.
vations above regarding bone stimulation at endos- In this study, 20 pg of recombinant transforming
seous dental implants. growth factor-pl in a calcium carbonate/starch car-
A question arises as to why this approach to peri- rier protected by an expanded polytetrafluoroethy-
odontal and alveolar regeneration is not being ag- lene membrane was compared with carrier plus
gressively pursued. Several possibilities exist. One guided tissue regeneration alone. Coronally placed
reason is resources. Many studies were funded with flaps reaching above the cemento-enamel junction
private investment dollars, and these sources may covered the supra-alveolar critical size defects. His-
have diminished over time. The reason for this is not tometric evaluation was performed following a one-
known but could be attributable to the fact that mar- month healing interval. Bone regeneration was
ket approval is a long and costly process for new limited to the most apical area of all defects. Simi-
therapeutic approaches and/or new directions for larly, cementum regeneration was not different in
investors to pursue. Another possibility is that, while growth factor compared with control defects and
periodontal regeneration occurs with exogenous was not significant in quantity. New bone area in
platelet-derived growth factor, the magnitude of the transforming growth factor-pl treated defects
response is not overwhelming compared to existing amounted to 1.8 mm2 versus 1.3 mm2 in controls.
therapies that the investment in optimizing this ap- The density of the newly formed bone as measured
proach with carrier molecules, delivery systems etc. by the ratio of bone-to-marrow area was 0.3 and 0.2
is not feasible. A further possibility is that although for growth factor and control defects, respectively.
theoretically platelet-derived growth factor makes The authors concluded based on the observations in
sense at the cellular level and can be shown to be this discriminating preclinical model that this ap-
effective in animal models, when used in humans proach for stimulating regeneration may have
with all inherent variables, the efficacy of exogenous limited clinical potential.
platelet-derived growth factor is either difficult to
discern, or the effect becomes less obvious due to
other factors in the environment. Whatever the rea- Differentiation polypeptides
son, this approach to periodontal regeneration is not
actively pursued. In 1991, Toriumi et al. (94) reported the significant
In other studies evaluating growth factors for peri- observation that a bone differentiation factor, re-
odontal regeneration, Selvig et al. (83) screened the combinant bone morphogenetic protein-2, may
effect of a insulin growth factor-II/basic fibroblast stimulate regeneration of 3-cm mandibular disconti-
growth factor/transforming growth factor-pl combi- nuity defects. In this canine model, the mandibles in
nation in four beagle dogs. Standardized fenestration 26 animals were stabilized with stainless steel recon-
defects were surgically created through the cortical struction plates. Three groups of animals received
bone into the dentin in mandibular and maxillary treatment including recombinant bone morphogen-
teeth. Collagen sponges loaded with 200 ng of insu- etic protein-2 in an inactive allogeneic bone matrix
lin growth factor-11, 20 ng of basic fibroblast growth carrier, inactive bone matrix alone (control), or
factor and 6 ng of transforming growth factor-pl served as sham-operated controls. The jaw segments
were implanted into randomly assigned defects with were evaluated three and six months post-surgery
contralateral defects receiving the carrier without using radiography, histology and biomechanical
growth factors. Surgeries were scheduled to allow testing. The reconstruction plates could be removed

