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tar journal of Generaloberst Franz Re.lder,

Chief of the General staff of Supr~,ae
Command of the German r1I\Y (CIrn)~ Vol III.
Historical Division, SSU • 7 Dec 39 ­
9 !Jay 40.

This Document


DOCUMENT NO. ~16845-C COpy NO. 1 _

Volume 'III
Chief of the General Staff

of the

Supreme Command of the German Army (OKH)

14 August 1939 to 24 September 1942




Volume I: Prefatory Note

Editor's Foreword
Frequent German Abbreviations and Terms
Military Districts
The Polish Campaign. Part I: 14 August· 10 September 1939

Volume II: The Polish Campaign. Part II: 11 September - 6 December 1939

Volume III: The First Winter. 7 December 1939 - 9 May 1940

Volume IV: The Campaign in France. 10 May 1940 . 30 October 1940

Volume V: The Second Winter. 31 October 1940 - 20 February 1941

Volume VI: The Campaign in the Balkans and Russia.

Part I: 21 February 1941 - 31 July 1941

Volume VII: The Campaign in Russia. Part II: 1 August 1941 ·24 Sept. 1942

Volume VIII: Footnotes

Volume IX: Maps


Winter :,,)39/1940

The Chief of th.e Army General Staff.

First entry: 7 December 1939.

• Last entry: <; 1fay 1940•

7 December 1939.

Notes for ObdH:

1.) Fuehrer has summoned both 1\.A.~ Corps COI!lrlianders to his

Mq, in order t brief them hilnself (details unknown).

2.) Fuehrer is undecided bet'ieen Ghent and Dinant; ~{alcheren

and Carignan h~v~ been dropped.

A.G~. A. reiterates proposal to apply main effort on the southern

wing from the st'.'.I't o

S Decey.ber 1939.

0900 Demonstration arranged by General ott. New Inf~try squad.

semi-automatic rifle. i~fantry cart.* Close cooperation-
BdE ~nd Gen Qu. Car.:J.oufla:s b~,.- Fieldpost number.

S!ufting of troops. Report by Gen Qu.

Fieldpr ';t difficulties:

There are still some double numbers. And the whole Number­

systeml L_ck of supervisory peTsonnel at collecting center~.

Shorten process of sortin8.

Speed up tbansit frOD collecting centers to sorting centers.

Troop Qovements! Have Gan Qu reportl

• Proposed Ghr-nges:

a) Collecting centers might be increased to speed col1ectio'

of letters. Railroad facilitios ample.

b) Bunlmail_t~ains:~s~sp~cial_tr~ough-tr.ain6.:~nil lQading
facilities must be developed.

c) Mail to be loaded in freight yards, not in passenger

stations ..

d) Reduce total of Fieldpost ruzrrbersl End of January~


a) Hoefl very good, 2~SO Schaede (521 Border Guard Bn.).

Both North•
• Courbie-re
239th Div•

Neuling, Pflugbeil.

• Not so good: Corps Hq Buex (reduced) must go. Replace

with Boelli~Tcttclb~ch 1Ulit~ry idministration Hq 581.
Stengel 209 Saxon o * (Could be replaced vdth Sch~6de.)
b) T:vo functions h",ld by one man impossible in the long run.

Exchange Rupp against Dohna?

Hi~h Con~mand Center at Radom (cood accom~odation).

c) Help Hollidt! Gerlach not so good. Langhaeuser very


d) Decent Junker plane for Blaskowitz.

9 December 1939.

Notes for ObdH: Q) Ammunition Qsked by Sixteenth Army: 10 Division­

al issues.
b) Sponcck.
c) Christmas leave.

10 December 1939.

Sunday (Berlin). lUI quiet everywhere.

• 11 December 1939.

Kinzel: Report on Romanian operation from the north• .,H~

- 2 ­
Note for ObdH:

a) Hare soldiersl New activations (Expand Brigades to

Divisions l)o

Officer replace~2nts. Captured Polish material.

Traini!"1C; of staff officers, etc. - Expansion of
Replacement Army. Report by Cr~ef arg. Sec.

b) Inf. TrRining M~1ual - Still in need of revisionl

c) No decision today/)

12 December 1939.

Roehricb"!:': Heasures to be taken ~n event of "- prolonged wait­

ing period o I~~~~~ctions by Chief L~f. Officer concern­
ing defense in [laceo Attack against fortified fronts:
Use of s~oksJ La~ge-scale d~~onstration. Instructional
Pamphlet for sCQbornc transports. - J~phibious Engineers.

Buhle: Report to ObdH on expansion of the Replacement .nrmy.

New activations o

13 Dcccmh€r 1939.

Notes for ObdH: 1.) Ghent.

2.) AppointITDnts in the Gen. Army Office
(Sodenstcrn ~ Buhle).
Corps Hq (February): 1funstein - Stuelp­
3.) Tr:.ining directive.
4.) Tr~sport situation (OKiV order).
5.) Anonymous letters.*
Salmuth, 164.0;

a) Withdra;y 263t'd Divo across the Rhine, to the south of

Twelfth,. Extend sectors of 87th and 62nd Div. This
puts 62nd Div. int9 assembly area.

t b) 267th lliv. must be exchanged against 28th. In this way

the latter will come into the assembly area.

c) Exchange V Corps for II Corps (remains in the case of

• " offensive).

d) Remove GHq f..rtillery from Wahnl'h< (Waldbroell ) • VJahn

for AGp. B.

14 D~c6mb~r 1939.

1000 weet i.. ng In
. nl
J)U f.oi ceo. Ge no Amy Offi ce,
~ H''S o_~

?ersonnel Div. ~~no Staff.

From~: ~rained men~ 170,000 by end of January, plus
250.000 - 420,000.
1 l\~~rc h 620) 000
• 1 ~pril 150,000 half-trained
770,000 445/320)000
• Anticipated 1)S80'8 150, OOQ, /1 month" less r.eturnoes
frog ,h.ospi tqls·llo)ooO.,-i: r.lOnth.
100,000 available to relieve older ag~=groupso
\~e must for 1,000, (J(J(J. That would take an
endless o
Right av.TaY~• group 12/11 for the front •
..~.g6-:-r,roup 06/07 for Regional Detknse
units etc.
For fall: hge-groups 19 and 20.
Conclusion: Combat casualties can be replaced.
0~d ag~~;r0u~s' cQn~be exchanged only
at very siow rRte.
New ac~iv~tion3 impossible without
further slowing down tempo of exchnnge.
Length of training p rjod: ~s long ~s possible.
Organization: l'.Lore vos. in 'Ghe .ans., e.g.,6. Each for
Qefinite ~rou~s, i~e. two-weeks·,four weeks',
eight W60KS t soldiers,e~c.

Keitel (?ersonnel vivo ):

Old officers: 50,000 Reserve officers (less those
unfit for service) usca u~.
vulk in Replacement Army,·
1000 p6rha~s to be had still.
Young officers: 5,000 ~rained yoqng r~placements.
5,000 in officers1training.
~OG_three years' enlistuents.
1,500 to 2,060 nen rendy for promotion each ~onth.

Difficulty to activate Eqs. (rteplacement Armyl)

Training of_Bn. 00s. in rteplaoe~ent Transfer ) Tng •

Divisions (If )ossible one for e~ch Army Gp). )S@c •
• ~any of them are hes6rve Officers. ) Qnd
) ?ersonncl
) Di v.

Officer~ICorps, per..retine s·trength 3,700 (1934),
7 .w~s e~)Anded to 99,uOO (beginning of 1939).
Refer to Tng.S0c~

Training period for Reserve Officer cQndldqtes

must not be shortened. nefer to Tng. Sec.
Hgs must be combed out • gentrC11 Branch.

• .1.
Ij\)rteactivaticn of ~he Repl~cement units used
• ,
up for neDl~cement mlransfer Divs ftl by end

of December 1939" without- -artillery . .dlso

available ~Qr that purpose some Ens. in

IVlil.·. Distrlcts XvII and XVIII.

Ac~ivation ~~th own c~dres.

Trai~~ng ~f the newly ac~iv~ted units to

begin on 1 JCLi.

2 Idcs1 ain= ~ replacement reserve of at

lea3t 50io should be acti va ted for each Btry.
and Co.~Replace~ent ~rnnsfer units) which
would take in those with advanced training.
3.) ~estion~ At wh~t dates ~nd rAte cqn we
activate ~ield hecruit ~epotsl Into these
will be taken ei,snt-weeID-:·men of the Replace­
men t .1.rny"
4. ) Mensure introduced by digh Gonmand East for
uni ts w:b..1ch cannot be regarded as first-line
Cocbat Divisions: One rtecruit Bn. per Regt.
Renew~l from within.

5.) t'ield Recruit l.iepots must be acti v£1.ted w1t.h

field troops.
Rel)lace...cnt 'fransfer .LJivs:Fcmrteenth mot.
Div. must be made ready for operations as
soon as possible. tn'-.ile of january.-­
l!,;quipraent with .n.r·Gillery. Org. Sec.
7.) Renainder of the Replacenent Transfer Brigs.

must be cr~nged to Inf~ntry ~gts. Field

.drmy must ralp out.

Oan we t~ke out ii~ld Replacement Bns~

(?ield Army replaces its own losses. )

Infantry guns~-- ~T guns. (Field .drny nus.~

heli) out. )',. Bi ..,nal tr()()ps .. ·--.c.;n{~ineers.--

drtil1ery from GHq ~rtiJ]ery.

8.) E'ourteenth Landwehr ,l)iv• .c;xtend sectors"

Fourth Dns. must be taken out. Org.jOp.

- 5 ­
9.) Re~)lacements for depleted artillery in the
10.) E~)~nsion of rlepl~ceDent Transfer Divsoto
fllJ. .u 1 VS o ~'!eust).re s in detail. -- Question
of F'di-e:J2. Rei)1J'tcem0n t nns ..
:1.) Sur~lus of Ot':'icers :i.:1 rteplacer1ent­
tions. Personnel uiv•

• 12.) Coobing out of Hqs. Gehtral Erancho

13.) Training C01)rses for Inf. and Arty. En.
• Cos • ~
lake one Re placement mlransfer
.L.3rl':;tLa.e c, Instructors from the front.
'rn o·
7 Sec •
14.) Industry can produce 25p of the trucks
der.landeci "t'y .d,rmed lorce 8 and by the oi v­
ilian economy. ~estion of tires. Steps
mUGt be taken to aaf~uRrd drmy require­
.d.ctj va'Gion of Gorgs rtqs. iiow i:1e.ny Corps Hqs
can be ac lii va <ued, and rtJhen '( ?roblem of
officers (Ge~lo Staff Ufficers) and Corps
'rroo)s (6ignr.l',.:1s.) 6entral Brancn.
Check-up of Div. SUj)ply Serv.: Cut down'?
R'l tio of lJ1 v. ()lms. to ."'!.rr-ly Olr.!s.-­
Repl~cements. neport by Gen ~u.
~~lDinistrative hqs which are still hanging
around in .,' ~~ich.
17.) C a Mil. District acting as ?ost C 0.*
Org. Sec.
O'~u - i:
a) \RreVenvLv.ecactto~:t~eicn0hancellery**)
'~estion of.-i~oI'~";·'3.Y;_ Public sentiment;
lending 'persona:ities in Berlin.-
Oombined o~cration ~avy - Army.
Simultaneousiwith operation against De~~a~k.
Inform~tion file ~enoark and Norway)
~Iiaps th..rough rteLliTIerich "**O'~u IV

~ussia is viewed calmly.

Finnisl1 'vvar pus' ~es n.ussia into the anti­

• :Cri tish front •

Balkans. hussia is supposed to have no
intentions in this quarter" .1·Pl)D.rently
certain Russian .I.)romises concer·ning Ro­
mania have been received.

- 6 ­
Fuehrer thinks he hA,s a free baok in the East
and 30u.thensc.
ItalY: Ley in Reme: II ~uoe would like to ..
strlk~ soon, His ~olicy meets opposition, also
in the :: -"Tal Family.. Slow pace of armament.
"£ciortified ll that he cannot make his country
keep p~ce with Ge~l~ny
Bfllgian q~d:.~.:?tlcn~ II Duce disinterested.
CiF.l.r~o: I taJ..y \vill not change her policy, on
t' Belgium1s a0count, even though the Royal
Families are related e They are surprised that
. we are not yet in Dolland•
vve are now supposed to have sO much Oil, that
we supply !t~ly~
b) SS Lue~zow sold to Russia (Said to be f~ulty
design~ )
c) Spain will send ships in convoys, if Italy
d~es the se~e1 similar as Japan e

i'~emo for ObdH;
1) )"Jrge all Hqs 1;0 .i..d'actice strictest economy~
(wagner saJs, some brty.Btrys. have 5 MGs. )*
2. ) JodI: a) Boaa construction, road bloc~s,
pr8parations for moto units, good.
b) Tra~flQ on uutc~ border,
cJ Draft plan of ~GpcB regarding Air

1.) Talk with Siewert on deficient cooperation with

BdE. ( ?roDpted by conference on 14 Dec. )

2.) Talk witl~ ~ercke on complaint by Keitel OKW that

contact between OK,{ and .drmy is not close enough.
3.) vVi tzleben reports in. OODi:1andant i'Jar Acarlemy
T~nining Course,

4. ) MateriF.l.l for ma~ Daneuver given to OQu I.
ObdH: Training directive also for ~d~.
Courses: Give t"em tho latest (order on signals
for attack~ ).--- ~achinegun belt8~**

Ciryher codes at thu front (officer cannidates

i1· Signal Corp,:;)o Li'riesnc:;-r' in' chr.t-rJ"!;G· o Tn..~. Sec.
Officer' .;anc1.16.aiies TNllo have not yet thrown
hflU.dgronades" Ing. Sec.

16 December 1939.

BU1Q~ a~d \Vr.tgnerl Care of service component in the ZI.

• "Uur ~~ar-time.t ~~r!ny~1

JQcob: Steel only for amcunition, not for fortificn­

tions. l!\lehrer nOVY wan ts only: It'ischb8.c.o. Valley,
nemich, Spicllerer .t1eit?;ht s "l't, gun eoplacenentsj
~.7 ~T guns (100); 8.35 AT guns (80).

JodI: Fuehrer 1s taking an interest in the shifting'

of our reserves. (O'~ I)~

~··jote for Obdrl; .'}' T ..• ' +- '.: : :-, _......• •.

' .... \.'.~

I ,T" ~~: ... ~ •• ," - ;... •

a) Fuehrer'-na-st;akenan .!_.~te-rest· in thTdisposi­

tion 0 f- ~ou..l' ·.J:'..0-S(rr7e s.
b) It zG.o rf.

1.) 3ritish -~;p.lpire: a) Ibn Saud. b) Iran o

c) _~fghanistan. d) Ti bet-Hepal, e)

2.) nalknns: Reply to RoMania: Should COMe

to some arrange~ent with Russi~. To Bul­
garia: ~vasivee
Apyrehensions: 1.) iugoslavials attitude.
2.) hungary cannot be trusted.
3.) Our attitude toward De~~ark ~nd NO~Nay
siailar to rtussials attitude tow~rd Fin­
c) My ~vvr~isal of ~ne ~8.lkenJ situation.
d) Our 1· aj) Llaneuver.
, 6) Val" pay ..

• 17 Uec880er 1939. (Sunday, Berlin).

0930 Confer8Y1ce T-~_ th the -:.rms Chiefs on the new plan

01' oh'lins or ccmIr.E;Xld..

Evenj 19: Ohristeas Qelebration .... n office of TransD.

Ch:i.ef, afte!"·wa:~.'ds in Central Branch o

19 Dec-sober 193g e

Bub-Ie; brings idiotic proposal by .~Gp. A.

Weizs~;cker: ~ortho

Southeast,-- ~p~raisRl of Italy's wait and see


20 Der,eober 1939.

ObdE: a) K 12* (120) km) ready after Christmas (Will

go to AG1). C). 120 rounds (tubes will l~st
30 -. ~O rounds).
b) Conference Fueh~er/ftund8tedt: Strength must
be cons'::T'ved for l:1ain effert in AGp • .d.. II Has
.d.Gpo d. a double mission'?11
II RundstedtII Friday he e, l)ossibly Thursday.­
0en tral cranch.
Conference: Operational intention, diverg­
encies . . Guderiar._ at Sedan will not be strong
enough for ~Qjor opera~ion~ Arrangeoents
must be maae to assure follow-up of troops
on ~oads, (wietersheim's map) . .
c) nave several ~en. Staff Officers tour the
front to fine out what the ~avis~ons really
are doing.
d) Combat experiences of Firs~ 4rmy with French?
O~u IV. (Ar~i11ery, Infantry, no over­
rating! )

21 J.lecc;:".1ber 1939.

1030 rtsception of the hussian Military httache,

- Ie,,.,
G- ene raJ. , - ~ L:ren~ rFl, 1 ) ~u.~
\ om,TIc.ncLlIl '. ,'jo

i 10tes for Obd.H:

1 ..-) Dec- =.. ) tiOH (men on 1eavo te haich). a) GHq.

troops. b~ ben on leave in Reich. c) East
of trle nhine.
2.) Five new Uor~s hqs (Stue1pnab e1, M~nstein),
15 new Di vs.
Fifth ~raft: 5 Jivs.
On 1 Foro: Sixt~ ~raft: 4 Divs.
13 Rep1. 1ransf.Divs.
On 1 ~~rch: One Not. Div.( 14th TrRnsf.Divs."
Police .!.Jiv.
~ ~ivs. (55th and 60t~)
'I'o t£l.l 29
Ho hqs.
Jo Glms (for 25~ of wartime
~r!!1Y) Gen Qu.

"Ne t '1 chemical wnrfare ~3entll. 100** sprayed

fro~ ~ircrnft. In production not before
fall 1940. Ready fQr use not until the spring
0hep.!icll1 smoke exerc '-see
5. ) ~irectlves for Ghief of Army Equipment.
(:Back to Ubdn).
6. ) Perio<ilcnls, Inf., .L~rty.

7. ). Telegr! from AGp.,.:j on nir,.uJler( s plans

for .;jcl~iur.:l.
8.) Officer strensth, Chief ~rty Offo,etc.

• Rni1ro~d accln0nt



Letter from Col. Gen. von Leeb.

1. IJro)os~l ro~arding shortening of period for

2.) ?lan of o~e;atio~~ Full and licited objectives.

von Rundst eeL: o~.ains thl t tha bulk of Fourth
brr.J.y is ained n.t nll~r, only a small fraction

• at G-i vet •;flck on Hetl1el U) to keep ene!C1.y from .'-t I-;:'l:::~'
attacking fron the south.
different c~ern.tion~
nn entirel~

O....II l
·L. •
. 1. )~-1o"v dOGS I~f. h':tndle S min0s~~

2.) ./hen will tra:ning Ganuals be reac1.y'(

von Bock.: Sr.lfilUth 'v-;i~l briD6 a letter on the conduct

'of the oJ€~~tionl Contents of this let~er
ir:. ·L:s:;"eefi1.o.t1t wi th .Dock IS v'iews, but he
eli::. not W~tllt to throw the weight of his
:?e:;·,Jc21c.tli t;:/ 8.6'ainst Obdn l s d.ecision.

23 l)ecBDi?::;r 1939.Lsic,,_ Edj.

Buhlc: Definition o~ jurisdictions as between Chief

of ,d.I'.r.:.y .i!:;quiJ.)men t ".lnd G-:m" Staff"
von Ti'');)elskl:"''c1t?von Loe:'oll: Directives for
...:, s t.

24 vec9cber 1939. Sunday.


Notes: D.) .l.'ole of tanks in 'ehe opening ~ ) ...

battle. ;::' j'" r _UB;P .. ) ..

• ,.estern direction of the centr.'.ll )Naneuver

wed~e. )
hir sup)ort (tieing and targets»

b) ~ro~~~and[ ~~ong the population of occu~­

ied territories in their native languR~e
(Russian pat"Gern)~ O'~IV - Gan .~~

norn.1g: At ~osseno othing of consequence. Only
----CUrrent mail"
.i~fternoon: ~1.t hOMe"

?7 JJeeember 1939.

0900 MaP mnneuver conducted by von StuelpnRgel. The

three po '3s:l1)~!..J. l-Ues ,of the offensive in the
I'est are l..l0·~-:::.ed. out ..
Foll~iebel: Q~oun~-air i~dntification. Panels will

be trieQe· Otdn.

Sonnd loca-Gors will be <:;ested sterting nidclle

of J anuar~r. vbd rt•
"i:ext decision 9 Jf3,nuary, 1800 hrs. at the
Intest II. CPerr!1)s a few days earlier).
Gorcl~e: IV1aterlal nee-:..t.ed for !!Irl1nedi9.te offensive -*

relen:.: 3~L.
1-iei:lO for Obd.E:
a) Horse-drawn transport units" (Young ag~­
grouJs Must be taken out~ out not all
active officers. (60~)~ Officer candidates
~et peRce time training; dan;ers of the
eo.r ..;~rea~

b) Bockls propos~l on re-disposition of the

troops asse8bled at frontier.
c) fiansteinls plan of operations. oatGle
of Kutno. Obd rl"
d) ?ro)osal of ~Gp.B: hegrouping on the bas~­
line. (i'.l.~p Op" Sac.)
c) Stnelpnagel 9.nd von hanstein to Gonnanding
f) Aeport of a First Ar~y order- prohibiting


28 .lJ'3cember J.939.

General Kei'!ieJ., (Personnel Jiv.) Report on persnnel

situntlon in ~eneralo
ObdH: First ~r~y~

a )Fi:::,e only if the b'rench attack. Own patrol

effort hind8~edo~c atteQpt Dust be made by out­
posts to ffr~N fire o
)OiJdH does not vmnt train~nG; to bc pushed entire­
ly into the back;~round" borne elements !!lust
continu.e trnining acti vi ties even 1n the terrain
forward of f~H'ti:f.ication lines" No matter if
pror:ress is eJ.oW81'o
85th JJ:j ~~~ sJS?il. Austrian~ Assir.;n a ~enf) Staff
fficer- to off--set the Austrian ( .'. 1elmdach)"
Notes for ObdH~

a \ Cav. nr·i:s., :l.c~1 V::t tion' cOl'1[Jleted 6 Jan.

b) '.['nnks for Fourt~ -Li 7~lt ..:;rL_:. ~li~l· ne·t bii reftdy
:Jefore ? J Rn.
c) ~ests with i;round--air identification f>~nela."':'­
SOUl1rl. l':ci:.l.'uo:..... ;3 in fO~; ·trials.

Buhlo:qd) Activation ordered of Inf& ~n~.Platoons in

GE q Reserves (60 sen).

b) 8 Jan~ epartu~e of Tenth armd.Regt. (Czech)

to ~i~hth ~r~d. vivo
c) Cav ~ Dri -s. recrly 6 J an o , evenin·~. Goes to First
Oav,Div.,leaves 7 Jan., will join Div.before
9 Jan..
j Central rlranch: OQu I -- Felber --Steyer (1) Army Hq
(not. ) _. 3ponebLt. l'!anstein -- Nackensen --Hil­
pert --Kewisch" *
Fourth Li&;ht Div. converted to'Ninth . . ~rr-;d •. Div.
Trc..cked vehicles will arrive in the LiI'1tur~
area on do -3.
.' .! I -. , "'

-. ~ t..: • ". • .. !•

('. .-.'..' ,- 13 ­
30 becscber 1939.

Rupp calls: C of S, CO~pG Hq.XXXII ~rcduced), Lublin.

Gerf)_{e~ i-lakes prcposa2. aboutge-tting Jl-State llecrecaryll"A­

31. DeceEfoer.. Sunday} ~er11n~

Talk w'1 th Gercke on r:h'?' nSto.te Secretaryll idea o The

dan,,;er 18 that U"_e Transp., Chief mi:::;ht ne~lect
work of lus orl~inal department in the new job o

Memo fC't' tour;

0.) Fourth and S.; xt:t~A~"'mi e s. Prepare shiftinp; of

DG~.Artille~y within Army Jroup. Sh1ftin~ of
bric1,:;e Clos"

b) Sixtj} .:l.rrJY;.. 6~2ncl }FT Her;to.(JH q ) h' been alloca­

tecl fa;" supply I:iJOVemf;nts" hust therefore be free
for t~e job ~s soon as supply routes star~
lenrzt.h@'11ng Use for other assignments only with
the: npprov!11 of OK.d"

c) dGp. B~ Sh1ft1n~ of ~~A. rlock to a conference~

d) First Aroy;l.) Proposal on Spicherer Heights.
2~ ) lJ e ceptiol1l.

3 v ) Use of rlrmd and mot. units for


sl;,-",rise Ii11ssions.

e) Status of preparations for winter?

f) Tr~ining. ~arksmanship~J- farget ranges

~) Fuel? of total issue
Aoout one-hQlf~uotA w~s consumed in three days
(500 ko)*"'~ Hastri.ot consuf.ptio.o. Cll':'iDP dO'ivn on
private tr.:i.psl Road checks!

..L) Undesirable practice of havin t-:; fa':lilic s near


i) A~P. E. Senfft von Pilsnch. OQu Ii Capt. von

S'llouth: JodI IIdecrees II.

-l-i ­

- 14 ­
1 J 8:.. :uary 19 ~:o .

1000 Conferenc~ wIth ~9~t€: OKW:

1 0
) Reasons for tensions. Annoyance caused by
obi tuary t'cr !.1-~:!§..c h. Tc...l level distrusts
everybody J including Navy and FouJt- Year Plan.
I Doint out the difficulties in the conduct
of·operationso Interference in cOI7lwand a ~rave
Pronise that ~here will be no interference in
such ~attersn book to come to AAA conference~
(OQ,u I. Send for JodI to discuss wi th him our
objective. Di~ant~)
3.) u) IVr.18.t happslls'if the offensive is postponed
tor a pro~cn~ed period, say ~oto 8 weeks,
' j _.
i . e", m:!..' d1 e 0 f 1Vl arcn
• '?

Directives are prepared for Nary (steppin~

UP of sinl\:inss) and Force uttack on

tn~lan6.) .,

A:rmy~~repn.redneAs Qust be maintained:

Movin~ uP,O_ Armor. (Op. Sec.)
I'rainin:, \ Tn~;. Sec.)
Activations~ (~very postponement raises
the ~estion,how the loss can be mnde
up~ ) Replncer:1ent"~rmy now hus fully
trA.ined ..en; 1088es can already be cover­
ed by ~en now in training.
Oldest Arty: piece9 nust be brou~ht in­
to use: Heavy Artillery must be manned
by o~d men. Potential must be increased,
(OrQ;. Sec.) (Check all points
relatin~ to Army with O~u I.)

Airborne operations on a lar~e

scale" Airborne troops (paratroop­
ers attached to Ground ~'orces as
A s sa ul t ..::>n so) •

b) armd. Div. to the outpost area in

First A_~y sector. Divs. crf First
Ar..,y back for training.
Motorcycle riitle, the outpost
area (Reht. Grossdeutschland).
SS units to the outpost area.
c) ~eception movements also with tanks,
e.j. practise adv~nce movements,
shiftin~, etc. within Army sectors.
(3j) b) Scandinavia: R~ssia will limit herself to
Finland (1914 frontier);a~reement
Ribbentrop - MOlotov.• ,. '.

- 15

Sw~den nnd N0r~ay strictly neutral. General

Qui81i~rs, N01'l~laY, (ere oot Rosenber CJ IS acquislG
t.Lor·~: ha.s no followers. It is i-n our lnte­
restj to keep Nor,,;ay ne'..l.tral. In case Eng;land
threaten_~ lYo-""Jay s, our pOli~TjlTill

Gl:e.n,~e., Nem02aEdur:1 CK,v o £;uehrt>r has stopped

the memorc.Ed-.;.m (J'odl)o OQ,u I must ~et
cJ ~
.oessa:rn b~"
~C" n"'1~O~O"s
J. ..... '. ~amel
''?' •
Tt is-fn OU1' 1.J.ltercst tl1at the Balkans remain
~uiet under nIl circumstances.
I·Mill tary dl ve~sionII would be most emba~:r'assing
for uS o we a~G tryin~ to arran~e a compromise
between Hussict a, .:. Homania (1914 frontier)
(Ribbentrcp rumself has been put on the job
for this); we have also ~ot in to~ch with the
Itctl10ns tc.' :.... ~ach a comDon formula. It is
our -a:,_r.l-t.O eli ver'G the Russians from the
Bosp():r'1.~S t,) .~ftShanistan and India. Stalin
reportedly not ~verseo-.

P:i..... O~"i:'7:SS of trade tH~§b.tations wi th R~ssia has

inprc -lea. -1).e to our a;-;ressi veness .. TRussian
demands very fa~reaching. )Rornania satisfact­
ory p:i..·o~resso

Ita1Jli.. IviussoJ.~ni has sent word that he will

approach the ~uehrer with proposals by middle
of Januaryo
use of I tCl2:1.. ~s in u-e"'can operationa in the"

West· T"he ?;"iehre:i:...- is 'chil1..1{ing of lnclependent

miss:ons; Sm.:.thern France, through Savoy, to
the sO'J.thwest o .c::ven our promise to Switzer­
land would be no real obstacle o OQu I.
Decision based on weather situation possibly
will be made as early as 3 Jano;this would
nean start of offensive as early as 11 or
12 Jun. Op .. Sec., TrClnsp. Chief, OQ,u I.
1130 ObdH:
a) Spicherer Heibhte '1,) we oust hear the views
of First Arf.1Y~ -- Check with Land Fortifica­
tions Sec.-- No tank obstacles o "Advance
Groupll will be the solution. No tank obstacles.
Recommendation to OK,"i.
b) Gercke: 1,) Solution must be prepared along
lines of Schell's propos~l (special mission
dictatorial pmve1"'s ff"Jr Transp. lJ h1ef). Must
start ri~ht after 5 Jan.

- 16 ­
2.. ) The~we Dust reorganize our T~anspo
Sec~ lIJr:.tnElP.. Chief
Dcrk as deputy to Gercke.
'a:'ser D lst be ehan.;ed, if necessary'

(to new l'vrps Hq'?). Central Branch..

c) Persor-uel cha~~es in key Staff posts only in the
event of a prolonged waiti~period. Central

-l ",' January 1940.

Reports and preparations for the trip.

~ntters to be attended to:
a) Vietinghoff - ::leist new mot. Corps Hqs.
b) TeoporaT'y Cieputy for Helmich in rtq . .ri.Gp. B. (Senfft
von Pilsach, O~u 1 Kessel).
c) Reply froD FroQrl re'?;ardin r:; signature *.
(1) SS and Police in the vest. -- Gen ~.

G) Or'4Fmization of suppli from central depots..

Down·~ ·;radinr; of horsc"::::drawn transport; units
take their active officers\actlve soldiers,
no officer candida-3§ atc. J. Talk over with
,.u ers. D1 v••I '

g) OQu IV. Intelli~ence on ene~y forces: Britlsh.-­

200k for bruck8ann~
h) Oper.ntlonal study Romania.
(Turn over ~teDs c) throubh g) to O~uI)

3 January to 6 January 19~0•

• Tour of the western froDt. See travel orders and travel


- 17 ­
7 January 1940 (Sunday).

0710 Return to Berlin (0harlottenburb ).

1000 Keitel OKiv: l.~ Jump-off c.ate known to eneoy.
2. ) Preparations of the Gestapo and
3.) Spicherer height s.
1100 von Salmuth: a) Seys it makes no ~ifference; period
for closing up to border ni~ht as
well be set at two days.
b) ~rmbr .must be placed under Army
G'f? Ope Sec.
1130 von StuelpnageJ. (at oy home): Summarizes business
&ul~ns OJ a~sence.

1630 ObdH: Report on tour and review of pendin~ questions.

1820 Keitel OK~if: a) Fuehrer is aware that the jump-off
d2te is known to the enemy.

b) Q,uestioil of. Gestapo and for

t:te .Iest not yet discussed wi th
the ~uehrero An understanding will
be arranGed with the Minister of
the Interior'o
c) Data on Spicherer Hei~hts wanted
soon. Land Fortifica tions Sec.
d) Concerning offensive everything is
still in the balance. .

8 January 1940.

Cen Qu ~ap exercise: Coonents:

1 0 ) Build-up for "3attle of the l-.ieuse II. Problems
of or~nnization and of ro~d cooffiunic2tions.
Very 0ifficult. Could be eased by cutting out
return trafflc.-- A dvancing of rai·lheads.-­
Maxlmun utilization of railroads.
2.) Traffic control basic21ly a com~and function.
It does not make any difference who is in charge
of the mechanics of control.

- 18 ­
7, )~uel SUpply and Truck s' tuation must be handled
by a central a~0ncy. ~x~han~e of horses (heavy
and lir-;ht hOi..'ses).

" Opo Se J ~ 1" ) X-hQur~ t!1ree hours before jump-off.

2. ) T:ne necded by mot. troops in AGpA etfU..qls
t:'_.:l8 needu"l by foot troops ( to ArIon) !
3 ) now
" wai tir =i-period could best be put to use.

Speidel and Sponeck state that tactical air

support will nG~ be available for several days
(f'curth day;. Zlements with ,'reat striking p01Ner,
effectivaness of a~~i~n.
von Etzdorf~

a) France emd E![~1_ancl; b.sSisl;ance to Finland

under T;~ei~'-L8ague of Nations obli~ations. Lend
route via lJa:-c-.rilc. Agreement of i.~orway and Sweden.
~,:i.·e we C?:cinp: 'l;O be informed'?
PrereoL'.i sJ. -~e would be nri ti sh promi se of aid
to NOJ~'il,.aJT and Sweden in the event of a war
~Jith R1:i.Ssia"
Iron ceposits in Northern Lapland.
No indi cations th,n,t the Fuehrer is demn.ndiniS
bases o
1:') Csa.1{y - vlano"
c) Kcrkhove!s 'tele~rar.l (...Jel~ium)"
d) Caucasus 3ritish objectivc o
e) Debatc in the ?rench Chamber. Gamelin attacked.
f) Trade 'talks wi th Russia are not· :,,;e tting to
any start.
?~wania~Very rruch in arrears with oil deliveries.-­
Railroad cars o
C~) BuI:saro--J3u:8sJan 'lr'lde,.Tre.'.lty.......

h) Peace questio~s. Dutch Premier Colijn not re­

ceived by II Duce.-- rtoosevelt1
i) Visit to the Pope
k) Today meeting at Fuehrer Hq.
1 Thiele: Fortress signal communications net. --Training
-------of radio operators,,-- Messenger dogs.

- 19 ­
OQu IV: Review of material accuDulated during my absence.-­
Gro s scurtll" - Confidential information on Goering I s
pc~ce fee1el"'11

1n.:s< :.Or =-.

7 ..£ ..0.:..P.i. Joint report on \'l/i thdrawal of troops etc o
to tr&ining centers in the event of prolonged post­
pa .1ement"

9 u anu·3.ry 1940.

J acob- Gc~len·~ ---'-0

Sche:I_~. :
;·.c ...:~ 1)eli veries ,in' the immediate future will not allow
any improvements c

Euhle: OrGani ZL c:..onal mat ·Gers.

Gercke~ Railroad situation very difficult. ~acklog of

657 trc:.ins Perscnnal reduced by s1 ckne SSe Vfe are

hflving trGL'.ble 'wi th coal supply. For shiftinrs of

tr'oops ir.. eic;ht-1-'leekbperiod we need 520 fwd 570
trains" Readied abcut 335 trains (in addition to
over 100 trains 5..n t~'rdlsi t). .c.;nou ~h trains are
read.iecl for tanks o E'or Info Di vs" -Ttle need 370
trains over and above trie 335 trains standin s by•.
Feasible if passe~;er traffic is restricted.
,ve won I t find cut abo1 1 t 'Lhe effects on the economy
before conference \·/i t_l Goerint; on 10 Jan. (Gercke)
Conference with ObdH (at his home), present also Fro~~
and Bunle, 1700 to 2030.
1,Va;ner: Coal problem.--
BUilding up of truck reserve can not start before
1 Mar~h. GHq Reserve will h~ve to be formed by
druwin3 on resources of Armies.
Ope Sec . ..:.. "Museum" Leeb - also SL-rt;eenth Army. * .
Or~. Sac.: Balance tank types. ** Se~tle question of Brig.
and Restl. COso
Ott: lJ1 e <1. Inf" ~un SPi·d Self-propelled or wi th tracrtion'?
Or~. Sec.: Airborne troops. Should striking power be in­
II ~~ease~~!~'·Glns·? (Sponec!~;s 1!lishe~)
Set- aslae oqulp~r;nt for two additional Divs:

- 20:,­
OQ,u IV (Gl'C SECU::..~t.:t>.) ;
1.) :1 Duee. ~a~~s a;ainst Russia. Continuation of
, pre8t-~~,.c cou.::,·se means separation from us. Asks
not to attack.

Peace suarQr.ties (Polish buffer ~tate).

Italy ce.!1!lot enter the war now (Armed Forces

no~ ~ea~yJ); ~1]1 join us only at the vory last

illor,ien"G o (lIDo not believe in my victory. ")

2.) Instruction/to call meeting of the Ic Officers

in t:18 11}e2 t ~ ·~o warn them af?ainst representat­
ives of th3 ForeiGn OfficeJ.

3.) SS D3G:::'ee"

OQu 1V.i- ~ri tiS:1.,

1500 - 1730: FUG~rer GonferGnce:

[1.) ~arget c.ate: \~edn~su.ay, 17 Jan is .a-Day..
tA 4~ baturdaY,13 Jan.
~ 3: Dunday, 14 Jan.
A 2: Monday, 15 Jan.
rl 1; Tuesday,16 Jan. )
Ze~o-Hour: 15 ~inut5s b,fore sunrise at Aachen
((;816 firs on 17 Jan .. '1 ... ,(h.'crons· for selecting' ·'tJ·hts
date: A hi,);h of ~are-· in tensl tY I;lncA nerT:lar anc':J'
310uds from the on-it;:; Ene.. 13 '
anUary, then asain clear winter weather with
10 t~ 15 degr~es bblow freezing in Belgium .HoI2.and for 12 to 14 days. Op. Sec.
Get information en thi0kness of ice.
Eubar~o on flyin~: Air Force specifications.
OKi order tocorrow~ Should the weather
deteriorate in the reantirne, date will be put
u~ •

b) 13 Jan. perhaps even 12 Jan. bi 6 boobing at­

tack by ~ir Force a~ainst airfields along the
entire northern border. Also air attacks a;ainst
~)ilot schools ( 70~o of enemy fighter strength
in the zone of atuack)olhen own Air Force will
be with~rawn; duru~i~s,on airfields.(r~ve OQu
IV ascertei~ effectiveness~) Pounce a~ain
just before jUQP-off.

- 21 ­
Ope Sec.: 8rmy Gps. Dust now establisflGclose contact

with their air f0rmations a ~ir defense a~ainst

enemy retaliation o

Chief air Ufficer calls on ObdH.

c) Dinant -- ~nent -- ansterdaQ. New supplement­
ary instruct:'ons of OK"I{ for Ground ~rQies are
Op~Sec& Study fump~ications! Make most of
opportunities. Notes for report.
d) Original preparations for Eben E~ael stnnd.-­
O~J. Sec. ,.AGpo B.

Keitel(on phone)~

a) Meoorandum on Nor~ay. Planning staff at OKW.

p. li1ec.
Dc,. marIe. I~in ter'? One Di vi sion.-­

b) Special ~irectives on Givil ~Dinistration.

IISioultaneously Fuehrer decree will order
closin~ of the frontier~ New version.-­
Gen Qu.
c) Wagner prOClal!lation redraftedj now iv. Fueh­
rer's desk. Gen~u.

d) Our directives for Military Government ap­

proved by ObdH. Soon to OKI'J.
e) Conference of Ic officers. Foreign Office
representatives.-- Propn~anda. O~u IV.

f) Set-up for last-minute stoppage of attacking

forces must be mainta~ned.: PrBpa~e: Fe~dlB-
persal. Up. Sec.
Conference with OadH:
a) Ort~anizational measures: can we do until
start of the offensive '? argo Sec.
b) Trainil1~. CheI:lical s~oke exercise, etc.
c) Mine clearin~. R3JTIote-controlled roller
Detonation by flamethrowers. •
• Dropping of 5 K~ bombs.
<-1) TrMsfer of OKH must be pr.f3par:eed for any time
after 15 Jan., eveniOg (Monday).
Recommendations. ventral Branch.

- 22 ­
O~l IV: Etzdorf Q Target date~

QR" 880.: fcsoJbilities for stopping troops before

&tart of attack, day by day.
Info~mayior on thickness of ice to troops.

Gehlen - Jecob~ Saarbruecken.

Jp. Gee.: Notify Bo~atsch.,

~l points discusseQ with Sec. Chiefs at 2200.)

11 0" anuary 1940,.

Gehlen: Orient[' on Fuehrer conference (Se.arbruek­

k~n)~-- R~po~t on completion of defense position
in AGp. C.
Piekenbrock. wlnte book.
Fellgiebel: Target date for offensive and transfer.of
G Hq.

Bogatsch~ ~arget date for offensive, transfer. Air

attaak before start of offensive and its effects.
Buhle: Possjbilities for organization in case of the
offenHi ve"
Gercke: Road~building program in Reich and East~
Expansion of railroad construction progr~~ 1940.
Stapfl Arr landing in Holland.
0Q,u , r.,: II Duce I s letter;

1. ) ?roposal to seek ways to reach a peace.

Restoration of POland. Question of frontie~s
left open"
2.) Warna ar;;ainst offensive in the est. Military
successes are possible, but all the greater
then the dan~er that the war may spread.
U. S.A.

3.) Go slow with pro-Dolshevist policy" As

recently as six months aso Public Enemy No.1.
Now,a friend.
n As an old revolutionary I know that it is
impossible to change ideologies to suit the
exigencies of day-to-day politiC Sll.

~Gks us to revert to strugGle against Bolshevism~

Convj.ctlon fight against'the liestern

P0wers is pcesible only after oolshevism l~s

been GDaS~ao ~~De~ber COR~on gravesl*

Great symp8..~~hieB .)r the Finns, although Fin­

lard steod. :1n '~hg e!lemy camp when sanctions

were :mpooed, Possibilities of military part­

icipation are being studied by experts.

Similar as j,n Spain.

"If you go on step farther in your present

Russian policy, a terrible situation may arise,

which would co~~el Italy to make her position

clear" n

A,fghani stan ~ Nothing p' Jssi ble without Russian

support ..

Report on Military Attaohes who came in while

I was on tr.UT in the west.

Grei~""'p.nberr; - Heusinger~ Order has been issued

for ._ ( Ja.:l-.-bK~J. Order for Se,arbl"Uecken. OK-f.

J.2 J anU-9.ry 1940.

GreiffenberR:~Ca6e of the flyers landed in Bel~;;ium (on

11 January).

It must be assumed t:Bt at least part of the

documents is in the hands of the belgians. ~fuat

material did they get? Fuehrer has reserved


Should location of Hqs be changed?

What has been divulged; L?cation of rtqs; no armd.

units; Hq of Seventh ~ir Div.; airfields of Air


Report of ~ir Force to Fuehrer; ObdL wants to do

~he air attack on 15. (Offsqts danber. )

. Fuehrer himself will give signal for attack.

Wa~ner: Fifth Armd.Div. reports about damages suffered
en route. Must ~et helpL
Gen. Student (~hrist); Air landinb Bolland.
OQu V: Obkircher. Wri tin,.:> of books by Army personnel
on the Polish 0~ilpaig~.

- 24 ­
Afu~iral Scbp.lewind: GBner&l review of the situation.
GSI'cke: T'.'9.:1sport drder cOffiounicatecl to Railroad offices.
--"-KleinD3,nn claiD3 he will sTJ>!in b it.

13 J anue.!":! 1940 (Saturday) •

Gercke~ Meeting at the Reich ~ini3try of Transportation.

E~lseer:Report on border protection in the South:30rder
tIuard now set upo l)an be doubled oy sUIllmer, 1940,
quadrupled by 8~r.1Qer, 194ill. Special defense detach­
r.1ent~'il· are integr'1.ted with border G-uard.. Training
in pr'ogress,.
Mt. Div. out of replacf~ent units, activation in pro­
Col Oliva -- CeL ./agner.
Jo~l c~lls 13~5: Stop ~ovement~fo~tPon~ment probably
two days. Cbief O~.Sec. and Deputy Transp. Chief
to Ch~nc611ery nov later than 1430 hrs.
Greiffenber~ 1545: ~ir attack, 14 Jan. Ground offen­
sive, 20 Jan. Confererce at Fuehrer office.
ObclH: 3ra~ner - Hilpert.
Co~ps ac ti va tions, _.1 ?eb. Signal cOI1lponen ts
complete~ 15 Feb o rtqs Dust be activated by 10
Soc-:"enstern for General .cl.rI1lY Office'?
Mittelberger: Operational study Southeast.

14 .:January 1940 (Sunday, Berlin) •

Conference with Obah, 1130 ,to 1315.

T~{e up with OKW:
a) The repeated extension of the date for
the offen 8i ve 1s unc.ernining confidence.
b) ~ffects of the last cancellation. (Some of
the troops were alrea~y entrained and en
route to front.

- 25 ­
2. )~~~_~:0tl K 5~ B ecl-:er clalms the l~esponsible
fE~ctCl'2 a:~e ',,[,he cold 'i;emperature and the
steel E',amJ.f8J;t1.p:'ing process. (Only high-class
refin0d ste91 02n be used! t Art.Sec o
30 ) O,}1).Y!t;8r.-~w8a81,lres ~-:io_ 1 an<L Eelgium: Time inter­
val-~1.c:cspc-ed of" reaction" OQu IV.
a) In the event or an offensive~ So&enstern
to rly S'(;aff, l111pert to Leeb I s Staff, as
t8mpora~y assigments •
.lf no offl£'ns.i ve: !'lanstein and Stuelpnagel,
Commana.:ng '}enerals o 01 bricht, General
.r.).r.ny G:[·::t'ice~ Central Branch.
~;)densi,8j"'n to mv Staff as O~,'l;l I; }'elber
~o~s tv ACp.~c ln what way does it affect

v) Mi~L61b-rg8r possib!y C in 0 Upper Rhine.

S ..; hlndle r '7~'

c) O'~jrcher case must be taken up. OQ,u V.

d) On principle no objections to Drauner o

Kewisch's ~fficiency rating must be sub­
mit~edd Centrel Dranch.
e) Should rlollidt be relie~ed in the East?
",'iho in l1J~, p2.ace':? (Soneone very sterno)
5 ) ,Propa;::;anc1a among l'lorrocan and African troops
in Southern .t"rance across Spanish border(?)
O~u IV.

von Salmuth (2000): 0 in 0 ~gP. B wants to talk to me

and ObdH on Tuesday 1000 hrs~
Ziehlberg (OQu I):
a) Sodenstern -- Nieth -- Konrad -- Lanz (0 of S.
for BorJe lil o iQistr o V'?)
':J) Assif;nnent of hilpe::'t (1;1. 39) might be
arran-ed despite ~iethls seniority (1.3. 38),
by calling i"t temporary duty.
c) A~9o A: F~;ber.-- Dehind Felber, Hi1gert, ~rmy
Hq 2 (possibly rlollidt).
_) 5er-Lind .do llic1 t Hansen (6p.Sec.) Keep an eye
on Jaehnicke o
Buhle: .vhen opera ti ons start: One Rep~ac(;)ment Transfer
Bn. must be activated for ea~h Divis:on of the
First, Second, Tr~rd, Fourth and Fifth Drafts;

- 26 ­
three Inf. Cos; '~ifles for signal, ertillery and
cnbinaer cornpcnents. ~otivation to be initiated
on issuance of orf~r for attack.

1245 18JO, Fup.~rer 0opfe~ence~

a) \~eath8r ul1.certaln because of pen8tration of a

center of 10w nr"essure. Impossible to forecast
weather for ti 8 to 10 day period.
b) Minimurn nee<.' e<ii; e1 -:ht days; battle at the :Meuse
t on the f01iT'th day at the earliest.

) air landing inside Fort:ess Holland. New orders ~

Rechberg1s letter.*

16 January 19 /10.

Col. Gen. von Dock. Von ~ Kess1ring instead of 30ck.**

Decision not at Maastricht, but on the Meuse
river. ~on 5r~ eY?6cts that the Fuehrer will
leave us freedom to decide.
Clear ~icture ·not before late afternoon of
first day ~t the earliest.
2.) Opera~ion a~ains islands. Kesselring wants
to help.
3.) Supply of materiel: Spare parts. Sixth ~rmy:
1 recuperator spring,*** 1 L one word ille@jible
4.) SS Decree (~8tia:b in the back II ).
Officers I CorDs 1.n a II nas t y ll mood.
\'1ooen are II shirkers II. 'it
Article in IISchwarzes KOrpSll.##
von Br. we stick to our stand.-- A1verse
effect of the p3riod of inactivity.
Obd::I: Brid~e In..'.mchers on Tank IV chassis: 9 m long,
for watt;r depth of 2 D, End of March: two units •
2 Krupp, 10 t-agirus" Tank brigges.
Four Divs. will Get 3 units each.
Footbridge for Infantry:two ready in Feb.
!ank IV chassis needed.

