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I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others.
1. A. comb B. home C. stone D. gone
2. A. houses B. horses C. promises D. practises
3. A. practised B. used C. passed D. stopped
4. A. invention B. eruption C. suggestion D. motivation
5. A. fantastic B. dangerous C. mango D. landscape

II. Choose the word whose main stressed syllable is placed differently from that of the others.

1. A. advertise B. difficulty C. history D. introduce

2. A. piano B. policeman C. souvenir D. museum
3. A. similar B. Japanese C. teenager D. suitable
4. A. iron B. system C. Canadian D. prisoner
5. A. harvest B. produce C. circumstance D. ceremony

III. Choose the word/phrase that best completes each sentence

1. I wish you___stop interrupting me whenever I speak.

a. will b. would c. did d. might
2. They___haven’t replied the letter we sent two months ago.
a. still b. yet c. already d. ever
3. ___the time you get to the theatre, the play will have finished.
a. Until b. In c. By d. On
4. We could have provided him with a detached house but he___asked for a small flat.
a. decidedly b. specifically c. strongly d. solely
5. Terry is in bed. He___flu.
a. has b. is having c. has been d. will have
6. “Who___?” “___to get through to Helen.”
a. do you phone….I’m trying b. are you phoning….I am trying
c. are you phoning….I try d. do you phone….I try
7. When I saw the vase in the shop window, I knew it was exactly what I___.
a. looked for b. look for c. had been looking for d. have looked for
8. “While we’re in Leeds shall we go and see Mark?”
“But it’s been nearly 20 years since we last saw him. He___remember us.”
a. can’t b. couldn’t c. may not d. shouldn’t
9. Nowadays it___cost a fortune to own a powerful computer.
a. hasn’t to b. needs not c. doesn’t have to d. mustn’t
10. The building___the earthquake but then___by a fire.
a. was survived….destroyed b. survived….was destroyed
c. survived….destroyed d. was survived….was destroyed
11. When I asked what was wrong, ___.
a. I was explained the problem b. he explained me the problem
c. the problem was explained to me d. All are correct
12. You don’t object___late tonight, do you?
a. to working b. to work c. work d. working
13. He asked where he___put the box.
a. shall b. ought to c. will d. should have
14. The government has introduced___.
a. a children’s clothes tax b. a tax on children clothes
c. a children clothes tax d. a tax on children’s clothes
15. ___the furniture___arrived yet.
a. None….has b. None….have c. None of….has d. None of….have
16. Following the flood, ___in the area___major repair work.
a. each of building….need b. every building….needs
c. every building….need d. each buildings….need
17. ___to Athens during the vacation.
a. All they are going b. They are all going
c. They all are going d. They are going all
18. ___by the boy’s behaviour, she complained to the head teacher.
a. She annoyed b. Annoyed c. She was annoyed d. Annoying
19. The scheme allows students from many countries to communicate___.
a. each other b. with each other c. themselves d. one another
20. He is a___. a. capable of taking difficult decisions manager.
b. manager capable of taking difficult decisions.
c. capable manager of taking difficult decisions.
d. manager capable to take difficult decisions.
21. Sharks are single-minded, and will usually ignore rescuers.
a. are selfish b. are cruel
c. concentrate on only one purpose/aim… d. attack suddenly
22. I have vague recollection from my childhood of that haunted castle.
a. souvenir b. memory c. experience d. opinion
23. There’s a shuttle bus to the nearby airport hotel.
a. bus with air-conditioners b. bus that travels regularly between two places
c. bus that travels overnight d. bus which looks like a shuttle
24. I was on my own a lot when I grew up in London.
a. free b. alone c. sick d. uncommitted
25.Young people should always think twice before having anything as permanent as a tattoo.
a think two times b. change their mind c. think carefully d. meditate
26. Keep ______________ on oil or fat on the cooker.
a. close eye b. your eye close c. a closed eye d. a close eye
27. The doctor insisted that his patient ______________ .
a. that he not work too hard for 3 months. b. take it easy for 3 months.
c. take it easy inside of 3 months. d. to take some vacations for 3 months.
28. Attitudes ______________ between two extremes.
a. vary greatly to animals b. greatly vary animals
c. to animals vary greatly d. greatly to animals vary
29. Most eggs are produced by battery hens ______________.
a. kept in similar conditions b. to preserve in similar conditions
c. to keep in similar conditions d. to have kept in similar conditions
30. They closed the area ______________ .
a. to public b. to the public c. to the public people d. against the public


1. His lawyer speaks more _persuasively__ than yours. PERSUADE

2. You are only one of many __applicants__ for that job. APPLY
3. We are concerned about the __conservation__ of natural resources. CONSERVE
4. For many Vietnamese _____household__ lighting accounts for 10 HOUSE
percent of the electric bill.
5. Using energy- saving appliances is very ___profitable_. PROFIT
6. I don’t want my money back, I want a ___replacement__. REPLACE
7. The weather in Britain is _unpredictable___. We don’t whether it’s PREDICT
sunny or rainy after five minutes.
8. Passover of Jewish people celebrates freedom from ___slavery_ . SLAVE
9. Can you give me a brief __description___of what that job involve? DESCRIBE
10. The ____enviromental__ damage around this area is caused by chemical ENVIRONMENT
V. Identify the one underlined word or phrase that must be changed in order for the sentence to be
correct. Then correct them. (10 m)

