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Ali Mezouaghi Remote assessment

TSET 201


1. Production mean any human activity which resulted in creation of utilities,
goods or services which satisfy people’s wants.
2. The work done by the main producers is agriculture and mining.
3. Commerce means the distribution of world’s goods so as to satisfy the
needs of the people.
4. Wholesale is selling of goods in bulk to the retailers and businesses at
cheaper rates. The wholesaler buys the products in bulk, breaks it into
small parts, repacked, and sells it to the retailers. The wholesaler sells only
specific items and is least interested in the location of the shop, packaging
and display of the goods. They are more interested in the quantity not the
quality of a product. For wholesale business, considerable investment is
required, and not the promotion and advertisement. The customers of the
wholesale are spread in various cities, town, and different states. Most of
the purchases are sold through credit to the customers.
5. Distinguish between home trade and foreign trade?
Home trade refers to the trade Foreign Trade refers to the trade
within the borders of the country. between two or more countries.

Exchange of Currencies

There is no exchange of currencies Foreign Trade involves the exchange of

takes place in the Home trade currencies between the nations which
because there is a same currency in are involved in the trade.
the country.
Restrictions on transfer of goods

Home trade usually doesn't have Foreign Trade is subjected to many

any restrictions on movement inside restrictions on transfer to certain goods
the country. to certain countries.
6. the relationship between trade and transport could not carry on their
work without the help of other bodies of commercial workers. Raw
materials must be moved from primary producing countries to
manufacturing countries, and manufactured wares must be moved to the
final consumer either at home or abroad. Goods may be sent by rail, road,
canal, river or air in the case of the British Home Trade, and by sea or air in
the case of the British Foreign Trade
7. Mode of transport is a term used to distinguish between different ways of
transportation or transporting people or goods. The different modes of
transport are air, water, and land transport, which includes Rails or
railways, road and off-road transport. Other modes also exist, including
pipelines, cable transport, and space transport. Human-powered transport
and animal-powered transport are sometimes regarded as their own mode,
but never fall into the other categories. In general, transportation is used for
moving of people, animals, and other goods from one place to another. The
means of transport, on the other hand, refers to the (motorized) vehicles
necessary for transport according to the chosen mode (car, airplane, ship,
truck and rail). Each mode of transport has a fundamentally different
technological solution, and some require a separate environment. Each
mode has its own infrastructure, vehicles, and operations.
8. Benefits from Warehouses:
1. Regular production:
Raw materials need to be stored to enable mass production to be carried on
continuously. Sometimes, goods are stored in anticipation of a rise in prices.
Warehouses enable manufacturers to produce goods in anticipation of demand
in future.
2. Time utility:
A warehouse creates time utility by bringing the time gap between the production
and consumption of goods. It helps in making available the goods whenever
required or demanded by the customers.
9. can traders make :
Insurance.-Both when goods are being transported from place to place, and
when they are warehoused, it is advisable that they should be insured against
loss by fire, perils of the sea, burglary, and a host of other risks. It is the function
of insurance to spread the losses of the few among the many.
10. Commercial banks do not create money--they are simply the
intermediaries that move money from the capital markets to businesses
and institutions. Banks get their money through business checking or
deposit accounts, service fees and by issuing certificates of deposit (CD)
and banker's acceptances--money market instruments that are
collateralized by letters of credit (LOC) used in trade finance--and
commercial paper. Commercial banks offer services such as trade finance,
project finance, payroll, foreign exchange transactions and trading, lock
boxes for collecting payments and general corporate finance.
Supper was no sooner served in, than he took occasion from a shoulder of
mutton that lay before us, to cry up (1) the plenty of (England), which would be
the happiest country in the world, provided we would live within ourselves. Upon
which he expatiated on (2) the inconvenience of trade, that carried from us the
commodities of our country, and made a parcel of upstarts (3) as rich as men of
the most ancient families of England. He then declared frankly that he had
always been against treaties and alliances with foreigners : " Our wooden walls,
" says he, " are our security, and we may bid I ventured to reply, that I had as
great an opinion of the English fleet as he had ; but I could not see how they
could be paid unless we encouraged trade and navigation. He replied, with
some vehemence, that he would undertake to prove trade would be the ruin of
the English nation. I would fain (5) have put him upon it (6), but he contented
himself with affirming it more eagerly, to which he added two or three curses
upon the London Merchants, not forgetting the directors of the Bank.
Le dîner n'a pas été plus tôt servi, qu'il a saisi l'occasion d'une épaule de
mouton qui se trouvait devant nous, pour pleurer (1) l'abondance de
(l'Angleterre), qui serait le pays le plus heureux du monde, à condition que nous
vivions en nous-mêmes. C'est ainsi qu'il s'exprima sur (2) les inconvénients du
commerce, qui nous privait des marchandises de notre pays, et qu'il fit un
paquet de jeunes gens (3) aussi riches que les hommes des plus anciennes
familles d'Angleterre. Il déclara alors franchement qu'il avait toujours été contre
les traités et les alliances avec les étrangers : "Nos murs de bois, dit-il, sont
notre sécurité, et nous pouvons dire que je me suis risqué à répondre que
j'avais une aussi grande opinion de la flotte anglaise que lui ; mais je ne voyais
pas comment ils pourraient être payés si nous n'encouragions pas le commerce
et la navigation. Il répondit, avec une certaine véhémence, qu'il entreprendrait
de prouver que le commerce serait la ruine de la nation anglaise. Je l'aurais
bien mis (5) sur le coup (6), mais il se contenta de l'affirmer avec plus
d'empressement, auquel il ajouta deux ou trois malédictions sur les marchands
de Londres, sans oublier les directeurs de la Banque.

Oral drill or Homework

▪ Build sentences with :
1. A wrong calculation allowing for too little time will result in an unfinished
2. I saw him turn into the library.
3. A good deal may also depend on the soil.
1. To Cry up → Blow up
2. To expatiate on→ lecture, speak
3. Upstars→ arriviste, nouveau riche, parvenu
4. To bid defiance to→disobey, mock, rebel (against)
5. Fain→ amenable, disposed, game, glad, inclined, minded, ready,
▪ the following is considered to be commercial workers :
➢ a bank manager
➢ an innkeeper
➢ a shop assistant
➢ an insurance agent
Le véritable moteur de l'industrie est le "The real engine of the industry is the
commerçant trader

Le mot commerce, dans son sens The word trade, in its usual and restricted
habituel et restreint, désigne l'achat et sense, designates the purchase and sale
la vente des marchandises of goods
Au sens large du mot, le commerce In the broadest sense of the word, trade
comprend l'échange, le transport et includes the exchange, transport and
l'entreposage des marchandises, les storage of goods, insurance operations
opérations d'assurance et l’activité and banking activity
On distingue le commerce intérieur et A distinction is made between domestic
le commerce international, le and international trade, wholesale trade
commerce de gros et le commerce de and retail trade.
La balance commerciale est la The trade balance is the difference
différence entre les importations et between a country's imports and exports
les exportations d'un pays

▪ How it has reached the shop from its place of origin

15 days for manufacturing

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