Concept Analysis Template: Name: Sara Nielsen

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Concept Analysis Template

Name: Sara Nielsen

Please read the assignment guidelines and rubric, then provide answers to the following


Definition/Explanation of the selected nursing concept:

 The nursing concept selected is resilience, which is the skill of having an ability to

bounce back from adversity or obstacles in a quick manner. Basic nursing concepts are

essential to nursing theory. Resilience is beneficial and necessary when counteracting

negative effects of stress therefore enhancing a person’s well-being. The correlation

between resilience and well-being yields significantly high results in having a positive

well-being (Li & Hasson 2020). It is important to have a high degree of resilience in life

in order to move past and learn from adversity quickly and effectively.

Three defining attributes: 

One defining attribute or characteristic of resilience is adaptability. According to Eraydin,

adaptability is the ability to cope with unforeseen circumstances and making

adjustments to recover quickly (Eraydin, 2016). Other attributes of resiliency are strong

relationships, independence, competence, creativity, and optimism (Liu, Reed, & Fung,

2020). Each of these attributes make up the essential characteristics and qualities

necessary for an advanced practice nurse to have an ability to adapt to change or a

stressful situation.

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1 Antecedent and 1 Consequence of the concept:

An example of an antecedent of resilience is a newly qualified nurses using coping

strategies to adapt to the new and challenging adjustment period of transitioning into the

healthcare world as an advanced practice nurse (APN). If resilience isn’t used by the

APN to adapt quickly to this new professional role, studies have shown that this has

negative effects on quality of care (Stacey et al., 2020). An example of a consequence

of resilience in this situation is the practitioner learning to adapt and regulate their

response and be self-aware of their own well-being while being attentive to ways to

quickly adapt to avoid a stressful situation from lingering (Stacey et al., 2020). A

negative consequence would be no to adapt quickly and let the situation cause stress

and anxiety creating an unsafe situation for the client.

Model Case:

Mary was a new advanced practice nurse graduate and was excited to begin a new role

in a surgery center that had just opened. Part of her role was to visit with clients

preparing for surgery and assessing them for health concerns, questions, or

contraindications for surgery. Getting acclimated to the new environment and meeting

new people made her nervous but she felt prepared for responsibilities that were

challenging. Soon Mary got word that because the surgical center was so new, they

were having a hard time getting the operating rooms up to code and ready for operation.

Due to this setback, no new clients were being seen and Mary’s job seemed to be on

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hold. The management team decided to assign Mary to the task of orienting new

employees and making sure they were trained under policies and procedures. Mary felt

overqualified for this task and was frustrated. Due to Mary’s resilience to adapt quickly,

she took on the task orienting and teaching new employees. Mary’s organizational and

relationship skills, she was able to create great moral and relationships with the new

employees. Mary’s competence, optimism, and creativity allowed her to adapt quickly to

the setback, train the new employees, and had extra time left over to which she used to

help get the operating rooms up to code to meet the requirements and speed the

process along. This innovative resilience to adapt and have optimism allowed her to

understand more fully the functions of the entire surgical center and create trusting

relationships with the staff. This resilience demonstrated by Mary will set a firm

foundation to begin her practice there when clients start coming in.

Theoretical Applications of the Concept: 

The theoretical application of resilience falls under the nursing theory. Florence

Nightingale was an excellent example of resilience as she created a framework of high

values improving patient-centered care. Nightingale’s nursing theory blazed new trails

while teaching resilient women in the nursing workforce. Nursing theory helps providers

improve nursing care by allowing providers to describe what they do for their clients and

why (Younas & Quennell, 2019). A provider who uses nursing theory to study evidence-

based practice and then applies the new information when facing obstacles with

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patients, will develop resilience through proper interventions, overcoming problems

therefore providing high-quality care and goal attainment for both provider and client.


The concept analysis of resilience findings applies to my advanced nursing practice in

many ways. Because of ever changing healthcare information, it is always important to

have resilience, be optimistic, and a positive attitude to learn and grow. Being resilient

will allow me to be open-minded about unforseen changes that don’t follow my plans.

This takes a great deal of patience and self-awareness. As a nurse practitioner, I will be

able to create trust and show professionalism to my clients, staff, and collaborating

providers as I adapt well to problems that arise. Resilience is one of the best skills to

develop and will have life-changing benefits. This is an important skill to have in the

healthcare world that is always changing and improving.

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Eraydin, A. (2016). Attributes and Characteristics of Regional Resilience: Defining

and Measuring the Resilience of Turkish Regions. https://eds-a-ebscohost-

Li, Zhuang-Shuang, & Hasson, F. (2020). Resilience, stress, and psychological well-
being in nursing students: A systematic review. https://www-sciencedirect- .

Liu, J. J. W., Reed, M., & Fung, K. P. (2020). Advancements to the Multi-System
Model of Resilience: updates from empirical evidence. https://www-ncbi-nlm-nih- .

Stacey, G., Cook, G., Aubeeluk, A., Stranks, B., Long, L., Krepa, M., & Lucre, K. (2020).
The implementation of resilience based clinical supervision to support transition to
practice in newly qualified healthcare professionals. https://www-sciencedirect-

Younas, A., & Quennell, S. (2019). Usefulness of nursing theory-guided practice: an

integrative review. https://eds-b-ebscohost-

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