- 27 ­
50-ten tanks in 1943: Two types, with 80 ~m
all-:I'ound a::-nlor~
", .- ... ,,-_.
Conference with Th03ao.
."'l .,
u. . •

Conference with Eoch.

Gro ssr rth: Conferenl;e in Uanari d I office: a) OKI~ orc:'er
on measures to insu~e secrecy.-- b) SS Decree.-­

, c) Report from the East.

17 J anl?ary 1940.

Op.Sec. et al" ~ ~i8~~sltion of battle ferces on the

iiestGrn bo:-der,,- Need to make the most of any
wai tin2>'-period"
Roehricht: TraJ.~ing courses for 00 and atry Cos on
Arny leve2: etc? Trainin3 ammunition.-­
i-liscellaneous questions ..
Be:i.gians .qlert tr90ps around Eben Emael a.istric t
and west of Uaa8tr~chto
Deoolitions bein b prepared by Dutch in Maastricht.

Talk with 8almuth on repe~cussions of these Bel~ian

measures; also on E'ortress Holland.
Passed on to Chief OpoSec. for transmittal to
Air Force. OKW.
, lJan(~haeuser:_ 8i tuation in the l!.iast.
lvIuell.r: a) Sa~d sprinkling and other preparations for
ic'Y roads.. .
b) von 30ck: ~ateriel casualties must be
replaced now!
c) Reduction of fuel consumption:(50~)o
d) Instruction on Field Post.

von oock: a) Inquires whet~er S~oneckls proposal is

kno~m her:,,,
~) }lan of a0tack IV Corps (~aastrlcht?)
Rei)ly: OK,i and Air Force have been in­
forned of belbian measures; I shall
repl¥ to him mys€ l f.
Gercke: Repercussions of the pa~a~ysis of railroads
in c~nsequence of short alert notices: AsseDbly
of trains mi~ht easily giv~ clues to target
date. Concentration and direction of offensive
oi~ht be recognized several days before the

- 28 ­
To COLlnte.'I.:' theBe hazards: II Flying start ". * This,
ho~ever, puts the rail~o js under a continuous
hi~t;h s"GI'ain o


Decision; ,Jur-···,p-off wi th troops echelonr.ed in

great dep1;~!. lJo surprise(neither operational,

nor ~~utical,) ~eather uncertain.

Troops must be poIsed to strike instantaneously~

No previous r~tlfication of Zero-Bour.

,&i.t any moment~

t· Complete rea1iness must be assured at all times.

(24 haurs}n Inf. and ~rr.lor west of the Rhine.
During these 24 hours ~o railroad movements,
no re-Gurn l1-:ovements etc.; resumption only
after fron~ier has been crossed. Missions
~nd object~v68 reoain the same. Possible slight
variation (main effort 'south of Liege prefer­
able) 0

Holland in its entirety.

Not tied to a fixed time schedule: Seventh ~ir
D1. v.
~ime needed for grouping. (Easter?).
2.) In future the F~ehrer will divulge his plans
only to a very fewo
.) Deception measure 8; 02.1_ deception plan, tanks,
staff exercises, etc. Plan of operations -­
nattle only against 3ritish~
a) Closure of' frontiers with Holland and Belgium.
b) GHq '1 (1 Fe 0. )

18 January 19 L10;o

ObdH; (1200): 10 fixed dateJ Fat 24~hOurs.

Vellicles must not be left standing in the open o # ~

Orders oust be submitted after issue.

neport to Fuehrer: Assembly.-- Visposition -­
lrninins -- J.: nrbet daYep~

Abwehr: von Blaskowitz.-- Of~icers too weak; do not stand

up for unjustly persecuted o

- 29 ­

Reineclr.a -- Grosc2.urth _.- Ulex -- OQ,u IV.

Pickenb. Be~tivel·m...

a) Olbricht., Gan" ArQ.Y Office.

:r.' e1be l'/I<lan H t ein
Conmandin~ Generai3.

c) Leeb. (ff rau von Leeb's pessimistic remarks~)

WeElk spots in the vlest v~all ..
Groppe 's pX'.:;notion to lVlaj or General (Landwehr
Di v. in von iJi tzlp.ben I s li'roup).
d) Hir::rrJler de(,.~·ee .. ~}~. Mobilize Personnel Di v.
OKW: ,0 surprise. 1:1 contrast to 18 • '*
Ohanr::ed r.;·~thod~ Keep ther.J. on edge.-- Abandonment
of plan HllBt not be openly stated. Fiction .IiJust
be preserved tnat we may start off any day:~No
massive build-up, a flowing assembly. Start of
attack se~s flovling aaeembly in motion. Preceded
by Air Force action o Strategic surprise as in
invasion of Ozecho-Slovakia.
Air Forcen
SGootr.J.y runnin~ on third day. Assembly of units
i3 the rear must be teleecoped.
Ra.ilroada viII remain at the disposal of the Army
until further notice (Fuehrer).
Conference with Chiefs Op. Org., J ~ra.nspo Sees. and GenQ,u:
1. ) In view of the fact that the enemy in the
past reacted dre..."'t;ically and 1Ni th promptness
to our succeslve attack alaroa, the Fuehrer
hns come to the conclusion that the ori·inal
systeo of assembly no longer affords surprise.
Our policy must be changed:
2.) The new method will be characterized by the
following features:
a) lI_t thE) frcntier and directly behind it,
only the forces necessary to attain the
first objectives, T"~t is,Inf o Divs. as
far as required for initial jump-off;
en.;sineers and roadblock organiza­
tion, to clear the path for Armor. (Air
cover and ~~ for potential road bottle­
necks. )

- 30 ­

build.·-up such that op'3ration~ could be started

at shortcst noti~e (84 hours).
b)~ll battlGsfcrces and supply destined for the
follcw'-' . .p, oust be ech "lonned in the rear in
a mann,;:;r "' enablesl:;hem to catch up during
the inevitable steps due to roads jams, border
battles etc o • a~d so have closed up when the
ini tial of:'ensive wave has reached the first
object1 ve"
c)Rail~cad shipments, large-scale road moveoents,
transfer of Hqs will be initiated only after
the frontier l~s been crossed.

3. ~ Our jO:J now :'8;

a) .~o d.ecide on II first objectives II )
To allocate forces needed ) Ope Sec.
Spec~fy missions for Air Foree o

b) It 18 necessary to tlunK out carefully, what

effects all th1e will have on the work of
other Staff S e c t i o n s ; ' .·
~ransport non affected! I
SUP91y. ~rains acheduled to run on
the firsT; day must stand by. '. ;
Tomorrow I e':18.ll be at the disposaL of.,tl1e
Section Gbiefs to talk over their ideas.
4. ) In workins out our plans we must bear in
a) Holland.

b) Deception"

e) headiness to strike any tiDe in response to

enemy offensive.
5.) There will be no "let-up period II. Readiness
to initiate c?erations in conformity with
the present plan must be maintained until
the '~8W plan has eI,1tered into force. (Opo Sec.
. ~ -- Reply to Bock.)
6.) Or~~~izational program will go on during
7.) Training program will go on.
8. ) Transfar of OKH HOn Vamouflage and security.
Wa~n8r: Reor~anization of Columns: Three 30-ton MT
Clos and three horse-drawn Glms for every Div.

- 31 ­
a) we are insuff".c:'.ently informed on political
mELtter~J -- tJle:{ decree. -- Eastern questions.

b) Close check to prevent leaks in OKH.

Roehricht~ a) TraininG program: Five Divisi0ns to be
sent to Training Centers. Tank Demonstra­
\ t:1JII1 unit to ·Vue!1sdorf.
b) Staff M.:ll11.~al for Staffs of SS and Police
Di. -"8 t
c) Ccemicul awoke e~eriment~l exercise.

Rersonnel matte~"8:

a) In ne~ CoYps Hg : 0eyor, Manstein o For Geyer,

StueljJ':.lagsla (j.X Corps will soon be relieved).
b) OQu I: von Sodenstern o
c) AGp. 89 of S: VQ:l Salmuth, AG1). B; Felber,
AGp. A; Mieth) dGpo C; Hansen AC~. East o
d) ~·~!IlY Cs of S ~ Paulue, SIxth Army; .brennecke,
Fourth d.l'"'m~l; Hilpert; 1 Secor..d ~l'my; Marcks,
Ei~htee~lt:b.. r\·; Flsch-"", Seventh Army;
.1:ackcnsen, Twelfth ~rm;y, :iY1 odel, Sixteenth
~rmy; Konrad, First ~rmy.

e) CO~)s Cs of S: Siewert.l Nc others n8med.-Ed~

von E>tzc1orf: Italv: CAll .. -- ~}ar materials.-- Public

senti .-;;tincrcasingly succumbing to Allied

p!'opaganda (G:r:aJ:' Spee) i~

Ciano-C3a.~.y: rlllncSary w'ill make no territorial
:lenands lf F.~T'llC'.nia 81.;,ccessf'ully I'esists any
attack by a third pa:c·ty a..'1d makes nJ terri­
torial concession.s to third parties (Dobru­
dana, Bessurabia).
Negotiations turning sour. Ritter still in
Barlin. Fuehrer annoyed. (Naval gun turrets,
oachine tools alrplane models .. )

Fuehrer wants to underta~e nothing in the

Russo-Fi~nish conf- ~ct&
finnish sug~eBtion that we take action before
League of_Nation intervenes o
Molotov; ~ime very late~ Schulenburg has not
;heft in consequence of Tanner's offer•.~*
~~ehrer wants no mediation.

- 32 ­
Sweji3h-Germ~n Friendship Banquet. "'-':-Baty
,"1i th dungary:
Open part ­
S8()rct parti ~ on 'iJar economy I~
38 s sara.~)
~T aDem:l~el"! CD•.Ji-net is believed not "to be favol"­
&b18 to 1.18 0 Interilll Cabinet. J!1 pol i tlcally
di8united~ No~ yet comIJitted to new course (Jend­
in~ liquj~atlG;of the Ohinese question,
restoration of good relations with UeS.) •

1'/880 :for ObdH: Tafk ~1Tit;h OK-ilJ, 18 Jan., afternoon (see
ye~terday's no~es).

1,) Er8a~-d01'rn of confidence in East: Personnel

change (..r.~ns6n for Hollidt). Tour to the
East to lu()k after troops.
Siewert n personal liability.
In.::·t;~'l:!Jtion on OrGanization set in operation.
(lVli~'?t; take it I"; th De .. ) Order issuedon
re~ cga.nj. z.ation cf NG Bns., Cavo Di v., Inf,
En~., Pl:;tts.
Training;: Dl~Tis2.ons must be wl thdrmvn for
trainin r;. ~raini!li:S course and Demonstrate
unit for T0 nk COIJDanders at Wuensdorf.
Chenical smoke exer8ise, 28 Jan.
5.) Persor.n81 matters (see anove).
6.) Recon~endation for rc.orgRnization in the
West (Greiffenbero)o-- Conference as soon
as possible"
7.) Reorganizatio:!1 of columns (Wagner).
8. ) Protest by Ott.
9.) Et~c.lorf

10.0 60,000 arm&~ents workers froD the Army

(release in several staE;;8s) ive hear that

replac60ents for them are assured before

they are relieved. T8~k it over wi~h ObdH
von Greiffenberg~

1.) Fi!'st obtecti~,e; Holland in its entirety

·.~whlch vlLl.l recluire at the least all forces

• so far assigne{'J
South of Na~ur-Meuse.
In centrel sector: ~et across Canal, then
Antwerp and Namur•.

- 33 ­
motal time lost Ql~e to increased depth. of assembly:
one day's march o
Armor strenGth 8.S bef'Jre, "'.Jut allocations changed.
No reir..f'orcenie~t of Fourth .rl.rmy.
pis\inr-tiYQ b[L;:-~:L_on cUI'f for Armd. Troops,
Six D;_yis~.9j,:,8e 0j,1 i-~ plus 1, morning, if material
is ready.,
Gercke~ Stipulat:ons bv State Railroads, if they have
to tr&"'.sj?(' :,"; f~L ve Di vs. which were withdrawn to
T raJ.nlng (".(:;n"'Cer8'.
r'" I

a) Furlou;;h traffic oust be reduced 5070 (for about

tW0 Vle6h:s) 0

::) Restriction of passenger traffic to skeleton

Obc.. . H approves. neductir:'n of fu.r].ough traffic must not
extend to shor~~~~ s.t.l';l,,,~CI~ !-,d.8SeS o - ; - .OIGol approves ••
nUhle: ArtiJl~- +'pro~~;

a) Present progrnn in force until end of February.

b) StartinG end of January there will be available
for allocatio!l;
Fu !:l.Y......9.0bj.le ~J:J.ot ,'.) ;

4 Dns. 21 co H~o How.= 10 Btrys.

3 Bns" 15 co £.tied" 1"'::'0 How o (Czech) ± 9 Btrys.

(~ of these to be converted to Lt~Fd.How.motJ)

2 Bns. 15 cm Guns = 5 Btrys.
:'.n fixed em.2J.El.ceoen t s :

7 ~n6. 8.3 co Ozech Ad Artillery in ~Gp.C(includ­

, in' ing 2 Ens. of limited mobility)= 21 3trys.

c) ,as of 1\1[1:;:,ch.:

60 Btryso of 4 rOlish Field Guns each-2~0 guns,

Of these 2~ ~tryseof 6 guns eacb~ 144 guns,
bO to ~rmy Hq 7 (~t&tic).

- 33 a ....
ReI:1l"'.ining 95 guns :.:,12 .:Jns~ (left 'It,,ing of
F'j_ 'Y'.-,~.
... Cv AI'rrLv)
u. •. 0

~~·~.1:.-£~9.QJ.e~.E2.1t of ~ rtil1ery (horse-dra.wn)

1'0:[' 10 :ik\"i 1):1. VS, ~

30 Dns u L<.;, .l:Id? He.w~ 18

10 :Sns o Ewi~ i:i'd" tim"" (polish)
Fo~ ~1m8 beinB third btrysowill be
eqi.l:"~)pt:d with Fd o Gun 16;

As of Iviarch~

Mot$ ~ed~ ~rtillery: (Qateriel only;~uestion

of traction still unsol v,
unsolved) :
8 ~ns. (Cztah) Med.Fd.How.mot~30on 1 March
3 II 1 ~Jlay
2 II 1 July
1 =try~30~5 (Czech) Hv.How.not. 1 March
1 =try~2~ em Gun (Czech) mot~ 1 March
4 3try"s~ 21 cn Gun (Turkish Skoda) 1 ~pri1
1 May
1 ,Tune
1 July.
eaoh month, 2 Bns,,- 6 BtrysoHv.
1row:i8 {3 per i3t l'y-=-).
§eginntng -"'·idd.le c f v.tay: each mont~! 1 i3try"
~3~F~eces 15 cm Guns 18~

Encl of £.J.ay: 3 Dtrys" (3 pieces each) 22 cm Pol

~olish (only once).

1 June )

1 JuJ·.Y-): 4 J3tryso (2 pieces each) 24 cm

(Turkish) ~OW~ Skoda (mot.)

1 June~ 6 B1~rys; (4 pieces each) 10 cm Gun

(C z 3c11) moto

1 July: 1 3t~y. K 12 Gun*.

15 July: 8 Bns. (2 ntrJs each) Med.Fd.How.
15 cm (Polish) horse-drawno(Constitute
neplacenent Transfer Div.for 8 Divs.)
15 Ju1y~ 14 3trys~fued.FdoHow. (Czech)o Of these,
4 3ns o (2 ~tryso each) as Replacement
Transfer Vivo for Seventh Draft; 2
Bns. (2 ~trys.each) for GHq Artillery.
1 Aug.: 1 42 CEl How. (Czech).
20 Btrys. 10 cm Fd.How (Czech),horse­ o

drawn; (allocation open).

- 34 ­
ITev.r """"ehrer o:r'der on weapon s :lVied. He
naval ~uns atc" buhle.
2,,) Or!;," O:r-der 7/4-0 "'K, of 18 Jan. Ivho gave it to
Er.p.:el'( -- lJ.~ite 41Ust wi thdraiv i to ,gPo Sec o

3 0 ) G·erc.~e·~ Cut in long-distance traffic; Front


j."o "'- ~, ,.,;.., +­
.!. .., (:: ""lJ. J . .,j .. _

Repla~emen.t rl:rmy
er:fbari?o for two. vJ~eks. ~~ t
:"J v.reeks. * Short-dlstance
I·r·~"t t1r.TO
traffic as ~efore.0eginning 22 January.
' ~
.-' -f'
C e -!.-...Q~_t2n SP .. fj1

. ,
4. ,. New Corps Hg?~iust be talked· over

5.) Who looks &fter Divisions taken out of line?

O"'i ,r8 L .Roeh!'icht ..
1·3 li8W D~ "'i:J~, 10 Di vS o scheduled for activation
a.nd D8Cll0l101,ration Di v .. have no bridt::>ing equip­
ment" Tn~D8ec.

I).) bl"'and.~;o southern wing of Seventh Army.

Kuntzen must be freed once field operations
have started,,-- Geyer XXIV Corps.
Fuehrer directi vei. filneJq)edient II 1f0~era tional objecti v­ 0

es'r:-~ew mE. ..;hod of attack I. 36 hours.

Reich Chancel~6ry 1500 hrs o

20 Je.n.uary 19~0.

Euble: Or~anizational matters.

GehlGn~ Construction Dns"
Grosscur~h: Maintenance of security.
F'uehrer conference 1500 hrs:

Situation com~els us to acopt new methods. Reasons:

l~) Eneny has n fair idea of our plans,,--­
2.) That pl"ne acclc"'..ent has made everything very
clear to the enemy~


~~~_~~~ -tt:.Q g~"L'!:'5.-L':y':-e't'l:. Is convinced that

\'le shall

the \r.ll~r·r DW) B.T'E: bound to lose it iJ.nless we

~J&rn to mainta~n secrecy. Carelessness may lose

us th::; war"

'vVe must have the fan~.t:.1 (lal determination to keep

ope:;:? ticna.l ~3.t t Oi~S absolut :::ly secret and. to act

swittly in the (;E.5e of an alert. (1l0ffensive t::r

through Sedan", date known. )

Careless talk, fault~ organization or keen obser­

va~icn of many separate facts (unusual occurrencesJ~

[,leans must be fon.d to eliminate all these factors.

Number of those initiated into operational plans

must be kept t.o an a0301ute minimum. And within

this grou~, e~cb i~dividual must be told only

what is essent'l.;..<.1 ,:'or his function; no over-all


Infol"j11atiun l:lUSt be given out at the latest pos­

sible moment g

....n giving instructions pU1..Jose must not be reveal­

An order need not give away the underlying
inten tio!l, Execution requires a large number of
'lfTOrkers; lntentions must be known only b§1 a very
small groups
(departure dates, girl typists).
No one must be told th.::t we have abandoned system
of four-~day aler:" E,ver;,-thing will be done out

of h~nd, (Wants report on measures taken to

i'nplement 11e"J system~) t.;neny must not beoome
aware of cha~ge in procedure.
Air effort to destroy enemy aviation is of prime
lmportance~ Pres8nt clear weather spell is not
long efio~gh. Det~er cha~ces not before March.
1.) lienee: Air Force ~ust deliver first blow;
orders not until chs night before e
2.) Other missions~ Enemy command organization
must be s~ash8du d~;a~quarters~ All must be
attacked at the same minute, and with heaviest
bombs o Other points of st~tegic importance.
Maastricht bridges rrust be captured intact:
Occu'Oatio!l C'f Holland. Offensive must attain
saximum penetr~tion cf. ene:rlY terri "l.nor:f:J~ .8~*
f:"ngland thus wlll not De :.,~tac:kled lrom u.(le all'
in the first c.'..aysg F.i"om tilird day onward, small
groups of Ju 88 can attack England.

- 36 ­
Target for the first days: Inmediate action on
limited number of especially important objectives.
More may be expected from a attack with small
forces, using maximum surprise, tl~n with larger
:orces, but against an enemy poised for defense.
Clearing of road bloc~s~ Fieseler Storch planes
to drop Commandos and trans90rt ammunition and
Orders will be issued in the afternoon. Movement
durir.g night o Attack in the r.lOrni:lg. IILeap from
stand. II
Our change of rr.ethod must not becone known to
troops. Enemy mUf~ be left in belief that we still
follow original method.
Essentip.l pr~ ,-squisi te of' success.- ,vants list
of offmcers who have to be in the know.
Secret ffill.stguarded in issuing orders" Divide
~ 3
orders~ DO:i1' t
say anything' about intentions, just
pass down the order;
Total ~f t1immediate" actions. Leap from stand!
:Jesirable to include in "iIilmediate ti actions:
Holland on full scale.*
Operation Maastricht. Passage through the Ardenn
ArC_ennes o Prevent denolitions. Figure out in
advance at what points we might have to repair
demolition damabe.
Timing: October would have been best. Enemy cannot
do much construction work during period of frost.
Frozen Holland affords great advantages.
weather always keeps one guessing. ~ven now we
must take advantage of any period of good weather.
Making the most of opportunities offered is bet­
ter than "mi ting fo!' the ttperfect II weather.
Accordingly, every o.tJportuni ty must be seized. i:ot
Not likely before clarch. e must stand by prepar­
ed at all hours~
Transfer of GHq by plane.
Idea that we keer alert period must be fostered
also on the railroads. Block telephones!
Fel!giebel. Spread rumors. (Marras*)
Order to all participants at th. conference on observ­
ing secrecy.

- 37 ­
Crde~ to first attack ech3lon~ Start off with two­
thix'·~.g; lI"lproV1sFJ,tlonS e rJiake arrangements for
elerru:.mta left b'3hin'l o

2 ' ,T ...•1'
R .,....y 1940

1200 : wi th 01)dH) Fu.ehrer conference: ~"e submi t the

recc-r.menr:'atio:i13 of the Army. He wants maintenance
of instar.t re~d~r.ess 80 as to be able to take
advantage of any favorable weather period o <

1530 vo!.!.
.. Grp~~¥en'I)~~~:
-,"._:_ J_ ....... F, Securi ty at OKE. Sealing against
o . . . ~~.:c:~. ol;"side.
POotponement to end of January.
ArlliY Hq. 18 - 2 *
Leave out Regt. Grossdeutsch­
1800 Fuehrer (with Obdd):
a) Disposition of troops generally approved.
Vianto arr'.L '[al of Di v·s. from the rear planned
so thE':c they can be iQf'ediately commi tted.
b) ~o be carried out f~rat off: Original plan
c~lled for £mashing of eneny air foroe; Ghent;
£'iaastricht. Now, l/laastricht, Ghent (and DinantO)
have been dropped, leaving only smashing of
eneny air fOlce (on which, as a result, all
weight can be thrown)~
c) Holland nmv in firs·c line. The whole cOt.<:"1tr;y.·"
coun'~ry iliploynen t of sUfficie~tly strong
a -I•..
forces to preclude any setback. rte ·\JIJants a
build-up that ensures full secces.
d) Naas~richt not yet conoletely ruled out (no
air lec~~)~- Strong fOrCeR would beneeded to
exploit succes~; tanks on rtasselt and
Maastricht o If action impracticable, tanks
can be witbdra't'l}'n fron sector.
d) {sig/ Fourth Ar~~ Cooperation of Air Force
to blast obstacles. No tanks in the lead
(mines). At the l:ead of colnrnn~ InL and Eng..
with assault guns o Tanks will be held up at
Meuse (Givet). In t~~s sec~or, therefore, tanks
·are not the primary weapon; co~e in second

Gliders for assault detachments against tank

e) AC'D., A¢;s wi] J be much easier because now

they will have Du e~e~y opposition in cu~ting
thro Ll:1.Xe~ilt(H.:rgo'* Held by camparati vely
IVeak fOl'ces v::':. ttl large gaps. Cargo gliders to
5 as togne, etc.
Sowing of mines by planes in southern

Diff~cultles to be coped with in a battle on

the lJI,;use o

Assenbly of Artillery will ta~e 5 to 6 days.

f) Inportance of Ar);]or: Hr"'lland (including ~':~la

iV1aastrich1:; ...:::.ornljr·): Arr",y Hq one b.rmd. Di v.
with ~ot. il~v. \o.lso tanks).
~aas~~1cht still open. Initially, keep back
Armor'; using only some elements l."i th others
/ stancU.. ng by~ i"ourth Army impossible. Blast
road -, lJlccl~s wi th }llled. Inf. guns etc.
Armor, whose streng~ is in the attack must
be closely followed by Inf.
g) Start so that Armor is available at all
critical points from the start.
h) Disposition of batt~e forces about as
originally planned.
i) Air Force for rmlland.

Air Force (on a small scale~) in AGp. A for

mine sowing.

J:;'ieseler Storch.

2200: Conference with vo~ GreiffGnberg on developments

of the day.

22 J&nuary 1940.

... Meeting of Sec. Chiefs: Security. Internal, in charge

of Central Branch, Special Security Officer.
External: Special Aissions Staff.
Red tape, excesFive paper work, distribution
0900: Meeting of the Ia Officers of Army Gp. and
Armies, on ne~ plans.


J~cob. Noise controJ in fortifications:

c~rrugated slag plates can be used; cost, 3 M

per square meter~

marcaps, 5 M a pair.

bearc~~ights for fortifications: 1875 on hand.

Lpopho1e searchlights: 50 ordered for trials;

commercial prcdnct at 150 - 200 1'4 I't ple-ce.

Put Ordnance Office also on the job.

New ventilation system in B-tJ~e fortifications.

Ventilating hoods over cooking stoves.

, 1630: O~Sec.Outcome
Draft orders.
of the morning .conference -­

1700; Training Secj Training in Replacement Army ~gai'n

suspendet for eifht weeks.
1800 argo Sec: Tru :",k s'l - Save trucks by de-motori za­


Organiz~uion of Divisions in the East.

2100 OQ}.l IV: 1.) Cas3 Groppe/rtimnler.

2,) Report on tour.
3.) Security ~long troops -- at Hqs.
4.) Enemv Headquarters.
! otes for ObdH:
1.) Operational plan~ing.

* a) 2.) Conference with AGp.and Army Hqs Questions.

b) 3 a ) Truck problew ( 400 instaed of 4,000).
E.d Rundstedt I s letter.

b) i~agner.

~ ;
a) fu ans tein 1 We muse get Rundstedt's c;i~~on
b) Stuelpnage1. Siewert, Corps C of 81
c) nilpert and ~~llidt to weichs, Army Hq 2
F0r Halliet - Konrad;)
d) belection of Gen. Staff Officers for
new Div. and Corps Hqs on 5 Feb.
: . . . Fersonnel Di v. -5 Feb.
e) 2 C~rps Hqs (mot.)

- 40 ­
nor.ference wi th Himmler:
g) 7.) --_._---­

a) Q,1.;!.e s tio:l of Corps troops etc. for S8

b) \' i th6.rawal of all SS men from Ground
Forces. (AGp .. B) ..
8.) Breakdow~ of conftdence in the East. Tour
in the ~ast Visit of units necessary.
F:Lfu11 ArmeL D5.v. Deficient preparrations
and exeaution o
I 10~) Do o Y':;I ,

I 11.) Re8For;.sj,'b~~~ity for training:

a) of th~ Divisions in Training centers;

b) o~ the Demonstration iliv. (Inspection
going easy).

I S8 T'l.. _-­
12. ) --_ \'ieioD leaves 24 Jan. Arrives 26 Jan.
at liluenster.
13. I Bogatsch: LJeeuri ty. General effects of the
II standing start II.

I 14. ) Order issued regarding reorganization of

'rruck ClES"
/-15.) Tank Spare Parts Depot Cologne, 29 Jan.
Another one at Koblenz.
c) I6!) Fuel quota s~stem.
I 17.) Representative to Chemical Smoke exercise •
e )18. ) Staffs and Aides.

I Special points.

23 January 1940A

Liege, Antwerp, Meuse2

Gro8scurth (OQu IV): Dispute with rlimmler.
Chief, Ope Sec.: Go over 'Tith him the points discussed
't':i th ObdH.

- 41 ­
'~nn Dran:iL Artillery preparation for the offensive.
FOTI evely liuesJ:" km of front, 10 light Btrys.
<":l,nd 10 med. Bt:r'ys for close support; 8 - 10
rltrys.!or counter-battery fire, as against
about 30 Btrys. pAr ke n * , .
Li~ge ~ Meuse -- Artll]ery,of the static front.

Gen. Ott; Med. Info gun.

Gen Qu: a) Question of detqchment of 250 Veterinary
b) Directive for Service Ghiefs in Gen Qu
c) Truck 81 tuation disastrous. -- Tank treads.
-- Rubber ~locks~
c) Lst.cj Ai;;mU'1.i -::ion and 'VJ'eapons si tuation
slightly :Lmproved, ne serves increasing.
d) Fl.lf.I quc~.:d. sysrem. OKi/'l order.
e) Tanktr"\"'cJs o Honthly production 3,000. We
are 22,vOO short.
ObdR 1~) Liebe~ COffi;.1and S3et-up. Ope Sec.
2.) Border guar1 ~ast Prussia must 'be taken out.
Possibly one Div. less in south. Org.Sec~
Ope Sec.' \

3~) 50;6 'lU thori zed. Gen Q,u o

4~) Gen. S~aff asslglli1cnts, 5 Feb. (Central
Branch and ~ersonnel Div. ).-­ Central
5.) Doorn. Write let~er to Keitel or call up
JodI. Chief w*
6.) Responsibility for training Of Divisions
in l'rnin:l,ng 6.E:nters. -- lJ er.1Onstration Div.
, .. .. ':rng S6 c • 0

7 0 ) ~hom for ~rossc~rth1 Central .dranch.

Calender Org. Ope

24 J nnuary 1940.

Cent- ,).1 Branch: 'l'nlk on likely .Jandidates for assign­

----- . ments.-- Possibly Speidel for Grosscurth. .

42 ­
Gerc ,;:e t a) 69th Div o has left; four more Div~ left late.

~n:in schedule has dm pped from 36 to 24 '

trains per day.
b) Dc:.;y bE-fore yesterday (22 Jan. )fieich Railroads
p}·.,'ed a general embargo on all freight move­
ments (exc~. coal, but incl~ ire ores).
Ziehl berg ; In 'ol8.ce or G'rosscurth: Speidel. -- Steffler,
First 1iv.-- (ner.~e)
g5 j'....'1:':1lJ,2.ry 1940.(Koblenz-Bonn, in
acco JZdance..'H''l& iEhl,ri t3J.ne17anurtry

Conferen'JG at H'q AG-D. 8.. Sources of inforoatio!1? Should

allocatiJ!1 of' be decentralized trucks'??
(II-fans tein).
Sixteenth Army will need six days for regrouping:
~hursday 25.
_. <

'.J Friday 26. "],.

P ~l';:- ~~~.~I ~ .
Gaturde.y 27. 2.
Sunday 28. 3.

l,ionday 29 0 4.

7uesdaY 30 • 5.

A~~do Div o can arrive on the morning o~ the fourth

day (Borning of the fifth~ )

'1ants a Corps rlq,

Rei)lacement for Training ~iv. turned over by

Sixteenth Army.

Twelfth Ar>L.y. Dispos:i tion of Infantry Divs.,will

be completed within ~rITee days.

Detraining of tanks as of Monday morning One

p -­

<iay I s march.
Tenth Div. not before third day of offensive

(Pruem- Gerolstein).

Desirable, tVdrd day of offensive, Qvening •

Question of XIV Corps next to XIX Corps~


~rl! w1J.l
have tllei:r."---.---
.._.-------_.- orderi4 at: 1300.
-s'rElY 1.:c:nt st·) key B.l.l preparartlons to 11 B!TIGrgenc y ,,-~­
.L.Jl 'Y'g;:-.n"'y" ~x·
....oJ - ... ~ II)

No difference r;et'lJ'een "EQergency" and "Attack" o ** XIX Corps to the front if technically
possible o
Air Force: Large8~ proportion ~f Air Force will be
cOQmitted in tactical support. Air units for
ArJ1.1d. Corps~
~raft missions and discuss them with units.
More to forward fields A-Day.
• AJ:,.A.

Ninth Arnd_ .. Can be introduced Tuesday 30


"' ....... ­ r~ilwaysi
., ~.

Busche: ~,,".;(o Submi t Defamation Decree#draft once more

AQp. B wants a nO~9s (Regular Army) behind its right
wing, because of Holland.

26 Janu-"Y'Y 1940. (Arrive Berlin about

0800 )

von Ziehlberg: Ranstein, Com~anding General •

.B'elber to Leeb? (Letter).
hilnert to Weichs •
Grosscurth affair.

'1'i s ~ho"vi t z.

Enemy situation French Secong Army

r~Dorted reinforc~d.
InstructlontJ for ·,:,appenheim,]:f (French­
Belg13n ag~eem8ntso Do French and British
plans embrace Dutch territory?).
COlo Krueger, la, Police Division, reports. Difficult­
ies in combin6-..t arms training (Artillery 'IIi th
Infant:::-:") •
~quine pneumonia epidemic in one Artillery Bn.

Gen Bogatsch: hole of Air heconn~iasance in rGQrg~nlza­

tion of destern front.
ObdH: 1.) Air, 10 Feb. Formation of a fleet of trans­
port planes.
2.) Order on former Ruling Houses. Need not be
circulated (since we make all appointments
to key posts connected with operations4##).

3.) N~~row g~U~g railway material is said to
be t:sE!_ilal~~e in He':'ch:--180 km in Reich
LQ;-)or Be::·v..i.ce" 300 km l'n~rodtGo_rgan1±a~.
tiona Can ~e gotten at only through
N." i "_'ovr i{Gtl.w;e raih'1ay lines: 300 km under
con'str:U:~-,1j-iGn in" sector of::Eirst Army.
Civilian eC0nomy now has no more than 300­
-400 km left"
4.) Fa1lrca~s 26 Jan.
Backlog: 915 trains, 49,400 Cars.
Shipmc\li; s fur tn:.Lining will be completed
on 27 Juno, Hoon.
Tan..'k. shhjL18nts as of 28 Jan. as scheduled.

P~?_?;i:!~~Y> traffic: New curtailments.

Dcliverl8s to £~ssia.

50 ) Order on farner Ruling douses.

6.) GX'os8curth: Soeidel'l heim'? Zeitzler1

YOunger Pl"'O.sf.:~cts: Schwa tlo-lJest erding.
Schniewir.d. - tlo2
7. ) lVlieth'?

8~) Report by Claus.

Conference with Obd~_ Tirpitzufer:* Par.t I

P.a~v rna ter:l_al o.em.:mrls of Obd H:

Steel: Annual requirements 6,800, 000 tons

Allotted 3,600, 000 tons
Deficit 3,200, 000 tons
.QQpper: .4.nnual requiremen t s 97,000 tons
Deficit 46,000 tons
Alumin~m~' Annual requirements 110,000 tons
Deficit 66,000 tons.
l'.'iachinery and oanpQi,!er. i~e need 35,000 machines.



NGn~2Bee~~fua~ fuctories are still running; and

iN8 are ."Ll.pposec'.. to d.ischarge skilled workers
-fr"o;';') b.r""V
••a a u" I
.. g

1'l1e situ-9.tion r8lating 110 raw, machines and

nanpower ought ~o be straightened out before
UKW gives orders o
Tho~as; Steel for 1 to 2 quarter-year periods.
Non-ferrous metalls for one quarter-year period.
RecolJI:lendatio;1 ~ Deter all projects which would
not ,rod~se results before 1941. ,
Non-ferrous ~9ta}s ure the bottlenecks.
1La 0io of il'.d'L:i3trie.l requi remen ts for machine
tools,etc. to deliveries is 4 : 1.
Ob5.H decl.gres be 1/ITi11 accept no more orders,
which Gtre n01J matlched wi th allocations.
In tutt:.~~'2 he alone will draw up the progra.
Be(;!cer~, Sec ,~d quar'cer =
firs t quarter, but
till s purely on a li1a thel71a tical basi s. Unce rtain.
'W'e must hfClve proper bRJ.anae of workers, machinery
and ra,r ma'Gerials, 14 hour workdays'?;
Thomas thinks he can deliver in the second
quar~er 30,000 tons of steel over~and above
'~he first qua,r'ter o In the third quarter 50,000
~ons r.:ore~ -;:. l~on·,ferrous metals no clear picture.
n ea vy (1~):;,J already in the se cond quarter, Dore
severe in third quarter c bolybdenum from Fin­
10,nd- o

Becker:. ~e need 70,000 machines.

ObQn demands tb£t deliveries be stepped up to
maxL1UITI to assure utl1ization of our full
capaci tyo
~homas: between 600,000 and 700,000 tons.
Becl{er, Tho:'1as: 'liarL )liJer question. Thomas want s
tJ kill all projects which wculd not produce
for 1940~
ObdH: hO\ilT many workers do we need' at full
capacity, if we can get the maximulli of raw
materials that ca.n practically, be expected'?
Thomas: We do not Leve a sufficient number of
skilled \,Jol":,:c;rs. Retraining program short of


~.'1 t S
ii' ""I)')~am', 19"1*
prvl:;> _

F'romrr:! R.1bb0J: .is current bottleneck... Monthly

pl~ducticn has dropped to 1,000 t.

Sene).l describ.. . s organization of truck producing

... indust~y, 1,700 trucks ~or.civiliqn 8ccnomy per
quart Gr----year ~
FIlling 01' £'ieJ.d aud .tI.eplacement Armies requires
16,000 nevi ~'-r'l,;,cks (not counting recondi tioning
of old ores).
Believes that cur~ent stort deliveries, due to
lack of non-f~rrous natals, could eventually
be L.'1o.e up (c:,,:'r;er tile first quarter) 0

Sch811 propG"es to have a. separate steel quota

set fo:' trucl\" s.
Fromn~ ctGq~lr0ments 5,200 trucks .. Order of
p!'iori-".'l~ Sr;:\Tei1 th lJraft, Eighth Draft, (Rear
Bns c ) , aj,1~1 then Sixth .l.iraft (four Divs.).
IvIonthiy 6.eli ve_.' 1,000" Lip to 1 .c-~pril, 3,000
froo Sc~ell. Jeficit 1,000 in ArtillerY;]~200
in the Div1.s1c~18_, "Pe could economize 1,000
trucks, if amounition carried by GHq ~rtillery
is reduced..
0'J)1 IV: Reoort on cU:'I'ent foreign relations and on
conference PbwehrjOQu IV on 26 Jan.
Woehler. Chemical Sooke demonstration o -- Liege.

28 ,JanURry 1940.

Boeppner, 1030 - 1200 : lJiscussion on situation.

1210, von .drauchi·csch, yon PU1;tkamer: Four German
Officers, Capt. von Kara one ?irst Lt. 2
Second Lts. crossed the frontier at Eomerich,
while drunk, AGp. B is trying to straighten
ou t the matter.
1220, SalElUth. Ic officer of .Army G-p requests to
set matters right with the Border Guard. Result
will bp reported ~Report to Obdri. )
1230: Gen Staff Officer of 207th Div. has been dis­
patched~ Automobile has been returned to
German territory .. Officers in .derrenberg
customs station.


Report from AGp~ E~ Officers have arrived on

G-ernr:.)l tc~:ri torYn (:tt':i:'·1.erlch); 8,re being intor­
rogQ~Gd by J~~~ Staff OffiCer of 207th Div.
(Otd~ has been jnform6d~ )

1000 lJ e r.lOnst r rl,tion
of Hv o Inf. Gun Daunted on chassis
of TEl.nk I, e.ccoGpanieo. by a I-ton aJ:1Duni tion c ::'ri r

• carrier, Good tech~ical solution, but tncticaly

only a cODpro~ise solution.
Roehric~t: PreliDina~Y ~eport on chenical sDoke deDonstra­
tion: The thi~g has possibilities for develop­
Dent. D6~aity ~nd b1an%eting effect still in
.need of ir:lprov- Jnent.' Orien~ation in blanketed
area by i~1eans of signal flares did not ~"1ork;
radio direction beQws Dade out well A

Iv.iirow. Linison Off. to Insp"ctor General of Todt Road

Construction Org~n~zntion.
OQu IV:~isposition of French forces, Arod. Division.
Current natters.
Transpn Chief: rt"'1.,ilroad 8i tU8.tion a - - Bridges in the Enst.­
Narrow-gauge and field railroad equipnent.

°PA Sec.: .Jraft orC:_:rs~ Operations "Gelb" and "Ener-'

SoutheasJ' o
by nigh LioITlI:1and ~a .tv.~n~tern questions~
Current mntters.
GehlGn: Border fortifications in the East~ Cheoical
snok.e deoonstration. Srroke effect 1Nas thin.

30 January 1940.

Conference with Obdrt (10000:

Production: 1 Feb. 1,300
1 July 2)060
1 Oct. 3,700
1 pl'. lS41 7,400, if steeloquota
is cut, 13,000 with full steel quota.. *

- 48 ­
FilliUg installations: Just barely adequate.
Present ca~ac~ty 200 tons a month. Nill be ex­
pa1jd.ed l'y 1 l\;.:,.'ch; 1940, to a capacity of 400
tons a Elonth; 'c~T fa.._l 400 more in Sagen<lorf,
giving a total f 800 tons a month. 700 tons
a ~on~h ~an be worked ~) in spralf.-containers;
will bal±n~PBasdd to 1,400 tons a month (spring,
1940) ~

What quantities of chemical warfare agents can

be supplied.
Gen, Staff: .(hat quanti ties of' arnmuni tion do
neecl: Jurren't requirement, first reserve. Filling
machines. hOW many are needed to handle the
monthly outputJ ~2ta will be supplied by the end
of the comin~ week.
in view of th6 expansion of the ammunition pro­
duction p~ogrsm, th~ Gen. Staff ought to have
t3..l~en up thi8 ~l'·J.est.l.on earl~er. Ope Org.
Notes for Ob0 E~
ReDo~t on Bv. Inf. Gun on"Tank chassis ( I; .
( .
triRls under war conditions necessary Inf.
Schl'ol)" A:i.locr tion to Infan try. -- Observer
S tafL 'J"urpeovert;.to
l _·S
~n:fl;' chool, allocation
to Inf., Arty. (Assault guns)
2.) Chemical smoke demonstration~

3.) Vperational orders; operation II Gelb"

(Assembly orders)OJperation ilEmergency".
0l) •. SeQ.

4.) St~~y by Eigh Command East o - - Personnel

change in nigh Uommand Zast? Ope Sec.
5.) Study Roma~ia /entry crossed out.-~~A/
0"... Sec.

6. border fortifications in area of High

voml!;and ,t;ast. Land Fort. Inspect.
7. Gen ~u. .Jefamation Becree. - ,,:)usch.-­
8. ) .LJeachhealc DiVision does not 1tJant to go
to Huensingen.
SS units must be ins)ected af~er their
1 '.

f~~~rn from th ....,{-\st.L~ntry c'rosRed.'out./

9.) Reported new activations of SS units.
; .l.mplicacions for arms production SS men
program arE pulled out of Army units.
LettEr to ~eite11


10.) Talk with r~eppner. ~orale~ - Trips~

11 0 ) Vvage scaJeL in the East (Recommendation by

B2.acko~vit z) 0

12 0 ) AGpo C: Dre~t P:3n for attack on Maginot

~ • 1 .

~~~))Brand for Army Hq 1.-- Raschik for IX Corps

on left wing of First Army.
Pers. Divre~sk~~hiefkG~'St~f$~
, 14. ) Cassmann back frore the £ast.-- Report.

15. ) Tabulation uf transport data.

16. ) Truck _si t!;~.1;~_cn. -- Only radical remedies$
i-111 be fl~~"Ther clarified wi th Chief of
Army Equ1.l.)JTItm t.
I?) rlimm:er decree -- Groppe.
Preparations for construction of fortifications Southi
~aterials requirements.- iransport requirements.

rteconnaissance fartie.

Talk with J.·odt

~Vhere will thG stu:'i' come from (i-intvlerp) in

enemy country'?"";'* (Steel, cement, gravel.)


Gelan; ,l!'atal wi thin a few minutes. lliask affords


Eschenbach smudge producing agent*** Test.

Allog€ n .

Production capacity now 150 tons per month.

Mask affords no protectlon o

Evening: It~~ian Generals varboni and garras.

31 ,j "lnuary 1940•

, 0930 - 1100 : Conference with the Chief of Air Force

9:en. Staff at ,I'ildpark.

!~lland: Cooperation with Seventh Air Division.


Concentration of weight in the different pr~ses

of ~h0 oP:~nsive~

gistrlbution of ~i~ Force and Air objectives.

ODe:::,ation II Emer'g:e:'l.CY il.

plming (Asse~blY completed on 2 Feb~ ).

Identification of frIendly planes. Identification

of friendly marching columns.

Fello'iebel can at an;}' time supply personnel( wi thout

n trucks) for two CO=pB Hqs on special assignment by
mru{ing use of GHq rteserves. .
~lso Hq IX Corpso

Zi~blberg: Filling of vacanGles in tho new ten Divs. (Ia).

von GreiffenberK£ Current questions.-- ~eception.--

¥4ap maneuvers in AGp. A"
Notos: / All underli~~1 entries under'this heading were
added by-lTen e ;~tlder on 1 Feb., after his confercnc
once wlth Oodrt~
1.) Himm16r dec~eee handling of the Groppe case.
Unres'" ir. ~rmy about the decJ:ee considerably
antedates the ~roppe incident.
So) OQu IY's draft reports on a) points at issue
with the S8, and b) spreading of r~~or6.
3. ) Reported new activa~ions and re-equipment of
SS. -- !·!aterir.l to Keitel'? Grosscurth.
4.) i'Jhar '1:"s becone of the question "Wage scales
in the East 11,( Fromm.
5.) Defamation Decree.-- Busch: What has' become
of it1 Sign~

6.) ?ersonnel matters:

a) AGp. A, Sodenstern. l'~ust p;Othere at
once o
AGpo C l-iie'ch -- Firs t Army, Konrad.-­
XVIII Corps, L~nz. Felber at th~ disposal
of OKH (later O~u I)~--
~ilperto-- Can be s'ta,rted, except:
Konrad, becond Army, and hilpert, First
b) For Grosscurth: Heim, C of S, ,XYI Corps (to
be replaced by be8ulieux). Does Hoeppner
Buschenhag3n, C of S, XXI Corps? Ia just
changed ,I §peu.a€ l .
Ia IX Corps. lvhen is this to COr.1e off'?


',i,~if}on T,,"I i;h ,,·q.rty a~encies not any more through

Put on ,f!,b~.vehr

Dec6Dtion. (Effs0t of the Landraete conference

call~d at th.i.s ';;i;ne" ) l'l1,lst be done on big scale
(compla te 8w·:i..~cb in plans, announcement on
extensive J:raf'flc control preparations, inten­
tion of all-out atta0k on Maginot Line~)* .

.J. )'**Air defenee e.nd cooperation vii th Air Force.

Make pTepara~ions for railroad movements.
F'uehrer inquires hi=lve been ansv18red in writing.
what has thr Fuehrer been told reg.qrding the
prospects of <he attac~s p~anned in the several
zone s of a:'; ta r;ld Goe ring: iVlain effort at Sedar.·
batt:;.,,:; at 3::'ussels.- \~e must be prepareGl.. to'
handle Bel~:':"_:1:::l as a fortress.

Bock m~st have sufficient forces to feel sure

that aetd not wai to It does not matter too
much ~hen they arrive e

9.) Talk with Jeschonnec~:

a) Proteotion of our own planes against fire
froo fricn~ly ground troops.
b) t.:."oops must display distinctive
identificaGionp 21so behind the front.

10.) List, of Operatons will be suboi ttedj

must be requested also from Air Force,
Sie bert·;~*·*

11.) RcichenFlu again is a good deal in Berlin.

12.) rtnilroad troops.
Personnel Di v. l:lUst travel around more.

1 Februay,y 1940.

ege5 Duhle: r'aiJ road engineers and other Gatt ers of

his Sec.

1030 - 1330 Oonference with Ohdd: Political situation.­

Operations.-- Organization.-- Personnel matters.
Notes on the subject.

von Zie~llberg L no entry-!

