My Family Fast Test #4: Full Name: - Date: - / - / - Cicle

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Idioma Aplicativo I Idioma Aplicativo I

My Family FAST TEST N° 4

Dear Yoko Full name: _____________________________________Date:__/__/__ Cicle:___
Let me tell you about my family. I live with my mum, my dad and my big sister. We live in I. Read the text and answers you ask them correctly .
California. My mum’s name is Carmen. She’s Mexican and she speaks English and Spanish.
She’s a Spanish teacher. She’s short and slim, she’s got long, brown hair and brown eyes. My My dad’s name is Ramon. He’s 42 years old, but he looks younger. People think he is 30 or 32
dad’s name is David. He’s American. He’s tall and a little fat! He’s got short brown hair and years old.  He is a carpenter and he has his own company.
blue eyes. He works in a bank. My sister Shania is 14 and she loves listening to music. She My mom is so beautiful. Her name is Andrea. She is 37 years old. She was born in Buenos
listens to music all the time! She’s got long brown hair and green eyes, like me. I’ve got long Aires. She moved to Córdoba when she was 25 years. She is a lawyer. Actually, she is one of
hair too. We’ve got a pet dog, Brandy. He’s black and white and very friendly. the best lawyers in Córdoba.
Dani is my little sister. Her name is Daniela, but everybody calls her Dani. She is 7 years old.
She is funny and friendly. I love her, and I help her a lot with her homework. In school she is
good at English and biology. I’m so proud of her.
I love my family and they love me too. On weekends we usually go to interesting places like
parks, museums, swimming pools. We have fun all the time. Please Sharon tell me about your
II. Mark with one X the right answer

1.How many people live in Martin’s house? 5. Probably Dani is

 two  55 years old
 four  From Russia
 six younger than Martin
2. How old is Martin’s dad? 6. Where¨s born Andrea?
 forty-two  Argentina
 thirty  Buenos Aires
 thirty-two  Cordova
3. Was Martin’s mom born in Córdoba? 6. Who´s funny and friendly ?
 True  Andrea
 False  Dad
 Not mentioned  Dani
4. Sharon will probably
 send Martin some money
 buy a house in Córdoba, Argentina
 write about her family in the next email

Teacher: Olga L. Sánchez Quispe

Idioma Aplicativo I Idioma Aplicativo I

EJERCICIOS   younger than Martin

My dad’s name is Ramon. He’s 42 years old, but he looks younger. People think he is +Sharon will probably
30 or 32 years old.  He is a carpenter and he has his own company. +Sharon probablemente va a
My mom is so beautiful. Her name is Andrea. She is 37 years old. She was born in   write about her family in the next email
Buenos Aires. She moved to Córdoba when she was 25 years. She is a lawyer.
Actually, she is one of the best lawyers in Córdoba.   send Martin some money
Dani is my little sister. Her name is Daniela, but everybody calls her Dani. She is 7
  buy a house in Córdoba, Argentina
years old. She is funny and friendly. I love her, and I help her a lot with her
homework. In school she is good at English and biology. I’m so proud of her.
I love my family and they love me too. On weekends we usually go to interesting
places like parks, museums, swimming pools. We have fun all the time. Please Sharon
tell me about your family.

Hugs, Querida Sharon,

1. +How many people live in Martin’s house? En tu correo electrónico anterior me preguntaste acerca de mi
+¿Cuántas personas viven en la casa de Martin? familia. Entonces, te lo contaré. Vivo en Córdoba, Argentina, con
o  two mi padre, mi hermana y mi madre. Mi padre se llama Ramón.
o  four Tiene 42 años, pero parece más joven. La gente piensa que
o  six tiene 30 o 32 años. Él es carpintero y tiene su propia
+How old is Martin’s dad?
+¿Cuántos años tiene el padre de Martin? compañía.

  forty-two
  thirty Mi madre es muy hermosa. Su nombre es Andrea. Ella tiene

  thirty-two 37 años. Nació en Buenos Aires. Se mudó a Córdoba cuando

+Was Martin’s mom born in Córdoba? tenía 25 años. Es abogada. En realidad, ella es una de las
+¿La madre de Martin nación en Córdoba?
mejores abogadas en Córdoba.
  True
  False
Dani es mi hermana pequeña. Su nombre es Daniela, pero
  Not mentioned
+Probably Dani is todos la llaman Dani. Ella tiene 7 años. Es divertida y
+Probablemente Dani es amigable. La amo y la ayudo mucho con su tarea. En la
  55 years old escuela ella es buena en inglés y biología. Estoy muy
  From Russia orgulloso de ella.

