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Issue 35 | 1

Russell runs on stage during Funnel Hacking Live 2017

2 | Funnel University
By Mike Schauer, founder of Friday and Cyber Monday deals for the past two years.
In addition to these examples, I will throw in some other
Welcome back to your monthly references from 2018 funnels I saved. Although the examples
marketing class at the very you’ll see are from Black Friday and Cyber Monday, the
prestigious and highly-acclaimed, insights are applicable to any type of limited-time offer you
Funnel University. It’s the only college promote throughout the year.
in Idaho with a remote professor
from New Jersey.

By the way, did you know Russell used to go door-to-door

The Goal Of This Issue
in the Garden State as a Mormon missionary?! He totally
Next time you want to put together a special limited-
should’ve stuck around longer and honed his Jersey accent,
time offer for your audience, you’ll have a thorough
but I digress...
understanding of:

For those who have seen the last few issues of Funnel U,
• How you should structure them to meet your objectives
you may have noticed I’ve been doing the research and
and maximize sales.
commentary lately. Breaking down different examples of
• What not to do, so you’re not leaving money on the
marketing and copywriting is what I’m most known for and
table or jeopardizing your reputation.
what I do full force at my site
• What your options are so you can be creative with your
offers and not present the same thing over and over again.
Russell was so impressed with my dissections that he
basically handed me the mic and said rock the stage. Since
then, it’s been a true pleasure getting to know more of you
and I hope you’ve been enjoying the issues as well as my
3 Years Of ClickFunnels Black
content on! Friday/Cyber Monday Funnels
I didn’t tell Russell this, but this month we’re going to dig Every year, Russell and Clickfunnels has one big target for
into some ClickFunnels history and unearth the secret Black Friday and Cyber Monday...
marketing strategies Russell uses for limited-time sales like
during Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Sell more tickets to Funnel Hacking Live.

Luckily, I’ve been on the ClickFunnels mailing list since 2016 Each year, a new bonus or entry-level item is included to
and rarely delete my emails, so I was able to dig into the switch things up. However, the underlying intention is to get
crates for this issue. more people to the annual event.

We’re going to take a look at the last three years of Although I’ve never marketed a big event myself, I’ve closely
Russell’s Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals so you can observed several of my friends do it and it is no easy task.
see how they’re all related and structured with very specific Unlike products and services, events are advertised far in
goals in mind. advance and often promoted up until the last day (unless
sold out).
We’re also going to take a look at how popular marketing
expert, Ryan Levesque, used and structured the same Black With that said, it’s important to vary how you present your

Issue 35 | 3
offer so it doesn’t seem like the same pitch over and over With that in mind, now we’ll take a look at how ClickFunnels
again. Russell and the Clickfunnels team take advantage crafted Black Friday/Cyber Monday deals to drive ticket sales
of Black Friday and Cyber Monday (the only days people between 2016 and 2018.
EXPECT to be sold to) and use the hype to bring renewed
attention to the event.
What’s interesting about this year’s deal is that compared
to the previous two years, this was the most indirect of the For the first three Funnel Hacking Live events, Russell offered
bunch, in that it focused more on the free bonus versus the a 2-for-1 deal in addition to the single payer option.
actual event.
This is an excellent strategy to use when you want to
In a moment, I’ll get into the specific strategies used by maximize the amount of attendees at your event. If you have
Russell to craft these specific offers, but before we dive a big room to fill or are just starting out, this offer is definitely
into that, let’s start by taking a look at the history of Funnel worth considering.
Hacking Live offers.
Now that Funnel Hacking Live is well-publicized, delivers even
FHL 2015 more value and is apt to sell a significant amount of tickets
• Early Bird Pricing (e.g. repeat attendees), they no longer offer this option.
• Option #1: Single Ticket → $397 (normally $997)
• Option #2: Two Tickets → $597 (normally $1,497) However, this doesn’t mean it’s only for up-and-comers.
Tony Robbins uses the same offer structure for his uber-
FHL 2016 popular Unleash The Power Within event.
• Early Bird Pricing
• Option #1: Just Recordings of 2015 Event → $397 If you check out the chart, you’ll see how for the first
(normally $997) three options, there is a 2-for-1 option, which can also be
• Option #2: Single Ticket + 2015 Recordings → $697
(normally $1497)
• Option #3: Two Tickets + 2015 Recordings → $997
(normally $2497)