~_ ~ I
von Groi "ffenber.K; Deceptic .. -- 3order,··.traffic ~nd border
co":trol~---Movement l~rgely completed.

warlimant: 1.) Holland. 11 armed. protection of Dutch

neutrali ty ". Kiewit z.
2 0 ) Supervision after surrender of
c. ) Doorn."Courtesy visit must be paid
to the Emperor; he is to beinformed
that nothir 6 will cI'.l8.nge 11.
4.) RemoTal of GHq to H*. ObdH is to
inform Fuehrer when he is going to
move (Fuehrer wants to conforo his
C' -n move to that of Army 's).
I-erhaps not expedient on first da 1r
5.) P~-equipnent
, of tanks with 4.7
em \AUns.

VassnaLn: Observ~tiono in poland.

Wagner: Organization of Supply bervices for Eighteenth

Xrmyo-- vurrent ~atters.--

OQu IV: Ourrent matters.

2 February 1940 D

von wontigny la, qS Deathhead Div. Makes a

decent i~pression. Coobined arms operations
will be difficult for this Division~
Gehler-.J acob: PreDarations for r Jnstruction of fort­

ifications in conque~ed ttrritory; in conjunc­

tion with Organization Todt.

Buhle: Hooogenous m~teriel ~ in ~rtl11ery.units.**-­

. :Labor Service ar~-:i Construction Ens. and other
current ~~tters~
Gercke: Transport situation.
Grciffenberg: Build-·up of front.

Keitel (Personnel Div.) Personnel situation.


~vening, at Cavalry Club. Minister von Bluecher, Fin­

1 8nd • (Se e Geor"'o'e of Saxony *).

3 february 1940.

von Ziehlberg: ?erso·};1el ma.t cers. (vall up CG First

~~rmy. )

von Greiffenberg: rlanning material for conference

"\lI]i th l~anstein. -- SS Di v. in .d.Gp. B too far in
the re'lr.
von iVlanstein: l~in"l:;h drmd. Div. Role 'lssigned
to kmor €ln 'chc; iV1 uuse. heavy otlrtilJery. Che­
mical s~oke. ~ine defense. Strengthening of
fighter protection.
von Schell: In s tructlonal Pa.mphle t on CHre of A.uto­
moti ve ';1';hic1es. -- . .i ubcer is the bot Gleneck. _.
Wnrtim~ pvograo hqs been in operation since 1
Jan. -- nrmy uc8ds 18,000 tons of steel q month,
5% nonferrous ~dtals.
16,000 trucks ~obilized in the civili~n economy.
3,200 to supply short~ges in Army.
5,000 to rc )l!lce 'crucks in re,).')J.r.
5,000 for n0~ activations.
2,800 trucks for ri'91~cement Army ~nd inor J

nG"'J <:).cti vo,.tions.

i~o re S\:lrve.

i\!ow production: wi t!l total cap.'lci ty being

12,000 crucl,-s per quar'Ger year, 4,000 per I:1onth
could go to entire . .~med Forces, including
2,500 - 2,600 for Ground lorcts.
~ctually Jround Forc~s get 1,000 trucks per
nonth. (This is not even l~ of its entire park,
whicD Deans Ghat we are not ~eplqcing normal
losses throuon we~r, let alone keep anything
to cover losses in operanions and combat. )
1'Jl,'J.intenance bbrviccs: Ir:oprove by 2ssigning 8.d­
di t ional tr:J.ined personnel in the 21 ll,'iotor I'r.qns_
port Districts ~~ (2,000 mechanics), ~nd on unit
level (1,080.mechanics), ~s ~tll as ccch~nical
equipment. .l'ra:1sfer of ci vili:'..n workshoJs to the
west (has not worked out). Tr~nsfer of new mili­
tary wor'~shops to the ~"es t.
Scheduled delivery: 85 ~~nk III chassis.

- 54 ­
:31..1ll1e: ConfeT'ence 0::1 de:::oto ri ZEl. cion. -- Fore s·t Guard
heg t ".I

:h'.g:~cr~ Truck situation •. Kewisch.

Confer8nc~ ~Lth ~~nstein.

m -
c.,:~ 88 Dl'Vl' sl'on l'n . ..~~Gp. B too
1 ",{JO- ~b'
LJ·QS fc~_.. r

to the rcnr.

Tour to ~r=y rtq 18. Go to Koblenz, le~ve

Tuesd~y. .- Back fridaY Dorning.

OrganlzQtion~l mat~erf;

1,,) SingJ.e-f..lOdel Art.y. B.ns.: 10 cm Gun ,2nd

~ei. F~~ new. rtv. now. -- 15 c~ guns.
2. ) t'0res"L- G-~~rds and Incl.ustri?l GU'lrds.
(S98 8.dCLitionD.l notes. )-l~

3.) ~~7 CD Jun on TQn~ I ch~ssis: Grtq Troopb.

4,,) .Inf" nezt? mot. (See addi tion'"!.l notes. )
5.) Condition rel)ort. (Sce additional notes.))

<..) Truck si tuc.tlon. Reorg::tnization 3.1so ..fter

e) Cover ~duresses by iieldpost ~ucbers.

f) Construction of re ,r vositions.

g) Deception.

h) ~ilitary police patrols. -- Air Force. ***

4 Febru2ry 1940

1.) Conference wi~h Schel :

,Ve ht:' nC~'T 3.Dout 120,000 trucks.
l·-onthly neTtl ~)roduction for _-i.riJ.Y not Dore
l,h:l.n 1,000, i. eo less than I/o. :;0 reserve.

~hortqges re~orted by t~oops 2,668 (truc~s),

., l." e. J";Ore 't;-?-~ 270 ; actue-llly, if trucks in
rvp'llr are ~ncluded, the true figure is ~bout
5,000, or 4.%. ' 1Jiaterial in the units is
gui te old. (~ha t wc-y "1e C~ll1not I)U 11 through
2n e<.ny opera tlon. ) ­

- 55 ­
If we allow a 2~ for the norm 2 i Donthly loss
(not countiI:.g cODbat casu,2l ties), \lI!hich is
the normnl rute, new pro&lction will cover
only bf.lf th~t ~ SSe The consequence 1s ~
continuous drain on our truck strength, im­
pairing the operational efficiency of our
3. F.e~ed~T f l>JoLld be to increase )roduction.
Rubber bot :;lenGcl~ (von Schell) restricts nev-J
~roduction to a naximur:l of 4,000 ;;>er r~onth
~ovar-Qll ccpacity for production for the
Ar!Jed F J"Y>ce s) l
Prereouisites for an increase in the Arry ~l­
lot~drit ~re a) l~rger steel 2110cation froD
. rcy quota (1. hich can be done only by either
restrict:'ng other l)rojects or ir"cre"lsing the
tot.'ll q,uat!]); or b) curt9.iling of neTT produc­
'G ion for o'Gher brlll1cil8 s of ,arr:led Servi ce s.
(At the ol'+;~":'."'eak of 'ehe VJ':'..r' ~ir J!'orces hR.d
80~ peace~iue vehicles, we at most 40%. )

Any change \'1ould. require 'J. ruling by the 1: ~ .L~­

Fu jJ::l':"cr, for which \v;;; L:USt l)rep'lre accur.nte
Q 1. tCl. c

~. ) Re,~eqy- 2~ Requisition of 16,000 trucks from

do~estic ~C0110~y now uhder consider'ltioI:..

5.) rteredy 3: This is one we can ~~ply oursel­

V6S. Tt2t is, drastic and ruthless reetric­
t:,on of T::,o'cor ve;:icles in existing J.nd nelJlJly
,'1I}ti v"1.ted i..w i ts. T~lis iIIIould reduce the to­
t '.1 nur.lber of 'G~, ;.ckS in use and so the 10 sses
d'le to W6'1r, so th~t, viewed in terns of to­
tql strength, Ghe ~roportion of t~lcks­
able on ~rie present level of production would
increase *. For the various possibilities
s,~e G:1.blA.l'lciol1 sup.)lic,d by Org. bec.

The is sufficient repl::l.cer::ent by

horse-dra~n veh~cles 2nd horses. This, in
turn, r.-iscs the Cjuestion of r.'lW D!J.teri'lls
(steel, lUDber, le~ther) and forRge. (Amy
horses neGd Gore o~te ~nd fodder th~n civi­
li~n horses.' S~e Org. Sec. t~bulQtion:
33,000 vehicles, 67,000 ~orses.
TherG is ).10 doubt 'C.::1"1Jj by dipping once (ind
only th~t tina) into the resources of the do­
2Gstic Gconesy, WG c~n sup;ly the oresent
• shor-l' 2nd l,)ernal)S even set aside '1 small
reserve, but tl1is bac.:;.log would be !l:osorbed
wi thin sev r: ruon ths b:~' the norIJ3.1 we.9.r of n.t
l~_ast 2,%2 __onth (Gxcludi!}.g combo.t losses'.
(How f2st it woul~ go with combn~ 10ss6s is
beyond our power to esti~ate.'

- 56 ­
After deducting 5,000 ~rucks to supply the
uni t shor't,o"ge of rtbout 5,000, 1tJe would have
11,000 lef'[j, not coun'cing ne'tJ production.
If we assUDe tae loss of 1,500 trucks per
nonth, w:--',ioh cF.tnnot be su~plied by new pro­
duc ti on, the ne,w [lddi tion <to our p8.rk \hTould
be exh".usted, if there. is no o')er!J.tion, in
about half 2 Y0~r (seven ~onths).
These Lie'.18UreS, 'Ghen, would not solve our
problen. ~~ey would hnve to be sup~leDented
by a concurrent decotorizntion progr.m on u
big scn.le, which ent~ils the procure~ent of
horc3s, veI"licles :lnd f'-'<1.rnesses. Tba'c deci~' r:
sion J",ust be t·).ken in'edi'1'cely to J 'ike sure
'cr~':1. t i t would 'c'l,ke effect in tine to c!lrry
us on when the ~r~sunt single ~ddition to
our ~~r-k will hlve be~n e~1'1usted.
7'he best t;J~ng would be to 8.ppoint J. soeci1.1
C01T'l'r,'G6e (Ch.:n. bc:,ff wd Chief of _-i.roy
£qui 1)i1ont) GO deal wi th dc·c'.1il·s of the der:lO­
tortz'1tion progr'LD and to deterr,ine its scope
by OX.Jloring 'J.ll 'che v:J.rious )ossibilities
in consult'1tion wiGh re~r6sent~tive bodies
of f1.r~inb, Bmal~ business, etc.
J:'hc rlOst Llport'l.nt thing, however, is to
st '~.rt '30 t once ',.;i th yrocuring vehi clee, hll.r­
ness etc., witDoUt w1.sting ~ long tine for
coo)utntions ~nd conferences.
Reoedy 4: Equ~lization of truc~ strength
( su;nly tr{lins) be tWOLn _~rr:y r>.nd rlir Force.
_1. s1!gge Etion to t~:,is eft ect 11'18 been r.'lcle
to Ba..c.;. 'rhe decision lies in h'1nds of the
ILprovcr-;ent of truc~c ;-:'l,ii1te n 'lnce.
rf.) Her-Gdy 5:
Possible ~ethods :
D.) 'Vorl:snop ,)crsonnel r:ust b8 /lssigned to the
Fi e Id . .~:;~LiY!

T~lis T"'.Qve is 9.1re·...dy on. See Re~ort Gen

Qu (,,~l'cogether About 1,800 r-:en).

b) Sl)eci21Gr1.ins fran !:lotor iJ'lrks of

'GnG .drr-:.ies to the ZI industri:ll- centers
e.g. Cologne - S.'.1xony (shi,iJr1Gnts nO'~T t'li{,e
four W80ks1). Pl~n is und0r study.
• c) Trucks in n~ed of rG~Qir D'lj be turned ~~~
OVer to the civili~ econo~y in Gxch~nge
for good ones. ~n0 new owners ~ould look
~ft8r h2ving thon repn.ired in s8~11 shops.
Propos".1 is t ing 0X::tI.:inGd by Schell.

- 57 ­
ThG developr-.ent 0:' GLliS si tUq ti on h'l.s the
following eonsequenCds for the conduct of
ground op0~ntions:

At the ~resdnt high level of cotorizRtion,

stiC1.rtinO' of '-_. oj!0r8. t lon Wl. t 11
f' d·lS t QnlJ
objec"Gi~e is ".dvis'1ble only if q :-::.iniDU[1
cruck reSGrve is available or the 90ssi­
oili ty 0: .;.)ro:.'-pt reol)l'1cencnt by horse­
drqwTl ve.t.Licles is Etssured.

List: "7he positive !).dv'1.nt'1ge over

Lthe enerlY, due to our superior ge­
n6r'llsllip, would be obliterfl.ted".

tl\jl19~opcr2tiops h''''ve continuGd f0r "'. Ct.. r­

]'1].n '[;,."19, ~ 'GolJE; la:gtJ:l of WhlCh 1'Jould
v!J.ry vJl~ll r02u. condltlons, sup,Jly "'.nd
co:-\ba.t ]08S8S,) it woulc1 be necess,~,ry to
clll ."'., f':luse in 0gerations in Vieit\T of t~1e
i~~os:~bility to obtain replacement for
'lIt :TJo.teriel losses. '1'115 i)quse 'lfter the
i oli eh (L,.:r~[1.ign lasted 'l.bout four v.Jee!>;.s.
~~ found that it w"'.,s not long ~nough. Af
c~r 0 new o)er~tion, the p~use would h~v­
to be eonsider~bly extended, in ~roportion
to the lcss~n0d oper~tion'll v'llue of our
t rucl>;.s.

The.prece~~ng.2n~lvsis qoes n9~ include our

)Osltlon l~ s)eclal vchlcles ~t~nks, tr~c~cd
vchicles of thv .~r;__ iJ..IGry, c te. ). b~p'lr'1te
J:c,:"sures :lust be cO!:1sidered to de"l ~'Ji t~
thn,G si tu~.cion.

5 i'ebruDry 1940.

Obc1H: p.) 1 : 1,000. OUO n ')S (':.lso .w·:-.s'C) for st:l'3e~ed

lJi vi sior s.

b) ~~t;:'blishment of neN Cor~s nqs. l~eTtJ 10c.~­

'Glons for Cor~Js ~"lqs. 0 1). Sec.

c) Roehricht: ~r2ining D~ ~~ VolJ.:mn.nn to


P~rsonnel dnd D'lteriel.

Tng. Sec.
d) ~2stGrn frontier Qt Ostrolenka.
eO. to. .8.ttend­

e) Field)ost cover ~ddresses. See th.~ t thsy

use SO~d COLTon sdnSG. Gen ·~u

- 58 ­
Runnlrtg-tiDs of let~ars - statistics:
:20 23 oUGgolng
29 ~ 3 ~vaning incoDing
J.m Q,1I.

f) Obdri 'J"l.nTSCO w...,it for ex·:.ct findings on GX­

ccnsion of r~ngu of oed. Fd. how. bafore 01"­
dt;ring ;-',j:ilf'i c;:\.-ci on 'l.l)~.Jlied evcrY\llhere.
. .. . - ....­
1\3 ·fur -,"''---=!l0ce 8 8.!1r:y pow £.slngle
g) 4.7 C1 \.T;.lns co \.:TrIq. 'l'roops or _"l.rr.1d. m~~.-tr~: ?-­
Let us firsc Sec tl'~c d~si:sn of ~lOunt. -­
First ds!:ol1str".cion 10 or 14 ii'eb.'.mlt
.. suns.'
h) iOreR'G G-w.T'ds o Inc1ustri"'.l J-u':1.rds: Ofi'icer­
ecC--~J:i/ ssT '16~'OOO
in ?ol1.nd, Rur,-,l Polict., S",
Secret Li'il..Jc.. . .201ice. l.Ie'c'1.i1s '1,re A"[;i11 be­
ing 1ilorked r;ut. Org. SGc.
i) Co .)OiWiEG of
,.rL:d. Divs.: '"1.r:-:d. units
J. ~l
[~-=:- -nc"
.'ot • " l ' vs
:.. a J. l,.t"".... 0~"-l' S e
L:! Eo chn.n­
Ii J..I •

gss for ti'ia tiik being.

k) SO} ution of 'Cr.lCL ) 1"0'01 tj-:-.. i·r..rc,(; r:.ct~lOds:

~oGestic Gconrn.y. -- Incrensed ~ro~uction.--­
i.orsE;-drn.1rJl1 v0;iicl~ s. 0rg. Sec.

1) iii!'", L.1 o)'J.1 'Ci:,'.0 necGss'1ry f·:)r

rc.condi tio:1in:;. ~'n':'..'G "re "l::'-f"J,round conse­
quences? ~eG in ~ouch n.~'1in with
gc~e11 ~1cer confcr~~c~ wich ObdH. rle~rou)­
ing of 1..oc181s, S_) ,.re )'I.rts situ"1.cion.

n) ~tc~ck to deceive cnesy. O~. Sec.

n) Gonferer:ce wi 'cl1 -dlT:: '161" on 2 Feb., 1600 to
1900. u~u IV.

DGCr0~ on birt~ r~~G: dgreenent obt~in­

ed. heicl:sfue:nrer is goinbco
~ublis~ the decree, with eX91~n.!1tory
cor:! 'en'c ·1ry.

Gro)~e c" 1'1i)-, leI' i'etJls insulted

~f no'c c1is!~.iseec.l, Gro ',Je cus't get 0. •
"pun iti vc II tr'~l1sfer.
3.) L;:;,-, b ·l.ff ai r.

4. ) 1)0crse on ch'1.DrlGlling of cOT:,)l"ints

ItS-' v'~lve" CJuestion *.... •
5.) ..:.ij-~:.ler c1e~1i e s th ':'.. t S3 :':sn ').:I'e _'lc~c.ged
to 1 n f 0 rr:; 0 n . ."rJ:~ Y • . L

- 59 ­
6.) ~il. Hq rra~ .e. OooDer~tion 7ith Fride­
r~ci difficult. ~ustri~n officer who
has re~ations with Czechs.
7.) High GOL··-·r;ti1d ~ast. Force of 16,000.
£.iission is to C'lrry ou t ethnical policy.
d difficult r::ission. ~'ist~{es br..' been
nad.e o ,3ns learnt of five cnses froD re­
lort of ~dgl Gono~nd ~~st, ~nd asks for
lnfv"::1atio:1 on ~ll other C'' His in­
tention is to cStrry out his cOT'lplex
in as consider~te manner as possible n.nd
wi th a pln~Elum of ploodsbed" HA ~v'l.nts
good rel'l.tlons witn the Aroy. Denies
p,.ny illte~tion wh~tever to set U~) '1n .n.rny
beside tbe 4J.rmy.
T~fik dt~ch ~long the frontier is work
1 TojeC1j for two !J.nd ':l h'21f Gillion Jews,
ubdH ):~"OI1isGS to look into the )In.n.
niDm18~ cl':lio~d th'l.t our troops get ~d­
eU tion.-;.l food by slaughtering cn.ttle.
LbdH ~sked for details on inst'1.nces •
.diJ:EJler !:llso!:l.sserted th:1'C sor:1e offic3rs
took their wi 'ch Poli sh lidldowncrs
every d'lY, ObdH ~sked for det~ils.
1500 Buhle: Org~niz~tion~l o2tters, incl. Question
whether ~rny Judges Qhould be qccorded disci­
plinqry ~ower of off~cers.
1630 .dr".nd: =rtillery bUild-up ~1.Gp. 3.
nntwer0 E'lst: 4 r:ec'l. _P11S. nnd 3' Di vs. *
N'1r'ur:lO Divs. 2nd ~O ned. Bns. qnd
5)ecio.l Btrys.
Liega: 2 It. n.nd 2 oed. Bns., in 'ld­
dition to 5 - 6 Divs. **
Len.ves for
Neuse fron":: 15 nixed Dcd. Bns.
5 Hv o How. '1nd 15 c~ Gun 3ns.
20 :dns.
GHg Reserve: 10 Bns. (4 ~ed. Fd~ ~0~1 nn~ p
;LO 0_": \.Tun) by 1 n:)ri ; .
_ ~_Cogether with 1 ned.
Fd. hO~ll • qnd
2 10 co Gun fror. BdE.
8 :ans. (6 Qed. Fd. hOW. ~nd 2
10 cr:; Guns) from ~~Gl:') C . .
Tr.1]:{.ing 'che 194 .3trys,. of Gtiq rlrtillery, ('ond as~,-:-.
s~~ing dGy • B con: i~s eVerything '1nd ~Gp. A
keeQs whqt it ~ns, we get ~ density of 15 Btrys.
(incl. 6 from Div. ) ~er kiloQeter on a 16 kn

- 60 ­
front, and of 12 or l3 Btrys. (incl. 6 froM Div. )
on an qc1d.itio:·~l 20 kii1 front. 'rhere tr{ould be Cl.
total of 25 Divs. * on this 36 kQ frontage.
~~unition for 9rep~r~tion of ~ttRck: 1.33 issues.
CQu IV~ liurrent :-:P.,G tars o - - Orient8.tion for Et zdorf.-­
gStJ.fety VQl va II decree. -- Phbliclltion of the
incidents in he E~st.
Gon Qu: Till:Li.s of fields in tho zone. -­
Current Gen Qu matters •

6 F'ebru~ry 1940.

i3rrtnd - Buhle ~ Re-ecjl 1 1J.)L en t of o'i.rty. Bns. ttli th sin:;le­

nodel Guns o L~t~ for the confer nce with the Ar­
ny Hqs.
von Greiffenb8~g: wap Daneuver to develop )12nning d~t~
for-our-·e-'cr:.tegy on the lvieuse.
J:.oob: For construction of 350 kD of fortific~tions
he needs:
30,000 tons of ste~l ~ Donth, beginning next
3,000 trucks (2,500 froo Tod t **), beginning
Jul J -,
40 r:.ilr02d tr:.ins, d~ily, beginning JUl v •
120,000 wor._ers,
k II It "

7 February 1940.

Through the night on trQin to Kob1enz. Arrival 0900.

-:lap 1'1:.neuver ,:.t Hq .clGjJ. ~~ .·oto. Ie .Joints:
F3d ~roy: Jortnern wing does not o.dvrtnce beyonQ
line Antwerp - ~~~ur. bouthern wing ryroceedin~
:1 T:1 J.; (:)

fron the'l of !iI-8nch .t'irst '1nd Second Ar:-ies

enters 2elgiu~ in th nrdenn s with r.ech~nized l
forces and advances to the Se~ols river with _~.
• -Groo)s; ncn. eler:en t s fron((French) AG.l.)' .d. enter
Luxecbourg for reconnQiss'lnce (Sto~ ~t the Al­
zette riv<:;r). Pl-J.ns ~o at-G-2c!~ on A ,)lus 7 (or
8) wit. 'lbou t 40 .lJi vs. on front J.)iedEmhofen _
Sedan, striking in direction of ~:'18edy-Li8~e.
Blue .d.rIJY follows out our ide.ets. lvinth .dr'r::d.
Div. not urder its cODn~nd. XIV Corps not yet

- 61 ­
set in 'not: on.
~u(te:.n~.!).n lnsis~Gs on fintl1. nrDd. Div! _Ion the rigttt
,'ling i'or "tanl\. o~.~tle forw'lrd of the Heuse river •
(NB~ Thio is i~po8sible for reQsons of c~'oufl~ge,
p'ssibili ty- of tr::nsfer'ring of ~Jinth "~rmd. Di v. to
tJ.le left wing is being studied by .AGp. )
.hundsted t: "~iillth "~I·J!1d. Div. on the wrong wing" •
Direction of 0~0~2Gion (very good~) Opcr~tion is
deve::" ped' so ch·-:.t XIV (;or~s re1ches the bn.nl1: of
tha U~use at Cl ~rleville-Sedan on ~ plus 2; XIV
Cor)s follows clos~lJ behind XIX Corps (two DivsJ~
Guderian w!:1.nts to forca crossin o ' of the i'lI,m8e
~10n0 with XIX ~nd XIV vor~s on A ~lus 4.

COj~lI,:;tnrl (Blw::entritt) dis'l,)lJroves. (Suggests
to htwe XiV 0or.. . s 8trilt8 nort;i1'·1:J.rd o )

Red '!flInt q to l:l.unch its -·rr,'jd. Ji v. on the C l.storn

o'lnk of t~e Hvase for ~n ~tt~ck frOB ~he north on
< ­.I.)lU8 4~
.rlGp . . Con-·,::tnd w.nts co 'l.t·tack Stcross the ill1.:,use .'].c­
co~ling to ~l~n on A .Jlus 8 (15.). ~sks for seven
ned.....rtillarJ .jns. -"'1i th requisi te riqs.
rl tta~ki1},g force.: :.L'l.ri'~?r 'll?s '-".u1 t echelon LjUS t
oere:t.nrorced by ,"lntn l"i.rmd. lJi v., '!fJhich in
nny avent could not be cOJ7.:.:1.itted in tine nny_
wher~ ~lse! ~a1ind it, Second mo~. Div. nnd
mot. rt0giDent~1 ~rou~s, followed by XIV Corps,
vb. ich nust st'lrt off on A-DflY 2nd closely..... 1­
follow behind the Dot. forD2tion8.

Info ~ss .ult echelon is h-·mdic·.) Jed by its

c1.::.)th. The folloT'J-up 1i10venent, 1.8 origln"'.lly
1)1 .nned, worl,:ed bet Gar. T:1ere is d!lnger th'l.t
st;eq~y flow ."igh' be disru~Y::;ed on ~:i)l)rO'1.ch1ng
th.e J.:l3USE)o S ,ac_-"'.l. S'G~l)S to 9.vert this 'J,re
necess~ry, such ~s n~vlng Inf. Divs le~ve
behind their tr~ins lnd coving UJ the cOMb~t
troops on side rO!lds. .
Tinin€ : :

a) XIV 00r)s Dust st~rt ~t once.

D) I thir_,: G::ere is no se-nse in 'thE:. ~~rnd.

vorl.)s !J.tG'lcking alone across ·ehe l-l-:-use
0l}_.~ .1)lus 4. .l~ot; 1 .ter than .A L)lus 2
OK4 Dust be able to decide whether it'
w~nts to launch ~ concerted att~ck across

- 62 ­
the !Jieu8t' or let the ~-I.r:l:r 0-9S. slug' it out
thci!- .01NTI~

c) ci concerted ~ttnck across the ~8use wou1~

be ir~03~ltle before the ninth or tenth
d.<=ty of t;1.19 off ensi ve o
d) Red DQy at the s~~e time start a heavY Rt­
t~~k 0gqinst the left flqnk. It would r~n
into 2 dei\ms V0 fron'c of nertrly suffi­
cient st~€ngth (L21f that of the ~ttack).
e) GHq Reserves nust be brought Ul,) in very
close succession.
f) .< force 'c;binl~s it 1t<Jil1 be 9.b1e to fly
CtC~OE:S 'the frontier not aq,r118r thw 70
Minutes :lfter the rlmy h·.. . s st;'rted off
(st,qte 0'( t:raining). (Rundstedt 8X,)ects
Ltbat ~ 1: Jill tClke a.t least 90 ninutes for
t:1.l3 8.~1 :J,ro to ge t through to the eneny Air
i\)l'ce o )

Conference Dt :rIa .c~ )" .A, 1800:

nritish crt0abilities< C~n nove u~ four not.

co) ~~:n s ,:, the D'l.ssel t-'I'ilburg line as
a flrst e6101cn, with ~ second echelon fol­
lowing cliref?Tily bep.:.nd. jjelgian left wing
c . . n swing over to 'El1burg o OQu IV.

Antwer) Tl~:' .el ~ arc: there Q the'r bridges or

.Drs'0""r~t~ons for 8~ch?
Tir-,e t 'l.blG :

~he B~itlsh Cqn nove four colunns into the

'1rea IV'l.~ll - 3e16i ftn frontier on 4~ 1.11us 1.

~ighte~nth .~rr.:y C'1,n coo):i'[; eight -"3.rmd.

~i~~~ we"'.. two--'cl1ird.s of SS Div. 1.~:;.inst this

fbrbB on ~ Jlus 2, ~nd 254th Div. on A ~lus

3. 1

?sD.:ul..:'l.r .i.ri.y D~,~!.s. for ,r:.;ifate8nth .i.r!Jy Dust

be i:1o ed u.) via '·.i.uenster 208th Div then

r8Dilins Gliq }{es . . l've). ...-lJJiJroved: 00.

S~c. '

wissions ~or 22nd and Seventh ~ir Div. *

still in need of cl~rlficQtion. Air
Foree o
6. ) FolloV'l~Of .~Q:.)A .KesE.r'lE83l1n the present ,".,
disposi r.t011 is ve ry slow ( eSl)eciqlly Sixth
4-1.rmy) •

- 63 ­
7. ) ProclaD~tlon for air lqnding in Eol1~nd:
Air Force.
Air Force is re~orted to have given order
to bonb eva~ything not ~ositively identi­
fi'1ble '1.S Garn,J,n forces.
'i''fer of offic'ors is otJlieved li"'.ble to
C'luse 8cC'f0US-~illcations.
SS is ra;.Jortod to h.... V6 s~ :.rted 1~r6e-8C'71E;
reerui tinb<:r:;i V6 including q.e;G grou 23
I j)

TS3ver'l1 :tgo ,;rou:Js 'l.hb.'ld of us ). Pfl.rty

circulrtes recruiting le~flet8 Jro~ising
• 8".r} J rV6istr'lnts ex~n~)tion fron Arny ser­
vi ce p,nd ~~s sigm:,ent s in PoliJ.nd. (Froce is
§'1ic. to h':,~le hf'.d the::l '3. wee~{ ':1.60.)
~f this is 'lllow~d to ~o on, age grou~s 20,
21, 22 W(J1~l_d be besl)oken ,qnd stri:J)ed of
their be3t Daterial before WB ~qd '1 chance
at u:J.em" .cqlegedly no defernent 'lp,)lica­
tiOllS for SS. ,vei t zel * b08.sts of recrui t­
iD7 ~r!ve for 100,000 nen for the SSo
_~. -, O. Sec G

11. ) d))lic~tiors for def.~rr.ents: Use ~cthod

c:ao)ted in Fr".nce • .,....* Fronr./Org. Sec.

1 <"'>
*-r""*,,• P ro~agqnd a ex~o
1 ling the ethi­
cql i~e .1s of the Gero0n soldier.
O~u IV.

8 li"ebru.'l.ry 19<-1:0.

(Si)end night qt, Vierscl1,").fter r rrivtll py )

Thi'r'c. ....'1J.
d D'1 v. ..Uso Os of S, XI, XVI Oor)s ".nd
Sixt~1 .n.ri"Y.

Third A~Dd. Div. h'ls difficulties setting
~veryt _lng tJgether, es~ccially its Brid~e
GIns.., : 2ft0,~ i'~ s 'Ow:! bridi;e Cln.s. Wf1.S tiJ.l{e~
away for ~lghveenth rlrr~y.
b) ?arsonnel cL~nges in Third rlrr~d. D
Gen, St'lff Officer. iv.
e) rrl~~ ForcE
~rd~r on sw".stika fl~gs qnd .l.)~­

-lrEiored C:lr for Division Con' n.nder.

- 64 ­
Fuel ~llocat&ons for trqininb exercises.
Radio enbEtI'go "'.Jj" fuel shortage in odrmd.
H5L Eig;lteeDth_...:.n:m~'L.-l~:1 XlvI COrQELL:
a.) .9:1,.);)(' J.'U2.Y_~:~.~__ !'O ree ,nd o",ni).ri s I organi za­
1j:~Oii. in Gl'.:':',Y':'::. ·St.') '1 tt.'lcl~s to c.'1.tJture brld­
~G s,,-- -- -·lJ f·:--i~e (;..
Ti,.1etab;.G ~ li'irsYJ d~y as fQr '1S Peel L)osi­
t10l1. l:..~;~ond d:lY to southern HilhelDina
, -,
\jSl.n,~.i... .Lh"l r a-, d '::.y ~ t b7'id'"
.. 50 S it eo

c) !3rJ-_db..t:)'E.._aiPJ_tJ~~.r:ent ::md i:1ed o Artillery of

2~rld Dl';,r 0_ ;-;;1).,3 t ;:;0 to Eigh teenth ~rDY?

l\lorthi'J''1!'U 0xtens.r.on of zone of '1.t tl1ck.

254th Div-: T""l.:r. l,'lfltb. Ia iJroduces nothing new. The

J5I"v.. sep;;-i8 i~o b'2 w:tking good Vrogress in its
tr"in111t" ;.):::'og:~"C. .D"
Trucl~ ,):"-l~ blar::. not DoCU teo . .~I)thin.s special con­
cerning qge or tyve of equipwent.

Ei;hth Arnd. Div On the loVhole, ·good. Only rJ.inor o)e­


r".tion ",I c'1su::tltidoS. ru-Lve 60t through ID.test r'o­

vef..1ents in 'sood sh'lpeu
The o·.)ir.t911_$§.i2.!';l~L·Go_Q~::.e__'['lil th'l t thE; )reeen t
'llert fur 5. n.=. t:.1:Jt Fit "11: ··C)"'.£?; ~'Jill 1 'lS t four 1)IJe eks.
Hg X C~r(:2~ (20?th 'lnd 227th Di v". SS De:J.thheqd Di v. )

a) Prepar~tions of the Uor~s_thorough to lqst

det~ilA Loes of drivc~ nre~king up of
COr-fis into 11 nuober of ....d.vdnce COlilb$).t 'fe'"l.r.::s
seees to be snfe, Much use is nqde of bicyc­
les '1nd wh'"'t al).j.Je·lr to be requisi tioned ve­
icles o

~'irst day: .-i.rnJ.1ein - Ijssel. .ntteI:11)t will b~

D'lde to br~.'J.k through \.Tr boe Line. with .-idv'1n-e
ce COf.lbat 'l'eD)ilSlnd .>orcd.
Second d~ y: 7.f suriJrisc qttnck .hns f':l.iled,
Dain body will be noved u~ to LTrebbe Line
with Weight concentr~ted on right win1. '
Third dny: vortinu0 ~OV0nent to Grebbe Line.
Fourt.l d9.Y: .i.1.. t'1ck, with n~ii1 effort in di­
rection of Utrecht.

- 65 ­
2l~~~Obd~; Don't we ~u~ ~oo Duch into the Gronin­
gen .!1rCB by CC::l;;ji tting tne whole Cav. Div.7
c) Persc~~el matters;
r:;ick'JlToJ_f (2~7th VivO') does not look very
f~e5h, is said to have diabetes. Will hnvc
to te' re ,';lac ed. o Personnel Di v •
.orand. (20 ._h J)i Ii '2 ).. Gen tral °r::mch.

Ic dOGS net s~eG to be qUite to the liking

of vorps.
~affen SS seens to have difficulties finding

sui t,:tble reLJlaceLlcnts for COssgg':tng to new­

ly ~ctivatGQ units.

rlqdio CflI'S I'l,... e In-cking for "-.l.rnd. i16 n. Bn.

Evenin~, bctok via Iviu8nster-llR.f.1lJ-l'i"l11nover in special C'1

att9..ched to eXl):i.. . ess tl"lin.

Gen Q,u: Ra'l)ort on current ::lO,tters.

Obdrl is annoyaa over the D~nner in which the
T1'J.tter of '"oel'j n§,~I, letter (Raichen.!:'1.u) W'1.S
h3.ndled by L'l"ttr.iQ.rm. '
Concentr~ted for~6e for horses.

~) 4, 7 c~ ~uns~ 132 ~qnk destroyers (4.7

Skoda); of Gncse 120 to ~rnd. Divs., leav­
ing 12 for GHq 'Iroo.l.)s} This gi ves c'lch ..:.I.nti­
t'1nk Bn. in rlrod. Divs. on~ Co. of sPM; rc­
mainder into Dcteriel rcservc. ObdHj
J) Ar~illery: ~hre~ nv. ~ow. Bns., tot~ling 8
On 15 CD Gun ~n. of 2 Btrys.
r~'J.dy for o~er~tion qS of 25 Feb.
To n~ty. rtes0rva.
-wo l~. Fd. rtow. Bns. Qot. beconc
r::ed Fd. rtO\'lI. Bns. r:ot. effectiv:'

20 t'eb.

c) Chanical w~r~~re units:

....s of 1 .>.)ril we sh!11l hr:tve 0.9.­
eeriel for 3 - 4 r.lOre CheM. Eor­
tar Bns., for which we need
cadre fro~ hG~vy 2nd Fiald ~r­
~otoriz~tion would t~ke Qbout
one month.

- 66 ­
Ch,mica~ mortar ammunition:
l10,000 filled shells, on hand
in front
107,000 in the 21 Ordnance ~e­
180,000 empty shells.
60,000 rounds coming from pro­
duction each ~onth.
Beginning 1 Nay new materi~l for
Oile Dn. will be delivered each


First deliv·e'rie.s . of Do P roj ec­

tors * as of JulYG

500 till fall: ~o order for

sm-l~e ammunition yet **. ObclH.

Order on Reich Labor Service.

~ilitary h~ilway Police instead of Civilian
Rail Y-oad Po:::"ice. Change-over 1Nill take six

f) St:::-engt:lening of the Reinforced Border Guard

Service against Denmark. (~bout I Mar.; re­
info:cce \:Jnt will be effecti ve~l after
3.bolition of the customs border wi th Czecho~~.:
slovakia. )
g) Re"~y for ~ssignrnent 25 Feb XXXVIII and
XXXX Corps
C orps.

h) Iviovlng up of Lountain Corps. Org. Se c.

i) G-as Defense Ufficers for Corps Hq • Org..

OQu IV: a) Russia - Rom~niq - Carol Line.

b) Scandinl.vian countrie s.
c) II Safety valve II ques"Gion put aside for
time being o 'Personnel Divisions will
continue to study the matter in conjunc­
tion 1111i ch 0 ~u IV.

~ransport Jhief: Reich Railroad makes official admis­

sion that they would not be in a position at the
present to see us through in any l~rge-sc~le of­
fensive operation.
Signals Chief:
a) IIFesta" cable *** is '),vailable in sufficient

- 67 ­
qu~ntity for new fortress front; 6,500 km on
hand. 1,000 m~ltiple (20~ twin cables.
b) Artillery pa~k radio sets will be supplied to
Divs of First to Sixth Drafts by middle of

March, thereafter Seventh to Eighth Drafts.

10 FebruQry 1940.

Roehricht: Chemic:::lJ. smcke demonstr8.tion at Grafenwoehr.

Briefing 01 cooperntion with ~ir Force in
reg~rd to identification.

Volttmann: Commander of rr~ining Div. ~t Koenigsbruec~.

GODes ~~ :~r t2lk on tasks of his Div.

Witzle~en: w.r- ~c~demy Courses.

1230 - 1400: Ji'neh::'~r inspected 4 .. 7 cm Czech Skod::l. gun
on Tank 0hass~8 I; h~d good im~ression.. Gun for
close Infan~ry su))ort, not for ~rmd. Divs.
Talk about one-ton, three-ton, five-ton prime
mov~rs. Prefers tne t~~ee-ton trucks.
Stqrt of air operations during night. ObdH.
~conomize rubber by ~educing driving speeds.

Todt vrgnnization reported to have run out of

steel (30,000), Eng. Chiof.

~r~y Veterinary Office: Cont~gious nemine

Turnover and repl~cement uf horses o
Detachment of Veterina~y Officers for duty in
21. Obdrt.
W,3.gner - V1einknecht: Supply organi Z-9. tion for fort i­

fied front on U~~er Rhine.

~ippelskirch 11* reports on transfer to Supply Sec.

at OKJ. Is ~o work only with Ope Sec.

OQu IV and N~jor rl~dke are deeply distress3d because

ObaH is not shown in the Polish Campaign film.

Is to be remedlcd by addition of suitable shots.

Le'c cer to OKiV', ObdH.

- 68 ­
von Etzdorf 2100: It~ly - 3ritain, question of co~l.
GOal- shor~age. ObdH.
Q,uescioYl 1{ihe'cb.,3r he should Gake over Section Al­
,,::.<;ice-Lorraine in the .foreign Office.

11 February 1940.

Hermann* comes GO take photographs for the Leipziger

Illus~rierte Zeitung.

Gercke: Conference "t'li 'ch Kei tel on 10 lebo

OKW does not Han~ to put the railroad problem
before the I~ebrer. ~veryone tries to hide
'behind, "Ghe i'ie::;'d I"!.arshal ,*i~. OKW yesterday
sent htm a :etcer on the situation drawn up
'§y G'ereKe ';"ith documentation on the truck 8i­
tuatiJ0 supflied by JodI. Keitel warns
again3t put"tjing the qUE Hion directly to the
Fueh~~r~ But he is also afraid of handling
the II1 c"tter himself. ObdH.
F ielCi !'Jarshal in Berlin on 12 Feb., will

probably visit the Fuehrer.

1.) 'lap manev ve r ~.I.Gp ,. A ..

2. ) Conference wich von Bock.
3. ) ~ighteenth Army.
4. ) Smok.e~ l'.or(i) \..:hemical 'Yarfare Bns. (3 - 4)
(see 9 Feb. 1940 *~*).
5. ) Fuehrer conference.
6. ) Stra~egy for presentation of facts to Fuel~
7. ) 1'.i11 tary demands on Holland.
8. ) ~y trip to ma~ maneuver at List's Hq.
9 .. ) Transfer of OKH Hq. (vhat about Fuehrer:)

1 2 lebruary 1940.

ObdH: Actiop to be ..taken when time is up. Re­

• port. rtolland'?
Report of ~(J..Gwi tz to ObdR. Ope Sec.

4.7 em guns: Six pieces :or each Armd. Div., or

perhaps to new Divs.

Organize eight Oompanies with 72nd as GHq


- 69 ­
Delivery in May~
E~~st be ectrmarked for XIX Corps.' Next for
Fourth Army; chen for Sixth Army. Six per
Com.i.Jany in GHq ~T ~..;!1Sc ; equivalent elements
may be taken out for new Divs.
BoehlEr *~ In GHq AT Bns. How many? 20
each month. Production of 5 cm uuns should be
~tarted in the meantime.

Veterinary Service: "Auxiliary Veterinary'Of­

ficers fl. Put them only on furlough status.
Gen. Q,u.
rleport on chemical smoke to ObdH~

Instructional Pam;hlet on employment of, and.­

training of s~ews for, 4.7 cm (also Boehler!).
Zmployment ~11:.l assault guns. lng. Sec.
Plani.~':: for D..')lland: Railroads and transport[
tien. O~. Sec.

Buhle: Trucks and Dorses. Todt and Speer:

9 ~ 000 'Grucks (Organi zed as Column!). P:coduc­
tion 1,000 - ~,,200 per month. (Reserve of .
3,000 by March)r Later 2,500 - 3,000. Ca­
sual ty rate a!H:l.cipatjed during operations about
6,000 a monTlho

180,000 horsEls'? 65,000 for new activations.

90,000 for operation. 30,000 to replace cur­
rent losses.
Trucks .must be pulled out of the units~
#e shall meet at ObdH for decision end of the
week. Org o Sec.
About Stapf. Central Br~1cho

Wedel. (atte~j to it myself,)

1300 Roehricht: briefing on rf oort to ObdH reg:.u'ding

'smoke screen laying, and l:.rafting of Instruction­
al Pamphlet re~arding smoke.
Air Force (Repo~t by Lt. 001. Vorwald, Chief, Air Force
Org. Sec.): Reconnaissance, 30 Staffeln. Henschel
126~ (Me 109). Me 110? 1941 Me 210.
Planes: Long-range reconnaissance 10 Staffeln,
Do 17 P Ju 88, one chain **.il- per month.

Fighters: 26 ~ru~pen. 1 April, 29 Gruppen

·(42 ';-ruf)~)eri!) 28 are Me 109 E! Endul"'ance one hour.

- 70 ­
One Nlgh~-FighterG-r:,qpe (Arado 68); coast protec­

Long-range figh'cerG ~ 8 llirup~)'en Me 110. More thB,n

doubled '. ;·~l G:~o~pg ~ ) 2 ·J.ruppen Me 109 will be 1 ­

equipped with Me 110.

Monthly rate of 103ses: 20%. Wider range as of


:ombers~ 44 ~~OUpB. By 1 April, 3 more.

TNo change~)

Of these, 13 G-ru LJ1J en He 111 (longer range).

Bombs up to 500 kg.
11 GruPP(:Jrf' P (range 500 km les8).
Dombs up to 500 kg.
2 G::c UP3 . or Bowing air mine s.
12 Groups Do l7/Z (good for ground
support ).
8 (at present 3) Ju 88, partly suit­
able for sowing mines; also
1,000 Kg bombs"
1 CondorGruppe**: heavy cargos, big

Dive bora'b_er§.. lOG-ru!Jpen, Ju 87. No change.

In 1941 this type 1.r:.11 be sup)lanted by lYle 210.

Range of craft L1 (;'IllO G-rtlJ.)en extended by j etti­

sonable 'tving tanks. SCJ'8Elming attachment.

Close-support ;jri}.ppa~ 1 (123) former dive-bombers.

Air transr-art: 6 J.ruppen, Ju 52; available at !3.ny

time, bU1; must 1:e brought toge'Cher from schools.

(In adeU tion two ~ruppen are." available on short ' .-­

advance notice)~

Increase possible only at the expense of bombers.

Total in existence 1,100, in fransport Staffeln

of Corps and in Flying Schools.

Navy: 20 Staffeln (six also suitable for over~ ~.

lana flying).

Adk.:1 12.8 em .:jtr;r~ (trial .dtry.). .viII not

go into lJroduction before fall. 1941, IJIuzzle

velocity 905 m, caiJing 14,000 m, horizontp} rqnge

21,000 m.
19 10~5 em Btrys. and 2 neplacements otrys. By
1 ~~pr. J S more, by 1 Oct .. 21 more J3trys.
622 8) 8 oo:''?try~ ).(.h~.c.Iu<fttng '?17 Z:I<l'ze-9hy~wfll' ~be
discarded 1 .clp:ro.) ~ .de-c·ii'leen .npril and October
mo~e ritryso will be delivered. 1 October 662
Btrys. and 15 neplacement 1.['r!3.l1sfer Dtrys.
94 3~7 em 3trys., later 9 more (1 ~pro), plus
20 Btrys. by 1 Oct.

- 71 ­
391 2 em * ~~rys., plus 14 single-barrel Btrys,
11 more on 1 ·~9r., .fJlus 20 more by 1 Oct.
150 em 8earcbllgh~: 181 Btrys., plus 4 more on 1
;;p ~;.-a:nci 21 more by i vct •

.dar:;:·age .8allo~,n ~trys.: 9, J?lus 3 by 1 dl?r., ,)lus

12 more by 1 Uct.
a) lOG Bns~ from .'-1.Gp. C for A (12), from B
for ,i'. 18.
b) 25(+~ Div. to AGp. B. 217th Div. from
the ~:ast 8.8 Gilq Reserve. 256th Div.
A8se~tle at ~uenster on A-I, ~fternoon:
4 iia:1. 1:':) ad 'l'ransport Groups for 2211(L Div.
3 Ba~.~I_;,·oad 'I'rD.ns~)ort Groups for Seventh
A::r l"'::.'/ , and
&t nhg6~OW: 2 Railroad Trans00rt Groups
:01" Seventh dir Div.

One Par~chute rin. in 22nd Div. 3 Para­

chute .6ns. in Seventh Div.
Fue~~er hAs authorized launching of at­
tack on F~encn Air installatio11s.45 mi­
nutes b8fsre X-I~ur. (One-third of en­
tire cperational ~ir Force, Waldau.)
- OM~

Foreign Office **..

1. ) Sumner Welles. Rome, ~erlin, Pqris, London.
kission: a) Information. b) Ground'work for
mediation proposal.
Restoration of a Polish State. J:i.estoration of
Czec~oslovakia on ~he lines of the liunich
Ag r e6ment. 1~0 interference in the internqI
affairs c·!' GermanYr i~o limitless reparations.
rlm3rica~ contribution~ ~old backing for
Luropean currencies, ',J rehqbilit"'tte Euro")8o.n
Reasons: a) Surprlse ~nd confusion about

the course of the wnr to date.

b) It is nnticipe.-ced that the U.. S" 1'10uld not

be able to keep out of the conflict. -- Col­

lap;.;e of Finland. -- hili tary o.ction on the

Balkans and in the ~ear ~ast. Repercussion~

on the U. So

c) Domestic politics: ~lections! Angel of


Perhaps ~ngli6h initiative to draw in Roose­

vel t.

- 72 ­
2.) dull: ?eace proposals -GO neutr:otl p01,oJers.
?ormation of a front of neutrals. Peaceful
restor~cion of international trade. World­
wide dis&rm rUlI6nt. Popels hel) is sought!
Our reaC Gion cannot yet be predicted~ ,vel­
les will arrive in Italy on I Nar~
Italy. Increasing
rn strain between Italv and
~. v
~ngland. !ightening up of Navycert system.