1. Education (A) trains (B) a student to see things as it is (C) to disentangle a skein (D) of thought.
2. People often (A) seem anger (B) when they (C) don’t get enough rest (D).-> angry
3. Caffeine (A) in coffee is relative (B) harmless if people drink (C) it moderately (D).-> relatively
4. The (A) carpenters tried to join together (B) the pieces of the (C) broken beam, but found it impossible
(D) to do.-> join
5. The (A) lion has long (B) been a (C) symbol of strength, power and it is very cruel (D)-> cruelness
6. When I last (A) saw Janet, she hurried (B) to her next class on the other (C) side of the campus and
did not have (D) time to talk.->was hurrying
7. Patrick was very late getting home(A) last night, and unfortunately for him (B), the dog (C) barking
woke everyone up (D).-> bỏ
8. The (A) geology professor showed us (B) a sample about (C) volcanic rock which dated back (D) seven
hundred years.-> back to

V. Read the text below and decide which answer A, B, C or D best fits each space. (15 m)
Readthepassageandchoose the best answer.
Carbon dating can be used to estimate the age of any organic natural material; it has been used
successfully in archeology to determine the age of ancient artifacts or fossils as well as in a variety of other
fields, the principle underlying the use of carbon dating is that carbon is a part of all living things on Earth.
Since a radioactive substance such as carbon-14 has a known half-life, the amount of carbon-14 remaining
in an object can be used to date that object.
Carbon-14 has a half-life of 5.570 years, which means that after that number of years half of the
carbon-I 4 atoms have decayed into nitrogen - l4. It is the ratio of carbon - 14 to nitrogen - 14 in that
substance that indicates the age of the substance. If, for example, in a particular sample the, amount of
carbon-14 is roughly equivalent to the amount of nitrogen-14, this indicates that around half of the carbon-
14 has decayed into nitrogen-14, and the sample is approximately 5.570 years old.
Carbon dating cannot be used effectively in dating objects that are older than80.000 years. When objects are
that old, much of the carbon-14 has already decayed into nitrogen-l 4, and the minuscule amount that is left
does not provide a reliable measurement of age. In the case of older objects, other age-dating methods are
available, methods which use radioactive atoms with longer half-lives than carbon has.

1. This passage is mainly about ......................

A. the differences between catbon-14 and nitrogen-14 B. one method of dating old objects
C. archeology and the study of ancient artifacts. D. various uses for carbon
2. The word "estimate" in line 1 is closest in meaning to ..................
A. understand B. hide C. rate D. approximate
3. The pronoun "it" in line 1 refers to '
A. carbon dating B. the age C. any organic natural material D. archeology
4. Which of the following is NOT true about carbon-14?
A. It is radioactive. B. Its half-life is more than 5,000 years.
C. It can decay into nitrogen-I 4. D. It and nitrogen always exist in equal amounts in any
5. The word "underlying" in line 3 could best be replaced by....................
A. below B. requiring C. being studied through D. serving as a basis for
6. It can be inferred from the passage that if an item contains more carbon-14 than nitrogen-14, then the item
is .........
A. too old to be age-dated with carbon-I 4 B. not as much as 5,570 years old
C. too radioactive to be used by archeologists D. more than 5,570 years old
7. The word "roughly" in line 1 0 could best be replaced by .
A. harshly B. precisely C. coarsely D. approximately
8. The expression "is left" in line 16 could best be replaced by _
A. remains B. has turned C. changes D. is gone
9. It is implied in the passage that .
A. carbon dating could. not be used on an item containing nitrogen
B. fossils cannot be age-dated using carbon-14
C. carbon-14 does not have the longest known half-life
D. carbon dating has no known uses outside of archeology
10. The paragraphfollowing the passage most probably discusses ..................
A. how carbon-14 decays into nitrogen-14 B. various other age-dating methods
C. why carbon-14 has such a long half life D. what substances ,are part of all living things

Complete each sentence in such a way that it is similar in meaning to the sentence(s) before it

1.“It certainly wasn’t me who took your car!” said Bob.

 Bob denied…having taken the car……………………
2.The fox was unsuccessful in reaching the grapes.
 The fox tried in vain reaching the grapes………….
3.The authorities will prosecute anyone they find trespassing on this land.
 Anyone found trespassing on this land will be prosecuted by the authorities…
4.Betty is very happy to look after handicapped people.
 Betty is devoted in looking after handicapped people…
5. There wasn't any butter. We used margarine instead.
 Instead of using butter , we used margarine………
6. You can only get dishes and bowls with this design in Poland.
 Only in poland can you get dishes and bowls with this design
7. We didn't discover the mistake until much later.
 Not until much later did we discover the mistake……..
8. Flooding causes most of the damage in spring.
 It's in spring when flooding causes most of the damage……………………..…

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