FHL 2017
• Early Bird Pricing
• Option #1: Single Ticket → $697
• Option #2: Two Tickets → $997

FHL 2018
• Early Bird Pricing
• Single Ticket → $997

FHL 2019
• Early Bird Pricing
• Single Ticket → $997

4 | Funnel University
Current Pricing Table for Tony Robbins’ Unleash the Power Within Event

Issue 35 | 5
promoted as “Buy One, Get One”. already existing deal appear more urgent and attractive.

Regardless, the offer is the same. The promotion consisted of six emails starting the Saturday
before Black Friday. All of them contain ClickFunnels success
The single ticket option has the 2-ticket price crossed off as if stories and fittingly, most of the examples include two or
that’s the “regular price”. This is key because below it, you list more people. You can see what that email campaign looked
that you can get two tickets at that regular price. like in the screenshots on the right.

If that crossed out price weren’t there, the 2-ticket option

would be significantly less attractive and the single ticket
option wouldn’t look like a discount.

Each email
In the first ever Funnel Hacking Live, Russell took this idea
up a notch and incorporated “Early Bird” pricing as well. This
continued the following two years.

a success
story and
Funnel Hacking Live 2016 Early Bird Offer
Remember, being the first event of its kind, it’s important to
hedge your bets and using early-bird + 2-for-1 is a clever way
to encourage purchases from the get go. that ticket
That way, you can aim to get an influx up-front and aren’t
pulling your hair out months later. prices will
So if ClickFunnels was already running a 2-for-1 offer, how
did they turn it into a Black Friday deal?

By enforcing a DEADLINE.
On Cyber Monday, the price would double, which made the

6 | Funnel University
2-for-1 Black Friday Email Campaign for Funnel Hacking Live 2016 Tickets

Issue 35 | 7
Now, before we transition to 2017, I want to show you So once again, you see this formula:
another example of an FHL limited-time offer promo, this
time from the first weekend of March 2016, 26 days before 1. Create an incentive (e.g. 2-for-1, free recordings,
FHL 2016. included bonuses).
2. Put a deadline on the incentive.
For the 2016 event, there was an additional incentive: FHL 3. Promote that deadline and use the power of urgency to
recordings. drive last-minute sales.

And just like with the 2-for-1 Black Friday deal, they advertised
a DEADLINE for the recordings (after Sunday, they go away). 2017
As I mentioned before, after the first two years, the 2-for-1
deal disappeared so that wasn’t going to be used in a
limited-time offer for the 2018 event.

However, as we saw earlier, a valuable asset ClickFunnels

can roll out as an incentive is their event recordings. And
because there were three events already in the books (2015,
2016, 2017), there’s a lot of material to offer.

What happened next was genius.

Russell devised an offer where you can get all three FHL
recordings on Friday with a ticket purchase, but each passing
Offer for Bonus Event Recordings day, a recording is removed from the offer. On Saturday,

Another example of using

an incentive with a
deadline to create urgency
for last-minute sales
8 | Funnel University
the 2015 recordings would be removed, on Sunday, 2016 So if you have multiple products that you can offer as
would be removed and after Monday, you couldn’t get any bonuses, this offer structure could be a winner, where you
recordings for free. take away something each day. Below are the emails sent
out about the offer. As a side note, notice how Russell loves
I thought this was brilliant because you have a heightened to use Facebook live to promote new offers. Because the
sense of urgency each day versus having the urgency creep ClickFunnels group is so big now, doing a Facebook live is
in primarily right before Cyber Monday. the equivalent of free advertising.