Time of I-Galy I s entry into the WA.r must not
be allowed ~o hinge on any accidental cl~sh
over exercise of sea control.
Prince of hesse: II Uuce wants to 6nter ~he
war at any time when doing so helps, and
adds no burden on Germany. ~he nritish are
convinced that II Duce is still following
his old line. ~ew phase of British-Italian
ral~tions. rlny further deterioration of .
the situation would result in open rupture.
4.) Russo-German agreement will be signed to­
OQu IV: a) Demolition of bridges in 3elgium probably
only loc~l oe~sures (after completion of
civilian evacuation). Ope Sec.
b) Si tua-cion map for i'iepenbrock. . Ope

Gan Qu: a) Fieldpost. b) General St2ff Tr~ining

Courses. c) Computatlo~ of the gas .qJIlmuni­
tion requirements. d) ~ruck situation.
e) Feeding of ~elgium and Holland.

13 february 1940 0

wandel: we need 22 more Div. rlrty. Commanders, 8 More

."rty. Reg-t. COr.1n1,:.nders. Ope Soc. ObdH.
Buhle: Arnmuni tion posi'tjion s0Gisfactory. No IlITlll1uni­
tion crisis is to be anticipated this year.
Arns 00risi8 'l:t the end of throe months.
",-,Truck ros: t::.on.' ,~

Canaris: Grosscurth. -- Pessimism. -- Oster.

- Gercl{e: Suspension of ~ll military shi~ments (Co­
lumns, Labon Service, Bns. ).* 150 trains
per day •

- 73 ­

Gen Qu (Mueller): Conversion of Supply Clms. - Traffic

control. -. Truck 1)08i tion. - Organi ze 2I 11l0tor
Transpbrt Districts; *

Geblen: Data on construction of for~ifications in the

East. -- Plan for trip to the west. -- Ques­
tions of tank obs tiacle materials.
Evening: Leave for Mayen, map maneuvers at Hq Twelfth

14 February 1940.

6900 to 1500: Map maneuver, Hq Twelfth Army~

host vulnerable spots of Red: Carignan nnd

on both sides of Sedan (especiRlly to the
W~st). hezi~r~s bridgehead is being held.

Blue's using of XIX vorps in line at the

outset of operations indicates that theM
did not have efl9ugh Inf. Divs. up yet.
This em~:oyment of large Armd. units in a
coordin~teQ ofie~sive must be org~nized in
different fashiGn~ ~.) d tacttcal echelon
distributed through ~he first w~ve of the
assault force without regard to order of
battle, and behinj it 2.) an operational
echelon, to be formed during the assembly
of "Cr001)S, which hEls the mission to fol­
low up in exploiting the breaRthrough.
Details of disposition of units, see ~pp. ~
XIX Corps strikes for Sednn with Second
mot. Div. (Second ~rBd. Div. in Corps re­
serve) and. for l<~ouzon, wi'ch hegt. Gross­
deutscblar.d (Tenth ~lnd. Div. in 90FpS
reserve )..
c) A plus 8 is the earliest possible date for
the front-~ide attack. Technically it will
not be possible before A plus 9 0

Transport for ammunition: two Truck Bns!

d) The wheeling movement of Twelfth Army, which
is feeling pinned down on its left wing, W ~ •
would cause a S91i tting of the .d.rmy when the
northern wing continues to advance to the
1I11eS'G. On the at er hand, if the .ti.rmy keeps
contact with the left while swinging the en­
tire ~rny southward, our entire front would

.... 74 ­
be split onGhe ..~G-p. boundary line.
e) Tha gap in our air defense system, in the
Luxembourg area, must be closed by moving
in ~ from the Home Air Districts.
f) Shortage in bridging equipment.
Conference with List: tie is endeavoring to find new
patterns for teaffi1pJork between ,;-1.rmor, ~ir Force,
and the conventional arms.
Guderian and Wietersheim plainly show lack of confi­
dence in success.
Guderian: Has lost confidence. -- The whole
tank operation is planned wrong~
XIV Corps thinks it need not be alerted before
the morning of A-Day.
Conference wi"th .lAGp. A (1500 - 1600):

a) we review the resources for rapid closing up

of Inf. Divs. from the depth.
b) It \1Tould be l)ossible to bring Ninth Armd.
Div~ to the left Tdng of XIX Corps. Best to
commi t the Di v ~ in the Second echelon,
Leave for Bad ~reuznach.

Conference wi th C in C Flrst . .""l.:L'ffiyP

a) Poli tical matters. ...\.tti tude ~owt=trd the SSe
his own ideas on ~he subject. Directions
from a central point. *
b) Groppe case has gone wrong.
c) v~i tzleben
thinks that Raschik hus not been
much good since his accident. Does not w~nt
him in First rlrmy. ObdH.
d) Heavy ..~rtillery will be kept in readiness
for concentration on right wing.
e) AGp. A will have to determine the sector for
riinth Armd. DiVe
2145: Return to Darlin.
LAII matters of the day subsequently taken up iIITi tIl.

- 75 ­
15 Februar: 1940
_ _ _ _ _ _ :.....aL.-. •

Arrival Grunewald 0930.

4..:. I

'ralk wtth Jacob on role of ~ngineer trQops +n removal

ef ~he ohs"tacles on Luxembourg bridges.
a) Revision of the naw Inf. Training Ins~ruc­
tions: Delete diagram showing only one Co;
in line.
Assault detachments for attacks on pi11box8s.
Purpose underlying reorganization of Infnntry
uni ts ..
~raining of Inf. in tea~work with tanks.
Inf. hand-car~s *. I would rather allocate
15,000 "cons of stee~ for them than for wea­
Winter': rlesu1ts of Kluge m~p maneuver. Immedip;c e ef­
fec~s of mission of ~rmy Gp~ a.t CElck
Cha~ces are poor on the ~0use sOUt~1 of !\Jqmur,
Buy. On
but good a"Co nuy, IVlission lion bo~h sides of
l'ljaI:1ur II • OKH wl':'l hell) out at the crossing of
the Ourthe. Secor~g.__~rmy.
Point~ of CQn00rn~ virec~ion rtuy~ -- Keeping
closed up to tue front! ObdH.
Bullle: Truck 'position: ....etrenchments in the units
would yield about 2,000 tr~cks. further pro­
posals cannot be cade until we know the re­
sultaof the Goerlng's conferences with von
If we use 4:500 horses and 2,000 vehicles in­
stead of "GI"J.cks in the.Div. bu9Pl:,< and
Oombat ~rains, we are sure to have a severe
shortage in horses by 1941 at the latest. p~­
rallel measu:;."es to ecor.owize horses in the
units must be initiated~
Gercl~e : Field ~nrshal is forming a compact committee
headed by nimself. rie has ~ull authority from
the Fuehrer to issue orders:"
Technical reporter: someone of the Ministry
of 'l'ranspo"rt (Kleinmann). New State Secretary
.. for Shipplng, Krieg, also new State Secretary
for hotor Transport, Brandenburg. New blood
in other Sections~

- 76 ­
Memb~~s: Gercke (Railroads and Waterways).
Schell (lviotor 'i:'ransport). :£conomic experts
in ar ~dvisory function: Thomas, hannecken,
Todt, rluehnlein (execucive member for the
civilian economy). aepresentative of the
!'linis Ger of Post whenever needed. Koerner
representingche ]'our ¥ear Plan. Gercke
permanent represen'Gative with fuLL p01fler.
1tefcommendaGions for organization and opera­
t~on. All work must be completed within a
fevl weeks.

Decisions cannot be retold even by top le­

vel. 1 ObdH.

16 February 1940.

Talk with Salmuth: Substantially the same as tne let­

ter to Obdft. Danger of splitting of the front.
Ziehlberg: Rp,schik for Up9cr Rhine front. lueller
(Lnndwe]:l..r) will De replaced by Kr'ischer middle
of riareh and in turn will take F~etter-Picols
place (JOCIV Corps;. To Field ~arshal in ~lace
of Stapf: DUe\lTert) Iveiss'l ' !V1 atzlty (Kinzel),
von Etzdort, 1145: Medal for Ka'"'abe
.. '*. fleeting wi th
Scate Secretary.
~GreiffenberE: Operation, situation map.
Roehricht: Gen. Staff Training Gourse (visit).
Training 00urse for re-·o.cti vated Gen. Staff Of­
ficers u Tanks ar!d Infantry. -- Standard de:­

signations for battles 'l(o~A-. (Op. Sec.).

OQu IV: Viai t to 58th '01v. ~*-l(,. Rifle barrel liners
for training ~~ilunition, Rations (rather R
little less for the front) #. Gen Qu.
Rumors about oaldur H#~ has volunteered for
servi ce in 'Ghe A.!-I_~. , .
Memo for ObclH:
1.) Written report on change of assembly ?lan.
• Change in .."dis)ositi9n of forces: ~uestions
askea by ruehrer. Have report returned.
2.) Report on Lis'C ~ maneuver. (Talk voJi th
Guderian, ~~iet ersheim) ,

- 77 ­
3. ) yon Kluge ~laJ mQn~uver. - Talked over with


4.) l!..esul t of t!i.e ·two maneuvers:

a) ~roblem complex of tank operations.
b) Disadvantages a.eriving from starting the
operations before ~rocess of closing u)
is coml:>leted.
c) inner doubts on pros~ects of ulGimBt~
5.) Abwehr report on plane landing.
6.) Air Force materiel.
a) Ju 88 are coming off the line very slowly.
b) Transport planes only at the expense of
c) Monthly rate of losses computed at 20~.
7. ) Air operations; rltt~ck on enemy Air Force;
attaoking force will cross the border 45 mi­
nutes before X-Hour (one~third of entire Air
:B'o l"C e ) •

8. ) Div. Artillery Conm~nders. Artillery Chief

wants 22 new l)iv. rlrtillery Commanders and 8
Regimental Gom~ander8 (one for every four
Bns. ). 15 are enough1
9. ) Ammunitions :)08i tion: a) .2resent stodcs \<Till
last six months. oJ Drop next January~
10.) Forecast for organization and materiel.
11.) Truck posi tiona

12.) ~tscellaneous:

a) hascrnk (Rating given by C. First

1rmy)o To Uppor Rhine as of 25 February,
Drand for IX Corps. C of SIX, 'Hho should
have gone to Training, in )lace of R'1schik.
b) Gercke: rleorganization.

c) Visit to Gen. Staff iraining Course in

Dresden, Thursday.
d) irieldpost.
e) Decisions on &\XVIII ~nd XXXX mot. Oorps
Hq. 25 ire? XXXIX, XXAXII, XXYJCI (mot.);
middle of ~Qrch.

- 78 ­
17 _~ebrLJ.9.ry 1940.

vleinknecht: Reor6nniza tion of Di vi sion Glms. *

lJivs. of First, Second, -:..nd iourth Draf'~ have
given up thcir truck 6lms. for horse-drawn
Clms e Conversion still in progress, will be
completed by 20 .v'eb. T1i\TO collecting'1s:
HaQm - Schweinfurt: 81 30-ton Glms. and five
60-ton Glms.
A total of 136 30-ton and five 50-ton Clms.
have been withdrawn. Replenishing of othcr
Divs. 1J11;tS a.ccomplished ~oI]i th the '~rucks of
about 30-ton Glms. Surprisingly good.
c) By way of compensation, ten 30-ton Clms. will
be left in ,d.rmy (four more in Eighteenth
rlrmy :: 54 Glm s. ).
Fi ve 50-ton Ulms. :lnd wi thdralo1]E).ls from Seventh
Army make up a new MT Bn.
e) ~v1 th ti1.e firs'(; instalment filled, we can pro­
ceed to Teplenishing of the Clms. now at the
front e
ObdH: ~a8t: Troop training centers in area South.
(Air?)** Gehlen, Tng o Sec. Blaskowitz
wants to set up the Indu.strial ,g.nd Forest '
Guard himself, using Re6ion~1 Defense units.
Rimmler wan'c s to take over the Forest Guard
after four weeks. Glaims he has not yet got
his 40,000 men; wants to use his men only to
fill ga9s. filso wants to activRte Artillery
of the ?olice Division with his own men.
2.) 1200 Report ~o Fuehrer.
Changed 8itu'ltion o -- Armor in Eighteenth
Armyo -- vlosing up wit~in a d~y. -- Ooer8..­
tion "~Qergency". -- Tr~nsfer of Hqo
Leave memQ~andum~~a~~t~is~ i:
Call ~rmy Commanders for
conference. Map maneuvers.
drmd. Divp~ must be overhauled once more
(M,'lrch) •
,d.t cend to rlimnler business at the same time.
(Army Uormanders including those in the East.L
3~) .deinrici.
4. ) fissignmen'~of vorvs Hq'? ··~8 soon as cadre is
completed, transfer XXX)( to the 'v~es·t, to Imve
it at bando

- 79 ­
5.) Goering. 16,OO~ ~rucks. Refused.
6 0 ) l'r}lcks:
Withdrawn from ex)ort 4,000 new by 20 Ac?rch.

From Protectora~e­ 1,500 ne~l.

From Skoda (exports) 1,000 (eouiD. units

~ . com­
plctcly vlith this,
type. )
Production to ~i.pril 3,000 (but then we l~~ve
nothing in reser­
ve. )
9,500 instead of 16,OOO!
Nust get under wayJ See what we CRn get out
of Todt (Bd~, Schell).
7.) .H.aschik remains uncil further notice - 8.s]c
Chief of Staff *.
Brand to Seven'ch .~rl:1Y.
8.) Fieldpost: ivork up backlog, str-trting from
the rear. Gen ~.
9.) footway bridgas, not yet. Armd. Divs. at
present 3, later 4 trestle bridges *';!:; even­
tually perhaps completion as roadway brid­
ges. -­
nllocation? (Prepare timber for aubsequent
decking) +.ii'*. Org. Sec. ­
10.) Smoke: If possible not by sectors~ Instruc­
tional .t'amphlet o 'ranks. , Tng.
Night exercises as a substitute for exercis­
es in blanketin~ fog. Recruits must get used
to night operations from t he firs t da~T.
Roehricht, l3dE.

18 February 1940.

Fuehrer conference, 1200:

Introductory: Original pliln was to brcl'l.k through
the enemy front between Liege ~nd the ~Rginot Line.
Drawback 1rJas constriction between "Fortress Bel­
gium,l C1,nd aaginoT; Line. ..:;xtension of the attack
northward of the Li0ge area was considered so as
to·obtFin wider fron~age. The central fe~ture of
tha t plan 1,1ms to concent ra te the l!l8in weight in
the south ;lIld to use . . l11twerl) instead of Liege as
the pivot of the great wheeling Dovement.

- 89 ­
NO'\,lJ 1.roJe :1.;::tve rev8r·~eCc to ·the original scheme.
Surprise may now be regarded as assured.

It took the eneillY ten to fourteen days to

learn abou·c 801:1e of our regrouping movement s,

which proves that the earlier leaks were in

Berlin. ~nemy will find 1:1eans to w~tch the

border area more closely.

2. ) ~nemy o~fensive: We have no definite idea

as to
a) whether the enemy will udvanc0 automaCl­
cally in reaction to our crossing of the
b) 1tJhether the :.french high C01!lnand will gi vo
the starting signal for the offensive which
assuredly has been carefully prepared; or
c) whether this signal 1Mill be:-gtvcn by ·the
lrench uovernment.
I'G may be tak13n for granted th-qt the opera-:",.l.­
tional details of the oftensi ve been for­
mul~ted and drafted, but that the COmManders
in the field have no liberty of Rction. ~ost
likely the ?rench nigh Oom~and or the Cabinet
will Jake the decision. ihis means tl~t the
French will lose at least 12 hours.
Some people beli0ve that the French plan is
for the Germans ·GO spc:nd their strength in
ilelgium, and then have theo ru.n head-on
against the strong French northern front.
3.) Our Rlan, ·therefore, must aiIi1 at getting be­

hind the fortifications line in Northern

France at the very start o ~his calls for:

4. ) Sixteenth .<.~rmy to get 'to the border in

southern LUXenbourg with the utmost speed.

rldvance 00mbat Teams; Mot. elements. Ob­

stacle ReI:loval Detachments.. Planes 'sowing

land mines, etc. Purpose: To seize the
terrain needed for the defense as quickly as
possible, and organize it for sustaine~ de­
fensive w~rfare.
The enemy would be able to launch a strong
counterattack in this sector after three to
four days, covered by his fortress system
(C~p of Ch~lons, etc.).

- 81 ­
It 1110uld Ghus be fi VI3 or six days, before the
main bcdy 01 Si.~cteenth Army arrives takes
up ~J()si tions} ani ·the critical stege is over­
corns. S1 ~t;tJen:;h _1.!,I.'my will then be placeo. un­
0.81" J.... -Pc.. C
" 'G 0

AGpo 0 must closely watch t~is operation in

the meantiitl8. '~Juestion of rear posi tions.
Que aticn 'Jf i"'-I't· ,lery reinforcement s. Supply
rout e 11e t~vo.rk (including field r3.ilroao.s) ai1d
signal .eorr:muni cati 011S network. Ope Sec.
ri th G-en Q,u, :Cransp. and Signal Cblefs. Think
thrcugh iEl)J.ications.
5.) Tw§l~~h~r.~ will become ~n offensive exten­
sien cf th3 defensive front o
6.) :ii'0~:t·1.~~~"!-1,Y:~ Is nOTN . .) oised for at'cack l'Ti th
whoJ..13 i'Ve1.&-;.:(; in '\'lestern direction. This will
not do, ~I.i the more :0, as it is still doubt­
ful thu t ,2'ourt 11 ·~rmy will be able to make 8.
frontal breaKthrough on the I\1euse.
7.) iVe n8ed one more.~rmy. 'l'l1.l3·we±lc'll,nk in trw· .... 'opei' 's10n is the mom,~nG when List is.
lock?d wi~h the en~my and Klug~ reqchcs ~h,~
~cu~0.fhi8 w0~kne83 c~n bG r0ctrfiad only

a) by stre~gthening the assault wadge, or

b) by having another Anny ready wher needed.
8. ) Allo~aLion of Armor in detail:
We mus~ not adhere too closely to the
order of battle., It'orm mixed commr.,ncLs.
b) Tqnks allocated to any sector must be of
tue type b6GC adapted for the specific
c) rtolland will oppose our .tirmor only 1Nith
anti-tank defenses (4.7 cm Boehler), not
with ~anks; therefore, all we need on tl1at
front ar~ about 14 Tanks IV and 30 Tanks
III) with the rest Tanks I and II, for
. , defense ~t ~ntwerp. (Eighteenth
Army i 0

In Belgium we sLall have to expect enemy
tanks porth of the Meuse-S~lbre lin~; ac­
cordin~ly Ghere will be no change in ori­
ginal allocations. Guns on SPl<ls a
good weapon~(Sixth .~my).

- 82 ­
e) I} Ee1~~1~~, so~r.~ of the Meuse-Sambre line,
we 1"le6:l only a fi!w TanIcs III and IV (7" 5 em)
but aJ.l.:~ibe "lore Infantry and Engineer
~roolJ8 (Four'~h .Army).. Bulk of T8 .nks IV
and III, tcgether ith some II, should be
~_n tbe . .· tss<lult iJroup ('.i:welfth Army). -rL::;h
it go ..,;,1' units, heavY Inf. guns mot., E;lC.
9.) Gene1"o.l ey3.1u.§t tion of tank types.

Tank I can be emyloyed only against a week an4

demoralized enemy.
Tank II is but little stronger; not good against
Tank I I I effective against enemy tanks. Rela­
tively in8~fective against Infantry (Czech
III) •
Truk IV e:·"'fec ti', oJ against enemy tanks. Good
effecG al~J against enemy Infantry.

Sixtih anCl. ,C;ighth ·.hrmd. Divs., which hq,ve Czech

tad:B: are considered out standing.

a) r'..gains'C r.achen fqr~~ 11 older rnilroad guns

will ciao
b) K 0 '1un i~' -Jnd good 28 cm Gun at the e'1rli­
est to the dssault Group or Defense Group
in Luxembou:rg o
c) 38 CI'1 a.nd 4.0" 6 cm Gun. ikvailable l~Then?
d) lew n~val guns? Emplacements? OKW will
let us know"
Points to be taken up'
1.) .dss.l.gnmenG of new missions and asscmbly or­
ders. Urgent.
2.) .rl.llocation of tanks and other fortles.
ObdH hqs halted shifting of tanks

3.) Preliminary Ia conference (7).

4.) Conference with C in Cs and Cs of S on Satur­
5») Timetable for s~ifting and equalization of
6.) l'~onday, 0930, conference with Buhle and Uoreif­
fenberg Cl.t ObdH.
1930 Conference with Uoreiffenberg, Winter, Sixt, Mieth,

- 83 ­
2145 ~{e could set up:
Tuxembourg frontier: jour K 5 Guns (56 km) ~.
Five Bruno 28 em Guns
(36 km) **.

Eben EmaeJ:~ Five .druno.

Up to now
in Fourth rlrmy: Four 24 em Theodor; mobile
reserve for Luxembourg.
(Still under con6ider~tion )
Fi ve 36 em li'uns.
Three 40,6 em Guns.
(Fixed eml)lacements, one
year. Question of mov­
ing in divided loads not
yet solved.) ,
K 12 Gun (20 rounds, r~nge 120 km). V{hat
Chief Opo Sec,. ~ 0hanges called for by the new plans~

fourth and 27th viv D to AGp. A. Hq for second

Armd o echelon 1~cinhard XX)~ Corps) must be ready
by 1 l"iarch,.
vonference with ~Gp. 3, if possible to be held by
ObdH, v~ednesdayo Su'osec.,uently .~Gp. A.

19 iebruary 1940.

0930 ObdH:
a) Shif~ing of ranks III and IV stopped.
First, Second, and fenth Divs. will be rein­
forced with fanks III.
Czech tanlts for Seventh .!Jiv. (T[\nJ.ts III lr-!ill
be tnken ou~ instead).
To Sixth and ~ighth Bivs., Tanks IV.
Demonstra~ion bn. remains at disposal of GHq #.

b) 'I'ank dest~royers by 1V1ay (seven Bns. ). First

conversions in ~~rch, one Co. in each Bn.
c) Doehl€-r: vonversion to 5 cm guns not feasible.
Bns o on both wings must be reorganized~ 1 Mar~~
70 pieces. 'vVhere is the Co. of 12 Tank Destroy­
ers (First ~rmy)1 .

- 84 -.

1.) Objective: fwo ~oehler, one 3.7 cm

('chr\3- DDS.).
2,) Obj ec'ci v,~ ~ h6C ,II all Boellier from _~P.
G so tha.'G we can r31nforce e.D
J-Hq ..1.T .;ns. ,11i ch one Doehler.
iiill be D1Pcd c up from current

c) LsiCJ ~i,.§.8Et~J.Ll:i'U:1S: ))eli v,3ries sl01.v.· t;1:,

6: 10 ~"o -,~cuivc? uni'cs! vonbat ·3.Ssgn;F1ents
undecid6d~. U8e mild s~eel. ** One ra~dy.
To ~rRinin~ Div. ior ~raining in bsventh
"':>,try., .''':i,' cillery .l\""lining \.Troup.

0.) lli ed.. Int'. Gun. !'.id&le 0 f i4·~rch, six 00 s. of

6 81lCh.

E'1'1l7l..8 t ~1rO'V,k':~ s
: From end of March until June
incl., on8 \.'0. of 3 ~latoons, e~ch with four
fl '1).lle'tnrohc:;:'3, eVery month.

f) -.. I'mc~~8d ;)t;;rsonnel carriEJr: ,ti"i ve ~lY' Gos

0:1'::; -j;';l" (,.8.0':'1 11.ifl.::. ,rt'gt;. of G-ro~p ~1.':'(five".

g) Eleventil, _~riq:. mot. 'f

~ctivacion of Ghemtcal ~orter Bn8. ~U8t b~

s,)deo.ed ;11..... :Wig~:.t 'Grucks or primo Dovers?

FromE: 1.) l4 s 000 r~01ucements to ~il.

j)istrict, :XII. 'I\'~~'*. 2. r
rteplncer'1ents for sevcm
Divs" SGil1 in t~10 rIOln-:; jJis'cricts.

Situ~cian in the North. Vi~ws ~0di~tion )ro)08~1

tho Slm0 ~s we do. V~ry cautious in ~8sess~3nt of
:orr'1egin.n l-'O ssi bili 'Gi GS.

rl..;, sees no lik\:.lillood of closor'volu11­

:a8.~6: ·'0 si 6 ns of ::tny dis Gurc'lnc e.

I kJ.y: 'Jnc,-,r'cn.L1~ '.L 11,-,Y '!/lIould r'3''!..1Iy prefer c1oi11:-:;

busin08s wicl us, ~u· t~6 ran~in willinz to do
busin~s8 wi~~ t~e otaer sid8, too. -

1330' Lunc11con B.t 'c11e J "...... ,iJ.ik St:; ...:.raol2ssy. i"r-:;l.. r31}. 'GO
Kry.T,·lab G.

1230 G0rclt:.~: B~ ,Jort o~ revi sed 1)1.. nninb for r~.ilro ':'..CI.8.
uperr'.tionl.ll '1l1d re j"irs l)osi tion.


20 to'ebruary 1940.

Col. deim re~orts ~8 G~i8f on 8~eci~1 ~seign~6nt (zbV).

Guderi . ; Jl :
.Hnth _.. rn:c1. Div. 400 '* in repAir. l~ill
be finished coc~. ~ra for the first to r~M~in
~t Jresent stations. • tGended to.

4.7 cm gun on Tank Ib c~2ssis o~n o)arqtc o~ly

L:1 units wi t:1 or6''1.nic 'c2Jlk replJ,ir-o snop?
de~ache4, it would need 8peci~1 r3p~ir faoili­
·ties. This iJa!;:es it n00ess.'lr~r GO DOU!lt the
4 7 om c,ssigneCL 'GO Inf. units on orCl.inax'jr gun

cnrri~ges. Urge Seo.

Keep ~"'(, free for units of . .·~rDd. 1"rec10:e.
'. S '=;0. , 'T'l-
1 .~.- S <3C.

Chie~ of Ins)dotor~te 6.*** In pl~ce of

.2::tL3'?:: ~·~';,Ojl1'.1.., ll..onze, lTo·tsche. Org. Sec. ~c,ick
,,/Quid be a,))ointed .-~r:rld. Foroes Chief i~1 OKH:
Obdn, Pers. Div.

Gen Q,u: Ailit~ry Ori8inal Juetioa.

iJisoiplin.'J.ry .10 vcr of offioers for .~r.r·1Y Juc..ges.
DisQJ9rovdc for G~is ~~ol~te~ c~tegory; ~ue8tion ba set Gled for •·.. r·)'Jy officials ::l.S ':1. ;,I::.... 01e.
00nfirmiOttio:l of incli vi c1uA.l sentences.

C.::mtr".l .drCC1.nch i:.1forJ:ls us G~lJ~.t t' d E'uehrer ;.'!'"'1.n'd3 to~p,lk

to \..h ::ncr!l.l von i'->,ll'i:c nr10re G, {'.f: -.n exp0rt on ?in­

land ft.

Felber: L: e:b Nant s .or'?l.nd. Rlschilc 18 C' t'Till be ·G2._,.:"­

:d OVGr once nor0 on 5aGuraqy.

R03l:.ri Ol-lt ~ 01"'6_01'" on sUJ,)ervi sion of ':i'r:1.ining ,"1.cti vi '~ic s

'uy newly 20ti v"'..t eQ 00r..) s rtqs. i'iight 1'1"'').1 nin,; '"'.s
~ 9rellDin3ry to Graining in smoke bl~n~Gtad _r~as.

,'¥iOt:;z:n~r: .I.i.0~)Ort on 'Gour. ~ruok )osition of T~elf~~ and

bixteGn t:1 ....rmie s. Gen ~u rna? eX3roises.

5uJ~ly )osition of L'irs 'G -.rl':1Y. -- DGCG9ti on nis s1­

on fo I' ii 1"S 'G ..... rI:ly0·G8 of 'Gi13 s{lif(, of G·.~(; bou.ncl'i.ry bet~,'T0,:;n

',)8. .- D:J.~ld. •1.. ...£1..1 X oV'Jr \ 1• t_• 0 p. S·so.

i'j1 1
.1. G

b) !l..C\.S XVI Cor~'G rlq still o.ny useful funo'~ion

up north1 ~ho 00~~and8 the 5800n& EC~ulon?
XXXXIV Gorps ## '

- 86 ­
c) Bl'..u~entr~ ct: If pro jected cou-rse of opera­

I! $tudy on prospects of Ghe ope-

e) Dece~tion measures must be intensified"

f) Sixteei1T..l.l.-.!'Dy: .2rojected course of oqo­
rations (nap study) covering lJeriod. fron
the start until 'tne crisis is over.
g) IJ1.~lP man0uver in . .iG-p. B'?

h) ..ifh!3.t
1'0 servo s have been earoarl\.ed '( )
Wr~t r~8erVeg Qre re~lly free? )
rtOlpJ li1.US;; ·they be grouped? )
!1.0·W move tner,1 u;/? ) Cn. *
Reservss for ~orwayl )

i) ~,~.aiso~ Officers to 04i.GpS. B, rio, Clnd Fourtn,

l'1;", and Sixteenth ..i.rmiesj later ·::tlso
fer .,.':"'J. C. (Six in r.l..ll.)

Centre"' Branc'l~ ~Jhen do we rele ... se Grosscurth'?

.l.Jia:'scn Officers.

G .:i' •
':ebr1J~:CY 1 9 40.

l~orning: :r-J{
®wn 'lilork or' ne"TtJ assel. bly orders and on or­
der for feint at·tack by ..-i.G.tJ. C.

Gen. 6b~t?Kel!el sends diree~ive of Fuehrer concern­

ing Heavy rlrtillery.
Vlin'~er: Reply to Leeb on at'caeks (IFalke II, IIGei8r", "He.'l.­
bi cht II. it~Ao

Bluoentrit~; Review of chs new intentions.

Org~niz~tion of the r ~rst ~nd Second ~rmd. Eche­
lo~s under Guderian. Tnird ~chelon will follow
up under =rmy Gpo
Oonclusion of the regrouping Elovements about 8
C in C 041.Gpo rl belitv6s tn.:.t SlJ8R.rheading of offen­
sive by rlrmor is no longer justified under present
circums 'GAne es o
Sixt: a) Stef'IJing '1;> of striking !JO"l.v6r of .-I.rrnd. Divs.
Allocation or armored personnel carriers.
rlrmd. ~ng. Co ..

- 87 ­
?irst off, t;wo BoehJ,er 'J:fl.nk Destroyert-Bns
(two Dtrys. f 12 each, ~nd one of 12) ~nd
2 Bns. 4 7 cm Skcda (three Btrys. of 6 eqch).

b) Corps, etc • .-l.r'cillery Hqs. -- Pers. Div. has

no one. Cen iral Branch must help.
c) Replacement uni ts for For'cress Troops in .-iGp.
d) Post cf -i.rmd. Force s Cilief.

a) I! Safety val"v'e I question. ObdR.

b) Stflff cf officvrs with writing ex~erience
fot' ?re8£ Sec. 5 *.
c) ?I'E-nch fr)rti fi cations on the northern bar.k
}o' -, \ '
of th ~ e ~G~8v and a'v wezieres.
d) Si ':lg.l~:r'it). idea of II securi te" in Fr9.nce **.

.~ o.ndeJ.: ~illplcYillent ~f ~5 ~nd, 5ieifried Guns ~~* in com­

plian~.e wi cn ene lfuenrer s wishe s.

Heu8in~er; O~er~tion "~eseru0bung~:

£'alkonnorst SD.1rl cne iuehrL,r. Fuehrer ,l)ut him in

charge of prel.)s:'.r'l"Gions for 'che l~orwaJ' 0l)ern Gion.
Hq XXI liOrl)S will be )laced under OK v, in order 'to
avert troutle wi'Gil ,(i11e Air i'orce. .

Plannin[ ~roup will 800n go to berlin (Corps Hq

to Luebeck'? ).
Reinforce Falkennorstls Hq.

~roops: Seven'ch .tir Di v., 22nd Di v.

One rlegt. of First kt. Div.
Two Divs. with ~s8ault ~quipment (Seventh
Draft)o Eelection of ~ommanders.
~ighteenth nifle bri 6 ude, reinforced with

roF a ps.I

DenMark. ~ir t'orce 1rlan ts Denmq,rk #. Tro ops must

be readied.
Timing: Shortly after substanti~l conclusion of
of:t:ensi ve in th~ IVest. Then 8.S quickly
~8 possible~ (All points taken up
wi th Obdri. )

{Marginal en'(~ry, presumably 2 1·1.qrch: J Not a single ~Torcl

h'18 £) .ssed between the j;t"uel1.rer end 0bdH on this matter;

-,88 ­
this mus·c be .r?ut on record for the history of the w-;.r.
I shall make a poi~1"C of noting down the first time the
subject is broached. Nothing to date (2 !11arch).
~vening, 2245. Leave for Dresden.

22 £ebruary 1940 0

..-1.rri ve at Dresden in special car at 0400 •

0830 Classes s·cart in the lec·cure rooms.
0830 1030: Lecture room B, Lt. Col. Hermann
(The IIlire Brigade II Di vi sion) *.
1045 1240: Lecture room C, 1Viajor ~J.qgener
(The mot. Div.).
1245· CalIon Commanding General Mil. District IV:
Populn.tion exhausted; -- Spring sOlfling! -­
Ra:"'lroad movements somecimes unnecessq"ry. **
.L:.arly thaw. ObdH.
1400 - 1700: Lecture rOOD A, Lt. Col. rt~sp (~ap ma­
neuver: ~eeting engage~ent).
1930 - 2300: Party at the ufficcrs I Club (,<;1.fterwards
back to Berlin in s)Bcial ·cqr).
Iiil.9ression of i118tructors; Vsry good. Courses ~re bu­
sinesslike. ObdH.
Inpression of the lJarticipanc s~ ~ni te grq"tifying. Some
outstanding o:fficers, such !1S I'rotDfJ., Philip)i,
Steinsdorff, Grewenitz, uebelhQck.

23 february 1940~

0724 Arrival at dnhalter Station. On to Zossen.

0930 von Greiffenberg. Exchange XXXX c.orps for XXI
Corps. Order~ Obdrl"
Nieth; ~lleged com~laint by Todt on lack of cooperation
by Felberls troops on the Spicherer rleights.
Thirty-three em JIIlCer.1ents:.._are now under construc­

tion. Casualti8s. 900 shellhits! ObdH.

Containing attack by C (Cadenbronn).

- 89 ­

:V 9.gner: Tank wedge. 18,000 vehicles.

4 total of 45,000 vehicles in the sectors Qf
'twelfth e..nd ·S.tx'teenth ..rmie s~
'tVinter: rl.pJ.)rovc?l oftdraft plane for fl'ttack "Falkel/
(Leeb) and for individu8.1 missions. ObdH.
hemo for ObdH:
1. )

2. ) Po~-nts for conference 24 ~1eb.

~ 3. ) Corps rig Falkenhorst (XXI Corps) will leqve
( 25 Feb .• ) •
.In his l)lace Stumme ()C\.XX Corps) (!3.S of 25
Feb~). Orders issued.
4.) Falkenhorst I s mission (Operation I/~veserue­
bung") •
5.) Leeb does no·t want Rasch1.k.
Ins GCGors u-0neral and Troo,) Ins )8ctors
ollmann, .K.aschik ).. Hot yet.
7.) rl.rmd. Forces uhlef Gt OKH~ Not yet.
No'c Dalck at ~eneral rlrmy Office *.
. 8. ) fwo letters from~eitel. a) Finding mission
for K5 \..o"un on 8cu'thern wlng. b) Oonstruc­
tion on 81egfI'ied Line, ~Tacob I 8 rel)Ort.
9 0 ) Todt is said to be again at stirring up the
Fuehrer against us~ this Gime over S~~r­
bruecken. Fuehrer is repcrted to wish con­
tinuation of work on extp.nsior.. of the front!
(Steel is sU9~osed to be av~ilable again. )
~e shall have to wait for confirm~tlon. For
the time 'being S.svtrbruecken is under Ar'ci11G­
ry fire.
10.. ) ..~Gp" O. ,uraft plans for opera.tions "F,':l.lke ll
etc. -- Rel)ly.
11 0 ) BUQming ue of observ~tions at Gen. St~ff .
Training ourse, Dresden~ Dresden Corps Hq.
12.) "S~fety valve" question ..
13~) Xote for conference with Gehlen.

14.) Intensification of the "Containing attack"

by AGp. O.
15. ) Progress in construction of border fortifica­
tiOhs in terri tory of J.'iigh Commflnd Bas't.•

- 90 ­

Chemical smoke demonstr~~ion, under Kuntze.

iViuens"terei fel * e


neport to Obdrt; ObdH~ -- ~ank ditch. Jews in terl"i­

tory of nigh vommand East. Gehlen.
we must hear .ulaskowi t z on the subject. Reply
~o Himmler c

High Comna,nd .l:!~D.,3't vivs, !1S of May~ Should they

be re~leni8he1 at once or one after the other?

J)Op. Sec,,!). Buhle.

Sequence in which 'chl2JY arE1 to be re1el1sed by

High COITlJI:Rn(l ..c;:.c u.

Industri.21 Guards will be organized by nish Com~

mani ~Rst itself.

1100: Conference with the &l,GO" and Army Cs in 0 (sirlu1­

'~neously conference ot la officers), Tlrpitz­

~ew assenbly ordl2Jr ~o me0t the ch~nged situqtion.

Regroupinb nnd dis 1)0 si'Gion of force s. Dn. te ·for
the coml)le'Cion of re ...J.rouping (7 l'ln.r. ).

.r8 inlng
'11 ' programs.

Truck ..) osi'cioll.

Subj ect'S rela cing 'GO roli'tical Lil1ison Soc'tion.

C in C ~Gp. A is skeptical ~bout the effectiveness

of the ohrll,u. o ~'h::dgeo Is afr f th'lt the Second stnet
.• ']1lird EchElons vl10uld nOG be able 'GO CD. tch up.


.:..) Coon'1nd of the .u-md. ',edge: t'orm Group i:;ian­

stein witL SDAII OQu 8~affo

rot. Signal units for ,'l.sSFlul t l~ledge'?

2 •.' l'iew Hq "i.G-p. B l)rol)ubly at Duesseldorf.

Ope Sec.

3.) must be made for construction C',

bridges. Jacob, Gercke.
Busch thinks the bridges a't Luxembourg border
will be blown up. Military bridges with Con­
struction elms. Dust be readied.

- 91 ­

,vB ,t is needed for Gw3S8 ;.Jrzp::trqtions'] Check

assembly. 0p. Sec.
4.) liniforif, IE:; we rcgLl.J.:.Hions for spring sowing.
~ng. S~c. with BdE. -­

5.) norses in Hqs. * Org. Sec. Centr~l

Branch, Hq Comm.
6. ) Leeb: Draft plan for "containing attack" h~s
been requested. Perhaps two Divs. needed.
Artillary1 Ope Sec.

7.) Fuel insufficient for training program. Kuech­

ler wants 400 cubic meter. ** Gen ~u. Tng.
Student: Coopc;,ration, in the pre1)arotion of
tha offenei ve not ye'C ':loS it should be.
OPe Sec.
Kuechler has not yet been able to-get hold of
the man. ***
Divisions: Dusch wants 58th again. ,
lill in return send 72nd to fraining Center.
Op. Sec. Tng. Sec.
~eichs wants to leave 87th in the irqinins
Senter a littlE:; longer (four weeks).
10. ) rersonnel Div.: Siebert (Weichs~ c~nnot set
~long witn Austrians. ~ust be given a diffe­
rent Di vision. ~eichs must get some German
Officers for his Austrian Div. (Reserve 0ffi­
c-oors). # Pcrsolmel lJi v.
ll~) 44th Di v. is behind in i -G S 'Graining progr.gj'!l.
'I'ng. Sec.
12. ) ~ir Su~~ort. ~. must specify our requ~rements
to .t-\.ir l'orce1 (Get wishes of rtrmy Gpso). '
Ope Sec.

New OKri rig Fellgiebel:

a) J;l'uehrer needs five lines for his Stllff,
Force also needs five. In ~ll only 15 lines
can be handled at Muenstereifel. It is
si,r..:.)ly il!l90ssible for OKH to direct operQ­
tions with only five lines.
b) It TrJould take eight weeks to prel!~re swi tch­
over to a betGer signals network.
c) Our recommendation: ,ddvance A.long the ,cable
of Pruem. Initi~l operations might be direct­
ed froIT, Gie ss en. Lini son Staff to l'vluenster­

- 92 ­
1. ) 0). Sec.: ~heck togecher with Signals Sec. on wh,t
we need for operacions, ~nd for Trans). Chief, ~nd
Gen '~.
2.) Talk with Aeitel.
3.) Give OhdR documentacion for talk l,d'ch Fuehrer.

Soicherer ~ei3hcs: Re~u~ed wishes of ~he fuehrer? ~B­

terials ~nd manpo~~r re~uirements. Jacob - Geh­
;len.. ,'£o.ll{ l.'1itil Kei tel~ -.:.. Oonference Obo.I-I/FuG~l.­
, rer.
• ir-Ground identificatL:m'( .?rogresp made. Tng.. Sec.
Hesult of the conference Roehricht/Keitel. liate­
rial for Conference vbdrt/Fuehrer.
Tng. Section: vrga~ization of_supervision of trainin~
programs. -- ~u.estio1>l of lnspectorace General still
'~"ahn - Senne '*. lVlUSt be se-c cled~ m '
Chemical smoke de~onstration by Kuntze. lng.
Political Liaison Sec.: a. .odE order on church atten­
dance is s~id to have been issued 10 days ago.
"Sa.fety valv:;t1 qucstion no-c yet discussed.
O·~u IV.

Org. Sec.: ~uestion of .creation of rank of "General

-":;:~'---P~a":"nzertrUl)l)e II -lhl- not yet decided. Org. Sec.

25 iebruary 1940 0

1015 fT o lte calls u.)· Engel :bas told Siebert: Todt

will fly to ~uskirchen tomorrow, to look over the
sit~. .
1030, A9~oin~ment with ~_Hermann (painter), rierlin w 35,
Elsholzstrasse 16. ~djutant (Central Br~nch).
Very good Jortrait of Luaendorff for ~eneral St~ff.
wark 350. ?ortrai~ of holtke (fo~ Gcn.ObBt. Beck)
not yet finished.
1130 Gen.Obst. ~bitel; ~uskirchen dunting Lodge will
serve as H.~ForTfl;1_rd, eliminating the drawbacks of
the kAin hq, whioh was organized on too large a
scale (and moreover was not completed in time).
Todt and S~hmundt went to £elsennest *** the day
before yes-cerday, to hear fuehrer I swishes. }ir;ht
before last 'rod t rece-i ved orders in Hunicn to L­

speed u.:.J "t:rJork at; riunting Lodge so as to get the

- 93 ­
----- ----------,::.

house randy ~O~ G~e ~·uaiITer ~nd his entourage

{v;ithout .doril1A.nn, r-'oreL,;n binis-GeI' ~cc.).
The ~ain heuse is to be su)plemented by wooden
barracks j.n Ghe woods co Obdrl's sp@cif1catione.
Todt will go there tomorrew tQ 1ns)eqt the 91Hce.
I-V!lnts an OKH rel)resentative to coma along. OKH
. representative should svec~fy number, kind ~nd
size of the accommodations (also vihat is needed_
for visicors,, telelJhones). Ce;1tral

von Bock~ 1230, at his home.
L) Reichenau I s Army is
,.,reak to -c, HcLvn.n-ce_ge
of its oJ)ortunities. In particulHr it neacs
more ~rmd·o Divs. so as to be able Co ex;}loi'G
a success at ~'ia_1.stricht or ha:o-_seik.
Reply: CannoG be done. ~ivin6 R. the ~rmor
would break u) -che concenGra-cion of the -1.rmd.
Echelon, as now ~lanned; Armor would then have
to be committed -GeBJ'TIed up wi t:1 Infantry.
Training: vombined ~xercises of InfanGry ~nd
Armor o
. .~ v'allable imm~~:':.ately for close su J)ort, T~ren­
-Gie-Ch Div. (mc;i)) and Ghose elements for which
Ku~chl~r has no ~oom at his front.

2.) ~ngine~rs d~~ ~~t~llery can~ot be released

\1]'i thout je')l)P.:r-,i.~.z.::.rlg .l.'eic!lenau' s mission.
~Yp.Sec. mU8t che~k wlether and when new
ces become av~ilable.
Jacob: ~ore needs to be done for construction
of imp~Qvised bridgea~)
3.) Re)lacements nGcess~ry for cn.ncaled two Divs.
Bock now also wants to close u~ more com0ac-c­
~.y to the ~ront And so meke room in the ~0ar
for hro addi ·Cional Di vs.
(QP~tCo_ The8e tw~ Divs. must be brought
r -c;::-;;. --,1.... -l·u Wl- t1.-J.l '1'1)./S-
v.".:;\A. -. S It
ec. on oct:\.·lons.
DivisioD8 rn~y rem~in JHq Res~rvG. )
von orauchitsch 130J:

.:.i(1 t."'orwe.:r'1~ rur,)ose: i'o provide tem )(:)r 0. rv

~~cm~·~()j.~t~o~s f?r Obirl s -idjutant ~nd Chief of
lihe \j·en. E'Gl'l.r-f 'v'll th requisi-Ge st8.ffs, (of
about the strength ~lanned for our FO~Nqrd
Eche:_on i~ two railroad tr8.ins), together with
moto~ veQicles, and servicing facilities.
Jeeded also suc 1 landing fa.a:ili-Gies ,q,nd signal
cOffiil1Unictl. tions., tlla-C would ensure de.~end,qbie
liaison becw~6n dq lorward and fr~nsp. Chief,
through Giessen. Central Branch.

- 94 ­

2.) Prepar~~ions must be made for ~ Hq in the ~ruem

area, since Muenstereifel will be useful only
for a short time.
3.. ) Sodenstern:
a) a tight rein on Kluge! He 1.I18.n·c s to be
0u t of reach" for l1is .~rmy Gp.
b) Locatio~ of next GHqo
c) l~ho is co command the Armor wedge: i~~anstein,
Kleist, l/eichs'11 I 011..

. . 4~ ) Li'uel: .Je must be a Ii ttle less stringent now.

Gen '~u.
Armd. Divs. have been reassigned and must be
broken in. 1~6i" Di v. 00mmF.1nders! Hoeppner
F',nd Guderi":.n musti make sure thflt Div. Oomj--"ln­
ders conduct exercises on Div. level.
, Tng. Sec.

Som~thing must be done about reconnaissnnce on

'chi:; . .~G,). bound'lries. It must not occur
-chat the &l.Gps. lACk a unified Vie\ll of the si­
tuation. Ope Sec. O~u I.

6.) Viebalm - iYitzleben. 257Gh Inf. Div. (III

Cov~s) ~g~ins-C 263rd (Kuer~e) or 2l6th (Boett­
cher) or 2ll'Gh (.rlcnner). 011..

1530 Lt. 001. von Zichlberg, briefing on his scouting

job nt ~uGnster~ifel.

26 ,tl'ebrue:.ry 1940.

Roehricht: ~raining questions.

350 to 400 men -re st'lnding by in two
groups ~lt Crq.ilsheim *. ·~ill go tio ":>itt­
burg on a-I Day. their mission is to
open the way for XIX 00rps west of Dastogne.
Fieeeler bcorch ** p~anes ***1 Tnlk
wi th ·#ald:l.u. ObdH.
b) Sixteenth . .1.rmy want s 'GO tnke c qre of its
flank. cover i'Gself, wi'cll .ddvance 0oI:lbllt
'rellffi, bu'c Ghe t'uehrer wqn'c s Storch s
to be eI:l~loyed also in th~t 88ctor.

95 ­
X-nour - 20 to X-¥~ur over enemy air force t~r­
gets (o~era~ional airfidlds).
O1l6-thil'd of our entire Force 1,.,ri1l be com;-ji tted
as pr'eviously announced. From X-Hour to X ;!~',us'
120 mi:1'..l.t63, u-erman rl.dA will hold fire (return-:­
lr.:g plane;;)"
X-Hour plus 180 minutes, n second large-scQle
effort ~08si~le, in direct sUJPort of ground
opar::-.tions C-~gainst Bri tisb.! ).
Group R1;.chi:.-0f5Il1 cool)ernting ~'Tith Sixth .i·:..rP1Y,
will not b8 i~cluded in this plan.
X-rIour t<J x: J.?lp.9 60 minutes, all GerGan fig:1.ter
planes over Luxembourg. to provide escort for
the returnir-·.g first "!(.lD.Je of bombers !?nd ·to
repel a"C tac:ks on Guderian.
Buhle: a )l'ralni!1g l._:-:'gram in 'che ..::j;-s·t h::,.s been sC'''.rted;

date soT. for termination much too Inte. ~~umber

of !AD~ults -00 small co justify such p long ,
tra:',L.' i ng schedule. ubdrl want s t err'1inqtion en".
of .:.1.' ~'il. ild.,t; M.S been informed.

b) rleorg9.ul zaGir:n of tile L:'lndwehr Di V8. * on the

wholE;. cOrl1)lsced o

c) ':rransfers 0... ehe .negionl3.l Defense Di v. ~ITill

last into ~~ril.
d) ,,~ustrl J.n .r'-0i6ional lJef ensa uni ts! Officers
must be switched.

e) ~egional Defenxe negts. ~ust be grouped nccord­

ir.g to the vorps rlqs which activ~te them.
f) Polish Peasant 08.rt Olms. - Local f1.ssignnents~
·to Land\vehr 1)i vs.
g) Offensive front: Officers )osition b~d, save
in F~rst Draft Divs~ ~e\ new officeroc~ndi­
dates o Ufficel' Q!lndidl1tes for Infantry n.nCl.
~~r'Gille!'J' oK-;:. I Obdci..

