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A Service of Prayer

in the Celtic Tradition

the Second Week of Easter
(Various Sources Old and Modern)
For the Week of Sunday, April 11, 2021
Rev. Dr. Chris McMullen, Parish of Upper Kennebecasis
Call to Worship
Risen Christ,
you revealed yourself to Mary in the garden at dawn;
Reveal yourself to us in the dawnings of our lives.
You revealed yourself to the fisherfolk
as they toiled in vain at their work;
Reveal yourself to us in the long hours of our toil.
You revealed yourself to the walkers
as they welcomed you into their house;
Reveal yourself to us as we walk and make welcome our homes.
You revealed yourself to Thomas
when he felt the scars on your body;
Reveal yourself to us when we touch the scars of the world.
You revealed yourself to many as they met beneath the skies;
Reveal yourself to us in the wonder of your creation.
…May we look upon others with resurrection eyes,
serve others with your lightness of touch,
and know your well-being in the depths of our soul.
The Risen Christ be with us
to help us do all things well.
(Ray Simpson, Lindisfarne Liturgies for Christian Festivals.
Buxhall, Stowmarket, UK: Kevin Mayhew Ltd., 2015, pp. 103 f.)

Hymn of Praise
“Lord of the Dance”
I danced in the morning when the world was begun,
and I danced in the moon and the stars and the sun,
and I came down from heaven and I danced on the earth,
at Bethlehem I had my birth.

Refrain: Dance, then, wherever you may be,

I am the Lord of the Dance, said he,
and I'll lead you all, wherever you may be,
and I'll lead you all in the Dance, said he.
I danced for the scribe and the pharisee,
but they would not dance and they wouldn't follow me.
I danced for the fishermen, for James and John -
they came with me and the dance went on.
I danced on the Sabbath and I cured the lame;
the holy people said it was a shame.
they whipped and they stripped and they hung me on high,
and they left me there on a Cross to die.
I danced on a Friday when the sky turned black;
it's hard to dance with the devil on your back.
They buried my body and they thought I'd gone,
but I am the Dance, and I still go on.
They cut me down and I leapt up high;
I am the life that'll never, never die;
I'll live in you if you'll live in me -
I am the Lord of the Dance, said he.
Sydney Carter © 1963 by Stainer & Bell Ltd. (admin. by Hope Publishing Co.
Used by permission, CCLI # 3117248
Prayer of Approach
As the day dawns,
we rejoice that the Son is risen.
Christ, come to us.
Destroy the darkness of death,
Disperse the clouds of night,
Warm our hearts with your love,
Guide our travels with your light.
Let us walk with you,
As children of the day and not of the night.
In your light, this day, we shall see light.
We welcome you, giver of hope and life,
Conqueror of death and hell.
We rejoice in you
and in eternal life.
(David Adam, Music of the Heart: New Psalms in the Celtic Tradition.
London: SPCK, 2004, p. 148.)

Psalm 133
How wonderful, how beautiful,
when brothers and sisters get along!
It’s like costly anointing oil
flowing down head and beard,
Flowing down Aaron’s beard,
flowing down the collar of his priestly robes.
It’s like the dew on Mount Hermon
flowing down the slopes of Zion.
Yes, that’s where God commands the blessing,
ordains eternal life.
(Eugene H. Peterson, The Message, © 1998, 2002, 2018)
Prayer for Grace
Creator of the universe, from whom all things come,
to whom all things return,
give your people such unity of heart and mind,
that all the world may grow in the life of your eternal kingdom,
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
(Anglican Church of Canada, Book of Alternative Services. Toronto, 1985, p. 891.)

Scripture Lesson
Acts 4: 31-35
“A Prayer for Boldness is Answered”
Affirmation of Faith: “A Celtic Gloria”
The whole world is full of glory:
Here is the glory of created things,
the earth and the sky,
the sun and the moon,
the stars and the vast expanses:
Here is the fellowship with all that was created,
the air and the wind,
cloud and rain,
sunshine and snow:
All life like the bubbling of a flowing river
and the dark currents of the depths of the sea
is full of glory.

The white waves of the breath of peace

on the mountains,
and the light striding
in the distances of the sea.
The explosion of the dawn wood-pigeons
and the fire of the sunset doves,
sheep and cattle at their grazing,
the joy of countless creeping things
as they blossom,
spider and ant
of nimble disposition
proclaim the riches of goodness.
To curse life is to err.
The meadows and the yellow corn,
the slopes of the grape clusters,
the sweetness of the apple tree’s fruit:
The provision on the tray
of the warm comely seasons
a part of each hard beginning:
The discretion that insists on respect
for all our partners –
all the creatures of our day
and our life in the world for ever.
Every land, every language,
became bread and wine:
Every labour,
railway stations,
bus stops
at the beginning of journeys,
every aviation:
Every art
under its own fig tree –
the vision of a man and a maid.
Lest treating
the misunderstanding
between man and his world, becomes (St. Martin’s Cross – Iona UK)
a giving way to meaninglessness:

And perchance we shall see

the dancing in the halls of the atoms
and the meddling with their temperament
as an art of the soul.
The coal in the bowels of the vale,
the clear water of the valleys
and the energy of machines’ atmosphere:
The secret of fresh airs –
old meanings a cold well:
The delicate breeze
like the sun on the seagull’s belly
awakening wings.
All beneficiaries
(unless we spit the original terror of sin on it all)
resounded the Gloria of praise.
Euros Bowen, Detholion, Yr Academi Gymreig, 1984, tr. Cynthia and Saunders Davies

