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Proposal Letter

To The Marketing and Broadcast Manager, Date:


Subject: To Broadcast ‘PT sPeaks’ series in Nepal.

Dear Sir/Madam:

This Proposal is for broadcasting “PT sPeaks” episodes on your channel. These episodes are a
series of discourses given by leading Vedic scholar Prashant Trivedi (PT) who explains the real
Vedic way of living on a practical and scientific manner. These episodes are already aired on
NTV and also on Indian channels- Hathway Channel 125 in Mumbai, Shraddha (an all-India
Vedic channel) and Sadhana News Plus channel.

Now PT wants to reach to more amount of youths in Nepal for which he thinks a private channel
is the best.

There are 15 episodes and each of them explains different important spiritual topics. I am writing
in gist about what each of these episodes contains:

Episode 1: LotusOcean Life

This is the introductory video where PT talks about the importance of leading a life in connection
with the nature. He explains about intent and manifestation and how nature responds to a true
intent. He explains what the Vedic life used to be and how with connection with nature, we can
lead life on a LotusOcean way- the Vedic way.

Episode 2: Kachra, Pollution

Here PT explains about the 5 elements ( pancha mahabhut- air, fire, water, earth and space) and
how each of these elements are getting polluted in the current world. He explains how pollution
is the root cause for many problems on the current world and he not only talks about the problem
but also its suitable solutions on a practical and scientific way.

Episode 3: Food, Clothes and Shelter Part 1

Here PT talks about not only the right kind of foods but how the right kind of foods can be
produced through organic agriculture. He explains about how to balance foods we take as per the
environment we are in. He gives suitable and practical solutions as alternatives to the wrong food

patterns people have. He gives how easily available spices can be used as herbs and he explains
how the clothes we use should merge with the environment.

Episode 4: Food, Clothes and Shelter Part 2

Here PT further explains about the right cosmetics we should use and the importance of body’s
interaction with the 5 elements and how that can be done with the right kind of foods, clothes
and shelter. He describes about the Vedic divine architecture and explains how he has used it on
his own Kuti (adobe) which is made from locally available natural material and is a natural,
sustainable living space.

Episode 5: Gurus, Leaders and Healers

Here PT explains that a real leader of the society should know about the pure principles of life.
He explains about what the word Guru really means and how to identify the right Guru. He also
explains how to take care of ourselves without healers and explains that all the Gurus, Leaders,
Social workers and healers should have connection with nature and understand life principles to
make a real contribution.

Episode 6: Bhoodevi and Cow

PT speaks about interrelation between mother earth ( Bhoodevi) and mother cow. He explains
the scientific reason behind why cows are important for an intelligent and spiritual civilization
and practical utility of mother Cow and its spiritual significance through Vedic texts.

Episode 7: Crop circles

Here PT talks about the phenomenon of Crop Formation or Crop Circle. He speaks about his
theory about Crop Circle and how this phenomenon is related to him and his music and
activities. He explains about the spiritual significance of Crop circles and why this topic needs to
spread more in the world to the people.

Episode 8: Afterlife

Here PT speaks about the scientific and practical facts about death and afterlife. He explains how
facing the realities of death lead to the right life and right lifestyle. He talks about what
mythologies are and how the existence is based on vibration and how the material world is a
projection of spiritual world.

Episode 9: DNA and Kundalini

Here PT talks about scientific facts about DNA and how DNA’s formations differ with spiritual
evolution. He explains the science behind Kundalini and the right attitude, behavior and
psychology required for raising up the inner power through Kundalini.
Episode 10: Otherworld

Here PT talks about the scientific concept and meaning of heaven and hell and other planes of
existence. He explains how the five elements are seen as Devatas ( agni dev, vayu dev etc). He
explains the electromagnetic fields and how electromagnetic fields are different on different

Episode 11: Elementals

Here PT talks in more details about the 5 elements and compares the Vedic spiritual viewpoint
with the modern scientific viewpoint to see these elements and how they are interestingly
interconnected. There are clips of how PT’s presence effects the 5 elements and how PT plays
with these 5 elements.

