The Money Power Theory

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The Money Power

“The Money Power controls most of our media and most of our politicians,”
asserts Mary T. Ficabra, the author of a thought-provoking book, Choosing
Honor. “We need to pay attention to the voices that are not championed by the
mainstream media.”

Mary believes that the formation of the Federal Reserve has corrupted our
country and puts us on a path of bankruptcy. “Control of wealth in our nation
was consolidated into the hands of a select consortium of bankers in 1913 with
the creation of the Federal Reserve,” she writes.

“In one year, the Federal Reserve banks gained full power to control the United
States’ money, politicians, and economic development. The Republic of the
United States was effectively overthrown in a bloodless coup accomplished via
the manipulation of public prejudices in 1913.

“We should not be operating under a centralized debt-based monetary system.

This system defiles a constitutional mandate. The creation and investment of our
money supply is supposed to be in our hands. Our communities, not the federal
government, have the power of money creation.”

Mary makes the following claims:

• How the money we create work and how the honor behind it backs its
value. All of this has a direct impact on our state of our existence, both
materially and spiritually.
• A healthy economy, one that is aligned with the Absolutes, depends on a
stable and honest money supply.
• An honest money supply used to mean the absence of usury, and before
that, it meant that every dollar correlated to actual gold bullion in a vault.
But we now have an unstable money supply, an “elastic” money supply
where the printing of money is subject to the actions of politicians and
• Depressions and recessions are deliberate. They result from conscious
actions taken by the Federal Reserve chairman and his board and their
equals on the boards of central banks around the world.

Mary concludes that we have the power to force change. She says: “We the
People, our faith, our belief and our support should dictate the working of our
money away from the Federal Reserve. Listen to the politicians who speak out
against corporate control of our senators. Educate yourself, and you will know
that the Federal Reserve is not your friend. Write to your senators and
congressmen and demand the dismantling of the debt-based monetary system that
is the Federal Reserve.”

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