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EBQM 3103


SEPT / 2020

EBQM 3103


NO. MATRIKULASI : 860208265498001

NO. KAD PENGENALAN : 860208265498
NO. TELEFON : 017-5659615
E-MEL : 860208265498@OUM.EDU.MY


EBQM 3103


i ) calculate δ

USL = 2.002cm
LSL = 1.998cm
δ =?
µ = 2cm

USL = µ + 1δ, LSL = µ - 1δ

Calculate δ ?
USL = µ + 1δ, LSL = µ - 1δ
2.002 = 2 + 1(δ )
1δ = 2.002 – 2
1δ = 0.002
δ = 0.002*1
δ = 0.002

ii) . Calculate the prosess capability?

ii) or
3δ 3δ

2.002−2 2−1.998
= or
3(0.002) 3(0.002)

0.002 0.002
= or
0.006 0.006

= 0.333 or 0.333

iii). What the value of δ will deliver a six sigma process


¿ Cpk=minimum { ∨ } ¿ Cpk=minimum { ∨ }
3( δ ) 3 (δ ) 3( δ ) 3 (δ )

2.002−2 2−1.998
¿ Cpk=minimum { ∨ }
3 ( 0.002 ) 3 ( 0.002 )

0.002 0.002
¿ Cpk=minimum { ∨ }
0.006 0.006

0.002 0.002
¿ Cpk=minimum { ∨ }
0.006 0.006

¿ Cpk=minimum{0.333∨0.333}
EBQM 3101


( x 1−x )2

2 ( x 1−x )2
=s =ε

= 0.16252

The answer is yes, when n value is over than 1, it will become infiniti.


This assignment is to study the principles, concepts, and tools related to Total Quality
Management (TQM) that have been practiced by government and private departments in
Malaysia focusing on Robert Bosch (M) SDN BHD a factory located in Penang. At the
beginning of this study, we will briefly describe the principles and philosophy of TQM, the
concept of TQM as a whole practiced in the facilities department. While at the end of this
assignment, we will briefly summarize the effectiveness of the TQM concept applied in this
A core definition of Total Quality Management (TQM) describes a management approach to
long-term success through customer satisfaction. In applying TQM, all members of the
organization participate in improving the processes, products, services, and culture in which
they work. The method for implementing this approach came from figures who pioneered the
concept of TQM such as Philip B. Crosby, W. Edwards Deming, Armand V. Feigenbaum,
Kaoru Ishikawa, and Joseph M. Juran, according to (American Society For Quality, 1993).
(Mansueto Ventures LLC, 1996) argues (TQM) refers to management methods used to
improve quality and productivity in business organizations. TQM is a comprehensive
management approach that works holistically within the organization, involving all
departments and employees as well as suppliers as well as customers.
TQM is an acronym used to label management systems that focus on quality. Other acronyms
include CQI (continuous quality improvement), SQC (statistical quality control), QFD
(quality of placement function), QIDW (quality in daily work), TQC (total quality control),

EBQM 3101
and others. Like most other systems, TQM provides a framework for implementing effective
quality and productivity initiatives that can increase organizational profitability and
i). A detailed Description of the Organisation’s background and stackeholder

Facilities maintainance (FCM) is Bosch PgP1 service Provider department for electrical
power, air-condition, compressed air, exhaust, toilet, canteen and others services; by
ensuring working condition is safe, comfortable & complete functional.

FCM equipment by system:

Mechanical system: Chillers, Air Compressors, Cooling Towers, Heated Dryers, Pumps,
Pressurize Vessel, Air Handling Units, Process Exhausts, Split Airconds, Water Tanks,
elevators, lifter, high speed door, etc.

Electrical System: Transformer, Generator, UPS, Switchgear, Electrical DB, Starter Panel,

Others system: Fire Life Safety System (FLSS), Building Management System (BMS),
sewage system, gas N2, waste water,

Others non systems: Building maintenance and housekeeping, civil, canteen, pest control, etc.

Program Overview:

‒ In industry, Total Quality maintenance (TQM) is a system of maintaining and

improving the integrity of production and quality systems through the machines,
equipment, processes, and employees that add business value to an organization.

