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THA. 94721709. 88213: 86.2185 we Sx? 08-095594-CK ore 40 STATE OF ICHIGAR ceraacrrecucer armen —)- INUIITIAETIRO JUDICIAL DISTRICT ENTRY, ANDJUDGMENT 0. JUDGE LED BOWMAN JUDICIAL CIRCUIT (SUMCERTAIN) LEWIS SUSAN Vv BARKERKELLY, oa ‘SY Tan aT 1200 N.Teegraph Ron, Ponta, Michigan 48341 NOV (248) 858-1000 ee Sania nana a wa HS wy Sasan Lewis nd Mice! Kester Kelly M. Barer iS [cio Counsel v 4557 Highland Road 3 Wotetor Mibogen 8328 Prainffe atorney, bar no., addres and telephone 00, Detendante atomey, barno,, adress. aif PaulS. Miler s 375 Ponta Lake Road = ‘Waterford, Michigan 48238 a 248 682-8800 2 USE NOTE” Piainif most complete the Request and Affidavit and the Defautt Judgment before fling with the court REQUESTAND AFFIDAVIT T. [request a default entry against_Defendant KellyM.Barker_ tr failure to appear. 2. Thetlam gaint he deta partys frasum cata orfrasur,whichby conpulaloncanbemiedeceraln, andthe plait ‘requests judgment in the amount of $£4.600.00 from the defaulted party, 3. The defauited party is not an infant or incompetent person. - 4, Liltis unknown whether the defaulted party is in the military service. #2 The defaulted party is notin the military service. C1 The defauited party isin the military but there has been notice of pendency of the action and adequate time and opportunity {to appear and defend, (Arched, as appropri, fs a waver of rights and potactons provided under the Sencernembers Chil Roi! Act) Facts upon which this conclusion is based are speci: 5. Theclaim is [isnot By eae #1 intiAtomnay 2 Bar no, Subscrvedandswomtobeteremeon 21172009 land ony, Asting in Oakland __ Coury ihigan, My commission expires: 067262014 Signature, Duce O- B<—— Date Depa cout ea BRIE, TK eww Notary public, State of Michigan, County of Oakland [DEFAULT ENTRY) The default of the party named above for failure to appear is entered. UTH JOHNSON ournaao9APR 20 2008 RI ed [DEFAULTJUDGMENT | IT 1S ORDERED this judgments granted in favor of the piaintiff(s) as follows. “Atiach Bt cows salon Ut 8 exceeded Damages:$ 54,600.00 ___ Costs: $230.92 __attomey fee/Other: $___ Total udgment: $ $4,830.99 (This judgment will earn interest at statutory rates. computed from the filing date of the complaint.) Judgment interest accrued thus faris$.0.00 __and is based on: (needoa tach separate soot} ithe statutory rate of Fetiteae a IOI ithe statutory 6-1 (8) of ~____% from to UTH JOHNSD® can7r00shPR 20 RI oar cor serene Cf BRI This dgment hes been entered one wit be fal unless, witin 24 days ofthe cetault judgment ate, a motion to set aside the default i fod GERTIFIGATEOFMAILING] _ 1 certify hat on this date | served a copy of this defautt entry and judgment on the parties or their altomeys by first-class mail addressed to their last-known addresses as defined in MCR 2.107(C)(3). aa aerreeere eee ‘Snare [MCL 92.517, MCL 600.2441, MCL 600.5759, MCL 600.6013, co7s (6/09) DEFAULT REQUEST, AFFIDAVIT, ENTRY, AND JUDGMENT (SUM CERTAIN) MR 2.603(8)(2), 60 USC S21 THT .84/21788. 88:19:86. 24868 STATE OF MICHIGAN, IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF OAKLAND COUNTY SUSAN LEWIS and MICHAEL KEISTER, Plaintiffs, Case No. 08-095594-CK Hon. Leo Bowman’ KELLY M. BARKER, RUSSELL E. BARKER, GLOBAL 2 EXPORT, LLC a Michigan limited liaiblity company ffk/a REDBIRD GLOBAL INVESTMENTS, LLC, METROSWEEP, INC., a Michigan corporation and METRO LAND DEVELOPMENT, LLC, a Michigan limited liability company, C4 WORLDWIDE, INC,, a California corporation, Defendants. f , Isgrigg, Anderson & Miller Attorney for Pla 2745 Pontiac Lake Road Waterford, Michigan 48328 (248) 682-8800/(248) 682-0378 - fax MARK W. SADECKI (P57069) Sadecki & Associates, P.L.L.C. Attys. for Metro Land Development, L.L.C., MetroSweep, Inc, and Russell Barker only P.O. Box 310 Davisburg, Michigan 48350-0310 (248) 382-1300/(248) 382-0600 - fax BILL OF COSTS NOW COME Plaintiffs Susan Lewis and Michael Keister, by and between their attorneys, Schmiat, Isgrigg, Anderson & Miller and states as follows as its Bill of Costs: 1. Complaint $150.00 2. Certified Mail $ 17.99 3. Motion for Alternate Service $ 20.00 4. Motion for Second Summons $ 20.00 TIT. pa7zives. aid 5. Motion for Third Summons $ 20.00 6. Service to State of Michigan $3.00 Total costs: $230.99 Dated: April !?, 2009 Respectfully submitted, SCHMIDT, ISGRIGG, ANDERSON & MILLER iMler( Attorneys for Plaintifis 2745 Pontiac Lake Road Waterford, Michigan 48328 (248) 682-8800 PROOF OF SERVICE | certify this document was served on all parties to this action by depositing a copy in the U.S. Mail, postage prepaid, in envelopes addressed to each of the parties or attorneys of record at their last known address on April 7, 2009. Dec Oo Re — jeborah Ann Beauvais SISIAM CUIENTS\Lewis Susan & Keer, MichaelCallect PN Kelly Bakr 08-78 ND of cos wed JA 84721709, 88: 19:06. 21962 DEMAND PROMISSORY NOTE $54,600 USD Date: November 23, 2007 FOR VALUE RECEIVED, the undersigned jointly and severally promise to pay to the order of Michael Keister and/or Susan Lewis Keister, located in the Stale of Florida, USA the sum of Fifty Four Thousand Six Hundred Dollars ($54,600) on or before March 31, 2008. This note shall take effect as a sealed instrument and be enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Michigan, USA All parties to this note waive presentment, notice of non-payment, protest and notice of protest, ‘and agree to remain fully bound notwithstanding the release of any party, extension or ‘modification of terms, or discharge of any collateral for this note NOTICE TO BORROWER: THIS IS A DEMAND NOTE TO BE COLLECTED BY THE LENDER at March 31, 2008. This eloctronic signature is recognized by the borrower to be the same as an original signature and fully enforceable hates an te pies Kelly M Barker , Borrower Identification of Borrower: Kelly M. Barker, 371-56-0984, US Passport # 096328974, Birthdate: 12/20/51, US Address: MetroSweep, Inc., 4557 Highland Road, Waterford, Michigan 48328. 248 674 4458

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