Biological mediators for periodontal regeneration

after 2.5 months in animals receiving recombinant phogenetic protein-3 and demineralized bone ma-
bone morphogenetic protein-2, and the animals trix in a submerged environment resulted in signifi-
were returned to a solid diet. Stiff, noncompressible cant periodontal regeneration. Bone morphogenetic
bone formed across the defects in these animals. protein-3 and demineralized bone matrix and de-
Bone formation did not occur beyond the bound- mineralized bone matrix alone resulted in signifi-
aries of the defect and the borders between the re- cantly more new tissue formation than bone mor-
constructed segment and the natural bone on either phogenetic protein-3 and collagen matrix or the col-
side of the defect. Control animals exhibited mini- lagen matrix alone in both submerged and
mal bone formation and the defects remained un- nonsubmerged environments. No differences in
stable. These animals could not use a solid diet and tissue formation were found between bone morpho-
could not have the reconstruction plate removed. genetic protein-3 and collagen matrix or the collagen
Histologically, control defects were occupied by fi- matrix alone. A lymphocyte blastogenesis test was
brous scar tissue. This study demonstrates the po- performed at six months post-surgery to evaluate
tential of bone morphogenetic protein to regenerate any immune reaction to bone morphogenetic pro-
substantial amounts of bone (Fig. 1). tein-3. No interference was observed in this assay in
Also in 1991, Bowers et al. (10) reported that an patients treated with bone morphogenetic protein-
allogeneic bone morphogenetic protein preparation 3, and no cell-mediated immunity was noted.
in a freeze-dried, allogeneic, demineralized bone Rutherford et al. (82) used a partially purified pro-
matrix carrier significantly enhanced regeneration in tein fraction from bovine bone in combination with
human periodontal defects. Bone morphogenetic a collagen matrix to stimulate bone growth in mon-
protein-3 (osteogenin) was combined with either de- key extraction sites in the presence or absence of en-
mineralized bone matrix or a bovine tendon-derived dosseous dental implants. No surgical preparations
collagen matrix. Controls were either demineralized for the implants were performed and, as such, the
bone matrix or the collagen matrix alone. Both sub- lesions were not standardized between sites. In
merged and nonsubmerged wound closure tech- seven sites that could be evaluated new bone was
niques were used in the soft tissue management of observed within three weeks in close proximity to
the intrabony periodontal defects. Appropriate his- the implants in the treated sites compared to the
tological evaluation of block biopsies was performed nontreated sites. These results suggested that pro-
following a six-month healing interval. Bone mor- tein fractions containing bone morphogenetic pro-
tein might be useful in stimulating bone formation
around endosseous implants.
Wang et al. (50, 100, 101) confirmed the obser-
vations by Rutherford et al. (82) and suggested that
the rate of dental implant osseointegration may in-
crease in the presence of bone morphogenetic pro-
tein. In this study, purified bovine bone morphogen-
etic protein or bovine serum albumin (control) was
placed in a 2-mm hole at the apical end of 10-mm
endosseous dental implants. The implants were
placed into the edentulous premolar area in 15 dogs.
Histologic and scanning electron microscopy analy-
ses of block biopsies harvested from three animals
each at 1 , 2 , 4 , 8and 12 weeks post-surgery revealed
direct bone apposition after four weeks in sites
treated with bone morphogenetic protein, while fi-
brous connective tissue encapsulated the control
implants with new bone formation only at the mar-
Fig. 1. Osseous repair of mandibular defects using recom- gins of the implant preparation. After eight weeks
binant bone morphogenetic protein-2 in the canine criti- more mature bone was found surrounding implants
cal-sized segmental defect model of Toriumi et al. (94). treated with bone morphogenetic protein, whereas
A. Radiographic appearance of defect treated with buffer
and absorbable collagen sponge. B. Defect treated with the controls had a few areas of fibrous tissue remain-
recombinant bone morphogenetic protein-2 and ab- ing around the implants.
sorbable collagen sponge (12 weeks post-surgery). Ripamonti et al. (77) reported on periodontal re-

Cochran & Wozney

results are emerging using bone morphogenetic pro-

teins to stimulate regeneration, there is a need to
identify the origin of the cells that respond to bone
morphogenetic proteins more precisely, to under-
stand the role of each of the different bone morpho-
genetic proteins and their combinations and to
better understand delivery systems for the bone
morphogenetic proteins.
Ishikawa et al. (49) used recombinant bone mor-
phogenetic protein-2 to stimulate periodontal re-
generation in surgically induced three-wall intra-
bony defects in dogs. Recombinant bone morpho-
genetic protein-2 (0.2 mglml) in poly (D,L-lactide-co-
glycolide) microparticles mixed with autologous
blood was implanted into the intrabony defects.
Sham-operated defects served as control. Following
a one-month healing interval, both recombinant
bone morphogenetic protein-2 defects and control
demonstrated new bone and cementum with Shar-
pey’s fibers. The coronal extent of the newly formed
tissues was significantly greater in defects receiving
recombinant bone morphogenetic protein-2 com-
pared to control.
Periodontal regeneration following surgical im-
plantation of recombinant bone morphogenetic pro-
tein-2 has also been evaluated in the critical size, sup-
ra-alveolar periodontal defect model (86). This study
Fig. 2. Periodontal regeneration with recombinant bone used the same recombinant bone morphogenetic
momhogenetic ~rotein-2using canine SuDra-dveolar de- protein-2 delivery system as Ishikawa et al. (49).Con-
trols consisted of the carrier alone. Upon implan-
feet mozel (86): Buccal-lingual histological sections fol-
lowing implantation of buffer/carrier (left,A and C ) or re- tation of recombinant bone morphogenetic protein-2
combinant bone morphogenetic protein-2/carrier (right, (0.2 mg/ml), the gingival flaps were coronally ad-
B and D).
vanced and sutured to submerge the 5-mm mandibu-
lar premolar defects. The animals were killed at two
months post-surgery, and block biopsies were pro-
generation following surgical implantation of bone cessed for histometric analysis. The height of regener-
morphogenetic protein fractions obtained by ex- ated bone in recombinant bone morphogenetic pro-
tracting bovine demineralized bone matrix. These tein-2 sites averaged 3.5 mm compared with 0.8 mm
preparations consisted primarily of bone morpho- in the control (Fig.2). New bone area amounted to 8.4
genetic protein-2 and bone morphogenetic protein- and 0.4 mm2, respectively. Cementum regeneration
3. The study included 12 surgically induced furcation averaged 1.6 mm for recombinant bone morphogen-
defects (approximately 10-12 mm in a buccal-lingual etic protein-2 sites compared with 0.4 mm for the
direction) in three baboons. The bone morphogen- control. Substantial root resorption was observed in
etic protein preparations (250 pg) were combined control sites with small amounts observed in the sites
with insoluble collagenous bone matrix (150 mg), treated with recombinant bone morphogenetic pro-
which also served as control. Histological evaluation tein-2. Ankylosis was found occasionally but was lo-
was performed upon a two-month healing interval. calized and appeared unrelated to the bone morpho-
Significant amounts of new bone, periodontal liga- genetic protein treatment.
ment and cementum were observed in defects Subsequently, Sigurdsson et al. (87) evaluated re-
treated with bone morphogenetic protein compared combinant bone morphogenetic protein-2 with vari-
with control. In a review on bone morphogenetic ous carriers for periodontal regeneration. Canine de-
proteins and periodontal regeneration (78), Ripa- mineralized bone matrix, bovine deorganified crys-
monti & Reddi pointed out that, although promising talline bone matrix (Bio-Oss), an absorbable type I
Biological mediators .for periodontal regeneration

