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Todos los dias escucho a personas decir deberias irte de ese lugar, ya ese pais no podra avanzar, no
puedes tener un futuro alli, estas desperdiciando tu talento, por otro lado puedes escuchar a
personas decir he perdido la fe, puedes caminar por la calle y darte cuenta que muchos han perdido
el brillo es sus ojos, como si huebiesen sido programadas a repetir las mismas acciones dentro de un
dia, en un ciclo que nunca termina, se encerraron dentro de un habitación y tiraron la llave debajo
de la puerta, han olvidado el proposito, y el camino de vida, luego van surgiendo voces en tu
interior, son las que hacen más ruido, pararse frente al espejo puede volverse una batalla para
aquellos que no conocen su identidad, debemos tener cuidado de las personas con que nos
rodeamos, porque ellas se convierten en nuestras propias voces, oigo a personas decir que no tienen
fe, pero esperan a despertarse el dia de mañana, personas que piensan no tener fe, pero esperan
que el sol salga en la madrugada, niños que dicen ser ateos pero esperan que sus padres sean
eternos, ancianos que estan cansados de creer, pero piden siempre por un día mas, la palabra dice
que no es por vista si no por fe, pero nos hemos acostumbrado a creer que nuestra situación está
relacionada por lo que vemos y por lo que vivimos,

It's an urge truth be told, every champion has fetl it, every president has felt it, every king
has felt it, every lion has felt it, every winner has felt it, every soldier has felt it, every
victorious person has felt it, the quit, don't you give up on your dream, I don't care
if you don't have the money, you don't have the help, and you don't have a family for it, and
you don't have the background for it, and you don't have friends for it, don't you give up on
your dream, don’t you do it, don't you do it, don't you do it, it may take you twice as long,
you may have to take courses and classes, you may not read as fast, you may not move as
quick, you might not have as much, but don't you quit, don't you quit, you do make a
difference, you do make a difference, you do make a difference, as weak as you are, as tired
as you are, as many mistakes as you made, you do make a difference, there is something
they would lose if you were not there, there is something that they would miss if you were
not there, you do make a difference, you do make a difference, you do make a difference,
keep hopping, it’s for people that are trying to hop their way back home, come hell or high
water, doing the best they can with what they’ve got, that's who we are, doing the best we
can with what we’ve got, and we may not break any ribbons, and we may not get any
trophies, but if we can learn how to hang on in there, we'll be allright, I will not lie to you, I
feel like going on, but I have seen days I didn’t want to get out the bed, didn't want to put
on clothes, and didn’t even feel like brushing my teeth, I have seen days so dark, but i just
want to keep driving, and I didn't even care where i ended up, or what you called me....they
came and they passed, and they came to pass, I kept the faith, i kept it, I lost a lot of stuff, I
lost a lot of friends, I lost a lot of strength, I lost a lot of courage, I lost a lot of time, I lost a
lot of money, but I kept down on my knees, I was still believing, broke i was believing,
lonely I was believing, betrayal i was….if you lose the job keep the faith, if you lose the
spouse keep tha faith, if you bury your child keep the faith, if you have to downsize keep the
faith, if you have to move in with your mama keep the faith, if you have to catch the bus
keep the faith, if you have to thumb keep the faith, if you get sick keep the faith, if you lose
your kidneys keep the faith, if you got heart trouble keep the faith.

Because the faith is the way maker, the key that opens the impossible..

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