General fuieth~ ~) Bridges acrOf~ Our and Saur rivers.

b) F'or"lJlnrd shif'li to Msyen,
c) Order to revise ~lans for Southeast
and Caucasus.
F.'),lkenhors'c (:Ouschenhagen)~ lie~)or'cs on mission (.ope1?a­
tion 1\ ~cs8ruebunstl/. .de; W'lnes l>it. 'I'rcops. ­
• ObdH•
I request early s~ecifications on a) Strengtu,
b) assembly ~rea, c) uime when the troo~s ~re

- 96 ­
One re;).O.~_t._is the:c the troops should be readied
il1}rg._G-..:'1JD.'~~l--Y.o ('rhnG is dift erent; from whA. t Greif­
fenberg told me .. ) Ope Sec.

p!larginal note ,. )re:s1JJ;1ably entered 1 ~'larch~ J

?rom1se to ge'C iT' touch 1-11'1;1'1 us before drawing up of re­
quisition was not kept. 1 dQrch.

1.) 15' Corps ..~rtillery GOE1manders, 8 rlegimental


8.) ~rmd. Forces Chief. Thoma. Keitel: ­


"InSIJ8Ccor,g1! ~haschik, Schwandner, KOCh,

biegeleben )"

4.) nnschtk.. t'or Raschilc: Boehm-Tettelbach.

5.) SDer-.ial trn.~ning 1) rogrnE1 for offic3rs replacG­

ment~ (men with three years' service). -­
1'J e1M l:J chool.

6.) Dridges ~cross uur river (Mieth, drawin~).


7.) Deliveries of equi,;)I:1ent to foreign countries

(56 )Hck tr.<:ti181T!1 tters). £.lUst be ·taken
froD frontline trco;a.

8 ~) l~ 81,J OKH ~iq.

9.) 40 cm and 38 CIi1 \June between Saar and Ijiosellc.

10.) SUP1)llf organi za'Gion for at cached .. ~ir Force

uni 'C s.

11.) Com7lander of &irmd. ,,'ledge.

12.) Spicherer d8ights o

l.qp of Divisions. ehe ck l::i.. st of Di vi sions. study.

1.) ObdB, {wlb.h Lin.i son S'Ge.fT', must be near the
Fuehrer. Fuehrer's desision.

flPromotes ll '·.i.g"yen for OQ,u I, OQ,u IV, Signals,

Central Dr.qnch. (Wittlich for rlGB. ~: Bad
5ertrich for Second l":\.ir Fleet. ) 'la1ms it
could be done in two weeks.

- 97 ­
S~ys he hus: 4 ~slephon8 and 2 teletype li­
nes, -co each ..n.Gp.
4 tele9hone and 2 telety?e 11­
nes,to each drmy.
12 telephone and 6 teletype li­
nes, to the rear.
4 telephone and 2 teletype li­
n6", 'GO x.iuenst ereifel.
3.) ?ruem.

4.) nq Forward: 5 trunk. lines 'GO Giessen for us,

several connections with local network.

5.) Italy was given ireneh cipher code by C~nari8;

in I'eturn we ffiU.St demand intelligence m'Stteriol
from the iV18l:~j.'ceI'ranean.

von G!'eiffenberg~ F~~':;-up of :~ .~md. Contl'"1.nd nq coull: ',:::(',

be consi'::-G'u ted '" 3 follows:
One OOl".l.-,r.:; iiq (-tli th Sign3.1 .on. ): b1)ecie,1 R9.dio Cos.

:.: rOD sevdral lTaq units, for radio ~nd field trunk


XXII COrl-:s (Klels t )? Behind it only I Oor:)s. -­

Roinh~rd (XXAX Cor)s) maih Echelon, Schmidt (XXXIX

Corps). in--9.or::l!:land. '* ObdH.

Goettke: iVIetz} \Vho has ul'.'ked for '~hat'{

500 workers must rl~!rJ be )ut to work in our 01[111
Ge!'ri tory, which w"."s evacu "-tied at the request of
AG:). .A"

Goet'cke - J'1cob - 'rohol te - Gah~en:

-10 CD and 38 cm U"uns beGwaen 'Ghe Sa<:l.r Flnc1

Loselle (i,Letz). 38 cm Gui1S northeStst of Saar­
brutcken. ~'or .qction in centrn.l sector of our
fron t.
2. ) UonsGruction work for t~6 Gi~a 0eing only on
D)!lffiunition stor3.6c .g,nd 6un pl.J:ttforms. 60 cm
tl;1icl{, 8 I:1 lon.s o
Firs'G ~;un el'L)1a.c6ment re~.dy by r:;iddle of Au­
gust, then c.1a nora half i"lonth.

Jacob: 1.) b~~rbruecken - S~icherer neights.

2.) Dridges OV0r vur river. ~ilitary bridges. ~
I:nprovised bridges. (rl; th-em checked u':
front) •
. '~ 3.) J:\endying of .oridge Olms.: three horse-dr!1wn,
six no tr~ctlon, three more c0ming.

- 98 ­
Keitel OK~ en ~hone: Con-'\lsiOl1 about S)icherer Heights,
----c;:ttE-;;-d b~:- 1- i:;';ne talk JodI with rlGp. C. Bad
business "Ito.,

Gehlr~: Spieherer .t1eight s. -- ...nti-·Gctnk di tch in the

~ast, -- ~~llocatJ.on of the '';onstruction Bns.

OQu IV: ',ielles yv.lln"G8 to form a block of if

his peace rriElsion fails.
Papef' , !I'rance ll11an'Gs to rel:Leve Finland by ,2r
a tG£ on .d'lku ("!) 'I'url\: s will no-~
agree ..
riruns~ S~~nisn reJort on alleged low ~orale
~n "·Prance.

Question of the exchange of codes l~Ti·th

Exchc.;~ge of r.:El.terial on Yugoslavia with Hun­

gary '':~isaP.i.n·cved.

:airc:~,.'S:' -- ;CylandL. '0 lh~rmq,n - SyiTi ss doc tors

on ou~ Western front.

Gen -~u: If I'.1is8icD of Sixth ,dj,"l"1y is altered,
could ~hei do without S008 of their
Su.p>:.. y lilms.?
Sec. L( Corps .&:I.rtillery l..'or.l!lR.nders, 8 Re"?;tl.
. ." i.rtillery Gomr.l".nders. ."i.t wha.t time
Officer candidate ~)chools for three
year NCOs.

Org, Sec~: XXX,T l1 Corps Hq (reduced) (R~schlk)

will get new CG, will relieve IX
·l.iorps. ObdR.

Schw~ndner and rascluk, ~enerals on s)ecial ~s­

8i~nment, for irQining. ~et Gherr. an Adjutant
and a cl~rk each!

27 L"ebruary 19 L.l:O.

Chief of Tng. Sec.: L ~o dntry.-!

ObdH: Fr.>,.lkenhorst.

'I'lmetable OKiV.

rlq li'orward IVluens tereifel.

Lsic-! ,,"rtilJ..ery: StA.rt 'lOG once lrd th "Blau",

collect nel'" da·ta for "Rot II. **

- 99 ­
4., ) Air Reconnai's sence., Not for Fuehrer report.
5. ) von Rundstedt., Guderian or Kleist?
Schmidt must get reedy soon.
6. ) Air-ground identification. '
1.,) Zone where Air Force will fire )

on anything., . ) Tng.
Zone where troops must identify ) Sec.
themselves. )

7. ) Raschik/30ehrn-Tettelbach.. IX Corps must e

freed for othe~ duties.
8., )
Raschik free for Training. ) Fixed loca­
) tionsl '*
Schwandner for Training. ) Ask Fromm
) whether he
) wants to give
) us Divisions
Heinrici for Training. ) now in ")rof'v c:::_
) cess of,acti­
) Tng. Sec.
9. )COff~cer replacements: StArt program in
Seventh Army. /Two words illegihle / **
High Command East. Personnel Div. has oo"'c\.o:::'s.
Tng. Sec.
10.) Sketch of the Feuse position.
11.) Zossen Troop Tra~ning Center? Tng. Sec.
12.) Decree on horses. H88 no implementation
Gc:"'c~~e : a) Moving of recruits from I~il. D~stricts VI,
V, and XII to the Protectorete, Gau ·.Tartl1e­
land, etc. ~?ste motion. E~en Protectora­
te *iH~. All right. ObdE has been in­
b) Divisions which gave lXD 3ns. heve received
no replacements yet.
c) Over-all railroad situation.
d) Speeding of bridge construction. PrcDa­
ration of transport for ass~Dbly of forces.
Buhle: Olbricht.
1.) XXXXI and XXXX Corps mus t get ready as (l'Lliclc­
ly as possible. Original seouence: XXXVIII,
2.) Difficulties of maintanRnce of secrecy. (In­
formation Centers #.)
3. ) Activation of Chern. Mortal!"' Bns. Will g'at 100
trucks from the Field Army. By 1 ~~ay three

- 100 ­
more Chern. ~ortar Bns.; one more by 1 June.
In their place we must defer the two Deconta­
mination Bns., which will-not be ready before
August, unless they also become Chern. ~~ort2.r
4.) Mt. Artillery. Recommendation of XVIII Oo:r:.)s.
Two It. Fd. Ho~. for each Mt. Arty. En.
Sodenstern: Hq with many Signal,Bns. and large OQu Sec­
tion (Specialist for Kleist).
Greiffenberg: Armd. ~edge. -- FollOw up Echelon (2CCO­
modations). -- Demends on Air Force.
S&lmuth (Mieth):
a) Difficul ties about Li'ge.' No change~
XVII Corps Hq unde:r Army Gp.? Nol
b) Map maneuvers, With observers from the A:rnies.
Sodenstern: Solution for Kleist (Zeitzler). OhdH.
J~cob: Todt has been boasting about 500 tons of steel.
Fuehrer "100% behind him".
JodI will speak to the Fuehrer agHin ano. eXDlain
the situation. Should the Fuehrer persist, JodI
will consult us before anything is done.

Hq for Armd. Wedge.

Allocation of supply units for the Assault For­
Reduction of Clms., and other current matters.
Li~ge XVII Cor-is?

Engineer Siege Park.

Disposition of French Forces.' -- Position north

of the Meuse. -- French invite SWiss for an
inspection tour of the ~aginot Line.
Matschinsky: Golden service anniversary.
KRhlden: Consultation with Jauer brings out that Bcti­
vating the 15 Corps Artillery Hqs will be no
trouble at all, if some personnel is transfer~
red from the Dresden Training COttrses. '
Org. Sec.

- 101 ­
Re)ort from AGps. B and A that Goering has recuested
the two Cs in C to see him in his special tr~in
at Koblenz on Wednesday night.
ObdH is getting in touch with the Adj utan tis Offi­
ce of ObdL about this matter. ;:..-
Greiffenberg, Roehricht, Buhle: Air - ~round identifica­
tion. -SUpervision of training outside the Arm~r
area. Chemical smoke exercise. -- Porses and truck
problems~ -- Industrial Guards East.

von Ziehlberg: Current Gen. Staff Dersonnel matte~s.

29 February 1940.

Ke i tel (pers. Div.) on phone: Commande:.." of

the Armd.- ,Vedge.
Konrad: Length of training periods. -- 46th Div./Sie­
bert. Hq XVII Corps opposes Weichs' viewpoint.
Siewert: A) Fuehrer agrees to Kleist. Are we going to
be ready by 7 March?
b) Felber has callBd up JodI about SpicheI'er
Salmuth wants two Divs. and one Co~ps Ho behind his
front on the second day at the latest for the
thrust to Breda.
Notes for ObdH:
1.) Felsennest. Godesberg insteed of Mayen.
2.) Projected disposition of forces; m~terial
Op. See.
AGp. B. To DuessGldorf.
Orders: Twentieth mot. Div. in place of Fi.~st
Armd. Div. (4 r~E1rch).
225th Div. (Senne) into area of Twen­
tietht~ot~~Di~c~.Dottmund {4(M~~ch)~
Two Di 'Is. of GHq "ResE'rve around Lt.IG­
denscheid, Hagen and to the east. (~a5th
Div., Bautzen, 223rd Div., Posen.)
inth Armd. Div. for Eighth Div. 7 ~~r..rch
SS Regt. Adolf Hitler goes to SS D~v.
AGp. A: First Armd. Di v. in to a.rea of Second ;'ot. :
First Echelon, 4 March, evening.

- 102 ­
Sixth Armd. Div. into area of Thirteenth
mot.: Second Echelon. 3 LC'..l"ch
Second mot. Div. into area of 29th mot. :
Second Echelon. 3 FE'.l"ch
Thirteenth mot. Div. an~ 29th mot. Div. = _
Tl ird Echelon. RI3ad9'~;l I\:erch
Swap Ninth Armd. Div. for Eighth Armd. Div~
Completed 7 ERrch
30) What are the subjects of the Koblenz tRlks?

Sodenstern Dlans ffiep maneuver. (Advence

movement e ) A ­

Subsequently Mieth (Heuse crossing).

4.) Beyer~s letter. -- Coordination of studies on
means of attack 2gainst permanent fortifica­
tions. Is anxious- to tell us about his o~ser­
vat ions on troops in the Westerwald. Inform
~eichs! ­
5.) New man in place of Siebert, 46th Div. Krie­
bel recommended by Pers. Div., is bette~!

6.) Report that FieldmarshBl has ordered the

Custom GuardS-on the Lux6mbour~ frontier to

remove the rOE',d blocks. --,~ ,­

7.) Raschik - Geyer - 'I~(,ist. See Anpendix ~H~

Will be signed--before 5-re.rch, noon.

Gripe s aboJu_t

a) Liege and XV:I Corps.

b) the two Divs. (are alrendy t~cre)

and Corps Hq.

Gripes about
a) Armd. Wedge ..
b) XVIII Corps c.~oe 8 not ,~ran t to go
up front.
9.) Railroad position has imrroved: Train back­

log less lthan 200. Cc1r lii"olcIog.

10.) Spicherer Heights - Todt (OKH mill be consult­

ed before Fuehrer issues order). Ge~len.

11.) Tng. Course for Btry. and OQ. COs. Submit t~­
bulation. See Appendix ***
12.) Hq for Klc is t . Kretschmer, Ol-j.l fqr r. _(' :'st '.
Sticcesscir -{or Pe.mb8rg (repleced h'" Bpi t zc:.~,

- 103 ­

14.) Liaison Officers.

15.) Operation "~eseruebung".
Osterkamp, 1 March, 1300 at off~ce, Luetzowuefer 7.
1 - It h0urs.

1 l'larch 1940.

von Greiffenberg: Received from OK~: Order to contri­

bute for Operation ltWeseruebung ll : One Corps Hq
~reduced), oneMt. Div. (of two Regts.), four
Divs., two AA Bns •. (mot), 10 med. Btrys., etc.
Go to Berlin:
C2naris: a) Radke SD? *
b) /Entry in longhAnd (two names1)renclerec1
th~rough1y illegible. - Ed._/

Jo.cob: 0.) :~o ody is interested flny more in heBvy A.r­

tillery ernnlacement constructions.
Construction tEikes 2,'t months, Elounting of
guns also 2 ~ months.
b) Spicherer Heights.
Rabenau: Danzig: 80 carloads. **
ObClB: 1.) Suggest Felsennest to Gode sberg and Gocle s~)e::,g
to Felsennest. ***
Pruern quite apart.
2.) Scandinavia.
3.) Request SS for Arnheim, unless there are
reasons which preclude inclusion in line-up.
4 .. ) Wants re":Jort from Army Gps. why his orders
are not eB~ried out.
5.) Goering. No action taksn.
6.) Voelklingen.
7.) Kretschrner o

. 8.) Glaise -- Take him over from O~" --A

9.) Roving inspectors (combing out of horse~:
Job for Bn. Commanders not needed elsewhere.

- 104 ­
Order to Zieger: Order on trRining courses conducted
by Div. Vet. Officers.
Courses in the Divisions: ~et. Officers, on feed­
ing of horses: all the rest, by officers. Tlc
same in Replacement Army.
a) OQ,u cEl.nnot issue any training orders.
b) Vet. Officers would be put in cha~ge of mat­
ters which were always kept. out of their hands.
Greiffenberg: uWeseruebu!}g1l .
Proposed: Kaupisch with ~art of the Ha. (Re­
placemonts must be found.) .
SS Deathhead DiVision (instead of Pol. Div., Dlus
2 AA Bns. mot. Elnd one Eng. mot. p.nd MT Regt. ').
No; Fuehrer wants ordinary DiVision.
Three Czech Armd. Trains.
Eleventh mot. Brig. (ready 5 March).
Divisions: Third Mt. Div., two-thirds of 22nd Div.,
69th Div., 212th Div., 196th Di'lr. (Danzig) nill 1)e
r~Qdy Inter. ; ".
MessRge from FuehrGr Chancellery: Fuehrer docs not
want~to t~~e 22nd Div. away from the Dutch front.
Does not went the Deathhead Div. in Hollpnd. *
-Iueller - Weinknecht: Order on trninin~ of horses.
(Zieg"tp-V. Talk with OlJdH on the eUbject.

2 1.arch 1940.

Ott: Reports on his promotion to Gen. Lt o

Submits Training Instruction: IIMpnual for Tr~in­
ing in Permanent Combat Installnti~nslln
Ammunition carriers for heavy Inf. Gun SPM.
Wuostefeld: Ruling on demarcotion and jurisdiction of
---l'Hq-Lower Rhine l1 in operntion r·Gelb n •
von Etzdorf~ Scandinavian questions.
Buhlc / Schell:
a) By end of Me-rch, trucks for all newly p,cti vat­
ed units. (How about Eighth Draft? Y
b) By end of April, 10,000 - 12,000 trucks for
the Army, so that in April about 2,000 c~n be
turned over to the Field Army.
Subseauent development cnnnot be cn1culated.

- 105 ­

Stat1;.IS r~orts:

a) Complaints about truc:':~8 are groming les8,.

b) AGp. C is complaining about gaps in ~er­
sonnel replacements.
c) High Command East will org~nize Industr~Ql
Guards in the East.
d) First bridge launchers * for First Armd.
e) Two GHq 4.7 cm AT ** have received no tra­
velling trolleu.s~ ***
f) Static troops for the Upper Rhine cannot
arrive before e,fid of ~:~arch.
Personnel of OKH Sections:
-Sixt~-:- Buhle-w8,nts to become C of S #. -- Hans,
Corps Ia? -- Foertsch, II Corps? -- Petzold, sub­
stitute 4 - 6 weeks. Central Branch.
Gcn Qu: a) AGp. A. Everything reH(ly as regards stoc'c­
piles and transport.
Ammunition, fuel, traffic control, food,
medi cal service, ~~T service: will be con­
trolled by the Armie~ themselves.
b) Operation llWeseruebung ll : ~,::ountain equip­
ment. -- Supply. --­
c) At present not fit for movement: 207th Div.,
two-lt. Artillery Bns. (Osnabrueck),­
les (Substitute ~~pared for movement).
One med~ Artillery Bn., Senne, also str"ng­
les (but apparently will he 811 right soon).
d) Fieldpost Collectil\lg Centers.
QQ,u IV: a) Wahle. Frictions with Envoy.
b) Surnn3r Welles: Economic peace.
c) Roessing in need of a resi.
Oanaris: 1800, today or tomorrow.
von Brauchitsch - Keitel: Keitel wents good troops.
Has doubts about SS Deathhead. von Brauchitsch
does not 1]Irant to release SS Hegt. ## Points out
that 20% of our GHq Reserves are tied down, 8.S
. I it is. ###

Decision by ObdH:
-----, ----­
a) D.enmark: KauPisch and one RadiO Co. Hamb'lE'g.
170th Div. (now in Muenster) Jutland. I\~uen­

- 106 ­

Transportation for one Regt. ~~uen8ter. T-!ot.

MG, Bn.
Eleventh mot. Brig. Fuenen (now in Altengra­
bow) ?nd 1 MG Bn. ~eady to start from Alten­
grabow 5 March.
Mixed Armd. Group (one Co. of Ninth Armd. Div.,
one Co. of Seventh . t. \rmd. Di v., one Co. of A.i~_
mor Training School, School Hq).
163rd Div. (Doeberitz) Zealand. Remains at
Three (new) Armd. 1~ains. Railroad District


Field-i::lign8.1 Hq.

Naval Hq, Weserm~ende.

Kaupisch, Hamburg.

Falkenhorst, Luebeck.

Air Hq, Hamburg.

b) Norway. Third I\~t. Di v. must move into Nauen

area-,-Hq at Doeberitz.
69th Div. (Oslo) Gross-Born. Remains at Gross­


196th Reserve Div. remAins 8t DRrizig. Danzig.

Six med. Btrys., 10 em Czech. (729th Rnd 730th

Bns., Asch, will become ready this month) for

coast defense.

Field Signal Commander.

Radio Co.

Supply Services.

Rcn. Staffel. No decision yet.

Ground.-air identification: Fuehrer makes positive air

identification of ground troops mandatory at all
30undaries of Ilidentification Zone" must he defin­
ed by OKH in consultation with Air Force.
Kriebel reports impressions on his tour in golland.

- 107 ­
3 March 1940.

1000 Greiffenberg has reported to ObdH on n·~ eser­

uebung~':T ";-.-. ". ' ,.'. ..,
List of units for Weseruebung.
ObdH approves telegram to AGp. C *, regarding
request to move X~IIJ>CO'rpsi'to the front.
1640, Blumentritt~(on phone}: EX0lains once more the
difficulties in moving XVIII Corps to the f~ont­
1700 Canaris:

a) Radke affair. - No need for worry.

b) OQu IV's talk with Heydrich; subseouently
Canaris had a talk with Himmler Md Heyct:>ich.
OQu IV must be more careful.
c) Notes on Welles' visit to Rome ~nd to Rlb~en­
d) Romanian visit. -- Conditions in Yugoslavia.
1745 Stieff reports an Dlumentritt's teletype regarQ­
ing Ht. Corps.
1930 Gercke: Fuehrer dennElnds thpt movements f.or o',)e­
ration ~Weseruebung' start immedictely. Tirnet2~le:
r,10vement to Training Centers completecl by" 7 I:[1.'!"Cf,
Assembly of uni ts tl;lere by 10 r\.ar~h. Reedy for
jump-off as of 13 Mar., so that landing in the
northernmost parts 1110uld be possi1)le about 17 I"aroh.

4 Iiitarch 1940.

1100 ObdH:
a) Speed up preparations for 1I'":eseruebung".
b) Dispute with AGp. A about j;.T:t. Troops.
I inform ObdH on my talks with Army Gp. on
3 Marqh.
c) IIUpstairs tl they don't underst;:md Manstein IS
transfer. Does his successor hElve the neces­
sary drive?
d) A representative of Ope Sec. must be disDatch­
ed with material to the Koblenz 2nd Mayen con­

- 108 ­
1130 Ge:::,cke:
a) Keitel has been informed that the arriv~l of
the Armd. Divs. for the extreme northern ning
has been delayed. -inth Armd. Div. lrill not
errive before 9 Mar. Accordingly 10 Mar. is
the earliest a.ate on which 'Ire Cft.n be rep,ely
for attack.
b) Third Mt. Div. will be ready 6/7 ~'flr.

Heim 1215: a) New SS units.

1)) Pr0paganda in the Army.

Ge ::'c~:\.e : Fuehrer conference. Nothing was said pbout

the postDonement of the target d~te. ~o re­
port hps- been made to the Fuehrer on dptes
past the 7th. (Has not been to the Fuehra~
for ages.) ObdH.
Transp. Chief com:01ains that he is not ~;:e')t
currently informed. ~~
Rochricht: 1. ) Training missions for the General
z. b. V. 'll'*
2. ) Instructional PAm;)hlet on;''''
Greiffenberg: "Weseruebung". -- Air Force units dotach­
ed for this oper8tion.
von Salmuth (on Dhone); 1845: As a resul t of the I~a11) ma­
------neuve'r ,,:,-t "Nc:;'sol, Ke-sse1ring toid C in C .:I.G:o. he B:
h~d to dcmRnd th~t lrrsor forces be c~~~ittcd for
link-up With the air-landing troo~s. He shatld
tell that to the Fuehrer. von Bock S8yS he can­
not make any promises as to the time for the
link-up; on third dAY at the e~r1iest. Constrict­
; ed space prohibits commitment of Iprger forccs.
von Ziehlberg: 1.) Shifting"i-of ammunition 0,eY'Jots ni11
be effected between about 13 ,""'.nd
23 I'~ar. -- Ac c0mrnodE1 t ton s Zf) s "cn
anj, Fel s£mne st.
2.) Personnel f0r \I':le 8c:-uehunQ:": ~le­
ventn mot Brig.? I, ff1r iii ~cr 1
M, cher. ~,

5 Me.rch 1940.

Gon Qu: a) Training Course for 1b and Ic

b) Evacuated arec~. Care of industripl ::;l,-'nt s
romaining in the area.

- 109 ­
c) Ge.s '"'arfar-e and sl"!loke screens (Unolc.').
Gas: For 50 km of the offensive front one
million It. Fd. How., 300,000 med. Fd. How_
By 1 Oct. stocks sufficient for F lc~go­
scale F1.ttack.
1e can produce chemical ,.,{' rf.'-'rc ~nd B)'Joke
rummunition on ~ sc~ln sufficient for tVQ
mpjor ptt~ck8 ~ ye~r.
von ~reiffenoerg: a) ReDort on DrogreRs in transfer of
uni t s.
b) ReEl.dinese for operption lI":c8cr­
ueb\" •
c) Clearing of Traj.ning Centers Rnd
relieving of Divisions.
von in i t zleben: 39 CM be grfldua<ft.ed, 5 nfter rd-" i 0:; ~.on£l..l
training (out of a class of 60); 16 unatrlified.
Suggestions on hOlT to modify the trc ining C0·:.:~.1se
for re-activE'ted G~n.Stp.ff Officers.
____ _____. .::..£2.. Gen. St~ff Offic~r' in Eleventh Brig.:
Sixt von Arnim. -- Buch~iespr is to stay With
Presentation of Gen. btE'ff gift to OhdH on 22
'Var Journal OKH. -- The Gook should be '.1T ritton
by chapters, under tt3 ti tlE:: liThe; OKH in tho
British ~;TE'r".
Yon Etzdorf: r·.or~'egian qu est ion. -- Pe£lce foelc:.:'8
Russia - Finland. Welles' tour. Conferenco nith
Fuehrer in [1. very cool atmos·ohere. The Ft o.;1:!.~er
outlined his familiar ideRs:" ive c")re the victims
of aggression. Our aim is DeRce, tho £liD of OtIT
enemies is annihilation .. Welles "'ill be 8:]1 t off
not ?ithout some hope.
7agner: Field-Police Replacement School.
Leaves re~din~ ffiRtter for me: ~conomic situa­
tion. -- Qonstruction of obstpclos.
Supply for Kleist I s Group. Supply for 0 ' )0;:';:'­
tion "Weseruebung 1t •
Sch1~'andner and RF:l schik: Briof inq:.
Orders for Air Reco~naissance. AllocC'.tion
for AAA. -- Training questions.
Keitel OKW: Instead of l63rd, keep F1nother Div. of
equal vrlue reRdy, in the background, to ro~luce
l70th Di v. 198th L"nd "ehr Di.v. 44th Di r.
One Regional Defense unit.
Available reserve: One Div. OKW Resrrve.

- 110 ­
1 or 2 15 cm Bns. Pass on et once to 0').

[1.) 'V,lwted one Gen. StHff Of:'"'icer for Falkenhorst,

immedi~tely avnil~ble.
b) Brig-vde.

c) ... t
no entry. - Ed._1

6 r.rtf'.rch 1940.

Phone talk With Sodonstern:

1.) Ordor of Army Group on operations of Arrl1 0r
west of the Meusa. No dist~n~ o~jr9tivo~,
only capture of bridgehefl.ds; (I t seems Ar'r::ty
Gp. hes caught on to our idees.)
2.) Re-rganization of the Armd. Echelon. If Gu­
derian becomes too '"'eak during roorg~niz.c.tion,
Sixth and Eighth Divs. oen be moved to the
Sixt: a) Reorganization of the Artillery Clms. vill
not be completed before 20 .':E'rch.
b) TD Bn 8. SPi':!: (GHq TD) ['Ire no'" em rnute to
'ATuensdorf. ':;ill be reEdy nerhpps by 1 kJril.
Boehler. Lack of trFl.velli~ tr':"ll-eys .,~, am­
munition difficulties. Ho~ will they be fir­
ed? ObdH (Siewert). .
c) No provision was made {or trainin~ of crews
for Tanks III ana. IV. Si8""t~rt. ObdH
d) Allocation of mod. Artillery for Armd. Divs.,
promised for filling to ~uthorized stronoth.
In termediate stage: !'~e(L Art illery Bn. (An:ld.
Div.) must be tr~ined.
e) Static personnel: Will be used in A8). B
(Recommendation of AGp. B). Help SE'lnn',t;J,!
f) Bridge launcher (Tank IV chassis). Thc fi~st
20 "Till 1?-rrive. end of April, 1'1i th tr,lincc1 ',)cr­
sonnel. Orders have been uleced for 30 mo~e.
Submit data on total reauirements!
g) Officer reDlacement situation: EXD2nsion of
the 6ffice~ Tr2ining Covrses steriing middle
of April at Doeberitz and Koenigsbruec!L
Officer candidates 2t once to the Replacement

- 111 ­
Army, at the disposal of BdE. Every Co. must

propose t~o off~cer candidates.

CQvalry still has reserve of officers and of­

ficer candidates.

h) Stntistics: RegulRr Army Officors in the Army

25%, NCO 35%. These figures rDnly to tho on­
tire ')/rlrtir.le Army, not to the Field Arm:{ [llone.
i) Availablo as of 1 April. 250,000 men ','ri th 6 ­
8 ~oeks' training.
Then each month 250,000 with 8 meeks' train­
- Total capacity of BdE 550,000-.
1.) Fuehrer report: Vague nnd confused.
Ovcr-Rll political s i tuption. Bri tf' ['.nd
France havc dem~nded troops tr~nslt through
Norway and S'1Ieden. Fuer..rer rants to act. - Pre­
parations ready on 10 Mar. 15 Mar. set for
start of oDeration Weseruebung. Thinks he can
launch major operations in the ~ost three ~BYS
Inter. Goering IS viarnings regFlrding ovel"-all
lcather situation.
a) Fuehrer needs six Divisions.
Fl~methro~er~ against caeemate1 Btrys. in
3ergen and Nervik. 69th And T~ird .~.
Divs. hAve thaD!
Six med. Btrys. are not enough. T~lk it
over wit4 Koitel.
. ,\
b) HollEmd. ObdH does not "'Hnt to gi TO nny­
No Tank Destroyers for Ei~ht8Gnth Army.
Give mod. Artillery inst~Rd.
2.) Himnuer's tour in the West. Plan of conference
With ObdH on 13 MAr.
a) Talk with JodI: TherE: seems to "'e no hurry.
1.) 198th Di v. can Hrr~ ve in the P.rGP '.71 tten­
berg-Pri tz w Hlk-Perleh,rg on 11 Rc'!r. [:lOrn­
ing. Destined for Denmark.
2.) OKV rescrv. l8lst Div. (B8rgen). -- Uel­
b) Maj or che.nge f in plans for II Ne scruebung ll •

c) HeRvy Artillery Luxembourg.

- 112 ­
Col. Schaefer: OKW deceotion meAsures •. Intim~tions of
GermAn plpns for ,on offensive from the PAlntinnte
and the Upper Rhine. Lost letter *
Iriieth: Report on tour to AGp. A.
l\bp mFmeuvcr. Dfltn for sup-.:>lemcn tpry mt2p mnneu­
vcr (Jcuse crossing).
Thoma reports. Briefing on his nom job.
a) Warlimont: Gocrilg is resoonsible for the
chRnges. 69th Div: n.nd Th-ird Mt. Div. h,".ve
flamethrom.::rs. Study under way to determine
Whether more ,ore needed.
tWd. Artillery: Our 15 cm guns hfl_'!c been [1.1­
loc:::ted to Sixteenth, TtlTelfth FInd FOU1 th l.r­

mies. GenerF.ll Army Office cp_n p_cti v . . . to three

Btrys. of 15 cm Guns (Turkish) Rt Jueterbog;
~ithout prime movers~ Navy crews.
b) Southenst: The RU8sipns will be goi ven C'ornan
intelligence mrtcrial on the conc~Rtration of
enemy forces in the Nopr East.
c) AM: Ul time_te gOEl envisp.gco by Fuoh1 er is Fl.

med. Arty. Regt. :ncl. onG AAA Bn., in 8t2ch

Order to initi~tc org~nizRtion to this end will
be forthcoming soon.-
Mieth brings report pur-oorting to sho" e r.e dis")osi tion
of the French forcGs.
Liss comes in with reoort from Xylpnder sho~ing French
forces in a disposition entirely 1iffercnt from ~'.
that originelly e8sume~, i.8., ~e~lo"ed for an of­
fensi ve with principal effort on the !~ose_le ri­
ver. ObdH.
The authenticity of this reuort still needs to be
che cked.

7 .dp.rch 1940.

Sie1~ert: Preliminary conference at AGp. A, tVed0esdny.

-----nepE'.rture Tuesday, 12 Mar., evening.t,
Topics: Ope:'ationF'l Questions. -- uupp1~r. -- '~o­
ra1e in AGps. A FInd B. Different groups "'il1 ppr­
tticipatc in the ?olitical end in the oner~tionQl
I\1~rning, AGps. 0 and B; F1.ftcrnoon AGp. A, evening
AGps. ~, B, ·C, ~nd High Cnmmf'.nd East.

- 113 ­
Xylnnder: Reuort on the information obtained from S~iss
sources '(Bircher). XylC'ndor t s SWiss si tue,tion map
is correct as far as the Rhine front is concerned.
Follgiebel" informs me of surveillance of OKH by yoli­
tic~l agencies. (How dignified!)
Report on telephone service and other communicB-~ ~c
tions in operntion "'Jesaruebung ll •
Jacob: a) Bridges over Our and Saur rivers.
b) Construction of Artillery emplacements in the
Sa[lr position.
c) 12 new Bridge Clms. Ope Sec.
d) Mine detonating "darpet".
!!£:£E.£ reports. ',Ve tplk Ftbout mission of Ar~or in fight­
ing as a team 'ith Inf.
Erfurth: }~chives questions. -- ~ar JournFtl.
Weinknecht: Preparations for operf1.tion ll·,Veseruc'bung ll •.
Greiffenberg: 1I~'leseruebung\l. Conference OhdH / ~'l.Gi).
A, ~ledne sday, 13 IViE1rch. Anti-tpnk
, defense in
Eighteenth Army!
""J[1.gner: sa ~nd Police are recruiting volunteers.
~ . i.. .•
Turning in ")f Winter ~auipr1ent by
. . . f thA Arnies
•. · .
Je 1 trc-..ining C fi urU3 ffir Ib .:)fficprR· (cl~6o. 0f
15). Instructor Elchlepp, Ir, 255th Div.
Centrnl Br~nch. ,Gi~ssen.

L[lrge repair workshops organized for Armd. ~or-

ces (Hagen). Armd. Forces Chief.
400 truc~s are corning. - Schell. Org.Sec.
Ziehlberg: Reassignments. -- Recommendetion regf1.rding
----ali VR and Wegner (Austrian office11S) cFtnnot be [1,p~
proved. Kewrisch ants to leRve. OadH.
Hollidt (on phone): Government-General * is mpking
---~rouble about the protective cordon. *"* ?egE'.r:~s
measures of High CommE'nd East as interference in
its jurisdiction, threatens to take steps in Ber­
High Command Eust 'ill lodge an officipl urctest
.' with us, based on the egreement of 19 Oct •. nnd
wants us to nrepare OKN to ffirestnll thcexDocted
complaint. - -Gehlen, ObdH.

- 114 ­
8 ~Enr ch 1940.

Sixt: a) Regional Defense BhS. to replace Civili~n

Re.i l' R.y ? ali c e •
b) 10 ern g~s-filled shells.

c) Tr8ining programs for new wenpons flncl ir',-orov­

ed conventionnl wenpons.
1. ) 'Bring together ~ll Tanks III end IV nt
PutloS end of April.
2.) Armd. I.i-rOUD ·,vuensdorf. Acti vation CD.n
~roceed while training goes on.
3.) Heavy Inf. Gun SPM for Inf. School.
4.) Flnmethrower TElnk Bns. One Bn., 10 Jul. J
one Bn., 10 Aug.
5.) Bridgelnunchers: First throu~h Fifth Armd.
Divs. alre.'.l.dy have Eng. '3n8. of three Cos.,
are activ2ting bridgelaunchers. Personnel:
ill be treined in Belli training cot'rse.
Uni ts for Sixth through Tenth ArJ'1cL Divs.
are still to be orgRnized by BdE.
d) 4.7 cm Bochler. 70 guns at the moment free
for alloc~tion, in nddition to 40, for Hol­
land, 11ith o.ifferent r.rnmunition.
e) Requests of XIX Corps.
f) Armel. Rcn. crrs, no shortage; 90 in reserve.
As of 1 May, 20 "'new per month.
von 'Hie tershei!!l.:
Inf Etn try AssfLul t Bpdge for mot. troops.
(In accordance With Reinhard's views on the role
of the Inf. contingents of Armd. ~iV8.)
Jodl \"~ntsfor ~'.lcsoruebung ·784th Stf'l.tic 'Stry;' (15 em
Gun Czech), of three guns; or-iginp,lly intended. for
AGp. C. In its place the Btry. of 15 ern Uun 1916
(Ger~Rn) en.rmarked for WeseruebuBg, coul~ go to
Army Group C as c static Btry. 784th Stntic
Btry. is unavailable at the moment. It wn~ SUD­
posed to be here on 10 1Rr J ready for usc, ut
has not yet left the activnting Corps Arc~. The
matter must be investigated.
Conference Greiffenberg / L~ss tbout study on ~ovemcnts
incidental to opcrCl.tion "Gelb ll • Very good ....nd
sound job!
Envisnge nttacking tnnk spe~rhe~ds nDDe~ring on
the Meuse on the fourth d~y, end pos8i~ility of
enemy rttnck in force across the Meuse at the end
of t 1;!0 weeks 2t the eerliest.

- 115 ­
Mieth: Report on proposels of AGp. C And feint Qttacks
2t Kadenbronn (one Div. required, if possible
60th), and southeast of :tvreibruecken.
O-Jerregierungsrnt Toos presents report on ovpr-Qll
- - - - wee.ther-situation. .
von Thoma reports on his first acts in the neTI job.
---Stress on cooperc..tion ~Tith Tng. Sec. End OI'g.

Intelligence summary for the West. -- SS re­
cruiting drive uses bait of deferments. -­
Foreign Office wants contncts in Romo. ~18o
with Pope. To be arrang~d·~hr0ugh P&illi3
von Hesse.
Buhle: Report on his inspection tour to thp front of
XIX and XVIII Corps.
Organizationrl questions regarding Armd. Troops
and Mt. Troops.
Evening. LeQve from Gruenewald Station lor Gr~­

9 lfn.rch 1940.

Gr~fen roehr. CheQical Smoke demonstration.

Starts 0900. Deficient smoke generation ~ffects
success of .. demonstration.
My impression: Smoke blanket is a suitp.blc means
to disrupt enemy fire plan.
High explosive shelling can do this only imper­
fectly, as a neutralized gun is easily replaced,
c::nd moreover there is still the effoct
of MG fire to be reckoned ~ith. ~ smoke hlflnket
on the other hand disrupts the 0nemy fire nlan
permpnently. Uustained'fi~e is the only cOurse
left to the enemy g Since he does not 1<.:no'7 '"'b.en
to fire, that method is of uncertain offectiveness,
He will acco~dingly be compelled to chAnge.,l~
defense originally based on flanking fire to fron~
tal defense and fring more fire POW8:::- to :Jc['.r.
This confronts him ~ith an entirely ne M situ~tion
which he probably ','rill be lJnn.ble to cope '-'1 th un­
der the time nressure of "bE'.tt'le. On this fe,.. . ture
rests the prospect of success, nS long QS the
enemy has not gained sufficient experience ~n~ ad­
justed his pattern of defense accordingly. Em­
ployment of tanks requires more special study.

- 116 ­
Once ~blanket smoke" is recognized ps "instrument"
of success, we mUEt improve upon it and study ~nd
tr~in for its combination vith other methods. The
necessary organiz~tionnl preparRtions must be mnde
to the end of asccrtRining the flpproprip,te number
0nd disposition of smoke units ?nd to org~nize the
supply of smoke ~mmunition in order to insure ef­
fective applicRtion of this weRpon, when needed.
Radio direction beam and other devices for orien­
t~tion in bl~nket smoke must be furthor developed.

Greiffenberg injured in nccident; one mpn k~lled,

six woundedo
1500 Review by Gen. Kuntzer.<:in:'ohtJ.:r:ge of the demonstrR­
tion, nftermprds by 8bdH.
1700 Conference with ObdH in speci~l cpr:
a) ObdH discusses the results of his inRpection
tour in the 'Yest (XVIII Corps cp,nnot find. room
in the front line! *).
b) Enemy situation ps seen through Swiss re~orts
and his omn estimp.te.
c) Various current ffietters.
1900 Talk ~i th Buhle: Ini tiRtion of trr,nsfer of the
Armd. Divs:-of XIX Corps to Wshn (regrouping).
Evening Return to Berlin~

10 Mf'.rch 1940.

~715 Arrival in Berlin.

}\orning: Study of reading materiel sent from Zassen.
1100 Lecve for the WRr Heroes Memorial Celebre.tion at
the ZeughRus **. -- Concluded At 1300.
1600 Return to Zossen.
Evening: Work oft GeneObst. von Bock's Memorandum.
Report on friction between Governor-Generl'l.l
and High Commpnd

- 117 ­
11 !, p..rch 1940.

1000 T~lk with Roehricht on my conclusions aD0ut the

chemic~l smoke demonstr~tion. Instruct h~m to
put do:n ideas.
Heim - RC'.dke: .:. . report from KossmElnn inr'iicrtcs t:·l."'.t
the sudden deterioration in reln.t ions bet,;rcen C"'0­
vernmcnt-General r.nd High Commancl Epst crm -"0
trAced bRck to R conference ~t thf R~ict Chn~c01­
lery, 1 hich WEtS preceded by n meeting of G~Qei­
tors (most se~ret). We must try to ~et A lino
on t hn.t went o"n.
TipD~lskirch: Tho Finnish Militpry RnDrpsontrtivo At
----- ~OSCOir is n close friend of MAnnerhcimls *
Gehlen: Notes for renort on protectiv8 cornon in the
---East (for ObdH)".
Gen Qu (Mueller). Revort on tour:
Trucl\ position f)f Twelfth pnd Sixteenth Ar­

mies. 'Z1 Motor Do~ots wholJ.y inn.doa~n.te!

An Adv,qnce Branch of thE' Z1 Hotor DC"00"b8 h'ls

at lnst bC8n set UD Rt Bittburg c

'iVi ttlich-Trier r:.ot- ~/ct; no workers!

Over-all truck situption slightly improvcd.

2. ) By reorgF.nizing thc 140 wi thd.rc.wn ver:.ic'I'.lo..r

Clms. WI,J shAll get 80 **_001 ones ,? 20 -(2.+.
1940, Rnd ~nother 40 lr.tcr. The rsmf'.ining 60
arc kept as pGrsonnel units. Org. Sec.
Supply of Kleist I s Group 1"i11 be centrr'..lizod
under OQ,u. ~mmuni tion flnd fuel thr01..l,g':.l us,
food etc. through Army~
4.) Potential bases for supply by Elir: Han~u,
Cologne, H1.pnstcr. "­
5.) Kretschmer mill be repdy ~y 18 Var.
6.) Course for 1b officers: Lnck of tactic~l
bAckground me.kes things 8xce i"clinQ'ly di:i:':::':i.c'lJ.l t~
TRctical tr,qining neC0SGPry (ei~ht dflYS~).
7.) Conference with Arr;lY Judge s: Fn iforrr: .):'cce­
dure! (Depth sentGr,c~ for offenses r.gninst
Art. 175 *~*; Sixth ~rmy.)
HniF:: Gru13itcr :~(·-t::':1.:J' 29 JanuF!.:!""'y. W~r w111 be over
in six rO:1ths. The enemy ~ill be defprtc1 ~ith
E~~t:rn CU0rtiens were not discussed.
Notes for ObdH:
a) Assignment for Manst~in~ .

b) Air-ground identification (Instruction~l PB~­

phlet). - Issued.
c) Infantr~ Assault Badge (Reinhardt, von Wie~
tersheim) •
d) Stuelpnagel will return to c'luty r.fter E,qster.
e) Smoke blanket. -- A~munition question.
f) M~p of Motor Parks etc. (Advanced Parks).
g) "Linor solution tl •
h) Bock's Memorandum.
i) Sodenstern's Hemorandum.
k) Conference With Jeschonneck.

1) Excessive burden of paper rork.

Heusinger: Smoke hlr..nket - tlMinor solution ll • -:-- (mith
Bork) : Troop assembly shipments. -- In,lementation
orders for AG~. B. -- Feint attack by AGp. C (Get
orders reedy!)o .
Buhle: a) Statement on Guderi~n's proryos~l.
b) Redesigna tion of AT units (IIPr.nzer j El.cger"
instead of "PcJnu;rab ehr ll ) .oV,
c) BdE wants five more 1 t. FeL How. Bns.
d) Fi~ld Army 3.3 million, Replaoement Army 0,85
million, as of 15 Feb. '
e) Flamethrower tanks must be orgc.nizod in Bns.
f) Regts. Grossdeutschland "nd Ss Adolf Hitler
will be expanded to Brigado q •
Gercke: a) lIWeseruebung". Shipments stE..rt about 17 Mar.
20 Mar. is X-DRY.
b) Reichsbahn RailroRd Till have ranched normal
operational level probably by the ond of
March o
c) -About 600 trains must 'be set ['.side for our
d) Wa~erways '0osition improved (ice-froe).
e) Coal for Italy: ~ow suddenly ~o c~n Bupuly
and ship one miltion tons R month.

- 119 ­
12 March 1940.

a) Forces detached for oper~tion "~oseruebung":
Only throe Groups~, including
one Fighter Gruppe tRken from Sixth Army
one Divebombol' Gruppe 11 n T1;'felfth Army
th:.. . ee AAA Bns. : - one n II Cnv. Di v.
one t1 n Fourth Army
one 11 II T'"!clfth Army
b) Shifting of moin 1'feight possible nhenover need­
c) ';valcheren.
d) Air lan~ing operption - one more Regt.
e) No AAA for Cav. Div.
f) Storch plRne operRtion (15~~~) not on tho
southern boundC'_r1'q~*" 200 Storch plNlos, two
flights in Gudorian's sector.
g) Bridge at Canne$ #. .
h) Air observatio~. T8chnic~1 questions. We need
close-range Ron. planes. Cut down on long­
rRnge ReconnnissanJe? ObdH: not at the mo­
Koestring: Report from Russia.
OQu IV: Information on foreign rr:lptiGns.
Gehlen: Hq installations :1Lcwer .M.:':ine tl rend nEifel" will
be integrated intJ SYSt2~ of ncrmnnont border
fortj ficatiions r
Mieth: Problems :t'or tho ma.D I!!C).ne·~~ver 'co be conducted
by OQ,~I I soon. ­
Leave for Koblenz.

13 March 1940. (Koblenz. )

Conference at Koblenz.
1000 AGp. A: Outline of the basic and 8Decinl feRtures
of 9peration 11 Gelb n in line /.ri th Sod.enstern I s Me­
morandum, deSigned to ensure unified conception and
Rction.· .