‒ In FCM, TQM focuses on keeping FCM equipment in top working condition to avoid
breakdowns and delays in manufacturing processes.

‒ FCM set-up package, target and agreement for pilot program.

EBQM 3101

ii). Description on the Facilities Department Objective

FCM TQM Goal setting:

“Maximize Effectiveness of FCM Equipment's with Zero wastages through TQM”

Program method is Coordinator, Shift Operation technician and System Owner identified to
run TQM program. Few sets of critical equipment been selected as pilot program
Develop TQM process Work Instruction and get management buyoff. TQM program will run
parallel with existing PM, CM and PDM program. Will Introduce AM , EP, MMTR-MTBF,
5’s, CIP & related activities in the package. Used Conventional Hardcopy system for
schedule and tracking (Pilot trail). Identify FCM pilot equipment and team member.TPM
Coordinator / approved by FCM management. Develop TQM process, Work Instruction Card
and get management buyoff Develop AM equipment scheduling master and individual list.



Performance Measurement
The process of quality improvement in the departments will be able to run smoothly and
continuously with the support of a good quality performance measurement system. This is
because when introducing an improvement department needs to know its effectiveness to the
level of output quality and this feedback is obtained through the measurement system.
Therefore, for TQM to succeed, departments must design an appropriate measurement system
according to the types of products or services they provide.
The measurement system will provide important data and information to management about
the current performance of a work process carried out. This information can be used for:
a. Evaluate the performance during a work process.
b. Detect the difference between performance during the work process with set quality goals
or standards (process conformance).
c. Identify stages of work processes that have quality problems.
d. Plan necessary remedial actions.
EBQM 3101

To create an effective measurement system for their products or services, departments

need to take the following steps:
a. Determine the quality characteristics of the output to be controlled (control subject)
b. Determine the desired goal or quality standard.
c. Establish a data collection mechanism.
d. Provide feedback channels.

Determine the Output Quality Characteristics to Be Controlled

For each output released, departments need to determine the quality characteristics to be
controlled. This is because in the measurement process, the existence of these features will be
given attention. These features are the yardstick of things that customers value.
II) Determining Quality Goals Or Standards
Departments should also set the desired quality goals or standards for each output. This is
done according to the pre-determined characteristics. These goals and standards should
reflect the level of excellence that can bring customer satisfaction.

Establishing a Data Collection Mechanism System

The data collection mechanism that needs to be created by the department basically consists
of two components. The components are the unit of measure (unit of measure) and the sensor.
The unit of measurement created must be in accordance with the quality characteristics of the
output to be measured.
Sensors are tools or methods of collecting data. These sensors can take the form of machines,
computer equipment or staff that carry out the work process itself. Apart from the method of
questionnaires and interviews on customers can also be used as a sensor to measure the level
of quality.

EBQM 3101

Creating a Feedback Channel

Data and information collected by sensors should be channeled to decision-makers within the
organization. Therefore, departments need to create an effective information network so that
data and information can be delivered at the desired time. This information will be used as a
basis to take appropriate actions to further improve the quality of output. For some work
processes, departments may also need to measure work quality performance at the staff level.
The aim is to find out the extent to which staff successfully achieve the expected level of
quality performance. This feedback can be used by staff in working to continuously improve
their performance. In addition, management can also use the same information for control
purposes and to identify problems faced by staff for immediate action. There are several
implementations of staff performance measurement will involve 4 actions. The actions are:
a. Setting performance goals
b. Actual performance measurement.
c. Variant analysis.
d. Implementation of improvement actions.

Performance goals for performance staff need to be clearly defined and specific so that staff
can easily understand them. As much as possible the goal is also expressed in measurable
form. This is to make it easier to make measurements objectively. In addition, this goal
should also be realistic, achievable and commensurate with the level of staff capabilities.
Action in the second stage which is the actual performance measurement is the process of
collecting data on work performance that can be completed by the staff during the evaluated
period. This measurement can be carried out continuously or according to a specific time
interval such as every 3 months, 6 months or so.
In this case the management needs to set appropriate policies for their organization. Variance
analysis is the stage at which the data collected will be compared to the set performance
goals. If there are variants or differences that prove staff fail to achieve work goals then a
more detailed analysis should be conducted. The purpose is to find variant causes so that the
barriers can be overcome.
Based on information from variant analysis, the department can plan and implement
improvement actions. Management also needs to inform staff about its achievements so that
they can jointly overcome related problems.
EBQM 3101