The Lord’s Prayer

Our Father in Heaven, Your name be hallowed ever;
Your Kingdom come; your will be done on earth.
Give us today, our bread for this day’s journey;
Forgive our sins; make us forgiving, too!
And lead us not into the trials of evil’s snares;
Deliver us; give aid against all foes;
For yours the Kingdom, power and all the glory,
For e’er and e’er, in Heaven and on earth!
(to the tune Londonderry Air [“O Danny Boy”]; Chris McMullen, 2020)

Prayers of Thanksgiving and Intercession

Holy and Everlasting God,
We give you thanks for the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ
from the dead:
In him light triumphs over darkness, life triumphs over death;
In him is our hope, and the promise of life eternal.
We pray for all who preach the gospel,
For all who seek to lead others to the Risen Lord,
For all who teach his forgiveness,
For all who have their hope set on eternal life;

That we all may rejoice in the power of the risen Lord.

Jesus, Risen Lord,
Open to us the gate of glory.
We look for the coming of peace on earth.
Lord, let us hear that voice which says “Peace be with you”
[John 20:19,21,26].
Let your peace grow in our communities.
Let your peace reach out into the whole world.
Jesus, Risen Lord,
Open to us the gate of glory.
As the risen Lord appeared in the upper room,
May he be known to be in our homes and among us.
Lord, destroy all that would lock us in or deny us freedom;
Enter our lives that we may live for you.
We pray for our loved ones…
Jesus, Risen Lord,
Open to us the gate of glory.
We think of all those who weep today,
Those newly separated from loved ones,
All who are caught up in sorrow and are heavy-hearted,
All who are distressed and over-wrought.
We remember all who mourn the loss of a loved one.
Lord, wipe away all tears from their eyes,
That they may see you and know life is eternal.
Jesus, Risen Lord,
Open to us the gate of glory.
We give you thanks and praise for the gift of eternal life.
We rejoice with your saints in glory,
And we pray for all our loved ones departed this life, that,
Free from sorrow and pain, they may be one with you
In your Kingdom.
Jesus, Risen Lord,
Open to us the gate of glory.
Blessed be the risen Lord;
he has broken from the tomb
and opens for us the gate of life eternal.
Blessed be the risen Lord:
he comes to his disciples;
where two or three are gathered together he is there.

Blessed be the risen Lord:

he comes from death with life,
he brings us light and joy and hope.
Blessed be the risen Lord:
Alleluia. Amen!
(Canon David Adam, Traces of Glory: Prayers for the Christian Year,
Year B [London: SPCK, 1999], pp. 62 ff.)
“Spirit of God Come Dwell Within Me” Celtic Hymn Book # 172
Spirit of God, come dwell within me.
Open my heart, oh, come set me free.
Fill me with love for Jesus, my Lord,
O fill me with living water.
Refrain: Jesus is living, Jesus is here.
Jesus, my Lord, come closer to me:
Jesus, our Saviour, dying for me,
and rising to save his people..
Lord, how I thirst, O Lord, I am weak;
Lord, come to me, you alone do I seek.
Lord, you are life and love and hope,
O fill me with living water.
Lord, I am blind, O Lord, I can’t see;
Stretch out your hand, O Lord, comfort me.
Lead me your way, in light and in truth,
O fill me with living water.
Helen Kennedy © 2005 Kevin Mayhew Ltd. Tune: “Mallaig Sprinkling Song”.
Used with permission CCLI # 3117248
The Benediction
The Father who sought us,
The Son who bought us,
The Spirit Holy who taught us,
Energize our waking,
Protect our walking,
Bless our working,
This day,
Every day,
And ‘till the Eternal Day. Amen!
(Adapted and expanded by C. McMullen from:

Four Highland Gaelic Prayers to “the Spirit of Power”

A Dhè mhòir nan gràs,
Bheir dhomhsa Spiorad làidir nam buadh,
…Bheir dhomhsa Spiorad neo-bhàsmhor bioth-bhuan,
…Bheir dhomhsa Spiorad gràdhach an Uain.
O great God of grace,
Give thou to me the strong Spirit of powers;
…Give thou to me the Spirit undying, everlasting;
…Give thou to me the loving Spirit of the Lamb.
(Alexander Carmichael, Carmina Gadelica: Hymns and Incantations
[1899, Reprint, Edinburgh: Floris Books, 1992, 2006], #348, pp. 314 f.)

Thus, Athair, tha caomh agus ceart,

Thus, a Mhic, thug air peacadh buaidh,
Thus, a Spioraid Naoimhe nam feart,
Da mo ghleidheadh an nochd o thruaigh,
An Triuir a dheanadh mo cheart
Mo ghleidheadh an nochd ’s gach uair.
Thou, Father, who art kind and just,
Thou, Son, who didst overcome death,
Thou, Holy Spirit of power,
Be keeping me this night from harm,
The Three who would justify me,
Keeping me this night and always.
(Carmina Gadelica, # 29, p.54)
Laigheam sios a nochd, le Trithinn mo neart,
Le Athair, le Iosa, le Spiorad nam feart.
I lie down tonight with the Triune of my strength,
With the Father, with Jesus, with the Spirit of might.
(Carmina Gadelica, # 30, p.54)
Thigeam an diugh ‘an t-Athair,
Thigeam an diugh ‘an Mhac,
Thigeam ‘an Spiorad neartor naomh;
Thigeam an diugh le Dia,
Thigeam an diugh le Chriosd.
Come I this day to the Father,
Come I this day to the Son,
Come I to the Holy Spirit powerful;
Come I this day with God,
Come I this day with Christ.
(Carmina Gadelica, # 27 p. 53)

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