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Who was known to be the first martyr of Karbala.?

A. Sakinah bint Hussain

B. The tribe of Bani Asad
C. Hurr ibn Yazid
D. None
Act of adultery in Islam is punishable with lashes according to shariah?
A. 60
B. 75
C. 80
D. 100
The meaning of Muharram is?
A. Dry Land
B. To Respect
C. Forbidden
D. To pray
______________ applied the dots in the Holy Quran?
A. Hujaj Bin Yousuf
B. Hazrat Umar
C. Hazrat Usman
D. Abdul Malik Marwan
Zaboor is revealed in ___________ language?
A. Hebrew
B. Siriac
C. Arabic
D. Farsi
First Muslim interpreter of Quran in English is _____________?
A. Abdul Kalam Azad
B. Anwar Saddat
C. Shah Waliullah
D. Abdul Hakeem
____________ Translated Holy Quraan in Punjabi?
A. Shah Waliullah
B. Bahauddin Zakkaria
C. Moen uddin Chishti
D. Hafiz Lakhvi
____________ first translated the Holy Quran in to Sindhi?
A. Aakhund Azzizullah
B. Abdullah Shah Ghazi
C. Bulley Shah
D. Bahauddin Zakkaria
How many angels are mentioned in The Holy Quran?
A. Four
B. Five
C. Six
D. Seven
Surah Muzammil means ____________?
A. Cover
B. Wrapped in Garments
C. In The Sky
D. Iron

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