bovine collagen sponge, poly (D,L-lactide-co-gly- King et al. (55) used a rat fenestration defect to
colide) microparticles and polylactide acid granules evaluate periodontal wound healing stimulated by
(Drilac) were examined with a single concentration recombinant bone morphogenetic protein-2. An
of recombinant bone morphogenetic protein-2 (0.2 extraoral approach was used to create and treat the
mglml). The critical size, supra-alveolar periodontal defects avoiding any communication between the
defect model with transgingival tooth positioning at defect and the oral cavity. Buccal, acid-conditioned
wound closure was used. After a two-month healing defects on the molar roots were implanted with re-
interval, new bone regeneration was observed in all combinant bone morphogenetic protein-2 in a colla-
sites implanted with recombinant bone morphogen- gen gel carrier or carrier alone (control). Histometric
etic protein-2. Cementum regeneration and anky- evaluation was performed following a 10- and 38-
losis were observed and varied among carriers. The day healing period. Significant bone formation was
authors concluded that the quantity and the quality observed at ten days in recombinant bone morpho-
of recombinant bone morphogenetic protein-2 genetic protein-2 treated sites. New osteoblasts and
stimulated periodontal regeneration, in particular osteocytes were confirmed by immunostaining of
regeneration of alveolar bone, appeared to be sig- the histological sections. Twice as much cementum
nificantly affected by the specific carrier system. formation was observed in sites treated with recom-
Ripamonti et al. (76) evaluated cementogenesis binant bone morphogenetic protein-2 compared
following application of recombinant bone morpho- with control. At 38 days, complete healing was noted
genetic protein-7 to furcation defects in the baboon. in recombinant bone morphogenetic protein-2 and
Surgically created furcation defects in the first and control sites without any observable differences be-
second mandibular molars in three animals received tween the sites. The results indicate that recombin-
either 20 or 50 pg of recombinant bone morphogen- ant bone morphogenetic protein-2 accelerates bone
etic protein-7 in a bovine collagen matrix or the col- formation and selectively enhances cementum for-
lagen matrix alone (control). Histological analysis mation during early wound healing.
following a two-month healing period revealed new Nevins et al. (68) demonstrated that recombinant
cementum formation with both recombinant bone bone morphogenetic protein-2 stimulates bone
morphogenetic protein-7 dosages compared with growth in the maxillary sinus, a site where bone for-
control. Areas of a functionally oriented periodontal mation would not occur in absence of bone grafting.
ligament without bone formation were observed. Bilateral maxillary sinus floor elevation procedures
The authors suggested that the presence of exposed were performed in six adult goats. Each animal re-
dentin provides a substrate that serves to preferen- ceived recombinant bone morphogenetic protein-2
tially direct cementum formation. and absorbable collagen sponge containing 1.7 mg
Recently, Kinoshita et al. (56) reported on recom- of recombinant bone morphogenetic protein-2 or
binant bone morphogenetic protein-2 induced peri- buffer and absorbable collagen sponge (control) in
odontal regeneration to root surfaces with a history contralateral sites. Computerized tomography over
of dental plaque and calculus exposure. Ligature-in- three months revealed increasing radiopacity in sites
duced, circumferential periodontal defects approxi- receiving recombinant bone morphogenetic protein-
mating 50% of the root length in the mandibular pre- 2, with controls exhibiting unchanged or reduced
molar teeth in six beagle dogs received recombinant radiopacity. Significant amounts of new bone com-
bone morphogenetic protein-2 (0.4 mg/ml) in gela- pared with control were demonstrated histologically,
tin and polylactic acid polyglycolide acid copolymer with normal progression of the bone formation pro-
carrier or the carrier alone (control) in contralateral cess. Bone formation occurred rapidly, with detec-
defects. The histometric evaluation revealed signifi- tion in radiographs and histological specimens by
cantly more new bone and cementum with Sharpey’s one month. The implantation procedure and healing
fibers in defects treated with recombinant bone progressed without observable adverse effects or im-
morphogenetic protein-2 compared with control fol- mune response.
lowing a three-month healing interval. Root resorp- The effect of recombinant bone morphogenetic
tion was a rare finding. Ankylosis was not observed protein-2 on peri-implant bone formation was re-
in bone morphogenetic protein or control sites. The ported by Sigurdsson et al. (85). Endosseous 10-mm
results suggest that periodontal regeneration in- dental implants were placed 5 mm into the reduced
duced by recombinant bone morphogenetic protein- edentulous mandibular ridge, leaving 5 mm of the
2 may also occur at root surfaces with a history of implant in a supra-alveolar position. Then recom-
periodontal disease. binant bone morphogenetic protein-2 and ab-