- 120 ­
Fourth Army: Presentation pf plans. Air
field-S:-especially fighters, are a long rJay off;
must be moved forward Boon; transfer, if Dossible,
by air.

·e Twelfth Army:
~uestion of XVIII Corps is brought

Sixteenth Army~ No speciF'l prohlems •.

Group Kleist: On the whole p11 right. Objective~
or-airborne-operptlon (Storch planes) not yet de­
cided. -- Training of Armc1. troopsl (Must be so
Arranged that elements of thr Arm1. Division Rre
rendy~for operptions at Rn~ time.)

ObdH: Long-rnnge Recom18.isspnce Staffoln? Rund­

stodt: nroa too big; mAny elemonts not rendy for
1400 AG£p B: Development of the plan of opo~~ti0ns.
Reasons for the preseht plRn •
.. (F'ourth Armd. Div. re~dy for commitmont, but not
(for attack" No command tRnkst*~. Co. ces said
(not to be in a position to exercise control over
Bock ( operntions"
(Ninth Armd. Div. :-'UndsuttHy . . high number of tanks
(reported not ready for Rction.
Second AAA Corps will tF'.ke no resp.onsibili ty for
AA protection of X and IX Corps; protection on
the I\1euse.
Trojan Horse? **
Rndio channel to ~eventh
- - -Air
- - -Division
-- must still
be clarified.
Eighteenth Army: It would "be "loll to re-examine
advisl?bili tyof moving SS T T 'l~** to the front
earlior. (Alert the night before.)
Everything apart, ~t docs seem to me that Army
is committing too Iprge a force nonth of tho
Sixth Army~ Possibility must be Dre8~rvcd to
mBke Qn instant thrust with 'rhird }:.rr1rL Div. on
1600 AGp. C: 60th Div. pround Kaiserslautcrn. ~ill go
into actiofi ~ plus 2 or x plus 3.
Saarbruecken first t ~he other subsidiary attacks
so that impression is maintained for some days
after Saarbruecken that they p,re tho :~)reliminaries
to a major offensive.

- 121 ­
Army Gp.: Submit proposnls on timing~ ?ive
days after Rnnouncement.
M~terial for obstacle and position construction:
Order must be issued.
Right ling; Wit zleben! 9 103 om Etrys. hpve been
Signp.l communicE:t ions after trf'nsfer of Sixteenth
Army to AGu. C.
Hq AGp. C at Wittlich??
Dallmann thinks he cannot free the good Divisions
before the end of f01J.r weeks - .:Uddle of Ap:nil - •
von :'i t zleben is 800 men short in er~ch Division.
Jeschonneck *: Sperrle is sending everybody copics of
----the orders for hrmy operF,t ion lIR.'lubvogelk.ncfigtl~~*
as bacltground for his own orders. ComDrr;mises
1700 Conference on gener~l questions. See matcri£l,l
t~ken to conference.
Conference with Gen. Obst. von Bock: Right wing of
.c;ighteenth Army too- compc'ct.
Conference 1'1i th HLr.h COr1f.1nnd Epst: HE've tpnl': defense ·L
ditch. built by 'an organiz~tion prtterned cfte~ Or­
ganization Todt. Should not tpke chprg0 of ~GUS~~~!
ing, feeding, etc. Gehlen.
~voning~!~lk delivered ~y ~immler.

ftor ~rards 800i8l evening at the C.~ficer81 Club. 2215

return in succial trE'in.

14 1Carch 1940.

~bout 0800 arrival rt Berlin-Grune~p.ld.

Gercke: a) X-Day not before 22 ffiprch.

b) T[1rget date for W'{esGrue1Jung": Sevcn dr.ys
b3fore jump-off (A) in th.€' ',ifest. C£l,ncol­
lation possible un to wi tl:hn threc dn~ys be­
fore. Cancellation P.utoffiE'ticnlly c~lls
off all preparDtions £llso for A, sinco the
plan is to launch offensive in West on

--.L122 ­
lI":!eseruebung ll plus 3, unle8s lIWeserue,r
provokes rcaction setting in motion ~12ns
for operation "Emergf'ncy ll. Should tho of­
fensive in the West be done alone, thore
would be a fivc-day Rlert, but only until
such time when troops would hpve re~ched
level of intensified prepfl.redness; thero­
Rfter, three dRYS would suffice.
von Bock 1200:
a) 207th Div. ~ill strike for Arnheim Rnd Does­
227th Di v. for Zutphen by tho shorte'st route;
detaching to Devan·tar only one Regt., on trucks,
to cooperate With the Armored Tr~in.
b) Movement of SS Div. * to the Rhine is stretch­
ing like a tape:~rorm; things there loo:C 1I c.ll
fouled Upll **. This mRkes 11.11. protect::'on 10Ub­
ly necessary.
Fellgiebel: a) Re~ort on completion of signfl.l facili~~2~
ties for Felsennest. (Sketch 'Jill be
b) Roport on result of Rome-Berlin confe­
von Ziehlberg: ~ppointments for 0 - 1 posts
------War Journal: Harbou, ~qben0u, Schmidt.
VariomB current matters.
Housinger: a) Perl #. AS·:;£l.ult Hction, tlJo ConDr'.nies.
AGp. C is notified.
b) Current mRtters, including tr~nsfer of
Hq AGp. C to Nittlich.
c) -iTuldau: 1. ) lIGroun of Storch Dlenes" west
of Bnstogne (possibly Alzet­
te) •
2. ) Fighter fields must ~o ~oved
forWRrd in Fourth A~~y.
rill let us ~non.
3. ) AAA for X and IX Corps. -;ifill
let us know.
4.) An additionAl Re~t. f~om the
entraining area of 22nd ~iv.
Equipment for one Re~~. 3till
in Hannover. T2~O Regt.
from 46th Div. 1
d) Boundfl.ry of Upper Si188ia: Ne~ delimi­
e) 60th Div. to be trRnsferred to 2re~ north-
vest of Kaiserslautcrn. AGp. C!
- Yes.

- 123 ­
Evening talk by Rabenau at the OffiC0rs' Clu~.

15 Mfl.rch 1940.

Planning dp.ta on opcrat ion 'Ne BC'ruehung coming in.

~agner: Gas and smoke-amnunition;
Tactical d~ta for Li~ge. On. Soc.
~Flottnitz, Qu XVII Corps * ·,r.lfl.. t i s "Trong
there? Centrpl Branch.
Supply Servico of C£1V. Di v. ".Vill bo nut in
order by 20 March. Horse rcplnccment siturtion
very tight.
a) 2l4th Div. to Frenkfurt ~. Odor. ~ill
turn ave:, '.t s med. Artillery to 2l7th Di v •.
b) Hannover: Air lrnding equipment for one
Inf. Regt. ~nd one Eng. Co.
Transfer of this Regt. from 46th Div. to
the Pederborn district.
c) Sixteenth Inf. Regt. will be nttached to
22nd Div.
1430 - 1700 Fuehrer conference: AGp. A, ,-'ri t 1 Fourth,
T'lfelfth, Sixteenth Armies pnd Groun ~ncist, XIX
Corps, XXXX Corns. .
Political devel~Dments. - RO.e - V~tic~n.

16 Mm"'ch 1940.

Political re~ort. Rome. C. eet ing '.'lith .hl880­

lini. )
Ope Sec.: Fort at Esch.
~~--~~ Comulpints ebout 44th Div.
Air· Force h8S turned down reauest for A..A.A for
IX and X Corps.
Count Luckner (Tirpitzufer): Schinkel V~se for qporo­
val **

- 124 ­
Keitel. Pers. Div.~-~KBinrici at 0ur disDosnl effecti­
ve 1 Apr. for special ]T\issions(zbV)·~ Tng.Sec.
Leyen as Infarit~y Suecielist to Blas~01itz.
1330 Lunch.
From 1430 Fuehr'"'r Conference. C in C AGp. B, with C§:s.
Eighteenth nnd Sixth hrmies •

17 Harch 1940.

Fuehrer conference on 16 ElS nrell e.s that on 15 March

produced no new viewpoints.
General impression: The Fuehrer nnw rD r0ves
the preparptions mElde ~nd is rnnnifcstly confident
of success.
Interesting points:
1.) Decision re~lrVeQ on further 80V~S after the
crossing of the Aeuse.
2.) He reckons With the D08sibility th~t the French
and British might f'dODt F Dr'SP ive ['.ttitur'\.e in
the fRce of our invnsion a This beli8f, he
feels, is justified by the difficulties of
prompt communica.tion ·betu8Gn the :--011 tical and
military authorities.
3.) He plays With the idea that n ~il~ ~leeding of
the enemy force s ','Till suffice to '.,reRlc the ir
will to resist.
1100 - 1330 Long conference with Dr.~~, ;-r~1.0, emphpsiz­
ing the economic problems, str88~CS t~c necessity
of making peace hefoY>e outbre8.k of O-IOil hostili­
ties, end points to ~he possi~ility 8r ~ ~Rvorable
Ruth ill.

l@ Earch 1940.

nUeth: Questions relating to the ffpD m~neuvcrs.

~) Flow of re-enforcements in the oneration.

-- GrRphic~l presentption. .
b) AGp. B proDospl about Holl-"'ncl.. ObdH.

- 125 ­
1530 to 2300: Hieth mnp m[l!1euver tlBet':;l€' of t;1::l Heusen.

19 March 1940.

0900 Continuation of Uicthts mnp 8~neuver. B~ttle on

the Heuse •

20 Mn.rch 1940.

a) Requests concerning smoke And gns nDDroved

by Obo.H.
b) Truck spare parts.
c) tlWeseruebung tl - Order on economic mORsures.
d) bmmunition production position.
e) Bpdge for NCOs.
f) PosSibilities of sUPDly by air. "\Y~il:-'.ble
from the fourth dRy on lrard f:> GI'OUp of 50
p1cmes 1'Ihich can transDort one issue of nm­

muni tion for" "'hole Bn. *

In one flight, 100 tons of fuel, sufficient

for 75 km for one Arm r • Div.

HemTTlerich: a) Assimil!".tion to st"tus of' cr.l~ocr of Eng.

Officers. .**
b) Langendorff. Cf'ntrR.l 5rE'nch.
Suggests inspection of Survey ?n. in the
West. hdjutpnt.
OQ~IV: a) Brenner meeting. Pe~ce offor Cc~ober.

Military decision if Plutocracies ~o not

yi8ld on their 0 1Tn accord.
b) MOBCO •. 'e aie At hetter relations between
Italy and Russin.
c) Operational 2nd tacticnl methods of the
Buhle: a) Ammunition reserve.
b) Reduce weight of InfFtntry e01.J.ipment. -- Cut
down on motor vehicles.
c) Four Landwehr Di vs. to High East by
15 April, then trE'.ining. F01..1r fJ.wre Di vs. pro­
bably four weeks lC'..ter: Op., Tng. Sec~
0.) 4.7 cm AT guns. 45 guns to Dcrsonnel units
for fortified front of Sixt~8nth Army.

- 126 ­
~----~~- ----~~-----------~~-----

Dutch 4.7 em AT guns. Vhat aoout am~uni-

tion? .Org. Sec.
e) Organization of the Mt. troops. -- Interim
f) btatic organization in First Army sector.
g) Redesignations.
h) SXrength of Armd. Divs.
i) Every tenth man of the Field Army drives a
motor vehicle. ­
In the entire Army of 4.2 million there nrc
420,000 motor vehicles.
k) Unification of Rcn. Bns.
1) Rejuvenation of 44th Div. from TIestern Divs.
and Army in the 2I.

m) 88 Replacement Transfer Bns. for the Divi­

sions of the First to Fifth Drafts Yill be
rep..dY,-to move by 15 ApT.
Only 50% rrmed e Each only one vehicle, no
field kitchens.
n) Generals on specinl Rssignmont (zbV) belong
to the Replacement Army for supply yurposes.
von Ziehlberg: Current personnel and Gen. Staff matters
Question of uniform for former Gen. Stfl.ff Offi­
cers. *
Heusinger: Regular Army Bn. for Godosberg. 01"JdH.
-----Current matters of 0po Sec o
Gercke: a) Repair of a locomotive tflkes 6 - 8 7ocks.
b) Ouerational ")08i t ion t:lnd orgpniznt ~_onal mat­
te~s of meichsbahn.
c) ',vFl.terwp..ys p.nd tho ir speedy cleE1ring.
d) Flood damage on Polish bridg8s.

21 Merch 1940 ..

Heim: "Safety valve" quostion. -- PropAgEl.nd<J. m£'.ttcrs.

Heusinger: a) Allocation of smoke ammunition. -- Hov­
ing up of reserve stocks close to zone
of operations.

127 ­
b) Wednesday, 27 £J1ar., 1330, conference Leeb, ~
Felber, Witzleben, Dallmann vffith Fuehrer.
00}' Sec.

c) 72nd Inf. Regt., Col. Schmidt and First

Co. 88th Eng. Bn. (46th Div.) ~reparcd for
~irborne oper~tions.

d) If tilTe do oryeration It'Yeseruebung ll ~ we must

cancel minelpying off Den Helder, Ijmui~
den, Hoeck von Holland, ~nd Schelde Estua­
ry in Holl Fl.nd c
Assignment of two suhmerines td )
pQ8it~ons off-Dutch co~st unch~ng- ) In~
cd. ) auiry
Minelaying by one submE'.rine off ) OKW'
Ostend. )
Toussaint: Report from Yugaslpvia.
Mueller (Gon Qu): a) Disagre~ment on jurisdiction of
Sixth Army in death sentcnces
against Air Force officers.
Field Marshal pttRcks vnlidity of
the sentence. "Miscn.rriage of Ju­
stice ll •
b) Requisitioning of horses by High
Commend Enst will be rosuP1ed with
greater vigor on 1 rl~r. 23,000
horses, less than 30~. 4,000
horses p 0 r week.
Jacob - Gehlen: a) Nark on fortificetions dU7in summer.
Must ~E'.ke up for the tine lost during
winter; will drive up transport re­
b) Po 8i tion El.t Orscholz nnd ',:', inl5herin­
c) Construction troops.
Bogatsch: AAA for IX end X Corps. rlllocption of Storch
planes for southern boundary of $ixtconth Army.
Mieth: Question regarding Il minor solution".
Allocation of med. Artillery to the Armd. Divs.
Bring up to full war strength.
Letter from OKW: IIFuehrer roo lests thRt C in C AGry. C
be directed to dra 7 up ~ plpn for an offonsive ope­
ration from the Upper Rhine in the direction of the
Plateau de Langres". - The plan should be based on
the assumption that about 30 to 35 Divisions Rre
available for this operation, that parts of the

- 128 ­
French Armies e~e alreedy beaten and that the bulk
of the enemy reserves is tied down on the mnin
Evening. Oelebration in Brauchitach's home of his 40th
service anniversary.

22 Mp.rch 1940.

Siebert; brings mRteriel for the DreD~rrtory work on

---- the Vosges operation. T~kas Do1itica1 mR­
terial with him.
~{inter (Op. Sec.): Discussion of the f~ctors in ~n ouc­
ration in the Vosges Mts., i.e., objectives,
strength, and time requirements, pnd surprise.
Participation of Rn Itp11nn Army of 30 - 3~ Divi~c
sions is assumed.

23 IV~("'rch 1940 ~


.:, --r t # • .'

~ Sec. ',vinter:
1. ) Details for the Fuehrpr conference on 27 March.
2. ) Inquiry to Army Gps. rel!ard in2; o:'J\;ration
II Gruen II " '.
3. ) Data for Opcra~len·Ynp~~'Rhino. ,
4.) Calculation of time nopded for assembly of
Italian forqe s on thl')" UDDer Rhine._

.'. -:~24- -Me..;reh-:~ 1940 ..:- !E~s-oGr ,~'Sunaay') .. ' ~ .. 25 'LI,:",r.c'h 1940.' ­
- - (EF'ster', r~ond."'.JT, .,. Berlin.)

On 25 March Max ** arrived on leave from tho front; even~

ing Ruth returns to Ohrfe1~..

_ l

, .

! ••
1+ I,
26 March 1940.

Ho11idt: Units possibly fit for operations by 15 Apr.:

:221s'tJ, 213th, 23lst" 2l8th '( '?) Di VB •.,
Corps Hq. (reduced) (Greiff?).

Training all right.

Armament (Inf.) complete. Artillery only one

Bn., AT only one Co. in each Div.

Blaskowitz Bants to group recruits in Field aep1acement

Divs. after the departure Gf these Divisions.
(For this he needs several Regt1. and Div. Hqs.)
Greiffenber~ reports back. *
Heusinger: Discussiofi on IHst-receivcd OKW mate.ri['.])·'for
conference on ryednesday.
Notes for conference with ObdH:
1.) Ask return of political material. **
2.) Two letters of Army Group B.
3.) Map for Benito. ***
4.) Leeb's commanders know nothing about the
dece9tion plan. Strategy for presentation of
the report. LilA ttended 'to" vTri tten
across points 1 - 4_7
5.) Upper Rhine operation.
a) Forces: 30 German Divs. and initially
probably not more than 12 Italian Divs.
b) Time required: Logistical preparations
rt least th~ee ~eeks; m~vement t o · J
the 1'l'Ul1t at least thl-'ee weeks, a total
of six weeks. Italian Ar'my not mobilized,
needs time for mobilization, i.e. at least
six vJeeks.
All in all twelffe weeks.
Not likely to be ready for operations before
JUly, and it may~be even later if mere Divs.
c) Object of the operation:
Two possibilities:
1.) If the operation is calculated to play
a part in smashing the enemy fighting
forces, i.e., to complete or continue
on another front the job started in
Belgium and Holland, it must be staged

- 130 ­
in sufficient strength, which requires
long preparation. It would be pointless,
in pursuing this objective, to combine
the operation with an operation through
2.) If the operation is designed to contain
enemy forces, it must be launched con­
currently with our big offensive. Inas­
much us in that case it would have to
be called on short notice, it would of
necessity be a weaker effort, at least
in the initial phase •
• On no account ~ust the operation be
allowed to divert our attention from
the ~ajor operational objective, so
long as we can see any possibility of
attaining it. That objective is the
lower Seine.
Map Winter. !:Tap Heusinger.
d) The suggestion might be made to change over
to plan "Gruen" in the event that the re­
suIt s of the Belgian offensiva aro,- . _
inconclusive, and to launch a strong ~pper
Rhine offensive within the framework of
operation "Gruen".
I have no sympathy at all for tpis scheme
which is reminiscent of LUt].cndorff t S policy
of uncoasing attacks in 191e. It would mean
the adoption of the stra'tegy of attrition,
a policy that is sterile of succoss.lf we
reach that point I'd rather pass to the
e) Meanwhile some more intensive work must be
put into co~putation of stre~gth reqUire­
ments, especially Artillery and bridging
equipme~t, ~nd into planning the disposit­
io~ of troops for battle, the initial
attacks and the individual missions.
Even n00 we can be sure that the Italians
will yet make heavy additional demands for
AAA, med. Artillery and Bridge Construct­
ion uni ts.
Also take along: Material on preparations
for pillbox destruction.
Holland: Falkenhnusen7 Ope Sec.

1700 - 1900 Conference at ObdH uith Gen.Obet. von Leeb
and Gen. Felber on "Gelb", "Gruen" and "Braun".

- 131 ­
27 March 1940.

1300 Luncheon with the Fuehrer; present: Gen.Obst.von

Leeb, von ~itzleben, Gen. Dollmann, Gen. Felber,
ObdH and I.
1415 - 1730 Fuehrer conference:
1 0 ) Gen. Obst. von Leeb presents reports:
a) General situation, French and German combat
b) Construction of fortified positions: He
emphasizes importance of not stinting in
the use of steel on the weak spots north
and south of Saarbruecken. Attention is
forcefully drawn to weakness of the posit­
ion north, of Saarbruecken. Fuehrer inter­
jects here that his desire to have the
main battle line on the dominant heights
on the southern bank of the Saar wag
frustrated. by the outbreak of the war.
c) Diversionr..ry ~ttack "Gelb ll • ThG claim is
made that no feinting operations should
be initiated on the Rhine front because
of a possible later offensive on the
Upper Rhine~ Clol3ing of the Swiss frontier
is discussed; uill be impr~cticable until
tho start of th3 actual attack, on account
of coal sr.jrpmen\~s to Italyo ap.Sec.
The question of an alternate route for
coal shipments to Italy must be studied.
d) Operation "Gruen".
2.) Gen. Obst. von ~itzleben reviens operation
"Ge11 1l • The report is accepted without comment~
In ~he subsequent discussion on fortifications
construction the Fuel::r .:lr stresses the import­

ance of Artillery emplacements. Jacob.

3.) Gen~ Dallmann speaks briefly on the situation
in Seventh Army, stressing its deficiencies.
Outlines three assault crossings for operation
\I Golb Ir • Op. Sec.
4.) Afterwards tho Fuehrer discourses on the
• general situation, without mentioning operat­
ion on Upper Rhine (tlBraun"). He emphatically
reiterates his confidence in Musso11ffini, and
expresses his understanding for the fact
that Italy 1s too weak to como in before
France had been dealt a heavy blow.

- 132 ­
~hile all this is going on he seems to be
keeping a wary eye on the situation in the
East. French actions aiming at a rupture ~ith
Russia are evidently just what he wants. He
is pleased with the recall of the Russian
Ambassador from Paris.
In conclusion he expresses his satisfaction
wi~h the good use made by the 7ehrmacht of
the forced inactivity of the past six months
and aoknolledges the efficacy of the prepara$
ions effected, ~hich inspire him with faith
in full SUQcess. (Never since IS70 has there
been such a favorable balance of political
and military strength.)
5.) Afteruardsconference of the Fuehrer with ObdH
and Chief of Gen. Staff on continuance of the
operation folloDing the first assault, and on
an offensive on the UpDer Rhine.
Regarding "Gruen": At the moment a decisive
major offensive against the Maginot Line is
ruled out by a lack of the requisite means.
However, as the situation develops and the
French forces are inflicted punisbing bloDS,
it would be possible to follow up with this
attack even with comparatively weak forces
reinforced by Italian troopS,within the general
scope of operation ((Gruen Ii ..
Regarding "Gelb": 17e must gain a better jump­
off line in the Saar for a subseouent offen­
sive !rithin sco:?e of operation 11Gruen". On the
Upper Rhine we ~~st drop the plan of a feint
On continuance of the m~in offensive: It would
be desirable to push the offensive all the
ray to the Seine, leaVing Paris aside. Then ,When
the enemY'attac~s the front of T7olfth-and .
Sixteenth Arwies, we must str~ke in the direct­
ion of the Plateau de L&ng.-"os LLnd destroy the
enemy in northeastern France by an offensive
from the sector of AGpoC, using also Italian
Regarding "Braun": For this offensive \7e may
reckon with ahout 20 Italian Divs. At the
outset of the offensive, Italy Dill be re­
quested to get ready. Italy viII need two
weeks for mobilization. During those two weeks
it will become clear whether or not we have
any prospects of a major success.
If the prospects are good, Italy is sure to
march. It TIill take the Italians 20 days to
get their troops .over to us, so that if every­
thing goes according to plan TIe should be
able to strike on the ~pper Rhine about six

- I 33 ­
weeks after X-Day. Op.Sec.

Prior to X-Day only theoretical preparations,

practical preparations only insofar as they

could be taken over bodily, without complicat­

ions,by the Italians.

Road signs; maps must be held in readiness.

Prepare ammunition dumps with field railways,

quarters, staging areas, etc.

Target dates: Fuehrer tells me that he wants

to start operation n".7eseruebung ll on 9 or 10

Apr- IlGelb lf will bo launcned 4 - 5 days

later (probably Sunday, 14 Apri) Gercke.

Chief Ope

2~ March 1940.

Blumentritt (1000- 1100) reports on preparations by AGp.

A. Readying of Armd. Divs.
~ieth.Greiffenberg, Heusin~er: Results of Fuehrerscon­
ference. -- Target dates.
Assignments: Select planning oaterial that has to
be turned over to Loeb.
Order to Leeb: Compute necessary strength.
Nork schedule for preparations.
1430 Strength esti~Qtes:

a) For offensive operation: 72 Divs. earmarked

for offensive.
·Added noV! 16 Di vs.
by YJuy l}.(. Div3.
Total about 100 Divs. for the
offnnsive Enemy: about 100 •.

Nothing must be 'Grken DoWRy from th[1t force.


b) For Leeb: 4 Static Divs. 29 Divs. of varying

For "Braun" TIC need at least 6 Divs. in addit_
ion to the 20 Italian Divs~, leaVing for
lTGruen ll , 23 Divs. (First Army at present has
13 Divs.), i.e., 10 more Divs. than originally
ryith that one cannot make any show in an offen­
The order to Leeb accordingly runs: He can
figure on a total of about 30 Divs. (not count­
ing the static Divs.) and 20 Italian Divs.

- 134 ­
With that force he is to conduct an operation
for the capture of the Burgundian Gap and the
western edge of the southern Vosges Mts.,which
would permit continuance Qf the operation in
either western or southwestern direction.
We must ascertain 7hether our forces would be
sufficient to supDort this offensive by a
drive from the Saarbruecken area. Thought
should also be given to planning for extension
of this operation toward Baccarat in the event
that substantial forces should become av~il­
able in consequence of failure of the northern
operation to push through.
List of demands for Italy.
Notes for ObdH:
a) Request order for High Command East.
Change of Mission?
b) O~f: Policy on the Kaiser.
c) OKW: Mine laying by Air Force.
d) Plane landing incident.*
e) Guard Bn. Godesberg. Regular Army ? Yes
1700 - 1900 Conference vrith Ohili.

Preparations for "Gruen ll have to go on. Op.

Dpmands on Italy if Benito does not participate
on the Uppor nhine: Keep Balkans quiet.
Upper J.Jorth Africa. Op<,Sec·.
Assault Btrys to AGp. A, with instruction to
assign them to XVIII Corps. Perhaps we had better
keep them with us for that pur~oso. Op.Sec.,
Send for Kuebloro-l:'~ ChiGfe> Org.Sec.
High Command East: CentrQlize ?ield Recruit
Depots. Eastern Dlvs. should take their Field
Recruit Depots with them! Take one along,
(as Field Recruiting Depot), leavo t~o behind.
(Thus g would go with the Divs., 16 would re­
main behind.)
Blaskowitz: Release one Regional Defense unit later.
The vThole of Prus sia must be taken out* i~*
and placed under Mil.Distr.CG.# Take Blasko~itz
r7oellwartft, Falkenhausen for Hollnnd, Bockel­
berg for Belgium).
Draft plans for Dovements, troop shifting.

- 135 ­
Fromm:l.) Ready for shipment: 6 Apr.:Seven (41) Hv.
How, Bns" some with two (2) and some with
three Btrysw (5).
25 Apr.: On~ Hv. How.Bn. of three Btrys.
Early May: three Bns.
Beginning 1 June: Two Bns. per month. Org.
2. ) Divisions from the East. Org.Sec.
3. ) Replncement Bns. East o - - Regional Defense Bns.
Org. Sec.
4.) Donrt give Todtany planning figures. ObdH
is going to talk with Todt himself on Monday.
Gen Qu.
AGp. C is reported to be sending back all old
men. Shortages still open. Org.Sec.
6.) Fieldpost reorganization reportedly 7i th
exclusion of General Army Office.
Trauch reported in charge. Gen.Qu.
7.) Promotion Langendorff.
g.) Harness~s' critically short. Gan.Qu.

1:9 March 1940 ..

Dictate the notes of the Conference of 27 March and a

letter to OKFT.
Heusinger~ Material for the drafting of the new direct­
ive to AGpll C on liGruen U and ri Braun ll •
Mieth is skeptical about fe::l.slbi11ty of launching
offensives llGelb", nGruen i1 , n[j1'2un t1 s1multan 0 0usly.
His criticisms are ebviated by the dlre~t1ve
(Housingel~) to Loeb" wh:ich makes I! Gclb II and
II Gruen II mu. tually exclu;i ve ..

GQu IV: a) Report on Birch0r.

b) Cooperation with Italy.
c) Political affairs:ItalyjRussia o
Busse: a) Air Force instructions to its comn~nds on
air-ground identification.
b) ~orries about tr~ining progrnm on account
of fuel shortage.
Winter - Greiffenberg: Operation "Braun lt •
Fellgiebel: Close-range Reconnaissance. Reorganization
of set-up.

- 136 ­
Buhle: a) Retrenchments in trucks and horses.
b) Replacement Transfer Bns. for all D.ivs~ of
the First to Fourth Drafts by 15 April.­
c) Withdrawal of all Tanks I from Fifth Armd. Div.

d) Assignment of 400 Reich Labor Service Bns to

Army/ totalling,SO,OOO men (Air Force has 300
Bns.)_~f these 400, 100 are allocated to the
West. 20,000 as replacements for already exist­
ing Section West, 20,000 to the East! 20,000 *
to reserves for now, could perhaps be relieved
in Seventh Draft.
e) First Draft Divs. in- AGp. A and GHq Reserve
have most of their MGs.
f) As of 1 May 25 4.7 em Boehler per month(chamber
for German a~~unition.). '
Deliveries of 5 cm Guns start, 1 June,at rate
of two Cos. a month, then progressively in­
creasing to fro~ four to twelve Cos.
g) Reorganization of the Czech 4.7 em Skoda
Btrys; will have nine guns.
von Greiffenberg: Current matters. -- Tabulation of
GHq Reserves.
Gercke: Floating ice in Polish rivers .• - __ Operational
posi tion of railroacls. - Operation i1Braun" -­
~oal shipments to I~aly.

30 March 1940 0

Wagner~ a) Change in Bha.5.n of comma.nd. ~Then Todt Orga.n_

ization is int 8gra t 8d into ou:::> aJ:lIlluni ti on procure­
ment organization. Confusion must be straightened
b) Fuel allocation: Civilian economy, Armed
c) Training course for Ib Officers. ~
d) Operation II Braun II.
Ott: a) Training program for Info Gun and MG firing
fro~ steel turrets (AGp. C).
b) Infantry Demonstration-- Regt.
c) 900 mortars. For Replacement units.
d) Nine million handgrenades reported on hand,
production only 50,-000. Gen Qu.

- 137 ­
Op. Sec.:Current matters.
Gehlen: Main battle line of Busch in southern Luxem­
Evening Leave for Frarucfurt by special train.

31 March 1940.. (Sunday) •

0930 Conference.with Gen. Obst o von Leeb (Frankfurt).

a) Target date for operation "Gelb ll •
b) "Braun" with emphasis on effort in northern
sector *. Drive across the Rhine north of
Strasbourg appears to be less advantageous.
I. Proposal: von Leeb bases plan on twelve assault
crossings of Rhine. Main Group south of
Stras bour g:
,. r<
a) Burgundian Cap: b \.Terman
2 Alpini
5 D1vs~ in reserve
13 Divs o
b) Central Vo~es Mts~: 6 G6r~an
Divs. for Rhine
2 German DiV's. to cover
flank against Stras­
bourg (including 1
Static In v.)
2-~~VSn in reserve.
10 D~vs. nlus 1 Static
~ Div.
Supporting Group, north of Strasbourg, later north
of Vosges Mts.: 3 C~rman Divs.
2 Divs. in reserve
2 Static Divs"
c 5 Divs. plus 2 Static Divs.
Operation "Kleiner Falke": 75th, 94th, 93th Divs.
5 other German Divs.
1 Static Div.
8 Divs. plus 1 Static
Total: Burgundian Gap 13 Divs.

Central Vosges 10 Divs.

Northern Vosges ~ Divs.

"Kleiner Falke" o Divs.

ME-'. Reserve 6 Divs.

Total: 42 Divs, plus 4 Static Diva.

- 138 ­
II. After dis¢ussing the role of operation "Klei­
ner Falke", the following modifications are
Burgundian Gap: 4 German Divs. (southern
2 Italian Divs.(northern
sector, Neuf
2 Alpini (behind right wing)
4 Italian Divs. in reserve
1 German Div~ in reserve
~erman and 8 Italian Divs.
13 (as before).
Central Vosges: 3 German Divs. (northern
4 I~alianDivs.(southern
3 Italian Divs. in reserve
3 Gerrlan Divs •. and 7 Italian
Divs.- 10 Dive.
hGp. Reserves: 6 Italian Divs. (as before).
Northern Vosges: (Of Gerrlan Divs. only Static
Di vs 0 )

4 I-+';al:tn.:'l Divs •
~rtess than before).

"Kleinor Falke": 14 German Divs. (Increased).

Total: 22 German Divs. (2 from AGp. C in
addition to those re­
m~ining in ~heir posit­
ions, 20 from OKH).
25 Italian Divs.
4 Static Divso
III. Commnnd set-up: Burgun~tan Gap: Italian Army
Cent~al Vosges Mts.: German
Army Hq.
If needed north of Vosges Mts,:
Italian Corps o~ ArMy Hq.
1400 General Kuebler, First Mt. Div. Points discussed:
1. ) Mission of First Mt. Div. Givet-Rocroi.
2. ) Wants allocation of an Assault Btry.

3. ) Personnel matters: Ic Officer not adapted to

Ib duties /sic_/. mosohrnann will not develop

- 139 ­
above a comparatively low level. His reports
are of indifferent quality. He shows good
will, b~t may not h~ve the required aggressi­
veness. Ia Offic er, Degen, recei.ves high !,)raj"se.
Ib Offiger, Gartmayr, is rated very good. Suit­
able as Ia. Any change as late as possible,
Other problems and sugGestions:
a) Large phBur.lntic boats (56 on hand). Can be
carried qn ammunition trailers.
b) Counter battery fire is problem. Has no Obser­
vation Bn.! Teamwork with Air F'orce is not
sr.1ooth.yet. Op.Sec., Eng. II Org.Sec.
c) Hq. pile~ hir.1 with too Dany orders, e.g. wet
socks should be dried, drainage must be provid­
ed for' in' snow clearing, etm. Central
d) Corps (Arty. COr.1mander 109) has directed 79th
arty, Regt. to submit efficiency ratings on
over 100 Officers and on 300 Technicians down
to gun pointers. *
e) Replacements frOD ZI are of disappointing
f) Person'1el transfers to othc:r un! ts.. Change of
COP.ll:1anders. 'l'ransfers by name ordered by Eng.,
Signal, Arty. cO:Jponents wi thout consultation
of the Division. Pers~ Div o

g) The Division is 100% ready for operations~

Terrain training good" Large ni.lober of horses
( g , 000 hor s es and pac k-aniI1Li.1 s) •
h) 1ft. Div. still needs 15 tons of truck capacity.
Org. Sec.
1700 - 1800 I~spection of ffelsennesto

2000 Visit by Major Seiderer**, Commander IV ~rty. Bn.,

263rd Dlv o (aegldienberg). Interim fable of
6rganozation *** -- Have to look itlto it.~­
Officers make a fresh and good impression.
Evening Leave by special train from Bonn (Col. Rein,
Bv.TO# at tne station.).
Change-over to summer tima

- 140 ':""

1 April 1940.

0945 Arrive at Berlin urunewald Station.

O~u IV: Telegram to Rintelen. Conference with Roatta

middle of April. Rintelen will come here Jrob­

ably on 8 Apr.
~einkn8cht: ~conomic measures prepared for pros~ective

occupied territories (digest).

Wagner: Survey of terrain in Bla0k Forest.-- Todt Mini­

stry~ -- Tank bgare ~~rtso uepots at Bittburg

and vologne.-- ~uel 8ltuation: Consumption.

von Greiffenberg; von Stuelpnagel.-- 0l)eration "Braun ".

Ourrent matters.

Mieth: Proposal to launch offensive across the Up~er

Rhine north of Strassburg. Reasons: Easier

terrain, better roads~ better tactical coordina­

tion wi th o.;.)(:rZltion oUrall<:.e", left flf1nk cn.n lcn.n

on the .iJunube Loicf. iorcea to be con:-i ttcc1 in

IIFalke" 18 0Viva.,in tL.1B offensive 20 Dive.

In my opinion such an offensive is on too narrow

a frontage and would produce only tactical results.

Ivloreover, it WGuld noot ii t in'~o the mili tary­

political requlre~ent of the Sl~reme Command.

Heim: Organization of the Section on"s{)ecial assignment. II

(z b V).-- Current matcers o
Guerilla fighting in the East~

2 April 194.0.

Brand - von Greiffenberg:

a) ~llocation of the n~wly arrived ~v. How.
and 15 em Gun ~trY8o
b) Two K 3 Guns again serViceable; will be
COMmitted near ~achen, within eXisting Bns.
c) ~rtillery emplacements in ~Gp. C.
Mueller (Gen ~u):

a) Rittau case (death sentence against _flyer).

b) BpIRncing of Clms.: ~vRilablc00n 1 ipril,
seven vlms. in Uen ~u rtear Area. On
15 n)r',
additional 30 Glms.

- l4t ­
In Rll, ~e shflll be able to form R~~ut 90 ser­
viceable Clms. out of 145 ~>rmy Clms. Thcnreti­
c~lly that le.::'.ves ,BB Dr>-rsl")nnel Clms., ~~utl :"c­
tunlly I"Inly 30 crn be reem'!J10yCr1. (~_i:;ht 8ven­
tur:lly be re-equim)ed. with B('l:!i r.-n truc):;:s.)
These estimated 90 GHg fruck Glms. must meet
our requirements for Li~ge" the EasGern Divs.
and the o~erations on the upper Rhine.
c) 'i'rucl-<. .. osi tion~ Sixteenth and Eighteenth Armies
now apparently satisfactory. In the Twelfth
Army still di:t'flcult" .Lnspection tour Koblenz­
fu ayen - bittburg o
,"l •
Buhle -~rei~fenberg'

drtillery of the Landwehr uivs. in the East

must be taken away for the first five Land­
wehr :iJivS o
24 ~rty. Plats. (Polish guns), i.e., 123trys.
will be left in the hegiona1 Defense Regts.,
plus one Bn. in 311th Div•.
Six addi tiona! vorps Hq. S'Garting June,
two ~ore each nonth. Release XXX vorps?
XXV vorps will g0t new CG and will be releas­
ed. (Prager).
c) Reorgani zation of nigh VOl: j :and i£ast.
1.) Ulex' iiq becomes rtq n:tgh Gommand East
(old drmy Hq 1"'.1:) " ulex in tu.rn becomes CG,
hill Uistr"I (Dc~kelbGrg becomes available).
Dlaskowitz' Hq recalls the elements trans­
ferred to Gienanth and becooes Army Hq.
Gienantn1s n~ becooes again a Go~)S Hq
(reduced). (r 1e1-: CG~)o
\.:Tiene.nth in tur'n tal-t8s over ne'TN' nigh GOfil­
mand East with ul ex .rlq~
2.) ~he following rl qs become av~il~ble for

une rlrmy rtq (31aAkowi~z)o

vne vorgs nq (red~ced) (XXXVI, von Gie­

nanth), could be considered for F!llken­

horst in tloll~nd.

One vor~s Hq (reduced) (XXXXV) (von Greiff).

5 plus 3 =
8 Landwehr Divs.

311th Div. (formely Loetzen) could be con­

• verted to a ~'ield Di v. by the end of l~~ay •

One neglonal Defense Div.
3.) To remain:
High Command East:
l'~rmy n q bouth as High vommand .c,;ast.

- 142 ­
For tine being three be ~andwehr UiVS.(M~Y
assigned elsewhere).
Up to eight i le5 ional Uefense Divs. from the
newly acquired area of rligh Com-n.und i!jest.
~wo rte~lQce~ent uivs~ (frow the ne~lace~ent
units of the Landwehr uivs.O ~ot to be
called riepl'lce­
ment vi VS.
GRq 'iroops.
IV.lil" Distr o I:
~Jlil. Distr o ~'1q.

Border Guard•

.L1.e.Jlncenent JJiv. in plewe of 3llth Div.

Offices of the ~~rtifications Gonstruction

Organization (now in charge of actual
construction) will be unaffected.
I}. ) ~ .....
~,\.-/jl~ e~~ t ",<ia
Y' ~e~ r"""l _ '+-E:i;_Cl
J.! ':I,
u..~. i.v!ay •

.arJ11Y will take over 0l)eration II \~eseruebung\ II S ')(1n.

Conference 3 Apr.
L Points a) - d) discussed witQl Obdn.
OQu IV: a) Corroboration of our situation naps by

agen,~reportso .

b) Dircher in the ':ast (,v[l.rsa"t'l - Gro.udenz).

c) Foreign Office S~ecial ~Qsk lorce to

secure political ~ocuDents. ObdR•

. von Ziehlberg: 0.) .ti.t tache \.Troup, Wellen thin .- Section

Chief in*
b) von ll-ylc1enfel.d t to Stucllmagell s
c) Gepo Staff fraining Co~rse for re­
activated lten. btaff Officers, ~rBs­
de~, and other current Gen w Staff
Gercke 1500: liives codeword lI,vGser", 2 .t"i.pril - If -7.
(Talk ", lireit fenberg and Ziehl ber~; ) 0

'I'ransport hini stry has bGen inforr.ed that

largc~scale, r.ovGnents over a considernble
period of tine night be e~)ected soon.

3 l1.pril 1940.

von Ti))elskirch: Fuehrer now wants .d.ttache tour to

the West ·wall.

- 143 ­
Duhle: a) iolish Artillery for ~andwehr Divisions in
the Last. (Letter to rro~1).
b) ReMote-con trolleu r..ineclearing aPl)ar9. tus.
End of hay 50, 100 on order.
c) h q of Elsenbrunn ~roop Tr~ining Center.
Col.~ueller A~). C rc~orts on dr~ft pl~n for
oper Pl• tion lI.:3raun. II

OQu IV: ~ttach~ tour to the_~0st: Sunday: journey;

rlonduY: ins)ection; tuesd~y: return. For now
only conf0rence Keitel - hontta (to gain tine).
Dcnno..rk will bo taken over by Obdtl on t~ v lus 3 JJ qy ,
(Friday, 12 "~pril).

4 fi.[Jril 1940.

ih-:;ncr Gen Qu;

n) AG). B is foroin6 on0 30-ton Dna four 60~ton
truck CIGs. (tot~l 100 trucks), ~s AG~.
reserve. nt the s~e rifle .~=,cy G{") is 499 trucks
short in Sixth . .1.rcy -3.r..d over 300 trucks short
in iighteenth ArDy. ~c00rding to the orders
issued, the trucks releasee: fruj-: the Ir-trtillcry
Cl]""'.8. will be uSE;d to I'e..)l.:mish vhG .....roy
~ools. T~lks with Snlouth to this effGct.

b) Oonference on prGliflin~ry survey in the 31qck

Forest for 0.l.)srA.tion IInrtlUnll.
c) Di v. SUi)L)ly Bervice, t'ielc1 J..}-'J.l{eri08. Diffi­
culties in allocqt1n~ Gnq troo~s to ~lasko­

d) FUGI )osition. ~oering h'ls contributed

nvi~tion ~asolin6 and ~avy Diesol oil to the
connon pool. ,Iill .i.)rob'lbly l·~st us until

c) Prei,)J.r'2tions for .ueurl"rk: OKi~ conference

fails to give clear ~~cture•
~) ielsennest ~endy for occupancy as of 12 dJr.
50 outside t€le~hone lines in addition to the
lines to front, and that nw~ocr incre~sed
by 20*. Dial phonesl

- 144 ­
b) Susgension of ~elecoDlliunication tr~ffic.
Lffective A-I it will be a practical
lwpossibility to telcvhone to enemy countri0s.*
Only vhAnnel left is through Italy.
c) Ins) cted Sif~~l Regt. for Kleist. Everything
all ri~ht. SOGe difficulties about Dotor
vehicles will be straighten(?d out. funber of
frequencies barely suffici~nt.
d) {:ji)erlltion Itljeseruebung" fully pre'lared•
• e) Clash with ~oering** over susvension of work
on tha 1,000 Kd trans~itters. ~ill now be
finished by v nn., 1941. ~eed 300 - 400 skil­
led technical workers~
Lt. Col. ~~ench: Tr~nsferred fron 45th Biv. to OKJ,
SE:;c. L. ~hHl', rel)Orts.
~ener2l Thon~s: Show hie our intclligGnce naterial.
Lt. Col. Br~un: Report on Turkey and hoonnill. Asks
for front Ilssignnent.
von 'Ziehlbcrg: iransfer of Gnq: A-I, arrival of
snaIl ,dd vance ~I).rtie s (sev8r.!1l affic ers ).
~ -1, about 1400, dejartur0 of the Ohief
of the Gen. btaff with skeleton Stl).ff,
arrival G300, 0~erativ0, 0600.
-,hen will Oedn follow'?
0Q;u I remqins be:1ind with sn.'lll stllff
a 1r1.<).i ting code\'lorcl. JJrt l1 zig or ~~ubSl..JUr6- TI.
Follow by '?ir~ .
Bulk of )ersonnel will be alerted on ~ Vay,
at 0400, and will arrive in the evening.
Otc ~J..
Suhle: Obdrt wants re-E'qutpnen't of 0£l.v,Div,. with 1918
ty)e 6uns.. ,jill take 8 - 10 o.ays" nequires
entirely new issue of materiel and flrJDunition.
InconvenienG, but can be done.
Six-barreled liD II rocket lJroj ectors: Or,; ani zn­
tion in Reginents next f~llo
Oontingent on availability of amounition. For
the tine being test firing •

.dctivations: NinE; l:!;ng. Ens. will not get ready
in tine (elate set w~s 10 .d.~)r.. , now ag.qin post­
~:"oned to 25 A1)r. ).. rteason: of trucks,
bacnuse Fuehrer w~nts nobilization of the ~lghth
~raft speeded up (15 .dpr. )

- 145 ­
Fuehrer wants third ntrys. for the ~ivs. of
Seventh Draft. Obdci.
(vvill until !.J.,:\y). -- It would be ';)ett er
to let theD go with two Btrys. ~nd give sone
Arty. also to the Divs. o~ rli~h Cowr.and ~ast
(Sixth to &inth) (to nid-JuneJ •

• 0930 ObdH:
1.) Qgrreslti0ndence with vodl on overtltion
rnun •
2.) (Reply) OK,{ directive of -1 ~l)r. Discussions
with Roattn will ~t first be through OK~
3.) Leeb's Jroposal and ny co~ents.
4.) Reconn~issance nission for O~. Sec.
5.) Stuelpnqgel Liaison Staff. &eat Berlin
(zo b. V. :... Obdri - ~'lieth.. O~u - O~u I)*
Gyldenfeld~ to Stue~~na;el)

Stuel)na~el ~re8ent
first confarence. RC-'jly ~vOK:.
LPoints 1. ) -5.) bracketted bYJ i3r''1un' ..
6.) neor~anization of rli~h Gonr.nnd ~~st. See 2
.L~_)r., 19'.1:0. JJr.'1ft J!rob>os~l 0)0 Sec.

Qode word "iveser" h'ls been is sued.

hadio stA.teoen~8 on .l.Jl8.ns agaiYlst l~OnTQY.-­
Dluecher I s inquiry"~·* n
~~e are to take over lJenlJark on " 1)lus 3 Day.

8. ) ~rgnniz8.tional oatGers. Orgo Sec

a) nrtillery for Landwehr Vivs o ~ast tSe e
2 AJ.Jr. ) Yes, 5.
b) Six nore Gor~s rlqso (lwo e~ch Month, 8.S
of J une )• . y6S~
Perhaps release XXX and XXV vorps, new
CG for XXV vorvs.
c) Field Gun 18 for Cav.Div~ See 4 ~pr. Send
down ma terie.lj if practicable I troops
could then be re-equiv~ed.
LPoints a) -cd~ Urge throush
Ope Sec.

- 146 ­
d) nDo n 8ix-b~rreled Rocket Projectors to be
organized in negioents only if ~~unltlon
~vailable. Uenonstr~tion before O~dH soon
(18 AiJr. ).
e) Third Btrys. for Seventh .lJraft·1 Detter
let high CODw~nd ~ast ~ivs. (Sixth to Ninth)
have sODe ~rtillery~
f) ~xtra equipnent for ~t.~iv. (truc~,kss~ult
btry., pneuQatic boats on trailers).
Ob<lu order forthconing.
8.) Lsicl ~ransfer of GHq; see 4 ~pr. rteport
on Felsennest.
9.) ~eQth0r forecast.
10.) ~iscellaneous.

a) hclenthin Sec. Chief. Centrnl ~ranch.

b) Fmreign Office: Task lorce for sccuring
docunents" Oi~U IV.
e) Gen Qu Conference with Duerkel*.~greer:ent.
~a~n6r will go to see witzleben.
Gon Qu:.• {one syn"bol illegiblQ! i)ossibly l/J.ili tary
d) RunQstect has requcsted anothGr Corqs Hq.
No o
e) .a:f1ployol3n t of 2..:1 cr.: Guns in AG.) .. C.
f) ~eyle No! L~wo sjmbols ille6ible~
~raun: ~IQns @ust be based on cinirun force.
Possibility of ~rndn 0)0rntions r.ust be kelt • open.
.~.~ .
i.l,!).Jor Lunor so I v.. t lon
I1nCL~. . • ,
Conr.ancl set-u'-J·: 'rhree ~rI:lles under R.n ,arr:1y Gp.
Ope Soc. Obc..: ti•

C:1iGf Personnel .iJiv.:<ling Gen0rql sand

Di vi sionl;\.l lion] :llnders.

