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Post-Secondary Plans

I’ve listed possible options for me to consider once I graduate high school including:
- Attending a College/University
- Joining the military
- Taking a gap year to join a program and/or paid internship

Finally, I’ve considered all options and decided that I want to attend a college/university after I
graduate high school to further my education in my desired field or pathway. Personally, I’d like
to pursue a career in interior design and/or landscape architecture.
I have applied and been accepted to my desired university, Savannah College of Art and Design
(SCAD University) and I’ve also applied and been accepted into other colleges such as Georgia
State University and Mississippi state university. On the contrary, I so desperately wanted to
attend SCAD university or Georgia Tech, but the tuition for both are very expensive. I promised
myself I wouldn’t get a loan to fund my higher education, I would apply for scholarships and
grants so that I won’t acquire debt.
My desired university is located in Atlanta Georgia and Savannah Georgia, so I’ll be paying for
in-state tuition. I’ve been wanting to attend this university for years now because of its
atmospheres and environment, the school has an artistic aesthetic to it that makes me feel as
though I belong. It is an Art university, meaning I’d always feel like I connect with the
environment, people, and studies. Not to mention, they offer many art majors and programs
for to me explore, this way I have options. Unfortunately, as I’ve mentioned before, the tuition
is very expensive, so one of my greatest dilemmas is trying to figure out how I’ll fund my higher

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