Cochran & Wozney

defects received recombinant bone morphogenetic

protein-2 and absorbable collagen sponge (recom-
binant bone morphogenetic protein-2 at 0.4 mg/ml)
or absorbable collagen sponge with buffer (control)
in contralateral mandibular and maxillary defects.
Histological analysis was performed following a four-
month healing interval. The mean coronal extent of
new bone formation was 2.6 mm in sites treated with
recombinant bone morphogenetic protein-2 com-
pared with 0.8 mm in the control (Fig. 3). Mean
bone-to-implant contact within the defect area was
29% in the recombinant bone morphogenetic pro-
tein-2 sites compared with 4% for controls. Within
the area of new bone formation, bone-to-implant
Fig. 3. Histological analysis of peri-implantitis defect re- contact averaged 40% in bone stimulated with re-
pair in the monkey (41). Defects were treated with buffer
combinant bone morphogenetic protein-2 com-
and absorbable collagen sponge (A) or recombinant bone
morphogenetic protein-2 and absorbable collagen sponge pared with 9% for the control. Thus, recombinant
(B). bone morphogenetic protein-2 appears capable of
stimulating bone formation to support dental im-
plant re-osseointegration in advanced nonhuman
primate peri-implantitis defects exhibiting a micro-
sorbable collagen sponge (recombinant bone mor- biological profile similar to that of advanced human
phogenetic protein-2 at 0.4 mg/ml) or buffer and ab- periodontal disease and that of advanced human
sorbable collagen sponge (control) was implanted in peri-implantitis.
contralateral peri-implant defects. Histological and In a subsequent study, Hanisch et al. (42) showed
radiographic analyses were performed following a substantial bone augmentation of the maxillary si-
four-month healing interval. Sites treated with re- nus in the cynomolgus monkey, allowing placement
combinant bone morphogenetic protein-2 exhibited of endosseous dental implants. Recombinant bone
swelling within the first week of healing. Contra- morphogenetic protein-2 and absorbable collagen
lateral controls exhibited minimal swelling. Large sponge (recombinant bone morphogenetic protein-
variability was noted between the sites treated with 2 at 0.4 mg/ml) or buffer and absorbable collagen
recombinant bone morphogenetic protein-2. Inter- sponge was surgically implanted into the subantral
estingly, the authors reported that the extent of bone space in four animals. After three months of healing,
regeneration appeared to correlate with the extent dental implants were placed into the augmented su-
of post-surgery swelling. Density of the regenerated bantral space and anteriorly to the sinus (control
bone exhibited an inverse relationship with the placed in native bone). Histological analysis, follow-
amount of bone formation. The height of regener- ing another three months of healing, revealed sig-
ated bone averaged 4.2 mm for sites treated with re- nificantly greater bone height in recombinant bone
combinant bone morphogenetic protein-2 com- morphogenetic protein-2 treated sites compared
pared with 0.5 mm for the control. Average new bone with control (6.0 versus 2.6 mm, respectively). Bone
area amounted to 6.1 mm2 and 0.2 mm2, respec- density and bone-to-implant contact were similar in
tively. Bone-to-implant contact within regenerated recombinant bone morphogenetic protein-2 aug-
bone averaged 19% and 8% for recombinant bone mented, control sites and native bone surrounding
morphogenetic protein-2 and control sites, respec- the augmented sinus.
tively. Cochran et al. (23) examined bone regeneration
Hanisch et al. (41) were the first to demonstrate around endosseous dental implants following im-
dental implant re-osseointegration using a nonhu- plantation of recombinant bone morphogenetic pro-
man primate peri-implantitis model and surgical tein-2 with and without provisions for guided bone
implantation of recombinant bone morphogenetic regeneration in a dog model. Standardized, intra-
protein-2. Ligature-induced chronic peri-implantitis bony peri-implant defects were created around 96
lesions were created around hydroxyapatite-coated endosseous implants with a sandblasted, acid-
endosseous dental implants over 11 months in four etched titanium surface in the edentulous mandible.
rhesus monkeys (40). The advanced peri-implantitis Recombinant bone morphogenetic protein-2 and

