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Bleeding from Meckel’s diverticulum is caused by:

a. ulceration

2. Blood color in case of bleeding from Meckel’s diverticulum is:

a. massive dark red (maroon)

3. In case of abdominal blunt trauma, immediate peritonitis is caused by:

a. intestinal perforation

4. Most reliable instrumental investigations, that gives full information in case of abdominal internal traumatic
bleeding is:
a. fibrogastroscopy

5. Surgical management in case of appendicular infiltrate with abscess is:

a. conservative treatment

6. What kind of management must be done during examination of child under 3 year, in case of suspicion of acute
a. total blood count should be done

7. During acute appendicitis blood changes include:

a. leukocytosis shift to left

8. Blumberg’s symptom is positive in case of:

a. peritonitis

9. The function of omphalomesenteric duct during embryogenesis is:

a. takes part in development of gastroduodenal tract

10. Major symptoms in diagnosis of acute appendicitis is:

a. abdominal pain

11. Surgical management in case of appendicle infiltrate with abscess is:

a. abscess opening, appendectomy

12. What is the most common age of acute appendicitis in children?

a. 6-14 years
b. 12-18 years

13. What is the cause of rare cases of acute appendicitis in neonates?

a. underdeveloped Hierlach’s valve

14. What specific signs are seen in newborns and neonates in case of peritonitis?
a. abdominal muscle distention

15. What is the cause of anterior abdominal wall and sex organ swelling in neonates?
a. Hirschsprung disease
16. Generally neonatal peritonitis is caused by:
a. Necrotize enterocolitis (NEC)

17. Absence of defecation in neonates can be caused by:

a. Hirschsprung disease

18. The most effective surgical treatment of Pyloric stenosis nowadays is with:
a. Ramstedt

19. Meconium obstruction is caused by dysfunction of:

a. small intestine

20. What type of diaphragmatic hernia is common in children?

a. congenital

21. What is the most common symptom in case of small intestinal and anal atresia?
a. absence of defecation

22. What type of radiologic imaging is used in case of small intestinal and anal atresia?
a. X-Ray with Vangenstein’s method

23. What is the management of noninflammable appendix discovery during operation?

a. Appendectomy

24. Contraindication for operation of Meckel’s diverticulum is:

a. diverticular bleeding

25. Patient has massive rectal bleeding, dark – red colored, no abdominal pain and vomiting. Anemia present. What
is the diagnosis?
a. Bleeding Meckel’s diverticulum

26. Meckel’s diverticulum is situated on:

a. ileum

27. The function of appendix in child’s organism is:

a. T and B lymphocyte production

28. Management of treatment in case of anal atresia is:

a. urgent operative

29. In what position must be the patient be examined in case of intestinal obstruction?
a. supine

30. 2-year old child has signs of gastrointestinal bleeding – melena. How should the examination be started?
a. gastroduodenoscopy

31. Intussusception in neonates is caused by:

a. intestinal peristaltic dysfunction
32. The most valuable diagnostic method for Hirschsprung disease is:
a. irigography with barium enema

33. In which area of gastrointestinal tract is seen ganglion deficit in case of Hirschsprung disease?
a. Colon

34. What is the main clinical sign of Hirschsprung disease?

a. chronic constipation

35. The most common symptom of reactive hydrocele is:

a. worsening general condition
b. or Scrotal reactive swelling – rather the second answer

36. The treatment of inguinal hernia incarceration is:

a. urgent operation

37. The incomplete obliteration of omphalomesenteric duct causes:

a. Meckel’s diverticulum

38. Operation of congenital inguinal hernia should be done at age of:

a. before 1 year

39. In case of possible esophageal atresia must be done:

a. contrast radiography

40. Aganglionic region is characteristic for:

a. Hirschsprung disease

41. Operative treatment is case of Hirschsprung disease is with:

a. soave operation

42. 5 year old boy came to hospital with diagnosis of chronic constipation, abdomen is slightly enlarged. Child have
problems with physical development. Intestinal loops are avelable. The possible diagnosis is:
a. Chronic form of Hirschsprung disease

