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Passi City, Iloilo


Module in National Service Training I (CWTS I)
First Semester 2020-2021

TOPIC: National Security Concerns

We are entering a new era of human security where the concept of security will change, and change
dramatically. Security will be interpreted as: security of people, not just territory; security of individuals, not just of
nations; and security through development, not through arms. It is a national concern that every Filipino must consider
to ensure peaceful existence of the state. It shall be the state’s primordial concern as well as to secure its constituents.
It is a condition or state of being where the Filipino peoples’ values, way of life, institutions, welfare and well-
being, sovereignty and strategic locations are protected and enhanced.
In view of the above information, it is of prime essence that in transforming the youth into responsible citizens
that orientation on concepts and mechanisms of national security be done to effectively carry out the task of community
development. Hence, this module was formulated to achieve the said purpose.

At the end of this unit, the students must have:
1. articulated the concept of national security and peace in the promotion of national development;
2. identified values that must be developed and strengthened among students in the furtherance
of national security and peace building; and
3. manifested concrete actions in forging national security and peace in the country.



National security should assure the safety and well-being of a nation as a whole. Any redefinition of security
should integrate such concepts as population issues, environmental protection, the eradication of hunger and poverty, t
1. any action or sequence of events that threatens to drastically and quickly degrade the quality of life of
people; or
2. any development that has the potential to greatly narrow the range of policy choices available to the
government or to non-governmental entities with a state.

Definition of Terms
1. Subversion. It is a group of conspiracy seeking to alter an existing system or government through deceit and
other unlawful means, or it is an act of an individual or group who seek to alter an existing system through
deceitful means.
2. Communism. It is a theory which advocates the elimination of private ownership. It tends to make the
society stateless and classless.
3. Agitation. It is subversive technique to arouse hatred and anger among people.
4. Propaganda. It is a line of persuasion to influence the belief , emotion behavior, attitude, and opinion of the
target audience.
5. Infiltration. Deception used on legal activities. This is used to exert influence and if possible, seize control of
target groups.
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Vivian G. Padernal Module 7
6. Politics. It is an art or science concerning the winning and control over the government.


Human and ecological security is a change in paradigm and value. A change in the concept of security from the
military phenomena to poverty, ecological degradation and rapid demographic change.


Many security threats to the Philippines are non-military in nature. Pressing concerns like terrorism, poverty,
and environmental degradation, need to be addressed in an informed and intelligent manner.

Internal threats. National security relates to the defense of the nation’s government against hostile local
elements seeking its replacement with their own government.
Our national security concerns is infused with four important dimensions:
First dimension – Internal threats
1. Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) and Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG)
2. Communist Party of the Philippines/ New People’s Army/ National Democratic Front (CPP/NPA/NDF)
3. Organized crime
4. Grave incidence of poverty
5. Economic sabotage
6. Graft and corruption
7. Severe calamities
8. Persistent environment degradation

External threats. National security is concerned with safeguarding the state against outside or foreign forces ,
pressures, or influence designed to conquer it or determine its sovereignty, or placing under the domination or control
of some foreign states.
1. Multilateral dispute over the Spratlys Islands
2. Smuggling of firearms and contraband, illegal migration and the occasional movement of foreign terrorists
through the porous borders of southwestern frontier
3. Lingering effects of the currency crisis affecting the counties within the Association of Southeast Asian
Nations (ASEAN)
4. Serious economic disparity between rich and poor nations
5. Ethnic, religious and cultural conflict
6. Proliferation of weapons of mass destruction
7. Transnational organized crimes
8. Natural disasters and environmental issues
9. Cybernetic crime

1. Rebellion or insurrection – a refusal of obedience or order.
2. Terrorism – the systematic use of terror especially as a means of coercion.
3. Murder – the unlawful killing of another human being with intent.
4. Kidnapping and serious illegal detention – is taking away or transportation of a person against the person’s will.
5. Hijacking / highway robbery – a crime of taking or attempting to take something of value by force or threat of force
or by putting the victim in fear.
6. Crimes involving destruction – it may apply either as a measurable degree of damage up to and including a state
beyond use or repair., or it may indicate a state within such damage is occurring and continuing.
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A. Read each item carefully. Write true if the sentence is correct and false if it is otherwise.
1. National security in the Philippines does not play an important role in the lives of Filipino people.
2. The President of the Philippines serves as the commander in chief in terms of emergencies.
3. The main function of the department of National Defense is to defend the state against internal and external
threats, and through the Philippine National Police, to maintain law and order.
4. The president of the Philippines must have at least nine other members who will compose the National
Security Council of the country.
5. President Joseph Ejercito Estrada reestablished the National Security Council in 1999 through an executive
B. If given a chance to be an overall in-charge of the National Security Council of the country, what will be your three
(3)priority security programs for your country men.(10pts)

I. IDENTIFICATION: Tell what is referred to in the following sentences.
1. A group of conspiracy seeking to alter an existing system or government through deceit and other unlawful
2. It is subversive technique to arouse hatred and anger among the people.
3. An art or science concerning the winning and control over the government.
4. A line of persuasion to influence the belief, emotion behavior, attitude and opinion of the target audience.
5. A deception used of legal activities.
6. A change in the concept of security from the military phenomena to poverty, ecological degradation and rapid
demographic change.
7. It is an aspect wherein national security relates to the defense of the nation’s government against hostile local
elements seeking its replacement with their own government.
8. An aspect wherein national security is concerned with safeguarding the state against outside or foreign forces,
pressures, or influence designed to conquer it.
9. A refusal of obedience or order.
10. A systematic use of terror especially as a means of coercion.

1-3 Interpretation of security
4-7 Internal threats
8-10 External threats

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Vivian G. Padernal Module 7

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