Biological mediators for periodontal regeneration

absorbable collagen sponge or recombinant bone trafluoroethylene membranes. In these sites in-
morphogenetic protein-2 in the poly (w-lactide-co- creased bone formation was observed in the pres-
glycolide) microparticle carrier were placed into the ence of recombinant bone morphogenetic protein-
defects. Half these sites were additionally prepared 2 compared with the absence of recombinant bone
for guided bone regeneration using an expanded PO- morphogenetic protein-2. Furthermore, bone-to-im-
lytetrafluoroethylene membrane. Controls included plant contact was significantly enhanced along the
defects without recombinant bone morphogenetic titanium implant surfaces. Guided bone regenera-
protein-2 with or without guided bone regeneration. tion and non-guided bone regeneration sites ex-
Standardized radiography was used to assess bone hibited similar amounts of bone formation at three
regeneration following one and three months of months, while at one month the guided bone re-
healing. Peri-implant bone fill was determined by generation sites exhibited less bone formation. The
linear measurements on the radiographs and by histometric analysis demonstrates that recombinant
bone density changes using computer-assisted bone morphogenetic protein-2 may be used to
densitometric image analysis. At one month, non- stimulate bone growth both around and onto endos-
guided bone regeneration sites exhibited signifi- seous dental implants in clinically significant peri-
cantly enhanced bone regeneration compared with implant osseous defects.
the guided bone regeneration sites. At three months, Clinical trials have been initiated in the evaluation
sites treated with recombinant bone morphogenetic of recombinant bone morphogenetic protein-2.
protein-2 exhibited significantly enhanced bone re- These trials are required prior to Food and Drug Ad-
generation compared with control. Bone fill was ministration approval and practitioner availability.
most enhanced in sites treated with recombinant Once adequate data are accumulated to assure
bone morphogenetic protein-2 and guided bone re- safety and efficacy, the product is submitted to the
generation followed by sites treated with recombin- Food and Drug Administration for approval of com-
ant bone morphogenetic protein-2 alone. When con- mercial introduction. Boyne et al. (11) evaluated
trol sites were analyzed, guided bone regeneration maxillary sinus augmentation using recombinant
sites exhibited enhanced bone regeneration over bone morphogenetic protein-2 and absorbable col-
non-guided bone regeneration sites; however, both lagen sponge in 12 patients. Computerized tomo-
treatments exhibited less regeneration than sites re- graphy was used to assess the effect of the augmen-
ceiving recombinant bone morphogenetic protein- tation procedure over a four-month healing interval.
2. At three months, guided bone regeneration sites Eleven patients were available for the evaluation. All
exhibited greater bone density than non-guided 11 patients implanted with recombinant bone mor-
bone regeneration sites. When the carriers were phogenetic protein-2 had induced bone formation.
compared, greater bone density was observed with The average height of induced bone amounted to 8.5
use of the absorbable collagen sponge carrier. The mm. Histological analysis of bone cores removed at
results suggest that recombinant bone morphogen- dental implant placement revealed that the quality
etic protein-2 induced bone within peri-implant de- of bone appeared similar to that of the native bone.
fects is dependent on the healing interval, the carrier Clinical observations revealed no serious adverse re-
system employed and whether guided bone re- actions to the recombinant bone morphogenetic
generation was used. protein-2 and absorbable collagen sponge implant
Recently, Cochran et al. (24) reported the histo- including toxicity and significant immune reactions.
metric analyses from the peri-implant defect study This clinical trial suggests that recombinant bone
(23). Induced bone area, bone-to-implant contact in morphogenetic protein-2 may be used safely to
the defect area, and defect bone fill were deter- stimulate bone formation for maxillary sinus aug-
mined. Surgical implantation of recombinant bone mentation.
morphogenetic protein-2 resulted in significantly in- Clinical trials have also demonstrated the safety
creased induced bone area, bone-to-implant con- of recombinant bone morphogenetic protein-2 and
tact, and defect bone fill at one and three months absorbable collagen sponge when used for alveolar
post-surgery. New bone area was reduced in guided ridge augmentation or preservation (45). In a two-
bone regeneration sites at one month, though there center trial, 12 patients were treated with recombin-
was no significant difference between guided bone ant bone morphogenetic protein-2 and absorbable
regeneration and non-guided bone regeneration collagen sponge and were followed for four months.
sites at three months. In some specimens, new bone Patient safety was evaluated through a battery of oral
was observed coronal to the expanded polyte- and radiographic examinations, and collection of