Episode 12: Parents, marriage

Here PT exposes about wrong thinking pattern about parents, marriage, sex and children. He
explains how arranged marriage is wrong and that Swayambar bibah, Gandarva bibah and other
kinds of marriages on Vedic time but not arranged marriage. He also explains scientifically about
sex and why and how sex should not only limit to procreation but also recreation and evolution.

Episode 13: Media

Here PT exposes wrong patterns on Hollywood and Bollywood and also on the Indian Media. He
explains that Media should be run with intelligence and knowledge for intelligence and
knowledge to be spread out to the world. He also explains about his YouTube Channel-
LotusOcean and his blog called ‘P-log’ which can be found on

Episode 14: Youth, Bliss and Rock & Roll

Here PT touches the other important aspects of youth like real meaning of love and more
scientific explanation of how to uplift sexual and life energy for spiritual development. He
explains the meaning of music and how his music and his sounds with his electric guitar is
different. He explains the real meaning of health and how gym, jogging and cycling can actually
be harmful to health. He explains the right way to use technological gadgets. He also touches the
topic of suicide and at last explains about the fact that spirituality is not old people but young
people’s thing.

Episode 15: Thoroughness

Here PT talks about the three aspects of nature- creation, maintenance and destruction and the
three aspects Sat, Rajo and Tamo gunas. He explains that destruction is feared but it is the part of
nature. He also explains that his music can sound fearful and distorted to people but that is
deliberate and that everything that has power seems fearful. He also talks about how spirituality
is fun and upbeat and also touches the topic of travel.

Furthermore, all these episodes are shot with natural sounds and light and beautiful natural
backgrounds can be seen when PT is talking. In between the talks, there are clips of his popular
sounds and music videos which sync with the topic of what is being talked.

In overall the ‘PT sPeaks’ series is a series of unique, meaningful, practical and scientific
discourses given by the leading Vedic scholar Prashant Trivedi ( PT ). These episodes will surely
help to bring about new vibrations and perspectives on young people about nature, society,
health, way of living and also about divine and spiritual upliftment.

These episodes are also subtitled in Nepali for making easy to understand to Nepali audience.
The episodes are of the standard length of 24 minutes to 28 minutes (covering introduction to
credit crawl). I am sure you will consider this proposal positively. Sample videos will be
available on request. The broadcasting time schedule and other terms are negotiable. Also, to
know more about PT, please go to the Appendix section.

Thanking you,

Madan Aryal,

PT’s disciple

Appendix 1: Who is PT?

Prashant Trivedi aka Prash Trivedi and PT. was born in Karnatak, Bharat but belongs to whole world. An
IIT graduate and published author/musician, he has travelled extensively across the earth. He lives
connected with nature. In turn, nature responds to his inner coherence. With PT one can see the ancient
timeless tales from all parts of the world coming to life in person. PT has documented his interactions
with nature in the YouTube channel "LotusOcean" ( Here he can be seen
playing music and nature responding by making rainbows, sun bows, light bows and much more. He even
makes rains, storms, lightning etc in areas which have been dry for years. He has also been connected
with the Crop Circle phenomenon for many years and more than 100 crop circle designs have come as a
response to him over the last 11 years.

It all started when an incredible ॐ crop circle design which happened after his correct pronunciation ॐ
chant ( ) on 07 July 2007. PT's main web portal is
Here one can find PTs writings, sounds, sights from his travels and much more. LotusOcean shows the
ancient Vedic way, which now, by real science, can be proven as the only sensical way for human beings
to exist and evolve.

Through LotusOcean PT gives answer to all the problems in this world. PT's Jyotish portal is PT always walks the walk first before doing any talk and leads by example. He has
made an all-natural Vedic style living environment with all-natural living structures. A lot of people all
over the world have already benefited by following his lead. His recent interviews on YouTube have
already caused a big stir. "PT sPeaks" - a television series by LotusOcean has already been broadcasted
on Nepal National TV, Hathway Channel 125 in Mumbai, Shraddha (an all-India Vedic channel) and
Sadhana News Plus channel.

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