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How To Post Your Photos on Stylelife

1 Posting a Picture on

If you have pictures already posted on other websites (like, or any other),
it requires one simple step to post a picture on (If you don’t have pictures posted on other
websites, scroll down and follow the instructions “Uploading Your Pictures to”.)

1. Log on to and either start a new thread or click on “Post New Message” in a thread
where you want to post your picture. The “Post Message” screen will come up.

2. And here is the one simple step. Note that the “Message” text box understands and interprets very
basic HTML commands. Like for instance <BR> to insert a line-break. This allows you to post an
image from another website by simply copying its URL
Here is an example:

3. After you clicked on “Post Message” a working URL LINK to your image will appear within the text of
your message.

Copyright © 2006 Stylelife. All rights reserved.

How To Post Your Photos on Stylelife

2 Uploading Your Pictures to

One way to make your pictures available for other members of Stylelife is upload them to And here is how that works:

1. Take a picture with a digital camera and transfer the images into a folder on your computer.
2. Go to and create an new account by typing in a user name
and password.
3. On the next screen you have to enter typical account information like name, birth date, an working
email address, gender, security code and hit the submit button.
4. On the next page just click “Skip this Ad”. It’s an advertisement that wants you to enter more
unnecessary information about yourself. Although it even says “required”, don’t fill in anything just
click on “Skip this Ad”.
5. Now you are logged into photobucket and are able to upload your photos into your album.
6. Scroll down to “Image Upload”:

7. Click on the “Browse” Button, browse through the folders on your computer and select the image you
want to post.
8. By clicking on the “Submit” button the picture is immediately uploaded to your photobucket album.
9. Scroll down and find your picture on the photobucket webpages. Notice that underneath each image
there are three text boxes to refer to the image above: URL, TAG and IMG. Copy and save the
content of the URL textbox.
10. Now go back to “Posting a Picture on” and follow the instructions.

Copyright © 2006 Stylelife. All rights reserved.

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