Cockran & Woznev

blood samples to determine serum chemistries, modeling. At the highest doses of prostaglandin E l ,
hematology and potential antibody formation. Re- there was an observed increase in the mineral ap-
combinant bone morphogenetic protein-2 and ab- positional rate. These alterations in bone activity
sorbable collagen sponge was found to be well toler- suggested that the locally delivered prostaglandin El
ated locally and systemically without serious adverse increased bone production at the cellular level and
effects. Significant bone formation could not be es- also increased recruitment of osteoblast cells.
tablished following the ridge augmentation pro- In 1994, Marks & Miller (64) reported that, as a
cedure. However, extraction sites healed without en- result of adding locally delivered prostaglandin on
suing alveolar ridge reduction. These patients have the lateral mandibular surface 1.5 cm from the al-
been followed for three years without any observable veolar crest after gingival flap reflection, periodontal
complications from the alveolar ridge augmentation regeneration was stimulated around the teeth.
or preservation procedure. Taken together, the clin- Eleven beagle dogs were utilized; doses from 5 to 25
ical trials demonstrate that recombinant bone mor- mg of prostaglandin E, were delivered for three
phogenetic protein-2 may be used safely in patients. weeks, and the dogs were lulled a week later after
fluorochrome labeling. New bone, cementum and
periodontal ligament were observed that was histo-
Arachidonic acid metabolites logically indistinguishable from native periodontal
ligament. New attachment occurred in all 18 exper-
In 1988, Marks & Miller (63) reported on yet another imentally treated sites and in only one of seven con-
approach to stimulate oral and maxillofacial bone trol sites. This report indicated that, in addition to
formation. Prostaglandin El, at doses of 0.5 to 2.0 increasing alveolar bone width, locally delivered
mglweek, was infused adjacent to the mandible in prostaglandins can increase alveolar bone height
five beagle dogs using cannulated osmotic mini- and stimulate cementogenesis and periodontal liga-
pumps. Vehicle alone served as control. Fluor- ment formation around teeth. The new attachment
escence microscopy and microradiography following that formed was the result of local delivery at a site
five weeks of treatment indicated localized new bone remote from the periodontal defect and thus repre-
formation exhibiting normal lamellar structure and sents another possible strategy for the use of growth-
mineralization. promoting molecules in the oral cavity.
In other studies, Miller & Marks (66, 67) used os- The rationale for using prostaglandin E series for
motic minipumps and controlled-release pellets to bone stimulation comes from studies that demon-
present prostaglandin E, subperiosteally next to the strate that the systemic administration of these mol-
mandibular cortex. Dose-response curves were pro- ecules (26, 108) has measurable effects (stimulates
duced for both delivery systems. The osmotic pumps tissue formation) on the skeleton and can increase
released prostaglandin El for three weeks, and the bone mass in humans. Prostaglandins are the result
tissues were collected for examination one week of cyclo-oxygenation of precursors derived from ara-
later. Sustained release polymers were encapsulated chidonic acid. These compounds are ubiquitous and
with an absorbable gelatin sponge. Dose-related in- found in a variety of tissues. The effect of the prosta-
creases were found in areas of maximal response. glandins varies considerably from stimulating in-
Subperiosteal bone formation was greater with the flammation and bone resorption to the enhance-
use of minipumps. The response to prostaglandin El ment of bone formation. It appears that the specific
was dependent on the method of administration, result is dependent on a number of issues, including
dose and the proximity to the delivery device. The whether skeletal or local effects are being examined,
histological appearance of the newly formed bone the dose delivered and the model system used for
formed appeared to be dependent on the local evaluation. For example, early reports in the peri-
prostaglandin E, dose. In areas of high doses, pre- odontal literature focused on a model to evaluate
dominantly woven bone was found, whereas in areas bone resorption and the prostaglandins became
of lower amounts, there were greater quantities of known for their effects for stimulating bone resorp-
lamellar bone often surrounding a core of woven tion, as this was the effect this model system best
bone. In the areas of the most enhanced periosteal evaluated. Reports on the systemic effects of prosta-
activity, intracortical bone changes were noted in the glandins vary as well, ranging from effects on bone
native bone, with the changes varying depending on resorption to effects on bone formation depending
proximity to the prostaglandin E,. Most of the ob- on the factors noted above. It is not surprising, then,
served changes were a result of activated osseous re- that, as regards the oral cavity, that bone formation