Funnel Hacking Live 2017 Special Offer Emails

Issue 35 | 9
If you’re a ClickFunnels email subscriber or in the Facebook
group, you probably saw this year’s Black Friday deal. I love
how Russell doesn’t repeat deals from previous years. He
always tries to switch it up.

And this year, he didn’t mention anything about recordings

or 2-for-1. Instead, he advertised a bonus product, valued
at $2,997 called Funnel Immersion, which is 80+ hours of
funnel training he did with his Inner Circle group.

This is the page you were driven to that was available from

is an upsell
or bonus
for several
Funnel Immersion Bonus Offer

10 | Funnel University
Black Friday to Cyber Monday and included a video shot
from Russell’s childhood home.

Now, you may be thinking, “Mike, I saw this already and get
what the deal is.”

However, I have a more interesting point to make versus just

discussing the offer itself.

You see, what’s so impressive to me is how much Russell has

utilized Funnel Immersion over the years, without making it
“publicly available”.

Did you know Funnel Immersion...

• Is an upsell in Russell’s Marketing In Your Car MP3 player

• Is an upsell in the Funnel Hackers Cookbook funnel?
• Is an upsell in the Funnel Graffiti funnel?
• Was used at the end of 2016 for a limited-time New
Years sale?

And that’s just what I discovered in my research for this


So the big takeaway is: have a “stealth” product (like Funnel

Immersion) that is only used for special sales, upsells and

This makes the product rare, more desirable and is an asset

for you to increase transaction value and encourage the
purchasing of other products. Funnel Immersion Offered as an Upsell

You can see an example of an upsell page for Funnel about price. On Wednesday, December 28th, it was $297. The
Immersion on the right. Note how it uses the same elements next day, $397 and the day after, $497.
as the Black Friday page: Facebook comments, similar
headline, video at the top. This is resourcefulness at its finest. Again, this is a great way to keep the urgency level high
since there’s new FOMO each day of the sale.
By the way, the 2016 3-day New Years Sale for Funnel
Immersion had an interesting offer structure, very similar Now let’s check out limited-time offers from another
to the 2017 Black Friday offer where each passing day, a marketer who uses a slightly different approach, but there
recording is removed from the offer. Except this time, it was are definite similarities.

Issue 35 | 11
Ryan Levesque’s Black Friday/ And from Monday morning to Monday evening he runs his
Cyber Monday deal.
Cyber Monday Deals (2017-2018)
Let’s start with the Cyber Monday deal because it involves
For the past two years, well-known marketer, Ryan Levesque, an asset also utilized by ClickFunnels and that is, event
has promoted the same exact Black Friday and Cyber recordings.
Monday offer. The page design and messaging is identical.
The only thing that changes is what’s included in the offer. Just like ClickFunnels holds FHL each year, Ryan Levesque
has an annual event called ASKLIVE! and he rarely mentions
In the email campaign, he sends you three emails each day, the recordings.
from Friday to Monday.
You can get the recordings with a special VIP ticket, but
From Friday to Sunday night, he runs his Black Friday deal. otherwise it’s seldom advertised.

For the Cyber Monday deal, he offers his latest event

recordings for $195, an 81% discount from the regular price.

Just like how I mentioned earlier, by keeping a product more

difficult to obtain throughout the year, you set up great
opportunities to use them as exciting upsells and flash sales.

On the left you’ll find the top part of the 2017 and 2018 Cyber
Monday sales pages. What comes after “Here’s Just A SAMPLE
Of What You’re About To Discover” is a list of the different
talks from the event along with bonuses you receive.

Ryan’s Black Friday Deal

The Black Friday deal uses an offer type that works wonders
for special limited-time sales and that is... BUNDLES.

If you’re not going to offer a deal that’s tied to another

purchase and you don’t want to just give a discount,
bundling is an excellent option.

Bundles work great for these reasons:

• Offering a unique combination of content/products

instantly makes it different from anything you’ve
offered before.
2017 and 2018 Cyber Monday Sales Page • You can include training that isn’t a full-on product.

