ASSIGNMENT ON: Correlation: Submitted By: Submitted To: Subject: Class: Session: Date

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ASSIGNMENT ON: Correlation

Submitted by: M Talha Tanveer

Submitted to: Dr. Hina
Subject: Analysis Techniqes
Class: MBA Executive (MB-9191)
Session: 2019-21
Date: 01-04-2021
Assignment # 1:

Q# 1: Interpret the following table

Construct Mean SD CuO CO IO EO NPP

s s
CuO 1.393 .418 1
CO 1.270 .339 .423 ̽ 1
IO 1.471 .378 .202 ̽ .358 ̽ ̽ 1
EO 1.418 .416 .175 ̽ ̽ .275 ̽ ̽ .519 ̽ ̽ 1
NPP 1.726 .509 .327 ̽ ̽ .417 ̽ ̽ .575 ̽ ̽ .511 ̽ 1
Where as

CuO= customer orientation

CO= competitor orientation

IO= Innovative orientation

EO=entrepreneurship orientation

NPP=new product performance

Q # 2: Interpret the descriptive table below:


Statistic Std. Error

TOTAL TIME SPENT Mean 10.731 1.5918
ON THE INTERNET 95% Confidence Lower Bound 7.570
Interval for Mean Upper Bound

5% Trimmed Mean 8.295

Median 5.500
Variance 235.655
Std. Deviation 15.3511
Minimum .2
Maximum 102.0
Range 101.8
Interquartile Range 10.200
Skewness 3.532 .250
Kurtosis 15.614 .495

1. Customer Orientation has medium correlation with Competitor orientation .423 ̽
Customer Orientation has Small correlation with Innovative orientation .202 ̽
Customer Orientation has Small correlation with Entrepreneurship orientation .175 ̽ ̽
Customer Orientation has Medium correlation with New product performance .327 ̽ ̽

2. Competitor orientation has medium correlation with Innovative orientation .358 ̽ ̽

Competitor orientation has Small correlation with Entrepreneurship orientation .275 ̽ ̽
Competitor orientation has medium correlation with New product performance .417 ̽ ̽

3. Innovative orientation has Large correlation with Entrepreneurship orientation .519 ̽ ̽

Innovative orientation has Large correlation with New product performance .575 ̽ ̽

4. Entrepreneurship orientation has Large correlation with New product performance .511

The skewness and kurtosis for the variable both exceed the rule of thumb criteria of 1.0. The
variable is not normally distributed.

The mean for internet time is 10.731 that is the average of all the values.

This also tells us about minimum and maximum value of internet used.

The inter quartile range tell the internet hours between upper quartile and lower quartiles of
data that is 75% - 25% of data.

The variance tells about the difference in values and standard deviation gives the difference
between mean value of the data.

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