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A Good Husband

Jieun Yoo

Assessing comprehension of the text

1. According to the writer, what are the qualities of a perfect husband?

As a closing statement, the writer concludes by saying that no one is perfect. Therefore, this
statement depicts that a perfect husband is nonexistent--- for as long as a person tries to be, the end
result will reward him to be a good person and a good husband. Moreover, qualities of a good
husband is relayed in the text as the writer mentions that he should possess characteristics of being a
friend who is respected by his wife while being sincere and committed to his married life.

2. How can a husband become his wife’s best friend?

In order for a husband to become his wife’s best friend, he should recognize the flaws and
accept his wife for who she truly is as an individual. A friend is someone to rely on, someone who
gives a sense of belongingness when the whole world shuts you down, a friend is a part of one’s soul.
Due to this, mutual understanding is created, as said on the text, a husband must respect his wife’s
privacy as well as provide regards to the sense of values, emotions, thoughts, and desires stems from
how they treat each other as best friends.

3. In what ways do husband respect their wife?

Having respect is more important than loving since a woman would not engage to emotional
feelings without providing respect to her husband. For a husband to show his respect, he must
acknowledge the wife’s emotional well-being and know what works for the wife to provide
satisfaction. A husband respects his wife when he makes her feel proud of what he does as long as he
gives sincerity to it.

4. Until when should husbands become loyal to their wives?

Marriage is a lifetime commitment as it is a recognized union between people, because of

this, he should never have an affair with any other. In addition, he should be faithful to his wife until
death as they both swore and vowed to each other of this bound. There may be problems along the
way of the relationship, however, no matter the hindrances he should always share whatever he is
going through with his wife.

5. Which sentence indicates the conviction of the writer about human perfection?
The last sentence mentions the writer’s indication of mentioning about human perfection, it is
stated that no one is perfect, but if one tries, then they will be a good partner. Additionally, the last
statement provides formal declaration of the writer’s perception about being a good husband.

6. What does the sentence, “In my case, if I give a grade to my husband, he will get a “C+”. If that
is true, then what would my grade be?” signify regarding the woman’s conviction about married

Regarding this statement, the writer provides us with her point of view about their
relationship as a married couple. As mentioned, each individual bounded by marriage has their own
imperfections that is why she gave her husband a graded on the border of average and below average.
This grade may also reflect onto her as the wife is asked on the husband’s perception. Also, this
sentence gives justice to her conviction about human perfection saying that no one is perfect, but we
can be good for as long as we can, and it is enough.

Knowledge of essay structure

1. What kind of hook is employed by the writer?

Among the hooks to be utilized, the writer approached us with the Story Hook. This type of
hook entices the readers by a scene at the beginning, it is striking and it plunges immediately to catch
the attention of the reader.

2. What makes it an effective attention grabbing approach?

The writer establishes her very own personal story that caught us by the Story Hook, the first
sentence itself begun with a plot twist which is an out of the normal writing style. Moreover, this type
of twist gives curiosity and fuel to the reader in order to read more of what is written.

3. What is this essay’s thesis statement?

The thesis statement is seen on the first paragraph dressed as a question, it asks, “what is a
good husband?” Therefore, the thesis statement is how to be a Good Husband.

4. For the thesis statement, what is the topic or the subject matter?

It is already mentioned on the first paragraph as it is restated on the conclusion, “a good

husband should be a best friend who should be respected by his wife and be sincere to his married
life.” The writer proceeded to explain how each of these qualities works by paragraph to further
elaborate the thesis statement.
5. What is the opinion of the writer with regard to the topic?

Since this is a personal essay, the opinion of the writer is spread all throughout with regards
to how a husband becomes good. However, the last paragraph highlights the opinion in accordance to
the topic on hand. “A good husband's characteristics are not only suitable for a good husband but
also for a good wife, and that there is no perfect husband and wife, only that if you try to be one the
you will be a good husband/wife.”

6. What is the first topic sentence?

The first topic sentence as seen on the text is, “A good husband should be a best friend to his

7. What is the second topic sentence?

The second topic sentence on the other hand is, “A good husband should have his wife's respect.”

8. What is the third topic sentence?

The third topic sentence is, “A good husband is sincere to his married life."

9. What is the dominant method used by the writer in developing the main body of this essay?

The writer wants the readers to know what a good husband is, compared to what good
husband isn’t. Because of this, the Comparison and Contrast method of development is used
within the writing style. This method indulges the establishment of the definition as to what
something is and what it is not.

10. Why is this composition called a 1-3-1 essay?

This composition has the organizational pattern for an essay because it is composed of 5
paragraphs. The first paragraph comprises of the introduction, with the hook as an advantage, and the
thesis statement. This is followed by the main body that is composed on 3 paragraphs which has their
own main topics as they are described. Lastly, the 5th paragraph involves the conclusion.

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