12 | Funnel University
It could be just a single video or PDF. As long as it
provides value and isn’t freely available, you should
consider adding it.
• Because it’s a bundle, the perceived value will be high
and there’s nothing else they can compare the price to.
• With that said, the high perceived value will allow you to
charge more and still keep the customer happy.

Similar to the Cyber Monday sales page, the Black Friday

pages are the same from 2017 to 2018, except what’s
included is slightly different.

By the way, if you’re looking for another example of

bundling, personal development and real estate guru,
Dean Graziosi offered an “Accelerated Success Bundle”
Example Black Friday Sales Page containing four trainings/courses (plus a free ticket to his

Dean Graziosi’s “Accelerated Success Bundle”

Issue 35 | 13
annual event) for $497.

Ironically, Tai Lopez had the same exact Black Friday offer:
$497 for four courses, except he actively sells those courses
and doesn’t have an event to sell tickets for.

Ryan Levesque’s Black Friday Upsell #1

Tai Lopez’s Black Friday Offer

Last And Final Note

As you saw, Ryan Levesque sells a bundle for a Black Friday
and discounted event recordings for Cyber Monday.

However, if you go through the Black Friday funnel, he also

offers the event recordings as an upsell!

And as a second upsell, he offers another bundle! Every year,

he records a video detailing his “Top 10 Lessons Learned”. He
rarely offers these videos on the front-end, but they make for
excellent bonuses and upsells, just like with Russell’s Funnel
Immersion product. Ryan Levesque’s Black Friday Upsell #2

14 | Funnel University
time bonus each passing day (e.g. 3 day sale → 1st day
We Covered A Lot. Let’s Recap! - 3 bonuses, 2nd day - 2 bonuses, last day - 1 bonus OR
use it with price: 1st day: $297, 2nd Day: $397, 3rd day:
Next time you create your own weekend, Black Friday or any
limited-time sale, keep these tips in mind:

1. Instead of defaulting to the idea of promoting a discount

code, get creative with your offer, like in the examples we
Hope You Enjoyed The Issue :-) If So,
discussed. Promo codes are often best-suited for online I Have A Special Offer For You!
stores, but treat them as a last resort and try to craft
something exciting that doesn’t cheapen what you sell. If you like my research and analysis style, this is what I do
full-time inside my Insiders membership. Each month, I put
2. In this issue, we learned two types of offers that help out special reports and breakdowns that provide you with a
keep your transaction value high. cutting-edge understanding of how the 1% of marketers and
a. Bundling products into one package (high copywriters think.
perceived value)
b. Giving away a limited-time free bonus when you For instance, last month I put out a special report titled
buy something high-ticket (e.g. buy a ticket to my “Reverse-Engineering Stories That Sell” with over a dozen
event and get this course free) analyzed examples of sales pages that lead with a little-
known type of story that works like gangbusters. There are
3. If you’re selling tickets to an event, make the offer tons of breakdowns and lessons like this waiting inside the
include a ticket purchase (e.g. Dean Graziosi includes members area, amongst a slew of other bonuses.
a free ticket when you buy his $497 bundle and to get
Russell’s Funnel Immersion, you have to buy a ticket). And the most amazing part is, you don’t even need to pay
Having a 2-for-1 option also helps, especially for first- to check it out. Simply go to
time events. and get a free 2-week trial with a full sneak peek, including
20+ funnel dissections, many of which include full
4. If you have a bonus incentive for your event (free breakdowns of VSLs and webinars. Not to mention, an
recordings, 2-for-1) or any type of offering, put a inspiration hotline where we’ll research and send you
deadline on it and promote the last 48-72 hours. The examples to model based on your own specifications.
urgency will help nudge those who are on the fence.
I look forward to connecting more with you outside Funnel
5. Consider the takeaway offer approach that Russell U! Here’s my personal email ( if you have
sometimes uses where you subtract from the limited- any questions, comments or just want to say hi :-)

Issue 35 | 15
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