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David goes to

For back to school
First, I create an anchor chart with the
YES DAVID and NO DAVID labels at
the top. Then, after reading the book,
the class and I sort the do’s and
don’ts. I have students come up to help
me sort.

After sorting and discussing the do’s

and don’ts, we use them to create our
own class rules! I write these rules on
an anchor chart. I have each student
take a turn picking out their favorite
color marker and write their name on
the bottom of the chart. This acts as a
pledge that students will follow every
class rule that they helped to create!
Be a good listener

Wait your turn

Get out of line

Draw on your desk

Play in the bathroom

Destroy supplies

Be mean to others

Play instead of work

Shout out

Be kind to others

Walk in the halls

Follow directions
Try your best

Take turns

Yell in the hall

Jump out of your

Run in the hall

Make a mess

Raise your hand

Keep your hands

to yourself
Thank you!
Thank you for your purchase
and I hope you enjoyed using
this activity! Every purchase
made of this product helps my
family and I live the life of our
dreams! Happy Teaching!
Love, TeachingLove1st

A special thank you to…

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