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How to Become a Screenwriter


Updated June 02, 2019

Becoming a big shot, Hollywood screenwriter is a dream for many people, but most
never take the necessary steps to become successful because they don’t see the
profession as a craft. They see it as a way to get rich.

Granted, there are many screenwriters who have made millions of dollars over the
courses of their careers. There are even a few “overnight successes” (if you don’t
include the months or even years of toiling over their scripts before they became an
“overnight success”). But for the most part, becoming a successful screenwriter is just
like anything else of value—the result of hard work.

So, where does one start? We've outlined below some very basic steps to follow. Keep
in mind that this is one possible path of many. The truth is, there is no one right or
wrong way when seeking out a Hollywood writing career. Some things work for some
people, but not for others. Some of it is luck, some of it is talent, and some of it is just
never giving up. But if you're looking for information on how to get started, the following
steps should help provide a bit more direction.

Educate Yourself
Screenwriting isn't just something to jump into. There are those exceptionally few writers
who seem to understand the rhythm of a movie script and have an innate gift of
dialogue from the start. But for the most part, new writers need to have a basic
understanding of what it is they’re trying to write, and that means research.

One place to start is with some books on the topic. These will help provide
an understanding of the basic structure of a movie script as well as how to go about
writing its various elements—from creating interesting characters and plot to the
development of engaging dialogue and proper story structure. These three books are a
good start:

 "Story Structure" by Robert McKee is the bible of story structure and the basics
of the principles of screenwriting. A must read.
 "Screenplay" by Syd Field is another must read by the one author that most
Hollywood writers would agree is the master of the screenplay.
 "Screenwriters Problem Solver," also by Syd Field, is a follow-up to "Screenplay,"
and Field takes readers through common problems many screenwriters confront
and exercises to help fix them.

There are hundreds of books touting their screenwriting method as the best method.
The fact is that once you know the basics of how to write a screenplay, you then need to
practice doing so. Avoid books that claim to show you how to write a screenplay in
10 days or 20 days, or whatever. You need to learn about the mechanics of writing a
script before worrying about how long it takes you to write one.

Read Successful Screenplays

Perhaps the most useful reference materials you can find are going to be sample
scripts, especially those that are in the same genre you intend to write. For example, if
you’re planning on writing a romantic comedy, get your hands on as many romantic
comedy scripts as you can find. You will see that by having these scripts at the ready,
you’ll soon begin to see how a film translates from a writer’s head into the finished
product of a film.

Scripts can be purchased from places like Samuel French Bookstore, but you also
might have luck with something as simple as Google. Search the title of just about any
movie you can think of with the word "screenplay," and you more than likely will find
dozens of sites that will have exactly what you're looking for.
If buying a script, be sure you get a full feature movie script rather than a “transcript.” A
transcript is just a transcript of the dialogue of the film and won’t help you. You need a
full feature script that you can refer to that shows dialogue, descriptions, and all action.

Start Writing
Depending on where you live, there might be a number of writing classes you can
choose from, many of which specialize in screenwriting, but the most important step is
to start writing. Too many people get caught up in the mechanics of screenwriting. They
spend months, if not years, in classes and reading books on how to write a screenplay,
but they never actually write anything.

So, after you get the basics down, start writing. Don’t overthink the process. Sit down at
your computer, start typing the words, and print your screenplay. It’s what every
screenwriter eventually does whether they’re a novice or a skilled professional.

Keep Writing
It is where many people get hung up. Once they start writing, they get stuck at a certain
point and stop trying.

Some excuses might include a hiccup in the storyline, dialogue that isn’t working, or
characters aren't likable. All of these are valid issues, but none of them mean you
should ever stop the writing process. As a screenwriter, you quickly will find that
rewriting is about 80 percent of the job, if not more. The trick here is to avoid rewriting
the same scene over and over without ever moving toward completion.

Too many writers fall into the trap of thinking that every page of the first draft must be
perfect, but take comfort in this: First drafts of most screenplays usually are awful. The
good news is that through your rewrites, they get much, much better. Forge ahead no
matter how hard it is or how long it takes.

A good practice is to set page goals. For example, vow to finish at least five pages
every day no matter what when working on a first draft. It can help you to finish the
script without caring about the initial quality. After all, it’s sometimes easier to rewrite an
existing script than to stare at a blank page.

Get Notes
“Getting notes” on a script refers to getting a little constructive criticism. Once you’ve
finished with an acceptable draft of the screenplay, give it to three or four people whose
opinions you trust.

Remember that what you’re looking for here is constructive criticism, not someone who
tells you they “liked” or “disliked” your script. Usually, another writer will be the most
useful for this process. Listen to the notes you get so that you can properly address

Networking is still one of the most important skills a screenwriter can have. After all, this
is more than likely how you’re going to get your script to an agent, producer, or studio

In Los Angeles, there are numerous entertainment-related networking events. It’s

crucial that as a screenwriter you attend as many of these as you can so you can meet
like-minded individuals. Keep in mind that your script will not sell itself by sitting on a
shelf in your apartment. You have to let people know you are a screenwriter and that
you have a product to sell.

Through diligent networking, you may eventually come across someone who will get
your screenplay into the right hands. Don’t be shy here. Be confident in your material
and your abilities and be proud to label yourself as a screenwriter.

Screenwriting can be a fun, rewarding, and extremely lucrative career. But it’s a craft
that must be learned and practiced before it ever can be mastered.

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