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8 Jul 2020
H2 Mathematics Paper 2 (50 marks)
1 hour 30 min
Additional Material(s): List of Formulae (MF26)




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1 A social group consists of 6 men and 5 women.

(i) An executive committee consisting of 4 different appointments is to be
formed. Find the number of ways the executive committee can be formed if
it is formed with at most 1 woman. [2]

(ii) Find the number of ways of arranging the eleven people in a round table if
the 5 women are not all next to one another and with the seats numbered. [3]

2 An advertising campaign is launched to promote the consumption of Oattie cereal

amongst pre-schoolers. An advertising consultant states that the amount of sugar
content in a box of 500g is at most 80g. In order to test this assertion, a random
sample of 120 boxes were selected and their sugar content, in x grams, are
summarised as follows:
 ( x  76)  683,   x  76 
 15132.
(i) Find unbiased estimates of the population mean and variance, giving your
answers correct to 3 decimal places. [2]
(ii) Test at the 5% level of significance whether there is any sufficient evidence
to doubt the advertising consultant’s claim. [4]

[Turn Over

3 A roulette wheel is divided into five slots of equal area, marked with the numbers
as shown in the diagram below. A game consists of a player throwing two balls
into the roulette wheel when the wheel is spun so that each ball will eventually
land in one of the five slots and scores the number of points allocated to that slot.


2 4

It is possible for both balls to settle in one slot and it may be assumed that every
slot is equally likely to accept either ball, and that the outcome of each ball is
independent of other balls.

The random variable X denotes the player’s score, which is the sum of the points
scored by each ball.
(i) Show that P( X  11)  . [1]

(ii) Obtain the probability distribution of X. [2]

It costs p dollars to play each game and the player receives back an amount (in
dollars) equal to his score.
(iii) Given that p =10,
(a) find E( X ) . Hence explain whether the player should play the game. [2]

(b) Find the variance of the player’s winnings. [2]

(iv) Determine the value of p for the game to be fair. [1]

[Turn Over

4 (a) A bag contains 14 white balls and 6 red balls. Two players, A and B, take
turns to draw one ball from the bag at random.
 If a red ball is drawn, it is not replaced but another white ball is added to
the bag.
 If a white ball is drawn, it is placed back into the bag.
The player who first gets two red balls is the winner and the drawing stops
immediately. Player A draws first.
(i) Show that the probability that player A is the winner on his second draw
is .
800 [2]

(ii) Find the probability that player A is the winner, given that the winning
player wins on his second draw. [3]
(b) Another bag contains 14 white balls, 10 blue balls and 6 red balls. Alice draws
a ball one by one, and with replacement, from the bag at random. If she draws
a white ball, the game stops and she loses the game. If a red or blue ball is
drawn, she places it back into the bag and continues drawing. She wins when
she gets two red balls and the drawing stops immediately.
Find the probability of Alice winning. [3]
[It is given that 1  x   1  2 x  3x  4 x  ... ]
2 2 3

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5 In a typical 5-day work week (from Monday to Friday), Anne travels from home
to work by a taxi hailed from either Company A or Company B. The journey
times, in minutes, by taxis from the two companies have independent normal
distributions. The means and standard deviations of these distributions are shown
in the following table.
Mean (min) Standard deviation (min)
Taxi from Company A  
Taxi from Company B 26 5
It is given that for a taxi from Company A, the probability that its journey time
being less than 23 minutes is 0.15 and it is the same as the probability that its
journey time is more than 31 minutes.
(i) State the value of  and calculate the value of . [4]

Journeys are charged by the time taken. For a taxi from Company A, the cost of a
journey is $0.28 per minute and for a taxi from Company B, the cost of a journey
is $0.30 per minute.
(ii) Find the probability that the mean cost paid by Anne for 3 randomly chosen
journeys by taxis from Company A and 2 randomly chosen journeys by taxis
from Company B is less than $8. [3]

(iii) Anne decides to travel from home to work by taxis from Company B,
during the weekdays, for 3 weeks. Find the probability that there are more
than 5 journeys, with each having journey times to be at most 24 minutes. [3]

[Turn Over

6 In a local hospital, n patients undergo a non-invasive medical test daily. Due to

the accuracy of the test, each patient will only need to take the medical test once.
On average, one in 3 patients who undergo this medical test require a dose of
sedative. Let X denote the number of patients who require a sedative on any given
(i) State, in context of the question, two assumptions necessary for X to be well-
modelled by a binomial distribution. [2]

For the following parts of the question, assume that X follows a binomial
distribution with n = 20.
(ii) For a day where more than 5 patients require sedatives, find the probability
that less than 9 patients require sedatives. [3]

(iii) In a 7-day period, find the probability that the last day is the third day where
more than 5 patients will require a sedative. [2]
(iv) Find the minimum number of doses of the sedative that should be available
in the hospital at the start of any randomly chosen day so that there is at least
a 99% chance that it will not run out of sedative before the end of the day. [3]

(v) Fifty days were randomly chosen. Find the approximate probability that over
this period of fifty days, the total number of patients who require sedatives
is at most 300. [3]

End of Paper

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