Biological mediators for periodontal regeneration

as well as bone resorption might occur with these ences in pocket depth and clinical attachment levels
molecules. It appears that the addition of prosta- were slight, less than 1 mm. Thus, this treatment
glandin stimulates or accelerates the natural pro- modality remains of uncertain clinical benefit.
cesses of coupled bone resorption and formation Periodontal regeneration stimulated by enamel
and that, depending on a number of factors and matrix proteins has been suggested in a nonhuman
evaluation techniques, that one will find effects on primate buccal dehiscence model (39). Alveolar
bone resorption or formation. Therefore, a logical bone, periodontal ligament and cementum were re-
extension of these studies was to evaluate these moved from maxillary canines, premolars and first
compounds for the local stimulation of bone forma- molars. Different preparations of porcine enamel
tion in the oral cavity. It appears at this point, how- matrix with or without carrier were applied prior to
ever, that further work in this area for periodontal flap repositioning. Histological analysis was per-
regeneration is limited. A likely reason for this is the formed following a two-month healing interval. Re-
difficulty in controlling the precise response from generation including acellular cementum with colla-
the application of the molecules depending again on genous fibers connecting to new alveolar bone oc-
the local delivery system, carrier, dose etc. However, curred when either homogenized enamel matrix or
given that so many arachidonic acid metabolites an extract containing amelogenins was used. Prep-
exist, future investigations could focus on the appli- arations without amelogenin resulted in minimal ce-
cation of these other molecules, and their result may mentum and bone formation and was similar to the
prove effective and worthy of pursuit. results in the control sites. Of three different carriers
examined, only propylene glycol alginate combined
with fractions containing amelogenin resulted in sig-
nificant periodontal regeneration. The results of
Extracellular matrix proteins and these experiments suggest that a cell-matrix interac-
attachment factors tion is permissive for tissue formation around teeth.
In this study, amelogenin containing protein prep-
Fibronectin, applied in conjunction with citric acid arations as a matrix isolated from developing tooth
demineralization of the root surface, has been dem- enamel was combined with undifferentiated mes-
onstrated to increase the level of connective tissue enchymal cells in the periodontal ligament to allow
attachment in a canine model (12). In this study for tissue formation.
using two beagle dogs with natural periodontal dis- The clinical use of enamel matrix derivative has
ease defects, attachment levels were increased by been shown to be safe, also after multiple appli-
approximately 2 mm compared with flap surgery cations (109). A total of 107 patients requiring peri-
alone. Similar results were obtained in a subsequent odontal surgery received the enamel matrix protein
study using six dogs (89). Three different concen- at two separate intrabony defects adjacent to single-
trations of fibronectin were applied to surgically in- rooted teeth. Within two to six weeks following treat-
duced defects; no advantage was found to increasing ment of the first defect, the second defect received
the fibronectin concentration over plasma levels. surgery including application of enamel matrix pro-
Contrasting results were observed following root sur- teins. Thirty-three patients with similar periodontal
face demineralization and fibronectin application in defects served as surgical controls. Serum samples
supra-alveolar periodontal defects in a 14-dog study were analyzed for total and specific antibody levels.
by Wikesjo et al. (103). Animals receiving root sur- The results suggested that none of the antibody
face application of fibronectin exhibited significantly levels differed from baseline, demonstrating that the
less connective tissue attachment compared to con- immune potential is low to the enamel matrix pro-
trol. These results were confirmed in a human histo- teins. This is not particularly surprising, given the
logical case study by Alger et al. (1). In still another highly conserved amino acid sequence of enamel
human study, the clinical effect of placement of matrix proteins. Clinical and radiographic analysis at
fibronectin in periodontal defects following treat- eight months and after three years indicated a sig-
ment of the root surfaces with citric acid demin- nificant difference between protein-treated and non-
eralization was investigated (13). Groups treated treated teeth. The enamel matrix derivative treat-
with flap surgery alone, and flap surgery plus ment under these conditions resulted in a 2.5 to 3.0
fibronectin and citric acid treatment, showed attach- mm increase in clinical attachment and bone level.
ment level gains after one year. While there was a A multicenter randomized placebo-controlled
difference between the two treatments, the differ- clinical trial evaluated surgical implantation of en-