Officer replacement8~ 5,000 i~ schools, 3,000

still in Z:L C)icked), ..) Iv.s 8) 000 to 10,000 who

now cone back = ~bout ~5)OOO.

Personnel Div • to Koblanz?

O~ Vi hcnuscri~t of Ludendorff1s oenoirs.-­

Pu~ers of the lqte Gen. ~roener.
ObdH: a) ~oving fo~~rd of th~ rlrod • .I.Iivs.: Ch0ck with
aG~. onCd Dor0~ Ope Sec.
b) i'resant eontinC:;0nt of .n.roor ) ust be noved u:;
by ~O april; ncxt contingent will not be sent
off before 15 0 1). b ec •
c) ~s of 9, evenin'~'
0' all offices l::USt be
fully stoffc·1.

- 147 ­
d) 9 ~)r., ~orning, notificaGton of the Cs in C.
e) Proposal Kleist - Reinhardt Guderiftn.Check
logistic~l ca9~bilities. Gen ~. Ope
Nust be SQQothly running by Diddle of next
week~ 10 ~~r. Gvening.
Re.;.)ly to Arny Gp.
f) Tr~ininG of nrmd. Divs. von nock w~nts ~
cor.b:i.ned exercise Ninth .drnd. i>iv.l1nd SSe
• Needs fuel" .c.;xercise on -iond!'J.Y. Tnt?;. Sec •
Gen ~u.
~) Schriid t - D9.nltwart. * i·r!1.inin~ course Ilt v'vahn
bo.c'Lly n.qnfJ.boc. [fwo sylibols Illegible.J
h) Activations: F'ror:i;~ to see the ~"uL;hrer on
ReGion~l ~ef8nse Dns., one 9.fter ~nother.
OQrtS. Sec.
i) &~~ ~ightetnth ,d,rny has one Dn. for X C01';1S.
l~ot yet clear:.<l) \vhether .tL~ uni ts will
'~ollow our troovs into
rlolland when airfields aTe
noved forwar(. ':rhe sane fJ.bout
~tl of C~va Div.­
b) nir defense on the Meuse nust
CO t~ken over oy LUft~lJ.u**,
so tn.qt all fo~qrd Cor)s r.9.y
take their L~~~ with theD.
k) Witzleben: Greater c~ution in 9atr~11ing
(Elf'lbushes ),! :De'cter l.)!'el)ar'3.tion., Stron;ser:Too
costly~ ~o ordersJ nagner g

I) :'l;'~u~cnt8 tn usc: W::1.8 r~ 'o"-r>uIll 're ~e t the ~

Gat~rl~l-th~t we ooul~ us' ·tellj.n~ly? ;
( Thor:aa )'-1**

1600 - 1700 3ri~fin~ of ~intel n.

Evenin'S 1930 ,d,ir ,B"'orce film on ?oland "3a yti srn~lof
fire lt (first showinb at the ufa 'rheat~r).

6 April 1940.

0845 back to the Cam/'·iT.

- 148 ­
0930 Greiffenberg: Current subjects discussed at
yesterday1s conference with ObdH.

1020 Gercke:
a) hailro~ds must maintain state of alert for
operatlons o
b) Tr~nsfer to Godesber3o-- ~here will iransport
Chief!s personal office be after moving1
c) rteorganizatlon of nioh Connand ~ast.-­
Preparations for "~raun".
1120 OQ,u IV Tipl.Jelskirch:
Rintelen on Brenner conference: Muasolini: Itnly

can wage only a short war.

Pre)are Roatta conference~

O~ IV: a) Effects of our preparations in Sc~ncinQvia.

Reaction so far only in southern Swe~en.
Bri tish attac]r on .i~orway is not expected.
b) 3ritish ~otor torvedo boats off the Danube
Delta; 5 - 7 ooats, ~ritish or French have
gone Ul.) river.

c) Confer,mce at lii0s:J::tuen, 9 .d.~)r. (Ic Officers),

~eno von StuelJna~el reports nfter illness •
.::riefing on new ::tsslsnoen t a5! Ll.qls(',n St ".ff '.11 th
I t !'l.l Yo

Lt. Col. von \lurnb re1Jorts out on leaving the Gen.

Gen. von ,Ei'a.lkenhorst, XXI liorj,Js, reviews l.)r l)arn­
tions for 0l)er::ttion lI.veseruebun~" and reports
that everythin b is ready for 8~art.
von ~reiffenberg;

a) Conference with ,d.rmy Gl/ s. on "~eseruecungll

and II Sofortfall ".
b) Reorganization of Kleist's Group is to be
called off& C in 0 dGJ. a, thinks the present
orbanization is bettvr and, wh~t is nore, he
could not guar~ntee cOGJletion of rGorg~niz~tion
tion within the time available. ObdA.
c) Points to be discussed wi th the Amy Gos.
- (leaves on l·.onday for the lirmy G-rouj?S to

- 149 ­
orien t then on II vreseruebung II and to di scuss
11 Sofortfall ).

Thona: Tank reserves: MIll 26; N IV, 4 (3 more,

needing minor r3pairs). '~eekly deliveries of
new tanks: rl III, 8; M IV, _.
Nine clearing devices: Concentrated char3es,
11 carpets ", rtharpoons "* electric detectors.
Duhla: Re~)ort to OK-~-J on IIReguired monthly qrns l)ro...,
t fl.uction rqtes for all .::5ranches of the Service ll
Dnsed on very uncertamn data~ •
von Zichlber~: Current personnel questions: Reinforce­
nents in AGl .;. C for new operations:

Sun(".Cl.Y In the ~orning, current business, with none

of the bection Chiefs reportin 5 •

Afternoon anc evening, Derlin (no visitors). Saw Gerti*~

Mieth: ~stiDate of forces needed for the offensive on

the Up.L'er Rhine, ;)l1sed on original plan (over
60 Di vs. ).

~sti~ate of forces for offensive if we cut out

op _ration on southern .;.)art of u;).,er .Rhine and
li~it ourselves to atta~k on the front north
of the tia~th Forest, at~~ckinb froc five brilges
at once. Con~utatio~s indicate we should need
~O Divs o The proposed plan t~es 600d afl.vantaGe
of i3.11 tactical possibili-ties, but it leQc1s the
O-,)~J'?-tion n.-sainst the front l'~etz - l~osell@ ri vcr
- ,l!.;~)lnal.
von 5tueLma:;el:
a)) Allocation of ~talian troops:
Fron hrny Gp. of Crown Prince (22) 12 Divs.
Fron the aastern frontier*** (14) 6 Divs.
In hoce Garrisons l~ Vivs.

- 150 ­
b) War strength of the italian uivs. 10w.No modern
GHq Artillery.
c J ~oints to be discussed prior to conference
1000 OQ,u IV reports that everything connected. with "\ve_
seruebung" has been going according to plan.
The impression is gained that the enemy is
not aware of anything as yet.
oJ FurloU!3~hs at the start of the opera tion. ~v'.hr'1 t
o,re we __going to do about the furloushed men?
Have them repr'lrt t r ) their R!Dl. v_ni ts.
Don't have all of then sent to the front
( 150, 000 ) • -;:. .
b) The' ·d.rnl e s are keel)ing Inf. squads WflY
with the field kitchens, 80 as not to ~~ve
too nany men at the front.
c) Training unner ndE jurisdiction av)~rently
needs to be controlled more closely by us.
(Olbricht will look after that).

-,linter, 0) .. Sec.: O,.Jerational study on Ror.;ania.

Result: The eneDy coalition, usin~ Saloniki
ns disenbarkin s ~oint, coul~ st~rt o)erations
at the Ronanian \V'ith ;-:ot. forces after
six days, with Inf. after aoout 28 ct'J.Ys, that
is, in the wholly unlik0ly ev~ntu~lity th~t
~ul~aria stan s by without interv0ninG.

Sta!)f re)orts after recovory froJ~, illness. iants to

talk with the Field l·larshal>hl' n.s to \"hether in
future it would be neCGssary to assi~n Liaison
Officers, considerin D thflt the O~~ Secs. were
~D..intaining very close 'cont~ct with ench another.
To DO it \vould seen desira'b2.1:> to r3tain this
institution, not the last fo~ its extra-milit­
ary usefulness.
von Et z~Lorf:
a) Orientation on tne di~lonatic strlJ.tegy in
connection with 0l)era-cion "\-yoseruo-bun?;11
b) Anglo-grench note on uine l~yin~ in No~ve~ian
waters. Unconfirned re)ort th~t Swe~en has
)osted first preliminary stage of nobiliza­
tion (von PuttkflDer).
c) Ruello silence in En,2;l!J.nn; indic!'.nion thfl. t the
British Fleet is puttinb to sefl.
0.) I brief him on target dD.-ces in innedillte future

- 151 ­
~nd on nilitary conversations with the Italians.
Jacob Gehlen:
a) .L~ction taken with res.L)ect to request 'by J.~GJ.1. C
for allocation of construction material (steel)
so that work on construction .LJrojects for
Infantry would not have to be ne31ected over
construction projects for Artillery.
b) Orscholz defense syste8. ~endln0 questions
will be sett18d by Jacob in versonn1 inter­
views on the spot.
c) ~e Dust requisition from Clnef of Arny
Armaoent 16,000 tons of steel for the next
four months.
d) Steel turrets e~rnarked for ~ast Prussia nust
be kept available for the \46S G for tine bein~.
e) 15,000 kn of (to.l.)J.)Gr cO-"01e in the Por'!ernnl!1.n
and O~er fortificQtions Dust be released for
f) EXi)eriences i th Dine c:'0ton-:. tin.:; nets.

;;) ProblcJ'7ls of .H.hinecrossin6s, 8... '0cio..l trqln~

lng of Ent';;. (Cas to fqr.-lilis.!'ize theT:: with
w~ter conditions on the rt!une.

Heusinc;er 1900~

a) Two shil)S in our' convoy to l~!1.rvik have been

sunk by British subm~rineso
b) Dri tish n51.v.'11 fornation si.::llt3('L 120 niles
VlJest of 'l'ron.:Jlhj:;m.Our COnIJ0Js 11':::.vCJ arrived
outside thelr Jorts of dest~nntlOng
Evening Lecture by Professor .urn ~Gni.;er: "Goetl1.G

and the Prussian LTeneral Staff".

Since 0515 hrs our ·~roo.Ljs luLvG been landing in l.~orwD.y

and marching into Dennark.
0.) Tron~hjen, ~er~en, riarvik occupied.

- 152 ­
There is still action off Christiansand.
Fighting at Oslo. Landing at il.l.oss and DroebDk.
b) Dennark under protest has accepted the Gernnn
conditions e Troops hnve bean ordered not to
resist~ Occupation of Jutland and of the
islands entirely according to ~lan.
c) Air lorce conmenced o~eration at 0730, as
, schec1r.led. Order has been siven to attack
Military targets at Oslo.
d) 0515 SS Scharnhorst and Gneisenau in action
west of the Lofoten Islands. No new reDorts
up to now, en;a~enent ap~ar ntly broken off.
1000 t8.1k wi th CoL ,~a?ner on J..)re.l.)arntions for tf3kinp';
Dennnrk under our adninistration.*(Gcn Qu).
Gercke: 198th and 214th Divs. which will be used ~s
reinforce~ents f0r ~orway, instead of Denr.Rrk
Dust be d.irectecL to the Dal tic ports between
Luebeck Rnd Stottin.
von Brnuchi tsch: -~ew Elan to rt";.l.)lace .:3ec~{er ....-Acti vate
now Cor)St1qs (nid~~le of A,)ril), but leave
[D~")ointlJent of COT1r.1anc;ling open.
I sur.::::es G Col. .:)uhle (or n.l so l:Jt''lJ.)f and Gei b)
to re)lace oecker. v. bra n~s Dockelberg in
vV'a,-;ncr: a) Reports on survey in the .:>lack Fore st.
b) nuerkel rather than Sprenger ~s Civil
srlnin e Chief in First Arny or we shall
never see tho end of that tu~-of-war.
c) Su~))ly base Vienna (fuel, c'lj"1ilunition).
d) Ste~s to vreclude carele8s destruction
of econo~ic ass~ts (collection of booty,
JrOja~Rn~a, order throu~' Gen. Staff
ch'lnnels ).
Gen. Jacob: ,tt'riction with 'J:odt (Orscholz barri er
i)osi tion).
Kinzel, Report on tour:
l~) hun~arian ideas on no~~nia. rtun~ary requosts
early conference of ~X~0rts, to en~blc her

to start ~re)arations. ~udapest.

nun.;ary would have to aj.,J_Jear as tho Iibern.­

tor in Trnnrylvania.

- 153 ­
Horthy insists on role of Commander-in-uhief.
Demands Italy must be informed if sucn 'conversa­
tions are going to take place. (Not of substance,
but of the fact.)
We would have to look after our own logistical
arrangeoentso-- rlungarians will mass forces
against Northwest*.
ReDly by ObdH.
22)~xchange of views on XU60s1avia. Agreement.
3. )DoD.estic situation: Jews, clergy, nobility.
4. )Disappointment over our failure to deliver
arms •.
5. )Hungarians are not going to fortify Carpathian
1630 .£nl landing o.J?erations COLll)le ted, except at Oslo.
1800 Oslo in our hands; proclamation asking popula­
tion to return"
1900 Gen. Jodl:
a) Occupation completed. Uonpletion of defensive
preparations ~ot yet assu~ed] owing to delay
in arrival of trans~)orts ~1Tlth requisi te
forces. Air Force will hal~ out o
b) Wour Air TransJort Gru~)en scheduled for
cargo lift will be u8ed for shipment of
additional forces to ~orway instead o
Ope Sec.

c) Losses: S.S. Bluecher sunk o Onb transport

vessel sunk with one lO?5 ;~~ Bnry., ammuni­
tion, bOElbs, hoY-ses, and Ir~:!:'.) e2.eLlen t 8 of
69th Di vS o ":-"l!' C()m~a '(j casualtles hiiShe st at
ChristiQnsand and Osle; elsewhere light.
d) British Fleet· attacked by Ju 88~**; serious
hits scored on three ships.

e) RUD.or of Swedish mobilization unfounded~

1915 Buschenhagen: DenTIark landing went snootlliy.

At the very beginnin3 some MG fire on the ~order.

Casualties . light. Air landing came off smoothly.

Norway: Narvik without loss~s, only weak resist­

ance. Trondhjem taken without losses; weak

resistance. nergen and Stavanger, the same.

- 154 ­
Christians~nd: Heavy fighting, losses.
Egersund and Arendal: Slight resistance.
Oslo was alerted.. 0p~Josi tio!} of the shore Btrys •. ,
especially in the Droebak strait. S.S~Luetzow
s~nk~ She carri~~ the Hq,. of 163rd Div., parts
of Hq. of XXI COrlJS, a!1d 800 men•. Bombers
silenc~d shore Btrys. with two Bns.. we now are
in full control of the city. ~ third Bn. will be
moved in yet today (of 163rd Div., Engelhard).
Tonorrow four to six additional Bns.!
NorNegian Governnent has fled to Hamar. Par~1":·)
troops have been sent after it. Losses: S.S.
Luetzow, some mine sweepers, one transport
vessel, 9 Junkers, two Heinkels, Coastal
fortificRtions are all in our hands;
Troops: 196th Div. is now in transit in the Belt.
198th Div •. will er.foark in Hamburg tomorrow. Will
go through. the Kiel canal to l'Jorviay.
1930 Bogatsch again raises the questlonsef Long­
.~ I
range~ Rcn Staffeln.
The Air Force does not want to give us the
required nunber of Staffeln, unless we release
Long-range Staffeln (~rmy Gpsv and GHq).
Bogatsch states that this obstinacy is without
any r.easonable foundation. Tile cJ.ose-range Rcn.
St~ffeln could b8 activated (four we8ks) also
without cutting down on the Long-range Staffeln.

10 April 1940"

von Stuelpncv;el repor"tP on lJrepara tions ~or joint··.

o~eration with Italy.
Hollidt reports on progress of the reorganization
of High Com~and East. ~ttempts are again being
made to pull off so~e deals on the remainder
of the area of High Command East(exchange 311th
Div. against 228th Div., etc~) High Comoand
East is still trying to exercise some sort of
mIlitary rule. Obdri"
Frictions over Police activities and failure
to inform the Arny.

- 155 ­

Buhle: a) 3.7 cm AP shell 40 for tapered-bore tubes

are very effective against tanks, also in
conventional guns. Delivery in May; 30 000 for
tank guns. (50 rounds per tube. )
180,000 for Division AT units. (Initial'
amLlunition issue cOlnprizes 20 per gun) OJ
140,000 for Fortress AT guns (?o per ) shells.
, tube)
Remainder, amounting to four issue9,into
b) Fuehrer's demand concerning increased ammunition
c) Provisions made for occupation troops.
Components left behind by the Divs. going to

Gen. Brandt:
a) Recent deliveries of Lt. Fd. ~ws. show un­
accountably great drop of muzzle velocity.*
lvia·cter is being investigated (.Baur.lholder )**
b) Artillery ~ourse for non-Arty. Officers in
Artillery dqs unnecessary for time being.
c) Very good impression of Flettner helicopter
seen at demonstration at the Rec.i.llin Testing

(we should have this model built for us under

Army contracts~)
J~d~l (1650): Radio Paris has announced that in a few
hours it will put on the air .an Allied state­
ment indicating tl1at the All~es would now
take the ini tiativE;, enployl!J.g means whereby
the war would be shorte-1ed by ona year.. In­
tensified alertness at the f~ont and of the
Air F'orce~
Order pu"c·cing into force the th~ee-day trans­
~ort, goes out at 1700. ObdH.
1his fixes A-Day on Saturday, 13 Apr.
von Etzdorf ..;.OQu IV:i\jorv~: Our Envoy (:dreuer), sm'!
~e King at 1100. Government services
continue to operate.
Denmark: All went smoothly. ~jegotiations con­

ducted by our Envoy.

Reply by Sweden; we reserve all mGEl.sures to

preserve Swedish neutrality.

- 156 ­
Italy: .
l'1ussolini reCeives our Ambassador: I(German action
-justified and necessaryll.

~oscow: Sioilar tendency, understanding for our


USA , no report yet.

Belgium: 5~rict neutrality, as before. ?ress

1.Qlland: Vague.
t France: atmospherE depressed. nritish units show

Britain: All leaves canceled.

Belgium: Leaves canceled since today noon; demoli­

tions near the frontier (1)

Holland: Leaves canceled yesterday; frontier

closed; public transportation services suspended;

empty trains stand by.

11 dpril 1940.

~'iinter:Briefing on preparation of an . . operat±onal.~,. '~

re-oort on Southeast. (~vritten instruction to '
this affect to Ope Sec.)
Unold (Gen Qu):
a) Smoke amwunition over and above initial issue
can be supplied only on specific request.
b) liDo II rtocket Projector. lJemonstration for ObdH
in the week following 17 Apr.
As of 1 Oct., 1940: liDo II Rocket Projectors for
10 Dns. (of 3 ~trys. of 8 six-barreled pro­
jectors each), = 240 pieces o
As of 1 Oct~, ~940;100,OOO H~ and 80,000 smoke
pro j ec'eileE.
One En. fires 3,000 rounds in t~o oinutes.*
Starting 1 8ct. production will be 30,000 HE
and 15,000 sooke projectiles per month. No
increase possible.
c) AT rifle grenade 40
d) Mine detonating "carpetsll. Ve cannot manu­
facture new mine-detonating "carpetsllWithout
curtailing supply for Engineers.
e) Fuehrer decisions on ammunition.
f) Ammunition difficulties with 15 cm Gun 39
(Turkey! )

- 157 ­
Wagngn~~~ Buerkel to become Civil Admin f Chief First Army
at the earliest (not later than 20 Apr. )
Pfeffer for Holland or Belgium.
b) Denoark transferred from OKW to OKH control.
c) Clothing situation only fair.
ObdH: a) Situation: Many british submarines in the
Skagerx'ak and K a ttegat .dri tish report 13

steam$O@sunk; we know only of seven, oostly

close to the coast o ~ontinuance of trooDr
shipoents by the sea route is possible only
if the submarine threat is eliminated. .
S.S. Luetzow was sunk off the Swedish coast.

Had put out against Fuehrer's orders.

8i tua'Gion in Norway difficult. COffio.unication

link only by air. Supplies dropped from air.

The King of Norway has refused any'negotiations

on formation of a Government on the lines of

the German proposal; has issued proclamation

calling for resistance.

Army signal equipment lost on sunk transports.

-:telephone comwunications via Sweden.

Railroad transit to Norway through Sweden

authorized only with sealed cars.

b) Eleventh RifIe Brig. to go to Norway as soon

as possible.
c) We oust find out what ~ir Force took away
from forces earoarked forl1~lb11 whll be

ascertained also by agencies in the field.

d) Buschenhagen must keep us continually in­
forMed on the distribution cf our forces in
Eenmark. ObdH.
OQu IV Etzdorf:
a) Situation report. Proposal to form a 6abinet
headed by ~uisling.
b) Request to pass on to t~e State Secretnry* my
questions concerning Ro-i1ania. (\var not against
Rooania, but for Romania. )

r 1700 Funeral service in berlin for General necker, at

his hOhle.
1800 - 1900 ForeigL Office, State Secretary weizsaecker.
a) Situation in Scandinavia. Blunder with
Q,uisling. -------

- 158 ­
We have made an official request to Sweden for
permission to use the Swedish railroads in
connection vith our occupRti0n operption. ~o
MsWer yet.
b) RODania: ,veizsaecker believes the only way to
iopress Rooania is by making her realize t~at
we would act with greater dispatch and v~gor
than the British. In any event he is partial
to the forculation lI against Rooania ll :t?ather
than II for hor::ania '.1. '
Russia has SODe unsettled scores with Romania,
e. g • .3essarabia. ~ve carillOt prevail on Russia
to give an official promi~to oaintain a hands­
off policy. Russia will not start anything, but
neither will she make any prooises which we
could exploit in negotiations with Romania.
Bulgaria will keep quiet of her own accord, and
Doreover we would always be able to control her.
Hungary pursues a policy of doing
nothing without our approval.
If we want to induce RODania to adopt ~, nc~ntive
attitude toward a British landing, this could
be Dost readily accoopllshed through the
M:ilitary Attache,.not through diplomatic chan­
nels •
.dS to Bulgaria, it is belleved that any L:,nglo­
French invasion atteo?t fro~ the South. would
Deet real opposition.
Italy will CODe to the SUP90rt of Rooania in
the event that RusL.2.a should disturb the peace
on the Balkans; in case the :Uri tish break the
peace there, Italy will probably consolidate
her position in Albania and perhaps occupy
Croatia J without declaring war on anyone or
taking the side. of the one or the other party.
~urkey is positively against war. ~ut she Day
tolerate a Larch through her territory, under
protest. Co'JDitDents arising froD her alliance
with the rlllied powers becoDe operative only
if hostLlities involving Italy spread to the
eastern ~editerranean.
c) Situation in the ~/es t: j:i'rance has offered her
protection to nelgiu~. The King and the Cabi~ct
have declined.
Holland is reported to have closed her frontier

- 169 ­
12 April 1940.

OQu IV: Franco-British seni-official step in Brussels

--"=---conf irmed (offer of protection).
In nolland aoubtful~.
Repo~t 0: closing of Dutoh ?~ontler probably
Nol te: OKiv has not yet alerted 214th DiV'.-- Air raid
on small station in the Fehoarn* area.
1100 - 1200 State funeral service for Becker at the
'I'echnische riochschuleoj~* and burial in the
Invalids I Ceoetery.
ObdH (Southeast Study):

a) vanaris must mobilize his Near East sources

to get us advance notice***!
b) Five to six days before they land. A ~ot. force
takes two, Inf. three weeks to advance across
the Danube. South7f.
Could haV'6 one JiVe at Oonstanza, Braila,)
Galatz within 48 hours. )East##
Crossing froD Bosporus to Oonstanza )
48 hours at the oost. )
c) Preparations for 1:10V6fl16nts norI1D.lly 5 days,
Elover.1ents 8 - 17 days (coDpleted)e
Prepllrc. tions if op6J'ation "Gelb" has not yet
startedn#~, 7 days.
lJio:veri1ents then could start at t;he end of 10
d) Ship2cnt by air.
e) For Obdn: Sliding sCRle ~irborne Forces/Air
Coobat Forces.
Two possibili ties: ~"est is already on fire or
the 1J 6 s tis qu i e t •
Tioetable: a) If there is no agree~ent with

hungary, b) If thera is an agreement.

baoe for Russia.

SUP91y base: Vienna.

Send for Radl~e;

heim: ~ust carryon during operations: Daily


Relations with OKW. ~e must keep at it;

Not Liaison Officer wi th. OK-l/*#..

Film for Arny.


- 160 ­
~lso discuss: rolitical situation (Talk with
\~'ei zsaecker).
-- Close-range Rcn. Staffeln
(letter to Goering). -- Official designetion of
battles*. -- Furloughs in the eVent of operRtions.-­
Mail eobargo in the event of operations.-­
~fter return from Derlin
von Greifr~n~erg: a) Liaison officers to Armies. (30ck
b) ~lercing of reserves for Southeast.
c) Liaison~* with Copenhag3n and in­
structions for XXXI Corps.
Gen Qu: a) Sixteenth, Twelfth, Fourth, Sixth, Eighteenth
ArIJies: ifruck strength satisfactory.
b) 50~ of skilled workers for ZI MT Depot have
arrived. Situation inproved.
c) Rubber assured for six months. Rubber blocks*'~-lf
remain a headache.
Trucks: oy the end of July a totati of 3,000.
(1,000 for the' Field; requirenents
5,000. )

Fuel: Probably sufficient until fall: Pro­

duction plus 120,000 tons from other sources.
Will bc sufficient. .
Our reserves (75;000) will suffice for three
weeks, only afeer that need we fall back on
the central reserve.

d) Viscuss mail enbargo in the event of opera­

tions.-- Vienna Supply ~as6.

13 April 1940.

Reported nritish lanQing at i

TrIJ.nsp. Chief:
a) Agreenent with Sweden on supply ship8ent to
Narvik and Trondhjec.
b) Planning more efficient utilization of Reichs­
bahn. hannecken is opposed to plan.##
c) MT7lUnition and tank trains west of the line

- 161 ­
Weser - ,wuerzburg get anti-aircraft protection
from ~ransport Protection Coooand equipped with
2 CEl A...-l. Guns.
d) Fuehrer has disapproved cancellation of the
preparations (concentration)for lI@:elb". Now
24 hours' notice for jw~p-off.
ObdH: a) Responsibility for coastal defense in Denmark~.
b) l-i.ed.. .d.rtillery for Denr:lar!U Perhaps . A rtillery
of 170th Div. or ~lev6nth Brig. mot.
c) 3ue:.~kel; Stuckart pl"'otests.
OQu IV: Current oatGcrs.-- Ke~piag eye on Southeast.­
Letter to Gen. Werth*~
OQ,u II, O~u I: Planning data for lI.jraun II. Conclusion:
We do not have enough drtillery to extend the
offensive by an attack from the Saarbruecken
sec tor.
a) Suc~ a plan would require additional 360
med. Btrys., i.e. the entire GHq Artillery.
If we drop operation II Tiger ll , we 1t!ould

enough with 60 wed. nns.; of wInch 35 can ,

probably be furnished by the Italians (20
3ns. Corps ~rtillery, 15 3ns.GHq drtillery).
This would be feasible. we would then have
to take care of tne ~illboxes while the
Italians attend to counter ba~tery fire.
b) 'iHthout IImigerll: Bridging equipoent: For.
eleven bridges we need 86 Bridge Clms., or
68, if 1'Je use lI.dirago II bridging equipnen t.
(We have on hand ~ total of 160.) Of these
30 could then be freed to go along with
the advance. .
Fortunately we are fr08 now on getting about
50 new assault boats each nonth.
Italy would be able to furnish an estioated
total of 10 to 15 Dridge Clns.
c) Wi tnout II '.liger":· i;ng. Bns ••wailllble 32 GHq
3ns; we are running very low~
d) Signal units: Ive must help out froe GHq
reserve. That requires trucks and raw Dater­
e) Very dif'ficult~ 14
dA.,.. A.d.....-!. Bns. (Dixed)
f) Maps will be ready early in May (Our ::
1 25,000 are oerely enlargements of
1 : 80,000 naps).

- 162 ­
gJ Q,uestion ,of separate Commands for all cocbat
h) Po,ssible cosplication by summer-floods.
von Greiffenberg: Current matters.
Jacob: Steel shutters of pillboxes on Upper Rhine ~~E~~~~
ed pierced by eneoy fire. Apparently new ~~§n§h
weapon (2 ~ 2.5 em caliber) penetrating 10 em
armor plate.
ObdH 1430: Situation report.
Check whether any Railway Troops are included in
the Norway force.
Tank OOffimand 40* must be pulled out as soon as
possi ble.
What has been taken away by Air Force**1
Chief, Central Branch: Current Gen. Staff matters.-­
.L1.U thori zation to wear uniform of Gen. Ste.ff*-lH-.

14 .L-\'pril 1940. (Sunday, Berlin).

Nol te: Si tua tion at 1IJarvik confused. 1/ Liae held so fnr ll

(OKVJ). German destroyers out of action. Bri ti sh
have penetrated into the side fjord. Pack Btry.
has arrived; all transport planes cracked up.
181st Div. is coming.
J/2 5018. #

Patrol strength raids bGaten off by 257th Div.

Airfield situation the same as yesterday.
British Fleet is reported to have left the
i"ledi terranean on 11/12 ~-I.pril.
Gercke:Transport routed through Sweden has left.
Greiffenberg: Yesterday's conference: Map.-- Plans of

Navy: Three Btrys. will be taken to the west

coast~ MG, Armd. units and rlir Bn. to Norway.

Utilization of Danish airfields at Aalborg,

Esbjerg and points north by Air Force. Front facing

westward and northward. No ~rotection of Denmark.

One lJiv.', one light ~i.rI:1c1. Di v.

Question of police: OK'¥~ has no intention to sho't1T
its hahd.

- 163 ­
Agent re90rt froQ LuxeQgg~~g.?~~§~~ht~~~~~si~n
Deutsch Oth, south of Esch, alerted yesterday
afternoon, .t'·rench planes over Luxembourg terri­
tli>ry "
Luxe,mbourg: dll railroads on week~~y schedule
to~ay. Jews have started running away.
(T.hrough Army Group~~*
iest;erc1ay I s strategy conference ~ If things get
ugly up North, we won!t force the issue, but
turn to the Ivest~ In eight or ten days.
AGp. A: Th~ee Bns.** nave not completed their
firing prograQ. AGp. A will send one to Wahn,
one to Schwetzingen~ih" ObdH.
AGp. B: Two Bns. have not coopleted their firing
prograo. aGp. B will Lsentence ler~ unfinished.~­
Troop Training Centers.All filled up. ObdH.
Talk with Gen. Obsta vants to see the ,tl'uehrel' at ,1200.
1400 Gen. Obst. von nrauchitsch comes back from ~he
Fuehrer. Results:
Ho~es have been abandoned to hold Narvik.
1I-1]e have had bad luc!': ". The 3ri tish apparently
penetrated into the ~jord and effected a
landing. ~he destroyers in th0~e must in all
irobability be writ~en off as l03t n The
. . ·uehrer does no'~ int-end to thl'.:.r\i' core troops
into the northern operation. It is a question
what Sweden's attitude would be in the event
of a nritish advance on the Swedish iron
ore region, which certainly is intended.
Goering believes the Swedes would resist, the
Fuehrer does not think so.

2.) IIGelb. II .OJ1 th paratroops ar.d transport planes

diverted to the riorth, it will be several
days before the Air Force can be ready again
for operations. In consequence, we shall
have to wait until the 21st or 22nd. Goering
plead£ for the 22nd. von Brauchitsch has put
up a strong arguQent to the Fuehrer that long
waiting would not inprove the situa~ion. (£ne­
my blocks increase, level of training of
troops cannot be iQproved, Qorale mediocre,
the high pitch reached cannot be maintained
indefinitely. ) Central Branch.
Interval to 20 evening Dust be utilized. Tanks
of both AGps to Wahn or to other Training
Centers. Op.Sec.arDd.Forces
Stnrt Field Reolpcemcnt
units rolling!

- 164 ­
3.) Southeast: Fuehrer has been informed on the
over-all timetable.Also was told of Werth's
message. Fuehrer approves direct contact with
the Hungarian Gen. Staff. Keitel will forward
us written directive, which will be based on
the E.ssumption that the Romanians have
allowed the British to land and so will be
regarded as hostile. In that event Hungary's
~claim to Transylvania will be automatically
recognized by us. Rai~road preparations under
high priori ty. OQu I, Op., OQu IV,.
Adjutant. Central Branch.
Must urge Keitel to give us directive in
writing. Then advise Fuehrer office middle
next week that we are ready to present report.
4.) Transfer of Hq. Fuehrer appreves our plans.
He, too, will Dove his Hq. Central Branch.
5.) Leeb successor of Becker*.
1830 Heusinger:
AGp.A: One Arty.l3n. to WE'.lm )
O~e or two Ers.tG BauL-·)4 /' , . ueys of trainirg
J. u.J...L.
holder ) II

One to Schwetzingen, 3 I' I: 11 11

~Gp.B: One Bn. to Wahn 4 II II II II

Two Senne 3 II II II II

Gen Qu: Directive "Commanding Genera.l of German Forces

in Denmar·k ll •
Transp. Chief: Discuss efficient utilization of the
waiting period to 21 Apr. Movement of the Field
Recrui t uni ts. l~o change in embargo on ship­
ments by individual units.

15 April 1940.

von Blaskowitz:l.) Don't take away Jaehnicke. C of

S, ~rauner. OQu, Kriegsheim.

- 165 ­
2.) Pl~n to turn ~ren east of thG Vistul~
over. tn S6. I advise Dg~inst it.
von Greiffenberg: Conference wi th iialdau. Gen. Staff
of the .Air Force has not yet given any atten­
tion to planning for the Southeast. All work
~s been left to Fourth Air Fleet.
Exchange of views on division of labor between
O~u I, O~u II and Ope Sec.

Gen. Fellgiebel: Re-)ort on flying visi t to Oslo.

OQ,u II : Division of labor between OQ.u :~I and OQ,u I.-­
Preparations for Southeast.
Buhle: Truck situation (demands of Signal Corps for
lI.i3raun ll ). Tabulation of the Divisions(3dE
chart).~- Current organizational matters.-­
/ Trends in the developnent of ;the SSe
ObdH: a) Review of the si tua tion. OQ.u IV: ,lhereabouts
of the irench and ~ritish forces, supposed
to be en route to 10r'lllaY.­
b) Get in touch with the Foreign Office about
the situation in Sweden: Foreign Office nust
protect our interests in iron ore mines~
PresEure can be exerted on Sweden by
reBinGing them that we oight destroy the
iron ore nines froo the air*. -- Have
Mi]_.Attach~ get busy.-- We D~st CODe to
an understanding with Koth**. ­
C) Several Divs. still need sorne time in
Trainin~ Centers (~ighth Draft).

d) Railroad 013. terial for NOrWCl;jT.

Jaeanic1<e: 206th Div.only one-third q1: will go to
Stabl~{. XXXVI Corps will first be moved to
nigh CooMand East. OpoSec.
Equine 1)neur.J.on1a in 231st, Di v. _.- ricrse
replacements will be furnished if Div. is
alerted. !-lonthly deli very of 4,000 horses
could be stepped up; 225,000 horses available
in all.
ObdH is told by Keitel that Narvik will'be evacuated.
tJe must not allow that. Talk wl th Jodl._
JodI: Town area of rlarvik cannot be held. Mt. troops
are taken back to surrounding mounta.ins.-­

- 166 ­
Question of the evacuation of the Narvik area
not yet cecided.
OQu IV; Sweden1s role in the Norwegian conflict.
Yugoslavia:· Prince neg6nt has pro-Gerr.lan
sympathies. Is distrustful of Italy ~nd·Russia.
lvlolotov wants iron ore from our mines •.

St~te Secretary von Weizsaecker (1800):

1.) rle must insist that the Foreign Office do

something to protect pur interests in the
Swedish ore mines. btate becretary informs
me that a note concerning llBritish stragglers ll
has been handed to Sweden. I demand stronger
pressure, for they may be regular 3ritish
or French troops. '~~e come to an understanding
that,if necessary, we are going to put on
pressure through the Mil.Attachel
2.) Southeast. Reports of Russian reinforcements
on German and Romanian borders. Request ~r.l
t<n rs1n:es s. mo:.J tCllp 'l'evel the essential mili t­
ary importance of haVing peace in the South­
3.) So far no confirmation of' relJOrt that the
ilritish Fleet bas left the Hediterranean.
Presence 'of French na~al:forces is being
felt in ~astern ~editerranean.
ObdP (at his home,1900): Talk on the situation and
my conversation with ~eizsaecker.

16 .!-1.Jril 1940.

OQu IV - Canaris requests authorization for Chief .of

12th Branch~~ to fly to Oslo. I inq\.1ire ~pou t_
disposition of Swedish forces. -- Uho~nrirm6d,
re arts of regrouQing of Russian troops?'
.Arrangeoents are made to insure wF'.rning in
aople time on movements in Southeast.-­
British power attack against Norwegian CORst
is expected.-- Attack against Danish coast
possible, but not likely in iooediate future •.
Roehricht: Occupancy of Troop Training Centers.-­

- 167 ­
French i)[lOSpho.i:'.ls S ·'01" e. Demonstpa tion of six- .
barreled Chemical·~rojector at ~uenster, 18 Apr~
Capt. Loyke (~) "line barrages in the Skagerrak.-­
British landing in Denmark unlikely.
Gen. von Stuelpna?el: Distribution of work within "
Stuelpnagel s Group.-- Cooparation with Op.Sec.,
Transp. Ghief, Gen Qu.-- Command set-up on the
Upper Rhine.
Gen. Gercke: ~ilroads in ~orwaY.-- rias to go to Oslo
to set things right.
Bogatsch: Summary report on activities of Air units
attached to Ground Forces on the~vestern front
during the nast six months.-- Flettner heliocopter.
von Ziehlberg-: FalKenhorst has complained that securi~y
was poor in the issuance of war maps.-- Transfer
of former Gen. Staff Officers to the Ge~. Staff.-­
Current matters.
Difficulties in fuel allocations The Army
CGs have been thrown into a pother by ObdH.

b) Maintenance of supply to l'orway.

c) Staff on special assignment(zbV) Rehabilita­

tion of materiel of OKH Supply units.


17 April 1940.

Gercke: Bv. TO* Norway: rlorwegian railroad offices

are cooperating. Three armored trains.

Status of railroad lines:

Oslo to SVleden j)n opera·Gion.

Oslo to Ghristiansand intact, but not in opera­


Oslo to Bergen intact all the way to Voss. Minor

disruption at Voss:

Oslo to Andalsnes - Trondhjem interru~ted as

far as Eidsvold (bridge destroyed, work in pro­


Two Cos. (partially mot.) stand by for call.

- 168 ­
Tippelskirch: Fuehrer does not like ,the idea of a
Resident Representative of Reich Supreme Court;
would make German influence too apparent •.
admira]. Tamm (Sweden) has gone to the Fuehr'er.
Good.! .
Supply movements through Sweden will probaoly
s tart today.
Three writish cruisers are shelling Stavanger.
Gercke: N - 3-not JSel;*•.
Thoma: Reeort on gunnery equipment and combat efficiency
of erman and enemy tanks, and on the effectiveness
of AT weapons on both,sides.
Heusin8er: ~ports about Narvik from a Naval Staff
fficer evacuatad by plane. Destroyers had fired :11
all their amillunition, and so their Artillery
was of no use any longer. have been beached.
G rews of destroyers are almost completely on
shore. They have taken over operation and protec­
tion of the ore railroad line.
·, Railroad bridge on Swedish border blasted.
Transhipment possible. Morale of troops good.
Noon Fnrewell to Finnish Attaches.
Afternoon Mieth submits dtaDtsof his plan for the
offensive on the Upper Rhine.
Kossrnann: rteport from Denmark.-- No one is cooperating
with Kaupisch.-- Internal order Maintained by
Danish Government.-- Army demobilized, one
Company left in every garrison.-- Bulk of arms
deposited at aalborg.-- Police service maintained
by Denmark, no German Police. -- heplacement
uni ts can be stationed in .lJenmark.. Ope Sec.
Gehlen: Current oat'Gers.- Also ar.munition for Mil. Distr.
XVIII~ Labor for high CooQand East.

Gercke: aates for return of Armd.units a few days after.

21 Apr. "Cannot be expected before Tuesday".
One train to Narvik, medical supplies (Red Cross).
Heusinger: a) Clear target dates with Transp.Chief once
Qore.-- Tanks Dust be left in Training
b) Clarification of situation in OK#.

- 169 ­
18 April 1940.

Lt. Col. Winter reports on plans £or Southeast.

Col. von ureiffenberg: Predictions on weather.-- Report
to OKw on ground conditions.
a JodI: ObdH 1 ~ v.iews 0n NFLI~vik must be .cd va:" a
hearing.-­ Repercussions on Army. Get copy
of orders.
b) Fuehrer: Narvik cannot be held in the long run
(several Divs. )*,fuehrer wanted to withdraw
all ·~roops frofil .Jarvik yesterday, but has
deferred decis~Q~~ for the ~oment.--
~o orders have been issued.

c) Preliminary alert (Jodl-Gercke).-- Start of

operation IIQ;-e:lb" not before middle of next
week. -- ffuehrer does not let himself be
hurried. ~he fhre6-day preli~inary alert will
be dropped after next Sunday.
Noon: Farewell luncneon for nungarian At ·cache Hardy,
and weleofiling of the new Attache, Romlok.
Wagner: a) Order to Kaupisch on his functions in
b) ~ifficulties in the supply organization
for l~orway.
c) Logistical preparations for Southe~st
(Anmunition: otocked for one Donth).
EstablishDent of dunps will t~te 10 days.
Food rations on hand for 75 da-·s.
Fuel: 25,000 cb~ required; 38,500 cbn
will be stocked. Seven fuel quotas.
~aily sup~ly re~uireDents: 6,000 tons,i.e.
14 railroad trains; if one-third goes by
rivGr, we need, per day, 2,000 tons of
water craft and 4,000 tons of railroad
transport (9 trains).
von Ziehlbe~ a) Accommodations at Felsennest.
b) Fillingoof post s at .tIigh Can
~ast after. reorganization.

19 ~pri1 1940.
0830 - 1200 : Ue~onstration of bridge launchers at

- 170 ­
ftlausdo rf•
Deoonstration of reQote-controlled mine deDoli­
tion apparat,~.

Schlaraffia mine bridges*.

1500 Col. Kinzel: Report on uslo.

1330 von Ziehlberg: a) Young officers for Oslo.
b) L~teohQ~rs of nelebrations at
tne fI.LCerS l'IJ.ess.

Lt. Col. vlinter: Planning data for Southeast.

1500 Re,j,:".Jrt to OOOR:
( L )
Norway.-- Young Officers.-- Storch planas**
North ~ 2. ) Denmark;- Report by Kossmann:Eleventh Rifle
Brig. for XXI Corps.No police~ E~i:~~

( 3. )
To Narvik: Only one train with medical

supplies and food for beached naval crews.
( 4.)
OK"v· has been inforf.led of reorganization
( in High Uommand East. No objections.
East Successor gor Gienanth: ~bvrth~Mittel­
( berger. Koerner must be taken out, together
( with nockelberg. Vogel, Deputy Chief of
( Staff.
South ­
( 5. ) OKW directive not yet signed by Keitel,
east ( bEcause of Hungary. 1 inter's Memorandum.
Vienna Supply Dase.
South. 6.) Italy: First delays.

Ope Sec. a) Falkenhorst has not got a single plane. Has

to depend en~irely on Vassberg - Lueneburg.***
He wants to have a) bombers, b) Storch planes.
Eight out of 22 steaners sunk~
b) Thie~_e: 'Tele type cor:1Llunica tio~1s with Oslo
oft8~ in~erruptedo
/ •

c) Air Force officers 'wear Army uniform wPile

attached to Arf.lY.
d) Situation ·~f RoQania is friendly. Air base
in Bulgaria.
Cml. Matzky: heport on vapan and situation in East Asia.
OQu IV: a) Sweden determined to defend borders. Crack
Swedish troops in ore district.
b) Fuehrer's view on negotiations with Hungary.
Gen.Staff conversations approved generally,


but ifiust be 'preceded by political talks to

obtain clarification of the partner's posi­
c) Liss: Report on road blocks on the Belgian
border in sector of Fourth ArQY.

20 April 1940. (Fuehrer's


0745 Celebration of the Fuehrer's Birthday on the

athletic field. Address.
0915 Gen. ~taf~ Officers ~eepntly trQn8f~rr~~ to,'
::K, repor-G.
Wa~ner: Reports froQ ~orway.-- Results of spot checks
on supply arrangeoents for Kleist's Group. Supply
duops being established.
Radke: Telegrans to Oslo and Copenl~gen expressing our
recogni tio-n~ of ti:1e e..c1.11evernents.
Gen brand. : Result of investigation' of ffiuztJ.e veloci ty~~
(powder beliaved the oause). Explains inoident?
at exeroise where casualties resulted from own
Artillery fire. -- ;--tBsul ts of tl'aining courses.
~Va~ner: Terboven.... * re.90rCed going to Usl o as Represent­
ative of the neicll LTov-.::rnment.-- Q,uestion of
Executi ve P01rJer.
Heim: i31under,!3s, of' 'the",QQmroand:er_~Of 28th Div. ln'the
treatment of Sudeten der~ans.-- Procedure for
reporting acts aoovG the call of Quty.
OQu I: DevelopQEnts in relaGions with I~aly. Present:
OQu IV, !':eyer - Ricks.
Evening 'fhwarted drive to theater in Berlin (":r-1easure
for l~easureII ).

21 April 1940.

Morning in nerlin. Noon return to Zeppelin.***

Buhle: a) Prior to 1 rlugust the ~ield rlrny will
rec~ive 1,000 trucks each Donth, (3.500
in alIi

- 172 ­

the reI:lainder goes to new activations in the
ZI). Of these, the first 800 or so will be sent
to new activations at the front (Signal units
for ,'';:) II
l.uraun, Gen ~u, etc. ) •

b) HeQ~18itions for core activations for "Br~un"

and Sup~ly Services.
c) Fuel)) full operational quut9. for 4~~ oonths,
thereaftar only 50ft.
d) 82/ ',02 AT l'ifleoX'o

e) Requisition to Bd~ for tLrBe Regts. of six­

b~rreled Rocket PrQjectors u

f) A~ms production progr~~.

g) D~vi6ion Staffs on spaciai asslgncent (zbV).

Thoma - Buhle~ ~rcd. Rcn curs. (nre to rennin with the

t:roops, but ru.ling will be issued on thei!'

Schnidt (Captain in the Gen.Staff) reports on
flying visit to Oslo.

'Vintor (Op, Sec" ); nsvision of the s'CrEmgnh es'cio8.tes for

Sou'cheas t ..
Kinzel~ ~iu.JJors of naval noveD.ents in the .c.;nstarn
fue~iterranean ~re not confir~~do ~~parently
fCl~lse rel)or'G LJ.unc;1ed. by ener.s-
Gercke: Talk with Ja~l taa produce~ no~ c~ncrete clues
tQ in ten cions for II lia}',:;:I. Thr3c·-c.e.y ~)I'elininary
~lert per~od in force aguin. Goal t~~ins from
;huhr ani. :Silesia, p,)'cato trains; ""'*backlog of
15 tl~ains<
Gen Q,u: a) Gas protective equipnen t: 75/0 of the troops
~--~~h~uve been issued protective'sheets in pouches:
Issue viill be 100;0 wi thin. a few days. Light pro-­
tectiv~ nlothl~g~25~ short; he~vY'protectiv~
-cl.Q.-thlng~lODio issued.
1~eapon aecontui:lina tion agents not yet on hand;
lack of containers. Decontav.ination canisters
50~ short; arrive within the next few weeks.

