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Why to use GPS?

GPS have revolutionized the field of surveying and navigation since their first stages of

development. In surveying, GPS has replaced conventional methods in many

applications. And it even has numerous applications in land, marine and air navigation

(El-Rabbany, A. 2002, p.10).

The GPS was created for strategic purposes of the military forces, its appearance

attracted many benefits in terms of research and innovation in the advancements of man.

This important tool has allowed it to obtain geographic information regarding the

location as its usefulness has allowed it know in real time and define optimal routes or

lines at different scales of displacement, either for investigative purposes in flowering

sites, the location of oil wells, archaeological sites or human settlements.

After its creation, the GPS has become a transformation mechanism and facilitator in

the different precision activities imposed by man in the development of the different

disciplines and more precisely in those related to mathematics and statistics, both for the

government sector as well as the private sectors. In the government sector, this tool has

allowed you to know the geography and its map design, either in meters or square

kilometers, the different areas of our geography, that is, you can know the relief in total,

in plain, mountain range its length and breadth, rivers, coastal areas (seas, oceans) as

well as its depth in its different directions is also used to know the atmospheric latitude

and longitude and to know by hand the retreat of the glacial tongue "snowy" which

every day they are in decline due to legal and illegal exploitation caused by man.

Also used for the production of cartography through triangulation and geofencing to

define perimeters on emblematic places or sites of interest for the requested from which
statistical information is extracted with the purpose of making decisions that improve

the integrity of the panorama.

Application of cartography in order to have location of strategic sites with precision

GPS coordinates through the satellite navigation system locating satellite points that

transmit signal range by positioning and location in any part of the land, seas or air.

Using GPS in agriculture allows improving the use of land and water resources to later

carry out practical theoretical analysis about the land in order to improve the health of

crops and the relationship between crops and ecosystems and make this self-sustainable.

over time taking precision in the adequacy of the land either through machinery or any

other existing method to establish better sowing, fertilization and harvest, because in

this way better precision is obtained and at the same time reduce the environmental

impact and erosion of the soil for the benefit of agriculture, fauna and flora through the

development and implementation of successful projects for the benefit of the

community and the environment that surrounds us.

In the private sector industries in the manufacture of all types of means of transport

since it can be designed according to their speed and time performance and in aerospace

means calculate the height; In telecommunications, it allows calculating the intensity of

Hertzian waves, establishing wire networks, in civil works to calculate the extension of

underground networks (sewage, aqueduct networks, natural gas networks) El-Rabbany,

A. (2002).
1. Calcular rumbo, alineamiento: AB - BC- CD - DE - EA, si se sabe que el rumbo

del alineamiento AB es N61°E

Azimut de cada alineamiento: AB - BC- CD - DE - EA, si se sabe que el rumbo del

alineamiento AB es N61°E
2. Calcular las coordenadas de cada Punto de Intersección PI para la poligonal

cerrada. Las coordenadas de referencia en el punto A son: (4800 y – 3200 x)

Coordenadas PI

A 4800 3200
B 4802,03 3203,67
C 4800,23 3200,67
D 4794,7 3199,8
E 4792,91 2733,8
Alcántara, G. D. et al. (2014).

Resumen acerca de la wed

Orientacion de levantamientos planimetricos rumbo y azimut por PI coordenadas.

Desarrollar conocimientos mediante ensayo escrito a partir de lengua extrangera

“ingles” referido a la importancia del manejo sobre el sistema de pocisionamiento

global GPS, explicacion sobre como calcular el rumbo y azimut y coordenadas y

definiendo el concepto de lo que es el levantamiento planimetrico con el cual podemos

precisar la posicion de uno o mas puntos sobre un plano horizontal y a la ves encontrar

el angulo orizontal o direccional. Estos se pueden levantar en area urbana, en

poligonales, cerradas y abiertas. Se muestran los referentes a tener en cuenta para

realizar los diferentes calculos, estos son:

a. Estacion: vertice del poligono donde se estaciona el equipo para medir rumbos y


b. Punto observando: representa el vertice adelante o atrás hacia el cual se mide el


c. Distancia: medida horizontal de la linea que une los vertices en sentido de las

manecillas del reloj.

d. Angulo interno: valor del angulo formadoal interior del poligono por las dos

lineas que salen de un mismo vertice.

Referencias bibliográficas
El-Rabbany, A. (2002). Introduction to GPS: The Global Positioning System. Boston,

MA: Artech House, I Capítulo 10: GPS Applications. Recuperado de


Alcántara, G. D. (2014). Topografía y sus aplicaciones. México, D.F., MX: Larousse -

Grupo Editorial Patria. P. 1 - 7. Recuperado de

Priego, D. L. S. E. (2015). Topografía: instrumentación y observaciones topográficas.

Valencia, ES: Editorial de la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia. Recuperado de

Wed 2. Topografía

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