Cochran & Woznev

amel matrix derivative in 33 patients exhibiting 34 generation of oral tissues, only a small number are
paired intrabony periodontal defects (43). Inter- being pursued clinically. Many therapeutic regimens
proximal defects in the same jaw with a pocket have failed in preclinical testing or have resulted in
depth of greater than 6 mm and a radiographic de- limited regenerative capacity. The mitogenic poly-
fect of greater than 4 mm in depth and 2 mm in peptides that stimulate soft tissue growth (such as
width were used. The paired defects in each patient platelet-derived growth factor) and both hard and
received modified Widman flap surgery, one of the soft tissue growth (such as transforming growth fac-
defects additionally received application of enamel tor+) appear to have not led to successful enough
matrix derivative. Clinical attachment and radio- outcomes to facilitate further work towards regula-
graphic changes were evaluated following an 8-, 16- tory approval. The demonstrated ability of bone
and 36-month healing interval. Clinical attachment morphogenetic proteins to generate substantial
gain in defects treated with enamel matrix derivative quantities of bone suggest many applications in the
was significantly greater than in the control aver- oral cavity where this is the only tissue desired. An-
aging 2.2 and 1.7 mm, respectively at 36 months other therapeutic candidate is enamel matrix deriva-
post-surgery. Radiographic bone gain at 36 months tive, a set of matrix proteins. Enamel matrix deriva-
post-surgery was 2.6 mm for defects treated with en- tive appears to stimulate first acellular cementum
amel matrix derivative, whereas the controls mini- formation, which may allow for functional peri-
mally differed from baseline values. No adverse ef- odontal ligament formation. It will be of interest in
fects of the treatment were noted. The results sug- the future to determine whether the protein matrix
gest that topical application of enamel matrix contains classic mitogenic or differentiation factors
derivative during periodontal surgery may result in as well as the amelogenins. It is also evident that the
a significant gain in clinical attachment and radio- bone morphogenetic proteins permit periodontal
graphic bone fill. ligament formation. The conditions for stimulating
predictable periodontal ligament tissues with bone
morphogenetic proteins however are not known. It
Summary is clear that the bone morphogenetic proteins are
excellent molecules for stimulating oral bone forma-
A review of the literature on the use of growth-regu- tion. The results of all these studies will determine
latory molecules in the oral cavity permits a model the future therapeutic potential for these growth
in which to consider approaches to oral tissue engin- molecules such that they may be used to optimally
eering. These concepts apply to periodontal re- stimulate and direct specific points along tissue for-
generation and to regeneration of alveolar bone. In mation cascades.
either case, the formation of tissues is complex but
proceeds in a deliberate and orderly sequence. In
these sequence of events resulting in either bone or References
cementum formation, periodontal ligament and
bone can be stimulated at various points. Different 1. Alger FA, Solt CW, Vuddhakanok S, Miles K. The histologic
signals can apparently be used to stimulate tissue evaluation of new attachment in periodontally diseased
formation including mitogenic signals and differen- human roots treated with tetracycline-hydrochloride and
tiation factors. Additionally, both hard and soft tissue fibronectin. J Periodontol 1990: 61: 447-455.
2. Aspenberg E: Thorngren KG, Lohmander LS. Dose-de-
stimulatory molecules appear to be permissive. Clas- pendent stimulation of bone induction by basic fibroblast
sic receptor-mediate'd peptides or extracellular ma- growth factor in rats. Acta Orthop Scand 1991: 62: 481-
trix molecules for soft and hard tissues appear to 484.
allow stimulation of tissue formation cascades. Im- 3. Baylink DJ, Finkelman RD, Mohan S. Growth factors to
portantly, it also appears that the stimulatory event stimulate bone formation. J Bone Miner Res 1993: B(supp1
2): S5655S572.
is transitory (that is, short-lived) and leads itself to a 4. Beck LS, Ammann AJ, Aufdemorte TB, Deguzman L, Xu Y,
sequence of cellular events. These cellular events in Lee WE McFatridge LA, Chen TL. In uivo induction of
turn stimulate a number of subsequent events (such bone by recombinant human transforming growth factor
as chemotaxis, proliferation, differentiation or angio- p l . J Bone Miner Res 1991: 6: 961-968.
genesis), which lead to further progression of tissue 5. Beck LS, Deguzman L, Lee Wr: Xu Y,McFatridge LA, Gil-
lett NA, Amento EI! TGF-01 induces bone closure of skull
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