43. The most important diagnostic method in case of large colon polyp is:
a. fibrocolonoscopy

44. What is the most common causing agent for duodenal ulcer?
a. Invasion of Helicobacter pylori

45. What is the most valuable diagnostic method in case of upper GI tract bleeding?
a. gastroduodenoscopy

46. Inguinal hernia is characterized with:

a. elastic extensions in inguinal area

47. What is the radical therapy in treatment of Hirschsprung disease?

a. operative treatment
48. Management of treatment in case of anal atresia?
a. urgent operative

49. The most common pathology in case of incomplete obliteration of omphalomesenteric duct is:
a. Meckel’s diverticulum

50. Management of surgery in case of discovery unchanged Meckel’s diverticulum during operation of gangrenous
appendicitis is:
a. non of above is correct (resection of diverticulum, resection of ileum with Meckels diverticulum,
resection of diverticulum during the operation should not be done)

51. What kind of obstruction can be caused by Meckel’s diverticulum?

a. Intussusception

52. The most common complication of Meckel’s diverticulum is:

a. Intestinal bleeding

53. Operative treatment for congenital hypertrophic pyloric stenosis is with:

a. Ramshtedt method

54. Neonate born 2 days ago has a bilious vomiting and two air filled levels in epigastric region. What is the
a. duodenal atresia

55. 4 week born boy, has vomiting after 2 weeks past delivery, with non-bilious mass. In the epigastric region is seen
stomach peristaltic, constipation, rare urination. Weight loss is 500gr. What is the possible diagnosis?
a. pyloric stenosis

56. A 13-year old girl visits your office with a 1-day history of abdominal pain. Which of the following findings is
most likely to be helpful in the initial evaluation?
a. location of pain

57. A lower gastrointestinal X-ray series is also called:

a. barium enema

58. Which test is used to detect melena:

a. stool occult blood study

59. Within eight hour after birth, it is noted that a baby has excessive salivation. A small, soft nasogastric tube is
inserted and the baby is taken to X-Ray to have a “babygram” done. The film shows the tube coiled in
esophagus. There is air in the gastrointestinal tract. What is it?
a. Esophageal atresia with Tracheo-esophageal fistula

60. cause of intussusception in children under 2y is:

a. Meckel’s diverticulum, polyp

61. Management of surgical treatment in case of intussusception depends on:

a. frequent vomiting
62. In case of incomplete result during conservative treatment of intestinal intussusception, is recommended:
a. laparotomy
b. operative intestinal reduction

63. The most common bacteria causing peptic and duodenal ulcer disease is:
a. Helicobacter pylori

64. The most rare surgical disease in children is:

a. malignant tumors

65. Pyloric stenosis is characterized with:

a. weight loss

66. The most common clinical symptom of Pyloric stenosis is:

a. vomiting

67. Defecation in case of pyloric stenosis is characterized with:

a. absence of defecation

68. What is the common localization of congenital diaphragmatic hernia?

a. left sided, bohdaleck

69. For diagnosis of diaphragmatic hernia is NOT used:

a. phlebography

70. Treatment of diaphragmatic hernia is:

a. operative

71. The best method for diagnosis esophageal pathology is:

a. esophagoscopy

72. Nonbilious vomiting is characteristic of:

a. pyloric stenosis

73. Two air filled levels in epigastric region on X-ray is characteristic of:
a. duodenal obstruction

74. Pyloric stenosis is characterized with:

a. nonbilious vomiting

75. On endoscoping imaging pyloric stenosis is characterized with:

a. pyloric sphincter does not open, mucous prolapse seen at the pylorus

76. Which of the following is not characteristic for pyloric stenosis:

a. bilious vomiting

77. Vomiting in case of pyloric stenosis is:

a. nonbilious
78. Peristaltic in case of pyloric stenosis is:
a. accelerated

79. The best diagnostic method for pyloric stenosis is:

a. ultrasound

80. The most common clinical symptom of Pyloric stenosis is:

a. Fountain like vomiting

81. Surgical management in case of perforated Appendicitis?

a. immediate operation

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