While there are many success stories in TQM, there are also many success stories available
literature that highlights the reasons why TQM is not so successful. Inside in the early days it
was considered that TQM could not survive outside of Japan because of culture difference.
However, this was proven wrong by Johnson and Ouchi who identified some examples of
where Japanese companies successfully implemented TQM in their America factories. So
what affects the benefits of this management theory? The following the section summarizes
the challenges inherent in each of the previously identified principles. Top Leadership and
Management Commitment The level of commitment and support needed from the
organizational leaders when striving to implement TQM is outrageous and there are several
reasons mentioned in the literaturewhy. The number one TQM implementation barrier
identified by Coulson-Thomas is the top one management commitment. Tamimi and
Sebastianelli further support this in their study by finding the number one barrier for TQM is,
“Management compensation (not) is associated with achieve quality goals. "The results of
Fuchsberg's study show that quality-performance measures. such as disability rates and
customer satisfaction levels play an important role in determining salaries for the elderly
managers among less than one in five companies in the various industries surveyed and
conclude that profit is still very important. To overcome this, Lam suggested that senior
management should relinquish its elite status, move from a luxury office to its place of action
and listen to the workers. Oakland thrives here by stating, senior management commitment
must be obsessive, not good service and successful in improving business efficiency,
effectiveness and cooperation, each approach must be truly comprehensive and must be
initiated at the top with the chief executive, or equivalent.

Mohanty and Lakhe note that it is the company that can create a committed leadership
to bring about behavior change for revitalization within the organization, in turn can show
the most dramatic improvement. Committed leaders can involve employee emotions,
cognition. Resources played a great role in implementation of TQM practices in public
secondary schools (Ater, 2013). Without adequate resources and funding, the institutions will
face problems in every field i.e., management & administration; planning; instructional

EBQM 3101
process; students ’performance; infrastructural facilities; etc. The results of the current study
indicated that insufficient funding and resources was a main barrier in the way of effective
implementation of TQM in public secondary schools. Majority of heads and teachers
responded that they have lack of resources and funding which is responsible for the overall
poor institutional performance. Every organization needs a competent and cooperative
workforce for its growth and development. Disobedience and insubordination of the
workforce is a great threat to the accomplishment of predetermined educational objectives
of the institutions.

But researches show that insubordination of workforce is a big challenge for the heads of
schools (Atieno and Simatwa, 2012). The current study revealed that disobedience and
insubordination of workforce is one of the big challenges in TQM implementation. It was
rated one of the main challenges in implementing TQM in secondary schools. The virus of
political interference badly infects the outcomes of an organization or institution. In Pakistan,
every department has been infected by this virus and consequently, they failed to demonstrate
excellent performance. Therefore, it is the need of time to eradicate at grass-root level this
virus to ensure effective implementation of total quality management and merit policy. The
current study revealed that political interference is one of the big challenges which negatively
affect the process of implementing TQM. Effective planning is directly related to the success
of any organization. No organization can develop without proper and effective planning.
Planning is a direct channel towards accomplishment of the predetermined educational
objectives of an institution or organization. The findings of the current study revealed that the
implementation of TQM is badly effected by poor planning in public secondary schools
which is also a big challenge and threat to the quality education and management.
Professionally well qualified teachers can play an important role in the development of an
institution. But unfortunately, most of the secondary schools lack of professionally competent
teachers. Teachers are rarely given professional training and sometimes teachers are
nominated for professional training although they are not eligible for such training. In more
simple words, teachers are nominated for such training on the basis of favoritism and
nepotism. In addition, they are not given attractive packages i.e., DA (daily allowance) and
TA (traveling allowance) for such training. Consequently, competent and eligible teachers
hesitate to attend training workshops etc. The current study explored that lack of incentives
for teachers for their professional growth badly affects TQM implementation process. Both
heads and teachers responded that teachers are not paid for professional training which badly
EBQM 3101
affects TQM implementation in public secondary schools. Poor teachers’ status and morale is
a key factor that negatively affect the overall school activities especially instructional
activities. In Pakistan teachers are not paid their actual respect, rights and status. They are
financially depressed and are paid meager salaries even which are not enough to fulfill their
routine necessities. Therefore, quality of education is collapsing day by day. The current
study revealed that poor teachers’ status and morale is one of the big challenges for public
secondary schools in implementing TQM.