Teacher: Olga L. Sánchez Quispe

Idioma Aplicativo I Idioma Aplicativo I

Amo a mi familia y ellos también me aman. Los fines de Tall         Alto/a Short
semana solemos ir a lugares interesantes como parques, Tanned Bronceado/a Pale
museos, piscinas. Nos divertimos todo el tiempo. Por favor, Well-built Fornido Skinny
Sharon cuéntame sobre tu familia. Well-dressed / Smart  Bien vestido/a Inelegant

1.1. Colores de pelo 
Martín. Adjetivo Traducción
Blonde  Rubio/a
Descripción física Brunette  Moreno/a
Rasgos básicos de una persona. Chestnut-colored Castaño/a
Ginger  Pelirrojo/a
Adjetivo Traducción Antónimo Grey-haired  Canoso/a
Attractive  Atractivo/a Unattractive Jet black Azabache
Bald Calvo/a Hairy Redhead Pelirroja
Beautiful Bello/a Ugly Highlights Mechas
Bearded Barbudo/a Shaved Dyed hair Pelo teñido
Fat  Gordo/a Thin 
Good- looking  Atractivo/a Hideous
2. Personalidad: emociones y sentimientos
Handsome  Guapo Homely
Long hair  De pelo largo Short hair  2.1. Estados de ánimo 
Medium height  Estatura media -
Cualidades o defectos que caracterizan a una persona. En la siguiente
Middle-aged  De mediana edad Teenager tabla, recogemos los adjetivos más usados para expresar la forma de
ser de una persona. 
Moustachioed Bigotudo/a Shaven
Old Viejo/a Young  Adjetivo Traducción Antónimo
Pretty  Guapa Frightful Absent-minded Despistado/a Mindful
Slim  Delgado/a Overweight Adventurous Aventurero/a Cautious
Straight hair  Pelo liso Curly hair / Wavy hair  Arrogant Arrogante Meek

Teacher: Olga L. Sánchez Quispe

Idioma Aplicativo I Idioma Aplicativo I

Bad-tempered Mal genio Good-humoured Rude Mal educado/grosero Respectful

Brave Valiente Cowardly Selfish Egoísta Selfless
Cheerful Alegre Blue Sensible Sensato/a, prudente Mad
Cheeky Impertinente/descarado Courteous Sensitive  Sensible Insensitive
Classy Con clase Crude Serious Serio/a Playful
Clever Inteligente Stupid Shy Tímido/a Bold
Conceited Vanidoso/a Humble Sophisticated Sofisticado Simple
Confident Seguro/a   Unsure Talented Talentoso/a Clumsy
Crazy Loco/a Reasonable Unscrupulous Sin escrúpulos Scrupulous
Easy-going Despreocupado/a Stressed Witty Ingenioso/a Humorless
Friendly Amigable Unfriendly
Funny Divertido/a Boring 2.2. Adjetivos de personalidad 
Generous Generoso/a Miserly Estar triste, feliz, preocupado o muy contento, son estados de
ánimo y sentimientos que nos gusta comunicar a las personas. 
Hard- working Trabajador/a Idle
Happy Feliz Sad  Adjetivo Traducción Antónimo
Honest Honesto/a Dishonest Angry Enfadado/a Quiet
Impulsive Impulsivo/a Wise Annoyed Molesto/a Comfortable
Intelligent Inteligente Fool Bad  Malo/a Good
Kind Amable Harsh Bored Aburrido/a Interested
Lazy Vago/a Active Delighted Muy contento/a Aggrieved
Mean Desagradable Simpatico Depressed Deprimido/a Happy 
Modest Modesto Immodest Disgusted Disgustado/a Enchanted
Moody Mal humorado Decent Dissapointed Decepcionado/a Contented
Obedient Obediente Disobedient Enthusiastic Entusiasmado/a Apathetic
Outgoing Extrovertido/a Introverted Excited Impaciente/excitado Calm
Patient Paciente     Impatient Exhausted / Weary Muy cansado/a Energetic
Polite Educado Impolite Fed up Harto/a Pleased

Teacher: Olga L. Sánchez Quispe

Idioma Aplicativo I Idioma Aplicativo I

Fascinated Fascinado/a Uninterested

Furious Furioso/a Paceful
Glad Contento/a Upset
Grateful Agradecido/a Ungrateful
Interested Interesado/a Disinterested
Miserable Miserable/muy triste Joyful
Pleased Satisfecho/a Displeased
Sad Triste Cheerful
Stressed Estresado/a Unstressed
Surprised Sorprendido/a Unsurprised
Tired Cansado/a Fresh
Worried Preocupado/a Relaxed

Teacher: Olga L. Sánchez Quispe

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