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By: Syed Rafay Ali

Course Overview:

“Digital marketing is more effective than traditional marketing”

“Brands are increasingly diverting funds from TV to Digital”

“Digital is the FUTURE”

How true are these statements? What comprises of Digital Marketing? Will digital marketing ultimately
replace traditional marketing in the future?

In this course we will cover:

1. Fundamental concepts of marketing

2. Setting the right “Campaign Objective”
3. Overview of available Digital Platforms (Google Search, Youtube, Facebook, Instagram) and the
digital properties they offer
4. Tracking campaign success vs. selected KPI’s (Key Performance Indicators)
5. The emerging medium of PR

Learning Outcomes:

The course will provide a framework to design and execute digital campaigns. It will also enable you to
leverage the power of digital to create awareness (upper funnel marketing) to realizing sales (Lower
Funnel marketing)

Course will be enriched by interactive case studies and guest speaker sessions by renowned digital

Topic 1: The Ever-Changing Media Landscape

Theme: More things change, more they stay the same

By the end of this session you will understand the:

• Fundamentals of Media Industry
• Evolution of Media Landscape
• Choosing the right Medium

Topics to be covered:
• Current Media Industry Landscape
• How it all started:
• Newspaper, Radio, TV & now Digital
• Marketer’s JOB: Demand Generation, what role different mediums play
• Making Strategic Choices
• Importance of Experimentation
Topic 2: Zooming in on Digital
Theme: Campaign Objective; NUMERO UNO

By the end of this session you will understand:

• How to approach a Digital Campaign
• Different Mediums Available for Different Type of Objectives

Topics to be covered:
• Upper Funnel
• Lower Funnel – E-commerce
• Intro To:
o Google Search
o Youtube Advertising
o FB & Instagram

Topic 3: The Google Empire

Theme: Google is everywhere

By the end of this session you will understand:

• Google Search
• Youtube Advertising

Topics to be covered:
• Is search Dead?
• Setting up Search Campaigns
• Youtube Advertising:
o Deciding Campaign Objective
o Setting Audience
o Youtube Properties and Budgets
o Brand Lift Studies – An Introduction
• Content Design for Youtube
• Measuring Campaign Success

Topic 4: The Social Dilemma

Theme: Let’s Face it, we all want to advertise on FB, should we, can we?

By the end of this session you will understand:

• Basics of FB Advertising
• Content Best practices
• Basics of Instagram Advertising

Topics to be covered:
• FB & Instagram Advertising:
o Deciding Campaign Objective
o Setting Audience
o Facebook Properties and Budgets
• Content Design for Facebook & Instagram
• Measuring Campaign Success
• How Small Business can benefit from FB
Topic 5: PR & Social Listening
Theme: From Insights to Crisis Management to Delivering Impact

By the end of this session you will understand:

• Social Listening & Tools
• Role of PR

Topics to be covered:
• Social Listening Fundamentals
• Insight Generation
• Listening Tools
• PR, does it work? – Guest Speaker Session

Topic 6: The Not So Dead, The Not So Sure & The Upcoming
Theme: Platforms of Past & The platforms of Future

By the end of this session you will understand:

• Role of Platforms Like Twitter & LinkedIn
• What’s up with WhatsApp, Publishers & TIKTOK!

Topics to be covered:
• Tools for Twitter & LinkedIn marketing
• Publisher Platforms: SAAVN & Likes of it
• Platforms of Future: WhatsApp & Tiktok

Session 7: Curtain Call

Theme: Putting it all together, the world is not perfect

By the end of this session you will:

• Revise Key Points
• Understand how to Navigate in an everchanging Digital World

Topics to be covered:
• Campaign Objectives and Mediums to Choose
• Create the Right Content for Right Medium
• Visual Story Telling is Must
• Keeping Alive the Spirit of Experimentation

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