14. HI8 PRO WIN10刷机教程

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驰为 HI8 PRO 刷 Win10 系统教程

• 刷机前注意事项 • 必须保证 50%以上的电量 

Notice: The battery level should be more than 50% before flashing’

刷机工具: 8GU 盘,type-c USB-OTG 线 HUB(3 个接口以上) USB 接口键盘如图下 所示

Prepared tools: 8GB USB flash disk, Type C USB-OTG Cable and HUB(over 3
interfaces) the USB keyboard are as follows:

U 盘+OTG 线+ 分 线 器 +USB 键盘

• 平板处于关机状态,保证至少 50%的电量 
• 将盘 U 盘格式化为 FaT32 格式,重命名为 WINPE
Please reformat the USB flash disk into the format of FaT32 and rename it as WINPE
• 镜像文件解压前建议先关闭杀毒软件在解压, 防止删除文件里面的应用。
It’d better close the antivirus software before unzipping the image files to avoid that
the applications in files are deleted.

• 将解压后的 镜像文件 复制到 U 盘根 目录,(U 盘格式 FAT32,命名 WINPE) 
Please copy the image file that is unzipped to the root directory of the USB flash disk.

• 平板连接 Hub 线, Hub 上插入键盘、 插入 U 盘; 如图

The Tablet connects Hub cable and plug the USB flash disk and keyboard in the Hub
as the picture shows:

• 平板在关机状态下 按开机键,同时连续点击 键盘的 F7 键,进入 刷机模式 如

When the tablet is at boot time, please click "F7" continuously into the boot mode as
the picture follows:
Press choose the first item.
• 按 键盘 Enter 键开始烧录, 烧录完成后机子会自动 关机:如图
Press “Enter” button to program. When the programming is finished, the tablet will
shut off automatically

刷到 100%后机器会自动关机
The tablet will turn off automatically when it is finished.
• 整过烧录过程大约在 5 分钟到 10 分钟,具体的 时间看你的 USB 接口速 度,我这个是 USB3.0, 烧录
用了 5 分钟
The programming will last about 5 to 10 minutes; the precise time is dependent of
Hub and U disk. The introduction is on basis of using the U disk 3.0. High-speed
programming lasts about 5 minutes

问请直接拨打售后技术客服 电话:400-829-6288,
技术客服 QQ:1169603936,感谢您购买驰为平板,售

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