Quality education is directly related to the effective curriculum. Researches have shown that
our curriculum is ineffective and does not fulfill the emerging needs of students and society.
Every year, meager changes have been done in curriculum for reprinting to earn more which
is a sort of corruption. Consequently, most of the schools face the problem of scarcity of
textbooks which is an obstacle in smooth instructional process. In addition, teachers face
problems in teaching as they are required to study it in home or before class. In this way,
teachers’ precious time is wasted. The study in hand investigated that unstable curriculum
affect the process of TQM implementation in institutions at secondary level. Educational and
infrastructural facilities have a significant positive affect on the overall school activities. But
unluckily, public secondary schools lack of educational, infrastructural and physical facilities
i.e., lack of classrooms and furniture; lack of drinking water facility; lack of specially
designed science laboratory; improper security arrangement; lack of toilets for students; non-
availability of computer laboratory; lack of power generators facility; lack of teaching aids &
scientific apparatus; lack of specially designed library; lack of telephone & internet facility;
unsatisfactory condition of school building; lack of first aid facility; and nonavailability of
examination hall (Suleman, 2015). The findings of the current study explored that lack of
infrastructural facilitates is one of the key challenges in total quality management (TQM)
implementation in public secondary schools. Both heads (75.5%) and teachers (60%)
responded that there is lack of infrastructural facilities which hinders overall school
performance and activities. Community plays a remarkable role in uplifting and enriching
institutional progress and is considered an influential and contributory factor towards the
accomplishment of predetermined educational objectives. That is why the role of community
cannot be ignored in implementing total quality management in schools. The current study
explored that non-participation of parents in PTA meetings and poor communication with
school personnel is a challenge for the heads in implementing TQM in public secondary

EBQM 3101
schools. Lack of parental cooperation makes it difficult for principals to manage institutional
activities effectively.


By understanding the concepts of total quality management given by researchers one come to
know how to study and analyse the system to implement Total Quality Management. Studied
the Resources & Facilities of the Mechanical Department and determined the current status of
quality level in it based on several parameters like teaching methodology, lab facilities,etc.
By collecting the data from various sections of the Mechanical department, analysis of the
performance of various facilities and resources offered by the Institute for the benifit of
students from Department was done. Using the analytical tools of TQM such as SWOT
analysis and ABC analysis, this applied to the system of Mechanical Department. Some
recommendations and suggestions are given to improve the overall quality structure of the
department. According to TQM fundamentals and limitations understood during completion
of the project work. Future Scope:
1. Total Quality Management can be implemented step by step in all departments of institute.
2. To look forward implement six sigma technique to improve the facilities and resources of
3. Using TQM institute can get ISO-9000 certificate for its excellence.
4. All the educational institutions should be bound by the competent authorities to adopt the
philosophy of TQM at each level.
5. A special supervisory staff should be appointed to check educational institutions after
every year to ensure TQM implementation

EBQM 3101

Thakkar J, Deshmukh S G, Shastree A” Total quality management (TQM) in self- financed technical
institutions: A analysis of quality function deployment (QFD) and force field approach”Quality Assurance in
Education , 2006, Volume: 14 Issue: 1 pp.54-74.

Juan josetari, “Components of successful total quality management”, A journal of management history, vol-17,
no.2, 2005, pg.182-194.

G. Dennis Beecroft, “Cost of quality, quality planning and bottom line”, A journal of MCB University Press ·
ISSN 0043-8022 vol.9 no.11, 1999, pg. 1-5.

Anoop Patel, “The long view of total quality management pays off”, International Journal of Quality &
Reliability Management, vol.12 no.7, 1995, pg 75-87.

John M. Ryan, 2002, “The Quality Team Concept in Total Quality Control”, International Journal of Operations
& Production Management, Vol. 20, pages 89-103.


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