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MBARGA ASSENG At Douala, in 25 January 2021

B.P 1007 Koumassi

To General Director of ACLED

Objet: Letter of motivation about Central Africa researcher Job vacancy.

I am writng this leter to express my enthusiasm for the positon of central Africa
researcher posted on at the ACLED. This vacancy caught my
atenton, because I see a great deal of similarity between the job reuuirements and my

I hold a Ph.D in politcal sociology and actually, I’m Ph.D student in Canadian
university and my research works is of interest the armed confict in Central Africa is of
general interest. Specifcally, my Canadian’s thesis topic takes an analytcal framework
Republic Democratc of Congo and Republic of Centrafrica. In additon, I also have
signifcant experience as a junior researcher which allowed me to deepen and improve my
analytcal skills in the feld of armed conficts.

Bilingual; in English and French; available, responsive, serious, organized, mastering

technological tools such as Excel, I work with respect for confdental data that I treat with
an unfailing sense of listening. So many uualites that make me the ideal candidate for the
proposed job.

To do this I remain at your disposal in the context of a possible meetng to beter

explain my motvatons. In the meantme, please believe in the assurance of my highest


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