- 173 ­
b) Six-barreled Rocket Projectors good only for
area fire; large dispersion.
c) Court-oartial questmons. Desertions are in­
d) Miscellaneous current matters.
Erfurth: a J 8equence~ ~he great strategic picture.-­
Ind.i vidual studies (Ezura, * etc,. )-­
Of1'icial history of the W a r . , ·
,J b) WGr Journ~IS.-- ~ctivity reports.**(New

cJ P~omotion of military studies at Univars­

tities (?riesner) O'~ll IV***

r<l1eth brings draft plan of AGp",' C for offensive "Braun JI.

von li-reiffenbe~ J'odl says that "ttelb ll 'ltIill not be
latinohed before Friday.
Ochsner; l'eports en gas protective equipnent and on
~irer.(Jh phosphorus shell.

Roehricht y Revised assignment of missions for eGs in

Rear Areas.
Busse: Questions of Training venters in the Vistula
San triangle.
Jacob: a) Fire on pillboxee on the Npper l~ne # was
fron Hotchkiss 2,,5 CQ AT gun. Gun and pro­
jectile have been known all alongl~
Org,S~c. 08u IV.

b) Constructlon on Spicherer position -- Link­

up with the Saar to the west.
c) Hew high Cc,mmand. ~=-"st; Rp.oJ:'g'in:-;"z3.tion in
Er..g" (~or-.f>EJ Coonand/r:= to. :~::.. 'G'- it: ~e U~~'T 8 ys l; err:.
d) Bri~ge Clos.: One inmediately, one early
in May, thre0
r-. T
~ - .
May, four in June,.1. •• - ­

fivo ~n I"J':ly, !'1.nd flve in .rlug., -tot:llinG' 19;

no ~raction~ ~

e) Training in river operations: 3a rgeo€ n to be

taken out of Inf.Cos.
f) ~isuse of Construction Ens. to help out in
Supply. (Issue order~ )4#w I,

GehLen: a) Organization of defense in Military

District XVIII ·*H

- 174 ­
b) Assignrr.ent of Labor Service uni ts to High
Command .i;ast.

a)· Polish Artiilery for the Upper Rhine will be

ready this weekJ
b) SponecJt*is authorized to brief his officers
down to the Regtl. COs.
c) Reported plan of the Fuehrer to send the Divs~
from Den~ark to Norway in exchange for Police.
von Ziehlb{rg : Current Gen. Staff personnel Datters

23 april 1940.

OQu IV: a) Situation in the North.-- Dalmatia not until

we have field to ourselves*~ Also Russia
(3essarabi~). -- Threat from DRrdanelles
greater now, but the british have no jump­
off base.
b) rlungary, latter part of May.
c) Ciano? ~ussolini wants to take over Foreign
~inistry hioself.

Ulex: a) Ques·tion of 'l'raining 0enters. in the San':':Vistula

triangle. (Canp and Trainin6 grounds construc­
ted by the Army are to be ~ept by Army. )
b) Redistricting of the area of High Com~and
East. The submitted plan seeRs to be Dore
adapted to administrative than to defense
needs. Must be talked pver with nigh Consand
c) RegionallDefense Bns. Difficulties in
Officers replacements.
Gen Qu: Food allowances: Cuts in meat and bread.
Reduction of meat ration, effective 1 June.
Soldiers' pay in Denmark: Proposal to credit
part of the pay in ~erman currency to soldiers'
accounts at home, is disapproved.

- 175 ­
Ger. Obst. Keitel:
1300 Gen. Obst. Keitel: Only Mountain troops are suited
for fighting north of Oslo.Accordingly, the Fueh­
rer has ordered Second Mt. Div. to be ooved north
through Oslo~at the earliest. Report requested as
to when Second Nt. Div. ~o~ld be ready for shipment.
Destina tion (Stettin or,i~.lborg) will then be
decided by the OKW.
In its place, 170th Div. is released as of now*
(or else substitute Police troops).

1320 Discussl~atter with Chief, Op.Sec.

1400 von 3rauchitsch:
a) heplacement for Second Mt.Div.? Op.Sec. suggests
86th Div., and in its place 88th Div. in reserve
to Grafenwoehr.
b) Then l70th Div. would for the time being rennin
where it is, 80 as not to aggravate the trans­
port situation.
c) Eleventh Rifle brig. reverts to us.
d) If a Corps Hq is needed~ assign von Manstein's.
1410 von Greiffenberg: Second ht. Div. can be ~oved
between 25 ~pr. 2200 and 27 apr. noon, allowing
28 hours for journey.
1700 von Greiffenberg:
a) To replace Second l-It. Div., Fifth Inf. Div. 'Jill
will be Qoved to the front, with 25th Inf. D
Div. taklhng its place; detailG' mtl.6~ ptilJ...:be
discussed with AGp.C. (~xchange of l69th Div.
against 257th Div. )
b) Second rut.Div, takes along equip~ent in full
war strength ,but without atv~ched horse-
drawn Artillery**) and mountain equi90ent.
Wagner - Stuelpnagel - Finkh: Supply units in oQeration,
"Braun II. Arrangemen ts for 6§.tablishing amL!uni­
tion, food and fU61 dumps. ,tI'airly large su:)ply
base near the front, with enough supplies to
maintain the follow-up echelons east of the
~lack Forest for as Duch as ten days. Order issued
to initiate preparations.
Wagner: a) Succession of Terboven*~*.

b) ~quipDent of Becond Mt.Div.

c) Establishment of fuel dumps by Vienna Sup~ly


- 1'16 ­
Gercke: rteports on conferences at the Reich Chancel­
lery .Cooplete Duddle.
uGelb u evidently not acute at the moment.
von Ziehlberg: von B~ttlar proposed as Ia officer to
Falkenhorst, who says tl~t his present Ia is no

24 April 1940.

rteusinger - von Greiffenberg: Troop shifts in connec­

tion with departure of Second Mt. Division.
von Brauchitsch:
a) Plan~ed shifts: Second Mt. Div. ~Fifth Div.~
~ 25th Div.~~th Div. Eleventh Rifle Brig.
b) OK-1 order on assignoent of six Police .Bns.
to .lJenwark.
c) Tank trouble. (!ank III revorted unserviceable
after 1500 - 1800. J-tFJ. )
d) Next Assault 3try. due to be delivered on 1
May, to Uslo!
e) Activation of new Mt.lnf.Regt. is said to
take six weekS. ObdH will take matters in
hand hiTJself.
Roehricht~ Training_program for ~leventh Rifle nrig.
Hannover, ~raining program in the event of
a prolonged lull on the ,vestern front.
von Greiffefib@rg;--~uhle: OKW order on additional
units to Oslo.
Buhle: Or. anization: Landwehr vivs. will get the
Artillery left behind by Mt. Div.*
Ta~~ III ~nd Czech tanks.
Inferior quali ty of K3, It5, .and K 12 Guns.
• NCO preparatory schools and NCO schools.
1530 Fuehrer conference:
a) Review of political situation: Telek~ h~s
sent Fuehrer a letter: Seretofore Hungary
had to make all the sacrifices. That must'
change. Suggests a three-power conference.

- 177 ­
Fuehrer is afraid rtungary 8igh~ want to use
force against Romania. That certainly would
not fit into our policy of maintaining peace
'on the Balkans, but we are sure t Hungary could
do nothin~ of too t sort 'by hp'rq: If. ;iOilld 'set [1,
licking. ~he btate is ripe for internal
collapse. Last sua~er he was assured Hungary
could not wage war for more than three days,
for lack of ammunition~etc. Accordingly, they
would irroediately piie us with enormous
II iluce has done his best to keep Hungary
quiet, but evidently has not been completely
successful. Fuehrer theref0re has got in touch
with II Duce through Mackensen, and will make
his decisions dependent on II Duce1s.
He wants to leave the Southeast entirely to
the Italians.
It is not unlikely that the Htmgarian p' are -being
egged on by the British. Press rumors on
Geroan troop concentrations on the Hungaro­
Slovak frontier are evidently launched by
Hungary to get the Balkans stirred up. It
would serve Britain's interest very well to
have the oil fields blazing, and it would
not matter who puts the matcn to the8. ~ve
vltally need the oil deliveries from the
Ronanian wells, at least until next spring.
After that we should be fre3r.
Fuehrer has advised II Duce:aj Hungary ~~s
made no sacrifices at all to date. b) Hungary
m~st be restrained frOB acting alone, if only
because of Yugoslavia. c) Precipitate action
by hungary might draw ~ussia to the Balkans,
which would be a Dost serious business.
Initiative is left to II DUC0.
b) Gen. Staff convers~~10ns with rlun~ary would
not be exped.ient at this tir:16. vVe night go
as far QS very discreet talks (with werth)
on railroad qU6stions~ (~nglRnd and Hungary
one heQlt and one soul. horossow, the nan
who played with us, has disappeared*. )
Italy's attitude on the Balkans questlons
will deteroine the character of our conver­
sations with the tiungarian Gen. Staff. Gen.
Staff conversations on a broad basis are
ruled out. "Only norQal exchA.nge of views
and no three-power conferences, which night
be misconstrued and start interpret ruoors. ii
(The Fuehrer has not yet forgiven the Hungar­
ians for not letting him in the Polish
caopaign use the Kosice railroad, which they
owe to hiEl.) ,

- 178 ­
c) ItalY: II Duce has informed his provincial
chieftain9 that it may be only a matter of a
few weeks before Italy enters the war on
Germany I s side. (Rel)Ort from U. S. )

d) Basic military factors o~ a campaign on ~hG

rlalkans are discussed. ~uehrer approves our
outline and expresses appreciation that we
have teen, thinking ahead. Suggests that the
~ardanelles and the Bosporus might be closed
by air action from a base in the Brindisi
area. F~ises question of surprise attacks
on Grete and on british shipping in Gibraltar.

25 April 1940.

Greiffenberg: Situation in Norway. IQPortant advances

on the right wing (Tynset).

'iVagner - .3uhle - von u-rei ffenberr:.;: Procedure for reha~

bilitation of combat-depleted Divisions by BdE.
\Vagner: :J::mish problens. -- Frontier crossing.-­
Closing of the Swiss frontier.
Greiffenber~: Dun~ary.-- Italy.-- Launch rumors for
benefit of trench Intelligence Service.
Gen. Ott: Up~6r Rhine: 260th uiv., Police Division.:
Very unusaal tone between officers and oen.*
Demonstration ~iv.: Too ouch theory.
high COmCaLQ ~ast: ReDb6rtow~ - Schenkendorf,
Cracow: - ll..ayser, ** rJa~{.e :sood impre ssion.
82/Q~ AT rifle***.-- Instructional Pampr~et for
eed. Inf.~un,S?M.
Thoma - Buhle: Instruction regarding developoent of
taru~ design: Tank III (Czech) and Tank III

• (German) •

OQu IV: a) SS Regt. ~ordland: Start with one Bn.,one­

half Germans and horwegians, one-half 5S,

To be activated at Klagenfmrt. All members
are to be made into c~hpions of the
Germanic EDpire idea.

- 179 ­
b) Report by Liss on the British in Norway.
c} General political* situation (Fuehrer confer­
ence of 24 ~pr. ).
Roehricht: 0urrent ~atters of ~ng.Sec.: Administrative
care of GHq rleserves o - - Security regulations'
for wartime field exercises.-- Daumholder, etc.
must be declared lIessential for war effort ll .**

OQu I, II, Chief Op.Sec.: Presentation of plans for'
0l)eration II Brc..un 11 and issue of orders to AGp. C.
2100 belgian Cabinet has'resigned.
Reich Uhancellery states on inquiry that this
does not change the situation.

26 .t"l.pril 1940.

OQu IV' (on phone) re90rts resignation of the Belgtan

Cabinet and arrival of Dritish prisoners from
'~orway, . .who are to~ be shown to t~1.e Fuehrer.

von Witzleben (Gen. Staff _Tng.Course) report on

current Gen. Staff ~raining Course.
Buhle: a) thicker armor for our tanks (including M:JV)
and re-equipment of units with inproved MIll
b) Corps Hqs: Vie now have 40 (counting stx CO[1­
pleting activation in June, JUl' ~nd August)
for 157 Diva. - atio between Cor~s nqs and
Diva. 1 : 3.3. ~ith ten more Divs. and the
number of Corps Hqs unchanGed, the r~tio
would be 1 : 3.5. For the time :eing we could
get along on that.
c) The plan of giving us 120 Labor Service 3ns.
for special jobs is jeopardized '~y~an~lclpated
replacement requireoents for casualties,
which in fact would threat€ n the very ex­
istence of the ~abor Service.
d) 82/02 aT rifle. Initially 60 until July;

organize in GHq unit.

- 180 ­
e) Nine rtegional Defense Divs. will be ready in
the East by 1 June;
nrtillery: only one £try. Short on cOMPlemen­
tary services! ­
f) Light Artillery Clms.* of Sixth Braft Divs.
will be taken out, giving us 20 Clms.
Gen. Obst~ Keitel: I warn hin against doing anything
wi th :ariti sh p~v IS, that might boomerang on
German officer prisoners (interrogation in
presence of journalists).
Brand: Report on factors res~onsible for the shorts
in It. Fd. nows. (Miscalculations in the firing
table, daop powder'?).
Infornational . handbook for Corps and Army
=rty. vo~~anders.
Hun6arian OQu IV, Uizasz~ ~alk on the Balkans.

von Etzdorf: Attolico - ~lfieri. Latest target dates.

Gehlen: Construction workers for the Upper Rnine sector.
Construction Bns. will carryon with fortifications;
40 Labor Service Bns. for prepnra tions for II Braun II. **


- 181 ­
27 April 1940.

0930 (with TIlIieth): Present report to ObdH on lI"13rD:uW~

No new·vlewj)cYin.tsj only' 81J.gge p tion ·to use tapered­
bore AT ri·f::les.,. Dn Upper- rthine front.
Later alone I inform ObdH on current matters, in­
cluding specifically:
a) My endorsement in his absence of the c10iQe Qf
Maier-Westfalen as Terboven1s successor.
C-en Q,u.
b) We shall leave them * in High Command East
until needed.
Thomas: 8tudy on implications of t180utheast" for 170.1"
economy, Becker. Op.8ec.
Thiele: Possibili ties for disrupting telepl~one connect­
ion betneen OKW and ObdH in F~lsennest. **
von Greiffenberg:. Order to detach mot. Engineers f'01~
Norway. I ~£B: that this would hamper OUI' effort
in the West.
von Ziehlberg: Current Gen 8taff personnel matters

(8unday, Berlin).

von Tippelskirch:
a) Exchange of letters Reynaud/I\~ussolini. Reynaud
proposed a talk. Mussolini1s reply neG~tive,
cool. Echo in the press.
b) Trade nei?;otiations bet peen Germany 8.210. 8 .7ec~en
are running into snags, v'i th 8"'eo.en insisting.
on freedom to carryon her foreign nit. in
existing treaties also outside the B~ltic 8e~.
c) OQu IV tour to Bucharest - 80fia - Belgrade.
Mission for 80fia.
Vieinknecht: Letter from Kaupisch regarding q.cti -Im.tion.
---()f 88 Nordland in Denmark. Instructions for let·;~er
to Keitel, OK'7: 1) Ackno't"ledgement. 2.) i"ission.
3.) Regulation of relationship with the political
and military representatives.

- 182 ­
29 April 19~0.

Liss: New intelligence on the British Army extr~cteQ
from documents c0ptured in Norway: The five.Divs.
of"thc"Sec0nd lJraft which were thought" toh~vG been
Qctlv,1.ted~ do not e'xist yet. A;Jllrt rroin~t11.il5sE;'~jJfr:,~
=..gY,Jt, - th~re are on~y tW?'5 .Dl'vs. of F~rmor, one 9.t ',home
~nd, '(!)ne.:J:u France; hn:rbrw'1.Y ,.they h'1V8- t'\'lj'l .3;pign.m::tde
up of independent Bns., and the 49t J;)iv. (tllC
former at Ano.c.lsnes, the latter at Namso 8 and
Narvik). In addition, four French Bns. of ChD.Gseurs
Alpins have been identified.
von Greiffenberg
Current matters. (Employment of the
elements eft behind by the Divs. non in !~rryay.t­
Conference with Air Force.
VOil Stuel~agel: Status of Italian preparations. Have
made no progress. -- Marras. -- Proposal to launch
the offensives against Holland and Belgium not
at the same time. (Rejected)
ffaldau: Report on Nor~ay. Transfer of air units to t~at

theater affects M;~.~ B TUni ts remaining have

only tcro-thirds of their striking po~er). -­
An alert period of no less than three days TIill
be needed. --~erl~l photographs.
lieyer-Ricks: Report on his trip to Italy. On the TIhole
very cheering, general atmosphere favorin~ particip­
ation on our side, but slow progress in the preparat­
ions for the conferences.
01J dH: Appointment of CGs for Corps Hqs nO"7 beirlC activat­
ed. Speck foJ;' one, Koch (254th) for annotle:;.'
(arrangements for a successor must be n1ac"'.e e~:­
pedi tiously) •
von Greiffenberg: Six Replacement Bns to DenrJa:rl~; in re­

turn 170th Div. will go south. In anticipQtioil of

possible demands for adcitional 1t. uni c8, ~7e [lust J

by mid--vIay complete ctl.rrent acti vation of t'lC nel)l.

Ilfit. Regt. There 'I!!ould be no shipping space ['­
able before that time.
If a Corps Hq (reduaed) is wanted, give the~ Greiff.
'.7aESner: Report on survey made in the Black Forest. '=~"­
ploratory survey goodl
CG lS complaining abo t interference b~ O~:17.

Scbmidt (or J?feffcr'?) for .h6.eder. lI~cting" sub­

stitute for Schmidt in Artq 7.

- 183 ­
30 April 1940.

JodI: (in reply to inquiry): Perhaps another five days

or 80. * .
O'IJdH: Si taation in _orK/ay. If a Corps Hq (reduced) is
needed for Norway, send XXXXV (Greiff).-­
SS Nordland still has no armament; we cEmnot r;ive
them any.
Inquire at OKW' as to mif?sion and pO'IJers for
Denmark o - - Denmark: Are two Replacement ReCt3.
necessary? Is 196th Div. to be relieved by Re,lace­
ment units?
von Greiffenberg: Distribution of situation maps 2nd
situation reports. -­
Current matters.
von Etzdorf: Next target date: Sunday, 5 '·lay.
Roehricht: Instructional Pamphlet for "blanket sDokc II •

"Acoustic battle background". Ne invention fa

simulate combat noises.
3rand: Proposal AGp.A:
a) Appoint lm~rc Army Artillery Commanders (LieC;c,
Heinemannb II Brllun If, J n.11n; staffing 0 f Fc~s no
b) School for Artillery tactics and met1odo.
(rIot nonl)
c) Artillery firing programs.

1 Vlay 19<10.

1000 Conference with ObdH o

a) Wagner: Report on logistical preparations for
"Braun 11 a

Talk with Gercke about field raib-rays. )

Repair r,Tor_~shop for the Upper RhinE? front.)

Air Force must be info~medl ) OQu I.

Signal netvTork (what cable stocks). )

~ridge launching vehicles. )

Conduct of offensive and logistics: Get n cJ_cG'..r

picture through a map maneuverl OQ,n I.

- 184 ­
Smoke to cover crossing; troops must get sooke
candles 1 (With Roehricht.)
Roehricht: Technique of the Rhine crossing
Ttactical questionss). Employment of.smo~e ~o.
cover the crossing; what is to be done aftcr DC
are on the far bank? OQv. I,' !fn@. Sectj.on.
b) Terboven must release Raeder.* Gen Qu [lVS'~ to.1k
V7i th .inistry of Interior and Party. C-cn Qu.
c) BdE has been directed by ObdH to dra~ up [).
developement progr~m for all Teapons, 1.,·i th c..
viery to reducing the number of types. __ ftcr-'·o.rCl.s
joint conference Gen Staff and BdE. Or:-;. Sec.
d) Hungary, S~eden: Ask JodI.
e) Current questions: Who is responsible for ro­
habilitation of depleted Divs.? - - ss rordlanCl..
Letter to JodI. -- Additional Generals on snccio.l
assignement (zbV) (Foehrenbach, Weiher). ­
Tank III. (Progress of reconditioning lork at
Baumholder.) --nunCl.etedtis recommendation cO~Qcrn­
ing Artillery.(ObdH approves appointment of snaIl
number of Corps and ArlilY Artillery Conffi2nde:"s t )
. .
1230 Canaris: Revieli! of current matters: SS in l.ory!['.y.-­
Women will be excepted in 2ttacks.~~- Southeast. -­
1600 Buhle:

e) High Command East Divs, (Second Instalmc~t) ,ill

• not be ready b?fore June •
f) 1ied. Artillery, (Fuehrer "rant!? one Mod. Art~r • .
Regt. one High-angle Fire Bn., one Flat-t~['.jcct­
ory. Dn.,0nG·~.~ on. per vivlsion.)

- 185 ­
We have at present 103 Divs. with one, 20 Divs.
vlthout any med. Bn. GHq has at present:
33 10 . em q.un Bz:18. .
21 Mixed BDs. .
42 nn Fd. HOthJ;3ns.
16 hv. How. Bz:1s.
6 med. Gun Bns.
II8 Bns., excl. of Railway Artillery.
Deli veries from prQcluction betrreen I·.1ay and Aucust:
. .
2 10 Qm Gun Bn!?
5 med. Fu~ Hoq. Bns.
5 med. Gun Bns.
12 hv. How. Bns.
24 Bns.
In addition, io med. Fd. Hovr. Bns., horse c1I'E'.'."l1,
for Inf. Diva.
Heim: Current matters: Relaxation of rules for t_niDing
exercises prior to commissioning and promotion of
Party Leaders, similar to procedure in trc S~.-­
Radio broadcasts on Army Leaders, etc.
Heusinger: Alert to be ready for attack order no of
4 Uay, noon. -- Current matters.

2 ~.1ny 1940. (Berlin, Ascension D~Y).

von PU'ctkC'lIler: Communi cations bot..reen Bergen o.ncc Oslo 1"e­

--'--stored: Norn egial1 C-ener:::>.l'in Andnlsnes he.a initiat­
ed surrender negotiations.
von Etzdorf: Bri tain: Shipping detoured around r.:cc1itm:r'9.nenn.
"Precautionary measure ~I •
Italy: Ciano speaks to the Yugoslav Envoy lI s hc..l;; ng
his forefinger at him".
Allies: Report through the Hague: Latffst. ~nI' Council
meeting discussed the quosti on of rerr.ovLJ. 0:: ~Ti tish
Government to Canr-tdn. Spanish Minister in ~Jcrn re­
ports "sp~eading gloom" in the en~rny count~icsl caus­
ed appe.rently by disnppointment r-tfte~~ ['J1nOl:~1Coment
of initial vi~tories in the North.
Sweden: Negotiations on arms tr[1nsi t to ifnrvLc.
Authoriz~tionof nrms trnnsi t in exchange for Forgi
Office has given instruction to Uthru...-nn -l~ nnc1: Germ.;ln g-n
Minister. Introduction of the su jec'c of :'...:.\J. de­
liveries las restored the interruptcL Dc~otintions.
Earlle~ informnl inquines reG~rdlng ar~s tr~n8it h~d
not registored in S~oden.

186 ­

von Etzdorf is asked to keep ObdH currently in­
formed on instructions sent to our Minister in

, ~Sec~ Epidemic of equine influenza in 78th Div.

von Stuelpnagel:. Tnlk 1"'ith Marras. -- Rp.ilroC'.6. D.Greeltlent
1i th Italy concluded ,,=One or two Regts •. Q f 0 f
five or six Divs. must get special equip~ent for
operations in the Vosges Mtq.(Pack Clms., nl~ine
knapsacks. )
von Brauchitsch: General exchange of views.
De'cleffsen: Falkenhorst wants to attack Narnsos ':,it 1
Woytasch, o.nc1 Seconq. Mt. Di v. Heeds'
also E'. Corps Hq {reduced) '1Ti th Corps Si["11['.1 In.
for OslolRnd Labor Service Bns.
1200 - 1300 Fuehrer addresses officer cnndid~tes in
the Sportpalast.
. .
1300 ObdH: Matters discussed: Selection of loe~tion8 for
the Hqs released in the ERst (Blaskomitz, Vienna.
Gienanth, Kass~l, Greiff, Stettin).
Readying of our special trnins * for X-DC'.~T.
Gen Q,u (\vagnt?r):
a) Evacuation (care of property in the ev~c \~ted
zone). Kossmp.nn.
b) ColQ~ns: of t)t~l of 1~8 010s./120 are now'fuIly
replenished, 18 recuced to personnel units,
10 dCHctiv2.ted.
c) Assignment of SS to Denmark.
d) Raeder remo.ins in AGp. B; acting deput~r for
Terboven appointed.
Can~ri§: ~8signed for duty in ~orway:

a) Tno SS Regts. (including one Bn. at se~, one Bn.

leaVing Friedrichshafen on 7 ~RY), consistin~ of
RecrUit Bns. Prague, Bruenn, Str.qlsul1c.•
b) Six Police Bns. (five from Berlin, one froD
Bremen). T';ro have o.lready passed o.cross. The
units ~ill receive their assignments froD the
IIIili tary Go vernor.

- 187 ­
Lio.ison Off. at Army Hqs: Bri efing for A-DG~r 0

Roehricht: Reassignment of the Generals on 9 ecio..l

. assignment (zbV) o.fter departure 0 f the Corps
Hq~ that ~ere in change of training.

von Greiffenberg: Current matters.

von Stuelpnagel: It from a remark 0" I :[,.1"'1"Gs that
the DoS. arc trying to exert pressure on It~ly~ ~e
may expect a lively giplomatic offel1si '.Ie <,-nd '3.n --ex­
change of importll.nt notes bEt-ieen Rome rj~c1 Berlin
in the next few d~ys.

4 May 19~0.

von Stuelpnagel: ~Ti th IvlarrRs: Itr:tlio.n Gen 8'c~.+f is

sceptical about success of an offensivc; on th9
Alpine front or in Libya. On the other ::'.nc1, they
are obviously interested in the BCi..lkrns front,
for which the deficient equipment of tIle It,".lians
would suffice.
Von Stuelpnagel is instructed to info~r- Chief OKW.
Attention is to be called to Crete.
. .
von Bockelberg: Niemen river position.-- FQrtific[l.tio~
on LithuCi..nian border. -- Rating of DiviGions.
ReQrganization of High Comma~d East •

.Qhief~E..!.Sec •.:. 96th aIlQ.860tfl J:)!V8 .. Lin ac1c.ltio:1 to 78th)

have equine influenza epidemic. Air recQl1;"l['.:i sance
for ObdH on A~Day.
Fuehrer reported ~antin~ ReplRcement BnG. kept
ont of Denmark.
von Etzdorf: Exchange of letters II DUC8 - r~elL~cr
occasionga by ~erbal communication of the U S~
Governm~nt: Extension of war is Ger~.l['.ny' s fGt 1.11J.
Further extension is feared. In that eve~tu[l.lity,
the D .S~ "ill not be in a position to a.€-e') out
any longer. President hopes that Itnl"'-:ls [l.'.7.:1.rG
of that.
II lJuce:
Allies to blF.lme for extension of the ',"['.1'. C--ei.. many
is agn.ins t any ext9nsi on, as is II ITo pe[1.CO
is possible ~ithout solution of tho bnsie ~robloms
of Italy1s freedom. Italy is prepared to coopGrate
in a better organi zati on of the rro1"ld ('.S t'le
si tuation permi ts and on condition tl1['.t t'~c roali­
ty .of accomplished facts is recognized. 11
(letter of':3 F\1ay): Reviev!s the developoents in

- 188 ­
Operations completed in southern and centrel.
Norvmy; novoJ northern Norvray is being cloc,ned up.
Sorry the British did not send larger forces.
Concerning the American stA.tement: III thL1k tho
undertone of threat ringing through 0.11 of
Roosevelt 's uttern.nces is sufficient rTo1..'.nds for
us to be on our ~uard ~nd bring the ry~r to ~ close
as qUickly f1.S possible. 1I
S "eden: We deli ver A-AA in return for o.rr,1S tl"C.nsi t
to Narvik. In the negotiations '>'i th t;lC Hili to.ry
Attach~, Sl.eden at first gave an evasivo anS10r
pointing out that the problem was one involving
the entire complex of neutrality, but convol"sat­
ions '71i11 be resumed o.fter examination of the
question by the Cabinet. Meeting Ribbentrop -
Guenther? .
I ,
•• Italy: 1,he State Secret 0 ry believes, tl1[',t
is determined to attEwl~ YugoslaviA. in C.ny cnse,
once she enters the ·-·[1,r. Attolico has' corro1)o:c"o.t­
ed that interpretation.
ObdH: Fourth Fortress~ivir Column from Ei htt and Seventh
----- Dr2fts, Nor~[1,Y. -- Artillery with restricted nobili­
a) Rosenheic: * The i1ecessarv number of uRhine
Engineers 11 from OKH -rill be' collected from h01')1'e
units (Speci:t1 Tr!lining 3n). Bn. ~-;ill be ac'civat­
ed on 10 FQ..y Emd st[',rt training f'.ftc: -n1itsun •.
b) LZ bridges.** Ten have been prepf'.red.
c) Penetration of armor plates ~nd turret8 by
2,5 cm.projectiles. Additional protection ordered.
d) Craco iT •
e) Labor Service ~C'..nts to be sent to t~e frontlinel
~), 34,500 tons of steel for period 1 JUIy.~ 1 Oct.
(against 78,000 tons in the last quarter).21,OOO
tons reqUired for ~i~e obstacles alone. -.
Buhle: Organizational matte~s. -- Equipmel).t.Qf L1f. Divs.
for operations in hill country: 100 co.J,"ts .".110. p:.:wk
animals for t':!O Regts. of e.!lch Div.', i.e., 200 per
Di v. Equipment Qvhl'lD.ble for four Di vs •• In o.ddi t­
ion, each one of these Divs. could be sup~lieCL-with
a ,,:'ountain Vehicle Cl~. from rUle District XVIII,
A.nd two Pack Clms. from the Pfaelzer.~f'.ld.
Chief OPt Sec.: A-Day: Earliest date 6 ~n.y, postponcuent
to 7 rtRY probable; if the offensive stc.rts on 3 May,
order nill come n0t later tl)n.n 5 Ilby.
In the evening we 1eQrn of the vas sing of Frau Major
Zrl, my mother-in-law.

- 189 ­
1000 von st.uelpnag~t Report 01'} plan (for. operati...o n "BI'o.un II •
'"Apart from a. "' minor pOlnts. estlmate or forces
for Luxembourg, only German troops committed on f~omt
of left wing,) tbe proposal of AGp.C is absolutcly

von ~i~blberE:..
Request of Army Hq that von Vorf.1£1..nn be re­
lieved.·Will be replaced by Faeckenstedt, Pohlmann Ia?
Central Br8.nch.
Fuehrer conference: Reviery of the Italian situ£1..tion: II
-Duce has for ~'arded three letters to -the-FueErcr: .
1.) Reynaud I S letter "a piece of craven '~rhil1ilig", to
which II Duce replied in a manner nhich forQcrly
would have been grounds for ryar. .
From The Pope, preaching a peace of justicc. Re­
ply; . The Allies had a chance to mal:e 'such £1.. peace,
but they chose Versailles and so causca tiw con~
On Roosevelt1s steps in Rome (covcre{ b~ c£1..7lier
information from the Foreign Office).

Mi!i!aEy_p~e£a~a~iQn~ Another <; group ni-l:l· bo cf1=l-led

up by 15 ..1ay. Addi tione..l forces by 24 /c_y. The target
set is 2 million men under arms. OQu IV, QQu I .
Internal situation: Mussolini has on his lands a
t"hough-struggle agE\inst the Cro "711, the nobili t:. and
the Church. Also finance ~nd industry arc for t~c
most part agninst the Y!C1r. In the Army, large sections
of the,Officers Corps oppose the Er nnC' s':"clc pith
King and Crm-7l1 Prince hrho is the most vicio1.:.o German

~ !k.§:n~ Hungary is still causin ro concern (OQu IV).

~ussolini, just as much as tbe Fuehrer, is a~[1.inst
three-poTrer talks; such talks would onl? uttr'lct the
attention of the TIhole world. A nem possibility
suggested is the..t Hungary might v/ork Jeof;:ctllC::" ~7i th
Russia3 If Hungary strikes alone or only T-ri th Bulgaria
as an ally, defeat is certain. Italy acll!li'cs t .o.t the
"1aborers 11 sent to Albo..nia are re,q,lly solcliers.
} orth: Nor'-:,ay as fe.r north p.s Namsos ,- ill ;10t be gi von
out of our hands.

There has been no decision yet as to the: fOIlTIl by IrIhich

Denmark is to be incorporated into our nationnl


Allies: Atmo sphere is pessimistic. In tl:e cvclft 0 f

serfous mili to..ry re~erses, VIe may expect ei tllcr 0.
complete chang<;:-over or extensive al terc.tions.
Chamberlain I'S Cabinet '.-rill not be overtt-rom-:. [l.t the
present moment. Only ~hcn Britain mill havc to bcar

- 190 ­
the brunt of the \,<Hr set off by him, -Till o..n nnti­
war party rise in the country.
Russia: The P.l.ntagonism bet'-'een .no. nus sin
affords us excellent opportunities in t e political
field •

I1Heth: Conference ,crith Leeb on "Braun". Results.
-Southeast Studies turneq. over to OQ,u I. -- Courses
of action opening in the event of a pe~ceful
settlement VIi th Hollnnd. -- Plans for the event
that we must do lIBrnun ll 1'1..lone.·*
von Etzdorf: Neizsaecker:'s entry into the Do..r
- - - wiTl-Set the Balk0ns nblaze.,Italy must secure.for
herself the bastion Greece. This ~ould bring 7urkey
into the confliot. The Bnlkan~ TIill be on fi~e.
It1'1..ly1s attitude: Mussolini Dill oome after De have
gained-one or t":70 spectuoular 8u'Ccesses in the l:fest.
British preventive Hction agninst Italy is not
feHred, because BritAin does not ~nnt to force o.n
Italian decision.
Moscow: Russo-Itnlinn relntions. ~olotov 10.S sound­
ed-our-Arnbassp.c1or as to c'hether "uhe Iti'.linn Govern­
ment has exprei?sod nny rendinoss to;e envoys.
Schulenburg: Ycs.-- The Russian Government eVidently
is in no hurry. Sohulenburg: The tension betDeen
Russia and is cnuse~ by ItFlly's objeotion
against the projected understanding betDeen RUGsla
and Bulgarin.
At the moment, economic negotiations in yrogress
bet'7een Russia and Yugoslflviao The pres s in :loDe and
Berlin differs in the interpretation of British
naVAl concentrFltion§ in the Aediterrane~n.
Knupisch: a) 198th Div. Proposal regardir:c; 17i tllE1:uvral,
- - - .". - - . timing, replacement, etc. ':Till . e sLbni tted.
b) Admiral C~rl thinks that f1. lnndinc nttcopt
by ~otor torpedo boats on the D~nish
must not be ruled out (Jf1.mmcrbuFt). '7e con­
sider this unlikely, .fl..:L.this tiDe. It r.1o.y
not be impossible later on, nhen tl~e niliiary­
politi~~l situation has chnnged; henco, ~o
must org~nize defense of the LIobile

- 191 ­
c) Danish ~eapons: Will eventually be removed for
use else'l."here. Ordnance Teams must be provided
in time.
d) Danish Officers Corps must be given.soDeth1n~
to do. ObdH h 0 s been .eighing the iden of re­
cruiting volunteers for German ·Army, th~t is,
theoreticnlly. My standpoint: Can be done only
after preparatmny propagandizing; severance of
inner ties to Engla~d.
e) Utilization of ~orkshopR, shipyards, etc.
f) All sorts of dubious chnracters are E'.I'rivin~
frpm Thomns' office (black market opcrntoI'sJ.
g) Handling of press releases througl the FOI'nign
Office tEl.kes too Ii:lUch time. CuIturE'.1 propE'..~;['.l;1da? 1
von Brauchi tsch informs me on his talks _1""1i th Kr'.upisch,
- ~hIch are subst'lntiD~l·Ythe same as mine.
von Qr£i!f~n£e£g_-_B~h!el

a) Discuss possibilities of relieving 198th Div.

in Denmark by Regionnl Defense units ( 8 Bns.,
possibly Stnff FQlmy)as of 1 June.
b) Requisitioning of armament and fnctories in
Jeschonneck: a) Operation Southeast. b) Narvik. e)Linison
- - - - -a~the stnrt of the operation.
~aier nDt Chief of Civilian AdministrntiQn. -­ Chief of Civilian Administrc.tion (in cddit­
ion to. his role of Administrative Chiet~)·
~erbJven's deputy will be a'hi~h-r~rikin~ 6ivil
bervant (Vicepresident).**

Buhlc: Means for [',chicvin~ L10bili ty in mountri11 '-\~"',I)f~110.• - ­

lVIobili ty for FGJ;'tress Di vs. -- A n€p Di v. CJ3' GX­
pansion of existing Regt.). Machine guns 01 101"ses
\. .... in the Cava Div.
Ql""£nd: Heinemnnn,- Eberth, Ar2Y Artillery Officers;
Eismannsberfor to the East, to replace Ifuinecnnn.-­
Flat fire - ~igh-ang1e fire.
K 12 Gun?

- 192 -'

Homlok (Hung~rinn Attach~): Outline my ideo..s for

- - --orientation of Gen. Werth.
a) Poli tic01 foundation still lacking. 30 clroe _ J

pO''7er tnlks. (He mentions politicl',l visit o..fter

20 Mag). We have n vi tRl interest in pco..ce on
the Balkans, and so has It81y.
b) Preliminary plRnning can be only of thooretic~l
charRctor. It should be done-on the follo~ing
1.) Each partner '."lorks '17i th his oy'n roso .rces.
2.) Hungnry furnishes covering force for o..ssembly
of troops.
3.) Hung~ry in the Nort0, ~e in the Soutl. (Aid
to Bulgari~, cover against YUfos1~vio.. on
Romanian terri tor;y.~ ) . .

4.) Dcm~rc~tion lino: BihRr Mountcins.

5.) Exploration of utilization of r&ilrp~d,road,
sitonal communications ~nd airfield fo..8ilitios
ngrinst tho ovent that ~c should h~ve to .
novo ~iftly into the sou'thern qsseI!lbly Cl!'eu..
:[i11 be the subj oct of speciGl c l1vors.':'1.tion~.

6.) No plnnning in ~riting 1 .

'* .
von Grei ffenberg: Stoppin b po ssible ,.t 1200. Order for
- the event of postponement of A-Dn,y: (f\.utono..ticll.lly
9 MnYf SRIDO x -' hour).
von Stuelpnagel; Prepar.qtions for 11 Brnun IU: .[UI' Force 1"0­
- Inforcements nssurcd(Rcn. KBtte).
Survey Bn ~ (p.qrtin,lly mobile) .~,ssuJ:'o(1_ for 15 :.lny.
Deln..y in conclusion of Germ.qn-It",lif'Jl I'i',i1ronCl
Mieth: Revie'jl of chn..nges in assembly order far -eiGhteenth
- - -Army in the event of surrendor of the Dutch _'\rmy.
Keitel 1213: ~ugs£u~.!..
Gercke: Transport nnd economic questions" No~"':!r,~r, S'.-reden.
- -Translof' station Ht Russir.n frontier.

IV: Brlk.qns unnnimously ngninst ~~r. -- ~oDo..ntn:·Much

- -German spokcn.**'*-- Oil: 130,000 tons-o..-nmltE.
Moroso'";: Not of Englnnd f'.nc1 Frnnce, ~)u t
all the more of Russin. •._- Bulg-nrll'.: Fri[~_1tened.
PriEle Einister sensiblo, Foreign llinisto:.' :10t
mili tnry-minded. ...- Yugo slnvin..: .. ass es D V r.11)['.thetic,
ffiFtde so by Gxperi ences -01 'tho I'rts:b rnr; ~Gl1cy '.7flnt
no nnr; ['.frnid of It~ly, barrier a[;ri!13t -Iul1gnry.#··

- 193 ­
Railroad Belgrade - Nish not out of Question*,
Defenses in good shape~ They ~nat no BritiRh
military operations in their country.
Foreign Armies West: Dutch radio at 1700 rcc~led
- - - miTitary-personnel f~om furloughs.

~oQ ~ieh!b~rg£ Current Gen. Staff personnel oatters.

lfMountnin Corpsll.-- Army Artillery Officers.
Btihle: Acti vFl.tion of rt Vlountain Corps. (Onl:T :8C1: Corps
- - --c~n do it.)

IV: RecR1I of furlough personnel in Holl[',.nd [',.i')Dnrent­

Iy unrelated to ou~ abortive stRrt. R~ilroad traffic
reduced. Air observation yields no rcs Its (:;round
fog, deep ceiling).
1 Voroshilov hns resigned.

von ~i~hlb~.rK:_

a) If r[1.ilroads nre not noti fied un til 1200, \7e ,"ill

not bo ~blc to le~ve Before 2000, ~nd sa nrrive
~~ GOdesocrg before 0700.

b) Bail': Tomorron 35 officers (four rlanes\:

beginninG day after to-Dorro n , (7 office~R.
(Will t~~e off and land on sever~l field~.)
Flight '-'ill take 3 hours; arri v[',l [1.t 1700 at
the latest, if order is given at 120 •
c) Special trains renain '" here the..,- [1.rc :*i'f
d) If tr~ins are used~ Tomorro m just no pl[1.l1nad;
bcgfnnIng day [lfter tomorro tr.-o trc.ins '.fil1

st~nd by to leave at 2000 (TIithout _~_~ end

automobiles). Jould arrive 0700 - 0809. ­
Tentative+y: TODorroD either rail'or nil', nfter
tomorro'.' both railroad and plF.l.nes. OhdH.
Train D 9. Train FD 7.#
1) .
- ObdH: Fuehrer nervous. Leaks? Complication for political
s trn.tegy if pnd '-'eather delays. s tnrt.
2) fuountnin Corps. ~ill Second Mt. Div. rOD01n in
Nor''''ay? r:ill ne,-rly ncti vn..ted third R.oc;ts. stny dO\.'7n
here? Can be decided only by FA.lkenhorst. -rnrvik?
take over anything that is left. Clo[',r inotructions

- 194 ­
, .

. to XXI Corps. * Ope Sec.

. .
3.)Denmark: Polish Artillery and Artillery of Cav.
Div. Attended to, ,Ope Sec. Or~. Sec.
4.) Staff Greiff. Ope Sec.
5.) OQu I. Fuehrer has vetoed sen1ing of ['.a:r urns .
to Italy (exception; one Experimentul _~L~ Bn.),
6.) Regional Defense Div. Org.
7J AT units for Diet_"ich. Org. Sec.
a) RO"lhricht.
a) Anal"sis of British reports.
b) !2.e!e.!:!s~ in blnnl-cet't sDoke.:
1.) From defens e line as far ffor'tnJ'ard e.s po ssible
(in ~nticipa.tion of a coordinateo. enony ad­
vance). Flanking fire must replrce frontal
2.) Counter thrust taking of our Imo'lf1­
ledge of the terrain nnd of the s~)eriority
of the Germn.n Inf::tntry man. Tng. 80c ..
Notes for ObdH:
a) Teletype frow bock: IlKeep FRlkenhF'.t~sel~ 'l~cn..dy HS
representative ll • Fuehrer: Course of o.:ctio~1 if
Holland does not offer any opposition.
b) Gercke - 3000 _. *'1~

c) Roehr~cht:LiHis011 Officer Ar!YlY H~. 12 left

Tuesday morning, TIunted to be there ~uesdn~
d) Maier not ehief of CiVil Administr~tion.

Hueller (Gen Qu): Action on Bock's proposal conccrning

- - - -centralIzed ad!1linistr1:'.tion of occupied tc,"pi tory
under OKH.
von Brnuchitsch: Teletype Bock - Roehricht.
Q.Q,~ IV: Alarm reports from von Neuhausen (Yuc081nvio..):
- -Toussaint is burning files. -- Atmos)J'lel"e tense.-­

- 195 ­
Mobilization continuos. -- Humors that French
and oritish tanks have landed~-- Leaflets drop­
ppa by planes.-- Rumors that three Corps are
deployed on Albanian border (in reality three
1..'-- ...
Divs. ) -- The facts are that the Serbian army
has b~en brought up to war strengh, but Reserve
Divs. probably have not been mobilized.

~ a) Inquiry re Ley's Training Course (Hauptschu­
lungsleiter W Schmidt) at Burg wannsee School:
Schooling for administrators of territories to
be occupied in the West, which will be the
prospective neich Gaue 43 - 45.**
120 Kreisleiter*** attend first class, closing
on 9 May. New Class starting 18 May.
b) !Iolland ~ 3elgium: French _. British operation
to mine lJutch river estuaries "Bgmont" minor
naval forces, both surface craft and submarines
7/8 May.~ .
von Stuelpnagel: IIrl r 'aun ". Preparartions in AGp. C
completed.-- ~estion of interpreters and
dic'l;ionariea~ -- ~erial photographs. -­
~rtillery/~ngineer/ Signal Corps conference.7­
~irplane charts.dff -- Light signal pistols.-­
Ground lnarkj,ngs. -- ~ij,'" preparations all set.-­
&.~ defense is being checked .. -- Signal network
~'Till be comj;Jleted by 20 June o - - ' Reinforcements
fer Signal Troops in .d,Cpe G and Army Hq 7 in
preparatlon.~- Railroad negotations with Italy
now completed.
Yugoslavia; Foreign Office (i~eizs9.eC'1{er) eXpects
military action by Italy against Yugoslavia.
"Essential ll mea::3Ure of Navy to safeguard the
Adriat:i.c Sea.
von Greiffenberg~ 10 May. 0535.###
Kei tel Pers. Di v.: Cochenhausen (Nuernberg) disap:::>roved
for SOldan's post; ~rfurth is to do it.

.... 196 ­
~oose sheet inside Vol. III~

Geheioe KommnndosRche
Linison Officers.

Fourth Arf'J.Y Lt. Col. G 0 t h.

I Sixth Army Mnjor F i n k h.
T1:1e1 th Army Col. R 0 e h r i c h t.
Sixteenth Arey Mnjor G e h 1 e n.
Eighteenth Arw.y- Major vQn K R. h 1 d e n.
Group Kleist Lt. Col. von G y 1 d e n f e 1 d t.

- 197 ...

~otes on 1940 inserted ~t end of vol.IIIJ*

Geheime Komoe-ndosaehe



24.) Tng, Sec • . .

25. )
26. ) Godl. esberl.t! /

Armor ( 27.
( 280) Personnel units for Eight Drr'.ft. Stnrt 0 f re­
29. )
30. )
31. )
50 .;md 60.

Org. Sec.,
organi.ze-tion of Lr'.nd'Mehr.

Tr~nsp. Sec.
F e,~ I' u ~ r y •

1. Or:. Sec. Tr~Dsp_ Sec. ReplneeDe~t fo~ Pel's.

2. Ul i'~ [1.:,"~"i '7e s •
3. Pl.s tli70 Divs.
7. Hnp mnneuver nt AGp. A.
( Conclusion of re~roupin~? .
( Det~ched personnel units repleni 9 hed.
15. ( LMo.'.'ehr MG Bn. reorganized.
( Sixth Div. Sixth Drnft ne~ivr'too..

20. Comrrw.. nd sot-up Upper' Rhine oper"'..tion~. l.

25. K.L. :coorcsn.nized.L liK.L. tl luniclel:J~ifie~
( Complc;tion of Artiller~,r prO[;j,'"TLl.
29. ( 28 5 em Brys.
( 21 8.8 em AAA .otrys.( Czech) st:'.tie ) Guns only.
( Personnel, trucks not yet ~11ocnted.·

. .
( Se;venth Drnft Hv. ** Dot .Di v. ref1.c'.y for operp.t­
1. ( io n. 1:10 t. Ip.. tel'.
( 163r~; 170th 198th (Seventh Dr~ft)
( 831"'0. (Czech)t (Sixth Dr~ft) #
( XXXX. ##

10. COffiQi tment of stRtie units on ~~le TJp~)er Rhine,

:;'.clicf Divs.
( 161s t, 167th~ 168th, .181st (Seventh D., '.ft )###
15. ( 81st, 88th (Sixth Dre-ft) ''*/1
( XXXVIII, XXXXI Corps. 4 Fortress Divs.*#d

- 198 ­
20. 168th, 183rd, 196th, 197th (Seventh Draft).*
31. ~ 82nd (Strangles!) (Sixth Braft.)*~

rXXXIX; XXXXII Gorps.***

Apr 1 1.

.# .l.J.J.J.
~. . 4.:J.#

15. ( 10 Divs. Eighth ~raft. (290th - 99th).*#

( 6 Divs. liIiddle of April..-*,r#

30. (ca.) Eighth Draft ready for operation.

LNo entries after 30 April 194Q/

- 199 ­


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